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HyperLynx 教程

• Pre-layout (LineSim):

• Signal-integrity and EMC analysis

• Crosstalk and differential-signal analysis
• Analysis for gigabit-per-second, SERDES-based designs
• Stackup and impedance planning

• Post-layout (BoardSim):

• Signal-integrity analysis and batch-mode simulation

• Crosstalk and differential-signal analysis
• Analysis for gigabit-per-second, SERDES-based designs
• Multi-board, system-level simulations
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Pre-Layout Analysis: LineSim

User Quotes
... LineSim is installed and working just great! ... It's terrific. It should be on every engineer's PC.
- Engineer, and new LineSim User

... a great tool for emergencies when we found a problem in production ... It let me try a number
of solutions quickly... and reduce the time it took to get the fix done.... I proved the accuracy to
myself and others by comparing LineSim results to actual measured waveforms. Even our
consultant was so impressed that he bought it for himself.
- Technical Specialist/Manager, Fortune 500 Office Equipment Manufacturer

... the most user-friendly signal integrity software on the market.

- PCI Bus Pioneer, Large Microprocessor Manufacturer

The rapid prototyping capabilities and ease-of-use of the tool (LineSim) allowed multiple
topologies to be tried and simulated ... Without this tool, the circuit would have failed in the lab,
and ... would not have been able to be corrected without a board re-spin. With the rising cost of
board re-spins and the need to shrink a product's time to market, it is essential that a tool of this
nature be employed ... in order to get new designs and upgrades right the first time.
- Hardware Engineer, Computer Systems Manufacturer

Some designers assume that signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC analysis begin after a PCB is laid out. But
one of the HyperLynx tools — LineSim – allows you to consider all of these effects much earlier in the design
process, before layout even starts. Working at this early stage, you can develop constraints for PCB
placement and routing that will give you the greatest chance of producing a successful first-prototype board.

Why initiate signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC analysis early in the design process? Because, the
earlier you begin, the earlier you catch mistakes; and the sooner you catch mistakes, the less time and
money you spend fixing them. It's been estimated that it costs 10 times more to fix a mistake after PCB
layout than before, and another 10 times more to fix it after prototyping than before. That's a factor of 100
— in terms of real, total cost – you can save by starting early.

How LineSim Works

LineSim allows you to quickly enter and solve "what-if" signal-integrity, crosstalk, SERDES, and EMC
problems at any stage of the design cycle. Analysis is based on your choice of two unique editors created
specifically for entering schematics representing physical interconnects (as you need to for signal-integrity
and EMC simulations). LineSim’s “classic” editor is a super-fast, point-and-click way of very quickly entering
transmission-line schematics (especially smaller ones). LineSim’s "free-form” editor is also easy to use and
learn, but better-suited for larger schematics or designs involving external SPICE or Touchstone models.
Using either editor, signal-integrity and crosstalk results appear as waveforms or eye diagrams in an
oscilloscope; EMC simulation occurs in the frequency domain and results appear in a spectrum analyzer.
To run LineSim, you do not need to interface to any other software tool, e.g., PCB layout. Instead, you enter
problems directly in LineSim's special interface, then get immediate results.

Why does LineSim work from a special "interconnect" or "transmission-line" schematic rather than
an ordinary PCB schematic? Because ordinary PCB schematics do not contain the physical information
needed for signal-integrity, crosstalk, GHz-level, and EMC analysis.

Consider a clock net on a PCB schematic: it is drawn as a "wire" that connects a driver IC to several
receiver ICs. However, the schematic tells nothing about how the "wire" is actually constructed. For
example, is it a simple PCB trace on a board's outer layer, or a more-complex trace that uses outer and
inner layers, and passes through one or more vias? These kinds of physical details determine how the
clock net behaves from a signal-integrity and EMC standpoint.

LineSim is optimized for efficient input of physical schematics, allowing easy what-if analysis. Circuit

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elements – transmission lines, ICs, and passive components – are added with a simple click of the mouse
button. Physical parameters – including coupled cross sections for transmission lines – are modeled by
right-clicking on any element.

Simulating a Simple Clock Net In LineSim

Suppose you're about to start a board design. Of all the signals on a PCB, clock nets are usually the most
critical from a high-speed-design standpoint. (SERDES-based designs don’t use clock signals, but here we're
discussing traditional, synchronous designs.) Let's see how LineSim could help you make important signal-
integrity decisions about your clock net before you even begin drawing your board's logic schematic. Since
this example involves just a simple interconnect schematic (as an introduction to the tool), let’s use the
“classic” LineSim “cell-based” editor. In later examples, we’ll try the free-form editor.

Load the Demo Schematic "Clock.tln"

In this demonstration, you can only simulate the schematics supplied with the demo (you can't create your
own). Let's begin by loading a schematic representing a simple clock net.
Load the demo schematic "Clock.tln" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

1. On the File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "Clock.tln". (Schematics drawn with the cell-based editor use the .TLN
extension.) The dialog box closes and a schematic appears in LineSim's editor.

The schematic is drawn vertically to fit better in LineSim's half window for this demo. The triangular symbol at
the top represents a driver IC. Next are two transmission-line symbols, one labeled as "microstrip" and one as
"stripline." In the middle and at the bottom are more triangular symbols, representing receiver ICs. Together,
these make up a schematic of a simple clock net with a driver IC, a PCB trace routed on a board's outer layer
(the "microstrip") to a receiver IC, and a trace routed on an inner layer (the "stripline") to another receiver.
In a moment, we'll see how this schematic was drawn. But first, let's run a quick simulation to see how this
hypothetical daisy-chained clock net would behave if you actually built it on a board.

Simulate the Clock Net

Before simulating, notice in the schematic that each IC symbol is marked with a colored arrow. These indicate
that the ICs are attached to oscilloscope probes; the arrow color corresponds to the channel color in the
Now, simulate the clock net using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation; set the oscilloscope to a 50-MHz
clock and the timebase to 5 nsec/div:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens; you
can increase its size by dragging its corners with the mouse.
2. In the Driver Waveform area, select the Oscillator radio button.
3. In the MHz box, type "50".
4. In the Horizontal Scale area, click the up arrow button twice to change the timebase to 5 nsec/div.
5. Click the Start Simulation button.

Unless your computer is quite slow, the simulation should take only a few seconds or so to complete.
The waveforms on the screen are the actual voltages you'd see if you built the clock net described on the
schematic. Notice that the voltages at the receiver ICs (the yellow and purple oscilloscope traces) show a
large amount of overshoot / undershoot – so much that the receiver ICs "see" at least one extra clock edge
per cycle. To view this problem more clearly, let’s plot the receiver ICs' thresholds in the oscilloscope.
Display a receiver’s threshold by choosing component U(A1) in the Thresholds For combo box:

z In the oscilloscope, pull down the Threshold For combo box and select component U(A1).

Notice that two dashed, dark blue horizontal lines appear in the oscilloscope; these are the receiver ICs’ 0.8-V
and 2.0-V input thresholds (Vil and Vih). (They were read automatically by LineSim from the receiver’s IC
models.) Sure enough, the falling-edge waveform crosses the Vil threshold three times, which could cause
double-clocking. (If you built this clock net, your board would probably fail.)

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Also, there is considerable high-frequency content in the waveform; that is a likely source of serious EMC
trouble (more on that later).

Fixing the Clock Net

Let's determine how to fix this clock net. Termination (i.e., adding passive components to match transmission-
line impedances) is a good way of fixing many kinds of basic signal-integrity problems.
In this demo version of LineSim, you can modify a schematic, but you can't modify a schematic and simulate
it. You can simulate the schematics supplied with this demo (as long as you don't modify them). Therefore,
we'll make changes to the schematic to see how editing is done, then load another schematic – which we can
simulate – that has the same changes made in it.

Add a Terminator to the End of the Net

Add a parallel AC terminator to the end of the clock net by clicking in a resistor and capacitor; set the resistor
to 50 ohms and the capacitor to 150 pF:

1. Close the oscilloscope by clicking the Close button.

2. Near the receiver IC, just below and to the right of the green "CELL:A2" label, point to the pull-down
resistor shape. When you point to it, a red box appears around the resistor.
3. Click once (with the left mouse button) to make the resistor "activate." It changes color and appears in the
4. Immediately below the resistor, point to the capacitor shape, and left-click once to make it activate.
5. Point back to the resistor, and with the right mouse button, click once. The Edit Resistor Values dialog
box opens.
6. In the Resistance box, type "50". Click OK.
7. Point to the capacitor, and again with the right mouse button, click once. The Edit Capacitor Values dialog
box opens.
8. In the Capacitance box, type "150". Click OK.

This demonstrates how schematics are created in LineSim’s fast, cell-based editor:

z left-click on grayed-out elements (transmission lines, ICs, terminating components) to activate them and
add them to the schematic
z right-click on an element to model its physical characteristics (select an IC model, specify an impedance,
change a value, and so forth)

Notice how fast this is: there are no symbols to select and even no wiring to perform.
The 50-ohm value for the terminating resistor is a guess based on the fact that a terminator should match the
impedance of the transmission line it's terminating (note that the second line in the schematic has an
impedance of about 50 ohms). The capacitor value is also a guess; generally, the longer the line being
terminated, the larger the capacitor should be. (Later, we'll see how LineSim can automatically find the best
terminating-component values, so you don't have to make guesses.)

About modeling transmission lines and ICs: If you want more information about modeling transmission
lines (as PCB cross sections, as part of a stackup, with connector models, etc.) or modeling ICs, click one
of the topics below.
- Click here for more information on how transmission lines are modeled (cross sections, stackups,
- Click here for more information on how IC drivers and receivers are modeled.

Simulate the Terminated Net

Now let's simulate to see if the clock net has an improved waveform; load the schematic "Clockfix.tln" and
simulate it:

1. Since you edited the schematic, it can't be simulated in the demo version of LineSim. Instead, on the File
menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "Clockfix.tln". The dialog box closes and a schematic identical to the one

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you just created appears in LineSim's editor.

3. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
4. In the Driver Waveform area, select the Oscillator radio button.
5. In the MHz box, type "50".
6. In the Horizontal Scale area, click the up arrow button twice to change the timebase to 5 nsec/div.
7. Click the Start Simulation button.

This time, the receiver ICs' waveforms (yellow and purple) look considerably better: almost all of the
overshoot is gone. By increasing the capacitor's value, you could further "tune" the waveform to eliminate all
of the negative overshoot – this is one of LineSim's strengths: how easy it is to perform "what-if" analysis. But
let's look at another circuit, and in the process, find out about an even easier way to determine optimal
termination values.

A Series-Terminated Net with IBIS Model

We fixed the clock net by adding a parallel AC terminator at the end of the net. Let's look briefly at another net
that is series terminated. Also, let's use an IBIS-format model for the driver IC. (For details on the IBIS format
and how ICs are modeled generally, click here.)

Load the Schematic "Ser_ibs.tln"

Load the schematic "Ser_ibs.tln":

1. Click the Close button to close the oscilloscope.

2. On the File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
3. Double-click on the file name "Ser_ibs.tln". The dialog box closes and a new schematic appears.

On this net, an IC – modeled with an IBIS model – drives a transmission line and receiver IC. (Scroll the
schematic to the right to see the receiver, if needed.) The driver is series-terminated with a resistor, whose
value is temporarily 0.0 ohms.
Simulate the net with the 0-ohm resistor; set the IBIS model to Slow-Weak:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation.

2. In the IC Modeling area, click the Slow-Weak radio button.
3. Click the Start Simulation button.

The simulator runs, showing what the falling-edge signal on this net would look like: it has very little ringing.
IBIS models can include min/typ/max data; let's change the model to run with best-case-fast/strong
Re-simulate with the 0-ohm resistor, but change the IBIS model to run Fast-Strong:

1. In the IC Modeling area, click the Fast-Strong radio button.

2. Click the Start Simulation button.

The simulation runs again, plotting over the previous simulation's results. Note how the waveform has
changed: now there is considerable ringing. We need to terminate this net to protect against the faster
versions of our driver IC.

Run the Terminator Wizard to Find an Optimal Termination

Let's change the series resistor to a value that will actually terminate the net. But instead of picking the value
ourselves and "tweaking" it until it works perfectly, let's ask LineSim to pick the best value for us. This shows a
powerful feature of both LineSim and BoardSim: the Terminator Wizard, a "smart" tool that can analyze nets
in detail and automatically pick the best terminations to use (types and values).
Run the Terminator Wizard; "apply" the resistor value it recommends; and re-simulate:

1. On the Wizards menu, click Run Terminator Wizard. A dialog box opens.

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2. In the Select a Device Pin list box, double-click U(A0). The dialog box closes, and the Terminator Wizard
opens and performs its analysis. It is recommending a 28.1-ohm terminating resistor.
3. "Apply" the Wizard's recommendation to the resistor in the schematic by clicking the Apply Values button
(upper right corner).
4. Close the Terminator Wizard by clicking OK.

When you run the Terminator Wizard, LineSim automatically analyzes the selected net, presents a list of trace
statistics, and, at the bottom of the list, makes suggestions for termination values. In this case, the Wizard
correctly determines that the termination type is "series," and makes suggestions for the optimum value of R.
In these calculations, LineSim automatically accounts for such effects as capacitive loading of receiver ICs,
total line length, and driver impedance.
In the schematic editor, notice that, because we clicked the Apply button, the resistor has changed from 0
ohms to the Terminator Wizard's recommended value of 28 ohms. Now let's simulate to see if the terminator
Re-simulate the net; then reset the oscilloscope to 'Typical' IC modeling:

1. In the oscilloscope, click the Erase button.

2. Click the Start Simulation button.
3. Before proceeding to the following sections of the demonstration, click the Typical radio button in the IC
Modeling area so that simulations are again running from typical IC data.

Note how dramatically improved the waveform is. At the receiver (yellow trace), the signal is nearly perfect. By
allowing just a small amount of undershoot at the receiver, the Terminator Wizard has achieved the least
possible delay to the receiver IC, yet ensured that the receiver's low-side clamp diode is not turned on.

The Terminator Wizard is a sophisticated tool. For example, in the analysis you just ran, it automatically
determined the following information (all displayed in the Wizard dialog box):
- switching impedance of the driver IC (average of high-side and low-side values)
- driver slew time (again, average of high and low)
- total net physical length
- nominal characteristic impedance of the net
- adjusted, "effective" impedance of the net, given receiver-IC loading
- what kind of terminator (e.g., series, parallel AC, etc.) you're using
- topology of the net, so that the Wizard knows what termination style to recommend if no terminator is
- driver-to-series-resistor stub length, in case the distance is too long
- the optimal termination value to use, given all of the above

Note: If you run an EMC analysis on this schematic, you won't get any radiation because the transmission
line is modeled non-physically as a "simple" line. LineSim's EMC-analysis engine must have physical data
about a transmission line (e.g., where it is in a PCB's stackup) in order to calculate radiation.

EMC Analysis of the Clock Net

We've investigated several nets' signal integrity. Now, let's consider how the clock net we saw earlier might
behave from an EMC standpoint. (Later, we’ll look at more signal-integrity simulations, for example, for a DDR
design and SERDES example.)

About EMC-Analysis Tools: EMC-analysis software is roughly divided into two categories – back-end,
system-level verification tools and front-end, what-if design tools. Verification tools, because they attempt
to perform system-level simulations, are so modeling-intensive and cumbersome that they tend to be
impractical. LineSim is a front-end design tool that's easy to run and attacks EMC problems early in the
design cycle.

Run the Spectrum Analyzer on the Clock Net

First, re-load the original version of the clock net's schematic (load "Clock.tln"):

1. On the File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "Clock.tln". The dialog box closes and the original version of the clock net –
without a terminator – appears in the editor.

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Then, simulate the net to find its radiation profile, using Simulate > Run Interactive EMC Simulation.
First, set up the EMC-analysis probe, using the Set button:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive EMC Simulation. The Spectrum Analyzer dialog box opens;
you can increase its size by dragging its corners with the mouse.
2. In the Probe area, click the Set button. The Set Spectrum Analyzer Probing dialog box opens.

At this point, we have a decision to make. EMC behavior can be investigated by predicting the net's far-field
radiation, or simply by probing its trace current directly and viewing the current in the frequency domain. Use
of a current probe is especially appropriate in LineSim, because radiation prediction requires physical detail
which is sometimes missing in a LineSim schematic: it's not possible to predict radiation from a purely
electrical transmission line, for example (radiation algorithms require detailed stackup knowledge). But
LineSim can always collect trace-current data, no matter how you construct your schematic.

Note: Some EMC experts always prefer dealing just with trace currents, rather than radiation predictions.
HyperLynx's radiation algorithm is powerful, but it is admittedly not able to account for the effects of
attached cables, the product's enclosure, etc. By concentrating on just the frequency content of a net's
currents – which LineSim can predict with high accuracy – you can very effectively manage your EMC

Let's continue, then, using a current probe:

1. In the Probe Type area, notice that both antenna and current probes are available. Select the Current
radio button. Most controls in the dialog box gray out.
2. In the Pins list box, double-click on pin U(A0). The dialog box closes.

Then, run the EMC simulation:

1. In the spectrum analyzer, verify that the Vertical Offset is set to 100 mA.
2. Click the Start Simulation button.

The simulation runs. The spectrum analyzer works first in the time domain, collecting data, then runs an FFT
to transform the current waveform into the frequency domain.

Examine the Spectrum Analyzer's Results

LineSim's spectrum analyzer works just like a real analyzer connected directly to a current probe. The yellow
vertical bars show you the magnitude of the current at every frequency at which there is significant radiation.
Notice that the current spectrum has a strong peak at the simulation's base frequency; the current level is
close to 100 mA. If this net were on a real board, you would probably want to see if you could lower this peak

EMC Analysis of the Terminated Clock Net

Now, let's run the "fixed" version of the clock net (the one with the AC parallel terminator added) to see if its
EMC profile looks better than the unterminated net's. Remember that in the licensed version of LineSim, you
could do this easily by adding the resistor and capacitor at the net's end. In this demo version, you must load
a separate schematic.

Run the Spectrum Analyzer on the Terminated Net

First, re-load the "fixed" version of the clock net's schematic (load "Clockfix.tln"):

1. On the File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "Clockfix.tln". The dialog box closes and the fixed version of the clock net –
with the terminator added – appears in the editor.

Then, simulate the net to find its EMC profile, using Simulate > Run Interactive EMC Simulation:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive EMC Simulation. The Spectrum Analyzer dialog box opens.

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2. In the Probe area, click the Set button. A dialog box opens.
3. In the Probe Type area, verify that the Current radio button is selected.
4. In the Pins list box, double-click on pin U(A0). The dialog box closes.
5. In the spectrum analyzer, set the Vertical Offset to 100 mA.
6. Click the Start Simulation button.

Notice that the clock net's peak current level is now substantially improved: reduced in fact, by approximately
half. (It may look at first glance like less than half, but note that the vertical scale is logarithmic.) This net will
therefore radiate substantially less than the unterminated version. Notice that we've made this improvement
even before PCB layout: a proactive way of treating EMC problems that catches problems early in the design
cycle and significantly reduces the likelihood of certification failure and redesign downstream. Notice also the
connection between good signal-integrity and EMC design: the same termination improved both the signal
quality and EMC behavior.

About LineSim’s Free-Form Schematic Editor

In the examples shown earlier in this demonstration, we used LineSim’s cell-based editor, which is optimized
for very quick drawing of simple interconnect schematics. In the following sections, we’ll switch to using
LineSim’s “free-form” editor, which more easily handles larger schematics (and allows for including SPICE or
Touchstone models.) When you actually begin using LineSim, you’ll have a choice of which editor to learn –
or you may wish to use both, for maximum flexibility. Note that the underlying dialog boxes in both editors are
identical, so learning both is fairly easy.

Signal-Integrity of a DDR Data Path

The examples you saw earlier in this section were instructive, but very simple. Let’s look at one more example
– for the signal integrity of a DDR data path – that is more similar to the type of work you’d actually do using

Load the Demo Schematic "DDR_4DIMM_data_min.ffs"

Begin by loading a schematic that represents a typical DDR data path.
Load the demo schematic "DDR_4DIMM_data_min.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

1. On LineSim's File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "DDR_4DIMM_data_min.ffs". The dialog box closes and a schematic
appears in LineSim's free-form editor.

Note: Running half-screen in the demonstration version, the details of the schematic are difficult to see
(because the schematic automatically fits to the screen width). If you wish, you can use the View > Zoom
Area In menu command to zoom into the schematic and see it in more detail. However, this is not
necessary, and the instructions below are written assuming that you stay at the present zoom level.

Note the difference between this editor and the one you saw in earlier examples. The free-form editor
functions more like a “standard” schematic tool: you choose symbols from a palette, and wire them together.
This technique tends to work better for large or complex designs. But otherwise, there’s not much difference
between the two editors: all of the associated dialog boxes (for modeling transmission line or ICs, for
example) are identical.
The schematic we’ve loaded represents a typical topology for a DDR data path, implemented in LineSim’s
free-form schematic editor. (The schematic was drawn so that the entire design fits on a single page, but it
could just have easily been “stretched” out to fit on multiple screens.) The DDR bus could be run at various
speeds, but we’ll try to make it work at 266 Mbs (133 MHz). The design is based on the minimum interconnect
lengths allowed by the JEDEC spec; trace widths and stackup have been designed to give the desired
Looking from left-to-right, the design incorporates these elements:

z A DDR controller, represented by an IBIS model for a Xilinx Virtex-4 SSTL2 driver
z Several transmission lines representing extra package parasitics (recommended by Xilinx in their IBIS
model), breakout routing, and routing to the first DIMM module; plus a series termination resistor just after
the breakout

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z The first of four DIMM modules, consisting of the following elements:

z A transmission line representing the DIMM’s connector
z Transmission lines representing routing to a series resistor on the DIMM, and then more routing
z A “T” in the routing, with transmission-line branches going to two SDRAM data inputs, each represented
by a Micron Technology MT46V16M8A0 IBIS model
z A transmission line representing more routing, between DIMM 1’s and DIMM 2’s connectors
z Then DIMM2 (a copy of DIMM 1’s structure); DIMM2-DIMM3 routing; DIMM3; DIMM3-DIMM4 routing; and
z Finally, a parallel pull-up-resistor terminator, to 1.25V

Simulating the DDR Data Path

Let’s attach some oscilloscope probes, then simulate to see how the data bus’s signal integrity looks.
Assign probes using Simulate > Attach Scope Probes to the following device pins – controller.dqs,
dimm1.front, dimm2.front, dimm3.front, and dimm4.front; in the oscilloscope, select an oscillator stimulus and
set it to 133 MHz; set the horizontal scale to 2 ns/div and vertical scale to 500 mV/div; and display the
thresholds at one of the receiver pins:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Attach Scope Probes. A dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, locate pin “controller.dqs”, then double-click on it; a probe is attached. Repeat for pins
“dimm1.front”, “dimm2.front”, “dimm3.front”, and “dimm4.front”. Then click OK to close the probing dialog
box. In the schematic, notice that a colored probe has appeared at each selected pin.
3. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The oscilloscope dialog box opens.
4. In the Driver Waveform area, click the Oscillator radio button. In the MHz box, type “133”. In the IC Model
area, verify that the Typical radio button is selected.
5. In the Horizontal Scale area, click the up arrow once to set the scale to 2 ns/div. In the Vertical Scale
area, click the down arrow once to set the scale to 500 mV/div.
6. In the Threshold For combo box, choose pin “dimm1.back”. The receivers’ Vil and Vih threshold values
are plotted in the oscilloscope display, as dashed blue lines.
7. Then click the Start Simulation button to begin simulating.

The resulting waveforms show a problem: at the left-most of the DIMMs (yellow waveform), there is a
noticeable anti-reflection that causes DIMM 1’s received signal to dip back slightly above the high threshold.
This means that there is at least a possibility that DIMM 1 would get double-clocked. Some versions of this
design would fail in the field.

Improving the Data Path’s Signal Integrity

There are various ways you could potentially improve the data path’s waveforms. One possibility is by
changing termination values (especially the series resistor at the driver or pull-up at the end of the bus, which
are not on the DIMM modules and therefore under our control). Let’s trying changing the pull-up’s value.
Change the pull-up resistor’s value to 22 ohms, then re-simulate:

1. Minimize the oscilloscope by clicking its minimize button (in the upper right corner: “–“).
2. In the schematic, point to the pull-up resistor (at the far right edge), and right-click with the mouse. On the
pop-up menu, select Edit Value and Parasitics. The Edit Resistor Values dialog box opens.
3. In the Resistance box, type “22”. Then click OK.
4. Find the minimized oscilloscope, and click on its restore button (“double boxes”); the oscilloscope re-
appears. Click the Erase button to clear the old waveforms.
5. Click Start Simulation to re-simulate. New waveforms appear.

Notice that the rising edge waveform is now OK: the ringback at DIMM 1 (yellow waveform) is well above the
Vih threshold. It is still marginal, though, on the falling edge (versus Vil).
To improve the falling edge, recall that the schematic uses the minimum possible interconnect lengths (per
the JEDEC spec). Sometimes, it actually helps to increase routing length. Let’s see if that’s true in this case.

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Right-click on the three transmission lines that represent the routing between DIMMs 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4;
increase each line’s length to 1.2 inches:

1. Minimize the oscilloscope.

2. To display all of the schematic in the window, LineSim zoomed out quite far. Let's zoom in to make it easy
to read the component text. On the View Menu, click Zoom Area In. Then drag the dashed zoom
rectangle around the driver for the DDR controller and the first three transmission lines connected to it.
3. Using the scroll bar near the bottom of the schematic, scroll to the right until you see TL20, labeled
“DIMM1 – DIMM2”. (If the entire label is not displayed, touch it with the mouse; a tool tip appears.) Right-
click on it; on the pop-up menu, select Edit Type and Values. In the Edit Transmission Line dialog box,
click on the Values tab; in the Length box, type “1.2”. Then click OK.
4. Repeat step 3 for each of transmission lines TL26 and TL53.
5. Then restore the oscilloscope; click Erase; and click Start Simulation to re-simulate.

Success! We’ve made the signal quality on all receivers on the DDR data bus “clean” enough to work reliably.

About Modeling ICs

An important aspect of simulation is the modeling of ICs, particularly driver ICs. So far, we have not
addressed this topic in any detail. If you continue through this demonstration, you'll learn more about IC
modeling. If modeling is of particular concern to you, click here to jump ahead to some information specifically
about IC modeling.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next, we turn our attention to
pre-layout crosstalk analysis and simulation of differential pairs.
Click here to return to the main menu.

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LineSim's Crosstalk and Differential-Signal Features

If you started this demonstration at the beginning, you've already seen how LineSim's signal-integrity and
EMC analysis features can help you prevent signal-integrity and EMC problems early in the design cycle.
LineSim's crosstalk-analysis features extend the advantages of working up-front to two further high-speed
areas: crosstalk and differential signaling. In this section, we'll see some examples of each.

How LineSim's Crosstalk Analysis Works

As demonstrated in the overview of LineSim's "base" features, LineSim allows you to quickly construct
schematics of various interconnect scenarios, and simulate to see the resulting waveforms. LineSim's
crosstalk-analysis option lets you go a step further and add line-to-line coupling into your schematics. With
this capability, you can:

z accurately predict how much crosstalk will occur when two or more PCB traces are routed near each other
z efficiently specify maximum parallelism, minimum line separation, and other routing constraints
z see the effects on crosstalk waveforms of trace separation; trace width; dielectric thickness; driver-IC edge
rate and impedance; parallel run length; and so forth
z confidently design high-speed buses that meet tight timing and low-crosstalk-noise requirements
z learn the difference between forward and backward crosstalk, and develop an intuitive sense of when
crosstalk occurs and how to minimize it
z implement resistor-termination strategies that can greatly reduce or eliminate end-of-the-line crosstalk

A key technical element of LineSim's ability to analyze coupled transmission lines is its fast, built-in boundary-
element field solver. In one of the examples below, you'll have the opportunity to explore a few of the solver's
features in detail.

Using LineSim for Differential-Signal Analysis

LineSim's coupled-line analysis features are also valuable in the design of differential signals, since the same
line-to-line coupling that causes crosstalk on unrelated signals also creates differential impedance and other
electrical characteristics important in differential signaling. Differential pairs are common in very-high-speed
design, and are used widely in gigabit-per-second, SERDES-based designs.
Specifically, you can use LineSim to:

z Accurately simulate differential signals, taking full account of the coupling between traces
z Explore termination options for differential signals, and determine when a single line-to-line resistor is
sufficient or when a full "array" termination is required

LineSim also offers features that make it easy to plan for targeted differential impedance. This happens
mostly in the stackup editor; to see an example of differential-Z0 planning, click here.
In the following sections, we'll look at some examples of how LineSim's crosstalk-analysis option can make
preventing crosstalk and designing differential signals easier.

Crosstalk Example: Planning Minimum Trace Separation on a Bus

Suppose you're designing a bus, and you want to guarantee that no more than 300 mV of crosstalk can occur
between any of the bus' signals. Let's see how LineSim's crosstalk option could help you meet this design
goal, and develop the proper routing constraints to achieve it.

How to Simulate Crosstalk on a Bus

A typical parallel-style bus in a digital system contains many physically parallel traces – 16, 32, 64, maybe
even more signals. (This is not true of gigabit-per-second, SERDES-based designs, which emphasize serial
links, but here we're talking about traditional synchronous-style designs.) However, when you simulate to
predict crosstalk on such a bus, you definitely would not bother simulating all of the signals. Rather, you would
take advantage of the fact that the crosstalk driven into a given "victim" trace comes predominantly from two
other traces: the neighboring ones on either side. So, typically, you would bother to simulate only a set of

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three traces (or maybe five), as shown in this example.

Load the Demo Schematic "XT_Trace_Separation.ffs"

In this demonstration, you can only simulate the schematics supplied with the demo (you can't create your
own). Let's begin by loading a schematic representing three adjacent traces on a bus.
Load the demo schematic "XT_Trace_Separation.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

1. On LineSim's File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "XT_Trace_Separation.ffs". The dialog box closes and a schematic appears
in LineSim's free-form editor.

In the schematic, the three transmission lines represent the side-by-side traces on the bus described above.
The triangular IC-driver symbols at the left end of each line show that all three traces are being driven from
the left side. Each line also has a receiver IC at its right end. The ICs are modeled with a generic 3.3-V fast
CMOS model from the HyperLynx-supplied library “EASY.MOD.”

"Victim" versus "Aggressor" Traces

Look at how the driver ICs are set up in the Assign Models dialog box; note that the middle trace's driver is set
to "Stuck Low" rather than "Output":

1. Point to any of the left-end driver-IC symbols in the schematic. Double-click on the symbol; the Assign
Models dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, highlight IC pin U1.1 by clicking once on it. Look in the Buffer Settings area to the right and
note that this pin (the driver IC on the uppermost trace) has been set to be an "Output," meaning that it
will switch high/low or low/high when simulation runs.
3. Similarly, in the Pins list box, highlight pin U1.3 (third in the list). It is also set as an "Output."
4. Now highlight pin U1.2. This is the driver on the middle trace. Notice in the Buffer Settings area that it has
been set to "Stuck Low." This means that it will NOT switch when simulation is run.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box. Back in the schematic editor, note that middle-trace driver has a "0" near
its symbol, indicating visually that it is "stuck low."

The reason that the driver ICs are set up this way (middle trace "stuck low" and outer traces switching) is that
we want the middle signal to be the "victim" in our analysis and the outer signals the "aggressors," i.e., we
want to see how much crosstalk develops on the middle trace when its neighboring traces switch. But notice
that we didn't leave the middle trace completely undriven; rather, we applied a driver-IC model, but held it in a
static state. Modeling driver ICs on victim traces is very important, since low-impedance drivers reflect rather
than absorb crosstalk energy.

About "victims" and "aggressors": LineSim will simulate any mixture of "victim" and "aggressor" traces -
in fact, the simulator makes no distinction between the two. Generally, you would refer to traces which are
actively switching as "aggressors" and those on which you're trying to observe the resulting crosstalk as
"victims." In this simulation, we could just as well have made the middle trace also switch, in which case it
would have been both an aggressor to the other traces AND their victim.

How the Traces' Coupling was Defined

LineSim's crosstalk option lets you add coupling information to any LineSim schematic. (For more information
on LineSim's basic, non-crosstalk features, click here.) The drawing for this example was created by entering
a LineSim schematic with three transmission lines and their driver and receiver ICs; then adding information
about how the three lines are coupled together. Any line in a schematic can be made coupled simply by right-
clicking on it and changing its type to "coupled stackup" (not in the demonstration version, though). Any
number of "coupling regions" can be defined, and any line can be added into any coupling region.
When a transmission line is coupled, it displays differently in the schematic editor than when uncoupled.
Notice that the t-lines in this schematic have “rat’s nest” lines between them, indicating that they’re coupled
Once transmission lines are gathered into a coupling region, the region's cross-section properties and length
can be defined to match exactly the problem you want to simulate. The definition you make is geometric; it is
LineSim's job to convert this data into electromagnetic parameters.
Right-click on a transmission line to edit it and click the Edit Coupling Regions tab; look at how a region's

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cross section is defined geometrically:

1. Point to any of the transmission lines in the schematic, and right-click with the mouse. A menu appears.
2. Select Edit Type and Values. The Edit Transmission Line dialog box opens.
3. Click on the Edit Coupling Regions tab.
4. Notice how the dialog box allows you to completely define the coupling region's geometry. The Coupling
Regions list box (on the left) shows a "tree list" of the region's stackup layers and transmission lines, and
a graphical view of the current definition. The various edit boxes on the right let you change geometric
parameters for the currently highlighted trace (or in some cases, globally for the entire region). The
Impedance list box (lower right) gives a summary of the resulting electrical characteristics (much more
electrical data is available elsewhere; see below).

This coupling region is currently defined as follows:

z traces are together on an inner, "stripline" layer

z traces are 6 mils wide and 8 mils apart (edge-to-edge)
z the region's cross section applies over a length of 12 inches

Before we actually make any changes to the coupling region, let's run a simulation to see how much crosstalk
occurs with the current arrangement. (Perhaps our design goal of no more than 300 mV of crosstalk voltage is
already satisfied.)

Run a Simulation with Existing Coupling to See How Much Crosstalk Occurs
Simulate the existing schematic and coupling region using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation; set the
oscilloscope timebase to 2 nsec/div, and simulate once with a falling edge and once with rising:

1. Click OK to close the Edit Coupling Regions dialog box.

2. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
3. Verify that the Driver Waveform is set to Edge, Falling Edge, and the IC Modeling to Typical.
4. In the Horizontal Scale area, click the up arrow button once to change the timebase to 2 nsec/div.
5. Click the Start Simulation button.
6. When the simulation is complete, change the Driver Waveform to Rising Edge, and re-simulate.

The green and yellow waveforms show the crosstalk voltages on the middle, "victim" trace, at the receiver and
driver ends, respectively. That the yellow waveform hardly moves is no surprise, since this end of the line is
held low by a low-impedance CMOS driver. But the situation is very different at the green, receiver end: there
is more than 1V of crosstalk when the aggressor signals are driving high. (To see which waveforms
correspond to which driver edge, in the Display area, toggle the Previous Results check box on and off; the
waveform that persists is for the rising-edge simulation.) >1V is well above our design criterion of 300 mV
maximum crosstalk.
When we simulated, LineSim ran its built-in boundary-element field solver to convert all of the geometric data
we entered into electromagnetic coupling parameters. In this example, we won't look specifically at the results
generated by the field solver (though they are always available in the Edit Transmission Line dialog box's
Field Solver tab, by clicking the View button). Later, in a differential-pair example, we'll look at the solver's
output in detail.

Note: It is the backward-crosstalk pulse reflecting off the victim line's driver IC that generates the 1-V
problem. With a little experience using LineSim, you will be able to comfortably distinguish forward
crosstalk from backward. Backward crosstalk persists for twice the delay length of the aggressor net that
creates it (compare the length in time of the pulses in the green waveform to the transmission-line delay
reported in the schematic).

Increase the Trace Separation to Decrease the Crosstalk

One obvious way to decrease the crosstalk is to increase the separation between the traces.
Edit the coupling region, increase the trace separation from 8 mils to 12, and re-simulate to see by how much
the crosstalk is reduced:

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1. Point to any of the transmission lines in the schematic (you don't need to close the oscilloscope first), and
right-click with the mouse and select Edit Type and Values to re-open the Edit Transmission Line dialog
2. Click on the Edit Coupling Regions tab.
3. In the Coupling Regions list box, highlight the middle trace. There are two ways to do this: either click
once on transmission line "TL2" in the tree list; or carefully point to the middle trace in the graphical
viewer, and click.
4. In the Trace-to-Trace Separation area, in both the Left and Right edit boxes, type "12" to increase the
separation from the aggressor traces. The separations become wider in the graphical viewer.
5. Click OK to close the dialog box, then back in the oscilloscope, click the Start Simulation button.

Notice that the maximum crosstalk (green waveform) has indeed been reduced, but only to about 750 mV, still
well above the acceptable level.

Decrease the Stackup Dielectric Thickness

There are many ways besides trace separation to affect crosstalk. One that is sometimes overlooked is the
PCB stackup. Let's try making a simple stackup change to further decrease the amount of crosstalk on our
Edit the PCB stackup and decrease the separation between the plane layers and the inner signal layers from
10 mils to 5; then re-simulate:

1. On the Edit menu, select Stackup. The stackup editor opens.

2. Verify that the Basic tab is selected.
3. In the Thickness cell for the dielectric between layers "VCC" and "Inner1" (i.e., row 5 of the spreadsheet),
type "5". Press <Enter> or click some other cell in the spreadsheet to tell the stackup editor to accept the
new value.
4. Repeat for the dielectric layer between layers "Inner2" and "GND" (row 9); type "5".
5. Verify in the graphical stackup viewer that the desired layers display as 5 mils thick. Then click OK to
close the editor.
6. Back in the oscilloscope, click the Start Simulation button.

Now the maximum crosstalk at the victim trace's receiver end (green waveform) is sharply reduced, to about
280 mV. This meets our design goal, with a little margin to spare.
In general, crosstalk is a complex effect that is influenced by many different factors: e.g., driver-IC technology,
trace separation, trace width, line length, line-end termination (crosstalk generally requires more-complex
termination than single-line reflections), and PCB stackup (layer ordering and dielectric thickness/material).
LineSim lets you rapidly explore many different options to see which combinations most effectively meet your
One of the most powerful uses for LineSim is the development of routing guidelines and constraints. For
example, in this case, we now know that the routing for this bus must be set to a minimum trace separation of
12 mils. We also have a stackup constraint: we know that two of our dielectrics need to be 5 mils thick.

Differential-Trace Example
Differential signaling is a technology that actually takes advantage of the coupling between neighboring
traces. When you design a differential pair, you often deliberately couple the two traces together fairly
strongly, so that any signal induced by external noise on one is also induced on the other – and then rejected
by the differential receiver at the ends of the lines.
However, differential-pair design involves non-trivial issues like determining what geometries to pick to
achieve a specific differential impedance. Terminating differential traces can also sometimes be challenging.
LineSim's crosstalk option is a powerful tool for differential-signal applications, because of the built-in
boundary-element field solver. The field solver automatically calculates differential impedances, determines
coupling parameters, and suggests termination values.

Achieving a Specific Differential Impedance

It's common in differential signaling for IC vendors or bus specifications to recommend specific differential-

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impedance targets. There are several ways LineSim can help you plan for differential impedances. For
example, when you enter a differential trace pair in LineSim's schematic editor, LineSim immediately makes
the pair's differential impedance available to you. Let's see an example.

Load the Demo Schematic "XT_Coupled_Differential.ffs"

Load the demo schematic "XT_Coupled_Differential.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

1. On LineSim's File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "XT_Coupled_Differential.ffs". The dialog box closes and a schematic
appears in LineSim's editor.

The schematic contains two transmission lines; they are coupled together, as you can see by the dashed rat's
nest line between them. At the left end of the lines is a differential driver IC; here, we're using a high-speed,
low-swing LVDS driver pair (whose total swing voltage is about 400 mV). At the right line ends is a differential
receiver. The line’s receiver ends have been terminated with a 100-ohm differential resistor.
The circuit is set up to run differentially because one of the drivers has its polarity inverted relative to the
Look at how the driver IC is are set up in the Assign Models dialog box; note that pin U1.2 is inverted:

1. Point to the driver-IC symbol in the schematic, and double-click. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, highlight IC pin U1.3 by clicking once on it. Look in the Buffer Settings area to the right and
note that this pin (the lower of the two pins in the schematic) is set to "Output Inverted." This makes it
switch oppositely versus the upper pin.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Suppose our design goal (perhaps specified by the driver-IC manufacturer) is to achieve a 100-ohm
differential impedance with our trace pair. (The differential terminator has already been set to this value.) Let's
see how we can use LineSim to plan for this.

Determine Differential Impedance of Coupled Traces

Note: This section assumes that you're somewhat familiar, from the preceding trace-separation example,
with the concept of a "coupling region." If not, see the example above, then return to this section.

LineSim makes it easy to find the differential impedance of any two-trace coupling region – the value is
calculated automatically. This calculation is performed by LineSim's built-in boundary-element field solver, an
"engine" that can accurately and quickly determine the electromagnetic parameters of any PCB cross section.
Check the differential impedance in the Edit Coupling Regions dialog box, in the Impedance area:

1. Point to either of the transmission lines in the schematic; right-click with the mouse and select Edit Type
and Values.The Edit Transmission Line dialog box opens.
2. Click on the Edit Coupling Regions tab.
3. In the Impedance area (in the lower right corner), look for the entry "(Differential)". This gives the
differential impedance, for the current geometric properties of the coupling-region cross section.

The line-to-line differential impedance is currently 124 ohms, considerably higher than the design goal of 100

Note: In the following sections, we'll adjust the differential impedance interactively to achieve our goal of
100 ohms. There's another way to solve for differential impedances, in LineSim's stackup editor. We'll see
details in a later section covering the stackup editor, or click here now.

Decrease the Differential Impedance by Reducing the Trace Separation

One way to decrease differential impedance is by coupling the traces more strongly together.
Decrease the trace separation from 8 mils to 6, and re-check the differential impedance:

z In the Trace-to-Trace Separation area, in either the Left or Right box (whichever one is not grayed out),

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type "6" to decrease the separation of the traces; press <Enter> to “accept” the value.

Notice that the differential impedance has dropped to 114, better than before, but still too high.

Decrease the Stackup Dielectric Thickness

There are many ways besides trace separation to affect differential impedance. As in the previous example,
let's try a simple stackup change.
Edit the PCB stackup and decrease the separation between the TOP and VCC layers from 10 mils to 5; then
re-check the differential impedance:

1. In the Edit Transmission Lines dialog box, click the Edit Stackup button. The stackup editor opens.
2. Verify that the Basic tab is selected.
3. In row 3 of the spreadsheet, click in the Thickness column and type to change the value to "5". Press
<Enter> or click some other cell in the spreadsheet to accept the new value.
4. Verify in the graphical stackup view that the top-most dielectric layer displays as 5 mils thick. Then click
OK to close the editor.
5. Back in the Edit Transmission Lines dialog box, check the new differential-impedance value in the
Impedance area.

The differential impedance is now reduced to 98 ohms. This is very close to our design goal.

View Detailed Results from the Field Solver

The Impedance area on the Edit Coupling Regions tab gives only a brief summary of the data actually
calculated by HyperLynx's field solver.
View the full set of field-solver results by clicking on the Field Solver tab, then clicking the View button:

1. With the Edit Coupling Regions tab still open and selected, click the Field Solver tab.
2. In the Numerical Results area, click the View button. A report file opens in the HyperLynx File Editor.

The report file contains the following sections:

z Impedance and Termination Summary - gives a detailed list of possible termination values to use for the
differential pair
z Physical Input Data - records the cross section that was analyzed, for future reference
z Field-Solver Output Data - gives the detailed electrical characteristics of the cross section, including
characteristic-impedance matrix, capacitance matrix, inductance matrix, and propagation speeds

You can also plot the field lines calculated by the field solver (to help give you a feel for how a cross section is
coupled, or just for fun).
Close the File Editor, then set the Propagation mode to Differential and plot the cross section's field lines by
clicking the Start button:

1. Close the File Editor by selecting Exit from its File menu.
2. In the Edit Transmission Line dialog box, in the Field Plotting area, verify that the selection in the
Propagation Mode combo box is Differential.
3. Click the Start button.

The field solver plots the field lines it has calculated. Electric-field lines are shown in blue, and electric
equipotentials are displayed in red. The plot assumes opposed, differential currents in the two traces.

Simulating the Differential Circuit (Optional)

If you want, you can simulate the differential circuit to see the resulting waveforms.
Close the Edit Transmission Line dialog box, and simulate using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation; set
the oscilloscope timebase to 500 psec/div and the Vertical Scale to 500 mV/div:

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1. Click OK to close the Edit Transmission Line dialog box.

2. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
3. In the Horizontal Scale area, click the down arrow button once to change the timebase to 500 psec/div.
4. In the Vertical Scale area, click the down arrow button once to change the scale to 500 mV/div.
5. Click the Start Simulation button.

Waveforms appear, showing the signals in several different ways. (Remember that LVDS drivers have an
approximately 400-mV total swing.) The red, purple, yellow, and blue waveforms are taken with single-ended
oscilloscope probes, at the two driver and two receiver pins. The green and orange waveforms are from
differential probes, one at the driver and one at the receiver. LineSim allows any probe to be single-ended or
differential – your choice.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next, we turn our attention to
advanced features intended specifically for analysis of SERDES and other GHz-level designs.
Click here to return to the main menu.

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LineSim's GHz Features

If you started this demonstration at the beginning, you've already seen how LineSim's signal-integrity,
crosstalk, and EMC analysis features can help you prevent various problems early in the design cycle.
However, all of the examples so far have been oriented around traditional, synchronous-style digital designs.
In the past few years, a substantially different kind of signaling has appeared: gigabit-per-second or SERDES-
based design, a technology that emphasizes very-high-speed data streams traveling on narrow, serialized
data paths. Along with this new kind of signaling comes requirements for different types of analysis – for
example, lossy simulation and advanced via modeling, and sometimes even the use of SPICE-based driver
In this section, we'll see examples of how LineSim can perform pre-layout simulation for GHz-level designs.

Note: HyperLynx's main GHz-level features are lossy transmission-line simulation, advanced via
modeling, eye diagrams, integrated SPICE (HSPICE and Eldo) simulation, and Touchstone (S-
parameter) support. In this demonstration, we've chosen to show lossy simulation, eye diagrams, SPICE
simulations, and Touchstone modeling in this section, running in LineSim; and to show advanced via
modeling in a later section, running in BoardSim. If you want to look immediately at via modeling, click here
to jump to the BoardSim section. Note that all of these features are available in both LineSim and
BoardSim (except via modeling in LineSim, which is coming in a future version), so the division of features
across pre- and post-layout used in this demonstration is only for convenience.

Lossy Simulations
About Loss
As driver-IC switching times grow shorter, the frequency content of the resulting signals increases. Older-style
designs might have a fundamental frequency of, say, 133 MHz, and significant energy content at several
higher harmonics, but little content at or above 1 GHz. Gigabit-per-second designs, though, use very-high-
speed serialized bit streams that demand extremely sharp switching edges; those edges have harmonic
content well above the 1-GHz level.
As a result, physical effects – collectively called "loss" – that play only a minor role in traditional designs
become important in GHz-level designs; and simulators must include those effects in their results. The losses
that occur on PCBs are of two types: one is due to the resistance in the trace metal, and the other is due to
the lossy nature of the surrounding dielectric layers. (The FR-4 material used in typical PCB manufacturing is
particularly prone to loss, compared to other more-expensive types of dielectric.)
Both of these effects – usually known, respectively, as "skin effect" and "dielectric loss" – are complex to
simulate in the time domain because each is frequency dependent, meaning basically that each gets worse
as signal frequency increases. "Skin effect" refers to the fact that the current in a trace tends to crowd more
and more to the edges of the trace cross section as frequency increases; because there is more crowding at
higher frequencies, there is more resistance. Dielectric loss works similarly; the higher the signal frequency,
the higher the loss.
These two factors combine to change the shape of a signal launched at a driver IC as it travels down a trace:
higher-frequency components of a signal are attenuated more severely than lower, which tends to "soften" a
signal's shape and drop its amplitude. Shape changes also result from the fact the different frequencies
propagate at different speeds. The sum total of these lossy effects changes what a signal at the end of a PCB
trace looks like compared to when it was launched by a driver. This in turn means that timing and other critical
signal-quality factors are significantly altered by loss. In SERDES-based systems, it is not uncommon for
signals to be attenuated greatly before arriving at receiver ICs.

Running a Lossy Simulation in LineSim

Fortunately, the algorithmic complexities of accurately predicting frequency-dependent loss are buried away
inside the HyperLynx simulator. It's a simple matter for you to enable lossy simulations for designs which need
it, as the following example shows.

Note: To simulate loss, HyperLynx uses the well-known and trusted “W-element” algorithm (although with
some added improvements).

Load the Demo Schematic "Lossy.ffs"

Load the demo schematic "Lossy.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

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1. On LineSim's File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name "Lossy.ffs". The dialog box closes and a schematic appears in LineSim's

The schematic is very simple: a driver IC, 20 inches of transmission line buried in FR-4 on a PCB's inner
layer, and a receiver IC. The ICs were modeled for simplicity with the fastest driver in the EASY.MOD library:
a generic 3.3-V CMOS driver with a nominal switching time of 300 ps. (Many SERDES-type drivers have even
faster edges.)

Simulate First with No Loss

First, let's run a simulation with no loss; then we'll compare to a lossy simulation.
Simulate the schematic using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation; verify first that lossy analysis is disabled
and set the driver modeling to Fast-Strong:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
2. On LineSim's main menu bar, select Lossy and verify that Enable Lossy Simulation is not enabled.
3. Back in the oscilloscope, in the IC Modeling area, select the Fast-Strong radio button. (This will give us
the fastest possible edge time for this driver, which should show the most loss.)
4. Click the Start Simulation button.

In the oscilloscope display, note a sharp driver waveform in red, and after a time delay corresponding to the
20 inches of trace length, a similarly sharp receiver waveform in yellow.

Simulate with Loss Enabled

Now, let's enable a lossy simulation of the same circuit and see if there's any visible difference.
Simulate the schematic again using Simulate > Run Scope; but first use the Lossy menu to enable lossy

1. On LineSim's Lossy menu, select Enable Lossy Simulation. Notice on the toolbar that a button with an
attenuating blue waveform is depressed, indicating that loss is enabled.
2. In the oscilloscope, click the Start Simulation button again.

The new waveform at the receiver (in yellow) – generated with lossy analysis turned on – does indeed look
different than the previous, lossless waveform: it is delayed compared to and has less amplitude than its
predecessor. If the switching edge were even faster, or the trace longer, or the PCB's dielectric material
lossier, the effect would be even stronger.
Look also at the red driver waveform, just past time 7 ns (toward the right side of the display). The disturbance
in the waveform is due to a reflection from the receiver IC's input capacitance. Note how much less severe
(i.e., how attenuated) it is in the lossy simulation versus in the lossless.

Viewing Loss in the Frequency Domain

In GHz-level designs, it is often useful to consider loss (and other effects) in the frequency domain. Some
specifications, for example, discuss total loss in dB terms at a key frequency. LineSim gives you an easy way
to view loss in the frequency domain for any transmission line in a schematic.

Note: Actually, a few conditions must be met for frequency-domain loss information to be available. First,
the transmission line must be modeled with a "style" that's tied to a PCB stackup or cross section (because
prediction of loss is based on knowledge of cross-section geometry and materials). Second, lossy analysis
must be enabled.

Let's view the loss associated with the 20-inch transmission line in the current schematic.
View the transmission line's loss by right-clicking on it and selecting the Loss tab:

1. Click Close to close the oscilloscope.

2. In the schematic, point to the transmission line and right-click on it; select Edit Type and Values. The Edit
Transmission Line dialog box opens.

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3. Click the Loss tab. A special viewer appears.

Note several aspects of the loss viewer:

z the graph shows attenuation (loss) versus frequency

z three curves are plotted:
z resistive (skin effect) loss in red
z dielectric loss in green
z total loss in blue

When Does Dielectric Loss Dominate?

Dielectric loss increases with frequency more strongly than resistive. (Dielectric loss grows linearly with
frequency, and skin effect only as the square root of frequency.) As a result, dielectric loss at some point
begins to dominate resistive loss. It's easy in LineSim's loss viewer to see exactly where the cross-over point
In the loss viewer, drag out a "box" with the mouse around the area where the crossover occurs, in order to
zoom in for a closer look:

1. Look for the area in the lower right of the loss graph, where the red and green curves intersect.
2. Use the mouse to click and drag a rectangular area around the intersection point.
3. Release the mouse; the graph is zoomed to the area you specified.

Note that the green curve crosses over the red one a little above 700 MHz, meaning that at that frequency,
dielectric loss becomes more important than skin-effect loss.
Actually, there's an even easier way to find out where dielectric loss dominates: note the Dielectric Loss
Dominates At box at the bottom right of the dialog box. It automatically calculates at exactly what frequency
the crossover occurs.
Close the loss-viewer dialog box, and disable loss for later sections of the demonstration:

1. Click OK to close the Edit Transmission Line dialog box.

2. On LineSim's main menu bar, select Lossy, then re-select Enable Lossy Simulation to turn it off. The blue-
waveform button on the toolbar should no longer be depressed.

Integrated SPICE Simulations

Vendors of some very-high-speed driver (and receiver) ICs make models available for their components only
in SPICE format. While this is not always necessary, it is true that some devices have subtle behavior which is
difficult to model accurately in the IBIS behavioral format. In almost all cases, these SPICE models are
provided in a proprietary format: either HSPICE or Eldo (and sometimes using encryption, which hides all
model details from the user).
HSPICE is a well-known industry SPICE simulator. Eldo is an alternative SPICE-based simulator from Mentor
Graphics; it has a robust HSPICE-compatible mode, and offers some features not found in HSPICE (like an
industry-leading dielectric model for its lossy transmission line, and a unique method of simulating S-
parameter models in the time domain that is extra-fast and stable.) When you need to run signal-integrity
simulations with SPICE-based models, HyperLynx provides a seamless interface to both HSPICE and Eldo.
(A special version of Eldo – “Eldo for HyperLynx” – is available to HyperLynx users.)
Because of the need sometimes to use SPICE models, some designers have concluded that they need to
drop their traditional signal-integrity tools and proceed using only a SPICE simulator. But there are a number
of disadvantages to this approach:

z "Raw" SPICE has a primitive, unfriendly user interface compared to tools like HyperLynx; much valuable
design time ends up being wasted on set-up
z SPICE interconnect netlists have to be created manually in a text editor; even for simple "what-if"
scenarios, this is time-consuming and error prone, while for post-route scenarios it's essentially impossible
z Field solutions to convert geometric cross sections into electrical parameters have to be generated

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manually; again this is error-prone, and impossible for complex interconnect scenarios which involve many
different cross sections
z Stimulus for an eye diagram has to be manually generated – again, a tedious and error-prone task

A better approach is to integrate the SPICE simulation engine into the robust, friendly HyperLynx
environment, an approach that offers the best of both worlds: you get the extra accuracy of running SPICE IC
models, and all the convenience and productivity of the HyperLynx environment.
In the following example, we'll see how a SPICE simulation is set up and run using HyperLynx.

Note: The dependency of high-speed designers on SPICE simulation may be temporary. In the past, all
digital buffers could be modeled accurately in the non-proprietary IBIS format. Now, some devices have
appeared which their vendors feel are more accurately represented in SPICE. However, very advanced
driver models currently in design reportedly have simplified analog characteristics (to enforce strict
linearity); there are early indications that IBIS modeling may once again suffice to capture the analog
behavior. Also, SERDES-type I/O's have increasingly large amounts of associated digital logic (to generate
pre-emphasized driver signals or implement receiver equalization circuits), which may have to be modeled
in mixed analog/digital languages like VHDL-AMS or Verilog-AMS – SPICE is unable to handle significant
amounts of digital logic.

Whatever the future holds, HyperLynx is committed to providing its customers with all of the analysis
engines required to handle relevant types of models.

Setting Up a SPICE Simulation

Note: LineSim does not include a built-in SPICE simulator. To use LineSim's integration with SPICE, you
need a separate SPICE license – for either HSPICE or Eldo. But if you do have it, HyperLynx will wrap
itself around your choice of SPICE engine to give you a much easier-to-use, more-productive simulation
environment than you'd have with just "raw" SPICE. Again, a special version of the Eldo SPICE engine is
available for HyperLynx customers, at a reasonable cost.

Change the Schematic's Driver Model to a SPICE Model

For this demonstration, two SPICE models have been provided. For simplicity, they're not real models from a
semiconductor vendor – in fact, they have no analog "internals" at all. But it doesn't matter for this demo:
we're going to look at how SPICE models are set up in LineSim, and at how SPICE results are loaded
automatically into the oscilloscope after simulation, though we're not actually going to run SPICE.
Using the schematic "Lossy.ffs", change the driver-IC model to SPICE model "Fast_Drv.sp":

1. If the schematic "Lossy.ffs" is already open from the previous section on "loss," go to the next step.


If you jumped to this section from another topic, use File > Open LineSim Schematic; then double-click
2. In the schematic, point to the driver-IC symbol (left end of the transmission line) with the mouse, and
double-click. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
3. In the Pins list, double-click on pin U1.1. The Select IC Model dialog box opens.
4. Select the SPICE radio button; the Files list shows only the two SPICE models shipped with the
demonstration software.
5. In the Files list, click once to highlight model Fast_Drv.sp.
6. In the Models list, double-click on model Fast_Drv to select it. The dialog box closes.

Now we're back in the Assign Models dialog box. Note that a small spreadsheet has appeared. The purpose
of the spreadsheet is to help you make connections to all of the "ports" on the SPICE model. (The model's
ports are its external connection points, e.g., for a stimulus waveform, for power supplies, for its output pins,
This particular SPICE model has four ports: "Vin" (where the model expects to be stimulated), "Vout" (its
output pin, which should be connected in the schematic), and "Vcc" and "Gnd" (the model's power-supply
pins). Note that LineSim has automatically recognized the names "Vcc" and "Gnd" and guessed that they
should be connected to LineSim's built-in power supplies. (If a SPICE model had more-obscure supply

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names, you could connect them manually.)

LineSim couldn't guess how to connect the stimulus and output ports, so we'll make the connections
In the SPICE-port-mapping spreadsheet, map the model's "Vin" port to LineSim's built-in "Stimulus," and the
model's "Vout" port to pin "U1.1" in the schematic:

1. In the port-mapping spreadsheet, in the Circuit Connection cell for the "Vin" port, click to open the combo-
box list of possible connections. The SPICE model's Vin port expects digital stimulus, so select the
"Stimulus" item in the list.
2. In the Circuit Connection cell for the "Vout" port, click to open the combo box. The Vout port is the pin on
the SPICE model that should be connected in the schematic, so scroll down and choose item "U1.1", the
driver-pin name in the schematic.

The SPICE driver model has now been assigned and completely hooked up. Next, let's assign and connect a
SPICE receiver model.

Note: An important difference between SPICE and IBIS IC models is that SPICE models have "explicit"
ports. This means that with a SPICE model, you're forced to manually connect power supplies, one or
more input stimulus pins, possibly some control pins (there weren't any in this example), and one or more
output pins. Compare this to using IBIS models: the input/stimulus, power-supply, and control pins are
"implicit" and LineSim can connect them automatically for you. This difference results because SPICE
models are inherently "lower level" than IBIS models. Fortunately, through its port-mapping spreadsheet,
LineSim (and BoardSim) makes it fairly easy to make and manage these extra connections.

Change the Receiver Model to a SPICE Model

Change the receiver-IC model to SPICE model "Fast_Rcv.sp"; in the port-mapping spreadsheet, map the
model's "Vin" port to pin "U2.1" in the schematic:

1. In the Pins list, double-click on pin U2.1. The Select IC Model dialog box opens.
2. Select the SPICE radio button.
3. In the Files list, click once to highlight model Fast_Rcv.sp.
4. In the Models list, double-click on model Fast_Rcv to select it. The dialog box closes.
5. In the spreadsheet, in the Circuit Connection cell for the "Vin" port, click to open the combo box. The Vin
port is the pin on the SPICE model that should be connected in the schematic, so scroll to the bottom of
the list and choose item "U2.1", the receiver-pin name in the schematic.

We're done assigning and hooking up our SPICE models. Now let's look at how you'd run a SPICE simulation.

Run a SPICE Simulation

Since you may not have HSPICE or Eldo installed on your machine, we can't actually run a SPICE simulation.
But we can see how the simulation is launched, and how SPICE waveforms are automatically read back into
LineSim's oscilloscope.
Close the Assign Models dialog box, then use Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation to open the oscilloscope;
click on Start Simulation to launch a SPICE simulation:

1. Click OK to close the Assign Models dialog box.

2. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
3. If there's waveform in the oscilloscope, click Erase to clear it.
4. Click the Start Simulation button. A message box opens.

The message appears because LineSim has noticed that you're running with SPICE models, not IBIS models.
As a result, it wants to switch automatically to a SPICE simulator rather than "native” – HyperLynx simulator,
which is exactly what we want. Notice under the Start Simulation button that we could have changed the
radio-button setting and manually chosen Eldo. If you were an HSPICE rather than Eldo user, a one-time
Preferences change would re-label this radio button to “HSPICE.”
Click OK in the message box to open the Run Eldo Simulation dialog box; click OK to begin running the
SPICE simulator:

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1. Click OK to close the message box. The radio-button setting below the Start Simulation button changes
automatically to Eldo, and the Run Eldo Simulation dialog box opens.
2. The default settings in the dialog box are fine; click OK to run a SPICE simulation.

Again, we're not actually running SPICE in this demonstration. But if we were, the following steps would now

z LineSim would create a SPICE netlist (targeted to your choice of HSPICE or Eldo) representing the
schematic; the SPICE driver and receiver models would be included with all of the connections you made
in the port-mapping spreadsheet.
z For each transmission line in the schematic, LineSim would invoke the HyperLynx field solver to determine
its electrical characteristics, then write out the electrical data in HSPICE or Eldo matrix format. If lossy
analysis was enabled, the transmission-line data would include skin-effect and dielectric-loss parameters.
z If any Touchstone (S-parameter) models were in the schematic (there were none in this example), they
would be included in the netlist.
z LineSim would invoke HSPICE or Eldo on the netlist.
z Assuming a SPICE license were found, a window would open and HSPICE or Eldo would begin running in
it; all of the SPICE messages would be visible so that you could track its simulation progress in detail.
z If there were an error in one of the SPICE files – for example, a syntax error in one of the models we
assigned – then the SPICE window would automatically jump to the location of the first error message, for

Since we're not actually running these steps in the demonstration, a message box opens instead.

Note: If you happen to be running this demonstration with the “real” (not demo) version of HyperLynx and
have Eldo installed, then Eldo will actually begin running on the schematic, and the detailed instructions in
this section won’t be followed. Also, Eldo will report a model error, since the models used in the schematic
are “phony” and don’t actually contain any transistor data.

View SPICE Results in the Oscilloscope

If we'd actually run HSPICE or Eldo, then:

z At the end of simulation, the SPICE window would close.

z LineSim would automatically read the SPICE simulation results and load them into the oscilloscope, where
you could view them like any other HyperLynx waveform.

We didn't run the SPICE simulation here, but the demonstration does include a real SPICE results file. Let's
make LineSim read it in.
In the message box, click OK; the demonstration software looks for a stored SPICE results file, reads it, and
presents the waveforms in the oscilloscope.
Note that the waveform behaves no differently than if it were generated by the native HyperLynx simulator:
you can scale it, scroll around in it, etc.

Touchstone (S-Parameter) Modeling

Introduction to Touchstone
SPICE models aren’t the only new type of model appearing in signal-integrity simulations due to the higher
frequencies of today’s designs (especially SERDES technology). Increasingly, models for passive
interconnect structures (like connectors and IC packages) are being provided in “Touchstone” format.
Touchstone models come from the RF/microwave-engineering world, where they’ve been used for many
years to accurately characterize ultra-high-speed devices and structures.
Touchstone models differ fundamentally from the other types of models (IBIS, SPICE, etc.) used in signal
integrity, because they’re based in the frequency domain. The Touchstone format can be used to describe
several types of “network parameters” – S (scattering), Z (impedance), and Y (admittance) parameters. Each
of these types considers the structure being modeled in a very generic way (as a “multi-port” black box), and
at every frequency of interest, gives a matrix describing how each port behaves.

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Because the models are expressed in the frequency domain, they can’t be directly simulated in the time
domain like, say, an IBIS model. Fortunately, most SPICE simulators (including HSPICE and Eldo) can use
Touchstone models in transient simulation, using one of several possible techniques, the most-common being
“convolution.” A particular strength of the Eldo simulator is its ability to “fit” S-parameter models (using
complex poles), which has various advantages over simple convolution (model compression, speed,
passivation, and causality enforcement).
In the signal-integrity world, S-parameter models are by far the most-common type of Touchstone model in
use. One typical way of creating such models is by measurement, using a vector network analyzer, which
directly outputs S-parameter data. Another possibility is to model the structure using 3-D electromagnetic
software; these tools also typically output S parameters.

Including Touchstone Models in a LineSim Schematic

As with the SPICE-model simulation in the previous section, because we’re not actually running a SPICE
engine in this demonstration, we can’t simulate a Touchstone model. However, we can easily show how to
include and set up a typical Touchstone model in a LineSim free-form schematic – it’s actually even easier
than with a SPICE driver model.
Let’s modify our existing schematic (the one used in the previous lossy and SPICE-IC sections) and show
how a hypothetical 4-port Touchstone model (of, say, a small section of a connector) could be added.
Close the oscilloscope, then use Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V to make a copy of the existing driver-tline-receiver circuit;
delete both transmission lines, then click the drawing palette’s Add Package/Connector button and place the
new symbol between the four dangling wires:

1. Click Close to close the oscilloscope dialog box.

2. Since we’re using a 4-port Touchstone connector model, we need two drivers for the input side and two
receivers for the output. The easiest way to create this is to make a copy of the existing driver-tline-
receiver circuitry. Start by dragging with the mouse a rectangle around the existing symbols; then release
the mouse button. The existing symbols all highlight in red.
3. On the keyboard, press Ctrl+C (or from the Edit menu, select Copy). Then press Ctrl+V (or from the Edit
menu, select Paste). A copy of the selected symbols appears in the editor, highlighted in red. Note that
the new symbols have unique, new reference designators.
4. Place the mouse over one of the new symbols, and drag the new symbols as a group to be just below the
previously existing symbols (so that the drivers are immediately above/below each other, and same for
the transmission lines and the receivers).
5. For this simulation, let’s replace the transmission lines with the Touchstone interconnect model. So point
with the mouse to the first t-line, right-click, and on the pop-up menu, select Delete. The t-line disappears.
Then, repeat and delete the second t-line.
6. Now, add a package/connector symbol: on the free-form schematic editor’s drawing palette (arranged
vertically along the left margin of the editor’s window), click the Add Package/Connector symbol (near the
bottom). A red symbol attaches itself to the cursor; move it to a position between the four dangling wires in
the schematic, and click once to place it.

So far, we’ve placed an empty symbol on the schematic. It could actually be used to house any passive (non-
driving) SPICE or Touchstone model; in this case we’re going to assign a 4-port S-parameter model to it. The
model we’ll use is “phony”: it contains a valid “introductory” line, but no modeling data. For this demonstration,
though, it doesn’t matter, since we’re only looking at how Touchstone assignments are made.
Double-click on the package/connector symbol, and in the Assign Package / Connector Model dialog box,
choose model “Example.s4p”; move ports 2 and 4 to the right side of the symbol; then close the Assign
Package / Connector Model dialog box and wire the Touchstone symbol to the drivers and receivers:

1. Point with the mouse to the empty package/connector symbol, and double-click. The Assign Package /
Connector Model dialog box opens.
2. In the Model Type combo box, select Touchstone Models. Only one Touchstone file is shipped with the
demo software; verify that Example.s4p is highlighted in both the Libraries and Devices list boxes. Click
the OK button; the Assign Package / Connector Model dialog box closes.
3. In the schematic, the empty symbol has been replaced by one labeled “Example.s4p” and showing 4 ports
on its left side. Let’s assume that this model is arranged with two internal paths, one from port 1 to port 2,
and the other from port 3 and port 4. (Probably, the two interconnects are coupled to each other.)
4. Double-click the Touchstone symbol again. In the Assign Package / Connector Model dialog box, in the

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Side column for both port 2 and 4, click and select “right.” Then click OK.
5. Back in the schematic, note that the Touchstone symbol now has two ports on each side. (If the complete
port names are not displayed, touch each pin name with the mouse; a tool tip displays the full name.)
6. Finally, wire the IC-buffer symbols to the nearest ports. First, connect driver pin U1.1 to Touchstone port 1
by placing the mouse over the “dot” at U1.1 (note that the mouse cursor changes to a “cross”), then
dragging a wire from it to the connector’s port-1 dot, then releasing the mouse. Repeat to connect driver
pin U3.1 to port 3.
7. For variety, connect the remaining two wires in an alternate way: click on receiver symbol U2.1, and with
the mouse button held down, drag U2.1 until its pin dot touches port 2’s dot. Release the mouse button
briefly, then press it down again and drag U2.1 away from the Touchstone symbol; a wire appears
between the two symbols. Repeat to connect U4.1 to port 4.

If you complete all of the steps above correctly, your resulting schematic should look something like this:

At this point, if you were running a “real” copy of HyperLynx and had either the HSPICE or Eldo SPICE
simulators installed, you could immediately open the oscilloscope, and see the effects of driving the sample S-
parameter model. In this demonstration, we can’t actually do it. But the preceding example shows how easily
S-parameter (and other Touchstone) models are included in a LineSim free-form schematic.

Note: Actually, if you happen to be running this demonstration with the “real” (not demo) version of
HyperLynx and Eldo, then Eldo will actually begin running on the schematic, but end up reporting a model
error. The reason is that the model used in this example is “phony” and doesn’t actually contain any matrix

Eye Diagrams and Multi-Bit Stimulus

USB 2.0 Example
About Eye Diagrams
All of the waveforms generated in earlier portions of this demonstration were based on single switching edges
or oscillating waveforms. Indeed, these types of analysis are the backbone of traditional, synchronous digital
However, very-high-speed SERDES-style designs are usually examined in the time domain in a different way
– by the use of eye diagrams. Eye diagrams superimpose large numbers of bit transitions one over the other
to build up a view of a data stream in which new measures of signal quality – like jitter and eye opening – can
readily be judged. Many modern oscilloscopes can run either in traditional, single-edge mode or in eye-
diagram mode. Likewise, in the HyperLynx GHz products, LineSim's and BoardSim's oscilloscope can run in
either "standard" or eye-diagram mode.
Generating eye diagrams with a simulation tool is more difficult than generating them in the lab with real
hardware. First, in the lab, it takes only a brief amount of time to capture hundreds of millions of bit cycles
from a data stream. But in a software-based simulator (especially if advanced IC modeling is required), it may
take many minutes to generate a thousand or even a few hundred cycles. Second, whereas in the lab, test
equipment is readily available to generate statistically useful bit sequences, in software the user has the
responsibility of creating the stimulus that should be used to drive the generation of an eye diagram.
Note that eye diagrams can only be constructed by driving a sequence of bits down a trace. This means that
in order to generate an eye diagram, you must define multi-bit stimulus. Thus, these two features – eye

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diagrams and multi-bit driving – are tightly linked, and we'll demonstrate them together in this section.

About Multi-Bit Stimulus

Some designers of SERDES-based designs today use standalone SPICE netlists to create eye diagrams.
While possible (and sometimes even necessary because a certain IC model is available only in SPICE
format), using "raw" SPICE for eyes is usually cumbersome and time-consuming. SPICE simulations often run
very slowly, and setting up for simulation (especially, generating stimulus patterns) is awkward.
LineSim and BoardSim, by contrast, make the generation of eye diagrams fairly easy. As the following
example will show, set-up activities, like defining a stimulus pattern, are much easier in HyperLynx than in
SPICE. And when simulations can be performed using IBIS models, eye diagrams are created quickly. Nor is
it a requirement to run simulations in HyperLynx's native simulator: eye diagrams are created as easily for
SPICE simulations as they are for HyperLynx simulations. (Both LineSim and BoardSim offer integrated
SPICE simulation; for details and a demonstration using LineSim, click here.)
Let’s look at an example of an eye diagram, for a typical USB 2.0 link modeled in LineSim’s free-form
schematic editor. This example is more complex than many of the others used in this demonstration, to
remind you that HyperLynx products are regularly used, world-wide, on large and realistic design problems.

Load Schematic "USB_link.ffs" and Look at the USB 2.0 Design

Load the schematic "USB_link.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic:

1. On LineSim’s File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
2. Double-click on the file name USB_link.ffs. The dialog box closes and a schematic appears in LineSim’s
free-form editor.
3. If the entire schematic doesn’t appear on the screen, then on the View menu, select Fit to Window. The
schematic zoom level automatically adjusts.

The schematic we’ve loaded represents a typical topology for a USB 2.0 implementation, implemented in
LineSim’s free-form schematic editor. Looking from left-to-right, the design incorporates these elements:

z A differential driver pair on a USB 2.0 host controller; the differential buffer is modeled using an IBIS model
from Cypress Semiconductor
z A pair of coupled transmission lines, representing the differential-pair routing from the host controller to a
ribbon cable
z A model of three side-by-side differential pairs in a 28-AWG ribbon cable, constructed by coupling six
transmission lines together in a single LineSim coupling region (for basic information on “coupling regions”
and how LineSim represents and simulates crosstalk, click here)
z Another pair of coupled transmission lines, representing more differential-pair trace routing between the
ribbon cable and a USB cable
z Another pair of coupled transmission lines, representing a 5-meter USB cable
z Another pair of coupled transmission lines, representing the routing in the USB peripheral device
z A differential receiver pair on a USB 2.0 peripheral controller, again modeled using a Cypress
Semiconductor IBIS model

Essentially, the system in this schematic consists of a USB host controller, linked through a ribbon cable (with
a short amount of differential-trace routing on each end) and 5-meter USB cable to a USB peripheral (with
routing and controller input pair). The interconnect lengths are “stressed” to the maximum delay lengths
allowed by the USB 2.0 specification. Will the design actually work? Let’s create an eye diagram, compare it
to the spec’s minimum allowed eye opening, and find out.

Setting Up an Eye Diagram

It's easy to tell LineSim’s oscilloscope to generate an eye diagram, and to create the required multi-bit
stimulus to drive it.
First, open the oscilloscope using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation, and set the oscilloscope to eye-
diagram mode; click the Configure button to open the Configure Eye Diagram dialog box:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.

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2. In the oscilloscope, in the Operation area, select the Eye Diagram radio button.
3. In the Eye Diagram area, click the Configure button; the Configure Eye Diagram dialog box opens.

With a single radio-button click, we've told the oscilloscope to generate an eye diagram. But before we can
simulate, we have to tell LineSim’s simulator what bit sequence to drive down the differential pair. Fortunately,
this is easy to do in the dialog box that's now open.
The most common type of stimulus used in eye-diagram generation is the "PRBS" or "pseudo-random bit
sequence." However, some technology-specific specifications (like USB 2.0) prescribe their own worst-case
patterns. LineSim allows you to choose between several “built-in” patterns (some configurable, like PRBS
stimulus, for which you can set length, repetition count, starting state, etc.); or your own custom pattern. For
this case, LineSim has the worst-case USB 2.0 pattern built-in.
In the dialog box, choose the USB 2.0 Compliance pattern:

z In the Bit Pattern area, pull down the Sequence combo box, and select USB 2.0 Compliance.

Note that the graphical view updates to show the bit pattern that will be driven during simulation. The
sequence is 330 bits long (per the USB 2.0 specification); you can scroll the sequence viewer, if you want, to
see all of it.
We’re not quite finished specifying the stimulus. We still need to make choices about the length of each bit’s
interval, how many times (if any) to have the pattern repeat, whether to skip any bits at the beginning of the
pattern, and even the number of eyes to show. Also any real driver suffers from a certain amount of inherent
jitter, i.e., a certain amount of random uncertainty in the times at which switching edges are delivered relative
to each other. We can include this effect in our simulations by specifying a jitter percentage.
Set the bit interval to 2.08 ns and the sequence repetitions to 1; select to skip the first 20 bits of output; and
set the jitter to 6% of the bit interval:

1. In the Stimulus area, in the Bit Interval box, type “2.08”. In the Sequence Repetitions box, type (or select)
2. In the Display area, in the Skip First box, type “20”. In the Show combo box, select “1”.
3. In the Random Jitter area, in the Amount box, type “6” (and verify that the associated combo box is set to
“% of interval”). Verify that the Distribution combo box is set to “Gaussian”.

With these steps, you’ve completely specified the eye diagram’s stimulus. However, before simulating, there
is another optional step that will make it easier to judge whether the resulting eye diagram is acceptable or
not. Eyes are judged by the extent of their “opening”; each SERDES technology typically specifies a minimum
allowed opening, which can be translated into an “eye mask” that visually defines a “keep-out” region. If a
given eye penetrates this region, then the eye fails to meet the spec’s minimum requirements for signal
quality. Even if the eye is open, the mask gives a quick visual impression of how much margin the eye has.
Similar to eye patterns, LineSim (and BoardSim) includes some built-in masks, and allow you to define your
own. Once again (since USB 2.0 is a common and important signaling technology), the mask we need is built
in to the HyperLynx mask library.
Switch to the Eye Mask tab, and choose the "USB2.0-High_Speed_RX" mask:

1. Click on the Eye Mask tab.

2. In the Mask Library area, pull down the combo box and select the "USB2.0-High_Speed_RX" mask. The
numeric values that define the mask in the picture change to match the new selection.

Now, the stimulus to create the eye diagram and the mask to judge its success are both ready. Let’s run a
simulation and see whether our USB topology will actually work.

Creating the Eye Diagram

Close the Configure Eye Diagram dialog box; set the oscilloscope's display to a horizontal scale of 500 ps/div,
a vertical scale of 200 mV/div, and a vertical position of –400 mV; set the horizontal delay to 1.4 ns; attach a
differential probe to the receiver pins Device.D+ and Device.D-; and use Lossy > Enable Lossy Simulation to
turn on lossy analysis:

1. Click OK to close the Configure Eye Diagram dialog box.

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LineSim's GHz Features 页码,11/11

2. In the oscilloscope, in the Horizontal Scale area, click the down arrow button once to set the horizontal
scale to 500 ps/div.
3. In the Vertical Scale area, click the down arrow button twice to set the vertical scale to 200 mV/div.
4. In the Vertical Position area, in the box, type “-400”.
5. In the Horizontal Delay area, in the box, type “1.4”.
6. In the Show area, click the Eye Mask check box to enable it. A portion of a mask appears in the
oscilloscope’s viewer.
7. At the right edge of the oscilloscope’s viewer, drag the horizontal scroll bar down until a dashed green
ground line appears in the center of the viewer. Positioned symmetrically around the green line, you
should also see a six-sided blue shape that defines the eye mask’s keep-out region.
8. Then click the Attach Probes button. The Attach Oscilloscope Probes dialog box appears.
9. Verify that two differential probes (red and yellow) are set, one for the driver pin pair (Host.D+/-), and one
for the receiver (Device.D+/-).
0. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the oscilloscope.
1. In the Show area, note that both the red and yellow probes are enabled. Since we’re interested in the eye
diagram only at the receiver IC, click the red probe’s check box to disable it.
2. Finally, before simulating, from LineSim’s main menu, on the Lossy menu, select Enable Lossy
Simulation. (This is essential to producing an accurate eye diagram.)

Now, generate the eye diagram: click the Start Simulation button.
It takes longer to generate an eye diagram than a regular single-edge simulation, since so many switching
edges have to be generated. Still, unless your computer is very slow, this 330-bit diagram builds at a
reasonable speed. Note that unlike SPICE and other analog simulation tools, LineSim does not make you wait
until the simulation is finished to see the results – instead, you actually see the eye diagram being built in real-
time. This is sometimes quite advantageous, because it makes it quick to see whether you’ve made an error
in your set-up; if so, you can stop the simulation immediately and not waste time on a “bad” simulation.
Note that this eye is fairly "open," indicating reasonable signal quality. To see this very clearly, you can center
the eye mask on the eye.
Click the Adjust Mask button, and drag the mask with the mouse until it is centered:

1. Below the oscilloscope display window, click the Adjust Mask button.
2. In the display window, place the mouse near the center of the mask’s keep-out region, then drag the mask
with the mouse button down, until the mask is reasonably centered in the eye.

Now you can see exactly how open your eye is compared to the USB 2.0’s requirements, and judge whether
your margin is sufficient.
Note how easy it was to generate a complex eye diagram: we switched the oscilloscope's mode, selected
some parameters (including a built-in stimulus pattern and eye mask), and clicked Start Simulation. After a
brief delay, we had an eye diagram to look at.
Although in this case we used IBIS models, you can use exactly the same procedures in LineSim or
BoardSim to drive a SPICE simulation. There, the set-up savings are tremendous: defining eye-diagram
stimulus (including jitter and bit-skipping) in a SPICE netlist is tedious and error-prone.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next, we look at how to plan
stackups and trace impedances.
Click here to return to the main menu.

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Modeling a PCB Stackup 页码,1/3

Modeling a PCB Stackup

LineSim and BoardSim include a special editor for creating and planning PCB stackups.
In LineSim, you can create a stackup, then tie any of the transmission lines in a schematic to the stackup.
(For each line, you specify a trace width and select which layer of the stackup the line is on.) If you
subsequently change the stackup, every line tied to the stackup changes its impedance and delay
In BoardSim, a stackup usually accompanies the .HYP file representing your PCB. If the stackup is not correct
or – more importantly – if you want to alter it to see how the stackup affects your board's signal-integrity,
crosstalk, and EMC behavior, you can use the stackup editor to make changes. BoardSim's built-in field
solver immediately recalculates all of the trace impedances/delays on your board in response.
But the stackup editor is more than just a way to manage a stackup during simulation of a transmission-line
schematic or a PCB – it's really a powerful tool for planning stackups, designing controlled impedances, and
even documenting stackups for your PCB fabricator. In the next few sections, you'll see some examples of
how the HyperLynx stackup editor accomplishes these goals.

Note: In this demonstration version of HyperLynx, some of the parameters in the stackup editor cannot be
edited, for example dielectric constants. However, in spite of this limitation, you'll easily see in the following
examples how useful the stackup editor is as a planning tool.

Overview of the Stackup Editor

It is possible to view the stackup in any LineSim design. A default stackup is created every time you create a
new LineSim schematic. (The details of the default stackup are user-definable.) Here, we'll open – just for
purposes of looking at the stackup – a design that is used in another section of this demonstration.
Load the demo schematic "XT_Trace_Separation.ffs" using File > Open LineSim Schematic; then open the
stackup editor and select the Basic tab:

1. Close any open dialog boxes.

2. On the File menu, select Open LineSim Schematic. A dialog box opens.
3. Double-click on the file name "XT_Trace_Separation.ffs". The dialog box closes and a schematic appears
in LineSim's editor.
4. On the Edit menu, select Stackup. The Stackup Editor dialog box opens.
5. Verify that the Basic tab is selected.

First, note some of the features of the stackup editor. On the left, the data defining the stackup is entered in a
spreadsheet; each row of the spreadsheet represents one layer – metal or dielectric – in the stackup. On the
right is a graphical view, which visually summarizes the key data (like layer names and thicknesses) in the
The complete set of data that makes up or affects a stackup is complex. To help you navigate this information
efficiently, the stackup editor uses a series of tabs to sub-divide the data. Let's take a quick look at what each
tab contains:
The Basic tab is the one you're looking at currently. It places the most commonly accessed data defining the
stackup in one convenient location. You can use this tab to set each layer's type (e.g., is it metal or dielectric?;
signal or plane,?; etc.); to change layer thicknesses; to set dielectric constants; and to find out the impedance
of each layer, for any trace width. You can also control the units of the stackup parameters (metric/English;
thickness/weight) from this tab. For basic design work, you may rarely need to access any tabs other than this
Click on the Dielectric tab.
The Dielectric tab contains more-detailed information about the dielectric layers in your stackup. From here,
you can specify whether each dielectric layer is made of "core" or "prepreg" material, whether the dielectric
constant on metal layers should automatically be the same as that on surrounding dielectric layers or be
entered as a "custom" value, and what the loss tangent of each layer's dielectric material is. (Loss tangent
determines how much dielectric loss there is during lossy simulations.)

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Click on the Metal tab.

The Metal tab contains more-detailed information about the metal layers in your stackup. (Re-size the
stackup-editor dialog box or scroll horizontally, if needed, to see all columns in the spreadsheet.) You can
specify what type of metal is used on each layer, and if a "custom" metal is chosen, what its resistivity and
temperature coefficient of resistivity are. (Resistivity affects lossy simulations.) As on the Basic tab, you can
set "test" trace widths for each layer and instantly see what impedances result. On this tab, impedances also
appear in the stackup's graphical view.
Click on the Z0 Planning tab.
The Z0 Planning tab offers a special set of features for planning controlled-impedance stackups. This is a
powerful feature in HyperLynx that uses the built-in boundary-element field solver to find optimal geometric
solutions for desired "target" impedances. In the next section, we'll look in more detail at impedance planning.
Click on the Custom View tab.
The Custom View tab lets you build up your own version of the stackup spreadsheet, displaying whatever
combination of columns/data is most useful to you.

How to Do Impedance Planning

In high-speed design, it's often necessary to plan stackups and trace widths in such a way that traces have
certain desired characteristic impedances. Some standard buses, for example, mandate that trace
impedances be in a certain range, e.g., 60 - 100 ohms.
Designers often rely on reference books or closed-form equations to perform such impedance planning. But
the HyperLynx stackup editor is a considerably better way to plan impedances than "manual" methods, for
several reasons. First, it's more accurate: rather than relying on equations, which are approximate and suffer
from significant error outside certain geometric ranges, the stackup editor runs a powerful, fast field solver in
the background to accurately calculate impedance (and delay). Second, it's faster: the stackup editor's Z0
Planning tab has a "back solver" which instantly calculates geometric values (like trace width) based on
desired target impedances.
Click again on the Basic tab; adjust the spreadsheet's horizontal scroll bar, if needed, to see the Test Width
and Z0 columns, at the far right of the spreadsheet.
Note that on this tab, the impedance of each signal layer in the stackup is displayed in the Z0 column. Of
course, impedance can be calculated only for a specific trace width; you specify the width for each layer's
traces in the Test Width column. In this demonstration version of the software, you can't change some of the
values in the spreadsheet (like the width), but in the real program you can quickly alter trace width, dielectric
constant, etc. to see exactly how each change affects impedance. Let's try changing a dielectric thickness and
see how it affects trace impedance:
Change the thickness of the dielectric on layer 3 to 5 mils; note the instantaneous impedance change:

1. In row 3 in the spreadsheet (the top-most dielectric layer), click in the Thickness column and type to
change the value to "5". Press <Enter> or click some other cell in the spreadsheet to tell the stackup
editor to accept the new value.
2. Note how the impedance value for signal layer 2 ("TOP") changes instantly from 73.1 ohms to 51.4 ohms.

The response from the field solver is instantaneous. Performing what-if changes like this in an interactive
spreadsheet tied directly to a field solver is much faster and less error-prone than calculating impedances with
approximate equations or reference charts.
Now click on the Z0 Planning tab; verify that the Plan For combo box is set to Single Trace:

1. Click on the Z0 Planning tab.

2. Verify that the Plan For combo box in the stackup editor's lower left is set to Single Trace mode. This tells
the editor that we're currently interested in the impedances of single traces, not differential pairs.

This tab gives you an even faster and more powerful way of planning impedances. Note the Target Z0
column; in these cells you can specify a desired impedance for each signal layer. In this example, 75 ohms is
achieved on the bottom layer at about 7.5 mils width, and on the other signal layers at about 3.3 mils. Let's try
changing the target impedance to force a different geometric solution.
Change the target impedance of layer 2 to 50 ohms; note how quickly a new trace width is calculated:

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Modeling a PCB Stackup 页码,3/3

1. In row 2 of the spreadsheet, click in the Target Z0 column and type to change the value to "50". Press
<Enter> or click some other cell in the spreadsheet to tell the stackup editor to accept the new value.
2. Note how layer 2's value of Width changes instantly to about 8.4 mils, which is the trace width required on
this layer to match the new target Z0.

Impedance Planning for Differential Pairs

The Z0-planning feature works also for differential pairs, helping you to find target differential impedances as
easily as single-trace Z0's. (Differential signaling is widely used at very high data rates, especially in SERDES
designs.) Let's look at an example.
Change the impedance strategy in the Plan For combo box to Differential Pair; verify that the Strategy combo
box is set to Solve for Separation:

1. In the Plan For combo box in the stackup editor's bottom left, change the selection to Differential Pair.
Note that the title of the Target Z0 column changes to Diff Z0.
2. Verify that the Strategy combo box is set to Solve for Separation.

With these changes, the stackup editor now interprets the target Z0 values as the differential impedance of a
pair of traces. Setting the Strategy combo box to Solve for Separation means that the editor is solving for the
trace separation (or "gap") that, given the specified trace width, meets the target differential impedance.
For the inner signal layers, the solved-for separation value is about 4.5 mils. But what about for the outer
layers – the gap value reads "error." Is this a problem with the software? No! The stackup editor is telling you
that with the current stackup, differential impedances of 50 and 75 ohms are physically impossible on the
outer layers. If we had more time in this demonstration, we could change the geometry of the stackup to make
75 ohms physically possible (or we might want to target a higher differential impedance, like 100 ohms).
For differential pairs, you can also specify the separation and solve for trace width (the opposite of what we
just did), or most powerfully of all, solve for both separation and width simultaneously. Let's look at an
example of solving for both.
Change the impedance strategy using the Strategy combo box to Solve for Both; click layer 12's (BOTTOM's)
View button to display a curve of width-vs-separation for 75 ohms differential impedance:

1. In the Strategy combo box, change the selection to Solve for Both. The Width and Gap columns gray out
and View buttons appear in the Z0 Curve column for each layer.
2. In row 12 (layer BOTTOM), click the View button in the Curve column. After a few seconds of running the
field solver, a dialog box appears.

The resulting graph shows a curve of constant 75-ohm differential impedance (the target impedance for this
layer), allowing you to choose a range of either trace widths or separations, and read for each value the
corresponding other value. For example, the curve shows that at 5 mils separation, you need a trace about 17
mils wide to achieve 75 ohms differential impedance. You can see now why at our earlier trace width of 8
mils, 75 ohms differential Z0 was physically impossible: the trace separation would have been nearly zero to
achieve the target.
There are still many features in LineSim that we have not explored, but in the interest of time, let's see how
you'd analyze a simple PCB in the HyperLynx's post-layout analysis tool, BoardSim. This part of the
demonstration will show how BoardSim handles both interactive and batch-mode simulation. At the end of the
demo, you are welcome to explore any of the features we have not highlighted here.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next we move to a
demonstration of post-layout signal-integrity, crosstalk, EMC, and GHz-level analysis, using
Click here to return to the main menu.

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Post-Layout Analysis: BoardSim and Batch Mode 页码,1/8

Post-Layout Analysis: BoardSim and Batch Mode

User Quotes
I couldn't do my job without it.
- Hardware Engineer, PC Motherboard Manufacturer

I immediately installed it and was simulating my design within two hours.

- Electrical Engineer, University Radiation Oncology Dept.

Testing of our prototypes agreed with what we had seen using BoardSim and reaffirmed our
confidence that we had the best possible signal integrity solution. Board Wizard allowed me to
check the entire board in seconds by setting up parameter checks. It would have taken days to
check all the nets manually. The frequency response of components could be displayed allowing
easier selection of items such as ferrite beads. BoardSim provides all the information needed to
ensure a reliable board design and does so in an easy and intuitive manner.
- Hardware Engineer, Leading Avionics Manufacturer

...The risk of transmission line-induced faults on a board of this size easily justifies the purchase
price of this product.
- Engineer, Imaging System Manufacturer

I received my first pass of the routed 16 layer card ... and HyperLynx paid for itself in the first
four hours of use ... I'm very happy with both the product and the support.
- Hardware Engineer, Computer Systems Integrator

If you started this demonstration at the beginning, you've already seen how LineSim can help you prevent
signal-integrity, crosstalk, EMC, and GHz-level SERDES problems even before you begin PCB layout. (Click
here if you want to go through the LineSim/pre-layout portion of the demo before reading this section.)
Using the data from your actual routed PCB layout, BoardSim moves HyperLynx's analysis into the post-
layout phase of your design cycle. Typically, BoardSim is used after placement and routing; the analysis is
based on the actual details of your board's routing. But you can also analyze a board as soon as it's placed,
before routing (using Manhattan routes that BoardSim creates); or when your board is placed and only
partially routed.

How BoardSim Works

BoardSim reads the data representing a routed PCB and performs signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC
analysis on the actual layout. In BoardSim, signal-integrity and crosstalk results appear either as signal
waveforms in an oscilloscope (interactive mode) or in a multi-net analysis report (batch mode). EMC analysis
works the same way, except that it occurs in the frequency domain and interactive results appear in a
spectrum analyzer. Eye diagrams for high-speed serial designs are produced in BoardSim's oscilloscope.

Translating your Board into BoardSim's Format

In actual use, the first step for running BoardSim is to translate your PCB layout into BoardSim's file format
(".HYP"). In some PCB-layout tools, a BoardSim translator is built-in and accessed from a menu pick; for
other tools, you run an external translator supplied with BoardSim. Either way, the end result is a .HYP file
that can be read by BoardSim.
BoardSim supports the following PCB-layout tools (check with Mentor Graphics for the latest,
updated list):

z Accel EDA
z Cadence Allegro
z Mentor Graphics Board Station

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Post-Layout Analysis: BoardSim and Batch Mode 页码,2/8

z Mentor Graphics Expedition

z PADS Layout
z Valor ODB++
z Zuken CR-3000
z Zuken CR-5000 Board Designer
z Zuken Visula / CADSTAR for Windows

Note that BoardSim may be able to interface to PCB-layout tools not listed above through the SPECCTRA (or
"CCT") format, since almost all PCB-layout tools can write a SPECCTRA DSN file.
For this portion of the demo, the .HYP file has already been created for you. It's called "Demo.hyp."

Loading and Viewing a PCB

Of all the signals on a PCB, clock nets are typically the most critical from signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC
standpoints. (SERDES-based designs may not even use clock signals, but here we're discussing traditional,
synchronous designs.) Let's see how BoardSim could help you check the clock and other edge-sensitive nets
on a board, based on the actual routed layout.

LineSim could have prevented many of the problems you're about to see! LineSim is an excellent tool
for solving signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC problems early in the design cycle, before you begin PCB
layout. Problems like those you're about to see on the demo PCB – for example, clock nets that are
improperly designed – can also be solved up-front, before time is invested in board layout.

However, other types of problems can only be found after PCB layout. For example, even a properly
designed net can be negatively affected by the layout process, e.g., if the trace's length is not constrained
properly during routing, or if the router can’t meet the constraint that was set, or if a net wanders through
too many vias. Also, it is sometimes difficult to pre-plan nets beyond the truly critical ones on a board.
Addressing these kinds of problems is the purpose of BoardSim.

Load the Demo Board "Demo.hyp"

Let's begin by loading the demo PCB.
Load the demo PCB "Demo.hyp" using File > Open BoardSim Board:

1. If you previously ran the LineSim portion of the demo, close any open dialog boxes.
2. On the File menu, select Open BoardSim Board. A dialog box opens.
3. Double-click on the file Demo.hyp.

Since the demo board is small, loading takes only a few seconds. When loading is done, you see the board in
BoardSim's viewer.

About the Demo Board

The demo board is admittedly a very simple mixed-technology PCB (through-hole and surface-mount); trace
widths are fairly large. The board is not completely routed. We've deliberately kept the board small so that it’s
easy to focus on a few key features.
In real use, BoardSim runs with PCBs of any size; the only limit is the amount of memory in your computer.
HyperLynx customers routinely run BoardSim on a huge variety of PCBs, including very large designs.

The Board Viewer

Notice that BoardSim includes a physical board viewer. If you don't have access to your PCB-layout software
(e.g., your boards are laid out by a service bureau, or on a UNIX workstation but you work on a PC),
BoardSim provides a convenient way to view your board. And as we’ll see a few examples of later,
BoardSim’s viewer has special features (not found in PCB layout tools) that appeal to electrical engineers.
Right now, the viewer is showing the demo board's entire layout, including each net's routing, as well as the
PCB's outline, component outlines, and reference designators. Once we begin simulating specific nets in the

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next section, the nets being analyzed will be shown in the foreground and other nets will “dim” into the

Batch Analysis of the Entire Board for Signal-Integrity, Crosstalk, and

EMC Problems
BoardSim includes a powerful batch-mode feature (organized as a step-by-step “wizard”) which allows you to
scan/simulate your entire PCB in a single operation. The batch wizard offers both a set of "quick-analysis"
features that can run very quickly on an entire PCB, scanning for likely signal-integrity, crosstalk, and EMC
problems; and detailed-analysis features which perform automated simulations on a selected set of nets,
reporting accurate “flight times” for each net and analyzing in detail for other parameters, such as overshoot,
threshold violations, and crosstalk. Many of these can be automatically checked against user-defined
"violation" limits, which, for example, can flag nets with out-of-range delays, excess overshoot, or crosstalk,
and so forth.
The batch quick-analysis features are an excellent place to begin if you don't know where on your board
problems may lie. Results are reported in a text output file that you can use to guide further, more-detailed
analysis. Quick analysis makes a great planning tool, for example, if you didn’t perform much pre-layout
analysis, just got a board back from layout, and want to get a quick idea of your design's quality.
In this section of the demonstration, we'll concentrate on quick analysis, and run it on the entire demo board.
In the next section, we'll try a few of the detailed-simulation features on a set of critical nets.

Run Quick Analysis on the Entire Demo Board

Run the batch quick-analysis features on the demo PCB, using Simulate > Run Batch Simulation; set the
default rise/fall time to 2 ns for this example.

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Batch Simulation. The batch-mode “wizard” dialog box opens.
2. Set the check boxes on the wizard's first page as follows: the first six Quick Analysis check boxes
enabled, and the remainder disabled; both Detailed Simulations check boxes (near the top) disabled. This
will include the most-interesting information in the wizard's quick-analysis report, and leave detailed
simulations disabled for now.
3. Click Next twice, so that you move to the Batch-Mode Setup - Default IC Model Settings page.
4. In the Rise/Fall Time box, verify that the default switching time is set to 2 ns.
5. Click Next several more times, until the Batch-Mode – Run Simulation and Show Results page and the
Finish button appear. Click Finish.

Notice that we didn’t bother specifying specific IC models for the nets on the PCB; on the Default IC Model
Settings page, we told the batch engine to assume that any nets not yet populated with models have driver
ICs with approximately 2-ns switching times. (On this board, some nets do have models assigned, but others
don’t.) The ability to assign “default” IC characteristics allows you get results quickly, even before you make
detailed model assignments.
The batch wizard's quick analysis begins running, reporting its percent-done status as it analyzes the nets on
the board. Because the demo board is small, the wizard's analysis – even though it includes every net on the
board – takes only seconds to complete. The HyperLynx File Editor opens on the wizard’s output.

Examine the Batch Quick-Analysis Output

The file viewer has special searching capabilities (when it’s opened by the batch wizard) for finding signal-
integrity violations.
Search for warnings in the report file using the yellow "find warning" button (button is yellow with a black

1. In the file viewer, click the yellow "Find Warning" button (yellow with a black checkmark). The viewer
jumps to the first location of the text "warning."
2. Click the Find Warning button several more times. The Viewer jumps to various nets that are likely to have
signal-integrity problems because they are physically long but have no termination, or that have non-
optimal terminating-component values.

You can use the batch wizard to automatically identify "problem" nets, and as a guide to further detailed
analysis and problem fixing.

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For example, look at the wizard's report for the net "datald":

1. In the file viewer, on the Edit menu, select Find. A dialog box opens.
2. In the Find What box, type "datald". Click to enable the Wrap Around Search check box.
3. Click the Find Next button.

The viewer jumps to net "datald's" section. Here the batch engine is reporting that "datald" has no terminator,
but given the default rise/fall time of 2 ns, "datald" is too long to be unterminated. The wizard gives a
suggestion for the maximum length of the net, if it remains unterminated.
Close the file viewer:

z In the viewer (not in BoardSim), on the File menu, select Exit.

Detailed Batch Analysis of Critical Nets

Now let's re-run batch-mode analysis, but this time using the batch wizard's detailed-analysis capabilities on
several of the demonstration PCB's nets. Compared to the quick-analysis features that we just ran, the
detailed simulations offer an additional level of accuracy that can report, at every receiver-IC pin on a net,
detailed min and max flight times, overshoots, threshold violations, and crosstalk levels. On a real PCB, of
course, you would be likely to examine a much larger set of nets than we will in this brief demo. However,
even one or two nets are enough to show quickly how the batch feature’s detailed simulations work.

Note: For detailed simulation, the Board Wizard is capable of performing not only signal-integrity, but also
crosstalk and EMC analysis. In this example, we'll look at the signal-integrity features, and later in this
demonstration, at crosstalk features.

In general, there are two major reasons that designers run batch-mode signal-integrity simulations. One is to
find out what the min and max delays (or “flight times”) on a collection of nets are. This makes sense: digital
design is heavily centered on timing, and with today’s tighter margins, it’s important to include the effects of
interconnect delays in timing budgets. The second reason is to scan for other (non-timing) kinds of signal-
integrity trouble, for example, overshoot or crosstalk problems. (You can look for both types of issues
simultaneously using BoardSim’s batch feature.)
In the following sections, let’s simulate an example net, first with an eye to calculating accurate timing delays,
and then with a focus on non-timing signal-integrity issues.

Improve the Signal Integrity on Net “datald”

In a moment, we’ll run some batch simulations of the demo PCB’s net “datald.” Before we do it, though, let’s
improve the signal quality on the net, so that we get realistic results. First we'll interactively assign an IC
model to U3, pin 20.
Select net “datald”; assign the CMOS,5V,FAST model to U3, pin 20 and set it to output state:

1. On the Select menu, choose Net by Name. A dialog box opens.

2. In the list of nets, look for “datald,” and double-click on it. The dialog boxes closes. In the board viewer,
note that most of the board’s routing appears “dimmed,” in the background, except for a net (the one you
just selected) in the PCB’s lower left.
3. On the Select menu, select Component Models or Edit Values. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
4. In the Pins list box, double-click on "U3.20". The Select IC Model dialog box opens.
5. Click the EASY.MOD button to select a library of HyperLynx-supplied generic “technology” models.
6. In the Devices list box, double-click on the model CMOS,5V,FAST. The Select IC Model dialog box
7. In the Buffer Settings area, click the Output radio button. Then click Close. U3, pin 20 is now modeled as
a fast 5V CMOS driver.

Now we'll run the Terminator Wizard to automatically identify and apply optimal termination to improve the
signal integrity on net "datald."
Run the Terminator Wizard on it and apply the series resistor it recommends:

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1. On the Wizards menu, select Run Terminator Wizard. A dialog box opens.
2. Note that the wizard is recommending that a series terminator be added to the net, to improve signal
quality. In cases where a terminator is recommended but isn’t present in the routed design, the Terminator
Wizard can add the terminator "virtually,” with the appropriate component value. (BoardSim calls this a
“Quick Terminator.”) Add the terminator to “datald” by clicking the Apply Values button. Click OK to close
the wizard.

Calculate Flight Times for Net “datald”

Now, we’re ready to run some batch-mode simulations and calculate flight times. Run the Board Wizard's
detailed-simulation feature on net "datald"; run signal-integrity simulation only (not EMC); for output reporting,
choose the CSV file:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Batch Simulation. The batch-wizard dialog box opens.
2. On the first page of the Wizard, disable all of the Quick Analysis features (turn "off" their check boxes);
then in the Detailed Simulations area, enable the Run Signal-Integrity and Crosstalk Simulations check
box. (Leave the Run EMC Simulations check box disabled.) Click Next, so that you move to the Select
Nets and Constraints for Signal-Integrity Simulation page.
3. Click the SI Nets Spreadsheet button (in the upper left). This opens a spreadsheet in which you can select
nets for detailed signal-integrity analysis and set constraints for them. (You can re-size the spreadsheet, if
you wish, to make it bigger.)
4. All of the nets on the PCB are listed, in alphabetic order. Locate net “datald,” near the top of the list.
Enable simulation for this net by clicking once in its SI Enable column. When you make the selection, the
previously grayed-out columns turn white and “activate.”
5. For this net, we’re mostly interested in getting min/max interconnect delays in the batch feature’s output
report. The default rules for overshoot are a little “strict,” so reduce them: in each of the Max Rise (and
Fall) Rail Overshoot and Max Rise (and Fall) SI Overshoot columns (four columns total), type “1000” to
allow 1V of margin. Then click OK to close the spreadsheet.
6. In the wizard, click Next, so that you move to the Set Driver/Receiver Options page. Make/verify the
following settings: Driver Round Robin off (later, we’ll enable it); and Fast-Strong, Typical, and Slow-Weak
IC-model corners all on. (Leave other settings at their defaults.)
7. Click Next to move to the Set Delay and Transmission-Line Options page. Click to enable the Flight-Time
Compensation check box.
8. Click Next four times, making no more changes until you move to the Select Reporting Options page. In
the After the Batch Run Completes area, click to disable the Summary Report File check box, and to
enable the CSV File check box. Leave the “If opening Excel, auto-format” check box disabled.

Here’s what you’ve done in the preceding steps:

z enabled detailed simulation on net "datald"

z enabled simulation at all IC operating “corners” (i.e., told the batch engine to run three sets of simulations,
one with the IC models in their Fast-Strong settings, one in Typical, and one in Slow-Weak); this will
produce valid, worst-case min and max delays in the output report
z enabled “flight-time compensation,” meaning that for each driver-to-receiver pin pair in the output report,
the delays will automatically have the driver’s “time-to-Vmeasure” value subtracted; this means that the
flight times can be added directly to a timing spreadsheet

If you’re not familiar with “flight-time compensation” or “driver time-to-Vmeasure,” see the next paragraph.

About flight-time compensation: The delays reported in signal-integrity simulations (like the one we’re
about to run) are intended to represent the interconnect delays between drivers and receivers on your
routed PCB. You can add these delays to your timing spreadsheet to make your calculations more

However, there’s a possible problem: the Tco (clock-to-output) delays for driver ICs in your spreadsheet
already contain built-in delays that represent what happens outside the IC when it drives a load. Worse,
the built-in delay is into some reference load (like a 15-pF capacitor) that doesn’t match the actual
transmission-line load on your board. If you add to Tco in your spreadsheet the delays calculated by
BoardSim, you’ll account for two output loads: you’ll get the effects of both the real transmission-line load
(calculated by BoardSim) plus the reference load (assumed by your IC vendor in the datasheet Tco).

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To eliminate this problem, if you enable the Flight-Time Compensation check box in the wizard, BoardSim’s
batch engine will automatically determine how much reference-load delay is present for each driver’s Tco,
and subtract this value from all reported delays. (The reference-load delay is sometimes called the driver’s
“time-to-Vmeasure” value). With this "compensation” in place, you can add the batch report’s numbers
directly to your timing spreadsheet, and your Tco values will automatically be adjusted to remove the effect
of the extra, incorrect reference load.

This is a valuable “bookkeeping” feature that BoardSim’s batch feature performs automatically for you. (It
knows how to do this, by the way, based on simulating with reference-load information that’s contained in
each driver’s IC model.)

9. Now, click the Next button to move to the Run Simulation and Show Results page. Then click the Finish
button. If queried about whether to overwrite the .RPT we previously generated, click Yes.

After you click Finish, the batch-mode engine begins running, reporting its percent-done status. Because
batch simulation was enabled on only one net, it does not take long to run; however, because we chose to
simulate all three IC corners for the net, there are six simulations to perform (three corners X (rising + falling
When the simulations have finished, the batch engine automatically writes out three files:

z a CSV (comma-separated values) file, suitable for loading into a spreadsheet application or parsing with a
custom script
z a text file (“.RPT”) file suitable for viewing in a text editor
z an SDF (“standard delay format”) file suitable for passing to timing-analysis and other tools that read the

Examine the Batch Engine’s Detailed-Simulation Output (CSV File)

We chose to have the CSV file opened by the batch wizard. On many Windows computers, the .CSV
extension is "associated” with Microsoft Excel; if it is on your machine, then Excel will open automatically on
the results. (Excel may not come to the “top” of your desktop; look to see if it’s open and behind the
HyperLynx windows.) If you do not have Excel or if the CSV extension is not mapped on your computer, then
manually look for the output file DEMO-SI.CSV in the “Demo_files” sub-directory under wherever you installed
the HyperLynx demo software. Open it, if possible, in a spreadsheet application.
Note that the CSV data contains a header row (labeling the columns), and then a series of rows, each
reporting simulation results. (If you want, you can reformat the spreadsheet to more easily see the headers. If
we had chosen auto-formatting, the batch wizard would have attempted to do this automatically.)
Look at the Driver, Receiver, and Simulation Corner columns. Note that for each IC-model corner we chose
(Slow-Weak, Typical, and Fast-Strong), a row is output for each driver-receiver pin pair. Further to the right in
each row are the automatically measured results of each simulation.
For this batch run, we were interested primarily in the flight times associated with each pin pair. These are
listed in the Rise (and Fall) Min (and Max) Delay columns. Since the values are compensated (with the Tco
reference-load delay already removed), they are ready to be placed into a timing budget.
If Excel or another tool is open on the CSV file, close it (we’ll let the batch wizard re-open it in the next

Run with Driver “Round Robin” and Some Non-Timing Constraints

Now, let’s re-run net “datald,” but with some other batch-mode features enabled. (Again, if this were a real
design, you would typically be running many more nets simultaneously – maybe hundreds or even thousands.
But here, we’re trying to be quick and just show some basic features on a sample net.)
Open the Assign Models dialog box; on the IC tab, assign U3.20’s model to all pins on the net; then use the
Quick Terminator tab to remove the terminator you applied earlier:

1. On the Select menu, choose Component Models or Edit Values. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
2. With the IC tab selected, click once to highlight the first pin in the Pins list, then scroll down the list,
watching the Buffer Settings area to the right. Notice that for the previous simulation, the first four pins in
the list all had input-only (receiver) models attached, and pin U3.20 had an I/O pin that was manually set

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to state “output.” For the next simulation, we want to see what happens if all pins are I/Os, so…
3. …with pin U3.20 highlighted, in the Buffer Settings area, click the Input radio button. In the Model to Paste
area, click the Copy button, then click the Paste All button. Now scroll the highlight through the Pins list,
and notice that every pin is assigned an I/O model, and all are currently set to state “input.”
4. Select the Quick Terminator tab. For the next simulation, we’re also interested in seeing how signal-
integrity violations of various types are flagged in the batch-mode results. One easy was to create some
errors is to unterminate the net; so…
5. …highlight pin U3.20 in the Pins list, then in the Terminator Style area, click the None radio button. Click
Close to close the dialog box and click OK. If you get a warning that no pin has a driver, click OK.

Here’s what you’ve done in the preceding steps:

z changed all IC pins on net “datald” to have an I/O (bidirectional) model

z unterminated the net to create some “interesting” signal-integrity problems

Now, consider the current state of the net’s IC models: they’re all I/Os. This is the same situation as on any
real, “multi-drop” net on which multiple I/Os exist, any one of which may turn on and drive at any time. What
should be done in batch simulation for such a net?
For a net populated with multiple bidirectional buffers, it’s important for timing delays to be calculated for each
driver that can turn on. Maybe the maximum delay, for example, will occur when a driver at one end of the bus
is enabled (but which end?); or maybe (because the driver has to drive two traces simultaneously), the longer
delay will come from driving in the middle. You really can’t know for sure without running multiple sets of
simulations, one for each possible driver.
Setting up such simulations manually would be extremely time-consuming. Fortunately, BoardSim’s batch
engine has an option called “driver round robin” which, if enabled, will automatically walk through all possible
driver states, and run simulations for each. Let’s try running with it.
Open the batch wizard; turn off IC corners other than Fast-Strong, and enable round-robin simulation; for
reporting, again choose the CSV file:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Batch Simulation. The batch-wizard dialog box opens.
2. Click the Next button twice to move to the Set Driver/Receiver Options page. Click to enable the Driver
Round Robin check box. In the IC-Model Corners area, disable the Typical and Slow-Weak check boxes
(but leave Fast-Strong enabled).
3. Click Next five times to move to the Select Reporting Options page. Verify that the Summary Report File
check box is still disabled and CSV File is enabled.
4. Then click Next, then Finish, to run a new set of simulations. If a message asks whether to overwrite the
earlier report files, click Yes. (Make sure that Excel is not open currently on the old spreadsheet, so that it
can be re-created.)

The batch engine runs, reporting its status. When it completes, (as above) the results open in Excel or
another application mapped to the .CSV file extension. (If no application is mapped, manually open the file
DEMO-SI.CSV in a spreadsheet.)

Examine the New Batch-Engine Output

Notice some differences in the results this time compared to the previous. First, in the left-most column of the
spreadsheet, note that some simulations are marked as “fail.” To see why, find a failing row, and look at its
four Rise (and Fall) Overshoot Rail (and SI) columns. You’ll see that at least one column has a value greater
than the 1-V constraint we set before the previous run.
In general, the batch engine can automatically check and flag any simulation which fails any constraint you
set in the Nets spreadsheet. (Look at the other reporting columns in the spreadsheet for more details on what
kinds of measurements and constraints are supported.)
In the results, notice also which simulations were performed. In the Simulation Corner column (near the left
side), all simulations were marked as using the IC models’ Fast-Strong corner (as we requested). But in the
Driver and Receiver columns, note that simulations occur in groups of four, with first one I/O being turned on
and driving, and delays reported to each of the other four I/Os; then the first I/O turning off and the next
turning on to drive; and so forth until all possibilities are exercised. This shows the automatic driver-round-
robin feature in action.

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Note that some users may wish to parse all of this delay data from the CSV file using a custom program or
script. Since the CSV file is ASCII and simply formatted, this is not difficult to do. HyperLynx is committed to
preserving the format of the CSV file, so any investment in custom scripting that a customer makes will be
preserved in the future.
Close Excel (or whichever spreadsheet application is open on the results.)
Although there are many more advanced features which could be explored in BoardSim’s batch wizard, there
isn’t time in this introductory demonstration to cover them. (You’re welcome to experiment with more of them
or read about them in the Help system later, after completing this demo.)
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next, we look at more post-
layout features in BoardSim.
Click here to return to the main menu.

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BoardSim's Crosstalk and Differential-Signal Features 页码,1/7

BoardSim's Crosstalk and Differential-Signal Features

If you started this demonstration at the beginning, you've already seen how LineSim's signal-integrity,
crosstalk, and EMC analysis features can help you identify and prevent signal-reflection and radiated-
emissions problems early in the design cycle. You've also seen how BoardSim can be used for basic post-
layout signal-integrity analysis (batch and interactive).
BoardSim's Crosstalk option adds to the "base" BoardSim product the ability to perform crosstalk analysis of a
board after layout. Crosstalk (like other signal-integrity problems) can negatively impact your final design and
manifest as false clocking, intermittent data errors, or other difficult-to-find and potentially serious problems. It
can also be difficult to know where crosstalk is likely to occur, and eliminating it can be even trickier than fixing
single-trace signal-integrity problems.
Click here if you want to review LineSim Crosstalk's description of crosstalk fundamentals before you
If you want to review BoardSim's uncoupled signal-integrity features, including batch and interactive modes,
click here.

How BoardSim's Crosstalk Analysis Works

BoardSim allows you to simulate in both batch and interactive modes. Batch-mode simulation includes
detailed simulation (with timing and crosstalk data saved into a report file), as well as a "Quick Analysis"
feature that we saw earlier, that can rapidly scan your entire PCB. An aspect of Quick Analysis not highlighted
earlier is a crosstalk feature that can provide a list – sorted from most to least – of the amount of crosstalk that
could potentially appear on each of your board's nets. This list is particularly powerful because it helps you
determine very quickly which nets on your board are likely to have crosstalk trouble, and merit further
BoardSim Crosstalk also offers a unique way of automatically determining which nets are coupled to any net
that is selected for simulation (interactively or in batch mode). Rather than forcing you to specify a geometric
"zone" around each net in which to find aggressor nets, BoardSim Crosstalk allows you simply specify an
electrical crosstalk threshold. For example, you can say, "I want to include all nets in simulation that could
generate 100 mV or more of crosstalk on my victim nets," and BoardSim will automatically find them for you.
This is a much easier, less-error-prone, more-powerful way of finding aggressor nets than by crude geometric
With BoardSim Crosstalk's features, you can:

z quickly predict which nets are likely to suffer the most crosstalk, and have BoardSim determine
automatically which nets are the likely "aggressors"
z use electrical rather than geometric thresholds, for more-accurate and faster simulations (but geometric
thresholds are available, too, in case you prefer them)
z simulate a large number of nets in batch mode, with each net's numerical results (timing, overshoot,
crosstalk) saved into a report file
z simulate interactively to see in oscilloscope waveforms the exact amplitude of crosstalk on a victim net
z see the effects on crosstalk results of changing parameters like stackup layer, dielectric thickness, driver-
IC slew rate, driver impedance, line termination, and so forth
z confidently design high-speed buses and other PCB structures that meet tight timing and low-crosstalk-
noise requirements
z select termination strategies that greatly reduce or eliminate the crosstalk seen at receiver ICs

Using BoardSim Crosstalk for Differential-Signal Analysis

BoardSim's coupled-line analysis features are also valuable in the design of differential signals, since the
same line-to-line coupling that causes unwanted crosstalk on unrelated signals also generates the differential
impedance and other electrical characteristics important in differential signaling. Specifically, you can use
BoardSim to:

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z determine the differential impedance of trace pairs on your routed board, and observe the effects of
stackup layer, dielectric thickness, and so forth
z accurately simulate differential signals, taking into account the coupling between traces and the presence
of nearby aggressor and reference (power/ground) traces
z analyze both differential- and common-mode propagation, or any mix of the two
z easily design terminations that work for both the differential- and common-mode components of your

Crosstalk Example: Predicting Crosstalk on a Clock Net

Suppose you're designing a critical clock net, and you want to guarantee that no more than 50 mV of crosstalk
can be coupled onto the "victim" net from any nearby, "aggressor" nets. Let's see how BoardSim's Crosstalk
option could help you meet this design goal.

Load Board "Demo2.hyp"

A typical net in a modern digital system will be in close proximity to many trace segments belonging to other
nets. This makes the net a potential victim of crosstalk generated by the other nearby aggressor traces.
The most important step to analyzing such a situation is accurately identifying all of the aggressors that
contribute significantly to crosstalk on the victim net. In BoardSim Crosstalk, aggressors are automatically
selected using an algorithm that chooses only those neighboring nets with the potential to generate crosstalk
above a specified threshold on your victim net. This threshold is conveniently described in electrical terms
(i.e., mV of crosstalk) rather than being geometric (although you have the option of using geometric
thresholds, if you prefer).
In this section of the demonstration, we'll use a board called "Demo2.hyp." It is the same PCB as used
elsewhere in this demo to show BoardSim's non-crosstalk signal-integrity features, except that its IC models
are set up differently to show more crosstalk amplitude (the ICs are faster). Let's begin by loading the HYP
Load the board "Demo2.hyp" using File > Open BoardSim Board; use the Crosstalk menu to verify that
crosstalk simulation is disabled:

1. On BoardSim's File menu, select Open BoardSim Board. (If any dialog boxes are open from an earlier
portion of this demonstration, close them first.) A dialog box opens. (If you’re prompted to save session
edits, click No.)
2. Double-click on the file name Demo2.hyp. The dialog box closes and a board layout appears in
BoardSim's viewer.
3. Click on the Crosstalk menu, and verify that Enable Crosstalk Simulation is disabled, i.e., not checked.

This board has three clock nets, "clk," "clk2," and "clkin." Let's run an analysis of "clk2."

Automatically Finding "Aggressor" Nets

An important feature of BoardSim Crosstalk is that it automatically identifies which other nets are coupled
strongly enough to the selected victim net to be "aggressors." You don't have to guess, or (like in other
crosstalk-analysis tools) specify a geometric "zone" which you hope is wide enough to include all of the
important aggressor nets. (For more information on this powerful capability, see the section "Electrical versus
Geometric Thresholds" below.)
Let's select net "clk2" and see which other nearby nets BoardSim Crosstalk thinks are likely to be aggressor
Select net "clk2" using Select > Net by Name; then enable crosstalk simulation using Crosstalk/Enable
Crosstalk Simulation:

1. On the Select menu, select Net by Name. A dialog box opens. In the Sort Nets By area, click on the Name
radio button.
2. Double-click on "clk2" to select the net. It appears in the board viewer, with other nets dimmed in the
3. On the Crosstalk menu, select Enable Crosstalk Simulation.

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By default, BoardSim Crosstalk searches for aggressor nets whose individual crosstalk contributions to the
selected victim net exceed or equal 150 mV. Of course, you can adjust this threshold up or down as needed
to meet the requirements of your particular boards and nets.
Notice in the board viewer that only net "clk2" and its associated net "n00077" (they're connected together
through a series resistor) are visible in the foreground. This means that BoardSim predicts that no other nets
will generate 150 mV of crosstalk or more on net "clk2." (This demo board is low-density, for simplicity, so it's
not surprising that it doesn't exhibit a lot of crosstalk.) But now let's adjust the threshold down and see if any
nets exceed the new value.
Drop the crosstalk threshold to 50 mV using Crosstalk/Crosstalk Thresholds:

1. On the Crosstalk menu, select Set Crosstalk Thresholds. A dialog box opens.
2. Verify that the Use Electrical Thresholds radio button is selected. In the Include Nets with Coupled
Voltages Greater Than box, type "50."
3. Click OK.

Notice that more nets have now appeared in the foreground in the board viewer; each one shows with a
dashed line. These are the aggressor nets that could potentially contribute more than 50 mV of crosstalk to
the victim "clk2" net.
Use Reports > Net Statistics to see exactly which nets are aggressors to "clk2":

1. On the Reports menu, select Net Statistics. A dialog box opens.

2. In the Associated Nets area, note the list of nets. Nets "setsec," "datald," and "reset" are aggressor nets to
"clk2'; note that they are labeled with "By Coupling." Net "n00077" is not coupled; rather it is "associated"
to "clk2" conductively, through a series resistor.
3. Click OK.

Set Up IC Models for Simulation

During crosstalk simulations, BoardSim Crosstalk is capable of simulating any number of victim and
aggressor nets, and each victim or aggressor may be either actively switching or static (i.e., "stuck").
However, it is much easier to see the crosstalk amplitude and waveform if the victim net's driver IC is not
Use Select > Component Models or Edit Values to set the driver on victim net "clk2" (U2.1) to be stuck low;
change the aggressor-net I/O models (U11.6 and U3.20) to be "Output":

1. On the Select menu, select Component Models or Edit Values. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, note that some pins have a "coupled" icon just to the left of the reference-designator/pin
label; these are the component pins on the aggressor nets. Pins on the selected, victim net have no icon.
3. The victim net's driver IC is U2.1. Find it in the list, then click once on it to highlight it.
4. With U2.1 highlighted, in the Buffer Settings area, click the Stuck Low radio button.
5. Click on pin U11.6 (at the bottom of the list). It has an I/O model that is currently set to buffer direction
"Input." In the Buffer Settings area, change this by clicking the "Output" radio button.
6. Repeat step 5 for pin U3.20.
7. Click Close.

Look at Coupling Regions where Crosstalk is Actually Generated

Before we actually simulate to see how much crosstalk appears on net "clk2," we can view the "coupling
regions" – i.e., sections along the coupled nets – which will generate the crosstalk.
Use Crosstalk > Walk Coupling Regions to view some of the coupling regions along the victim and aggressor

1. On the Crosstalk menu, select Walk Coupling Regions.

2. Use the mouse to move the dialog box so it doesn't overlap the visible nets.
3. In the board viewer, note the set of segments highlighted in white with yellow boxes as endpoint markers.
4. In the Coupling Region dialog box, click the Next button; another coupling region is highlighted.

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In the Coupling Region viewer, you'll see the names of the coupled nets, information about how far apart they
are in the currently displayed region, and a graphical stackup cross-section showing the nets. If you click on
the Impedance button, an impedance and termination summary is added to the window. You can stretch the
entire window vertically to more easily see its contents, or re-size individual panes in the window.
Note that even this simple net requires several different coupling regions to be accurately simulated. On real
nets on a dense board, it is not uncommon to have a hundred or more regions; BoardSim Crosstalk dutifully
and automatically models all of them for you. In the viewer, coupling regions are sorted (as you walk through
them) from strongest coupling to weakest.

z Click Close to close the coupling-region viewer.

Driver-IC Slew Rates Affect Crosstalk and Aggressor Nets

When BoardSim chose aggressor nets for "clk2," it accounted for many factors that influence crosstalk: trace
separation, dielectric thickness, IC models, and so forth. The forward component of crosstalk, in particular, is
sensitive to the slew rate of the driver ICs on the aggressor net; the faster the aggressing drivers, the more
crosstalk tends to develop. Let's see the effect of slew rate on the aggressor-selection algorithm, by slowing
down one of the drivers.
Use Select > Component Models or Edit Values to change the IC model for pin U3.20 to CMOS,5V,MEDIUM:

1. On the Select menu, select Component Models or Edit Values. The Assign Models dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, double-click on pin U3.20. The Select IC Model dialog box opens.
3. In the Device list box, double-click on model CMOS,5V,MEDIUM (it has a slower slew rate than the
previous model).
4. Click OK to close the Select IC Model dialog box.
5. The aggressor net "datald" is no longer visible in the board viewer, since its driver is now not fast enough
to cause crosstalk above our 50-mV threshold.

Electrical versus Geometric Thresholds

There are a variety of possible ways to select aggressors for crosstalk analysis: e.g., nearest-neighbor,
geometric "zone," and electrical estimation. The more aggressor nets that are selected, the slower simulations
will run (crosstalk analysis is CPU-intensive), so it is desirable to select only those nets that are significantly
coupled to the victim net.
Often, the greatest amount of crosstalk on a given section of a victim net is due to the nearest trace on either
side, but a fast driver can cause a more distant net to be the strongest aggressor. Using a traditional
geometric "coupling window" or "zone," these more distant nets with faster drivers would be missed and nets
in closer proximity with slow drivers would be needlessly included. This in turn would lead to a significant
underestimation of the crosstalk on the victim net.
Or, if you chose to be conservative and increased the width of the coupling zone, you might catch further-
away aggressor nets, but in many cases you would also include many nets which are not significant
aggressors and whose presence would simply slow your simulations.
By default, BoardSim Crosstalk uses "smart" electrical thresholds (as we've seen in this demonstration). This
approach has several major benefits. First, more distant nets with fast drivers are correctly found by the
aggressor-finding algorithm. Second, nearby nets with slower drivers are included only if they contribute
crosstalk above the threshold you specify. The result is a minimum but correct sets of nets to simulate, which
can cut analysis time significantly, and increase accuracy. Finally, electrical thresholds let you think in natural
terms about crosstalk: mV of noise (rather than geometric limits).

Note: BoardSim Crosstalk offers geometric thresholds, if that's your preference. (See the Set Crosstalk
Thresholds dialog box.) But electrical thresholds are easier to use and more powerful.

Simulate Net "clk2" Interactively

Now let's actually look at net "clk2's" crosstalk waveform.
Use Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation to simulate the crosstalk on net "clk2"; place oscilloscope probes
at IC pins U8.9 and U11.6; change the vertical scale to 50 mV/div:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.

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2. In the oscilloscope, click the Attach Probes button. A dialog box opens.
3. In the Pins list, double-click on each of the following IC pins: U8.9, then U11.6. (U8.9 is the receiver IC on
the victim net).
4. Click OK.
5. In the oscilloscope, click Start Simulation. The crosstalk simulation runs.
6. The red waveform is from the probe at the victim net's receiver IC. Change the vertical scale to 50 mV/div,
so you can clearly see the crosstalk shown by this probe; move the scroll bar at the right side of the
oscilloscope's display down until you see the red waveform again.

Because this simple demonstration board is not densely routed and does not use close trace spacing, it does
not show a great deal of crosstalk. (Also, we significantly slowed one of the aggressor net's driver ICs.)
Nevertheless, you can see that about +/-50 mV of crosstalk does appear at net "clk2's" receiver IC.
Again, it's worth noting that BoardSim will simulate any mixture of victim and aggressor traces; in fact, the
simulator really makes no distinction between the two. Generally, you'd prefer to have the victim nets (nets on
which you want to measure crosstalk) sitting stuck low or stuck high, but in this simulation we could just as
well have made "clk2" also switch, in which case it would have been both an aggressor to the other nets AND
their victim.

Quick Analysis: Generating a Crosstalk Strength Report for an Entire

You may be wondering how you would decide on which nets on a large PCB to run crosstalk simulation; after
all, your board may have several thousand nets. Focusing on all of them interactively would be nearly
impossible (too time-consuming).
Fortunately, BoardSim Crosstalk gives you two methods for dealing with a large board, or any board on which
you don't know where the crosstalk problems may be hiding. The first is the "Crosstalk Strength Report," a
powerful and fast feature that can quickly generate a report estimating the amount of crosstalk for every net
on your board.
The second method is detailed batch-mode simulation, in which you can queue up a large set of nets for
simulation and then run all of them in batch fashion. Results are presented in a report file, as in the earlier
batch-mode examples. (If you want to review those now, click here.
This section talks about the first method, the Crosstalk Strength Report. For most boards, this is actually the
first feature you'll use, because the data it provides can serve as a powerful guide to which nets you need to
look at in detail – and which others you can stop worrying about altogether.
Use Wizards > Board Wizard to run the Board Wizard; disable all features except Crosstalk Strength
Estimates; set the crosstalk threshold to 50 mV and run:

1. In the oscilloscope, click Close.

2. On the Simulate menu, select Run Batch Simulation. The batch wizard opens to its starting page.
3. On the opening page, disable all feature check boxes except Show Crosstalk Strength Estimates (in the
Quick Analysis area).
4. Click the Next button. On the Set Delay and Transmission-Line Options page, in the For Quick Analysis…
Include Nets with Coupled Voltages Greater Than box, type "50."
5. Click the Next button again. On the Default IC Model Settings page, leave the settings as is. These values
will be used only for nets where a specific IC model has not been loaded.
6. Click Next three more times, then on the Run Simulation and Show Results page, click Finish.

Reviewing the Crosstalk Strength Report

The batch engine runs briefly, generating a crosstalk strength report. Note how fast each net is processed. A
board of this size is finished in only a very short time; a large board might take several minutes.
The completed report displays automatically in the HyperLynx File Editor.
Use the file editor to look at the data in the batch-mode report:

1. In the file editor, page through the Crosstalk Report - Quick Analysis section. Note that for each net on the
board with more possible crosstalk than the specified 50-mV threshold, the file editor gives a list of each
net's aggressor nets and an estimate of how much crosstalk each aggressor could generate. The

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contribution of the two strongest aggressors is summed to give a realistic overall crosstalk estimate. Nets
are sorted from most to least crosstalk; this gives you a powerful and simple way to see which nets on
your board are most likely to suffer from crosstalk.
2. On the editor's File menu, select Exit to close the file editor.

Again, it should be emphasized that a Crosstalk Strength Report is a powerful guide to further simulations on
any given board. Since it is electrically based, it is usually considerably more accurate than a simple
geometric “parallelism” report. It can be generated very quickly (even before final IC model assignments are
made), and serves as an excellent guide to which nets on the board need further analysis: interactive, batch-
mode, or a mix of the two.

Running Detailed Batch-Mode Crosstalk Simulations

As an example of how BoardSim Crosstalk analyzes a net in batch mode, let's run on net "clk2." Of course, if
"clk2" were the only net we wanted to analyze, we'd probably just run it interactively. But if we wanted results
for a large number of nets, then we'd use batch mode. (To keep this demonstration moving quickly, we'll run
only on this one net.)
Use Simulate > Run Batch Simulation to run the batch wizard; enable only detailed SI and crosstalk
simulation; use the Nets Spreadsheet to enable specifically net "clk2"; set its threshold to 50 mV, and run

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Batch Simulation.

2. On the wizard's first page, in the Detailed Simulations area, enable the first check box, Run Signal-
Integrity and Crosstalk Simulations on Selected Nets. Disable all other features.
3. Click Next.
4. Click on the SI Nets Spreadsheet button. The spreadsheet opens.
5. Since we are only interested in simulating net "clk2," click the check box in the SI Enable column only for
net "clk2." Lower in the spreadsheet, note that the associated net "n00077" is automatically selected also
(since it is connected to "clk2" through a resistor).
6. For "clk2," change the value in the Max Rise/Fall Crosstalk column from "150" to "50." "n00077's" value
changes, too.
7. Click OK to close the spreadsheet.
8. Back in the wizard, click Next. Then on the Set Driver/Receiver Options page, in the IC-Model Corners
area, enable only Fast/Strong driver IC models.
9. Click Next three more times. On the Set Options for Crosstalk Analysis page, click the Crosstalk
Simulation check box to enable it. Leave the Selected Nets as Victims Stuck Low check box (which just
ungrayed) enabled.
0. Click Next three more times, until you move to the Run Simulation and Show Results page. Then click
Finish to start the Wizard running. If prompted about whether to overwrite the previously generated .RPT
file, click Yes.

After a short period of time, depending on the speed of your computer, the batch engine finishes the
requested simulations on net "clk2" and opens its report file.
Use the file editor to look at the data in the batch-mode report:

1. The report contains a detailed table for net "clk2," summarizing its signal-integrity and crosstalk behavior.
Several nets are identified as aggressor nets. After the numerical data, warnings are issued to indicate
these nets have no driver-IC model (this helps you know whether any IC models are missing during
simulations). The numerical data gives the rising- and falling-edge pin-to-pin delays for the driver IC and
each receiver, as well as the maximum overshoot and peak-value crosstalk that occurred. If any
thresholds defined in the Nets Spreadsheet are exceeded, the report flags them as warnings. In this case,
we see that crosstalk on clk2 exceeds our 50 mV threshold on both edges.
2. On the editor's File menu, select Exit to close the report.

Note that in this case, we looked at the batch engine’s human-readable text output (.RPT file). If you ran the
earlier section on BoardSim’s batch-mode features, you saw the alternative .CSV file, which is optimized for
viewing in a spreadsheet application (or parsing by a custom, external script).
BoardSim Crosstalk is useful not only for identifying crosstalk problems, but also fixing them. There are a

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number of ways to reduce crosstalk, including changing driver ICs (slower slew rates are better), altering
board stackup, and adding line termination. We won't explore any of these options in detail now, but, for
example, if you want, try simulating net "clk2" as is; then using the stackup editor (Edit > Stackup) to reduce
the board's dielectric thicknesses to 5 mils; then re-simulating to see how the amount of crosstalk is changed.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; next, we turn our attention to
advanced features intended specifically for post-layout analysis of GHz-level, SERDES-based
Click here to return to the main menu.

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BoardSim's GHz Features 页码,1/4

BoardSim's GHz Features

If you started this demonstration at the beginning, you've already seen how LineSim's signal-integrity,
crosstalk, EMC, and GHz-level analysis features can help you identify and prevent signal-reflection and
radiated-emissions problems early in the design cycle, for both traditional synchronous and new SERDES-
style designs. You've also seen how BoardSim can be used for post-layout signal-integrity and crosstalk
analysis. So far, though, we haven't demonstrated any of BoardSim's features that are specific to GHz-level
designs. In this section, we'll examine an important one: the ability to model vias in very-high-speed signal
In general, HyperLynx offers these major features for GHz-level designs:

z Eye diagrams
z Multi-bit stimulus
z Lossy transmission-line analysis
z Advanced via modeling
z Integration with SPICE simulation (HSPICE or Eldo)
z Touchstone (S-parameter) modeling

In an earlier section, we showed many of these features (eye diagrams with multi-bit stimulus, lossy-line
analysis, integrated SPICE simulation, and Touchstone modeling) in the context of LineSim. In this section,
we'll look at via modeling. However, eye diagrams, lossy analysis, integrated SPICE simulation, and
Touchstone modeling are available in BoardSim, just as they are in LineSim. Click here if you want to
review these features, by running them in LineSim.
If you want to review any of BoardSim's traditional, non-GHz-specific features, click here.

Advanced Via Modeling

In the earlier GHz portion of the LineSim demonstration, we saw the effects of lossy-transmission-line
simulation, especially an increase in receiver delay times when loss was accounted for. But at GHz-level
frequencies, a second phenomenon is often equally noticeable – and sometimes more so: the
electromagnetic effects of PCB vias. Vias can cause unexpected delays and, especially as frequencies grow
higher, signal distortion due to via inductance and capacitance. In this section, we'll look at how BoardSim
models vias.

Load Board "Demo.hyp" and Select Net "clk"

Load the board "Demo.hyp" using File > Open BoardSim Board; use Select > Net by Name to select net "clk":

1. On BoardSim's File menu, select Open BoardSim Board. Another dialog box opens. If prompted to save
session edits, click No.
2. Double-click on the file name Demo.hyp. The dialog box closes and a board layout appears in BoardSim's
3. On the Select menu, select Net by Name.
4. Double-click on "clk" to select the net.

Note that this net is poorly routed from a high-speed standpoint: it contains multiple vias.

Change the Driver IC to a Faster Model

The effects of vias are easiest to see with fast switching edges; this occurs because to higher-frequency
signals, vias look "electrically longer" and cause more signal distortion. Let's apply a faster IC model to the
selected net.
Using Select > Component Models or Edit Values, change driver pin U1.13 to model "CMOS,3.3V, ULTRA-
FAST" from library EASY.MOD:

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1. On the Select menu, choose Component Models or Edit Values; the Assign Models dialog box opens.
2. In the Pins list, double-click on pin U1.13; the Select IC Model dialog box opens.
3. Click the EASY.MOD button.
4. In the Devices list box, double-click on "CMOS,3.3V, ULTRA-FAST" to choose the model; then click Close
to close the Assign Models dialog box.

Simulate First with No Via Modeling

First, we'll run a simulation with via modeling disabled. Then we'll re-simulate with via modeling enabled, and
compare waveforms.
Disable via modeling entirely, using Edit > Via Modeling; disable the Include Via L and C check box:

1. On the Edit menu, select Via Modeling. The Select Method of Simulating Vias dialog box opens.
2. At the top of the dialog box is the Include Via L and C check box, which controls whether any via modeling
is used during simulation. Disable the check box to turn off all via modeling; the options lower in the dialog
box all gray out.
3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Then open the oscilloscope using Simulate > Run Interactive Simulation; set IC Modeling to Fast-Strong; and
click Start Simulation:

1. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation; the Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
2. In the IC Modeling area, select Fast-Strong, to simulate with the fastest possible driver edge.
3. Click the Start Simulation button; a waveform appears.

Re-Simulate with Via Modeling Enabled

Now let's enable automatic modeling of vias in BoardSim, then immediately re-simulate to see the effect.
Enable automatic via modeling, using Edit > Via Modeling; enable the Include Via L and C check box; verify
that the Auto-calculate radio button is selected:

1. On the Edit menu, select Via Modeling. The Select Method of Simulating Vias dialog box opens again.
2. Enable the Include Via L and C check box to turn back on via modeling; the options lower in the dialog
box re-enable.
3. Verify that the Auto-Calculate radio button is selected. This tells BoardSim to use its built-in automatic
modeling algorithms for vias.
4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Now, re-simulate:

z Click the Start Simulation button; a new waveform appears.

Compare the two waveforms; note that there is a clear difference in delay at the receiver ICs (yellow and
purple waveforms). The delays are pushed out when via modeling is added to the simulation. The effect is
reminiscent overall of the increased delay caused by the addition of lossy transmission-line analysis, as we
saw earlier in the LineSim GHz portion of the demonstration, meaning that for accurate delay calculations, it’s
often important to use accurate via modeling. Note that in BoardSim’s batch-mode wizard, you can enable
both lossy transmission-line and via modeling.

Different Types of Via Modeling

Let's re-open the via-modeling dialog box and briefly discuss the various methods of via modeling supported
by BoardSim.
Re-open the via-modeling dialog box using Edit > Via Modeling:

1. Click Close to close the oscilloscope.

2. On the Edit menu, select Via Modeling.

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3. Select the User-Supplied Padstack-Specific L and C radio button; a spreadsheet appears and values are
filled in after a short delay.

The radio-button choices in the top half of the dialog box offer three types of via modeling:

z Auto-calculate – the most powerful method, this tells BoardSim to invoke internal algorithms to
automatically model each instance of a via; these algorithms decompose each via into sections and call
fast solvers, section-by-section, accounting for detailed effects such as the frequency-dependent
inductance of a via as it changes its signal's reference planes; includes the effects of different signal entry
and exit layers
z User-supplied global L and C – allows knowledgeable users to supply a single L and C value to be used
for all vias on a board
z User-supplied padstack-specific L and C – a more-advanced type of user-supplied value, managed in a
spreadsheet; the user can mix auto-calculated values for some vias and specify custom values for certain
other padstacks

In the spreadsheet, in the Padstack Name column, the names appear as “AutoPadstk_X.” This is an artifact of
the demonstration PCB; if you were running with one of your own designs, you would see the actual padstack
names that you or your layout designer created in your PCB tool.
Most users will prefer the automated algorithms (because they’re quite accurate and powerful), but
sophisticated users may wish to supply their own L's and C's, based perhaps on the results of external
electromagnetic extractions or lab-measured data.
Look briefly at the contents of the padstack spreadsheet. Until you disable some Auto check boxes, each
padstack shows its auto-calculated value. Note the typical values: hundreds of pH and fF, for L and C
respectively. For padstacks that cause their signals to change reference planes at least once, the L value is
frequency-dependent; BoardSim displays it in the spreadsheet at f=250 MHz, but during simulation uses the
"knee frequency" of each net's driver-IC switching edge as the calculation frequency.

Visualizing a Via’s Geometric/Electrical Characteristics

Because accurate via modeling is so important in higher-speed designs, BoardSim offers a special feature
called the “Via Visualizer” which enables you to examine in detail the characteristics of any via on your PCB.
Accessible directly from BoardSim’s board viewer, the Visualizer automatically invokes the HyperLynx via
calculator on any via you select, and shows you both the geometric and electrical model of a single via or a
pair of coupled differential vias. Note that in SERDES and other high-speed differential paths, accurately
modeling via coupling is essential for accurate simulation results.
In this section, we’ll look briefly at the Via Visualizer for a sample differential via pair.
Load the board "Demodiff.hyp" using File > Open BoardSim Board; use Select > Net by Name to select net

1. In the Select Method of Simulating Vias dialog box, click OK.

2. On BoardSim's File menu, select Open BoardSim Board. A dialog box opens. If prompted to save session
edits, click No.
3. Double-click on the file name Demodiff.hyp. The dialog box closes and the Restore Session Edits dialog
box opens. Click OK. A board layout appears in BoardSim's viewer. If prompted to restore sessions edits
for this new design, click OK.
4. On the Select menu, select Net by Name.
5. Double-click on "DRV1_OUT1+" to select the net.
6. Click on the Crosstalk menu, and verify that Enable Crosstalk Simulation is enabled, i.e., checked.

Note that in the board viewer, other nets are dimmed and net DRV1_OUT1+ and its companion net
(DRV1_OUT1-) appear, as a differential pair.
Looking at the routing of this pair, it’s easy to see several possible problems. First, it does not appear
completely symmetric, which could introduce skew between the two halves of the pair (and therefore convert
a pure differential driver signal at least partially into common mode). Second, it includes two via pairs. While
vias are not “forbidden” in differential signaling, their detailed electromagnetic effects need to be watched and
simulated with great care.

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Let’s examine one of the via pairs with the Via Visualizer.
Use View > Zoom Area to zoom into the region around the left-hand of the selected nets’ two via pairs; point
to one of the vias with the mouse, right-click, and select View Via Properties:

1. On the View menu, select Zoom Area. The mouse cursor changes into a magnifying-glass shape.
2. With the left mouse button pressed, drag a box around the area of the left-hand of the selected nets’ two
via pairs, then release the mouse. The viewer zooms in and the vias appear larger.
3. Point to one of the two vias in the pair, until it its round top-layer pad highlights in black. (Be careful not to
highlight one of the connecting trace segments instead.)
4. Then right-click with the mouse. A pop-up menu appears; select View Via Properties. The Via Visualizer
opens. Drag its bottom edge, if necessary, to see the entire graphic in the Visualizer.

The Via Visualizer has opened on the selected via pair. It recognizes (after running a fast geometric/electrical
check) that the via you actually pointed to has a coupled, partner via, and displays both of them. As the dialog
box opens, the Visualizer runs BoardSim’s fast via calculator to determine the via pair’s coupled electrical
In detail, the Via Visualizer is showing the following information:

z the detailed stackup of the PCB; signal layers are shown in solid color and plane layers with “hatched”
colors; all metal is displayed in its layer color
z the exact visual geometry of each via in the differential pair, including connected traces, pads and anti-
pads, and drill hole
z labeling for all geometric dimensions (including pad shapes/diameters, anti-pad diameters, drill-hole
diameter, and separation between the two vias)
z to the side of each via, the via’s electrical model (including the effects of coupling between vias), including
the impedance and delay of the via (drawn as a labeled transmission line), 3-D pad capacitance for entry
and exit layers (drawn as a lumped capacitor)
z the impedances of connecting traces (labeled with “Z0=xxx”)
z a message in red at the bottom of the dialog warning that there seems to be an impedance discontinuity
between the surrounding traces and the via pair (simulation will tell whether the mismatch is serious or not)

Remember that all of this information is automatically calculated and used by BoardSim’s simulator whenever
via modeling is enabled. However, the Via Visualizer makes the modeling information explicit and accessible
to the user (rather than completely hidden, like it is in some other signal-integrity tools).
Note also one other feature: by clicking the Export to SPICE button (at the dialog box’s bottom), you can
easily create a SPICE sub-circuit of the entire via structure.
Click here to continue with the front-to-back HyperLynx demonstration; in this final section we take a
quick look at how BoardSim handles multi-board, system-level simulations.
Click here to return to the main menu.

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BoardSim's MultiBoard Feature 页码,1/3

BoardSim's MultiBoard Feature

If you've run the post-layout BoardSim portion of this demonstration, you've already seen how BoardSim can
comprehensively analyze your PCBs, providing you with detailed information about your board's signal-
quality, crosstalk, EMC, and GHz-level behavior. Up to this point, we've focused on analyzing single PCBs.
However, many modern designs involve multiple, interconnected PCBs – for example, a motherboard with
one or more memory modules plugged in, or a system consisting of several boards joined by connectors and
BoardSim's MultiBoard option adds the ability to load multiple boards simultaneously, "virtually" interconnect
them, and simulate them together as a system. Each board can be in the form either of a .HYP file, or a type
of IBIS board model called ".EBD" ("Electrical Board Description"). If the system you're analyzing consists
entirely of your own PCBs, then you would likely load all of your boards into BoardSim as .HYP files. If some
of the boards come from third parties (for example, memory modules), then those 3rd-party boards might be
provided in EBD format.

Note: The EBD format is a portion of the IBIS specification. IBIS is best-known for modeling IC buffers.
However, its EBD format allows random interconnect to be modeled, and can be used to represent PCBs,
complex IC packages, and so forth.

The main difference between a .HYP file and an EBD model is that the .HYP file is physical: it contains details
about trace routing, stackup, etc. EBD models, on the other hand, are purely electrical: the interconnect is
represented as transmission lines, with already-calculated inductance and capacitance, or impedance and
delay. Thus, a .HYP file can be viewed (there is physical routing to display), while an EBD file can't (there's no
physical information to show). Also, EBD files can't represent coupling. However, either type of file can be
used to include the effects of plug-in modules and boards in a multi-board simulation.

MultiBoard Example: Checking the Signal Quality of a Net Crossing Two

Suppose you had a system consisting of a main board and two smaller plug-in PCBs. Some nets in the
system start on the main board but run through connectors onto both of the plug-in boards, and you're
interested in seeing the signals when they reach the receiver ICs on the daughter boards. Let's see how
BoardSim's MultiBoard option could help you easily perform this analysis.

Load the MultiBoard Project

For efficiency, we'll load an existing multi-board project. However, it's easy to connect multiple boards
together in BoardSim, and we'll take a quick look at the wizard that helps you do this.
Load the multi-board project "Demo_MultiBoard.PJH" using MultiBoard > Open MultiBoard Project:

1. If any dialog boxes are open from a previous portion of the demonstration, close them.
2. On the MultiBoard menu, select Open MultiBoard Project. A dialog box opens.
3. Double-click on the file name Demo_MultiBoard.PJH. (A ".PJH" file stores information about a MultiBoard
project; it points to the .HYP files which make up the project.) If prompted to save session edits, click No.

BoardSim loads each of the boards in the project, similar to how you've already seen it load single .HYP files
– except that in this case, there are three boards involved. Notice that in the board viewer, all three boards are
visible at one time.

Look at How the Project is Constructed in the MultiBoard Wizard

Let's take a quick look at how this MultiBoard project was constructed.
Open the MultiBoard Wizard, and look at the information on the first three pages; click Cancel on the third
page rather than Finish, to avoid reloading the project:

1. On the MultiBoard menu, select Edit MultiBoard Project. The MultiBoard Project Wizard opens.

The Wizard's first page lists the boards in the project. Adding boards to a project is easy: just click the

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Insert button and choose the board's .HYP file. This example project consists of a main board and two
identical plug-in modules. Note that a comment has been added beside each board's .HYP-file name;
we'll see these labels later in BoardSim's dialog boxes.

2. Click the Next button.

The Wizard's second page shows the connections between boards. In the Interconnection List, the main
board's connector J1 is connected to plug-in PCB #1's J1, and main board's J2 is connected to plug-in
#2's J1. For any two connector halves whose pin names match, a single entry is all that's required in the
Interconnection List; BoardSim automatically does the pin-by-pin mating. (If you have connectors whose
pin names don't match, or a connector half that connects to more than one other connector, there's a way
to list explicit pin-by-pin connections.)

3. Click Next again.

The Wizard's third page shows the electrical characteristics of each board-to-board connector. You can
specify a connector's electrical behavior by providing either a capacitance and inductance, or a delay and
impedance. For most connectors, the manufacturer can provide this information.

4. Click Cancel, to avoid re-loading the project.

Simulate Net "A0"

Now let's simulate a net which is driven from the main board and has receiver ICs on each of the plug-in
Select net "A0" on the main board; attach oscilloscope probes to the main board's U100.AE19, plug-in #1's
U2.20, and plug-in #2's U2.20; and simulate:

1. On the Select menu, select Net by Name. A dialog box opens.

2. Note that the dialog box's Design File (at the bottom) is set to "B00 Main board"; this means we are
selecting a net on the main board. In the list box above, double-click on net "A0." (If you don't see "A0" in
the list, in the Sort Nets By area click on Name to sort alphabetically.) The dialog box closes, and net A0
is highlighted on the main board, along with the nets on the plug-in boards to which it connects. "Rat's
nest" lines show the connections between boards, through connectors.
3. On the Simulate menu, select Attach Scope Probes. The Attach Oscilloscope Probes dialog box opens.
4. Verify that the dialog's Design File combo box is set to "B00 Main board." In the Pins list, double-click pin
U100.AE19 to attach it to scope channel 1. (This is the driver pin on the main board.)
5. Then switch to the first plug-in board by pulling down the Design File combo box and selecting "B01 Plug-
in board #1." Double-click on pin U2.20. (This is the receiver pin on the first plug-in board.)
6. Switch to the second plug-in board by pulling down the Design File combo box and selecting "B02 Plug-in
board #2." Double-click on pin U2.20. (This is the receiver pin on the second plug-in board.)
7. Click OK to close the dialog box. Note that colored arrows display on each of the boards, showing the
locations of the probes we just assigned.
8. On the Simulate menu, select Run Interactive Simulation. The Digital Oscilloscope dialog box opens.
9. In the Driver Waveform Area, click on the Oscillator radio button.
0. Click the Start Simulation button.

The yellow and purple oscilloscope waveforms show the signals at the receiver-IC pins, on the plug-in boards.
Note that there is some overshoot at the receivers. The waveforms you would have seen if you had simulated
with just the main board or just one of the plug-in PCBs would be different: only by combining the traces from
both boards in the simulation do you see the actual, system-level waveforms.

Other Analysis Features and MultiBoard Designs

If you've already gone through the other portions of the BoardSim demonstration, this should be enough to
show you the primary differences between simulating with one board, versus multiple boards using
BoardSim's MultiBoard option. In addition to simulating interactively, as you've just seen, you can run Board
Wizard's batch analysis on multiple boards, enabling delays (and other effects) to be calculated for a complete
multi-board system.

mk:@MSITStore:D:\HyperLynx75\demo.chm::/demo/boardsim_s_multiboard_... 2007-3-26
BoardSim's MultiBoard Feature 页码,3/3

And this power does not come with an ease-of-use penalty: BoardSim is hardly any more difficult to use for
multi-board analysis than for single boards. If your connectors use consistent pin names between the mating
halves, you can usually set up a multi-board project in a matter of just a few minutes.

Simulating with EBD Models

Sometimes, you may have a PCB in a multi-board design that is modeled with an IBIS EBD file rather than
a .HYP file. This would be typical of 3rd-party boards that you're including in your system, for example,
memory modules. (See above for a general description of EBD and how it differs technically from using .HYP
Generally, EBD models are treated like IC models rather than explicitly like .HYP boards. The mapping of an
EBD model to a reference designator happens in the .REF or .QPL IC Automapping files, just like any other
IBIS model.
When you auto-map an EBD model and begin analysis, BoardSim automatically creates a board
representation of it in memory, and its circuit effects are automatically included in simulations. You can even
probe inside an EBD model, just like you did with the plug-in boards in the multi-board example above. You
can't view an EBD file physically, however, and EBD files can't model coupling – so when you have a choice
of EBD or .HYP files, .HYP files offer better ease-of-use.
Click here to move to the conclusion of the demo.
Click here to return to the main menu.

mk:@MSITStore:D:\HyperLynx75\demo.chm::/demo/boardsim_s_multiboard_... 2007-3-26

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