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REG. NUMBER: 2014-D011-80008



I, TUSIIME DOREEN declare that this project report entitled “online voting system” is my
original work, except where acknowledged, and that it has never been submitted to any other
university or other institution of higher learning for the award of a diploma in computer science and
information technology

Signature ……………………………………….

Date ………………………………………..




The following project report titled “online guild council voting System” has been completed under
the supervision of the undersigned and it is ready to be submitted to the board of examiners.

Signature …………………………………..

Date …………………………………..



I would like to acknowledge the following people on completion of my project

My dear parent Miss. TEREZA TURYAKIRA RWABIKO for all the support you have rendered to
me through my training period.

May the Lord bless you

The family of Mr. and Mrs EDWARD RWABIKO, friends and relativesfor the encouragement and
financial support all through this time who has worked hard to raise me up to this level of
education. May God reward you more

I really thank the almighty God for giving me the grace, guidance and strength throughout the this
course and my whole life

This report is dedicated to my Parents, Miss Turyakira Tereza and the entire family members.
Without whom this work would not be possible.


DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................................................................ iii
DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT: ........................................................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................ ix
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ............................................................................................................ 2
1.3 GENERAL OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................... 2
1.4 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................. 2
1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................ 3
1.6 SCOPE OF STUDY ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.6.1 Subject scope ............................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.2 Geographical Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.3 Time Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................. 3

1.7.1 To the students ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.7.2 To the university .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.7.3 To the researcher ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.8 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER TWO ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 CURRENT SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Existing Voter Registration System............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 The problems of the existing system of voting ............................................................................................ 5

2.2 HOW TO IMPROVE THE EXISTING SYSTEM ...................................................................... 6

2.3 ELECTRONIC VOTING .............................................................................................................. 6
2.4 New system design ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.5 Attitude towards current voting system changing ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER THREE ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 11
3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 STUDY POPULATION ............................................................................................................... 11
3.3 DATA COLLECTION METHODS AND TOOLS ................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Interviews .................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 In-depth literature review .......................................................................................................................... 11

3.4 DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................ 12

3.5 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ......................................................................................... 12
3.6 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................. 12
3.6.1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: ............................................................................................................. 12
3.6.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: ........................................................................................................... 12

3.7 SYSTEM TESTING AND VALIDATION................................................................................. 13

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................ 14
4.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 SYSTEM STUDY ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 PROPOSED SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 14
4.3.1 USER CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2 Constraints ................................................................................................................................................. 15

4.4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS. .................................................................................................................. 16

4.5 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 16
4.5.1 User Requirements for the Proposed System ............................................................................................ 16
4.5.2 Functional requirements ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.5.3 Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................................................... 17

4.6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................. 18
5.0 SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................. 18
5.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 18
5.2 SYSTEM DESIGN........................................................................................................................ 18
5.3 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN..................................................................................................... 18
5.3.1 Data flow Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for OVS-UMUKC ........................................................................... 20
5.3.3 Foreground ................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.3.4 System Background ................................................................................................................................... 21

5.4 USER INTERFACE DESIGN ..................................................................................................... 21

5.5 DATAMODELLING .................................................................................................................... 21
5.6 DATABASE DESIGN .................................................................................................................. 22
5.6.1 Logical design ........................................................................................................................................... 22
5.6.2 Physical design .......................................................................................................................................... 22

5.7 DATABASE TABLES .................................................................................................................. 22

5.8 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING .................................................................... 23

5.9 SYSTEM TESTING AND VALIDATION RESULTS ............................................................. 24
5.10 SAMPLE SCREENSHOTS FROM THE SYSTEM/SCREEN IMAGES ............................... 25
5.11 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 26
CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................ 28
6.0 DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................... 28
6.1 INTRODUCTION: ....................................................................................................................... 28
6.2 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 28
6.3 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................ 28
6.4 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 28
6.5 FUTURE WORK .......................................................................................................................... 29
6.6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 29
6.7 SKILLS ATTAINED .................................................................................................................... 29
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 32
APPENDIX A....................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
INTERVIEW GUIDE.............................................................................................................................. 33


FIGURE 1KEY OF SYMBOLS FOR DFD ................................................................................................................................. 19

FIGURE 2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM FOR OVS-UMUKC ............................................................................................................ 19
FIGURE 3 KEY OF SYMBOLS FOR ERD. ............................................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE 4 ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD) ............................................................................................................. 20
FIGURE 5 ADMIN (ELECTORAL COMMISSION OFFICER’S) DATA BASE TABLE ..................................................................... 22
FIGURE 6 CANDIDATES’ DATABASE TABLE ...................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 7 STUDENTS DATA BASE TABLE ........................................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 8 LOGIN PAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 9 ADMINISTRATOR’S HOMEPAGE .......................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 10 REGISTRATION PAGE ....................................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 11 VOTING PAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 26

This paper deals with design, build and test a online voting system that facilitates user (the person
who is eligible for voting), candidate (Candidate are the users who are going to stand in elections
for their respective party), Election Commission Officer (Election Commission Officer verifys
whether registered user and candidates are authentic or not) to participate in online voting.
This online voting system will be highly secured, and its design is very simple, ease of use and also
reliable. The web page is designed using PHP and then connected to the Microsoft SQL Server
database. This software will be developed and tested to work on Ethernet that allows online voting.
It also creates and manages voting and an election detail as all the users must login by user name
(Reg. Number) and password and click on his favorable candidates to vote. This will increase the
voting percentage in UMUKC. By applying high security it will reduce false votes.



IS : Information system

ICT : Information and communication technology

DFD : Data flow diagrams

ERD : Entity relationship diagrams

UML : Unified modeling language

MySQL: My Structured query language

PHP : Hypertext Pre-processor

HTML: Hypertext mark-up language

CSS : Cascading style sheets

UMUKC: Uganda martyrs university Kabale campus

WAMP: Windows Apache MySQL PHP

OVS: Online voting system

CD: Compact disc

PCs: Personal computers


This chapter will be focused on the study features including background, problem statement,
general objective, specific objectives, research questions, study scope, significances and limitations.

Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus experiences a lot of issues regarding to vote miscounts,
rigging due to present method used to determine the results and requires physical presence of the
voter. This has caused some students not to participate in the election exercise as some take it as
wastage of time. It was upon this background that i suggested an alternative method which enables
secure online voting by students to successfully carry out voting exercise in an accurate and
consistent manner.

The Online voting system (OVS) also known as e-voting is a term encompassing several different
types of voting embracing both electronic means of voting and counting. It also involves
transmission of ballots and votes via telephones, private computer networks, or the internet.

Online voting is an electronic way of choosing leaders via a web driven application. The advantage
of online voting over the current method is that the voters have the choice of voting at their own
free time and there is reduced congestion. It also minimizes on errors of vote counting. The
individual votes are submitted in a database which can be queried to find out who of the aspirants
for a given post has the highest number of votes.

This system is geared to reduce issues regarding to vote miscounts, rigging due to present method
used to determine the results and increasing the voting percentage at Uganda Martyrs University
Kabale Campus since it has been noted that with the old voting method, voter turnout has been a
needful case. With a system in place also, if high security is applied, cases of false votes shall be

With the “ONLINE VOTING SYSTEM”, a voter can exercise his\her voting rights online without
any difficulty. Each student enters a registration number and a unique password to login into the
system and carryout the voting exercise. The online voting system will ease participation of the
weekend students who may not make it to come to the university and as time grows it will be
difficult for students to turn-up in large number. However, not just anybody can vote. For one to
participate in the elections, he/she must have the requirements. For instance, he/she must be a
student of Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus. After the validity of them being students of
Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus has been confirmed by the system administrator by
comparing their details submitted with those in existing databases such as those as the assistant
academic registrar.

Online voting system provides the following characteristics different from the existing voting
system such as accuracy, convenience, flexibility, privacy, verifiability and mobility.


The existing paper-based voting system at Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus experiences
a lot of issues regarding to vote miscounts, rigging due to present method used to determine the
results and requires physical presence of the voter. The problem has been addressed by developing a
system that enables online voting of university students such that students are confident with their
choice and able to accept the outcomes. This also increases participation as there is no need of
disrupting lectures on the day of elections and a student is able to vote in his/her free time and out
of the campus.


The main objective of the project was to develop an online voting system that enables students to
securely carry out voting exercise quickly that eliminates identified inefficiencies of the current

i.To review the existing system used in elections at Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus so
that its strength and weaknesses are identified.

ii.To design a new system that enables students carry outvoting exercise online using smartphones,
desktops and laptops over the Internet

iii.To implement the prototype of the designed system.

iv.To test and validate the system prototype.


 What is the effect of the current voting system at Uganda martyrs university kabale campus?

 How can the current voting system be improved

 How will the new system be designed?

 How are customer attitudes about current voting system changing?


1.6.1 Subject scope

The scope of the system consists of administrators, all posts of the contestants and the users
(registered students) who enter their username as the registration number and password created by
the administrator to log into the voting site where by the registration number is a significant to
prevent double voting, through this the details of voter saved in a database automates the validity of
the student login and restrict the invalid login entries. Election Commission only uses this system to
display information about the results.

1.6.2 Geographical Scope

The study was carried out in Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus intended to solve current
queue voting system problems among its users by implementing a new system which includes the
following posts; guild president, guild speaker, sports minister, secretary, and their deputies,
Finance minister, information minister, education minister, entertainment and religious minister.

1.6.3 Time Scope

This study was carried out from December, 2015 to March 2016


1.7.1 To the students

 Provision of improved voting services through fast, timely and convenient voting.

 Easier and more convenient to vote, especially the students abroad and weekend students.

 This system is a lot easier to independently moderate the elections and subsequently
reinforce its transparency and fairness.

1.7.2 To the university

i. Require less number of staff during the election.
ii. Less capital, less effort, and less labor intensive, as the primary cost and effort will
focus primarily on creating, managing, and running a secure online portal.
iii. Online voting system (OVS) being very precise or cost cutting, produce an effective
election management system
iv. Increased number of voters as individual will find it easier and more convenient to
vote, especially those abroad.

1.7.3 To the researcher

This project has helped the researcher to get new skills on software development in addition to
those already gained. The researcher has attained experience in PHP programming, project research
and management.


Lack of required devices during system development and design such as laptop and printer

It also had financial constraints since all the activities involved were self-sponsored.




2.1.1 Existing Voter Registration System

The existing system of voter registration is highly manual; and the process goes on as follows; A
Period for registration of the contestants is set to start and end on a particular day, such a period is
announced to the students publically using the notice boards. During such a period potential
candidates are expected to make hand written applications to electoral officers in order to be
registered using paper and pen. Every potential aspirant applies for the post He or she wants and
submits to the electoral commission for verification. This hand written application should possess
all your details such as post, age among others; such an individual must be verified to be student of

The electoral officers collect data at the end of the registration period and announcements are for
the indication of days for interviews of the applicants are produced again on the campus notice

The current voting system used in general is the paper-based voting. A voting day is scheduled and
each student come on the polling station and uses a ballot paper having the names of the candidates
to tick the candidate he/she wants. Finally, ballot papers are hand-counted which is a time and labour
consuming process.

However, it is easy to manufacture paper ballots and they can be retained for verifying, this type is still
the most common way to vote.

2.1.2 The problems of the existing system of voting

1. Expensive and Time consuming: The process of collecting data and entering this data into the
database takes too much time and is expensive to conduct, for example, time and money is spent
in printing data capture forms, in preparing registration stations together with human resources,
and there after advertising the days set for registration process including sensitizing voters on
the need for registration, as well as time spent on entering this data to the database.

2. Too much paper work: The process involves too much paper work and paper storage which is
difficult as papers become bulky with the population size.

3. Errors during counting: Errors are part of all human beings; it is very unlikely for humans to
be 100 percent efficient in data entry.

4. Rigging of votes


The current system of election normally depends on the trust worthiness of the election officials.
This has led to a lot of electoral fraud in elections but at the same time in some elections the
election officials are actually trust worthy mainly due to segregation of duty which helps to check
collusion or election officials being monitored by representatives of the various parties to ensure the
electoral process is free and fair. The system can be improved by developing a system that enables
online voting of university students such that there is no need to come to university on the time of
elections and a student can vote from any other place. Cases of vote miscounts shall also be solved
since at the backend of this system resides a well-developed database using MYSQL that can
provide the correct data.

Maryland University, (2001) addresses the feasibility of different forms of Internet voting from both
the technical and social science perspectives, and defines a research agenda to pursue if Internet
voting is to be viable in the future. The report presents some findings on the feasibility of each of
these categories and provides research recommendations for the long-term future. It then identifies
criteria for election systems. Finally, it addresses the technological issues and social science issues
(such as voter participation, voter access, the election process, voter information, deliberative and
representative democracy, community and character of elections, distribution of roles, legal
concerns, voter registration, etc.)


Online voting has been considered as the reliable way to replace the older election systems. This
system can be divided into 3 categories namely: “voting from home via email; voting from home
via a web link to the ballot; and voting from regional polling center which is equiped with an
internet connection” (Dictson and Ray, 2000).

The first type of electronic voting systems is slightly similar with current absentee voting process.
The different would be on the way the voter sends the ballot. This system allows the voter to send
the ballot via secure email to election office. This method has several advantages compare to using
the web such as it would be less voter’s intimidation for voter with little or no internet experience
and avoid transmission bottlenecks during high internet traffic times (Elliot, 1999).

The second type would be accomplished using the web site. This method allows the voter to log in
through secure means, verify their identities, and vote on electronic ballots. This system seems to be
more convenient since the voters can vote through internet access from home, office, library, school
or any place where the internet possible to be accessed. This method also has some advantages in
which the transaction can be occurred in real-time, beside that the web site will support the voters
with online help and information that is needed to fill out their ballots (Dictson and Ray, 2000).

In terms of conservative administrator, traditional polling sites can be enhanced by utilizing the
website technology. The internet system can link the regional voting center and the voters. The poll
workers then identify the voters to ensure voters have sent the correct ballots. Once the workers
believe that the ballots have been filled out correctly they will delivery over the internet directly to
the polling station.

This method provides security and convenience for the voter and makes the system more efficient
as it needs fewer workers than traditional method and saves money and time. One of the
weaknesses is that the method does not allow the voter to vote at more than one polling station, as
the entire election would be linked to central database (Dictson and Ray, 2000).

The other systems will associate with the innovation of the previous online voting systems. At the
beginning of the process, the voter should visit the designated web and make a print out a form
declaring that he or she will vote online. The form then should be signed and mailed to the local
election authority. The next step the authorities would check the voter’s registration by matching
their signatures on the original registration and will record the digital identity of the computer.

The voter then will receive a PIN (Personal Identification Number) that only can be used from that
computer. When The Election Day occurred, the voter will log into the website using his or her PIN
and sign his or her choices on the web. With regard to security consideration, the ballots will be
encrypted so that it cannot be read or changed during the transmission. Once the ballots arrived in
central computer, the record then would be created. The record has to be separated so that the
election officials are able to verify without seeing how they vote. The record finally can be burned
into a CD as backup (Kantor, 1999).

However both polling place system and remote system would require numerous technical and
procedural innovations to ensure the accuracy of voter authentication, ballot secrecy and security.
Those two types of system can be distinguished by the infrastructure, communication protocol,
software and hardware platform that they use (Bouras et al., 2003).

Remote system is different from conventional pooling place system in term of cost allocation. In
remote system, it does not require election equipment, poll workers, printing cost and mailing
absentee ballots, but needs software to deal with multiple platforms of the voter and high-volume
help desk and other service to the voters who have trouble voting. Moreover, this system requires
cost of authentication devices such as PINs, smartcards, etc. In contrast, pooling place system
requires election officials and a lot of infrastructures.

Another important key is that online voting systems should be designed to satisfy various
requirements as follow:

 Collusion-free voter secrecy: No access to know what vote is. Voter secrecy must be
assured and it must not rely on communication protocol and cryptographic assumption.
 Verifiable election integrity: The system must provide for verifiability of election integrity
that denies influence of a number of posts in the outcome of election except properly voting.
 Fail-safe privacy in verification: The voter’s name of each ballot must not be revealed.
 Physical recounting and auditing: The system must provide for reliability in auditing and
recounting with error rates possibly better than conventional voting system.
 Prevent over votes: The system must provide over votes detection system
 No provision for null ballots: The system doesnot allow voters to null ballots.


Most students believe that online voting can become the appropriate election system. There is a
growing interest among public officials and interest group on utilizing the online voting. Their
argument sometimes will be based some consideration such as:

Efficiency and economics:

Cost benefit is also the important factor to be considered in election process. Traditional systems
will cost a lot of money since they need more honor workers to be involved in entirely process
including the paper ballots and poll site equipment.

The Internet based voting system would free location that is known as an absolute requirement.
Besides that, online voting will be useful to answer thousands of redundant questions that are posed
to officials during the election session. This probably becomes the significant way to reduce
telephone cost and safe more election budget (Dictson and Ray, 2000).

Traditional system sometimes requires double counting of ballots and double -checking to avoid the
human errors. Online voting can minimize all the voting processes, while it can reduce the human
errors since it is known as reliable system with a better accuracy. Based on those arguments, online
voting might be considered less cost and time saving.


The most compelling argument in favor of online voting is the convenience factor. Convenience
will obviously encourage participation.” Internet system will give much easiness ways for voter
such as saving their valuable time and simple procedure. People do not have to stand in line for long
hours to vote because voting can be done from their homes. This system probably can reduce
absentee ballots especially when people are going away from home (Dictson and Ray, 2000).


Bonetti, et al (2000); People sometimes are unwilling to participate on election because of the
system of election. Traditional system requires people to stand in line for hours to get the chance to
vote, while they also have a lot of routine activities to do. It seems that the traditional one become
less efficient regarding its longer waiting time. Online voting, on the other hand gives a large
opportunity to vote from any point where Internet access is available such as home, school, office or
even shopping mall. Using online voting can reduce the time people need to vote. This means that
voter can vote without loss their time and avoid a long queuing of voter which identified as the
biggest problem of every election. Voters can vote without going to the polls and may be this is the
efficient way to encourage people’s participation on Election Day.


Another crucial point regarding election process is that sometimes people just pick up the names
that they are familiar with or simply think sound nice and voting on the basis of party affiliation
rather than candidate’s qualification. This is probably due to the fact that they have a minimum
level of information about the candidates to be chosen. In order to solve this problem the online
voting has been able to provide the voter with more information about the candidates or related
issues that are on the ballots. John Allison, director of communication for the Ohio Secretary of
State’s office said that “for potential voters, the internet is an opportunity to access anything they
need to know about voting, 24 hours a day, instantly” (Dictson and Ray, 2000).

The online voting can broader their knowledge to deal with this problem because information is
always provided on the web will assist them to meet the best choice correctly. “The voter would no
longer depend on faulty memory, advertising propaganda or word association in voting our political
representative” (Maney, 1999).

Security and accuracy

One of the biggest problems regarding with online voting is dealing with security system. The most
important step of assuring the security system is the verification of individual voters. This includes
matching the original signature to ensure that the voters are actual voters. In order to anticipate the
security system, online systems has equipped with some encryption systems to ensure that the
ballots cannot be changed or read during the transmission. The other thing in one of the internet
system type, the voter will receive a PIN (Personal Identification Number), which only can be used
from that device. The PIN then will be used to log into the web site to conduct voting. This method
will significantly ensure that only the actual voter will vote on Election Day. The only problem that
faced today is the use of digital signature for voter’s authorization. However, the use of Personal
Identification Number (PIN) probably will answer that problem (Dictson and Ray, 2000).


Online voting might be the better solution to increase in access to the democratic process. Online
voting is able to facilitate to make everyone easier for everyone to vote, to remedy the current
disparity, which in fact, results in higher voting participation rate (Strassman, 2000).

Furthermore, believe that online voting system “would make easier for some people to vote
(especially the handicapped, people living abroad and frequent travelers) without inconveniencing
anyone else (Ditcson and Rar, 2000).



In this chapter, the source of data methods of collection, the evaluation of the existing system and
the organization structure of the system problem are presented. It includes specific methods which
were used in order to achieve the objectives of the project, particular requirements for
implementation of the project and a brief explanation of why such methods were used for
implementing the proposed system, also included is a brief description of the current system of


The study’s attention is drawn to a random sample of respondents including; students, nominees,
and the electoral commission officials of Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus.


Data was collected through use of interviews and in-depth literature review with the aim of
collecting reliable and complete data that can provide concrete conclusions and recommendations
for the study.

3.3.1 Interviews

An interview is a data collection method where a researcher asks a respondent a set of questions and
records his/her answers. We used interviews to establish grounds for accessing the acceptability and
feasibility of our proposed solution and to understand the election process with its associated needs.
Face-to-face interviews were carried out with the interest of getting data about the current mode of
voting and exploring the entire voting process at the university. This is vital in collecting opinions
from the respondents about the appropriateness of the intended solution and the challenges in the
current system (Neuman, 2003).

3.3.2 In-depth literature review

“In-depth literature review is the analyzing of existing documentation on a given subject.”

(Neuman, 2003)

I expressed interest in using this technique to identify different methods used by different
institutions to elect their leaders, exploring the challenges faced and the associated benefits with
using such platforms, usage of electronic means of voting in Uganda Martyrs University Kabale


After the data collection exercise, data analysis of the administered questionnaires was carried out
using a post interview follow-up on the interviews was conducted to eliminate inconsistencies.


System analysis and design will be achieved using Data flow diagrams (DFD), Entity relationship
diagrams (ERD).


The system will be implemented using with enabled software and hardware components required
for development.


i. MYSQL DBMS-it allows combination, extraction, manipulation and organization of data in
the voter’s database. It is platform independent and therefore can be implemented and used across
several such as Windows, Linux server and is compatible with various hardware mainframes. It is
fast in performance, stable and provides business value at a low cost.
ii. HTML -Hypertext Markup Language-This is currently the core of the web world, it is a
language used to makeup web page. It is the glue that holds everything together. Although HTML
was used for the implementation of the Online voting system, it is highly compatible with
extensible HTML (XHTML) which is designed to be a replacement of HTML made to handle data
and is also portable between different browsers and platforms with little or no alterations in code
iii. PHP coding-This is for advanced user who find PHP codes easy to work with.
iv. Testing is done via WAMPSERVER.
v. Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer
vi. Reporting Tool i.e. through Data Report.


 Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3/Vista SP1/Windows 7 Professional:

 Processor: 800MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent
 Memory: 512 MB
 Disk space: 750 MB of free disk space
 Processor: 800MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent
 Memory: 512 MB
 Disk space: 650 MB of free disk space


System testing and validation will be done through testing of components/modules, integration
testing, and finally, system testing.



This chapter highlights requirements analysis and system analysis. Requirements analysis aims to
elicit requirements of the users, modelling and analysing these requirements to be documented as a
basic design for the coding phase.

Data that was collected through the use of questionnaires, interviews and in-depth literature review
enabled researchers’ study on how election exercises are conducted during the process of voting at
4.1.1 Strengths of the current system.
 Both the students and administration are satisfied of all the services offered as they
physically experience them.
 Cases of fraud and forgery are always eliminated due to the physical contact and experience.
4.1.2 Weaknesses of the current system
 Not User Friendly: The existing system is not user friendly because the retrieval of data is
very slow and data is not maintained efficiently
 Difficulty in report generating: We require more calculations to generate the final result so
it is generated at the end of the session.
 Time consuming: Due to use of paper work so it takes too much time to determine the
 There has been less participation of students in the election exercise
 Rigging of votes
. In the proposed system we can get the result without manually counting. The computerized
counting is simple and we can access any information of any party.
Goals of proposed system
1. Planned approach towards working: - The working in the organization will be well
planned and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval
of information as well as its storage.

2. Accuracy: - The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operation
would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the center is
3. Reliability: - The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated
reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be proper
storage of information.
4. No Redundancy: - In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is
repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage space and
consistency in the data stored.
5. Immediate retrieval of information: - The main objective of proposed system is to provide
for a quick and efficient retrieval of information.
6. Immediate storage of information: - In manual system there are many problems to store
the largest amount of information.
7. Easy to Operate: - The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be
developed within a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user.
8. Automatic Counting: This system will count the votes automatically so the counting
process will be faster and that will help to publish the result faster.


Every user should be:
 Comfortable with Internet Browser.
 He must have brief knowledge of voting system.
 He must also have basic knowledge of English too.

4.3.2 Constraints
 GUI is only in English.
 Login and password is used for identification of Voter.
Login description
1. Administrator: Logs into the system with username and password to access pages such as
view candidates, add candidates, add a post and view students on the electoral commission website.
The administrator will be able to deny access for unregistered students from logging into the
2. Student: Logs in with the registration number and the password to access the voting page.

Automation: It will count how many voters have participated, total number of votes scored by each
candidate and will start at 9:00am to 4:00pm and after this time there will be no more logging in for
the voters instead will only display the results.


This presents the analysis of user, functional and non-unctional requirements that guided the
design and implementation of online voting system of UMUKC.
Requirements analysis is the process of understanding and analysing the dependencies for
realisation of a proposed system and is a well-defined stage in the Software Development Life
Cycle model.
Requirements describe how a system should behave and does not provide technical information of
how to implement the system properties.

4.5.1 User Requirements for the Proposed System

The OVS should:
a) Be able to display all registered voters in the assistant registrar’s database.
b) Have a user-friendly interface and user guides understandable by people of average
computer skills.
c) Be robust enough so that users do not corrupt it in the event of voting.
d) Be able to handle multiple users at the same time and with the same efficiency, this will
cater for the large and ever growing population of voters.
A system should meet the following requirements for it to run the OVS:

1. Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer, MYSQL
DBMS, WampServer, , Programming language such as JAVA and PHP

2. Windows OS Xp, Windows Vista or Windows 7. At least 2.0 GHz Processor speed, At least
40 GB Hard Disk Capacity and 512 RAM

Software requirements specification is a complete description about the system to be developed.

The software requirements analysis process covers the task of documenting requirements from users
in the form of use cases that describe all of the interactions that the users will have with the
software. The software requirements specification contains functional requirements and non-
functional requirements in addition to use cases.

4.5.2 Functional requirements

A functional software requirement is usually the best way to match a user’s needs and describes
what the developer is supposed to build. It includes details of how the system functions based on
well-defined functionalities such as the input, actions and output. The actions include technical
details, data manipulation and processing related to the specific functionality.

a) Secure storage and retrieval of voters’ details from the database.

b) Enable secure login of voters, that is to say unregistered students should not be allowed to
login to the system.
c) Only a registered student is given a registration number and PASSWORD to login for

d) Validate and verify input and output data.

4.5.3 Non-Functional Requirements

i. The system should be easy to maintain.
ii. The system should be compatible with different platforms.
iii. The system should be fast as required.
iv. The system should always be available online all times.
v. The system should be secure.
vi. The system should be accessible to online users.
vii. The system should be easy to learn by both sophisticated and novice users.
viii. The system should provide easy, navigable and user friendly interfaces.
vii. The system should produce reports in different forms such as tables and images for easy
visualization by management.
x. The system should have a standard graphical user interface that allows for the on-line
data entry, editing, and deleting of data with much ease.


In this chapter, we have looked at the analysis of the current system, where we identified the
strengths and weaknesses of the current system. We have also looked at the requirements of the new
system which include user requirements and system requirements, that is; functional and non-
functional requirements. In the next chapter, we shall look at how the system was designed and




This chapter presents the system design objectives, the design tools used during its design, the
system database details, system implementation and its execution procedure plus its functionality.


The system is designed from architectural, interface, database and conceptual design. The chapter
also presents the step by step implementation of the project. PHP, HTML, CSS, MYSQL and
laptops were used in the implementation of the online voting system in order to enable the students
at Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus carry out voting exercise online. During the design
of the system, the main objective was to develop an online voting system that enables students to
securely carry out voting exercise quickly to eliminate identified deficiencies of the current system.

The system was designed to produce accurate results after a specified time for the completion of the
exercise, but easy to use. The system developers considered and included the processes and
methods used in handling of students' results and other details. Some of the design tools used are
the entity relationship diagrams (ERDs). ERDs helped me to identify the relationships between the
necessary entities and their attributes in the election results management, thus enabling proper
database design.

Figure 3 shows the entity relationship diagram used. Another tool used was the data flow diagram.
A student to use the system, the administrator just needs to log in into his account in the system in
order to have privileges to use the system.


UMUKC online voting system (OVS) is a web-based application to be hosted on a web server that
communicates to a database server. The user on a web interface makes a web request which is
received by the webserver. The web server processes the request and interacts with the database
server using SQL embedded in PHP scripts. The response is a web page data sent on the web
interface for the user.

5.3.1 Data flow Diagram

Where the system is opened, a welcome form appears welcoming the user or a client to the database
management system. It prompts or allows you to login if you want to access the database or use the
system to be a registered student. So it’s a must for one to be registered before login or even using
the system.

Figure 1Key of symbols for DFD



Data flow.

Data store.


Home page

Admin Login

Student login View Registered View candidates Set voting LOGOUT

students round

Finish Voting
Welcome online Vote page

5.3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for OVS-UMUKC

An ERD was used to show the relationships between the entities involved in the system together
with their attributes and indicate the number of occurrences an entity can exist for a single
occurrence of the related entity

Figure 3Key of symbols for ERD.



Data flow

Figure 4Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Electoral commission
officer (administrator)
Opens round
Log Student
First name
Last name in
Password Close round

on Retrieve data from
database LOGOUT

Login for voting

Student Candidates Posts

Id Photo
First name Use student Assign to each Post name
Last name First name Contestants
Course Database Last name contestant Priority Post Date

5.3.3 Foreground
The system consists of user interfaces designed in HTML using the notepad++. The interfaces have
additional enhancements developed using links which are coded in order to execute the required
tasks. Most of the codes are written in PHP programming language and some of the sample codes
are shown in appendix A.

5.3.4 System Background

The system has a database built using MySQL. It’s composed of different entities and relationships
between them which ensure data integrity in the corresponding tables. The Management system
defines the architecture, components, interfaces and data for the system. It shows the
diagrammatical representation of the system and the processes involved, and how the processes take
place. Tools and techniques that were used include process modelling and data modelling


Since the system consists of two parts user interfaces will be different in those two modes. In
normal interactive mode there will be common home page interface for all system users and they
will use this page for login operation.

The administrator’s interface will include settings for opening the round registration of students and
candidates, adding posts, and access to this information in the database and will conduct the
election tasks by using this interface.

In election mode there will be a major interface that the voting operation is executed. This interface
will be used by the students. This will require the student to login using the registration number as
the username and the password he/she was assigned at registration by the administrator (electoral
commissioner officer). Voters interface will contain the links to voting page and after a set time
logging in again for election results.


Data modelling is the analysis of data objects that are used in department or other context and
identification of the relationships among the objects


Design methodology consists of phases each containing a number of steps, which guide the
designer in the techniques appropriate at each stage of the project. It helps the designer to plan,
manage, control and evaluate database development projects.

5.6.1 Logical design

Logical design is the process of describing what data is stored in the database, entities, attributes
involved and relationship among the data.

5.6.2 Physical design

Mapping Entities to the Relation schema

This shows the physical representation of the database on the computer. It describes how the data is
stored in the database.


This project uses many tables: These include

 Admin
 Student
 Candidate

Figure 5Admin (Electoral commission officer’s) data base table

Field name Data type Description

Username VarChar Login id for admin
Password VarChar Admin’s Password

Figure 6Candidates’ database table

Field name Data type Description

Id VarChar Student id
Candidate names VarChar Contestants’ names
Slogan VarChar Candidates slogan
Post VarChar Contested post
Votes VarChar Auto count per vote

Figure 7Students Data base table

Field name Data type Description

Student Id number Int Id for student(Primary
First Name VarChar Students First Name
Last Name VarChar Students Last Name
Course VarChar Students’ course
Registration number VarChar Students’ Reg. number
Password VarChar Students’ Password
Image VarChar Students’ photo


The online voting system was implemented in the following ways at the electoral commission
Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus. Many users like students, administrator/ electoral
commission officer will interact with the system. If you are a new student you need to be registered
with the assistant registrar’s office. The administrator is also registered the same way but will have
some control over the students and voting website especially accessing webpages such as viewing
candidates, add a candidate, view students, add post, denying non registered students to access into
the system if need be, and a few others. The administrator has total control over all other users of
the system.

The following tools were employed in the system implementation;

PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor)

Gilmore, (2006); the origins of PHP date back to 1995, when an independent software development
contractor named Rasmus Lerdorf developed a Perl/CGI script that enabled him to know how many
visitors were reading his online résumé. His script performed two tasks: logging visitor information,
and displaying the count of visitors to the Web page. Because the Web as we know it today was still
young at that time, tools such as these were nonexistent, and they prompted e-mails inquiring about
Lerdorf’s scripts. Lerdorf thus began giving away his toolset, dubbed Personal Home Page (PHP).

The clamor for the PHP toolset prompted Lerdorf to continue developing the language, perhaps the
most notable early change coming when he added a feature for converting data entered in an HTML
form into symbolic variables, encouraging exportation into other systems. To accomplish this, he
opted to continue development in C code rather than Perl. On-going additions to the PHP toolset
culminated in November 1997 with the release of PHP 2.0, or Personal Home Page—Form
Interpreter (PHP-FI). As a result of PHP’s rising popularity, the 2.0release was accompanied by a
number of enhancements and improvements from programmers worldwide.

Luke, (2005); claimed that PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It is a currently very popular
scripting language. Just like MySQL, it is open source. This means there are effective and extensive
unlicensed copies of its application and documentation for its server-side scripting technology.

Kevin, (2004); Explains that thatPHP language contains MySQL functions that can be used to
insert, update and delete records in MySQL and others that give you much remote power as though
you were operating within the MySQL environment itself. PHP combined with MYSQL are cross
platform (means that you can develop in windows and serve on a UNIX platform).

HTML (Hypertext mark-up language)

Kanter, (1997); Html language is used in the designing and development of websites. This language
can be implemented using a text editor; notepad and the file are saved with an .html extension. It
can also be implemented using Dreamweaver software it’s a powerful procedural language that is
tightly integrated with SQL. It offers a full range of data types, conditional and sequential controls,
looping, and expectation handling modular code constructs and user defined data types such as
objects. It can be used with web pages and it’s a fair straight forward programming language,
however oracle is less flexible and quit slow


System testing was done after the system was duly coded. Individual modules of the system were
checked to ensure they are fully functional units before the integrating them. This was done by
examining each unit; each script was checked to ensure that it functions as required and that it
performed exactly as intended. The success of each individual unit gave us the go ahead to carryout
integration testing. Different system modules were put together to make a complete system and
integration testing ensured modules were compatible to be integrated to form a complete working

In this part some of the screen images and their functionalities are described

Figure 8Login page

This interface above will be used by all of the system users (administrator and students) and by
entering the user id and password in the figure below, they will be able to use the system. For an
incorrect password or user id the system will not respond (figure below).

Figure 9Administrator’s homepage

This will be used by the voters during the election mode in voting process. Before casting the vote,
the voter must provide his/her registration number and password generated by administrator. After
entering the correct values the voter can reach the voting interface.

Figure 10Registration page

The form in figure above will be used for the registration of the students to this system. We only
require the names, student Id, photos, registration number, course offered by the student as personal
information. We can get other required personal information such as birthday, sex, father’s name,
telephone, email addresses and others from university web site by providing only the above
personal information. It will be easier for the electoral commissioner to register the students.

Figure 11Voting page

After the voter logged in successfully, the interface in figure 19 is used for casting vote. In our
system, the user interfaces will be simple and clear since stakeholders of the system have different
educational, technological background. The Voter castes for only one candidate type and go to next
page for the next type of candidate casting.


The online voting system provides a relief of the long endured problems of the current modes of
elections at Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus. Problems that students and aspirants face
during voting exercise around the university with the current system were identified and their
solutions were designed. The study was aiming at developing a web based system that enables
students and nominees to vote by using their smart phones and PCs to log in to the system. This

Online voting system at Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus manages the student’s
information by which a student login and use his voting rights. The system provides the tools for
maintaining student’s vote and counts the total number of votes of each contested post. The student
who is eligible to vote must be fully registered with the assistant registrar with his/her correct
information in the database and will login by his registration number and password to vote any
candidate only single time. Voting detail will be stored in a database and the result displayed by
calculation. By online voting system percentage of voting is increased and it decreases the cost and
time of voting process.



This chapter describes the experience we got during the process of online voting in the electoral
commission of Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus. It further describes the conclusion and
recommendations for the designed and implemented online voting system for campus elections.

Many challenges were faced during the research. There are few projects, books and Journals written
about demographic online voting system being used in college elections. This was a big setback to
this project. The time allocated to this project was also not sufficient, it required some more time.
During the research, there was an opportunity of handling the online voting system technology and
a lot was learnt especially how to design and implement from the basic ideas to completion of a
working solution. The challenge was to implement what was learnt in class into a working solution.

The following recommendations are made from the analysis of the system:

There are a lot more features that can be added to the system; one of them is to make the system
capable to send the results to each student who has participated in the voting exercise via messages
through emails and mobile phones without difficulties.

The system should allow access to be online with no location restrictions.

UMUKC should embrace and implement the developed system as it will improve the conditions of
student elections at the university

 Since the DBMS being used is MySQL, which is not a very popular DBMS, it will not be
able to store a very huge number of students.
 Due to limited features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will not be applied
to the queries and thus the system may become slow with the increase in number of records being
 An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the marks details and other examination

The future versions of the System should be having a better database to handle larger number of
students, in a more secure way.

The future system version should also allow system administrators to approve the applications from
the voters

Also separate profile should be maintained later for all students so that they can be given temporary
passwords which can be changed by the owner and should contain forgot password option.

Ensuring access for people without Internet access

Also should provide candidates to conduct their election campaigns through web environment and
describe themselves to the voters more clearly.

System can be developed and designed to avoid the viruses and hacker’s attacks.

In the future, the scope of this project can be broadened in terms of other services that the system
can offer.

Few of the suggested improvements are:-

 Can be used anywhere any time as it is a web based application (user location doesn’t
 No restriction that the administrator has to be present when the users access the system
hence can be used for other similar purposes

If the system is implemented successfully, online voting may become the quickest, cheapest, and
the most efficient way to administer election and count vote since it only consists of simple process
or procedure and require a few worker within the process. This would give a higher cost-benefit in
the future. However, the internet system still has some weaknesses to be prevented such as hackers
and virus attacks, the relative expensive infrastructures, and developing the better security system.


This project has helped me to attain new skills on software development in addition to those that
already possess. The skills attained have been both technical and individual with the main
individual skills being project management, team work, time management which highly emphasized

punctuality and management of the workload as distributed amongst the members and experience in
programming was also attained. Some technical skills that have been developed include:

Dictson D. & Ray D (2000). The Modern Democratic Revolution: An Objective Survey of
Internet-Based Elections Available at: [Accessed 6
October 2002].

Maney, K. (2000). A Plea for Virtual Voting. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2001].

Bonetti, P. Ravaioli, S., & Piergallini, S (2000). The Italian Academic Community’s Electronic
Voting System. Computer Networks, 34, pp. 851-860.

Strassman, M. (2000). “Reply to Deborah Phillips.” E-Mail List Serve Posting. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2001].

Bouras, J, Katris, N., & Triantafillou, V. (2003). An Electronic Voting Service to Support
Decision-Making in Local Government. Telematics and Informatics, 20,pp. 255–274.

Kantor, J. (2000). Electronic Voting is to Democracy what is to Books. Available

at: [Accessed 6 October 2001].

Elliott, D.M. (2000). Examining Electronic Voting in Washington. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2001].

Maryland university, (2001) Report of the National Workshop on Internet Voting: Issues and
Research Agendas, Internet Policy Institute, Sponsored by the National Science Foundation,
Conducted in cooperation with the University of Maryland and hosted by Freedom Forum,
March 2001

Neuman W. L, (2003). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches.

Research (pp. 297-320). USA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Gilmore, W. J. (2006). Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 From Novice to Professional (2nd Edition
ed.). (W. J. Gilmore, Ed.) New York, USA: Epress.

Luke, (2005). Information System and management; Research guide sources for information,
library.Singapore Management University.

Kevin, (2004). An information to database systems (4th ed.). Stones enterprises.

Kanter, (1997). Managing with information (4th ed.).

Interview guide used to collect data from the electoral officials

1. Names
2. Age
3. Gender
4. Faculty
5. Department
6. What steps are involved for the university students to select their leaders?
7. Are you satisfied with the university current voting system?
8. How do you recommend the university to introduce online voting system?
9. Do you think the introduction of online voting system can improve/ease the election exercise?
10. Suggest ways in which current voting system can be improved


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