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Lesson 14 Municipal Incinerators Lesson Goal and Objectives Goal To familiarize you with the operation, emissions generated, and control equipment used at municipal incinerators. Objectives At the end of this lesson you should be able to: 1, describe the six seeps involved in the incineration of municipal waste. 2, name the three classes of pollutants emitted from municipal incinerators. 3. describe two control devices used co reduce pollutant emissions from municipal incinerators. Introduction One method of disposing of waste material is to burn or incinerate the waste. Incinerators are used by a variety of sources (municipal, industrial, commercial, and residential) to dispose of solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes. A variety of pollutant emissions are created by incineration. Control devices are required to reduce emissions from large incinerators Municipal incinerators are large, centrally located facilities used to dispose of solid wastes. These incinerators can burn from 50 to over $000 tons of waste per day. However, small modular units are designed to burn solid wastes of approximately 10 tons per day. The combustible solid waste is transported by truck from the surrounding area to the facility. Generally, municipal wastes are com- posed of combustible materials such as paper, wood. rags. food. yard clippings. and plastic and rubber: and noncombustible materials such as rocks and glass. Municipal incinerators are used to reduce the volume and the weight of the disposable materials. Incinerator Operation A vypical municipal incinerator operation involves the following six steps: delivering and weighing the solid waste, storing the waste, preparing the waste, charging the incinerator. burning the waste, and disposing of residue Figure 14-1 illustrates a typical municipal incineration process. 141 igore 16-1. Typical municipal incinersso. Delivering and Weighing Refuse is delivered in trucks to the storage pit at the incinerator. Before dumping the refuse, (ne trucks pass over a scale so that the weight of refuse entering the plant can be measured and recorded. Storage After the trucks are weighed, they dump the refuse into a storage pit. Usually the storage pit is located below ground. An overhead crane with a clamshell bucket is used to move the refuse from the storage pit to the charging chute. Small to moderate-sized incinerators may use a front end loader rather than an overhead crane with a clam shell bucket. Preparation Preparation involves shredding any oversize refuse and/or removing any noncombustible material. Metal can be removed by magnets, and other noncombustible material can be removed by screening and sorting. These practices help achieve more efficient combustion in the furnace, since the waste is made more homogenous (uniform). However, since the operating cost increases when waste is prepared, this step is not always used. 5 14-2 Charging ‘The prepared solid waste can be charged (dumped) into the furnace either continuously or in batches. When batch feeding is used, solid waste is fed directly to the furnace by opening the charging gate and dropping in the waste. However, large quantities of cool air, that reduce combus- tion efficiency, can also enter the furnace. In continuous feeding, the waste is fed into a chute leading to the incinerator grate. The waste fills the chute at all times providing an air seal that prevents smoke or heat from escaping from the furnace chamber back into the charging area. ‘Therefore, continuous feeding also reduces the amount of cool air entering the furnace, minimizing the irregularities in the combustion process. Most municipal incinerators constructed recently are continuous feeding systems. Burning Combustion of the solid wastes occurs in the furnace. The furnace consists of a grate system and combustion chambers. The grate system transports the solid waste and residue through the combus- tion chambers, while agitating the solids to enhance combustion. The grates are also designed to allow part of the combustion air (called underfire air) to pass up through the grates. Additional com- bustion air can be blown in over top (overfire air) of the burning refuse. Combustion chambers pro- vide a time and a place for the mixing of hot gases to occur which ensures complete combustion. Numerous designs and configurations of both grate systems and combustion chambers are used for municipal incinerators, but no one design is considered the best (EPA, 1979). The mast widely used grate systems are the traveling, reciprocating, rocking, and circular grates. Commonly used furnace designs are the rectangular, the multicell rectangular, the vertical circular, and the rotary kiln (EPA, January 1977). Grates Traveling grates are continuous, belt-like conveyors (Figure 14-2). Usually two or more grates are positioned at different levels. The solid waste and residue are transported and dropped from one level to the next to provide agitation as the waste moves through the furnace. Figure 142, Traveling grate. es Reciprocating grates resemble steps (Figure 14-3). Every other “step” (grate) is designed so that it can slide back and forth while the other “steps” remain fixed. The refuse is moved forward and agitated as the movable grates slide across the fixed grates. igure 16-3. Reciprocating grasm. Rocking grates typically slope downward and are arranged in rows across the width of the furnace (Figure 14-4). Each row is capable of being rocked to produce an upward and forward motion. Alter- nate rows are rocked to move and agitate the wastes. Figure 14. Rocking grave. 44 Circular grates are used in vertical, circular furnaces. Circular grates consist of a central rotating cone and a number of rabble (mixing) arms (Figure 14-5). As the cone and arms rotate, the solid waste and residue are agitated while they burn. This agitation moves the waste to the chamber's side for disposal. igure 145. Circular grate. Combustion Chamber Most large municipal incinerators (capacity larger than 50 tons per day) have furnaces composed of at least two combustion chambers: an ignition (or primary) chamber and a secondary chamber. Most municipal solid wastes contain substantial amounts of surface and internal moisture and therefore require a drying process before complete combustion can occur. Waste drying, ignition, and burning occur in the ignition (primary) chamber. The secondary chamber is used to ensure complete combus- tion of the gases and particulate matter produced in the primary combustion chamber. 145 Furnace Designs The rectangular furnace is most commonly used in municipal incinerators (Figure 14-6). Waste is charged through a single chute and travels through the furnace on a grate system. Several grate systems can be used with this furnace. Commonly, two or more grates are arranged in tiers so that the moving solid waste is agitated as it drops from one level to the next. Secondary combustion ‘occurs in the back end (opposite the charging chute) of the furnace. The back half of the fur- nace is separated from the front half by a curtain wall. The curtain wall helps radiate heat back toward the charging grate to promote drying and igniting the waste as well as increasing combustion gas velocity and the level of turbulence. (Charging chute of So nem 14-6 ‘The multicell rectangular furnace, ot mutual assistance furnace, contains two or more cells that sit side-by-side (Figure 14-7). Each cell has its own rectangular grate. Solid waste is usually charged through a door in the top of each cell. Generally, the cells of the furnace have a common secondary combustion chamber and share a residue-disposal hopper. Figure 14-7, Mulcell rectangular furnace. 147 In the vertical circular furnace (Figure 14-8), solid waste is charged through a door or lid in the ceil- ing and is dropped onto a central cone grate. As the cone and rabble arms slowly rotate, the waste bed is agitated and the residue is pushed to the chamber's sides where it is discharged through a dumping grate. Stoking doors are provided to allow manual agitation and assistance in residue dumping when necessary. A secondary combustion chamber is adjacent to the circular chamber. Figure 14-4, Verical circular furnser. 148 A rotary kiln furnace consists of a rectangular furnace followed by a refractory-lined cylinder (kiln). ‘The cylinder is mounted at a slight incline downward from the charging ports (Figure 14-9). Waste is charged into che furnace where it is dried and partially burned. The partially burned waste is then fed (by grates) into the kiln, where the rotating action exposes unburned material for combustion. The cylinder rotates slowly to evenly distribute the solid waste. Secondary combustion of the gases and any suspended particulate matter occurs in the mixing chamber. Residue from the end of the ‘kiln usually falls into a quenching trough. Dring, me Ignicing Undertie pore Figure 14-9, Combinsion traveling grate and rotary kiln. 149 Residue Removal The residue, all of the solid material that remains after burning, is discharged from the end of the {grate into ash hoppers. The hoppers are usually filled with water (referred to as quench tanks) to control dust and to reduce the fire hazard in handling the hot residue. A slow-moving drag conveyor is used to remove the wet residue from the quench tanks. The residue is then loaded into a holding hopper or loaded directly into crucks. In addition to the residue that comes off the end of the grate, fine materials that fall through the grate openings must also be collected and disposed of. These fine materials are referred to as shiftings and are removed manually from beneath the grates or collected in troughs and conveyed to the residue hopper. Review Exercise 1, True or False? Municipal incinerators are large facilities that bum from 50 to over 1000 tons of waste per day. 2, Incinerators are used to reduce the _____ and the 1. True of the solid wastes. 3. List che six steps involved in incineration of municipal waste. 2. volume, weight 4, ____ involves the shredding of any oversize refuse 3. a. delivering and and/or the removing of any noncombustibles to enhance weighing the combustion of the waste. b. storing a. Weighing ©. preparing b. Storing 4. charging ¢. Preparing e. burning 4. Charging £. disposing of the residue 5. Solid waste can be charged into the furnace either con- 4. ¢. Preparing Snuously or in batches. Most recently constructed incinerators are ___ feeding systems because they Provide more uniform control of the combustion process. 6. The furnace of a municipal incinerator consists of 5. continuous- grace system b. combustion chambers ¢. weigh hoppers 4. a grate system and combustion chambers €. none of the above 7. The system transports the solid waste and 6. da grate system and residue through the furnace, while agitating the solids to enhance combustion. combustion chambers 14-10 grate 8. Combustion air that passes up through the grates is termed a. underfire b. excess ¢. overfire d. theoretical 9. List four common types of grate systems. 8. a. underfire 10. Most large municipal incinerators have at least two com- 9. a, traveling bustion chambers: a(n) ____ chamber and a(n) . reciprocating chamber, ¢. rocking 4. circular 11. Solid-waste drying, ignition. and burning occur in the 10. ignition (or primary) combustion chamber. and secondary a. primary (or ignition) b. secondary c. grate 4. top 12. List four commonly used furnace designs. 11. a. primary (or ignition) 13. Residue from the furnace is discharged from the end of 12. a, rectangular the grate into ash hoppers. The ash hoppers are normally . multicell rectangular filled with water to . vertical circular a. control dust 4. rotary kiln b. reduce any potential fire hazard ¢. act as an air tight seal d. aand b e. all the above 18. dv aandb 1411 Air Pollution Emissions Municipal incinerators can emit four classes of air pollutants: particulate matter, combustible gases (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and odors), noncombustible gases (nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride), occasionally metal emissions (lead, cadmium, and chromium), and odors. lll of the pollutants, except odors, are emitted from the furnace exhaust stack (Figure 14-10). The rate of emissions from an incinerator varies widely and depends on the * composition of the waste, © design of the incinerator (i. and ‘+ method of operation (air flow rates, chamber temperature, etc.). In general, particulate matter is the main pollutant of concern. Particulate matter emitted from municipal incinerators is the only pollutant subject to the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS). However, HCl emissions are becomming of greater concern. Table 14-1 lists the estimates of uncontrolled emission rates for the various pollutants (EPA, December 1977). preparation system, charging system, and combustion chamber), ‘Table 141. Emimion face for municipal lid wae inciserssors without cenerrols. Emission facwor rating: A (excellent). Patent Tay crest Se itceereee | law nceertne ‘ter donde 1s as Merges ent 10 sa Caen meme ise sso Orpen, 07s ts ‘Sow EPA, Deemer HT Particulate Matter ‘The actual emission rate of particulate matter is a function of many design and operating variables. Generally, the most important variable affecting the particulate emission rate is the combustion air flow rate in the furnace. Excessive air flow can cause higher particulate emissions in two ways first, a large amount of underfire air increases the air velocity through the grate, which increases particle entrainment from the burning waste on the grate; second, excessive air flow decreases both furnace temperature and residence time, which in turn reduces the completeness of combustion and results in combustible particles in the exhaust gas. Combustible Gases ‘When burning any combustible solid material, combustible gases (hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide) are produced. If the incinerator is properly designed and operated, these gases are easily converted to carbon dioxide and water vapor. As can be seen from Table 14-1, the emission factor for organic vapors from a typical incinerator is very low. However. the emission factor for carbon monoxide (CO) is high. In fact, more pounds per hour of CO than other air pollucants can be emitted from municipal incinerators. ° 14-12 ‘One explanation for the high CO emissions is that the combustion of organics occurs in two stages: first, rapid oxidation of all carbon to CO, followed by slow oxidation of the CO to COy. In addition, CO is converted to CO; only at temperatures above 700°C (1300°F). Proper design and operation (high temperature, good mixing, and long residence time) of the incinerator can reduce the amount of CO that is emitted. Noncombustible Gases Both nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions occur in solid waste incineration. However, the amounts per ton of fuel burned are very low compared to the quantity emitted by other combustion sources (EPA, January 1977). For example, these emissions are approximately one-tenth the amount emitted from fouil-fuel-fired boilers. Sulfur dioxide emissions are low since most solid wastes contain only 0.1 to 0.2% sulfur. Nitrogen oxide emissions are low because the nitrogen content of most wastes is low and incinerators operate at temperatures [below 1030°C (1900°F)] that do not promote extensive nitrogen oxide formation. ‘Also there is some concern about the hydrogen chloride (HCI) emission resulting from the increased incineration of plastics made of polyvinyl chloride. Several municipal incinerators have been studied, with mixed results reported as to the actual emission levels of HCI (Jahnke, 1977). Air Pollution Control Equipment The two most widely used control devices used on municipal incinerators are electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and wet scrubbers (venturis). Mechanical collectors (cyclones and settling chambers) are occa- sionally used as precleaning devices, but cannot achieve particle removal efficiencies that meet current regulations. Fabric filters have been used on very few installations because of the high temperature and moisture content of the exhaust stream. However, some new installations are using baghouses for reduc: ing particulate emissions. In addition to these “add on” control devices, improving the combustion process can also reduce emissions. Improving the combustion process is especially effective in reducing the amount of combustible particulate matter and gases emitted. EI el Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have been successfully used to control particulate emissions from municipal incinerators for many years. In fact, the ESP has become the control system in the majority of plants subject to current, stringent air pollution regulations (EPA, 1979). Particulate matter removal efficiencies in the range of 96 to 99.6% have been reported (Corey. 197). ESP collection efficiency is a function of the resistivity of the particles in the exhaust stream. Three prime factors affecting particle resistivity (hence collection efficiency) are the properties of the refuse. the operating temperature, and the humidity of the exhaust stream (see Lesson 4). The properties of the refuse determine the electrical resistivity of the particles formed. For example, burning large quan- tities of paper products produces carbon particles having a very low resistivity. Low resistivity causes the articles to rapidly lose their charge, making them difficult to ultimately collect in the ESP. In addi- tion, poor combustion in the incinerator also results in the generation of large quantities of car- bonaceous particles, The temperature of the exhaust stream entering the ESP is monitored to ensure proper operation. ‘The temperature must be within certain recommended operating limits. Operating temperatures below 120°C (250°F) would be ideal. However. since incinerator flue gas is exhausted at temperatures in excess of 540°C (1000°F), cooling the flue gas to low temperatures is not feasible. Most ESPs on municipal incinerators operate at between 205 and $15°C (400 and 60°F), 14s Humidity of the exhaust gas stream also affects particle resistivity. Because of the variability of the ‘moisture content of most solid wastes, the humidity of the exhaust gas stream is monitored and adjusted to ensure effective ESP operation. Generally, increasing the humidity increases particle col- lection efficiency; however, too much moisture can adversely affect ESP operation. Wet Scrubbers Many different scrubber designs have been used on incinerators; however only high-energy, venturi scrubbers have been capable of meeting current regulations (EPA, 1975). And even these high-energy scrubbers have achieved only limited success in constantly meeting these regulations (EPA, 1979). ‘The particulate matter removal efficiency of wet scrubbers is proportional to the power or energy input to the system. For a venturi, the power input is indicated mainly by the pressure drop. To achieve high efficiencies, venturis installed on municipal incinerators operate in the range of $8 to 127 cm H,O (15 to 50 in. HO). Operating a system at these high energy levels is very costly com- pared to ESPs (that have a pressure drop of only 2.5 to 5 cm H,O (1 to 2 in. H,0)]. However, wet scrubbers are capable of removing acid gases, whereas ESPs are not. New Source Performance Standards ‘The Federal government has promulgated New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for municipal incinerators. The standards affect any facility under construction or modification as of August 17, 1971, and that is designed to have a capacity of 45 Mg per day (50 tons per day) or greater. The only pollutant emitted from municipal incinerators that is regulated by an NSPS is particulate matter. The NSPS for municipal incinerators limits the particulate emissions to less than 0.18 grams per dscm (0.08 grains per dscf) corrected to 12% COy. In order to establish a consistant basis for comparing emission rates, all concentrations are adjusted to the arbitrary value of 12% COs. Review Exercise 1, Municipal incinerators can emit ____ pollutants. a. particulate b. combustible gaseous ¢. noncombustible gaseous 4. all the above 2. Almost all che pollutants generated at a municipal 1. 4. all the above incinerator are emitted from the 3. True or False? Generally, the most important variable 2. furnace exhaust stack affecting the particulate emission rate is the combustion air flow rate in the furnace. ‘4. Excessive air flow races resule in higher/lower particulate 3. True emissions. 4. higher 14-14 . The main pollutants emitted from municipal incinerators are a. particulate matter b. co . organics d. all the above . True or False? Nicrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide are emitted in large quantities from most municipal incinerators ‘emissions can result from burning plastics made of polyvinyl chloride. 4. all the above False . The two most popular control devices used on municipal incinerators are a. baghouses (fabric filters). b. electrostatic precipitators. ¢, wet scrubbers (venturi). 4d. cyclones. Because of the high temperatures and high moisture content of the exhaust stream, have not been used to control emissions from municipal incinerators. a, baghouses (fabric filters) b. electrostatic precipitators ¢. wet scrubbers (venturis) 4. cyclones Hydrogen chloride (HCl) . b. electrostatic precipitators and ¢. wet scrubbers (venturis). In the majority of plants subject to current air pollution regulation, the ___ has proven to be the most effective control device. a, baghouse (fabric filter) b. electrostatic precipitator ¢. wet scrubber (venturi) d. cyclone a. baghouses (fabric filters) i. The prime factors which determine particle resistivity (hence collection efficiency) in an ESP are a. properties of the refuse. b. operating temperature. ¢. humidity of the exhaust stream. d. all the above €._properties of the collection plates. 10. . electrostatic precipitator 12. Carbon particles are very easy/difficult co collect in an ESP because they have a very low resistivity. n d. all the above 1s. ‘True or False? Within certain limits, increasing both the humidity and the temperature of the exhaust stream will increase particle collection in an ESP. 14-15 12. 18. difficule False— decrease temperature and increase humidicy 14. The Federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for municipal incinerators define an affected facility as any municipal incinerator with a design capacity of or greater. 5 Mg per day (6 tons per day) b. 25 Mg per day (28 tons per day) ¢. 45 Mg per day (50 tons per day) d. 150 Mg per day (165 tons per day) 15, ______is the only polluant regulated by the NSPS 14, c. 45 Mg per day (50 for municipal incinerators. tons per day) a, Particulate matter b. Carbon monoxide «. SO, 4. NO, 15. a. Particulate matter References Corey, R. C. 1977. Incineration. In sr Pollution Vol. VI Engineering Control of Air Pollution, ‘A.C. Stern, ed. New York: Academic Press. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). June 1973. Combustion and Incinerator Sources. APTD-1449. id Surveillance and Enforcement Guide: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 1975. Inspection Manual for Enforcement of New Source Performance Standards: Muntcipal Incinerators. EPA $40/1-75-008. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). January 1977. Municipal Incinerator Enforcement Manual. EPA $40/1-76-013. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). March 1979. A Review of Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources— Incinerators. EPA 450/3-79-009. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). December 1977. Compilation of dir Pollution Emission Factors. Supplement No. 8. AP-42. Jahnke, J. A., Cheney, J. L., Rollins, R., and Fortune, C. R. 1977. A Research Study of Gaseous Emissions from Municipal Incinerators. Air Pollution Control Association, 27:747-753. 14-16

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