Know The Enemy

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Jun M. Alcover, Jr.

National Alliance for Democracy and Freedom
Foundation Inc. (NADFFI) 2007 Edition

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The focus is the pervading threat of the Maoist communist-terrorist

Communist party of the Philippine-New People s Army-National Democratic Front
(CPP-NPA-NDF) which is now into their 38th year of insurgency war against the
duly constituted democratic government of the Republic of the Philippines.
It is disheartening to note that despite the continued atrocities, harassment,
extortions, and skillful manipulation of the hearts and minds of our fellow
countrymen by the CPP-NPA-NDF, few of us consider them as a serious threat
against our freedoms and democratic life. Lamentable is the fact that many have
completely ignored the issue and concern because they incessantly refuse to acce
the true state of our people and country.
Complacency would be the very bullet that would kill our freedoms and
altogether drive us into the dimly pit of uncertainty under a Maoist communist
dictatorship. This is the very same attitudinal response/reaction that caused th
demise of freedom and democracy in South Vietnam, Kampuchea, Laos, and recently
Nepal. We surmise that the citizens of these countries not only failed to do the
ir share
in the defense of their freedoms and rights, especially the right of choice, spe
ech, and
to live as a family, but did not lift a finger to confront and oppose the onslau
ght of
the communist forces.
Nonchalance shall have no place in our own corridors. This should not happen
considering the fact that we are constantly badgered by the forces of a Godless,
violent, and ruthless ideology. With the same fervor and seal of protecting our
freedoms and democratic institutions, the Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy
(ANAD) humbly shares with you the important facets of our worst enemy, the
Maoist communist terrorist CPP-NPA-NDF, with the view that we shall not fall int
the deep and dark lairs of deprivation and inhumanity under the vociferous, atro
and demonic governance under a Maoist communist dictatorship.
For 33 years, the Filipino
nation faced the same threat and
sad to say, still exhibits the same
complacency. This is alarming
because I know how the
communists operate and how
fanatic they are in pursuing their
goal. I was one of the first NPA
organizers in the Visayas and I
know exactly how the CPP-NPANDF
operates. From a band of 40
ill-equipped rebels in 1969, they are
now able to build thousands of
armed regular guerilla fighters

throughout the country. We are

only taking account about their armed elements. We are not yet taking into
consideration the mass-based supporters from their sectoral front organizations.

Some might ask: Why the previous and present administrations seem
helpless in curbing the insurgency problem? It is in this light that I am sharin
g with
you what I have experienced in my more than ten (10) years with the communist
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underground movement. I am hoping to atone for my misdeeds when I was there.
As such, you might profit from my horrendous experience.
It is not enough that we know the enemy only by name. The more important
thing is that we should know the nature, characteristics, strategies, tactics an
weaknesses in its entirety so that we will be able to effectively engage the ene
my in
Lack of knowledge regarding the enemy is fatal. The late president Ferdinand
E. Marcos, during his administration, employed full military strength against th
Godless insurgents. Instead the latter was able to gain solid grounds inch by in
ch to
reach undeniably 17,000-strong armed regulars. The Aquino administration, with i
policy of social reconciliation, became a laughingstock in the eyes of the
communists. In just one year and a half into Cory s ascendancy to power, the NPA s
swelled to 25,000 regulars. Then Defense Secretary Fidel V. Ramos Lambat-Bitag
strategy of winning the hearts and minds of the people was an effective formula.
subscribed to the idea of using the enemy s method by counter-education, organizin
and mobilizing them against the communists.
The wave of NPA surrenderees and mass supporters in the late 80 s and early
90 s can be accredited to this outreach project. Some other factors lend credence
such as the massive factionalism within the underground movement due to tactical
differences does contribute.
In tandem with the Armed Forces and my own initiative, the National Alliance
for Democracy (NAD) the umbrella organization of anti-communist groups formed
in l988, we initially and successfully implemented the project. This is an allia
nce of
quite a number of anti-communist organizations, throughout the country. The idea
educating and organizing the people gained ground. But during his presidency,
Ramos legalized the CPP-NPA-NDF, by repealing RA1700 (Anti-Subversion Law)
without the pre-condition of laying down their weapons. The joint effort lost st
and utterly failed. It forced us to distance from him (Ramos) and modestly conti
our own pro-democracy campaign.
Ousted President Joseph Estrada might be popular in his all-out war policy
against the insurgents but his purely military approach in curbing a very comple
problem brought him tragedy, instead. He succeeded in the military aspect but fa
to recognize the fact that communist forces are not just those who carry firearm
The bulk of their forces are the organized workers, student activists, the urban
as well as those who carry only pens and books but adept in manipulating public
opinion to advance their cause. As good tacticians, the communists were able to
exacerbate the contradictions between the two so-called reactionary (liberal and
conservative) forces. By employing pressure politics, Erap has to go, by
Going daily to the streets and replacing presidents from time to time is part of
the communist retinue and objective to destroy, politically and economically, ou
country. The communists had a great and fantastic ride. To project to our lowly
folks that the Philippines cannot attain stability as a result of Uncle Sam s
imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism doctrine and menu is proof enou
of their deceptive propaganda. The ills of isms are not the makings of America but
of the Spanish regime! History would tell us that this is so.
When President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took her oath of office as the
country s new President, she ordered a stop to military and police operations agai
the NPA and its new-found tactical ally - the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MIL
This resulted to countless deaths of government officials (mostly congressmen an
mayors), civilians, military and police officers. The communists also pressured
administration to release from prison all convicted NPA assassins without giving

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consideration to the pleas of the relatives of their victims. The release from p
rison of
Donate Continente, primarily responsible in assassination of US Army Maj. James
Rowe, was the No.1 issue that the communists demanded. She ordered the
resumption of the peace talks with the CPP-NPA-NDF in Oslo, Norway.
The information that I will share with your will enormously be of great
importance in the fight against the Maoist communist CPP-NPA-NDF. For us, the
famous Chinese military leader Sun Tzu said Know yourself and your enemy to
win a hundred battles , this holds true until today.
· Russian Communism (Marxist-Leninist).
This group adopts the policy of hegemonism and
socialist imperialism in spreading communism to
the world. War materiel, firearms, troops and or
military advisers are being sent to other countries
for permanent conquest. It believes in the
flexibility of parliamentary struggle and in violent
urban insurrection with the proletariat or
industrial workers as the leading force. The old
Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-Hukbong
Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (aka Huks)-Democratic
Alliance and Congress of Labor Organization
headed by the Lava brothers and Luis Taruc are classic examples of revolutionari
Popoy Lagman, the Partido ng
Manggagawang Pilipino-Bukluran ng
Manggagawang Pilipino-Sanlakas group
(PMP-ABB-BMP-Sanlakas) are strong
adherents to this ideology after they rejected
the basic doctrine of Maoism during a split in
the mid-80 s.
· Chinese or Maoist Communism. This
group believes in the Protracted People s War
(PPW), a combination of armed and political
struggles and uses the peasantry or the farmers as the main force of the revoluti
on .
It espouses the dictum of encircling the cities from the countryside as its main
strategy to destroy government and ultimately capture political power. The CPPNP
NDF, Bayan Muna, KMU, etc. are espousing this type of communism although
they prefer to be called as National Democrats
(Natdems). Their form of struggle is armed and
· Euro-Communism. They primarily believe
in parliamentary struggle through national and
local elections to attain its communist
objectives. However, armed struggle is not ruled
out. In the Philippines, there are several groups
espousing this type of communism but they
prefer to call themselves civil society
(socialists) to hide their true communist identity.
In the spirit of internationalism, they extend financial assistance to other com
revolutionary groups throughout the world.
espousing this type of communism. In the present time, the group of the late Fel
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Only a few of us are aware that there are several communist parties in the
Philippines advocating three types of communism. The old Partido Komunista ng
Pilipinas (PKP) organized in November 7, 1930 and its military arm the Hukbong
Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (HMB) or Huks organized by Crisanto Evangelista and
Vicente Lava were espousing the Russian-type. It was crushed in the 1950s throug
the unstinting effort of the late President Ramon Magsaysay. However, recent
developments would show that the PKP is again active in Central Luzon.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), founded by Jose Ma. Sison in
December 26, 1968, and its military arm the New People s Army (NPA), organized
in March 29, 1969, initially composed of whatever was left of the Huks , headed by
Bernabe Buscayno, are espousing Chinese or Maoist type of communism. It
vigorously pursues and reaffirms the doctrines of Mao Tse Tung. Their group call
themselves ---- the Reaffirmists .
Right after the Edsa revolution in 1986 or People Power 1, Fr. Conrado
Balweg formed the Cordillera People s Liberation Army (CPLA) to advance
autonomy to the Cordilleras. He and the CPLA practically repudiated the communis
ideology in this mountainous region. His year-ender assassination in 1999
perpetrated by his own blood brother, Jovencio, brought a vivid realization of t
he fact
that communism does not respect consanguinity nor family relation. He was
treacherously killed right in their own ancestral home. The brother is still a
In the mid-80 s, the CPP s Manila-Rizal Regional Party Committee and its
armed component, the Alex Bongcayao Brigade (ABB) headed by the late Felimon
Popoy Lagman and Nilo de la Cruz, broke away from the mainstream and formed
their own underground party - the Partido ng Manggagawang Pilipino (PMP). They
are the core of the Rejectionists faction. A firm believer of the proletarian s role
in urban uprising, Lagman formed a big labor center -the Bukluran ng
Manggagawang Pilipino.
The group s political party-list is Sanlakas which participated in the 1998
elections and won a seat in the 11th Congress in the person of Renato Magtubo. I
the run-up to the 2001 elections, Sanlakas did not make it but their other party
Partido Manggagawa, gained two (2) during 12th Congress with Renato Magtubo and
JV Bautista. In the current 13th Congress, the Partido Mangagawa only have one
representative in the person of Renato Magtubo.
Another underground group, the Marxist-Leninist Party of he Philippines
(MLPP) and its armed wing, the Rebolusyonaryong Hukbo ng Bayan (RHB) was
established. Its area of operation is basically in Central Luzon. Thus, only in
part of the country, a three-cornered fight, so to speak, exists between the RHB
, the
NPA, and the government armed forces.
In 1997, Lagman and De la Cruz parted ways. The latter joined another
break-away group -the CPP s Negros Island Regional Party Committee headed by
Arturo Tabara, Manuel Caliso and Ike de los Reyes to form the Rebolusyonaryong
Partido ng Manggagawa-Pilipinas (RPM-P) and its military wing, the Revolutionary
Proletarian Army-Alex Bongcayao Brigade (RPA-ABB). Arturo Tabara used to
head the CPP s Visayas Commission. Unknown to many is their ideological
leanings that is however apparent that of espousing reforms.
Akbayan s Etta Rosales increasingly has been defending the lines of the
RPMP-RPA-ABB. The alliance of Akbayan with the RPM-P/RPA-ABB is on a
tactical level. Akbayan s ideology is based on the Euro-communist type. It won a
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seat held by Etta Rosales in the 11th and two seats in the 12th Congress. In the
13th Congress, Akabayan has 3 partylist representatives: Etta Rosales, Riza
Hontiveros-Baraquel, and Mario Aguja. Though anti-US, they currently espouse a
non-violent approach in attaining reform.
Let us only focus on the CPP-NPA-NDF in as much as it is the most deceptive
and most brutal among the communist rebel groups. As stated earlier, the CPPNPA s
strength multiplied by leaps and bounds, from an initial national membership
of 40 then to tens of thousands of ideologically-equipped regular armed cadres.
present, there are more than 100 CPP-NPA-NDF fronts, all over the country. They
thrived and grew with the use of various deceptive techniques and strategy to
manipulate our people. Foremost is their penchant to instill fear on hapless Fil
especially in the countryside.
The communists are
vigorously implementing Mao s
strategy of recruitment based on the
so-called White Paper Theory.
The Philippines, as we all know, is
an agricultural country with a 75%
farmer population. According to
Mao these farmers, with their little
or no education, are like white
paper. He said that . . in a white
paper, you can write or draw in
their minds anything that you like.
Indeed, the CPP-NPA-NDF has immensely succeeded. During farmer s rallies, the
effective manipulation of their minds and emotions are very evident. Are they ju
plain farmers or were they brainwashed by communism ideologues?
This is so because under the Maoist concept, the farmers must be given
importance as they are the main force needed to encircle the cities from the
countryside. Mao said: In order to win the revolution, it must start from the
countryside by organizing the farmers (using the white paper theory) and slowly
encircle the cities. To organize the farmers they effectively used the issue of l
reform as a come on saying that they will implement it -- genuine and
revolutionary . After winning the revolution lands owned by hacienderos shall be
seized by the state and distributes it to the farmers for free, so they said! Th
promise is just so tempting for the farmers to ignore! Thus they are led to beli
eve that
the communist struggle is their very own struggle! What they do not know is that
any of the current communist states, the communist party owns the lands they til
l in a
slave system concept by way of communal or collective farming. If overproduction
happens, party leaders say it is profiteering. If underproduction happens, it is
indolence. Both are punishable by death as what had happened in Russia and Red
China. Also, the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia did the same.
One strategy of the communists in luring the uneducated poor farmers and the
urban poor into their cause is the issue of poverty which they instantaneously a
spontaneously blame on government. This is very alarming because this attracts n
only the poor but also those whose concerns are for the poor, like the clergy.

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Yes, it cannot be denied that there is massive poverty in our society today. But
while the communists are shouting and complaining about poverty, nobody dare
expose that the prevalence of poverty is the condition that the communists wante
most. They are primarily responsible in our people s misery. Look, what prosperity
the country had before 1968. There was no widespread insurgency problem during
that period, the Philippines managed to be the second richest country in Asia ne
xt to
Japan. Poverty reared its ugly head only after the establishment of the wily CPP
Why? Because when the NPA activities were intensified in the 70 s up to
present, people in the provinces who wanted to live in peace were forced to leav
their places and move toward urban centers. They prefer to become refugees in th
cities rather than continue farming and are caught in the crossfire between the
military and the NPA. As a result, farmers were being displaced from their natur
place of work and without any urban technical know-how, were forced to live in
poverty, in the cities. A condition that would naturally led to social problems.

Those who were left behind in the rural areas have no other choice but to stop
working in part or in whole, at the farms, then join the guerillas. Instead of p
and growing something, the farmers are now fighting against the government.
Considering that our country is an agricultural economy and when nobody intends
work in the farms, this will naturally led to food shortages and underproduction
. This
has resulted in the shortage of rice and forcing our government to import rice f
nearby Vietnam and Thailand. Not only that, this condition is deemed as the root
cause of rice smuggling which is prevalent and rampant now.
Instead of attracting investors to resolve the growing unemployment, the
communists are too busy organizing workers to engage in labor strikes. These
resulted to the massive closures of companies and capital flight outside of the
thus vigorously contributing to the ever-increasing unemployment of our people.
these not that factors leading to poverty? And yet, they keep blaming on the sys
the Americans, and the people in government! Poverty is not the cause of insurge
but rather the other way around. It is insurgency that causes poverty!
Another strategy
employed by the communists is
the so-called sword and shield
theory. According to Mao, a
communist should fight like a
knight -with sword and shield
as its weapons. The sword
represents the armed struggle
policy of the communists, or
simply put, revolution. To
implement this theory, they
organized the NPA. As a
knight, the sword is used to kill
the enemy. So is the NPA - the
killing machine of the CPP. It is
tasked to kill military personnel
and all anti-communist elements
of society.
The shield represents the United Front organ of the CPP. The implementing
arm, with regard to the CPP s united front policy, is the National Democratic Fron

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As shield, the NDF protects the body and the head, which is the CPP. Its primary
is to influence or attract the sympathy of the middle forces or the petty
bourgeoisie in the urban centers. When it has succeeded, the CPP is now ready for
war. It has the sword (NPA) operating in the countryside, and the shield (NDF)
operating in the cities and town centers. Both the NPA and the NDF are directly
under CPP s powerful Central Committee. But the communists are always projecting
the NDF as the umbrella of all national democratic organizations including the C
to make it appear that the communist party is not in control of all revolutionar
forces fighting for reforms. This is a classic case of deceptive strategy to avo
id the
issue of communism as the word communist is not generally acceptable to the
The Sword
The New People s Army
(NPA). How do they play their
role? For its part, the NPA
organizes different units to
become smooth and effective.
First, they have the Semi-Legal
Team (SLT) and Propaganda
Organizing Team (POT) to enter
rural communities and do work
for the masses. The first thing
they do is to establish contact
persons (CPs). From these CPs
they are able to implement social
investigation and class analysis
(SICA) and gather information.
Usually the economic and social
conditions of the people in the barangays especially the economic status of ever
resident must be given due importance to determine who will be their possible al
and prospective enemy.
The CPs will then be formed into Barangay Liaison Group (BLG) whose
primary task is to invite selected barangay folks (mostly poor peasants and farm
workers) to a meeting. The topics mainly focuses on the basic problems of societ
allegedly brought about by feudalism , bureaucrat capitalism and US
imperialism. There and then brainwashing starts with other issues with propaganda
values taking cue. Usually, their education touches on some environmental
protection. This the reason why they are against mining activities, construction
dams, and illegal logging. They also concentrate on the issue of land reform to
agitate the peasants to hate the landlords and government.
After a series of indoctrination, convinced participants will now be formed
into Barangay Organizing Group (BOG) and will now start to organize the people
into different cells: men, women, youth and children. When the BOG is already se
sustaining, the SLT/POT will now proceed to the next targeted barangay to contin
their mass work. They leave behind a now-politicized barangay whose conditions a
ripe for the Sandatahan Yunit Propaganda (SYP). This unit makes entry to the
barangay unhindered. In military parlance, the barangay is already considered as
infiltrated at this stage.
The presence of armed men might alarm the barangay officials and other
residents and usually report this to the military or police. But military/police
operations usually bear negative results because the BOG has already been
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consolidated and has provided assistance to the armed SYPs like pasa-bilis and
extend refuge to the communist armed NPAs. These organized and brainwashed
barangay folks will then be mobilized to attend rallies, demonstrations and othe
forms of anti-government mass actions. Usually, mass actions are centered on the
called massive military operation in the countryside. A barangay with a solid
mass-based structure will then be transformed into a Barangay Revolutionary
Committee (BRC) or Komite sa Balangay ( KOMBAL).
It will take time for the military and the police to detect such presence becaus
of mass support coming from the civilian population. Anybody who would dare
report the presence of NPAs in the barangay would be killed in front of barangay
folks. Anybody who would dare oppose their views would be eliminated in the guis
of cleansing the barangay of bad elements. Those who refuse to be convinced are
subjected to the muzzles of the gun placed on their mouth. A sort of political po
growing out of the barrel of the gun practice.
The NPA is composed of several regular units that operate in their respective
areas of operation. One is the Main Regular Guerilla Unit (MRGU) that serves as
regional force of the CPP s regional political structure -the Regional Party
Committees (RPCs). The Front Guerilla Unit (FGU) or the District Guerilla Unit
(DGU) operates within specified district or province covered by the RPCs. The Lo
Militia (LM), considered as the NPA s first line of defense, and the masa that
provides the logistics are put to work as pasa bilis a sort of communication syste
efficiently established by the NPA. Nowadays, they effectively the cellphones
dubbed as text-bilis to send information to the communist NPA.
Before the military reaches their objective, the NPAs are already forewarned
that the enemy is coming. This is because the communists have already assimilated
all the information regarding the operation of government forces. The higher
operational command of the NPA, for its part, will order the local militia to ha
and engage the military in combat. Usually, in this kind of operation, many amon
the local militia are killed and several masa arrested. The government armed force
will then issue a press release saying: Communist Terrorists Killed in Encounter
Many of us will take the news at its face value and would think that it is milit
might versus the dismal armed strength of the NPAs. But the exact opposite
becomes the issue. This is the classic example of - - -Bayan Muna by day; NPA by
The communists will exploit the issue through their sectoral front
organizations, like KARAPATAN, Promotion of Church People s Response,
Gabriela, and others. They will then send fact-finding missions to conduct
investigation and agitational propaganda among the relatives and friends of the
called victims. Thus, another round of recruitment ensues. They usually have use
facilities to discredit the military. It would be foolish to believe that the
communists are saddened because of the incident. In fact, the more members of th
local militia and masa that the military kills, the happier the communists would
In the first place, killing is the primary scheme of eliminating different class
es of
people in line with their aim of achieving a class-less society.
According to the communists, the peasant farmers are the most unreliable
allies of the revolution because they are individualistic and unscientific. Unsc
because they believe in so many superstitions and that their faith in God is ver
In the program of the communists, the peasant sector is the first to be
eliminated. But in the process they will use the farmers for the advancement of
cause. This is the very nature of the communists! They will use anybody for as l
as you are still useful but once you have outlived your usefulness, they will ki
ll you.
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Lest we forget that they could just kill you easily for they do not value human
For any communist, everything in this world is just- - --matter in motion. If th
kill you as a human being, they then would just hasten your transformation into
another kind of matter, not in motion but as - - - - fertilizer.
The communists are masters in the art of deception. Take the issue of land
reform, for example. Is there land reform in Red China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos,
Cuba, and other countries under communist rule? The answer is a resounding NO!
But look at how they use the issue of land reform just to deceive our brother
Filipinos. In fact, one of the reasons why many farmers are joining the ranks of
communists is because they were made to believe that after the revolution, lands
would be given for free. At times, there is a grain of truth in their promise be
those who get killed are indeed given a parcel of land- six (6) feet below the g
The farmers will become the first beneficiaries of this genuine and revolutionary
land reform promised by the communists.
The latest proofs of their insatiable thirst for people s blood are the victims
who were unceremoniously dumped in the Inopacan mass graves, in Southern Leyte.
Revelations by relatives of the victims showed that the latter were manipulated,
deceived, or forced to join the Maoist communist armed movement without the
knowledge or consent of their respective families. Not only in Inopacan did this
happen. There are quite a number of newly discovered mass graves of the Maoist
communist terrorists.
In the mid- 80s, several prominent party members like Rollie Kintanar and
Nilo de la Cruz were responsible in organizing NPA special urban hit squads call
Sparrow units . They operate in the urban centers as part of their strategic
offensives. The move sparked squabbles among party members when Joma Sison
criticized it as a premature strategy since the political mass work in the count
ryside is
not yet ripe for the final encirclement of the cities. The squabbles resulted to
factionalism when some leading cadres of the CPP finally rejected the basic
principle of Maoism!
The Shield
The National Democratic Front
(NDF). The NDF s main concern is to
poison the people s minds with half or
twisted truths by using its front
organizations or the so-called causeoriented
or militant groups. Take for
example the case that I mentioned earlier. It
would appear in the newspapers that it was
an encounter. But the NDF and its front
organizations would demonstrate to
condemn it and call it MASSACRE! If an
NPA is killed, they will shout military
abuses, militarization, fascism, human rights
violation, etc. but when and if a government soldier or a plain civilian is kill
ed by the
NPAs they won t shout human rights violations at all because for them it is alright .
Their propaganda is aimed at discrediting the government and to demoralize the
How does the NDF carry out its program effectively? The NDF organized
different sectoral front organizations or infiltrate existing organizations to a
their cause. All these front organizations are under the umbrella Bagong Alyansa
Makabayan or BAYAN. It is directly under the NDF which in turn is under the CPP

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Central Committee. The role of BAYAN is to coordinate and supervise the activiti
of all aboveground (legal) sectoral front organizations. With one effective
structure or command lineage, it would not be surprising to learn that when one of
these groups raise an issue, it is immediately echoed and re-echoed down the lin
e. It
is clear though that they are only mouthing things fed to them by the CPP.
In the labor sector, they have the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) organized by
Bert Olalia, a confessed Marxist. Today, it is headed by Crispin Beltran, a Baya
Muna representative during the 12th Congress and used to be an original member o
the CPP s National United Front Committee (NUFC). This fits well in the
communist s program of subjugating the Philippines. In fact, KMU is playing one of
the most important roles towing the NDF agenda. The communist ideology
considers the working class or proletariat as the most advanced class or element
s of
the revolution. Under the KMU are different labor federations and smaller labor
organizations bringing the name of democracy, nationalism, progress, militancy a
such other attractive words. Mao Tse Tung in this regard, said: Let a hundred
flowers bloom, -meaning, the more flowers they grow, the more bees it would
attract. Following that line, the more organizations, the more workers they coul
attract and recruit.
Mao has said: A good communist is like a good fisherman. A good fisherman
uses bigger nets to catch a lot of fish. In communism, the more organizations, th
better it is for the communists in their recruitment campaign. I did not say tha
t all
members of the KMU are communists. It only takes two or three communists to
manipulate its decisions and actions. These are the so-called - party group . This
would ensure that all of the organization s activities and programs must carry the
seal of approval of the CPP. Their ultimate aim is to destroy our national econo
Jose Ma. Sison in his book entitled Philippine Society and Revolution , said: The
workers can temper its own class by waging strikes and general strikes (Welgang
Bayan) to paralyze its class enemy (capitalists) in preparation for the seizure
political power in coordination with the New People s Army.
In the student and youth sector, they have the League of Filipino Students, the
National Union of Students in the Philippines, and Youth for National Democracy,
Kabataan para sa Demokrasya at Nasyonalismo (KADENA), etc. They now have
chapters in many high schools, colleges and universities throughout the country.
students also are very important because in every NPA squad there is always a
political officer and it should come from the student sector, according to the b
Philippine Society and Revolution by Jose Ma. Sison.
The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) is the biggest and foremost
umbrella front organization in the peasant sector. You try to listen to the argu
of the supposedly unlettered farmers against issues on RP-US Balikatan exercises
globalization, or hear him talk about US imperialism, fascism, capitalism, and a
the Philippine economy. For sure you will shake your head in disbelief. Before,
do not know anything about ismo , pasismo , imperyalismo , kapitalismo , and
piyudalismo . All they knew were only misis mo , ikaw mismo , and pasmo.
In the professional sector, they have the Alliance of Concerned Teachers
(ACT). They are now infiltrating government employees through the Confederation
and Unity for Reform and Advancement of Government Employees (COURAGE).
The religious sector has its Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, Promotion
Church People s Response (PCPR), and the Ecumenical Movement for Justice and
Peace (EMJP). The Church is even backing the very and obviously biased human
rights group -KARAPATAN. It is hard to believe that many spiritual leaders fell
prey to the communist standard of double-talk. But this is true! The internation
spokesman of the NDF is a Roman Catholic priest - Fr. Luis Jalandoni. He is from

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the Visayas. He is now in Europe with his wife an erstwhile nun and a ranking
party member Connie Ledesma.
Sometimes it is hard to call Jalandoni father but somehow, it is justified
because the truth is -he has fathered many children. The award-winning movie
Sister Estella L. was based on the life story of his wife Sister Connie Ledesma,
portrayed by actress Vilma Santos, the current Governor of Batangas.
The Maoist communist CPP-NPA-NDF has succeeded in infiltrating the
legislative branch of government. This is in line with Vladimir Lenin s teaching:
Use democracy to
destroy democracy, use
nationalism to destroy
nationalism, and join the
parliament to destroy the
parliament. In fact, the
communists are now
Congress. Their
deceptive propaganda
lured millions of votes
for Bayan Muna in the
several party-list
elections that they joined.
As members of
Congress, they now can
spend millions of pesos
in taxpayers money to finance their armed struggle. Just recently, Bayan Muna
representatives were able to convert all the areas, earlier considered by the mi
litary as
red areas , into Bayan Muna chapters. In short, any attempt of the military to send
out patrols into these areas are considered illegal acts or pure harassment. Now
, the
military would be helpless if Satur Ocampo and Crispin Beltran visit these areas
bringing along with them food provisions, guns, and ammunitions for the NPAs. To
top it all, no one can question their use of government funds, through the Phili
Development Assistance Fund (PDAF), many have said are Pork Barrel funds, to fue
the communist insurgency s cause against the government.
In the 13th Congress, the Maoist communist party-list representatives are as
follows: BAYAN MUNA Satur Ocampo, Teddy Casiño, and Joel Virador; ANAK
PAWIS Crispin Beltran and Rafael Mariano, GABRIELA Liza Maza. Despite
their being small in number, somehow they were able to influence the House
leadership. We must not forget that they once sought refuge in the Lower House a
used their immunity from arrest, which the House leadership easily agreed to.
In an effective way, they are practically using government funds to fan the
flames of their sworn objective to overthrow the duly constituted free and
democratic government and replace the same with a communist dictatorship.
The Maoist communist CPP-NPA-NDF lives and thrives on deception and terrorism.
If one does not fall on their deception, terrorism sets in. In 1986 the entire c
through the Cory government, fell into the communist trap. The NDF claimed that,
through Antonio Zumel and Satur Ocampo, they are the legitimate body to represen
all revolutionary forces in the Philippines, including the CPP-NPA. This is not
It is lie! The NDF and the NPA are two co-equal bodies under the CPP Central
Committee.Therefore, clearly stated that the NDF was a wrong party that the
government should dealt with during the ceasefire period and peace talks. It sho
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have been the CPP Central Committee! To exemplify this - hile the military stopp
all of their operations against the communist terrorists during the ceasefire pe
riod, the
NPA was having heydays liquidating civilians, military and police personnel. The
continued firing despite the agreement. This is a case of talk, talk, talk
orchestrated by the NDF; while the armed NPA does the fire, fire, fire . The most
cogent reason is that the NPA is not bound to comply with whatever agreement
signed between the government and the NDF.
Also, this shows the insincerity of the CPP in the negotiations for peace
because in the first place, the communists do not believe that they can take ove
power of government through peaceful means. As Mao Tse Tung said Peace is
only possible after the revolution. They use the ceasefire issue to advance their
intentions. The elbow room afforded to them, during
any of those 60 days ceasefire periods were
immense: a) they could not be arrested because of
the safe conduct passes issued by the government;
b) they continue recruiting members, conduct
retraining programs, re-arming and re-deployment of
troops in the different parts of the country. After the
60-day ceasefire period, the enemy grew even
stronger. That is what Mao Tse Tung was referring
to when he said - take one step backward and two
steps forward.
To emphasize our point, in June 2001, the Arroyo administration made
another mistake when she once again offered to talk peace with the communists.
While the negotiations were going on somewhere in Norway, the NPA intensified it
armed assault on hapless civilians and government officials that costs the lives
Gov. Rodolfo Aguinaldo of Cagayan, Cong. Marcial Punzalan of Quezon, Mayor
Cesar Platon of Batangas and several others.
The supposed talking points are the issues of human rights, peace,
democracy, etc. The discussion for a possible peace was a complete failure becau
both sides failed to arrive at the exact definition of terms acceptable to both.
the communists does not have a fiber of intention to seek and talk peace with a
government that it seeks to overthrow and replace!
How did they succeed in deceiving the people? First, they conduct massive
propaganda campaigns, followed by organizing works, and finally mobilization.
The Maoist communist CPP-NPA-NDF is skilled in conducting
AGITATIONAL PROPAGANDA to fan the flames of discontent and hate against
the sitting government of our country. An example is -when an encounter happens
between the military and the NPA with the latter suffering from heavy losses and
casualties, the NDF would initiate a spin of the true story and make it appear t
hat it
was a massacre instead of the factual encounter. Day-in and day-out they keep on
repeating the issue that it was human rights violation, fascism, military abuses
, etc.
Once the minds of the people are conditioned by their propaganda, the organizing
work will follow through their sectoral front organizations. This is a classic c
ase of
A lie repeated several times ultimately becomes a living truth. After that,
mobilization follows. Mobilization is either in the form of rallies, demonstrati
sympathy strikes, and other forms of mass actions. The communists aptly call thi
s the
tempering stage in preparation for a higher form of struggle, which is armed
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The CPP-NPA-NDF follows these three stages to determine the development
of their struggle. These are the-
1) Strategic Defensive Stage;
2) Strategic Stalemate Stage; and the
3) Strategic Offensive Stage.
In the strategic defensive stage, the NPA is always on the run. It is the longes
process of encircling the cities from the countryside through protracted war. Th
NPA at this stage always evade the war of annihilation. It is also a propaganda
in the countryside. The fighting capability of the NPA is only good if the situa
tion is
favorable for them.
The strategic stalemate stage can be achieved once the NPA can equal the
force of the military. And according to them, this is the most temporary or shor
stage because anytime from this point the balance of power would tilt in their f
The last and final stage is ---the strategic offensive stage where the balance o
power is already in their favor. This will be the time when the NPA becomes a re
military force. When this happens, be sure that you have a banca to ride on and
keep your fingers crossed and pray that you will not land in Cam Ranh Bay or Chi
just like the Vietnamese refugees!
How does a common laborer become a member of the CPP without him
knowing it?
Preliminaries. For a starter, there is a certain targeted factory. If the
management is hiring new employees, the communists through the Kilusang Mayo
Uno will send somebody to apply, and once accepted, communist infiltration will
start. In cases where the company is not hiring new employees, they will befrien
somebody who is working in that factory. Once they become friends, the communist
will start asking about the working conditions, the behavior of the owner of the
factory, its managers and supervisors, and most of all, the problems of the work
The common laborer is not aware that the communists are now going the rounds of
so-called social investigation (SI).
The SI is very important for them because based on the information being
gathered, it is where they will start the recruitment process. After this, they
conduct the so-called class analysis (CA). In class analysis, the communists start
classifying the workers into: a) well-to-do workers; b) average class workers; and
c) poor workers. Once they have identified the poor workers, the communists will
now look for their weaknesses, discontentment and grievances. Through their
weaknesses, it is where the communists will start to establish closer contacts w
them. Then the communists talk about the workers problems. Ultimately, they will
talk about militant unionism as the only solution to said problems. This stage i
called the contact stage.
The common and standard method used by the communists in labor
organizing is as follows:
The Labor Cadre Team (LCT) will approach and befriend somebody
preferably, a discontented company worker. Usually, the cadre teams are full-tim
organizers of the Kilusang Mayo Uno, a CPP legal labor front. From that
discontented worker, the communists are able to know other problems faced by the
workers. They will then ask the guy to recruit or invite some of his close co-wo
for a meeting. During the meeting, the LCT will discuss the advantage of having
union so that all their grievances can be addressed through the collective barga
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agreement or CBA. Once they have convinced this small group of workers, the
communists will then give them assignments- to recruit more co-workers from the
different departments for the next meeting. This is called tasking . The LCT will s
to it that all the participants have signed the attendance sheet for it is one of
necessary requirements needed when the time is ripe for the registration of thei
union at the Department of Labor.
When there are enough convinced workers in every department, the LCT
again calls for another meeting. In this round, they elect from among them a set
officers with each one holding different committees including the organizing
committee (OC). The OCs are now in charge in the preparation of the application
forms and in formulating guidelines for the organizing work, of course, with the
guidance from the LCT.
They then ask the workers to sign their respective signatures for the
ratification of their Constitution & By-Laws (at least 50% plus 1 member-
signatures). Another set of signatures for the application for registration needs
only 25% of total rank and file workers. After the union has gotten approval by
DOLE, the LCT again ask for another round of signatures to petition for
certification election which only need 20% of total workforce. After receiving th
petition, the DOLE will then summon the management and the union president for a
hearing to determine the validity of the union membership. Management will attes
t if
union members are indeed company employees.. This is called inclusion-exclusion
proceedings . If the union could get 50% plus 1 signature in that petition, the
management has two choices, either to give way for an election or to give the un
direct recognition . However, direct recognition seldom happen. Management does
not allow the union to become the bargaining agent without putting up a fight.
The DOLE will facilitate the conduct of certification election. If no intervenor
(other unions) is present, the election must only be a yes or no . If the yes votes
win, the union would be the workers new bargaining agent for a period of 5 years.
no wins, the company would only have one year to attain industrial peace because
under the labor law, No union is good only for one year. The communists will
again have an opportunity to ask for another certification election, a year afte
But once the union, thru their labor front organization -the KMU, has
established a legal personality in the company, it would cause management lots o
trouble because during CBA negotiations, a lot of unreasonable demands will be
· The first stage. The ordinary worker, for his part, is unaware that upon signing
the petition he is already marked as a mass member. From there he will be invite
d to
join rallies, strikes, demonstrations, and other mass actions. During those mass
actions he can hear the communists shout leftist slogans. The most common slogan
raised are the three isms (US imperialism, bureaucrat capitalism, and feudalism) o
which according to them are the root causes of our society s problems. The worker,
being unfamiliar with these slogans, will start asking questions about these isms .
The communists would just be too happy to discuss things with him.
· The second stage. By the next mass action, having been convinced that the
three isms are indeed the evils of society, he will now also join in shouting thes
slogans unawares that he is already marked as a national democratic activist.
So, from a mere unionist he now becomes a reformist. He is always in the
frontline during demonstrations because he wants to achieve change. More often
than not, demonstrations become violent, a condition which is intentionally done
the communists. After that, they will agitate the workers some more. They will s
Look, we made a peaceful demonstration but what happened- the military used
brute force against us. Peaceful means is not really a solution to our problem.
It is
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necessary to use force against force, there ought to be a violent revolution to
overthrow this oppressive regime.
· The third stage. By the next demonstration, aside from the three isms , the
worker-turned-unionist will also shout Isulong ang rebolusyon! or Rebolusyon,
sigaw ng bayan! From reformist, he is transformed into a revolutionary. He is now
at the third level- a prospective candidate member or PCM of the communist party
At this stage, the communists will start giving books of Karl Marx, Vladimir
Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Joma Sison, among others. With this on hand, the worker wil
ask why is he given books about communism. In reply, the communists will say:
We want change, and if we want change we should broaden our knowledge. Let us
study these books about communism and put into practice the good ideas and rejec
the bad ones.
· The fourth stage. Once the worker starts reading those books, little by little
his anti-communism feelings would be erased. He will start appreciating the theo
of Marx, Lenin, and Mao. With that in mind, his level will be raised to candidate
membership (CM) level. From that time on, he will be exposed and invited to highe
level of discussions.
· The fifth stage. Once the communists are already sure of his commitment to
the revolution and to the cause of communism, he will be invited and formally sw
in as a full-pledge member (FM) of the CPP. The long process of systematic
brainwashing and deception is now over. The total personality of the worker has
been changed. From mere unionist to reformist, to revolutionary and then lastly
communist. That is the communists very systematic process of recruitment and
brainwashing. It is also the reason why many are deceived to join their ranks.
Our primary task is to use their weapons against them:
First, conduct a massive propaganda drive against the communists and expose
its evil and sinister goals;
Second, organize the people who are already aware of the communist threat
so that we can put up a common front against the communists or red unions ; and
Third, mobilize the people, especially the workers, against the front
organizations of the CPP.
We have to act now. Let us not wait for the unborn children to take up the
cudgels and fight for us. It might be too late. The time to act is now! Today! D
o we
have to wait till the blood-red flag with the hammer and sickle is waving proudl
y all
over the land?
In Parting

It is usually not by force of arms that the communists bring a country down,
but by MANIPULATING public opinion to their advantage.
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About the Author

Student leader of the first school demonstration in Cebu City, 1969.

Ranking officer, Kabataang Makabayan (KM) & Samahang
Demokratiko ng Kabataan (SDK), 1970.
Labor organizer, organized the first CPP labor front- Union of Democratic Worker
(UDW), 1970.
Original member of the CPP/NPA expansion team for Visayas & Mindanao Regions,
Organizer, first NPA armed squad in Cebu Province, 1972-1973.
Organizer, first CPP/NPA units in Southern Leyte, 1973-1974.
Ranking Party Member- Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee, 1973.
Commander-Political Officer (CO-PO), NPA Regular Armed Unit in Samar Island,
Captured in 1978 and put in solitary confinement for more than six months.
Released after amnesty was granted.
At Present:

Full-time anti-communism lecturer. He was invited to Australia and the United

States for a series of lectures.
Founder of the largest anti-communist organization in the Visayas and Mindanao:
Katipunan para sa Demokratikong Reporma or Movement for Democratic
Reforms (KADRE).

National Chairman: National Alliance for Democracy (NAD) - an NGO assisting

the government s counter-insurgency campaign.
National Chairman: Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy (ANAD) - a political
party-list with national constituency as duly registered with the COMELEC.
National President: National Guardians for Freedom and Democracy, Inc. (NGI)
President/Chairman: National Alliance for Democracy and Freedom Foundation,
Inc. (NADFFI).
It is usually not by force of arms
that the communists bring a
country down. It is by MANIPULATING
public opinion to their advantage

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