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Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014

Assignment 1: TOC Operations: G Sim – Params 310 & 312

This exercise will be taken up in the 3rd session of this program. This is part of the assessment
process and will have a weightage of 10%. The exercise will have to be completed before coming for
the class. The assignment has to be submitted in a power point slide as per the instructions given
below. The instruction on operating the G Sim Simulator is given in the annex of this exercise. In case
you have a problem reading the content of the annex – refer to the book, “Production the TOC Way”
by Dr Eli Goldratt.
The Simulator has many assignments. Please open the file Params 310 first. Complete the exercise
and then go to Params 312.
The simulation is a simple production environment with 3 products and few machines. The goal is
the produce all the products that the market demands. You can try the simulation as many times as
you want. Once you finish the simulation, a score sheet will appear on the screen on how much
profit you have made in a week (5 working days) as shown below:


1. Take a screen shot of this result by using “Alt Prt Sc” and paste in a power point slide with
your name, program and roll number.
2. Any plant has to adopt some rules to operate / schedule. Write down the rules that you used
to arrive at your results.
3. What did you learn in terms of managing a plant from this simulation.

This is part A of assignment 1. Part B of this assignment will be done in the 2nd session on 14th
September 2014.
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014
Theory of Constraints –by Sudipto Sarkar 2014

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