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CM & CD works and Design of LI Schemes

• A cross drainage work is a structure carrying the discharge

from a natural stream across a canal when
• Canal comes across obstructions like rivers, natural drains and
other canals.
• The various types of structures that are built to carry the
canal water across the above mentioned obstructions or vice
versa are called cross drainage works.
• Suitable site site for the construction of CD has to be selected
• Specific type of CD work may be selected depending upon
relevant factors
• It is generally a very costly item and should be avoided by
Diverting one stream into another.
• Changing the alignment of the canal so that it crosses below
the junction of two streams tercepting the stream
Types of cross drainage works
The structures that fall under this type are:
1. An Aqueduct
2. Siphon Aqueduct
When the HFL of the drain is sufficiently below the
bottom of the canal such that the drainage water flows
freely under gravity, the structure is known as
• In this, canal water is carried across the drainage in a
trough supported on piers.
• Bridge carrying water
• Provided when sufficient level difference is available
between the canal and natural and canal bed is
sufficiently higher than HFL.
Siphon Aqueduct
• In case of the siphon Aqueduct, the HFL of the drain is much
higher above the canal bed, and water runs under siphonic action
through the Aqueduct barrels.
• The drain bed is generally depressed and provided with pucci
floors, on the upstream side,
• The drainage bed may be joined to the pucca floor either by a
vertical drop or by glacis of 3:1.
• The down-stream rising slope should not be steeper than 5:1.
• When the canal is passed over the drain, the canal remains open
for inspection throughout and the damage caused by flood is rare.
• However during heavy floods, the foundations are susceptible to
scour or the waterway of drain may get choked due to debris, tress
• The structures that fall under this type are:
1. Super passage
2. Canal siphon or called siphon only
Super passage
• The hydraulic structure in which the drainage is
passing over the irrigation canal is known as super
• This structure is suitable when the bed level of
drainage is above the flood surface level of the canal.
• The water of the canal passes clearly below the
• A super passage is similar to an aqueduct, except in
this case the drain is over the canal.
• The FSL of the canal is lower than the underside of
the trough carrying drainage water.
• Thus, the canal water runs under the gravity.
• Reverse of an aqueduct
Canal Syphon
• If two canals cross each other and one of the canals is
siphoned under the other, then the hydraulic structure at
crossing is called “canal siphon”.
• For example, lower Jhelum canal is siphoned under the
Rasul-Qadirabad (Punjab, Pakistan) link canal and the
crossing structure is called “L.J.C siphon”
• In case of siphon the FSL of the canal is much above the bed
level of the drainage trough, so that the canal runs under
the siphonic action.
• The canal bed is lowered and a ramp is provided at the exit
so that the trouble of silting is minimized.
• Reverse of an aqueduct siphon
• In the above two types, the inspection road cannot be
provided along the canal and a separate bridge is required
for roadway.
• For economy, the canal may be flumed but the drainage
trough is never flumed.
Selection of suitable site for cross drainage works
The factors which affect the selection of suitable type of cross drainage works
• Relative bed levels and water levels of canal and drainage
• Size of the canal and drainage.
• The following considerations are important
• When the bed level of the canal is much above the HFL of the drainage, an
aqueduct is the obvious choice.
• When the bed level of the drain is well above FSL of canal, super passage is
• The necessary headway between the canal bed level and the drainage HFL
can be increased by shifting the crossing to the downstream of drainage.
• If, however, it is not possible to change the canal alignment, a siphon
aqueduct may be provided.
• When canal bed level is much lower, but the FSL of canal is higher than the
bed level of drainage, a canal siphon is preferred.
• When the drainage and canal cross each other practically at same level, a
level crossing may be preferred.
• This type of work is avoided as far as possible.

Factors which influence the choice /
Selection of Cross Drainage Works
The considerations which govern the choice between
aqueduct and siphon aqueduct are:
1. Suitable canal alignment
2. Suitable soil available for bank connections
3. Nature of available foundations
4. Permissible head loss in canal
5. Availibility of funds
• Compared to an aqueduct a super passage is
inferior and should be avoided whenever possible.
• Siphon aqueduct is preferred over siphon unless
large drop in drainage bed is required.
Classification of aqueduct and siphon aqueduct
• Depending upon the nature of the sides of the aqueduct or siphon
aqueduct it may be classified under three headings:
• Type I:
• Sides of the aqueduct in earthen banks with complete earthen slopes.
• The length of culvert should be sufficient to accomodate both, water
section of canal, as well as earthen banks of canal with aqueduct slope.
• Sides of the aqueduct in earthen banks, with other slopes supported by
masonry wall.
• In this case, canal continues in its earthen section over the drainage but the
outer slopes of the canal banks are replaced by retaining wall, reducing the
length of drainage culvert.
• Type II:
• Sides of the aqueduct made of concrete or masonry.
• Its earthen section of the canal is discontinued and canal water is carried in
masonry or concrete trough, canal is generally flumed in this section.
Prof. N Chalamaiah, FIE
Planning and Maintenance of Lift Irrigation Systems. Neeru
Chettu. Cascading of MI Tanks Prof. N
Chalamaiah FIE, MBA, LLB
My Ph D is in
I have worked in APSIDC from Feb 1975 to June 2003 to
retire as Chief Engineer A P Well Project

Retired as Principal in Rishi M S Institute of Engineering &

Technology for Women in 2015
Presently working on NATURAL FARMING
Irrigation in India
India is the seventh largest country in the world
Geographical area 329 M ha
Population above 1300 Million
Available cultivable area 199 M ha
Ultimate irrigation potential 142 M ha
Major & medium irrigation projects 58 M ha
Minor irrigation projects 84 M ha
Irrigation potential created up to year 2K 91 M ha
• Globally, fresh water at a tune of 3,240 M km3 is
being utilized.
• Of this, 69% is being used in agriculture sector,
8% in domestic, 23% in industrial and other
• In India, around 88% water is being used in
agriculture sector, covering around 85Mha area
under irrigation
Surface water & Ground water
• Average annual surface water flows 1952.87x103 MCM
• Total utilizable water resource through conventional
schemes 690.30x103 MCM (NWDA)
• Possible additional utilization through inter-basin transfer
200 to 250x103 MCM
• Assessment of loss through sedimentation by the year
2025 49.50x103 MCM
• Replenishable ground water Resources as per CGWD
431.90x103 MCM
• Utilizable ground water resources 395.60x103 MCM
Irrigation Efficiencies under Different
Methods of Irrigation (Percent)
Irrigation Efficiencies Methods of Irrigation
Surface Sprinkler Drip

Conveyance efficiency 40-50 100 100

Application efficiency 60-70 70-80 90
Surface water moisture 30-40 30-40 20-25
Overall efficiency 30-35 50-60 80-90
National Water Policy (Sept.1987)

water allocation priorities should be as follows

• Drinking water,
• Irrigation,
• Hydropower,
• Navigation,
• Industrial and other uses
Irrigation in Andhra Pradesh (Combined AP)
• Geographical area 27.44 M ha
• Cropped area 13.19 M ha.
• Forests 6.15 M ha
Irrigation under different sources during 1996-97 in ha
S No. Source Irrigated Area in Million ha.

1 Canals 1.63
2 Tanks 0.84
3 GW 1.73
4 Other Sources 0.19
Total 4.39
• Agricultural Dependency of
• Area: 162,975 working Population: 62.36%
• Cultivators: 14.47%
(4.96% of the Country) • Agricultural workers: 47.89%
8th largest state • House hold Industry: 2.87%
• Literacy: 67.41%
Population: 49,577,103 • Forest: 21.80%
(4.097% of the country) • Barren Uncultivable \land:8.36
• Cultivable waste land: 2.44%
Urbanisation: 29.47%
• Non-Agri. Use+ 12.37%
Decadal growth rate: • Net area Sown: 40.95%
33.35% • Total land holdings: 76.21 lakh
• Average land holdings:1.06 Ha
Boundaries --
• Rivers of A P
• East: Bay of Bengal
Major, Medium & Minor rivers
• N-East: Odessa State number around 40
• North: Chhattisgarh • Coastal Districts:9
• West: Telangana Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram,
&Karnataka states
Visakhapatnam, EG, WG,
• South: Tamilnadu Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam
• Rivers in AP and Nellore
Godavari, Krishna Land Locked Districts:
Pennar and Vamsdhara Chittoor, Kurnool YSR Kadapa
are major rivers and Anantapuram in the
Rayalseema Region
• When it is not possible to convey water to
irrigate the elevated land, Lift Irrigation is
• It is the power to Lift Water!
• Which ever is economically viable!
Importance of Lift irrigation
• To cope up with increased demands of food grains
• Most of the favorable sites for construction of major &
medium flow irrigation projects are exhausted
• The only altnative left for supply of water to higher
elevation (upland area) is through lift
• Several small and big LI and GW schemes have been
constructed & many more are in the pipeline
• It is necessary, to irrigate the vast upland areas to provide
food for the growing population and for the survival of the
rural masses
Factors favoring the taking up of LIS
• Environmentalist movements against taking up of
major & medium irrigation projects involving, huge
areas of submergence, rehabilitation problems,
annihilation of rare species of flora and fauna
• High gestation periods of flow Irrigation Schemes &
low gestation periods of LIS
• Aspirations of the public in demanding quick results
• Comparatively higher cost of FIS (200% to 300%
higher than that required for LIS).
• No submergence of cultivable lands under LIS.
• Requirement of land acquisition is very small(1 to
Disadvantages of LIS

• Requirement of scarce power (electricity)

• High maintenance costs of E&M equipment

Phases in lift irrigation schemes (LIS)

There are 3 phases in LIS

2.Execution and
• Investigation Starts with feasibility study.
• Ends up with the Detailed Investigation and
Preparation of D P R
Feasibility study or
Preliminary Investigation
• Starts with the proposal initiated by the
stake holders or their leadership.
1. Collect and look through the topo-sheets of
the proposed area.
2. Identify the area and the source of water
3. Finalize an appointment with the stake
holders to inspect that area
Meet and interact with the
stake holders
• Conduct a PRA with the stake holders
• Enquire about the present cropping pattern and
their average incomes, their proposals for the future
crops, suitability of the soils for the proposed crops
and marketability of the produce
• Bring out information about the availability of
water throughout the base period of the proposed
• Take a transact walk to and along the source
• Probe and ascertain from the stake holders about
the availability of water in the source through out
the base period of the crop.
• Select the most probable head work sites to suit the
criteria in the next slide.
• In the case of Major perennial rivers, reservoirs and
Irrigation canals the flow data will be available with
the concerned department which will be ascertained
by the competent authority at the time of according
• The HFL as available with the official records
may ascertained with the local elders.
• In the case of major rivers stability of the water
course during the Linear flows has to be
ascertained & established and considered for
locating the HW site.
• It is desirable to locate the intake structure at a
place where there is flow even in lean flow
conditions and preferably where good
foundations are available.
• Collect the ayacut map from the stake holders
• Finalize the best feasible HW site
• Finalize the best feasible Cistern site
• Think of the best feasible alignment of the pipe line.
• Take up transact walk to delivery cistern along the
proposed pipeline alignment.
• This will also provide An idea to the Engineer about
the nature of the ayacut and suitability of proposed
crops to the ayacut.

• Where the stream flow is in a curve, the

concave side of the of reach shall be
selected for the intake.
• If it is inevitable to locate the intake on the
oxbow side of the stream course, necessary
river training measures relevant to the site
situation shall be proposed.
• Lowest Water Levels at the HW site may be
ascertained with the Local Elders
• Having identified the HW site, Enquire the
stake holders to locate the highest point in
the LIS ayacut from where the water can
irrigate the entire ayacut (delivery cistern).
• Take the required levels at the HW site, LS
of the pipe line connecting the highest point
to be irrigated in the ayacut.
• Present crops in the ayacut and the
proposed crops after supply of water may
discussed and ascertained with the
• With the proposed cropping pattern as discussed
with the beneficiaries, finalize the duty & discharge
• With the proposed ayacut, number of hours of
pumping and finalized duty, calculate the discharge.
• The diameter of the intake pipeline is calculated (v<
1.2 m/sec)
• With the hydraulic particulars collected from the
HW site during the preliminary survey finalize the
type of pump set. (centrifugal /VT).
• Finalize the type of HW (Jack well cum pump house
or sump well & pump house)
• Fix the Delivery level of the Pipe in the Cistern
• Fix the diameter of the pressure main for the
required discharge.
• Draw the L S of the pipeline alignment, L S of
the (central line) pipe line.
• Finalize the design of the pipeline (gravity
main/pressure main) and the classification of
the pipes and the material of the pipes.
• Based on the minimum water level, HFL,
delivery level and the frictional losses in the
pipeline finalize the HP and number of
pump sets.
• Depending upon the HP the number of
pump sets may be fixed at (1+1) to (4+1)
• Ascertain the distance of the available
(suitable) power line to the HW site from
the competent authority of APTRANSCO
• Preliminary abstract estimates may be
prepared for the pipelines & Jack well.
• Provisions may be made for the other items in
the estimate based on the detailed estimates
of the resent years.
• LS provisions may be made where ever
• Water rate may be calculated based on the actual
cost price of electricity.
• The Benefit Cost ratio, Internal Rate of Return and
Economic Rate of Return shall be with in the
stipulated limits.
• Water rate without the interest and depreciation be
with in 5% of the gross return on the proposed crop.
• The economic viability of the LIS can be established
based on the above criteria.
The objective of detailed investigation is minimization of capital cost
subject to certain constraints:

• Assured irrigation to entire command area

• Dependable high performance
• B/C ratio to be with in the limits
• The proposal of the scheme to be bankable
• First take up contour Survey
• On the contour map propose the HW Site,
Delivery point, Intake point, Gravity mains
and Pressure mains, Open min channels
and other distributaries system along with
CM & CD works.
• Take up the detailed survey of all the above
• Prepare the DPR as per present standards
and requirements.

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