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of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Interferon-g Secretion by (EAE), interferon-g (IFN-g)–producing Th1 myelin-
Peripheral Blood T-Cell reactive CD4 T cells are used to adoptively transfer the
disease, whereas Th2 cells are not encephalitogenic.1,2
Subsets in Multiple Sclerosis: IFN-g has been directly implicated as participating in
the MS disease process based on the observation that
Correlation with Disease when given to MS patients, systemic IFN-g increases
the frequency of clinical relapse.3 In EAE, however,
Phase and Interferon-b disease severity can be increased either by systemic ad-
Therapy ministration of antagonistic IFN-g antibodies or by de-
letion of the genes encoding IFN-g.4,5 These results
Burkhard Becher, PhD, Paul S. Giacomini, BSc, suggest that IFN-g can also have a protective role in
Daniel Pelletier, MD, Ellie McCrea, BSc,
Alexandre Prat, MD, and Jack P. Antel, MD autoimmune disease. Th1 cells are now recognized to
have relevant autoimmunity properties other than cy-
tokine (IFN-g) production, including those related to
Interferon-g (IFN-g) is implicated as a participant in the chemokine responses and migration.6,7 Thus, whether
immune effector and regulatory mechanisms considered the disease-inducing capacity of Th1 CD4 T cells is
to mediate the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). directly related to IFN-g production remains to be
We have used an intracellular cytokine staining tech- resolved.
nique to demonstrate that the proportion of ex vivo pe- IFN-g can be produced by other lymphoid cells, in-
ripheral blood CD4 and CD8 T-cell subsets expressing cluding CD8 T cells and natural killer cells.8,9 As re-
IFN-g is increased in secondary progressing (SP) MS gards CD8 T cells, Balashov and colleagues10 reported
patients, whereas the values in untreated relapsing- reduced production of IFN-g by CD8 T cells of pro-
remitting (RR) MS patients are reduced compared with
gressive MS patients in an autologous mixed lympho-
those of controls. Patients treated with interferon-b
(IFN-b) have an even more significant reduction in the
cyte reaction assay system and correlated this finding
percentage of IFN-g–secreting cells. The finding that the with reduced suppressor function. Suppressor function
number of IFN-g–expressing CD8 cells is increased in mediated by activated mononuclear cells has also been
SPMS patients, a group with reduced functional suppres- found to be reduced in MS.11,16 We subsequently ob-
sor activity, and is most significantly reduced by IFN-b served, however, that this functional defect could be
therapy, which increases suppressor activity, indicates detected using CD8 T-cell lines from MS patients.12
that IFN-g secretion by CD8 T cells and functional sup- Interferon-b (IFN-b), the initial approved therapy for
pressor defects attributed to this cell subset in MS can be MS, augments mitogen-induced suppressor function.13
dissociated. The purpose of the current study was to combine
Becher B, Giacomini PS, Pelletier D, McCrea E, intracellular cytokine staining with T-cell subset immu-
Prat A, Antel JP. Interferon-g secretion by nostaining to evaluate expression of IFN-g in both
peripheral blood T-cell subsets in multiple CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells derived from peripheral
sclerosis: correlation with disease phase blood of untreated MS patients with either RR or pro-
and interferon-b therapy. gressive forms of disease or from MS patients treated
Ann Neurol 1999;45:247–250 with IFN-b.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an Patients and Methods

immune-mediated disorder that results in multifocal Patients
sites of demyelination within the central nervous sys- MS patients were selected on the basis of having secondary
tem. The disease most frequently manifests an initial progressing (SP) disease (10 women, 1 man; mean age, 47 6
relapsing-remitting (RR) course which subsequently 9 years; mean disease duration, 11.0 6 2.4 years; mean
evolves into a progressive phase. In the animal model EDSS, 5.5 6 0.4) or RR disease. The latter were further
divided into those who were untreated (11 women, 1 man;
mean age, 40 6 4 years; mean disease duration, 10 6 4
years; mean EDSS, 2.5 6 0.3) or were receiving IFNb-1b (4
From the Neuroimmunology Unit, Montreal Neurological Institute, women, 1 man; mean age, 41 6 4 years; mean disease du-
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ration, 7 6 4 years; mean EDSS, 2.7 6 0.8). All had con-
Received Jul 6, 1998, and in revised form Sep 1. Accepted for pub- firmatory magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities consis-
lication Sep 1, 1998. tent with MS. None of the patients were having acute
Address correspondence to Dr Becher, Neuroimmunology Unit, relapses, and none had received corticosteroids in the last 3
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, 3801 Univer- months. The mean age of subjects in the healthy control
sity Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada. group was 29 years.

Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association 247

Methods flow cytometry using anti-CD4 mAbs. Figure 1 shows
Peripheral blood-derived mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were a representative FACS result of PBMCs derived from
treated for 4 hours with PMA (25 ng/ml), ionomycin (1 mg/ an SPMS patient when stimulated for 4 hours and
ml), and Brefeldin A (10 mg/ml) (all from Sigma, Missis- stained for CD8 and IFN-g. We further documented
sauga, Ontario, Canada). The cells were then extensively that the intracellular cytokine staining technique could
washed with phosphate-buffered saline and immunostained detect shifts in T-cell cytokine polarization by showing
for 30 minutes with either anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody
that the proportion of IFN-g–secreting lymphocytes
(mAb) conjugated to phycoerithrine (PE) or IgG1-IgG2a iso-
type control conjugated to fluorosein-isothyocyanate (FITC)
was significantly increased when cultured for 18 hours
and PE, respectively (Becton Dickinson, Mississauga, On- with anti-CD3 mAbs in the presence of recombinant
tario, Canada). The cells were washed and fixed overnight in interleukin-12 (IL-12) or reduced if cultured with
4% PFA. The cell membrane was permeabilized with HBSS anti–IL-12 mAbs plus IL-4 (data not shown).
buffer containing 0.2% saponin (Sigma) and 2% fetal calf Figure 2 compares the MS patient subgroups and
serum and was stained for 30 minutes with anti–IFN-g controls with regard to the percentage of IFN-g–
mAbs conjugated to FITC (Becton Dickinson). Cells were secreting cells in the overall lymphocyte population.
analyzed using a FacsScan and Lysis II software (Becton Values were increased in the untreated SPMS group
Dickinson). The data were analyzed using WinMDI software compared with the control group and even more so
(Scripps, La Jolla, CA). Statistical analysis comparing the dif- compared with the RRMS group. The values in the
ferent MS groups with controls was by single-factor ANOVA
RRMS group were reduced compared with the con-
and Dunnet posttest (PrismII).
trols. The SPMS group has a wider range of values
Results than the other groups. The mean percentage of
IFN-g1 cells was significantly lower in the IFN-b–
Expression of IFN-g–Secreting T Cells in MS treated group compared with all other groups.
Patient-Derived Lymphocytes When results are analyzed in terms of T-cell subsets,
In initial experiments using ex vivo PBMCs, we found there were no significant differences between groups
that virtually all cells gated as lymphocytes were either with regard to CD4:CD8 ratios (data not shown). As
CD8 or CD4 cells but only rarely were natural killer shown in Figure 3, the mean percentage of CD4 T
cells (CD561, CD161). Upon activation with PMA cells expressing IFN-g is significantly less than in the
and ionomycin, the levels of CD4 expression de- CD8 population ( p , 0.05). The proportion of CD4
creased, limiting the capacity to perform dual-color T cells expressing IFN-g was significantly increased in
the SPMS patients compared with the RRMS patients
( p , 0.05). For CD8 T cells, the percentage of IFN-
g–expressing cells was significantly increased in the

Fig 2. Comparison of percentage of interferon-g (IFN-g)–

secreting T cells from multiple sclerosis (MS) patient subgroups
and controls. Cytofluorometric analysis of IFN-g secreting
within the total lymphocyte population derived from the fol-
Fig 1. Interferon-g (IFN-g) production by CD8 T cells from lowing donor groups: ctrl 5 control, RR 5 nontreated
multiple sclerosis patients. Representative cytofluorometric anal- relapsing-remitting (RR) MS, SP 5 secondary progressive MS,
ysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells that were activated IFN-b 5 RRMS treated with interferon-b. Data indicate
for 4 hours in the presence of PMA (25 ng/ml), ionomycin results from individual donors plus the mean 6 SEM for each
(1 mg/ml), and Brefeldin A (10 mg/ml) and then were subgroup. # p , 0.05, *p , 0.01 (compared with control
stained for CD8 (ordinate) and IFN-g (abscissa). values).

248 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

cytes is increased in this patient group.15 Whether the
increased production of IFN-g underlies the transition
of MS from the RR phase to the progressive phase re-
mains speculative. The wider range of values found in
the SPMS group may reflect a heterogeneity of disease
within this group.
Our findings regarding reduced IFN-g expression in
RRMS patients compared with healthy controls are in
accordance with previous studies using short-term acti-
vation of MS PBMCs.16 A number of studies have
now reported reduced IFN-g in short-term cultures of
mitogen or anti-CD3–activated mononuclear cells de-
rived from RRMS patients.17,18 Whether the reduced
IFN-g levels in the RRMS patients reflect a suscepti-
bility factor analogous to the effect of depleting sys-
temic IFN-g in the EAE model remains unanswered.4,5
Fig 3. Comparison of percentage of interferon-g (IFN-g)–
secreting CD8 and CD4 T cells within each subset. Cytoflu- Among its multiple actions, IFN-g has been impli-
orometric analysis of IFN-g–secreting CD8 and CD4 T cells cated as being the molecular mediator of CD8 T-cell
derived from the following donor groups: ctrl 5 control, functional suppressor activity.10 As regards SPMS
RR 5 nontreated relapsing-remitting (RR) MS, SP 5 patients, functional suppressor defects have been demon-
secondary progressive MS, IFN-b 5 RRMS treated with strated using multiple assay systems.10,12 Our current re-
interferon-b. Patients are the same as in Figure 2. Data are sults of increased IFN-g production by CD8 T cells
presented as mean 6 SEM percentage of either CD8 or CD4 from such patients would not suggest a correlation be-
IFN-g–secreting T cells. # p , 0.05, *p , 0.01 (compared tween these suppressor functions and IFN-g production.
with control values). Our observation that IFN-b therapy downregulates
IFN-g expression in both CD4 and CD8 T cells is
SPMS patients compared with the control group ( p , consistent with that of Crucian and co-workers,19 who
0.01), whereas values in the RRMS group were de- applied a similar intracellular cytokine staining proto-
creased compared with the control group ( p , 0.05). col to unfractionated PBMCs derived from IFN-b–
In the IFN-b–treated group, the percentage of IFN-g1 treated MS patients.19 Similar results have been found
cells was significantly reduced ( p , 0.01) in both in in vitro assays dependent on cell proliferation.20 –22
T-cell subsets compared with both untreated patients Our finding that IFN-b reduced IFN-g expression in
and controls. CD8 T cells together with the report that IFN-b ther-
apy augmented mitogen-induced suppressor activity13
Discussion would further support the postulate that defects in
In this study, we have used intracellular cytokine stain- IFN-g production by CD8 T cells and suppressor
ing to assess IFN-g cytokine secretion by CD4 and function are not directly linked. The combined intra-
CD8 T-cell subsets contained in peripheral blood of cellular cytokine/cell subset detection assay can be ex-
MS patients and have correlated the results with clini- tended to analysis of multiple cell subsets and cytokines
cal disease phenotype and effects of IFN-b therapy. so as to permitmore detailed analysis of the apparently
The intracellular cytokine staining technique used in complex immunoregulatory networks that participate
this study assessed the original ex vivo population in in the MS disease process.
that no significant cell proliferation is required and is
well suited to identify the cell source of the cytokine.
Dr Becher has a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange
Our data indicating significant differences in IFN-g Service (DAAD-HSPIII). This work was supported by a grant from
expression in lymphocyte populations derived from MS the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and the MRC.
patients in the SP compared with the RR phase of the
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250 Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association

Fig 1. Pedigree structure of the 4 families. Affected individuals are represented by filled symbols, unaffected individuals by empty
symbols, and individuals having an unknown status by symbols with a question mark. Individuals designated by an asterisk bear a
hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary venous malformation (HCCVM). Alleles of the polymorphic markers spanning the CCM1 interval
on chromosome 7 (D7S2410, D7S2409, D7S1813, D7S1789, M65B, D7S646, D7S558, D7S689) that segregate within the
families are shown for each individual. Filled boxes indicate the affected haplotypes cosegregating with the disease. Empty boxes in-
dicate haplotypes unlinked to the disease. All cerebral cavernoma (CCM) and HCCVM patients share the affected haplotype segre-
gating with the cavernous angioma phenotype in their family. Two unaffected individuals (I-15, III-4) were carrying the affected
haplotype, which is most likely a consequence of the established incomplete penetrance of CCMs.

vening brain parenchyma.1 Large autopsy and mag- CCM, angiomatosis may affect other organs such as
netic resonance imaging (MRI) series evaluated their retina and/or skin.8
frequency at 0.5% in the general population.2 They During a recent survey of 57 French familial cerebral
may be inherited as an autosomal dominant condition cavernomas families, including 173 CCM patients,9 we
designated as familial cerebral cavernomas (CCMs). identified 10 cases of localized peculiar cutaneous hy-
CCMs have been studied extensively in the Hispanic perkeratotic vascular malformations segregating in 4
population in the United States, in which more than families, including at least 2 cases of these cutaneous
50% of cavernomas are familial.3 An as yet unidenti- vascular lesions in each family. Cerebral MRI per-
fied gene mapping on chromosome 7, CCM1 4, has formed in 8 of the patients with skin lesions showed
been shown to be involved in all CCM families be- CCMs in all cases. The cosegregation of these types of
longing to this ethnic group.5,6 Few non-Hispanic cutaneous and neurological vascular malformations has
families have been studied so far, with some of them not been reported before. It is unlikely to have oc-
being linked to chromosome 7 and some unlinked, curred by chance, as these distinctive cutaneous lesions
demonstrating the implication of at least one other are uncommon and, to our knowledge, not familial.
gene.7 In some rare sporadic and familial cases of Genetic linkage analysis with chromosome 7 markers

Brief Communication: Labauge et al: Association between CCMs and HCCVMs 251
tologist (O.E.), and pathological samples were examined by a
pathologist (J-J.B.). Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers
spanning the interval containing the CCM1 locus were se-
lected for linkage analysis.9 Two-point linkage analysis was
performed (data not shown but available on request).

Of the overall 57 identified families, 4 were character-
ized by the association of CCMs and cutaneous lesions
(Fig 1). Within these 4 families, 8 of 21 individuals
who had CCMs detected by MRI (Fig 2) also had cu-
taneous lesions (Table). Two additional family mem-
bers (Patients I-23 and IV-9) in whom MRI was not
performed because of young age (Patient I-23) and re-
fusal (Patient IV-9), respectively, had cutaneous
changes. These lesions were congenital, single, and lo-
calized on the lower limbs in all patients, except 1 in
whom the lesion was located on the left arm (Patient
III-6). No extension was noticed since childhood. Sur-
gical removal was performed in 3 patients (Patients
I-18, I-23, and IV-9) followed by local recurrence in 1
(Patient IV-9). Lesions were crimson-colored tiny pap-
Fig 2. Axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of the
ules (3–10 mm) or larger macules (20 – 65 mm) with a
brain of an affected patient (Patient II-4). Mixed hypersignals
and hyposignals surrounded by a rim of hyposignal located
hyperkeratotic epidermis. Bluish discoloration of the
in the right external capsule are strongly suggestive of a skin or several tortuous vessels radiating outward from
cavernoma. the superficial lesion led us to consider clinically the
diagnosis of associated subcutaneous venous malforma-
tion (Fig 3). Histological confirmation was available in
spanning the CCM1 interval strongly suggests that all 4 4 patients (Patients I-18, I-23, II-4, IV-9) belonging to
families are linked to chromosome 7. 3 families (Families I, II, IV). The histology revealed
orthokeratosis and hyperkeratosis, abundant dilated
Materials and Methods capillaries, and blood-filled spaces in papillary and re-
A total of 57 French CCM families were studied during a ticular dermis extending to the hypodermis in all 4 pa-
survey conducted throughout all 28 French neurosurgery
tients (Fig 4). These vascular lesions can be described
centers from November 1996 to June 1997.9 The “affected”
diagnosis was based on the presence of typical histological or
as hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary venous malforma-
MRI-detected lesions (n 5 173 subjects). The “unaffected” tions (HCCVMs). None of the 89 clinically healthy
diagnosis was retained based on the normality of MRI (n 5 individuals having a normal MRI scan had any
89). In addition to detailed neurological and neuroimaging HCCVMs.
investigations, specific inquiries on skin lesions were con- Haplotypes obtained with eight microsatellite mark-
ducted. All skin lesions were examined by a certified derma- ers spanning the CCM1 locus on chromosome 7 are

Table. Cutaneous Findings of HCCVMs and CCMs

HCCVM Skin Pathological

Patients Age (yr) CCM MRI Location Size (mm) Confirmation

I-4 60 1 Left calf 10 3 5 2

I-12 29 1 Left calf 835 2
I-18 34 1 Buttock 334 1
I-23 7 NA Left calf 10 3 10 1
II-4 60 1 Right thigh 65 3 60 1
II-11 34 1 Left thigh 20 3 10 2
III-3 26 1 Left leg 534 2
III-6 31 1 Left arm 432 2
IV-2 78 1 Left thigh 20 3 15 2
IV-9 28 NA Right thigh 10 3 5 1
CCM 5 cerebral cavernoma; HCCVM 5 hyperkeratotic cutaneous capillary-venous malformation; NA 5 not available.

252 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

multipoint linkage as well as HOMOG analysis
showed that Families I, II, and IV had a greater than
90% probability of being linked. No definite conclu-
sion could be made for Family III (58% probability)
due to its small size.

Skin lesions in our patients consisted of more or less
prominent, plaque-like, irregularly shaped, crimson-
colored vascular malformations. These circumscribed
lesions were strikingly similar in all patients. According
Fig 3. Aspect of skin lesion of the right thigh (Patient II-4). to the current classification of superficial vascular ab-
Note the underlying tortuous bluish vessels. The white area normalities accepted by the International Society for
was left by a previous partial treatment (radiotherapy and
the Study of Vascular Anomalies,10 they can be defined
as capillary and venous malformations. All the cutane-
ous lesions of our patients were vascular malformations
shown in Figure 1. Detailed linkage analysis and LOD
of predominantly capillary type with a venular compo-
score values of these families are not shown but are
nent in association with an overlying hyperkeratotic
available on request. In each family, a distinct haplo-
type was shared by all CCM patients, and the 8 indi- epidermis. No cellular hyperplasia was present, and the
viduals bearing HCCVMs were carrying the CCM vascular proliferation invaded not only the dermis but
haplotype segregating in their family. Patient I-23, who also the hypodermis.
did not undergo MRI, shared the CCM haplotype seg- Several arguments strongly suggest that the occur-
regating in his affected relatives. The affected haplo- rence of HCCVMs and CCMs in several members of
types segregating with the CCM and HCCVM pheno- the families reported here is not fortuitous, including
types were distinct in the 4 families. Two-point and the facts that (1) HCCVM is a rare vascular lesion that

Fig 4. Cutaneous biopsy findings (Patient II-4). Hyperkeratosis and acanthosis associated with dilated vessels in the upper dermis
(A) and capillaries and veins extending into the hypodermis (B) (hematoxylin-eosin and safran; magnification 3 100 before 47%

Brief Communication: Labauge et al: Association between CCMs and HCCVMs 253
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report on familial cases of this hyperkeratotic vascular study of 57 French familial cavernomas pedigrees. Neurology
malformation. 1998;50:A441 (Abstract)
Interestingly, all 9 genetically studied HCCVM pa- 10. Enjolras O, Mulliken JB. Vascular tumors and vascular malfor-
tients share the affected haplotype present in their mations. Adv Dermatol 1998;13:375– 423
11. Wood MW, White RJ, Kernohan KW. Cavernous hemangio-
CCM-affected relatives. These data strongly suggest matosis involving the brain, spinal cord, heart, skin and kid-
that the occurrence of the vascular cutaneous lesions in ney: report of a case. Staff Meet Mayo Clinic 1957;32:
these patients is due to the same genetic abnormality 249 –254
causing CCMs, although with a lower penetrance. As 12. Bartolomei F, Lemarquis P, Alicherif A, et al. Angiomatose cav-
we did observe these HCCVMs only in a subset of the ernomateuse systématisée avec localisations multiples cérébrales
FCC families linked to chromosome 7, one may sug- et cutanées. Rev Neurol (Paris) 1992;148:568 –570
gest that these 4 families may harbor a specific CCM1 13. Gass JD. Cavernous hemangioma of the retina: a neuro-oculo-
cutaneous syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1971;71:799 – 814
mutation. This fact will be tested only when CCM1 14. Goldberg RE, Pheasant TR, Shields JA. Cavernous hemangi-
gene identification is achieved. oma of the retina: a four generation pedigree with neurocuta-
In conclusion, we focus on HCCVMs, a cutaneous neous manifestations and an example of bilateral retinal in-
vascular hallmark for the development of CCMs in at- volvement. Arch Ophthalmol 1979;97:2321–2324
risk family members. 15. Filling-Katz MR, Levin SW, Patronas NJ, Katz NNK. Termi-
nal transverse limb defects associated with familial cavernous
angiomatosis. Am J Med Genet 1992;42:346 –351
16. Ostlere L, Hart Y, Misch KJ. Cutaneous and cerebral haeman-
Dr Laberge is the recipient of a grant from the Fonds de Recherche giomas associated with eruptive angiokeratomas. Br J Dermatol
en Santé du Québec (FRSQ). Dr Labauge benefitted from a poste 1996;135:98 –101
d’accueil INSERM during the initial part of the study and is now
supported by the Collège des Enseignants de Neurologie. This work
was supported by INSERM, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
et de la Recherche (MESR, ACCSV 1995).
We are indebted to the families included in this study for their
participation; to Drs A. L. Benabid, A. Carriere, P. Freger, B.
George, J. Guillemette, D. Hache, J.-P. Lejeune, J.-P. Machayeki, J.
Petit, B. Silhouette, and A. Turcarelli for referring medical observa-
tions; and to Dr M. Wassef and Prof J.-F. Pellissier for pathological
advice. We also thank Profs J.-C. Piette and E. Roullet for excellent
critical reading of this manuscript.

1. Russel DS, Rubenstein LJ. Pathology of tumors of the nervous
system. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1989:730 –736
2. Otten P, Pizzolato GP, Rilliet B, Berney J. A propos de 131 cas
d’angiomes caverneux (cavernomes) du SNC, repérés par

254 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

in patients with Hu-associated PEM/SN. Seizures are
Epilepsia Partialis Continua: rarely the presenting symptom of PEM/SN and occur
A New Manifestation of almost always in the setting of limbic encephalitis.2
We describe 3 patients with focal sensorimotor en-
Anti-Hu–Associated cephalitis presenting with epilepsia partialis continua
(EPC), which represents a new clinical picture in the
Paraneoplastic spectrum of anti-Hu–associated neurological disorders.
Encephalomyelitis Case Reports
Yaël Bellaı̈che Shavit, MD,* Francesc Graus, MD,‡ Patient 1
Alphonse Probst, MD,† Ramon Rene, MD,§ A 56-year-old woman with a history of SCLC diagnosed in
and Andreas J. Steck, MD* June 1995 went into complete remission after chemotherapy.
In September 1996, she presented with dysesthesia of the left
trunk from T6 to T10 and involuntary clonic muscular
We report on 3 anti-Hu–positive patients who presented twitching of the left leg. A neurological examination showed
with clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) features left facial weakness, increased tendon reflexes on the left side,
of epilepsia partialis continua (EPC). Two of the patients negative Babinski reflex, slight paresis, and distal hypesthesia
had an associated small cell carcinoma. Magnetic reso- of the left extremities. A stimulus-sensitive myoclonic move-
nance imaging (MRI) disclosed a hyperintense nonen- ment disorder of the left arm and leg could be observed.
hancing focal lesion in T2-weighted images in the senso- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head showed a
rimotor area in 2 patients. Histopathological analysis of nonenhancing lesion in the right postcentral area in T2-
the lesion revealed inflammatory infiltrates and neuronal weighted images (Fig 1A). The electroencephalogram (EEG)
cell loss. In the patient who had a postmortem study, demonstrated periodic epileptiform discharges in the right
these neuropathological changes were not observed in parietal area, which were sometimes synchronous with an ob-
other areas of the nervous system. This study emphasizes served myoclonus of the left hand. A cerebrospinal fluid
that the possibility of an anti-Hu–associated paraneoplas- (CSF) examination, including oligoclonal IgG bands, was
tic disorder must be considered in patients with cortical negative. There was no evidence for recurrence of her previ-
encephalitis presenting with EPC when a brain tumor ous cancer on chest computed tomography (CT), including
can be excluded. liver and adrenal glands, or on spinal and pelvic radiography.
Shavit YB, Graus F, Probst A, Rene R, Steck AJ. Tumor markers were normal, except for b2-microglobulin,
Epilepsia partialis continua: a new manifestation of which was slightly elevated (3.7 mg/L).
anti-Hu–associated paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis. The patient underwent a stereotactic biopsy of the right
Ann Neurol 1999;45:255–258 postcentral lesion. A histopathological examination revealed a
subacute cortical encephalitis with a few perivascular B-cell
infiltrates, a larger number of T lymphocytes diffusely infil-
trating the cortex, and neuronal cell loss. There was evidence
Anti-Hu–associated paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis for microglia activation and proliferation as well as for astro-
and sensory neuronopathy (PEM/SN) are two often cytic gliosis (Fig 2). Intracytoplasmic IgG reactivity was
concomitant syndromes associated with small cell lung found in some neurons (not shown). Despite intravenous
carcinoma (SCLC) in nearly 80% of patients. Neuro- immunoglobulin treatment and plasmapheresis, she experi-
logical dysfunction is usually multifocal, including sen- enced a relentless progression of her left hemiparesis until she
sory neuronopathy, motor neuron dysfunction, brain- became unable to walk. The motor seizures involving the left
stem encephalopathy, limbic encephalitis, autonomic face and the left upper and lower extremities became almost
neuropathy, and cerebellar degeneration.1–3 Although constant but were finally partially controlled with a combi-
the inflammatory infiltrates and neuronal loss charac- nation of anti-epileptic drugs. On MRI 3 months later, the
teristic of PEM/SN may be observed in multiple areas patient showed an enlargement of the nonenhancing lesion
to the right precentral area (see Fig 1B). She subsequently
of the cerebral cortex in postmortem studies, no symp-
received cyclophosphamide under which the lesion regressed,
toms suggestive of a particular area of the cerebral cor- the EPC disappeared, and the left hemiparesis notably im-
tex other than limbic encephalitis have been reported proved. Nevertheless, at her last follow-up examination 2
years after the onset of neurological symptoms, the hemipa-
resis had again increased with subsequent extension of the
From the Departments of *Neurology and †Pathology, University
lesion, although the SCLC is still in remission.
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, ‡Department of Neurology, Hospital
Clı́nic i Provincial, University of Barcelona, and §Department of Patient 2
Neurology, C.S.U. Bellvitge, L’Hospetalet, Barcelona, Spain. A 54-year-old man was admitted to the emergency room due
Received May 21, 1998, and in revised form Sep 28, 1998. Ac- to a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. The patient recovered
cepted for publication Sep 28, 1998. completely within a few hours. Routine laboratory analysis
Address correspondence to Prof Steck, Neurologische Klinik, Kan- and a CT scan of the head were normal. Over the ensuing 3
tonsspital Basel, Petersgraben 4, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland. days, the patient noticed progressive difficulty in evoking

Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association 255

right hand, which became almost continuous and unrespon-
sive to treatment. The patient remained collaborative and
oriented throughout the clinical course. He died due to as-
piration pneumonia 30 days after the onset of the neurolog-
ical disorder.
The autopsy study did not show any tumor. The macro-
scopic examination of the brain was normal. The micro-
scopic study of multiple areas of the brain was normal, except
for the presence of perivascular and intraparenchymatous
inflammatory infiltrates, gliosis, and neuronal cell loss in the
left motor strip. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated
microglia proliferation. Most of the inflammatory cells were
T cells, with occasional perivascular B-cell lymphocytes.

Patient 3
A 43-year-old man noticed involuntary repetitive movements
of the tongue that interfered with his speech and deglutition
in April 1997. The movements were almost continuous and
persisted during sleep. The patient was evaluated elsewhere,
and head MRI and a CSF examination were normal. He was
discharged with a diagnosis of lingual myoclonus and treated
with clonazepam, which reduced the movements. Over the
ensuing months, the patient noticed additional left perioral
twitching and occasional clonic movements of the first two
fingers of the left hand.
The patient was admitted for a severe hematemesis in No-
vember 1997. A general physical examination was unreveal-
ing. A neurological examination was normal, except for fre-
quent twitching of the tongue and platysma of both sides,
which was more prominent on the left side. There were oc-
casional clonic jerks of the left side of the face. The twitching
interfered with voluntary movements of the tongue, which
were slowed. Deep tendon reflexes were abolished in the legs.
Pallesthesia was diminished in the left foot. Routine labora-
tory analysis and a CSF examination were normal. The EEG
demonstrated periodic epileptiform discharges in the right
frontoparietal area, and MRI of the head showed a nonen-
hancing lesion in the inferior portion of the right Rolandic
Fig 1. (A) T2-weighted axial magnetic resonance imaging area (Fig 3). The electromyographic examination was nor-
(MRI) performed during the initial course of the disease dis- mal, except for absent sensory potential in the left sural and
closed high signals located in the right postcentral area (TR 5 superficial peroneal nerves. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
2,500). (B) Head MRI performed 9 months later. T2- and a CT scan of the abdomen disclosed a large tumor in the
weighted images show an extension of the hyperintense lesion cardia of the stomach with enlarged perigastric lymph nodes.
to the precentral area. A biopsy of the tumor confirmed a small cell tumor. After
three cycles with carboplatin and etopiside, the tumor
showed partial remission. The patient’s movements greatly
names, with dysarthria and frequent focal-clonic seizures in- improved, and MRI revealed a complete remission of the
volving the muscles of the right side of the face. brain lesion.
General physical and neurological examinations were nor-
mal, except for severe dysarthria, mild facial paresis of central
origin, increased deep tendon reflexes, and extensor plantar re- Immunological Studies
sponse in the right side. A second CT scan of the head, repeat Serum and CSF anti-Hu antibodies were detected on frozen
MRI; three CSF examinations; routine laboratory analysis; se- sections of normal human cortex and confirmed by immu-
rologies for herpesvirus, human immunodeficiency virus, bor- noblotting of human neuronal nuclei extracts and recombi-
relia, and syphilis; testing of somatosensory evoked potentials; nant HuD as described in detail previously.4 Anti-Hu anti-
and four-vessel angiography were all normal or negative. Sev- bodies were detected in the serum of the 3 patients and in
eral EEGs demonstrated periodic lateralized epileptiform dis- the two available CSF samples. Anti-Hu antibodies remained
charges in the left parasagittal frontoparietal region. positive at serum dilutions greater than 1:10,000, a feature
The clinical course of the patient was characterized by fo- that is almost always associated with paraneoplastic neurolog-
cal clonic seizures involving the right side of the face and ical disorders.4

256 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

Fig 2. Biopsy of the cerebral cortex of Patient 1. (a) The cerebral cortex is diffusely infiltrated by lymphocytes. The cell infiltrates
surrounding the vessel mainly consist of B lymphocytes. (b) The cerebral cortex shows hypertrophic astrocytes (arrowheads), loose neu-
ropil texture, and loss of neurons. (c) The patient’s biopsy was incubated with pan–T-cell antibody CD3. The cortex is diffusely
infiltrated by T cells, with most of them bearing CD8 surface antigen (not shown). (d) Immunostaining with antibody CD68
shows diffuse infiltration of the cerebral cortex by activated microglia/macrophages. (All hematoxylin and eosin; original magnifica-
tion: a 3 40, b 3 200, c 3 80, d 3 100.).

These 3 patients demonstrate a previously unreported
clinical presentation of PEM/SN associated with
anti-Hu antibodies. The clinical, EEG, and histopatho-
logical findings in our patients fulfill the criteria of the
EPC syndrome.5 In addition, MRI disclosed a focal
nonenhancing lesion in the sensorimotor area as de-
scribed in patients with EPC of other etiologies.6 EPC
is usually caused by structural focal lesions (cerebrovas-
cular disorders, trauma, or tumors), metabolic disor-
ders, or presumed encephalitis, but in some patients,
the cause is unknown.5,6 The present study shows that
the possibility of a paraneoplastic origin must be in-
cluded in the differential diagnosis. The absence of a tu-
mor in the autopsy of Patient 2 does not rule out this
possibility. The autopsy was done without the clinical
diagnosis of a paraneoplastic syndrome, and a small tu-
mor can easily be missed in the postmortem analysis if a
direct search for an occult tumor is not considered.7 The
Fig 3. T2-weighted transverse magnetic resonance imaging of possibility of a brain metastasis was reasonably excluded
Patient 3. The arrow shows the hyperintense lesion in the by the brain biopsy in Patient 1 and by a complete au-
right frontoparietal area.
topsy in Patient 2, which did not disclose malignant
cells in the brain. Furthermore, the clinical course of
Patient 1, who survived for 2 years after the onset of
manifestations, is not typical for a brain metastasis.

Brief Communication: Shavit et al: EPC in Anti-Hu–Associated PEM 257

Pathological and immunohistochemical abnormali- References
ties in the brain tissue of patients with PEM/SN are 1. Graus F, Ribalta T, Campo E, et al. Immunohistochemical
usually widespread, with certain areas being more af- analysis of the immune reaction in the nervous system in para-
fected than others.8 This may be explained by the neoplastic encephalomyelitis. Neurology 1990;40:219 –222
2. Dalmau J, Graus F, Rosenblum MK, Posner JB. Anti-Hu–
ubiquitous expression of Hu antigens in the nervous associated paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis/sensory neuronopa-
system. The remarkable findings in our patients are the thy. A clinical study of 71 patients. Medicine 1992;71:59 –72
exquisitely focal clinical, paraclinical, and, to a certain 3. Henson RA, Urich H. Encephalomyelitis with carcinoma. In:
extent, pathological features. Why some patients with Cancer of the nervous system. Oxford, UK: Henson Blackwell
PEM/SN and anti-Hu antibodies demonstrate a focal Scientific Publications, 1982:314 –345
4. Graus F, Dalmau J, Reñé R, et al. Anti-Hu antibodies in pa-
neurological disorder throughout the clinical course of
tients with small cell lung cancer: association with complete re-
the disease is an unsettled issue. Patients with anti- sponse to therapy and improved survival. J Clin Oncol 1997;
Hu–associated PEM/SN sometimes build an immune 15:2866 –2872
response against other neural antigens, and they may 5. Thomas JE, Reagan TJ, Klass DW. Epilepsia partialis continua.
demonstrate other autoantibodies such as anti-CV29 or A review of 32 cases. Arch Neurol 1977;34:266 –275
antiamphiphysin.10 Our patients could have other 6. Singh BM, Strobos RJ. Epilepsia partialis continua associated
with nonketotic hyperglycemia: clinical and biochemical profile
autoantibodies that would be relevant to the seizure
of 21 patients. Ann Neurol 1980;8:155–160
disorder. Patients with Rasmussen’s encephalitis, a pro- 7. Anderson NE, Budde-Steffen C, Wiley RG, et al. A variant of
gressive disorder characterized by intractable focal sei- the anti-Purkinje cell antibody in a patient with paraneoplastic
zures and inflammatory neuropathology, demonstrate cerebellar degeneration. Neurology 1988;38:1018 –1026
antibodies against subunit 3 of the glutamic receptor 8. Dalmau J, Furneaux HM, Rosenblum MK, et al. Detection of
(GLuR3). Animals immunized with GLuR3 develop the anti-Hu antibody in specific regions of the nervous system
and tumor from patients with paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis/
anti-GLuR3 antibodies and clinical and pathological
sensory neuronopathy. Neurology 1991;41:1757–1764
features similar to those of Rasmussen’s encephalitis.11 9. Honnorat J, Antoine JC, Derrington E, et al. Antibodies to a
Recently, antibodies against GLuR1, GLuR4, and subpopulation of glial cells and a 66-kDa developmental pro-
GluR5/6 were reported in 6 of 7 patients with para- tein in patients with paraneoplastic neurological syndromes.
neoplastic cerebellar degeneration.12 Although we did J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1996;61:270 –278
not detect GLuR antibodies in our 3 patients, no an- 10. Dropcho EJ. Anti-amphiphysin antibodies with small-cell lung
carcinoma and paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis. Ann Neurol
tibodies against any subunit of GLuR were found in a
1996;39:659 – 667
large number of patients with paraneoplastic neurolog- 11. Rogers SW, Andrews PI, Gahring LC, et al. Autoantibodies to
ical disorders, including anti-Hu–associated PEM/SN glutamate receptor GLuR3 in Rasmussen’s encephalitis. Science
(J. Dalmau, personal communication, 1997).13 1994;265:648 – 652
Whether the tissue distribution of the products of 12. Gahring LC, Twyman RE, Greenlee JE, Rogers SW. Autoan-
the different genes of the Hu family correlates with the tibodies to neuronal glutamate receptors in patients with para-
neoplastic neurodegenerative syndrome enhance receptor activa-
diverse neurological syndromes of PEM/SN is still a tion. Molecular Medicine 1995;1:245–253
matter requiring further research.14 Studies by Manley 13. Degenhardt A, Hoard R, Duvoisin RM, et al. Glutamate re-
and colleagues15 could not find any correlation be- ceptor antibodies and paraneoplastic neurologic disorders. Neu-
tween antibody reactivity with any of the Hu antigens rology 1996;46:A410 (Abstract)
and the type of neurological symptoms. Furthermore, 14. Darnell RB. Onconeural antigens and the paraneoplastic neu-
analysis of IgG subclass distribution did not reveal any rologic disorders: at the intersection of cancer, immunity, and
the brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996;93:4529 – 4536
correlation between anti-Hu isotype and specific brain 15. Manley GT, Smitt PS, Dalmau J, Posner JB. Hu antigens: re-
area or clinical features.16 Finally, the focal nature of activity with Hu antibodies, tumor expression, and major im-
the symptoms could be explained by the circumscribed munogenic sites. Ann Neurol 1995;38:102–110
expression of major histocompatibility complex pro- 16. Jean WC, Dalmau J, Ho A, Posner JB. Analysis of the IgG
teins, which eventually leads to the demonstration of subclass distribution and inflammatory infiltrates in patients
Hu antigens. This could induce a T-cell–mediated pro- with anti-Hu–associated paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis. Neu-
rology 1994;44:140 –147
cess either as a direct cytotoxic reaction with neuronal 17. Dalmau J, Graus F, Cheung NV, et al. Major histocompatibil-
cells or as the activation of T and B cells.17 ity proteins, anti-Hu antibodies, and paraneoplastic encephalo-
In conclusion, the present study extends our knowl- myelitis in neuroblastoma and small cell lung cancer. Cancer
edge of the clinical spectrum of PEM/SN and demon- 1995;75:99 –109
strates that the possibility of a paraneoplastic origin must
be considered in the differential diagnosis of EPC.

We thank Prof E. W. Radü for providing the MR images of Patient

1 and Dr H. R. Stöckli for referring Patient 1. We are grateful to V.
Bruce for revising the manuscript.

258 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is associated with
Epstein-Barr Virus in virtually all acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–
Monitoring the Response related primary central nervous system lymphoma
(AIDS-PCNSL),1 and EBV-DNA is detectable in the
to Therapy of Acquired cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of most patients with the dis-
ease.2– 4 For these reasons, EBV-DNA detection in
Immunodeficiency CSF has been proposed as a valid tool for the rapid
selection of patients to undergo brain biopsy.5 Re-
Syndrome–Related Primary cently, our group reported that detection of EBV-DNA
Central Nervous in CSF may allow a minimally invasive diagnosis of
AIDS-PCNSL.6,7 At present, it is noteworthy to assess
System Lymphoma the value of this assay for monitoring tumor response
to treatment.7 Here, we report the results of a pilot
Andrea Antinori, MD,* Antonella Cingolani, MD,*
Andrea De Luca, MD,* Gianluca Gaidano, MD, PhD,‡ study performed to assess the relationship between
Adriana Ammassari, MD,* Luigi M. Larocca, MD,† EBV load in CSF, response to therapy, and survival of
and Luigi Ortona, MD* patients with AIDS-PCNSL who received multimodal
To evaluate the value of Epstein-Barr virus DNA (EBV-
DNA) assay in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for monitoring Materials and Methods
the response to treatment in acquired immunodeficiency Nine consecutive patients with biopsy-proven AIDS-PCNSL
syndrome–related primary central nervous system lym- who underwent multimodal therapy between January 1995
phoma (AIDS-PCNSL), 9 human immunodeficiency and April 1998 were included in the study. All pathological
virus–infected patients with biopsy-proven AIDS-PCNSL specimens were classified according to the working formu-
who underwent multimodal therapy were investigated for lation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma8 and to a revised
EBV-DNA detection in CSF by semiquantitative nested European-American classification of lymphoid neoplasms.9
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Tumoral tissue expres- EBV-encoded small RNAs were detected by in situ hybrid-
sion of bcl-6 oncogene protein and of EBV-encoded la- ization. All cases were investigated for protein expression of
tent membrane protein (LMP-1) was also investigated. the BCL-6 proto-oncogene and of EBV-encoded latent
The 2 patients who had a response to chemotherapy membrane protein-1 (LMP-1). The BCL-6 protein was de-
showed a reduction of mean EBV-DNA concentration tected by the PG-B6 monoclonal antibody directed against
values after chemotherapy and displayed a large non- the amino terminal portion of the human bcl-6 gene product
cleaved morphology and a BCL-61/LMP-12 phenotype. (obtained from B. Falini, Institute of Hematology, Univer-
Conversely, the 4 patients with progressive disease after sity of Perugia, Perugia, Italy). The LMP-1 antigen was de-
chemotherapy showed increasing mean values of EBV- tected using a pool of four anti-LMP-1 monoclonal antibod-
DNA and displayed an immunoblastic morphology and a ies (CS-1– 4, Dakopatts, Glostrup, Denmark). Subsequently,
BCL-6 2/LMP-11 phenotype. No significant changes after incubation with primary antibodies, an avidin-biotin
were observed for patients with stable disease. EBV-DNA peroxidase complex method was employed using tyramide
burden reduction was significantly associated with pro- amplification (Dako Catalyzed Amplification System, Dako-
longed survival. These results suggest that EBV-DNA patts) and diaminobenzidine as a chromogen. A positive re-
monitoring might be helpful in predicting response to sult was defined as 10% or greater positive neoplastic cells.10
Eight patients received multimodal therapy with high-dose
chemotherapy and in segregating distinct biological and
intravenous methotrexate (MTX), oral procarbazine, and in-
prognostic categories of AIDS-PCNSL.
trathecal MTX followed by whole-brain irradiation to 30
Antinori A, Cingolani A, De Luca A, Gaidano G, Gy. The last patient (Patient 9 in Table) was treated with a
Ammassari A, Larocca LM, Ortona L. Epstein- combination of high-dose intravenous MTX, high-dose
Barr virus in monitoring the response to therapy zidovudine, and intrathecal MTX followed by whole-brain
of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–related irradiation to 50 Gy. The response to chemotherapy as well
primary central nervous system lymphoma. as that to radiation therapy was determined by computed
Ann Neurol 1999;5:259 –261 tomographic scan or magnetic resonance imaging according
to reported criteria.11
From the Departments of *Infectious Diseases and †Pathology,
EBV-DNA amplification was performed in CSF samples
Catholic University, Rome, and ‡Division of Internal Medicine, at baseline and after the end of the chemotherapy phase us-
Department of Medical Sciences, University of Torino at Novara, ing a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique ex-
Novara, Italy. ploiting primers derived from the EBNA1 gene.3 The detec-
Received Aug 18, 1998, and in revised form Oct 5, 1998. Accepted tion limit of the nested PCR assay was 1,000 EBV-DNA
for publication Oct 5, 1998. copies per milliliter as defined by serial dilution experiments.
Address correspondence to Dr Antinori, Department of Infectious EBV-DNA load in CSF was measured semiquantitatively by
Diseases, Catholic University, L.go A. Gemelli 8 — 00168 Rome, serial testing of twofold dilutions of each sample. Sample di-
Italy. lutions were prepared and run in triplicate; the assay was

Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association 259

Table. Host’s CD4 Count, Tumor Histology, and Expression of BCL-6, EBV-Encoded Small RNAs, and LMP-1 as Well as
Viral Load in CSF and Response to Therapy of Patients Included in the Study

Baseline Changes in Response to

CD4 EBV-Encoded EBV-DNA at EBV-DNA after Response to Multimodal
Case (per mL) REAL WF bcl-6a Small RNAb LMP-1a Diagnosisc Chemotherapyc Chemotherapy Therapy

1 5 DLCL LNCCL 1 1 2 5.0 21.3 PR CR

2 5 DLCL LNCCL 1 1 2 4.7 21.4 PR PR
3 20 DLCL LNCCL/IBPL 1 1 1 5.3 0.0 SD PR
4 4 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 3.3 1.4 SD PR
5 4 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 3.7 20.4 SD PR
6 13 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 3.0 1.3 PD PD
7 8 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 3.3 0.7 PD SD
8 29 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 4.0 1.3 PD NE
9 41 DLCL IBPL 2 1 1 4.7 1.0 PD PR
Analyzed by immunohistochemistry.
Analyzed by RNA in situ hybridization.
Epstein-Barr virus DNA is expressed as log copies per milliliter in cerebrospinal fluid.
LMP-1 5 latent membrane protein; REAL 5 revised European-American lymphoma classification; WF 5 working formulation for non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma; DLCL 5 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; LNCCL 5 large noncleaved-cell lymphoma; IBPL 5 immunoblastic plasmacytoid lymphoma;
LNCCL/IBPL 5 diffuse large-cell lymphoma with an admixture of centroblasts and immunoblasts; CR 5 complete response; PR 5 partial response;
SD 5 stable disease; PD 5 progressive disease; NE 5 not evaluable due to early death before starting radiotherapy.

considered positive only if at least two of the triplicate PCR

tests for each dilution scored positive. Changes of the EBV-
DNA concentration in CSF between the baseline value and
the value after chemotherapy were expressed as log copies per
milliliter. Differences between mean values of EBV-DNA
concentration at baseline in different response groups were
analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Mean values of EBV-DNA
concentration at baseline and after chemotherapy were com-
pared by paired t test. Survival probability was estimated by
the Kaplan-Meier method, and differences between groups
according to the reduction of EBV-DNA log copies were cal-
culated using the Mantel-Cox test.

The Table summarizes the host’s CD4 count, tumor
Fig. Epstein-Barr virus DNA log copies per milliliter expressed
histology, and expression of BCL-6, EBV-encoded
as mean and range values at baseline and after chemotherapy
small RNAs, and LMP-1 as well as the viral load in in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–related
CSF and the response to therapy of all patients in- primary central nervous system lymphoma according to the
cluded in grade of response to therapy. Statistical significance was as-
the study. sessed by paired t test.
Changes of EBV-DNA burden correlated with re-
sponse to chemotherapy. In fact, in patients who re-
sponded to chemotherapy (Cases 1 and 2), the mean chemotherapy phase as well. A final assessment of
value of the EBV-DNA load was 4.85 log copies per EBV-DNA burden after radiotherapy was not per-
milliliter at baseline (range, 4.70 –5.0) and 3.50 log formed in most patients (see Table).
copies per milliliter after therapy (range, 3.3–3.7) ( p 5 Unlike longitudinally observed changes, absolute val-
0.022, paired t test). In patients who progressed (Cases ues of EBV-DNA at baseline did not predict a response
6 –9), the mean values were 3.75 (range, 3.0 – 4.7) and to therapy. In fact, no significant differences for mean
4.82 (range, 4.0 –5.7) log copies per milliliter, respec- EBV-DNA concentrations were detected at baseline in
tively ( p 5 0.0049). In patients with stable disease the three response groups of patients (4.85, 4.10, and
(Cases 3–5), the mean values were 4.10 (range, 3.3– 3.75 log copies per milliliter for responders, stable pa-
5.3) and 4.43 (range, 3.3–5.3) log copies per milliliter, tients, and progressive patients, respectively; F value at
respectively ( p 5 0.60) (Fig). Six of 9 patients had a ANOVA 5 1.205; p 5 0.36).
final response to multimodal therapy, but only those The correlation with response to chemotherapy re-
patients whose EBV-DNA concentration in CSF was sulted in an effect on patients’ survival. In fact, the
reduced after chemotherapy showed a response to the median length of survival was 243 days in those with a

260 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 2 February 1999

log EBV-DNA reduction and 121 days in those with- 2. Cinque P, Brytting M, Vago L, et al. Epstein-Barr virus DNA
out a reduction. The 6-month probabilities of survival in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with AIDS-related primary
were 0.67 and 0.20, respectively ( p 5 0.048, Mantel- lymphoma of the central nervous system. Lancet 1993;342:
398 – 401
Cox test).
3. De Luca A, Antinori A, Cingolani A, et al. Evaluation of CSF
EBV-DNA and IL-10 as markers for in vivo diagnosis of AIDS-
Discussion related primary central nervous system lymphoma. Br J Haema-
The results of this study suggest a prognostic signifi- tol 1995;90:844 – 849
cance of the changes in EBV-DNA viral burden in 4. Arribas JR, Clifford DB, Fichtenbaum CJ, et al. Detection of
CSF before and after chemotherapy for AIDS-PCNSL. Epstein-Barr virus DNA in CSF for diagnosis of AIDS-related
In particular, an increasing burden of EBV-DNA in central nervous system lymphoma. J Clin Microbiol 1995;33:
CSF may reflect an active proliferation of an EBV- 1580 –1583
positive tumor cell population which is totally or par- 5. Antinori A, Ammassari A, De Luca A, et al. Diagnosis of
AIDS-related focal brain lesions: a decision-making analysis
tially resistant to therapy. Conversely, a significant
based on clinical and neuroradiologic characteristics combined
decrease of viral load after chemotherapy may be asso- with polymerase chain reaction assays in CSF. Neurology 1997;
ciated with response to therapy and prolonged survival. 48:687– 694
AIDS-PCNSL cases showing a response to therapy 6. Cingolani A, De Luca A, Larocca LM, et al. Minimally invasive
and a decrease in EBV-DNA viral load appear to dis- diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–related pri-
play biological peculiarities when compared with cases mary central nervous system lymphoma. J Natl Cancer Inst
that are resistant to therapy and show no decrease in 1998;90:364 –369
EBV-DNA viral load (see Table). Previously, it has 7. Yarchoan R, Jaffe ES, Little R. Diagnosing central nervous sys-
tem lymphoma in the setting of AIDS: a step forward. J Natl
been shown that the expression of BCL-6 and LMP-1
Cancer Inst 1998;90:346 –347
is mutually exclusive in AIDS-PCNSL and segregates 8. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Pathologic Classification Project.
two distinct phenotypical categories of the disease, that National Cancer Institute sponsored study of classification of
is, BCL-6 1/LMP-12 and BCL-6 2/LMP-11.10 AIDS- non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas: summary and description of a
PCNSL showing the BCL-61/LMP-12 phenotype re- working formulation for clinical usage. Cancer 1982;49:2112–
flects a germinal center stage of B-cell differentiation, 2135
tends to display a large noncleaved cell morphology, 9. Harris NL, Jaffem ES, Stain H, et al. A revised European-
and as suggested by the present study, appears to be American classification of lymphoid neoplasms: a proposal from
more susceptible to currently available therapeutic the International Lymphoma Study Group. Blood 1994;84:
strategies (see Table).10 Conversely, BCL-6 2/LMP-11
10. Larocca LM, Capello D, Rinelli A, et al. The molecular and
AIDS-PCNSL reflects a postgerminal center stage of phenotypic profile of primary central nervous system lymphoma
B-cell differentiation, tends to display an immunoblas- identifies distinct categories of the diseases and is consistent
tic morphology, and appears to be more resistant to withhistogenetic derivation from germinal center–related
therapy (see Table).10 B-cells. Blood 1988;92:1011–1019
This pilot study includes a limited number of closely 11. Forsyth PA, Yahalom J, DeAngelis LM. Combined-modality
monitored patients. Nevertheless, this is one of the therapy in the treatment of primary central nervous system lym-
largest series of AIDS-PCNSL cases treated with mul- phoma in AIDS. Neurology 1994;44:1473–1479
timodal therapy published to date. Overall, our results
prompt large-scale investigation aimed at defining
whether molecular monitoring of EBV-DNA viral load
in CSF may be a reliable tool for predicting the re-
sponse of AIDS-PCNSL to therapy and identifying
subgroups of patients with different clinical outcomes
and lengths of survival.

This work was supported by the Programma Nazionale di Ricerca

sull’AIDS—1997. Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Rome, Italy) grant
no. 30A.0.47.
Special thanks to Emanuela Vaccher from Aviano, Italy, for the ma-
jor contribution to the zidovudine/MTX chemotherapy protocol
and to Laura Gillini for invaluable technical assistance.

1. MacMahon EME, Glass JD, Hayward SD, et al. Epstein-Barr
virus in AIDS-related primary central nervous system lym-
phoma. Lancet 1991;338:969 –973

Brief Communication: Antinori et al: EBV-DNA Monitoring and Cerebral Lymphoma 261
and skeletal muscle, and others showed similar inclu-
Genetic Locus Heterogeneity sion bodies in sweat glands and apocrine myoepithelial
in Lafora’s Progressive cells.6 –9 In 1965, Schwarz and Yanoff4 described elec-
troencephalographic abnormalities consisting of back-
Myoclonus Epilepsy ground slowing and diffuse spike wave and polyspike
Berge A. Minassian, MD,*†‡§ Jesus Sainz, PhD,*†
wave bursts. In 1977, Schwarz10 contended that the
Jose M. Serratosa, MD, PhD,*†i Manyee Gee, PhD,*† characteristic clinical features of stimuli-sensitive myoc-
Lise M. Sakamoto,*† Saeed Bohlega, MD,¶ lonus (ie, absences, tonic-clonic seizures, rapid deterio-
Guy Geoffroy, MD,** Cathy Barr, PhD,§†† ration in neurological function ending in dementia and
Steve W. Scherer, PhD,§ Uwamie Tomiyasu, MD,‡‡ death by 30 years of age, and typical electroencephalo-
Stirling Carpenter, MD,§§ Karen Wigg,††§§
A. V. Sanghvi,* and Antonio V. Delgado-Escueta, MD*†ii
gram and pathology) together with its autosomal reces-
sive mode of inheritance warranted its separation from
other PMEs and its designation as a single homoge-
In 1995, we mapped a gene for Lafora’s progressive my- neous entity called Lafora’s disease (LD).
oclonus epilepsy in chromosome 6q23-25. In 1997 and In 1995, our laboratories localized a gene for LD to
1998, we reduced the size of the locus to 300 kb, and an a 17-cM span of chromosome 6q23-25 between
international collaboration identified mutations in the D6S292 and D6S420.11 In 1997, we reduced the LD
protein tyrosine phosphatase gene. Here, we examine for region to less than 3 cM (1.2 Mb of physical distance)
heterogeneity through the admixture test in 22 families between D6S1003 and D6S311.12 In 1998, homozy-
and estimate the proportion of linked families to be 75 to gosities and recombinations in 30 families further re-
85%. Extremely low posterior probabilities of linkage duced the region to 300 kb, and an international col-
(Wi), exclusionary LOD scores, and haplotypes identify 4 laborative effort isolated the LD gene and identified
families unlikely to be linked to chromosome 6q24.
mutation(s) in a gene encoding for a protein tyrosine
Minassian BA, Sainz J, Serratosa JM, Gee M, phosphatase.13,14
Sakamoto LM, Bohlega S, Geoffroy G, Barr C, Here, we present the results of the HOMOG admix-
Scherer SW, Tomiyasu U, Carpenter S, Wigg K, ture test in 22 LD families, their posterior probability
Sanghvi AV, Delgado-Escueta AV. Genetic locus of linkage, and the exclusionary LOD scores and hap-
heterogeneity in Lafora’s progressive myoclonus lotypes of 4 families. The present data suggest that ge-
epilepsy. Ann Neurol 1999;5:262–265 netic locus heterogeneity exists even within this rare
but clinically homogeneous entity.
In 1911, Lafora and Glueck1,2 showed characteristic
large basophilic periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)–positive in- Methods
clusion bodies in neuronal perikarya of the central ner- Family Material
vous system of a young adult with a fatal form of pro- We studied 39 patients with biopsy-proven LD who be-
gressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME). Almost half a longed to 26 unrelated families, 14 of which were inbred.
century later, Harriman and Millar3 and Schwarz and Families LD3, LD4, LD6, LD9, LD12, LD27, LD28 and
Yanoff 4 showed that PAS-positive granular deposits LD33 have 2 or more affected offspring. These eight multi-
plex pedigrees and the 14 consanguineous families were used
can be found in liver,5 heart, retina, peripheral nerve,
for linkage analyses. This study was approved by the Human
Subjects Protection Committees at the UCLA School of
Medicine and the West Los Angeles DVA Medical Center.
Each participating patient, or the responsible adult on behalf
From the *Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Department of Neu- of minors or deceased relatives, signed an informed consent
rology, and iiBrain Research Institute, University of California, Los
Angeles School of Medicine, and †Neurology and Research and form before a blood sample was drawn.
‡‡Pathology Services, West Los Angeles DVA Medical Center, Los
Angeles, CA; ‡Division of Neurology, Department of Pediatrics,
Bloorview Epilepsy Program, §Department of Genetics, Hospital for DNA Analyses and Genotyping
Sick Children, and Departments of ††Psychiatry and §§Pathology, DNA was extracted from 200 ml of peripheral blood using
The Toronto Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, the QIAamp Blood kit (Qiagen, Inc, Valencia, CA), and
and **Department of Neurology, Ste-Justine Hospital, University of highly polymorphic short tandem repeats or microsatellites
Montreal, Montreal, Canada; iEpilepsy Unit, Jimenez Diaz Foun-
dation, Madrid, Spain; and ¶Department of Medicine, King Faisal were typed using the method of Weber and May.15 We used
Specialist Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 30 microsatellites in 6q23-25, including D6S314, D6S471,
D6S453, D6S308, D6S409, D6S1003, D6S1010,
Received May 29, 1998, and in revised form Oct 8, 1998. Accepted
for publication Oct 9, 1998. D6S1049, D6S1703, D6S1042, D6S311, and D6S420. The
order of the markers had been firmly established in our po-
Address correspondence to Dr Delgado-Escueta, Comprehensive
Epilepsy Program, UCLA and West Los Angeles DVA Medical sitional cloning of the LD gene using high-resolution yeast
Center, Building 500, Room 3405, 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los artificial chromosome and P1-derived artificial chromosome
Angeles, CA 90073. mapping.13,14

262 Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association

Linkage Analyses D6S310, and D6S311 favored a chromosome 6q locus
Model-dependent pairwise linkage analyses were performed for all 22 families, except Families LD7, LD25, LD27,
using the MLINK portion of the LINKAGE program pack- and LD28. The Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy
age16 and GENEHUNTER,17 assuming a single autosomal traits of these latter 4 families are unlikely to be linked
recessive gene with gene frequency 0.001 and 100% pen- to chromosome 6q24 because of their posterior proba-
etrance.12 Unaffected family members under 20 years of bility of linkage; for example, the probability of linkage
age were classified as unknown. The admixture test in the
for D6S311 was 0.0002 for Family LD7, 0.0002 for
HOMOG program was used to test for genetic heterogene-
ity. Haldane’s mapping function was used to convert recom-
Family LD25, and 0.0000 for Family LD27.
bination fractions to map distances.18 In addition, LOD scores (#2) were exclusionary for
many of the chromosome 6q23-25 microsatellites
Results (D6S314 –D6S420) in Families LD7, LD25, and
We observed extended areas of homozygosities, ranging LD27. The fourth family (LD28) showed positive
from 2.7 to 31 cM, in 15 offspring belonging to 10 LOD scores of 1.03 at u 5 0 for D6S420 and 1.54 at
families. Of these 10 families, 6 with homozygosities u 5 0 for D6S1042. Nevertheless, because of the low
were consanguineous, but 4 families (LD15, LD16, conditional probability of linkage and because a chain
LD17, LD20) with homozygosities did not report of homozygous markers is not seen in the affected
consanguinity. members as shown by their haplotypes, it is unlikely
Of the 14 families reporting consanguinity, 4 (LD7, that the LD gene in this consanguineous family
LD27, LD28 @Quebec, Canada#, and LD25 @Saudi (LD28) is located in the chromosome 6q23-25 region.
Arabia#) did not show evidence of homozygosities
among the chromosome 6q23-25 markers. This made Haplotype Analyses
us suspect heterogeneity. As a result, we performed In almost all cases, consanguineous unions of first-
pairwise linkage analyses between LD in 22 consan- degree cousins resulting in rare autosomal recessive dis-
guineous or multiplex families and chromosome 6q orders are due to transmission by the carrier parents of
markers D6S471, D6S310, and D6S311 under the as- two copies of the same mutation that they inherited
sumption of heterogeneity. LOD scores excluded link- from their common grandparent.19 Similarly, geno-
age to chromosome 6q23-25 markers in Families LD7, types of microsatellite markers in the vicinity of the
LD25, LD27, and LD28. LOD scores for Families gene are expected to be the same on both chromo-
LD6 and LD12 were in the positive range but were somes carrying the mutated gene.
not significant. In Families LD7 and LD28 from Quebec and Fam-
Next, we tested for homogeneity in the 22 multiplex ily LD25 from Saudi Arabia, the parents of the affected
or consanguineous families using pairwise LOD scores individual are first-degree cousins. There is no chain of
for D6S471, D6S310, and D6S311 (Table). H2 versus homozygous markers in the 6q23-25 LD gene region.
H1 showed significance ( p 5 0.0009 for D6S311 and Moreover, the affected individuals have the same hap-
p 5 0.004 for D6S310), supporting the hypothesis of lotypes for the LD region as unaffected siblings who are
linkage with heterogeneity, and provided an estimated past the age of possible onset of LD (.26 years old).
a of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.05– 0.99) for D6S311, an esti- In Family LD27 from Quebec (Fig 1), the parents
mated a of 0.70 for D6S310, and an estimated a of are first-degree cousins (LD27-2, LD27-3, LD27-4,
0.85 for D6S471 for the proportion of chromosome LD27-5). There is no chain of homozygous markers in
6q–linked families among these 22 families. The the living affected individual (LD27-6). He and his
posterior probability of linkage (Wi) for D6S471, healthy 16-year-old sister (LD27-7) have the same hap-

Table. Tests of Linkage Homogeneity

D6S471 D6S310 D6S311

Marker Test (df ) x2 p x2 p x2 p

H2 versus H1 (1) 1.526 0.2167 8.115 0.004 11.092 0.0009

H1 versus H0 (1) 36.123 ,0.0001 38.725 ,0.0001 38.683 ,0.0001
H2 versus H0 (2) 37.649 ,0.0001 46.840 ,0.0001 49.775 ,0.0001

The HOMOG test generates the likelihood of the data under each hypothesis, allowing the use of the likelihood ratio test. The
resulting 22 Ln (likelihood) is approximately distributed as a x2 with df equal to the difference in the number of parameters
estimated. Heterogeneity is suspected if the H1 versus H2 test is significant.
H0 5 the hypothesis of no linkage in any families; H1 5 the hypothesis of linkage in all families; H2 5 the hypothesis of
linkage in only a subset of families.

Brief Communication: Minassian et al: Lafora’s Disease 263

Fig 1. Haplotypes of Family LD27 suggest a
locus outside chromosome 6q23-25. An open
square means an unaffected male individual,
an open circle means an unaffected female
individual, and a filled symbol means an
affected individual. A double line indicates
a consanguineous union. A diagonal line
through a filled symbol signifies a deceased
individual. The vertical columns of numbers
indicate genotypes for each of the microsatel-
lites arranged in proper physical order from
centromere to telomere, according to a yeast
artificial chromosome and P1-derived artifi-
cial chromosome contig of chromosome

lotypes. Although LD27-2 and his brother, LD27-4, fected individual from Family LD25 that revealed
both have sons with LD, the haplotype they share prominent PAS-positive oval inclusions in peripheral
(boxed haplotype, Fig 1) is not transmitted to LD27- cells of eccrine ducts. Hepatocytes in liver biopsies
2’s son, LD27-6. Similarly, the haplotype common to from the affected individuals of Family LD27 and au-
Sisters LD27-3 and LD27-5 (shaded haplotypes, see topsy brain tissue from a deceased member of Family
Fig 1) is not transmitted to LD27-6. LD28 revealed numerous large Lafora bodies with a
dark core and paler peripheral zone.
The biopsy slides of LD patients belonging to Families
LD7, LD25, LD27, and LD28 were carefully reana- Discussion
lyzed by two senior neuropathologists (U.T. and S.C.), Three of the four families who do not show linkage to
who reconfirmed the presence of Lafora inclusions. chromosome 6q23-25 are from the French-Canadian
Figure 2 shows an example of a skin biopsy of an af- “isolate” of Quebec (LD7, LD27, LD28). None
showed homozygous 6q23-25 microsatellites, despite
Fig 2. Example of Lafora inclusion body in a family member being products of first-cousin marriages. Recombina-
(LD25-9) afflicted with the clinical disease but whose family tions could have eliminated homozygosities from
(LD25) does not genetically link to chromosome 6q24. Oval around the gene in affected individuals. Chances for
inclusions in peripheral cells of an eccrine duct stain strongly such strategically placed recombinations resulting in
positive with periodic acid-Schiff–hematoxylin. Bar 5 elimination of homozygosities are more likely to occur
20 mm.
in families where the relationship is distant, however.
Recombinations eliminating homozygosities are least
likely to occur in offspring of first-degree cousins, be-
cause the number of generations separating the com-
mon grandparent from the affected individuals is only 2.
Nevertheless, the absence of homozygosities in first-
degree consanguineous families such as LD7, LD25,
LD27, and LD28 is not of itself absolute proof of ex-
clusion of the LD gene from the 6q23-25 region. It is
still possible, although highly unlikely, that strategic re-
combinations within the narrow LD gene region might
have occurred on either side of the gene even within
the 2 generations separating the founder haplotype
from the one seen in the affected individuals. This

264 Annals of Neurology Vol 5 No 2 February 1999

could offer a possible explanation for the positive LOD rosine phosphatase gene is mutated in progressive myodonus epi-
scores in Family LD28. lepsy of the Lafora type (EPM2). Hum Mol Genet 1999,8 (In
Taking all the data into account, including an a es- 15. Weber JL, May PE. Abundant class of human DNA polymor-
timate of 75 to 85% of LD families linked to chromo- phisms which can be typed using the polymerase chain reac-
some 6q23-25, low conditional probability of linkage tion. Am J Hum Genet 1989;44:388 –396
in 4 consanguineous families who lack homozygosities, 16. Lathrop GM, Lalouel JM, Julier C, Ott J. Multilocus linkage
sharing of 6q23-25 haplotypes by affected and unaf- analysis in humans: detection of linkage and estimation of re-
combination. Am J Hum Genet 1985;37:482– 498
fected individuals in these 4 families, and exclusionary 17. Kruglyak L, Daly MJ, Reeve-Daly MP, Lander ES. Parametric
LOD scores in 3 of these 4 families, one has to accept and nonparametric linkage analysis: a unified multipoint ap-
the possibility of another genetic locus in LD. proach. Am J Hum Genet 1996;58:1347–1363
18. Haldane JBS. The combination of linkage values and the cal-
culation of distances between the loci of linked factors. J Genet
This study was supported by NIH grant NS21908 to Dr Delgado- 1919;8:299 –309
Escueta, the DVA West Los Angeles Medical Center, The Hospital 19. Lander ES, Botstein D. Homozygosity mapping: a way to map
for Sick Children, Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation, and human recessive traits with the DNA of inbred children. Sci-
the Lafora’s Disease Associations of Quebec (Odette Malenfant) and ence 1987;236:1567–1570
Sweden (Vera Faludi).
We thank Dr Jacques Thibeault for providing the biopsies on Fam-
ily LD28. Three-Dimensional Tracking
of Axonal Projections in
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the Brain by Magnetic
nern der ganglienzellen; zugleich ein beitrag zum studium der
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Anat Histopathol 1911;205:295–303 Susumu Mori, PhD,* Barbara J. Crain, MD, PhD,†
2. Lafora GR, Glueck B. Contribution to the histopathology and V. P. Chacko, PhD,* and Peter C. M. van Zijl, PhD*
pathogenesis of myoclonic epilepsy. Bull Gov Hosp Insane
3. Harriman DGF, Millar JHD. Progressive familial myoclonic
The relationship between brain structure and complex
epilepsy in three families: its clinical features and pathological
basis. Brain 1955;78:325–349
behavior is governed by large-scale neurocognitive net-
4. Schwarz GA, Yanoff M. Lafora’s disease. Distinct clinicopatho- works. The availability of a noninvasive technique that
logic form of Unverricht’s syndrome. Arch Neurol 1965;12: can visualize the neuronal projections connecting the
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diagnosis by liver biopsy. Ann Neurol 1980;8:409 – 415 resolution three-dimensional diffusion magnetic reso-
6. Carpenter S, Karpati G. Sweat gland duct cells in Lafora nance imaging and a newly designed tracking approach,
disease: diagnosis by skin biopsy. Neurology 1981;31:1564 – we show that neuronal pathways in the rat brain can be
1568 probed in situ. The results are validated through compar-
7. Busard HLSM, Gobreels-Festen AAWM, Renih WU, et al. Ax-
ison with known anatomical locations of such fibers.
illa skin biopsy; a reliable test for the diagnosis of Lafora’s dis-
ease. Ann Neurol 1987;21:599 – 601 Mori S, Crain BJ, Chacko VP, van Zijl PCM.
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in the brain by magnetic resonance imaging.
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la maladie de Lafora. Importance des manifestations paroxys-
tiques visuelles et intérêt de la biopsie cutanée. Rev Neurol
(Paris) 1983;139:115–124 The white matter fibers in the brain are essential in
10. Schwarz GA. Lafora’s disease: a disorder of carbohydrate me- linking functional regions. These neuronal projections
tabolism. In: Goldensohn ES, Appel SH, eds. Scientific ap- have been traced in experimental animals, using inva-
proaches to clinical neurology. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger,
1977:148 –159 sive in vivo experiments,1 but comparable human data
11. Serratosa JM, Delgado-Escueta AV, Posada I, et al. The gene
for progressive myoclonus epilepsy of the Lafora type maps to
chromosome 6q. Hum Mol Genet 1995;4:1657–1663
12. Sainz J, Minassian BA, Serratosa JM, et al. Lafora’s progressive From the *Department of Radiology, Division of MRI Research,
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myoclonus epilepsy: narrowing the 6q24 locus by recombinations Baltimore, MD.
and homozygosities. Am J Hum Genet 1997;61:1205–1209
13. Minassian BA, Lee JR, Hherbrick JA, et al. Mutations in a gene Received Aug 17, 1998, and in revised form Oct 21. Accepted for
encoding a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase cause progressive publication Oct 23, 1998.
myoclonus epilepsy, Lafora type. Nat Genet 1998;20:171–174 Address correspondence to Dr Mori, 217 Traylor, 720 Rutland Ave,
14. Serratosa JM, Gomez-Garre P, Anta B, et al. A novel protein ty- Baltimore, MD 21205.

Copyright © 1999 by the American Neurological Association 265

are necessarily much more limited. The availability of a
noninvasive method for fiber tracking therefore would
have a tremendous impact on our understanding of
normal and abnormal brain function. Diffusion-
weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) allows in
vivo mapping of the diffusional properties of brain wa-
ter, and has revealed a high degree of diffusional an-
isotropy (directionality) in white matter.2–11 Despite
many studies of this anisotropy and the production of
vector pictures showing fiber orientation within the
volume elements (voxels) of image planes, the actual
reconstruction of neuronal projections by tracking of
these vectors has never been accomplished. In the
present study, we demonstrate an approach called fiber
assignment by continuous tracking (FACT), which is
able to achieve such high-resolution three-dimensional
(3D) tracking of axonal projections. The results are
subsequently validated by in situ tracking of known fi-
ber tracts in a rat brain.

Materials and Methods

The principle of water-diffusion anisotropy is shown in Fig-
ure 1a. For a region where axons are aligned, water is re-
stricted in the direction perpendicular to the axons and dif-
fuses preferentially in a direction parallel to them. This
situation can be represented mathematically by a so-called
diffusion ellipsoid5–11 (see Fig 1b), characterized by diffusion
constants l1, l2, and l3 along its three orthogonal directions Fig 1. Principle of fiber tracking. (a) Schematic view of re-
and the (vector) direction of the longest axis (l1). For exam- stricted water diffusion (solid sphere) in an environment with
ple, l1 .. l2 5 l3 (anisotropic diffusion) suggests the ex- strongly aligned fibers (depicted by bars). The diffusion proper-
istence of cylindrical structures preferentially aligned along ties can be fully described by an ellipsoid (b) with three prin-
l1, whereas l1 5 l2 5 l3 (isotropic diffusion) suggests cipal axes (l1, l2, and l3 ) of which the orientation of the
sparse or unaligned axons. Although diffusion anisotropies main axis represents the average fiber direction. Once this
have been detected previously in white matter, until now it direction is determined in each voxel, tracking can be per-
has not been possible to translate these into neuronal trajec- formed by using either a discrete (c) or a continuous (d) num-
tories. This problem is related to difficulties in the postpro- ber field. The actual fibers are indicated by curved arrows,
cessing reconstruction of 3D fiber structures from diffusion and the average fiber directions in the voxel are displayed as
tensor MRI data, where decisions have to be made concern- open arrows. The connected voxels resulting from tracking are
ing the connections between voxels of the image. This is il- shaded, using dots. The discrete approach leads to deviation
lustrated in Figure 1c, where the fibers (long curved arrows) from the actual fiber to be tracked (c), whereas the continuous
are assumed to be confined to the two-dimensional (2D) approach succeeds as indicated by the train of solid arrows
plane and the fiber direction within each voxel is indicated (d). A three-dimensional axonal projection can be tracked as
by a straight open arrow. Starting from the voxel with an long as nearby vectors are strongly aligned (e). When vector
asterisk, tracking should follow the bold curved arrow. The orientation becomes random, as judged quantitatively from
most intuitive way to perform this tracking is by connecting summation of the inner products of these vectors (Eq 1), the
each voxel to the adjacent one toward which the fiber direc- tracking is ended ( f ).
tion is pointing. However, when using this approach, the
tracking (indicated by the dotted voxels) often deviates from the projection is judged based on the occurrence of sudden
the true fiber orientation, because the choice of direction is transitions in the fiber orientation (see Fig 1e and f). The
limited to only eight angle ranges (26 in the case of 3D) (see severity of such a transition is quantified through a parame-
Fig 1c). This problem is avoided when tracking a continuous ter R, presenting the summation of the inner products of
rather than a discrete vector field (see Fig 1d). Here, tracking nearby data points:
is initiated from the center of a voxel and proceeds according
to the vector direction. At the point where the track leaves
O O abs~n
s s

the voxel and enters the next, its direction is changed to that R5 l 1i z n l 1j!/s~s 2 1! (1)
of the neighbor. Due to the presence of continuous inter- i j
cepts, this tracking now connects the correct voxels and the
actual fiber (bold straight arrows in Fig 1d) can be assigned. where nl1 is the unit vector representing the longest princi-
We therefore dubbed this approach FACT. The end point of pal diffusion axis (l1) and s is the number of data points

266 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

referenced. When adjacent fibers are aligned strongly (see Fig Discussion
1e), the R value is large, while it becomes small (see Fig 1f) Our results from using the FACT approach show that
in regions without continuity in fiber direction. Theoreti- it is now possible to track the 3D structure of axonal
cally, there are many ways to modify this criterion. In the projections by using the diffusion MRI technique. Al-
present study, we calculated R values by using the four though this is very promising, some limitations should
neighboring voxels closest with respect to the continuous
be pointed out. First, MRI can only give information
tracking position, and a fiber was judged discontinued for
on the average axonal orientation within a voxel.
R , 0.8. The procedure of mapping the neuronal connec-
tions is started through the input of an arbitrary point in 3D Therefore, it is resolution dependent and it cannot dis-
space, after which the extent of the axonal projections into tinguish among several very small projections that are
functional regions is traced in both the orthograde (forward) immediately adjacent to each other. Second, the track-
and the retrograde (backward) directions. ing method is unable to distinguish between afferent
Studies were performed on a 400 MHz GE Omega (9.4 and efferent fibers. Further problems may occur if por-
T), using a field of view of 32 3 16 3 16 mm and 128 3 tions of two pathways actually touch, because the pro-
64 3 64 data points zero-filled to a final resolution of gram may inadvertently switch pathways. For example,
256 3 128 3 128. Diffusion images were recorded by using the initial tracking of the optic tract was complicated
a spin-echo Stejskal-Tanner sequence (echo time [TE] 5 44 when reaching the level of the dorsal lateral geniculate,
msec) and 10 gradient orientations. Gradient strength and where the algorithm began a partial tracking of adja-
length were 16 G/cm and 5 msec, with a separation of 16
cent fimbrial axons. Other limitations are functions of
msec. For an additional image with low diffusion weighting,
a strength of 5 G/cm was used in the xyz direction. Diffusion the current algorithm. For example, one of the most
tensor elements at each voxel were determined by multivari- challenging problems is the tracking of branched axons
ant least-square fitting weighted by signal-to-noise ratio.12 or axons leaving major pathways as they approach their
The tensors were diagonalized to obtain l1, l2, and l3 targets. Our program traces only one of the branches
and the direction of l1. The brain sample was obtained from in such a situation. An example is the tracking of the
an adult Sprague–Dawley rat and fixed on 5% formalin for lateral olfactory tract (see Fig 3) for which the anterior
2 weeks. portion is quite faithfully followed (see arrow in Fig 3d
and e), but where the fibers that are actually identified
in Figure 3f are small branches into olfactory and piri-
Results form cortex (indicated by dotted lines in the atlases of
Figure 2a shows a 2D representation of the water- Fig 3d–f). As a result, the lateral olfactory tract itself,
diffusion measurements. Although existence of axonal the location of which is still visible in the T2-weighted
projections can be clearly appreciated from this 2D MRI scan (see arrow in Fig 3f), is not labeled at this
vector picture, tracing of neuronal projections through level. Possible solutions to this problem depend on the
the brain requires a complete 3D analysis. After ex- specific question. For instance, if the goal is to follow
tending the diffusion MRI into 3D, we applied the various components of a pathway to their end points,
FACT analysis to track 10 different pathways in a one might simply identify multiple points in a large
formalin-fixed rat brain (Fig 3; see Fig 2b). It can be fiber bundle and track each component separately.
seen that our method successfully reconstructs the well- In summary, we introduced a 3D tracking method
known structure of these projections. To further illus- for diffusion MRI that allows the successful identifica-
trate the validity of our approach, the tracking of the tion of axonal projections. Potential applications of this
anterior commissure is also shown in a series of 2D method include the study of neuronal development
planes and compared with the corresponding rat brain and of diseases affecting neuronal integrity. In the
atlas from Paxinos and Watson13 (see Fig 3d–f). The U present study, a total of 12 hours were needed for the
shape of this structure can be easily appreciated from completion of the study. This time period can be easily
the atlas and it can be clearly seen that our diffusion shortened by a factor of 8 to 32 by using multiple-
result (dark blue) accurately traces this projection. echo acquisition techniques.15–17 Combined with re-
These 2D slices also show part of the tracking of ol- cent methodological advances for the suppression of
factory tract (ol), middle forebrain bundle (mfb), and motion-related artifacts,18 –20 we expect clinical appli-
fornix (f). cation of this fiber-reconstruction technique to be fea-
One interesting aspect of Figure 2a is the demon- sible in the near future.
stration of aligned fibers in most areas of gray matter.
Such anisotropy of gray matter has been reported pre-
viously, using diffusion measurements in two spatial
This research was funded in part by a grant from Johns Hopkins
orientations,14 and our results extend on this earlier
School of Medicine, the American Federation of Aging Research,
finding by showing the ordered fiber structures that and the Whitaker Foundation.
cause the anisotropy.

Brief Communication: Mori et al: 3D Brain Fiber Tracking 267

Fig 2. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) track-
ing of prominent axonal projections. (a) 2D vector field presenta-
tion in the parietal lobe of a rat brain as localized from a section
of the T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan. Because
axonal orientations are projected onto the 2D plane, axons per-
pendicular to the plane appear as dots. Rough boundaries for
regions of prominent fiber bundles are indicated by color lines
(yellow 5 corpus callosum [cc] and external capsule [ec];
green 5 fimbria [ fi]; and red 5 internal capsule [ ic]. Notice
the presence of preferential axonal orientation in the gray matter.
(b) 3D presentation of the fibers. Color coding is the same as in
(a) except for the blue color that shows axons tracked from the
splenium of corpus callosum into the external capsule. Some axons
within the fimbria are tracked into ventral hippocampal commis-
sure, and axons within the internal capsule are tracked into the
corpus callosum.

Fig 3. Three-dimensional (3D) projections and

two-dimensional (2D) validation of eight fiber
bundles in the rat brain. The results of the track-
ing are superimposed on 3D volume images, using
an oblique angle (a) or three orthogonal angles (b
and c). The vertical lines between (b) and (c)
indicate the positions of the 2D axial slices of
T2-weighted images on which the position of the
tracking is superimposed (d–f ). Images from the
rat brain atlas13 corresponding to the three slices
in (d–f ) are shown in the bottom row. Color
codes are as follows: green 5 fimbria; dark
blue 5 anterior commissure (ac); light blue 5
medial forebrain bundle (mfb); yellow 5 fornix
(f); white 5 stria terminalis; pink 5 stria med-
ullaris; red 5 optic tract; peach 5 lateral olfac-
tory tract (ol).

268 Annals of Neurology Vol 45 No 2 February 1999

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