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Camshaft timing

saturday`september O1`2012
12∶ 34AN1

Ca,ls内 e乾 Be/encer s/,e饣 se刀 d Ⅱmmg Gef,r rre″ 氵

F1鲺兔嬲乌留 蹴 砦冖
钅d桫 f°

竿严 oF∴ R〃 矽ror∷ r°内卜har9ds良抬 珈 a铒

%’ or气 〃 ^for leWˉ 押ar9d ddo sha燕

3.ldenlify ght
Ⅲ and汩 隹baI:ncer态 ha使 $accordhg lo the
0e爸 r各 ming marks白 s shown。

A∵ Right每 ahd sIde sh岔 Ft B-Lenˉ hahd sit1¤ sham

犭 `忄丨 z°‘’钸涞涵 ˇ
(Camsh白 嚣sid|) (l刂 ect∶ °。pum,$jde) 0

F'oJ,FF合 Cθ

Rea'Fa¢ e

7$・ |窈 17甾 pO氵 ⒉̌8

R01θ 91’ 田

IMp0RTAN亍 BalanCeF shafts MUsT Bε ∶

nsta"ed jn
the loca“ from whl¢ h re” °
ρn ved.ReVersing
sha汛 :ocations¢ ou∶ d resuIt∶ n θxc它 s$iˇ e
bushIng and shaft wean ln this casθ ,repIace
thθ baIancθ r sⅡ aft and bushings、
^§ >◇

4, lnstaⅡ balancε rshaRs and thFust p丨 εtε s‘ Tlghten thFust

ρ丨ate Gap sc「eWs to spec|啊 cationo∶


galan。 er sha贫

Thru耐 Plate Caρ

sc】 eW-TorqVe。 ¨ˉ …¨…”・
¨¨,¨ ‘ ¨¨¨ 40N・ m(∞ ,5lbˉ ft|

Ba′ 窗|,0t,'s勾 勰 a″ d△ 扔wsf P/afes

Coni,nu洳 on no容 阝如g乜 蚝 ,i0∷ o丫 P0/sˇ {9・ pO`。 夕廖


CTM104(03NOV10〉 o2ˉ 050Ⅱ 32 POwerTech Tw4.5L and6ˇ $LD治 $el Engi,只

P掂 =2go

John dccre5skW engine第 1贾

CeF,,s内 ε凡 B宙 /ence'Snε ,rs and nm;ng Gear rre泅

IMP0RtAN紊 Ensure Wθ ights aFe in$taIIe¢ to

sha渌 sIdθ oo0° s9tθ key(C).

5. Late「 engines1hiave balanGer sha众 s With remOvabIe

weIghts,InskaⅡ weights to-alanCer sha贫 su葫ng new
cap screws and n。 ts‘ △ghten to βpeGifcations。
sp念 ciflc念 刂on
$alalIcer$ha众 ∷
Rρ wlovab|侈 We|ghts
lsin引 e Cap so/ew
W岫 hts)-Torq刂 息.¨ ¨¨¨ Ⅱ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨…”…Ⅱ5δ Nim(钳 怔il
8a【 ancer
s№ 段
RemoV岔 ue Ⅵ沧lgh泅
Du笤 丨Cap Mew Balo洚 cθ 宵Rε moveb/e We/gh招
〈 'snε
u/eight$△ Torqu¤ .¨ ¨…¨
¨¨…¨¨¨40N・ m lsO lbˉ R冫

A-Weight C-Key
B-screW t1or2u令 0d冫 D-Not

Dua`Cap scPe呷 N§龟


’″σe Cep s¢ rew Welgh扌

’se油 J肋 mbθ 硝 Dun¢ q。 e“ buJfr e乃 gFl,鹌 FzO口 Bz7-,,se/e衤 I,t/J/r

ε″g`nes O∞ 9t⒓ 一 丿
,T【 ,r/eonˉ 0耐re|,g.neo rOOfOoo-,.

¢。Ⅱm△ 昏d° n no磙 I,dgt 鼹 160【 7476・ 19∶ 17$酗 备


CTM104(03N0V10) o2ˉ 050冖 33 POwerTeGhTv4.5L and6,8LD治 sel Engios氵

】 PN=⒛ 1

John decre55kW cng1nc第 2蛋 哥

Caf,7sF⒑ 乾 Be/ar9ε er s/,8Frs a刀 d Ⅱm加 g Cε εr Tre泅



correctly tirned,



⒎ 鲫
耱蹴 瀚 罹 l驷 £
w皙F毳 蓓
}罟 婆

氵8g匆 扌rC日 初s冉 a矸 sfde,Ba扌 夸力C舍 掀
A-T【 mlmg△ °ol B-κeyway 's奔

勰:t摁 话
饣 ° ε
汐~″ 幻蕊

/de淹 d rrom a刀
s犷 J备

RG16.¤ t冫4冫 6“ ¤ $卷 po7弼 硌

`氵 "冫

IMPORTAN△ D0N0t use zinG coated haFdware to

苗投 钾器 潞 孟、
:嘿 磊 帮皙毖 1苦 :强 Js、 w.
see pa时 $cataIog for appropriate part numbe∴

Ⅳ0Ⅱ 口 /nsra〃 rfIrt|sf wesher碱 h9¢ r,,ε k掏 dng

away POrn ge铽

¢ '◇嚣
⒏lns哪 m比 鼓washσ 。
ve"oWer洄 ler gear fC,and


齑 t¢
飕:饔 悬 :1I:帮 湍 蓠浦帮慌暂 漶飚俨

LoWer∫ d/er Gε 留 窗/,d Tf,泗 sf Wt,sher


熊G.1$.σ W冖 冫$→ 99冫 sEpO⒎ g’ s

10,Turn丨 θR CnjeCk。 n pump s妃 el ba丨 anCer shaR

ned岫 JD254A
澍翌l叩 锍品
11 1nslaⅢ oII pump gear冂 n0er oghten gear retain∶ ng nut,
12、 Recheck geartinη ing for both balancer sha众 s, 卜ο >◇ 唐 人♀ ’ 狂

A-币 mlng△ oo|

’埤”`卜Φ ∝

(、m泗 g1e仔 〃玛泅σ

σ°″Pt|mp s/de,
氵0/d宙 25酬 w勹 e,fooJ怂 o/dert,d rr。 励 Et/ropea刀 P宙 fFs
'JDˉ C台 矽
DJsl,,bVJo″ Fε
Contli,Φ o【 10li no※ t png申 R$10,o△ 冫衤7$.{镞 亻7$锿 pO7、 Pjg

CTM104(03N0V10) o2ˉ 050ˉ 34 POwerTech W4.5L and68L Dbse丨 Engipso


Johl deerc55kW cllginc第 3更

Cgn,sf,ε 筏 Bg/ef,cer sha饣 sε 刀Cr Ⅱm加 g Geer Tre″ ,

13,η oh又 θn oⅡ pump d"ve gρ a「 rθ ta丨 nin° n刂 t to


p$常 嬲 寻
黠 l蒜 严眺 畲髂 ∷磅

sρ eCi币 cation
oll pVmp oⅡ ve Gear
staked Nu卜 -Torque.¨ ˇ¨¨…¨¨…¨¨…¨¨¨¨¨¨50N・ m ls7lbˉ nl

i0ˇ ηghRen比 bocated bwer u洄 r gear Gap screws to

spec{Ⅱ cε tions‘

spθ ciⅡ c备 ti0n

1ower扌 d|er Cear o杏 ρ
s◆ /ew〈 Lubrlc念 t0d
gaJfy mode`s/l° wFa
Threads卜 TOrque~¨ ¨¨¨ ……… …

各-stakε Po氵 nts

R喏 `“ $.Cl△ 冫4扌$Ⅱ 旬 合εpO/蔽蘩



〓∷ 〓〓
1. LubriCate camshaR bearlng journa丨 s91obes1and
fOⅡ oWers w"h ηr6333H姆 hˉ Temperature Greaseˇ

lMpORtAN⒒ D0NOT aIIow camsha们 Iobes to

drag on c岔 mshaf|borθ °r bu$h:ng st【 rface$

whi1e:nstaⅡ ingG∷ am$ha汛 “Bθ aFIng$urfacθ s

辂盍 ※ ・
may become scratched or各 CoⅡ ed. Rot各 te
Camsha饿 during InstaIIation to avOId

obstruction in any bore.

殁弑 ◇茁
2. lnsta"Gamsha段 8nd tnrust plate in cyliRder’ o¢ k.8e
GarefuI notto damage bushing bore
8. 丨 hrust plate∞ p screws【 A,and tghtθ h lo
nstaⅡ 】
speci钠 Gations,

spec1Π cat∶ on
Cam曲 宙帘Thru皎 plate

Cap screWˉ TOrque¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨¨¨35N、 m悌⒗lb-Rl

A-ˉ thrust plate¢ ap screw

FlX F/,/t/菇 praFe

CTM104(03N0V10) o2・ 05Q△ 35 POWε rTeGht″ 4.5L and6.8LD捂 $e丨 εng”


Johl dccre55kW cnginc第 4更

Caf,,sF,ε 筏 Ba/anceF s/,ε 贸s ar,σ ⒒m订 ,g Ceε r"备扔

n Pump
鼬 8黻筑辗;ud k刂

JVoΓE=厂 tJe`∷ 刂e¢ 沁np〃 a`nsl叩 狩∷

ε are timed

:镞:襦 搬留罕谓钺箩“泅
`rlp ar,σ

黟找 xcepf

△me Camsham

猞 恣 早蠲℃ 以l飘社 :(;甓 蜘亻

串丨 森
:嚣 1::71 :古
◇r0DE8犭 ˉ 卩ming Pin,lock No 1plston at丁 DC


compression stroke,

蜊渊 怿
婴 蕊
serFl,gc目 msJ,a茫 犭油初g

A-Ti"n呐 g mark

摁‰J叩 °
拶黝B骂 沁° :爸
rde蹿 d幼 励Europee饣 助腌
C∞ 甾Ⅱ COGOi/NA灬 皈 骊 AV∞ 9,s

stanadyne ROtary Fue∶ I:刂 ectⅠ on pump Identi们 catfon

卜 8豺

卜曹陉瞅熬凶Ι歹〓丶l‘噙钚而 灬Φ∝


⒙ δ ∝

fnJecRlo汾 PLmp帖曲摺 Look鼬 at Π⒄加g lnJecFJo/’ PtJ” p珈 钾抒△ok。 ks沦 ε


A-叫 ec№ ut lo。 k B-I叫 ec刂 °np廿 mp wⅡ hI◇ ck$h寅 尕

sha贫 t】 "pump
nIng wkh°
扌 tIn讠 ng

TWo types of stanadyne rotary l哟 eα ion pumps can be hous丨 ng onCθ proper pump timIng orientat}on has been
found¤ n POwerTeGh45L and6.8L engines. estab丨 Ished冫 the dⅡ ve sha敌 is IOGked In posⅡ ion for
◆VⅥ thout Lock sha汛 Tlnning(A) aGcurale pump to engine timmg,on mjeGu° n pump wⅡ h
・VⅥ th LOCk$h8R tinning(B) the丨 ock shaR timing fea】 uFe,the攵 irning mark on the pump
羽ange:s not needed,
The dif沧 rent pump$a"ow enginesto α》
mpIy`Ⅳ 氵
th Va“ ous
IMpORTAN⒎ 0nCe i吨 ectl° n pu” ρ With IOCk shaR
eXhaust elV,ission reguIθ 变
tInning is ⅠnstatIed on engine,DON’ tF0RGET
The丨 ock$haR tifη lng feiature Gonsis又 s of a drive shan to reIθ asθ the dFIve shaft。
IOCking screw and a key plate mounted in the pump
Coi,奋 iou⒄ on ne欢 p悲 9¤ ¢o0θ $20,o0009AA・ 1钫 巍 镯 afB

CTM104lO3N0V10, j4.$L and68L Dlesel Engi卩

o2ˉ 050ˉ 36 PowerTechT’

Jol△ l dcerc55kW cllginc第 5更

~ˉ ˉ ˉ ¨¨¨ ¨ 。 ¨ˉ
ˉ¨ -¨ ¨¨-¨¨¨-¨ ¨¨ ¨ ~ˉ ˉ
¨¨ ¨ˉˉ
¨¨ ˉ
¨¨^ˉ …ˉ
;¨ -¨ ¨ ¨¨ …~… ¨ ¨¨ˉ¨¨ ¨…ˉ…--ˉ

ce羽 sn蜣 Be膀 ncer snε 麽。and珈 沔 Cear⒎ 滋掀″

渊H锯 讠
甾渖滹罐澍:P宫 :罱
1. lnslaⅡ fuelⅡ 叫 =』
e¢ ”。pu” p命 sp° r prOGedure from
2. 丨
nsla丨 ldⅡ ve ge宙 r onto pump shε ft, tnstaⅢ wθ sheF and

ret引 mng nu“ Al8nd⒃ ”
ten lo spec沛 ∞刂

:Ι⒊ 冫 °丨ˉ睁 燹 糍 泓 ° °
FueI IJ刂 0cti° n PuFnp0茯 V备 Gθ arˉToⅡ $ha贾 N0uspec:扪 cato曰
st爸 nadyna∷ DB2
-TOrquα ,” ¨¨…¨¨¨…∴………¨∴、
¨Ⅱ¨…¨¨¨¨…¨120N・ m〈 α)丨 b讯 〉
$涵 hadyne∷ D84 曳

-Torque¨ ¨¨Ⅱ…¨…… ………… ………¨ˉ

¨”…………200N m lI47协 “


oelphVLucas-TOrq呷 ¨ … ¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ∵ ¨∷ ”灬∵ⅡⅡ”¨ ¨ ¨ 00Nˉ m lsO lbˉ ⒆ se茁沦

§l,Je0″ 0’ ptjmp濂“g

y蹒 辍黼搬曜
谶瘛 e
A-Inj¤ cton pump dr泅 仓 g铷 F
B~Vlmlng mark

beIOw,θ lVns w"hⅡ m"g tool.

I闷 e¢ J° n pump Mode: △m【 卩¤Mark
De妒 h唯 u申 s and stanadyne⒋ Cyl、
∵…|-¨ 4
Fngi。 e-‘
slanadyne6~Gyf-Eng丨 r,e:¨ ¨。¨.¨ ¨¨¨”¨¨¨…¨● ¨… $6
0e1phV1ucas∈ 诂Cyl εng|。 兮.¨ Ⅱ,¨ ●Ⅱ‘
iⅡ ,¨ ‘
¨ “¨‘¨ L6 .●

De” hl/Luca$“ 弑 Pr叫 up0on11zQ Comun审 sl∶ ,^… ¨ ∞

Dθ lph丫 Luca$《 Eθ 引y彳 ¨ 6c
17oc0munθ 呦,¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨…・
Delph丫 Luoa$(Late1170Comunes,.¨ …¨¨,¨ ¨¨¨‘Gz

棚觏辘2嬲 拶秽
滗扩 orde/ed from ε
uop蛤 窗
n沔 涤
∞ o“ o臼 000n” ◆Xt9ago

CTM104(03N0V10, o2・ 050ˉ 37 POwerTe¢ h Tw4,5L and68L Dle$el Engi忄 曳氵

PN氵 2粥

John deere55kW eng“ e第 6贾

Cε ,氵 s`,ε 乾 εaFencer sr9ε /rs岔 ncr Ⅱm加 g Gε ar rre″ 冫


C∷ D3101:\¢ 、

s哆 各
⒗众¢ 石″g Fnsra社 ″丿 拥 pt/np
e¢ 茁
Aˉ ˉseaI:ng氵 ing B-ˉ s¤ aIing rIng gr° °ˇe C-” ectbn pump moun刂 j,g

:Mp° Ensure eng,ne|s at T0C wmh umi冂 g pin engaged in

营丨 ∶


nywheeItim氵 ng ho1θ .

:|∶ i∶ ;扌 J:扌 :扌 :l∶ ll|扌 ;丨{∶l丨l;:y lnsta‖a hew$quε re sea搪 ng dng【Al inRO groove(B)° n
印ont faGe of purnp mounting旧 ange.

黼嬲 遢酊
蒡懑箨 蚶
insta::ation ofthe:ock shaⅡ Ⅰmlng$crew.

nsta"the in挣 ct泅 卩pump overthe mOuflting stud$(G)
eCtbn pump moun父 泗°nuts but do not
nstaⅡ the3il、 丨 i∶

啪0hten at th泅 stage,

ⅣorE∫ Fv°r Fo加 ,抬 〃姒胯CfF。 ″ρ臼卩n Ca羽 shε 卩日nCr upper
kWε r gear fmusf¤ e加 sra″ed ε”cy犭med
Cor,ttouθ d o” nQ× iρ 鼓ge Cα 掊雾猊 mO0l^^192擦 MJXYm甜 各

CTM104(03N0V10) o2ˉ 050Ⅱ 38 powerTech tv4.5L and6× θ

L Dlesel旺 ngi卩

Johl dccre“ kW cngmc第 7贾

Cε mshε 珥 Ba/anε εr s/Iε Jrs窜 nd⒒m汩 g Geer Tra初

飞邸 蚜

黠靓鲞龃鹬鳊黪黠鲫蠲觯赇 骢觏篮∷
∷哪 i∶

f冖 奋FI,″ a汨 d εm舍 d/lVe¢o扌 rfg扫 fθ 汨 d犭 啥 窜e扩 净nd″ 矿台cfFO/,p臼 np n,ou分 rf|,g乃 vrs
D亠ηming mark“ ‘” E-JDC2s4A Πm:ng tool F-l刂 e¢ t° 岭 ,umpd'Ⅰ v宙 got】 r"vt G~"仑 仓Ⅱ0n pump mountIng nut

4. Engage gear onto dove sha饿 oVerthe sha佼 key,∷ then

6.Rotate the top of饣 刂 ect}on pump toWards eng:ne to

rotate the comp丨 etρ ρump untiI drive gear meshε s W吨 h
a咚 η⑼ eIIm汹 ate the gear backlash then1ighten nuls(G)to
漯弭搬 R渊 猊f胛镞黹槲卩
澍 spe0i砜 cat∶ ons,

speclfic备 tIon
5、 Ins又 aⅡ Washerand dr~e gear nut(F,onto end of pump |nlecton pump MounJng
sha鼠 △ghten to speciflcations。
TOrque∴ ,¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨¨
Nut$宀 一 ¨¨¨¨¨………………¨…¨……¨刀 N‘ m(20{bˉ 盂)
speCIⅡ c漤 t◇ n
stanadyn¢ o84
Fue;丨 叫ecⅡ on pump
D"ˇ e Gearˉ toˉ shθ R
Nut-1brque,ˇ ¨¨¨…¨…“¨`… ……………………¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨200N・ m〈 147lbˉ R,

0rde'JD^2爸 “ 讷 Wnθ n roo/fs° rde蹿 d rrom EvrOpea/,F,a饣 s
bvr/o饣 cθ ″
Dlsr|。 fe'rEpDc,
” ntnue【 I° n^e× 攵,a0o C∞ 3g2$`碾 X鼢 1`1``、 1$翎 抵吠 ¢
睃 ~ru’ B

CTM104(03N0V10) o2ˉ 060Ⅱ 39 Powθ rTe¢ h Fv4,5L and68LD泅 $el Eng” s。


John dcerc5狄 W cll鲈 ne第 8更

Cε mshε 氏 8ε ral,cer shaⅡs εnd「|m加g Ceε r Tre扔

10C狩 So蹿 W|n1ocR夸 d Pos|f/on Lo欲 $C/eW氵 /,t//,氵 ocked POsr/o沦

A-Lock soreW B-κ ey pIat仓

渊 蠲拶 糨狒
槲 8. Referto CtM207to termInate△ he∶ nsta"au。 n QfΙ hθ

Jd nlect0n pump.

Look$ha艮 π油|ng
1ook s¢ reW Unlocl【 ed
PosItlon-Torqu⒍ 、
.∴ ¨ ¨¨¨…………¨¨¨¨¨¨θNmσ 1lb1n)
¨…¨|¨ ¨¨●

Timθ stanadyno DE1o卩 ue1k刂 ecti° n pump

1ˇ Ihsta"and啪 me fuel订 刂ecton pum0as0er procedure
犴om CTM331,
2. InstaⅡ dove g。 8r ρnto pump shaR, In$ta1I washθ r θnd

retahIng nut(A)lhen t℃ htρ n∷ to spedfca扌 ons,
specIflc臼 刂0n
slanadyhe 0E10

fu创 lnleOuon pump

Φ骧 x两 °°
仓gear△ °~$h宙 佼

out=TOrquθ `¨ ¨” ¨… ¨…¨¨ …… ………“¨ 1gs N∶ m← 秕 lbˉ ⒆ CCl3窈 9移 9 △

∝ tI° n pum,d'仑嗳 g。 ar ″α功°饣 pump dr,ye ge审
′ =甘 t|f汨 俯 刀g gε ε 。l/erl/,srafJe磅
'″ '¢

¢0ntl冖 心§d0nn仑 冬 ρ矽¤e

CTM104lO3NOV10l o2ˉ 050确 o POw◇ rTeChT″ 4、 5L and6.8LD泠 $el Engi卩


John dccre55kW engine第 9贾

Ca/,ls/,e乾 8e/ence厂 $勾 e麽 s end rim″

榜 Ge8r rre″ l

⒈ Ⅱ
絮 喘:u恋 n pump唧 rp叩 ∞
:n蹴 d° dum

∶暇::9∶ 叩
8Ⅰ蒗诏 1撼 肿勰Jum弘



撼搬 〗 Ⅰ社甘揩 ws sG蹿

|l甜 f{}£lI售 J∶ ;甘 :“

钿j Ι
t泅 沦P廿 m9DFIV仓 Gear s¢ rews~sρ ecIⅡ catio论

咿炱 咨 蚕 °°
:。 ∝ h锅 严
Pump-Torque~¨ … … ¨… ¨¨ ¨……¨… “… …¨60N m ls7扔 。
0enso|n^une ln蕊仓″¢θ夕 F° εos【 。
bt/p,r0° r加 ˉ °汾p,mp
JJ,,e rtfer Ⅱ虍ε

Pump-TOrque Ⅲ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨Ⅱ……………………”¨5̌0N∵ m lB7|卜 R》 'o″
Molorpal ln冖 L|ne
Pump-TOrque ¨¨ ¨¨¨.¨ ¨¨… … ¨¨¨…… A-lnje。 fom pump¢ 巾 岔gear ¢-Tlm泗 g pio
60N∶ m lds|bˉ 斜 8宀 -s¢ rε W

:nstatI Vpperld:er Gear(Nonˉ HPCR Engines)


邋 :儡
FOr i硒e∝Jo冖
踯 m妯σ
th FOCk sDa狩 咬

丶担 yΙ 扌台丫〖Φ驳♂矮ω°
Lubdcate upper圮 丨
er gθ ar bushisg bore and sha众 With
丁Y6333High Temperature Greε se

2. ∪“ng JDG791A Pilot tooI(C),呐 staⅡ ¤leF gear without

turning camsha仗 or InJec刂 on pump gea△

IMP0RtAN了 D0N0Tu$oz∶ nc coated hardware to o`¢ θa'

retain idI念 r gpa∴ If cap sGrew is z∶ nc GOated, `nsraflJ vppe'R屠

搬裱盥撼 氵
::∶ ::::;勰 强品
∴黑 JⅣ1蛋J∶

3^ 1nsta"thrust Washer、 v故 h sharp edge towε rd timΙ ng

gear c° ve∴ LubriGate Gap$crew(B)with oil then
tigh】 en tO specin。 ations,

speci傅 ¢atl◇ n
Vpper丨 d丨 er Ge审 r cap
screw-TOrqu饫 ‘
.Ⅱ ¨¨
…¨¨7σ N・ 灬〈
53lb。 ltl

4. ReCheck gear雨 ming to了 nake su「 e敢 is CorreCR,

A-TΥ ss3t Grease C-JDG791Ap∶ 【

ot tooI
卜 Cap s¢ r兮 WW∶ lh W¤ $her UPper`拼 er g仓 ε ep scFelv

¢0浒 $?备 、
CA,XO09AB→ 鲂l郫 V1

CTM104(03N0V10) o2ˉ 050ˉ POwerTech TW4.5L and6丬 8LD怡 sd Engi?s氵

=1 PN:299

Jolm deerc5狄 W cngmc第 10贾

Cαmsfla乾 Be/e/,cε r sr,ε 狩s εF,d刀冫
,,加 g Gε ar rre″ ,

瑙l招 猫1⒈8K汇 强跣蹴 烈:强器


/V0刀 吁 Cems/,ε /F招 ”泅g° fT″ PCR/Pˉ yerye扭 eε d

豇锑F磊 驵糨娶ˇ 跏
ca羽 s/le轷 g oh

⒈ 卩
::恣 早
黼℃ 跳冒罩积思
总墁J:辐 :甾 J飞 /爵 fⅠ 1
oΓJDE81ˉ 4η Πm丨 ng Pin,丨 oGk No 1p灬 ton at丁 DC

∞ mpresdon slFOke。

2, Using JD254A lJD⒓ 50Al1△ ming Tool,tum camsha狡

ge8ru汛 |tmIng maFk lH)p°

泅‘ tOWards c旧 nkshθ 锇


3. lnsta丨 I rear thrust washer(8)onto剜 n(c)w论 h

IuboGation groovε s facing the Idlθ r gea∴

丨nsta"hub(Al wⅡ h leGess face toward rearthrusR

5. w改 h
甘:吲 焦 蹋扌醌搬Fnd hub㈧

6 In$taⅡ upperId丨er gear Onto hub.'`丨 ign the” V4Va丨 ve”
or"V4m timing marks of both the◆ amsha敌 and the

upper洄 ler g0串 Fs(El w缸 houttuming camsha众 ,the

弪 丶lˉ¢黛×※文
tirning ma「 ks must be on the丨 ine going by carF1sha俊
and upperid1er ggar centerlines.

7. Using JD254A lJD… 254A)1△ ming Tool氵 recheck th8t

qhe c8msha秆 geartlmhg mark(H)sti"poillts towards
cranksha狡 centerIine.

扛揿媾 ∶
⒈ :∶ :I∶ u”
lI∶ 絷卩
H-ˉ C念 mshaR
罗隅咖 4η
ge扌 rt9ming mark

卜°α铷⒚泽 彳 4一初’
φ渗鬻嚣 ←
¢ :罱 曲° ∮ 守
黛 8捧 ◇0

imε uppε r ld/e'ε ea'
o泪e'JD.25亻 en Foolfs orJe/ed FrOⅡ Eu/opea″ pa|rs
Dlsr● Iburf。 ″ Cε^W扣
Co” 臼nⅡ 铡 on"仓 Xt ρage

CTM104(03NOV10) o2・ 050ˉ 02 POwerTeGh Tv45L and6丬 8L Dlese丨 叵ngipsp


John dccrc55k、 V engine刍 芎11贾

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