Ijen Crater Blue Flame

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Ijen crater blue flame

Ijen crater blue flame – The beauty of ijen crater lake the phenomenon of Blue flame in Ijen

Ijen crater, Ijen volcano, or Kawah Ijen (local pronounce) is an active volcano in east java –
Indonesia. this volcano located on the border of Bondowoso and Banyuwangi city. this
volcano ahs 2.386 meters high from sea level. Ijen crater famous of the beautiful of sulfuric
acid lake view. the acid lake has 1 km wide and 200 meters depth. the water is turquoise color
water and its the most acidic water in this planet, its 0,5 ph of acidity. because the water is
super acid, so there is nothing life on this water, not event for bacteria.

Beside the beauty of sulfuric acid lake, Ijen crater also has phenomenon of electric blue light
or blue flame that its famous. the burning of sulfur gas, mixing with methane gas which its
comes out naturally from this active volcano creates blue light when its mix with oxygen on
the air. to see the blue flame its kind of ‘gambling”, it depends on your luck, as long as it isn’t
so smoky, not so cloudy, and more gas intensity then you would see this phenomenon of blue

To see the blue fire in Ijen crater, we must hike this volcano at around 1.00 am from start
point in Ijen (Paltuding car park). takes 1,5-2 hours hike to get to blue fire observation point
on the summit of ijen crater.

If you want to see the blue fire much closer, if you dare enough, you could go down in to the
crater (to bottom of the crater), but you should know that go down to the bottom of this crater
is prohibited for all tourist. so all the risk is on your own if you decide to go down.

For further info about ijen blue flame tour, please feel free to contact us on ;


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