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Servings Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (CholesteroSodium (mPotassium

Eggs 2 140 10 4 370 140 140
Oatmeal 1 145 2.39 0.421 0 278 126

Watermelon 1 46 0.23 0.024 0 2 170

Chicken Soup 1 128 2.72 0.696 60 798 284

Chicken Soup 1 128 2.72 0.696 60 798 284

TOTAL CALORIC INTAKE 587 18.06 5.837 490 2016 1004

DAILY VALUE 1,951 67 13 300 2,300 3,500

# of steps 695 Cal from steps= 34.75

Subtract exercise

Amount of water (oz) 30

Amount of sleep (hours) 8

CarbohydraFiber (g) Sugar (g) Protein (g)Vit A % Vit C % Calcium % Iron % List Food Groups

0 0 0 12 16% 0 4 8 Protein
25.37 3.7 10 7 0 0 2 8 Grains

11.48 0.6 9.42 0.93 17 21 1 2 Fruit

7 1 2 18 65 2 2 6 Protein, Vegatables, Fruit

7 1 2 18 66 2 2 6 Protein, Vegatables, Fruit

50.85 6.3 23.42 55.93 148.16 25 11 30 0

378 30 25 70 90% 9% 70% 1.63%
<-- what you actually eat (fill in)
<-- what you should eat (fill in)

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