Example HL

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Type I tasks

4 Properties of quartics HL Type I

A quarticfunction with a "W" shape has two points of inflection, Q and R. ln this investigation a line is drawn
through Q and R to meet the quartic function again at P and S. The ratio PQ:QR:RS is to be investigated
using specific examples to form a conjecture, and then examined formally to prove the findings,

1. Graph the function f (*) = xu - 8xt + 18x2 - l2x + 24 .

2. Find the coordinates of the points of inflection Q and R. Determine the points P and S, where the line
QR intersects the quartic function again, and calculate the ratio PQ:QRlR5.

3. Simplify this ratio so that PQ : I and comment upon your results.

4. Choose another quartic function with a "W" shape and investigate the same ratios.

5. Form a conjecture and formally prove it using a generalquartic function.

6. Extend this investigation to other quartic functions that are not strictly of a "W" shape.

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

Properties of qua rtics-student 3 HL Type I

L t"/r S sanarx rrl a Cuqat-t e


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S'C*)a l?23*4a* +36 = Lfu - t.) (+':+)

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks



&- {"G):o, r^}E g"} ,u=3,n=t/

-9r-laa\F,^tt"iq ; {161" r.,'e <+
ftsl -- (rla - s(ei.) * re(r)!_. tz(:) +z+ tt,/ ,,
t l,l -- t,)1 .- k (r:) + \s (r)'-rz(1) +24 = L3,/
,'. pt ,^Fe"|'.. crFe C;lrr, (' ,
oLoq"^-,. S[-,o'i] Y-L {,r; P
P A RS X**^ -f0.
r^{t-o-r\r, g.r^k QR .

^ - Sk)+ *+-gJ+tg,.'-r2rtzf

q{ {,; Po Rs

Le"1*8. a1 Po, '* !u,rtz-, q ?o'= ('1* -J,")-+ (*q -. r)

_ =) po'='(-t.lwztVr)'+(rlzruortqrt5)L
+ Pot =u(-+.4wzrVr\t+ ('lreLo rr qlrq\L _

-InlU c!+ ?&=ps )* P0;&E=li/,6//037

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

I^ b*qyn a.lr, :lA. .?.q1^,E aJr-.. -

!(-f, r::v-t q! qb[) - \: F_6+tr:rgr6 ) ., A(-2, o)
K ( 3), 5 (2,t5-*totQLLt 4,tf +rotq 6; )'
C"f-r'rt*1\'^5 1f," U61U Jt- -A" % "2^"^-f 4
Po 2':6zzl.1 ht* 6r /-l ,Z+Ll rto L8]
K5 t-.Lzzol 6r y6

o*-d PQ t Q< = I ,, I'l"irot+

S- #* ; 1n^.8 }8.^f-
lon. a, I W t q*o-rfr---' ffi!J{. q}e 9-c^^-z
+rrh *bowt ]U 4*" >+1.-s^^h po a.a , RS ";ft^l
tJ'J}.n2< O c.^-d R a* ffl.
"^fft*+.,... goi^13
} b"t- iL g)u^, o,^^-J 1q. G^^, o**o.,^il<
Pci = Rs q*-x Po Rg a t : r, 6tv6j+ ,,

I ,-,u.,. \ j-- '* *** h^

eh,l*s "tP';
c;!-o a" :+ffo- ,"4;^€- Pq n.s- -t- h-e 't{ta ?s-: +y g r
a^-d q +'- ? J- Th4 q,0...-.^ R ,",it u- ("r,9)
*L\ , .I- ovr",: 1a*'i\ J?.*t o- {ua-*-h * Llr
-,Zsse't\a-bau4 c-o.w h-r- \a""dt"**"J
So -lR.o-h POpS
k, "tr1^-1 tk x--.+)t!s +^ i (s '- q.\. $-c o.,-,6r-.
4',i" +*;+"nJp* rc'\\ r,uf oko.w.r- Yt
nr'--t"l'["'1' {";9;;
**r"# -1
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@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

>c(rc-^) = f-:+:r-
*3 = o t +b

P,-[t-i:gp--,*"n-) , A-f -o- ,-e ), K (o,

"- )",S (t*t:$ , o).

6*d P& i,-QF =* - l r IL+JE

tteo-.- Jt* {r*t *L* 99 - €s

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

; =. Li t:6lkos+ ,th-.^,*
P& QR -lA--k flr"-,-

-+ {ct) = x+ - zo-}

- J*+4*lno-*po"*a _ax.*_-e-(q*e), ,K l*, ,d)

-r (r.3 t t-}*J)
h*,h- ',*r hy,-t (f -^)L A. o= ,.G--^lt*-^r- i)

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005


a^/ a""r{-
o ), ( io, -*-

6{ ?O


s;,-',rJ( R-s = ,- €
P''a. R-s

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

Type I tasks

Mathematics HL: The portfolio Form B

Feedback to student

Name: Student B

Title of task: Properties of quartics rvre:(y) ll

Date ret: Date submittedl

A Use of notation and terminology 2/2

Appropriate a nd consistent.

B Communication 3/3
Good introductions, continuity and appropriate diag rams.

C Mathematical process 5 / 5

Examples were tested, analysed and a general proof was provided. Further examples were considered.

D Results 4/5
All correct, but the limitations were not made sufficiently clear.

E Use oftechnology 2 / 3

While graphs were helpful, technology could have enhanced the task by being used in further examples.

F Quality of work 2/2

The quality of work was outstanding.

@ lnternational Baccalaureate Organization 2005

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