Script Afternoon

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Call to order.
Fellow teachers please proceed now here at the social hall for we are about to start the program.
Roll- call by department.
Let’s have a roll-call, starting with the
English Dept, Filipino Dept, Math Dept, Science Dept, Aral Pan Dept, TLE Dept, ESP Dept, MAPEH
Dept, and SHS Dept.
------It is just proper to continue what has been started. This is the last day of our School-Based In-
Service Training 2019 with the theme “Gearing Up For Technology and Research Towards Sustainable
Quality Education.”
To our dynamic Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. Catherine D. Ferrer, to our big-hearted Principal,
Dr. Olivia P. Terrado, to our Assistant Principal, Mdm. Estela E. Frias, to all our hardworking
Department Heads, this year’s INSET coordinators lead by Ma’am Shelumelee Manzano, fellow
teachers, a pleasant afternoon to everyone.
To formally start the program, may I request everyone to please stand for the singing of PILIPINAS
KONG MAHAL through an Audio- Visual Presentation.
You may now be seated.
At this juncture, we’re going to witness an intermission number- this number was performed during the
Talentadong Dalubguro in lieu with the celebration of World Teachers’ Month this year. It is my honor
to introduce to you the group behind the superb performance in the Talentadong Dalubguro last October
2 held at Sison Auditorium, Ma’am Helen Custodio together with some selected CCNHS master
teachers. A resounding applause for them please.
Thank you for that fun-filled performance.
That only proves that teachers of CCNHS are very talented.
Speaking of talent, we will now proceed to the awarding of certificate of recognition to our high-caliber
and talented resource speakers for the past four days of our INSET Training.
Let me read to you the text… (read the content in the Cert of Recognition)
To award the certificate of recognition to our resource speakers, may I request our PSDS, Dr. Catherine
Ferrer, our Principal Dr. Olivia P Terrado, and our over-all INSET coordinator, Ma’am Shelumelee
Manzanp to please come up the stage.
To start may I call in, (Mention name of resource speakers from Day 1 to 4)
Next, we will now distribute the certificates of participation by department. Once I call your department,
please come up the stage together with your department head and receive your certificates followed
by a photo-op.
Let’s start with the (Call every department.)
To formally close our School-Based In-Service Training 2019, may I call in Ma’am Shelumelee
Manzano, our over-all coordinator for INSET 2019 for the closing remarks. A resounding applause for
Maam please.
Thank you Maam.
And that ends our INSET 2019, thank you teachers.

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