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I, TUSIIME DOREEN hereby declare that this is my original work, not reproduced and has not
been submitted to any other institution for any award.
Signature: ………………………
Date: …………………………….

I CERTIFY that this project proposal of TUSIIME DOREEN entitled ‘EXAMINATION
Signature……………………………………… Date…………………




3.13 Table 1:Project work plan and timeline ......................................................................... 15

3.14 Table 2:Project Budget ................................................................................................... 15

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ v

LIST OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 2

1.3 Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 3

1.5 Research questions ........................................................................................................... 3

1.6 Scope of the Study............................................................................................................ 3

1.6.1 Subject scope ............................................................................................................ 3

1.6.2 Geographical Scope .................................................................................................. 3

1.6.3 Time Scope ............................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Justification of the Study .................................................................................................. 4

1.8 Significance of the study .................................................................................................. 4

1.9 Conceptual model ............................................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 5

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 CURRENT SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 5

2.2.1 Existing examination results processing system ....................................................... 5

2.2.2 Weaknesses in the existing manual examination result processing .......................... 5

2.3 How the new system will be designed to eliminate errors with in the existing system. .. 6
2.4 The need for automated examination result and transcript processing system ................ 7

2.5 Conclusion........................................................................................................................ 8

CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 9

3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................ 9

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 9

3.2 Research design ................................................................................................................ 9

3.3 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY ........................................................... 9

3.4 TARGET POPULATION .............................................................................................. 10

3.5 Sample size..................................................................................................................... 10

3.6 Sampling techniques ...................................................................................................... 10

3.7 Sources of information ................................................................................................... 10

3.8 Data collection instruments ............................................................................................ 11

3.8.1 Questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 11

3.8.2 Interview Guide ...................................................................................................... 11

3.8.3 Observation Guide .................................................................................................. 11

3.9 System design ................................................................................................................. 11

3.9.1 Database design ...................................................................................................... 12

3.10 IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUES. ......................................................................... 12

3.10.1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: .......................................................................... 12

3.10.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: ........................................................................ 14

3.11 SYSTEM TESTING AND VALIDATION ................................................................... 14

3.12 Table 1:Project work plan and timeline ......................................................................... 15

3.13 Table 2:Project Budget ................................................................................................... 15

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 16


BBUC Bishop Barham University College

CA Continuous Assessment
CGPA Cumulative Grade Point Average
GPA Grade Point Average
CU Credit Unit
CSS Cascaded Style Sheet

DFD Data flow diagrams

E.R.D Entity relationship diagrams

HTML Hyper Text Makeup Language
ICT Information and communication technology
PHP Hypertext Pre-processor

SDLC System Development Life Cycle

SQL Structured query language
RDBMS Relational Database Management System

A result is an official school report on the academic record of student, listing courses offered and
grades received. Student's result is a critical component of admission, transfer credit unit
processing, and graduation processing (Beka, 2015).
A transcript is an academic record detailing a student's academic performance while at the
University or higher institution of learning (Cadar, Teytelman, and Trusova, September 2013).
A transcript system is a student information management system for processing and managing
students’ academic data.
Examination result and Transcript processing system allows the university academic officials to
generate students’ examination result timely without errors. The system will aim at developing
an automated examination result and transcript processing for BBUC.
The responsibility of Examination result processing is mainly in the academic registrar’s office.
The proposed system therefore will address the current issues encountered in using the existing
manual system of processing examination results.
Bishop Barham University College (BBUC) is a private institution based in Kabale, Uganda.
BBUC has various faculties and departments and graduates above 400 students per year. In
BBUC, results are processed and generated manually. The students are assessed through
continuous assessment (CA) which comprises of test on their various courses per semester and
assignments and then examination. The combination of the CA and examination makes up the
students‟ result. The lecturer for each course compiles the grades or scores of each student which
makes up the total score for the course and send the results to the course coordinator who is the
head of a particular class or level, then the course coordinator is sends the result to the academic
registrar’s office for cross -checking errors and amendment. The results are then sent to Senate
Committee which goes through the result once more to ensure there are no errors before it is
finally sent to Senate which is the last body to sit and look at the result and to make decision, if
the result could be approved or stepped-down for further correction. The results are sent to
Exams and Records Unit that manually enters the results in their system and compiles them to
finally generate students’ transcripts. Only hardcopy summaries are displayed on the university
notice board.
Results processing can be seen as a continuous process of converting data (scores, grade points,
credit units etc.) into a definite and meaningful information such as statement of result,
transcripts etc.
Ezenma, Emmanuel and Choji (2012) A result is an official school report on the academic record
of student, listing courses offered and grades received. Student's result is a critical component of
admission, transfer credit unit processing, and graduation processing (Beka, 2015).
Grey (2010) observed that when the results are processed manually, it may lead to problems such
as error during computation, insecurity of results, untidy results after changes must have been
effected and work load on the examination officers etc. For these reasons an effective, efficient
and error free results processing system is required for proper result processing. Furthermore,
designing and implementing an automated result processing and transcript generation system
will minimize these problems. Password will used to grant access to only the authorized user(s).
Corrections or changes are effected without making the work untidy. Also stress on examination
officers and computer operators will be greatly reduced. With this, it will be possible to compute
Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) for each student
based on examination scores entered or uploaded. The new system will have some qualities such
as reduction in the cost of processing of information, reduction in time spent in computing GPA
and generating transcripts, increase in accuracy and efficiency, and elimination of redundancies.
The system shall present a single platform that can be used to manage the processing of all
examination records within the institution. Thus an effective, efficient, stress free, speedy access
and error free is required. The system will enable students register courses and in turn, enable
lecturers upload students results every semester.
Currently, Bishop Barham University College uses a manual system to process students’
examination results which has resulted to into problems such as; delays in preparation and
release of Senate-approved results for students to view their performance in time, unresolved
duplicate records/results, excessive paperwork in results processing, lost or misplaced results,
inaccurate, lack of an updated database records of students’ information for reference purposes
and unavailability of individual results /transcripts on demand. An automated examination result
and transcript processing system need to be developed to facilitate the elimination of errors and
omissions in computing Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) so as to release students’
results timely.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The study will be carried out to develop an examination results and transcript processing system
at Bishop Barham University College, Kabale to eliminate errors and omissions in computing
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) so as to release students’ results timely.

1.4 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the research are to:
a) To review the existing system used in compiling Students Examination Results at Bishop
Barham University College so as to identify its weaknesses.
b) To design an efficient computerized examination results and transcript processing system
that will replace manual examination result processing which is prone to errors.
c) To implement the prototype of the newly designed system for examination results and
transcript processing.
1.5 Research questions
a) What are the weaknesses encountered in using the existing manual system used in processing
students’ examination results?
b) How will the proposed system be designed to eliminate the current system errors?
c) What will be the effects of using a new designed system compared to the current system?
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.6.1 Subject scope
The scope of the system consists of the academic registrar, lecturers and the students who enter
their username as the registration number and password created by the administrator to log into
examination result and transcript processing system where by the registration number is a
significant to prevent redundant records, through this the details of student will be saved in a
database to automate the validity of the student login and restrict the invalid login entries. The
academic registrar shall be the only authorized system user to access and display student’s
transcript for the examination results. The system will use PHP and MYSQL for backend and
HTML and CSS for frontend.
1.6.2 Geographical Scope
The study will be carried out in Bishop Barham University College intended to eliminate
problems within the current examination results and transcript processing system by
implementing a new system which includes the following activities basing on users;

The administrator should be able to manage the system activities that include registration of
lecturers to the system, managing courses and setting of course units, managing user accounts
and updating lecturers’ information.

A lecturer should be able to enter marks and view students’ comments.

An academic Registrar should register a student, edit students’ marks, delete student marks, and
generate a transcript.

A student will be able to view the marks and send a comment to the lecturer in case there is
satisfaction of the marks.
1.6.3 Time Scope
This study will be carried out from January, 2020 to March, 2020
1.7 Justification of the Study
Due to many problems encountered in the existing system, a justification for the design a new
system is made due to failure to fulfill the desired needs of information users in the institution.
These include; lack of updated students database, misplaced results, the delays in releasing of
results and CGPA computational errors in manual examination result processing.
1.8 Significance of the study
Examination result and transcript processing system will enable the University to overcome the
identified current system challenges in the following ways;
 Automating tasks involved in generating error free transcript for students’ examination
results for instance automated Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) computation.
 The study will also enable the students to access the preview of their individual academic
transcript when needed.
 Reduced misplacement of students’ results since they will be entered directly by the
 Increased processing time hence early release of examination results.
 Students’ database will be easily updated because students will be able to access their
profile and report mismatch about their personal information.
1.9 Conceptual model

The researcher will have to design the system with an interactive user interface which enable
the user to interact with the system and database to provide following functionalities
performed by different system users including administrator, academic registrar, students and
lecturers as shown in the figure below.
Figure 1: A conceptual diagram for the proposed system

Login to the
Academic registrar Feedback
Lecturer SYSTEM from

2.1 Introduction
The literature review mainly focuses on findings about the challenges of manual system of result
processing, ways and importance of automating results processing and transcript generation in
Bishop Barham University College.
2.2.1 Existing examination results processing system
In the University results are processed and generated manually. The students are appraised
through continuous assessment (CA) which may comprise of test on their various courses per
semester and assignments and then examination. The combination of the CA and examination
makes up the students‟ result. The lecturer for each course compiles the grades or scores of each
student which makes up the total score for the course, to know the students final result. Each
lecturer then sends the result to the course coordinator, who then gets the results from the various
lecturers and compiles it and then sends the result to the Departmental Board of Examiners
which goes through over the result and cross -checks for errors and amendment. Then, the result
is sent to Faculty Board of Examiners to review the results again, to check for errors and
amendment the results are sent to the Senate which is the last body to review the result for final
decision. The result could be approved or stepped-down for further correction. In the case where
results have been approved, they are posted back to Exams and Records Unit which manually
enters the result in their system and compiles it using Microsoft excel application to finally
generate students’ result to be displayed on notice board for students to view their performance.
The university itself uses other service providers to generate student’s transcript for their final
academic award.

2.2.2 Weaknesses in the existing manual examination result processing

Ukem (2012) stated that the errors associated with the existing manual method of processing of
students results in most universities in Nigeria, make it not only desirable but imperative that
computerized approach be used in measuring student’s progress. According to him, the manual
methods being employed suffer a number of setbacks; they make the process to be time
consuming and prone to error. They lead to examination results being published late, sometimes
with wrong grades being entered and students GPAs being wrongly computed. This could lead to
wrong conclusions in the awarding of class of degree. The solution to the problem, therefore, is

to find a method of processing examination results that would be sufficiently accurate and
reasonably timely.
Eludire (2011) observed that a number of problems associated with student academic record
management include improper course registration, late release of student results, inaccuracy due
to manual and tedious calculation and retrieval difficulties/inefficiency. According to him, the
development of database concept is the answer to these problems, where the amount of
redundant data is reduced and the possibility that data contained on a file might be inaccurate
because they were never updated.
Amar (2009) indicated that publication of students’ results in the manual system takes a very
long time resulting in the students remaining idle for long. Sometimes the delay in declaration of
result causes heavy losses to the students as generally they cannot join further studies, or appear
in competitive exams and jobs because of the non-availability of certificates on time.
Grey (2010) also observed that when the results are processed manually, it may lead to problems
such as error during computation, insecurity of results, untidy results after changes must have
been effected and work load on the examination officers etc. For these reasons an effective,
efficient and error free results processing system is required for proper result processing.
Furthermore, designing and implementing an online application for result processing and
transcript generation system will minimize these problems. Password was used to grant access to
only the authorized user(s). Corrections or changes are effected without making the work untidy.
Also stress on examination officers and computer operators will be greatly reduced.
Due to the manual system, the desk officers both in Exams and in Records and Statistics who are
in charge of result processing find it difficult to edit documented results and cancel out some
errors such as omission or wrong entries. Even though these corrections are made, the paper
work will look mutilated (Mohini and Amar 2011).
2.3 How the new system will be designed to eliminate errors with in the existing system.
A transcript or a mark sheet or a report card is an inventory of the courses taken and grades
earned of a student throughout a course. There are official transcripts and transcripts which can
be made by the student and verified and attested by an authorized person. In some countries
mark lists are a substitute for transcript (“Transcript (education),” 2015).
Kanu (2011) carried out a research that focused on using computers for course registration and
result processing in Information Management Technology department of Federal University of
Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. The work was successfully developed using Java programming
language, a user- friendly programming language, and the package was tested and improved

upon which yielded an automated course registration, examination processing and transcript
processing system.
Different Programming Languages, Programming packages and Database management systems
can be used to develop result processing software for computing students’ GPA (Grade Point
Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average). Personal Home Page Pre-Processor
(PHP) is used to communicate with and manipulate the database. Adobe Dreamweaver, an
Integrated Development Environment, is used to create the user Interface and to write the codes.
MYSQL Server, a Relational Database management System, is used to create the database tables
and data. This application, though tested and found to be working as expected, has however not
been put to use widely. (Ukem and Onoyom-Ita, 2011).
Java is a programming language used to build programs that can work on stand-alone computers
on the internet. Its primary features are that it is object-oriented and a cross platform language.
By cross platform, it means that the programs can run across several platforms such as Microsoft
Windows, Apple Macintosh, and Linux. MySQL, a Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS) is used to create database tables and data. MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to
use, and its connectivity, speed, and security make it highly suited for accessing databases
(Ukem, and Ofoegbu, 2012). There are undoubtedly several other similar Programming
Language Database management systems in existence.
2.4 The need for automated examination result and transcript processing system
Efficient systems focus on some key goals. For instance, after due analysis, Duan and Zhang
(2010) outlined some systems performance goals including usability, sophistication, integrity and
security. Hence mass introduction of data via file uploads facilitates this measure; scheduling of
data processing and data enquiries are functional means of achieving this.
Lwuagwu (2013) carried out a research project on computerizing information management for
transcript management to over-come the undesirable problems associated with misplacement of
student records, student’s grades, slow and strenuous accessibility of student report and record,
inaccurate record keeping and poor information management within Caritas University, Enugu,
Nigeria. The benefits of the system are:
• Easy retrieval of student records and increased system security.
• Reduction in data redundancy.
• Students can be attended to without the staff being overworked.
• Reduction in time spent on retrieval of student files.
• Reduction in bulkiness of files and record.

Grey, S. (2010) states that, with the use of computers for information processing, the following
are possible: instant access to students’ personal and course information, instant student
information updating, automatic computation of the Grade Point Average (GPA), generation of
the graduating students list, monitoring of failed courses, keeping an up-to-date record of the
entire student body in the University, storing course information such as course code, course
description, course unit, and scores for the purpose of GPA computation, and producing user
friendly data entry screens for ease of use.
According to a research article by Walia and Gill (2014), the objectives of creating a web-based
framework for results processing are to abate the time needed to access students’ record and
provide a more secure platform. Over time, this has proven to be a more effective way of
university administration.
2.5 Conclusion

The researcher’s related literature of other examination result processing systems by different
scholars will help to know how different people shared views about students’ examination result
and transcript processing systems. This will also help to know the weaknesses of the existing
manual examination result processing systems which need to be improved by developing an
automated examination result and transcript processing system

3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the source of data methods of collection, the evaluation of the existing system
and the organization structure of the system problem will be presented. It includes specific
methods which were used in order to achieve the objectives of the proposed system, particular
requirements for implementation of the project and a brief explanation of why such methods
shall be used to implement the proposed system, also includes a brief description of the current
system of processing examination results transcript at Bishop Barham University College.
3.2 Research design
Barifaijo, et al (2010) define research design as the plan that will be followed in the study i.e. a
plan showing how one will go about the process of carrying out the research. The researcher will
use qualitative research design to gain valuable information about designing examination result
and transcript processing system for BBUC.
The researcher will use waterfall model for system development life cycle. The waterfall model
is a sequential development process, in which development is seen as flowing steadily
downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of planning, analysis, design and

The researcher will carry out a set of activities during each stage of the life cycle so as to proceed
sequentially from one phase to the next.

My population target for the study will involve the academic registrar, two guild members, two
lecturers and ten students of Bishop Barham University College Kabale.
3.5 Sample size
The researcher will sample fifteen (15) members including the academic registrar, guild council
members, university lecturers and students. The researcher decided to sample a small number
due to limited time to collect information from all members of BBUC.
3.6 Sampling techniques
In this study, purposive sampling and convenience sampling will be used to come up with
appropriate samples. Purposive sampling will be used to reach the researcher’s targeted sample
quickly so as to get opinions of the targeted population. With purposive sampling, the academic
registrar, guild council members and ten selected students of BBUC will be sampled.
During data collection, convenience sampling was used from selected non-academic staff of
BBUC to extract views about the services of the university in relation to processing of students
examination results and release.
3.7 Sources of information
There are mainly two major sources of information namely Primary and Secondary (Mujuni &
Kasiisa, 2016). The primary sources of information refer to the reporting and description of
occurrence by someone who actually observed or witnessed the occurrence, or on behalf of
someone who carried out research and reported the findings. Primary sources are the original
materials on which results are obtained and are first hand testimony or evidence concerning a
topic under consideration. The researcher will collect primary data directly from study
participants through interviews and administering a questionnaire to respondents. Primary data
will be collected from students, lecturers, guild cabinet, academic registrar/Assistant academic
registrar of Bishop Barham University College. This will provide reliable first-hand information
relevant to the study on transcript processing system.
Secondary sources refer to information whose authors report or describe the findings by others.
Secondary sources are a quick overview of the studies related to the problem. Secondary data
from the University records will be requested for research use for instance about trends in
student enrolment and students’ performance for a period under study.

3.8 Data collection instruments
Mujuni & Kasiisa & (2016) define data collection instruments as the tools used to collect data
from the field. The main data collection instruments that will be used in this research are the
questionnaires, interview guides and observation.
3.8.1 Questionnaire
This is a series of written questions for which respondents have to provide the answer (Barifaijo
et al, (2010). It will be used because it will be applied to class of respondents i.e. academic
registrar, lecturers, few selected students in Bishop Barham University College. Questionnaires
will be designed by the researcher containing demographic information of respondents in the
first section and both close-ended and open-ended questions in subsequent sections. After being
filled by respondents, the researcher will collect such questionnaires for later analysis.
3.8.2 Interview Guide
Werner, (2011) describes it as a tool that guides the researcher how to systematically ask face to
face questions to the respondents in order to gather first-hand information. The researcher will
interact and interview the stake holders of the existing system among which includes academic
registrar, students, lecturers and guild council members to find out how the existing system
works, the challenges encountered with the current system and their expectations or suggestions
for the new system.
3.8.3 Observation Guide
Observation, the act of watching processes being performed, is a powerful tool to gain insight
into the as-is system. This is a good way to check the validity of information gathered from other
sources such as interviews and questionnaires. This will be used by the researcher to verify some
of the information that will be obtained through questionnaires relating to the availability of
physical and instructional resources.
3.9 System design
Examination results and transcript processing system will be designed using Data flow diagrams
(DFD). The DFDs will clearly determine what the new system should be able to do and what
information will be required for each different process that should be carried out.
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of Student Information
System. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of Data Processing. DFD
shows the interaction between the system and outside entities. This context-level DFD is then
“exploded” to show more detail of the system to be modelled. A DFD represents flow of data
through a system.

Data flow diagrams are commonly used during problem analysis. It views a system as function
that transforms the given input into required output. Movement of data through the different
processes in the system will be as in Data Flow Diagram below.
Figure 2: Data flow diagram for the examination results and Transcript processing system

3.9.1 Database design

The design of the database of examination result and transcript processing system will be done
using entity relationship diagrams and tables after analysing the requirements identified in
requirement specification. The ERDs will be used to identify and organize different database
entities and the types of relationships between the different entities.
The system was implemented using with enabled software and hardware components required
for development.

HTML is a hypertext markup language which is in reality a backbone of any website. Every
website can’t be structured without the knowledge of html. If a web page is only designed with
the help of html, than it cannot allow adding many of the effective features therefore use of

various platforms such as CSS shall make the web pages more effective and dynamic by using
Java script. CSS
CSS Stands for "Cascading Style Sheet." Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of
Web pages. They can be used to define text styles, table sizes, and other aspects of Web pages
that previously could only be defined in a page's HTML. The basic purpose of CSS is to separate
the content of a web document (written in any markup language) from its presentation (that is
written using Cascading Style Sheets). There are lots of benefits that one can extract through
CSS like improved content accessibility, better flexibility and moreover, CSS gives a level of
control over various presentation characteristics of the document. It also helps in reducing the
complexity and helps in saving overall presentation time. CSS gives the option of selecting
various style schemes and rules according to the requirements and it also allows the same HTML
document to be presented in more than one varying style. JAVA SCRIPT

JavaScript is a light weight programming language and it is embedded directly into the HTML
code. JavaScript is considered to be one of the most famous scripting languages of the World
Wide Web. The main usage of JavaScript is to add various Web functionalities, Web form
validations, browser detections, creation of cookies and so on. JavaScript is one of the most
popular scripting languages and that is why it is supported by almost all web browsers available
today like Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer.
JavaScript is often used for the development of client-side web development. JavaScript is used
to make web pages more interactive and dynamic. JavaScript, as the name suggests, was
influenced by many languages, especially Java. PHP
Personal Home Page Pre-Processor (PHP) will be used to communicate with and manipulate the
database. PHP is a very powerful server-side scripting language for developing dynamic web
applications. Using PHP, one can build interactive and dynamic websites with ease. PHP script
can be embedded straight into the heart of html code. PHP is compatible with various web
servers like Apache and the Microsoft’s IIS as well. All the PHP scripts are executed on the
server and it supports various databases like MySQL, Oracle, Solid, Generic ODBC etc;
however, it is mostly used with MySQL. Adobe Dreamweaver, an Integrated Development
Environment, will be used to create the user Interface and to write the codes.

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL helps access and manipulate databases. It
allows combination, extraction, manipulation and organization of data in the students’ academic
database. SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard. SQL can execute
queries against a database ,retrieve data from a database, insert records in a database, update
records in a database, delete records from a database, create new databases , create new tables in
a database , create stored procedures in a database, create views in a database, set permissions on
tables, procedures, and views.
SQL is platform independent and therefore can be implemented and used across several such as
Windows, Linux server and is compatible with various hardware mainframes. MySQL, a
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is used to create database tables and data.
MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to use, and its connectivity, speed, and security make it
highly suited for accessing databases
Testing will be done via WAMPSERVER.


The hardware components of a computer system refer to the physical part that makes up the
computer system. For an effective operation, the following hardware shall be required for the
efficient performance of the system:
 Microsoft Windows XP Professional /Windows 7/8/10 Professional
 Processor: 800MHz Intel dual core or equivalent
 Memory: 512 MB
 Disk space: 750 MB of free disk space
 Processor: 800MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent
 Memory: 512 MB
 Disk space: 650 MB of free disk space
System testing and validation will be done through testing of components/modules, integration
testing, and finally, system testing.
The system will be validated in order to check if it meets the expectations of users.

3.12 Table 1:Project work plan and timeline
S/No Activity Duration

1 Problem selection and concept writing 7 days

2 Requirements collection and Analysis 21 days

3 Prototype design and implementation 30 days

4 Testing 14 days

5 Report writing 14days

Overall total days 86 days

3.13 Table 2:Project Budget

S/No ITEM Amount
1 Interview guides 30,000/=
2 Project prototype 10,000/=
3 System testing 80,000/=
4 Printing and binding 150,000/=
5 Transport and airtime 120,000/=
Total 390,000/=

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