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As living standards have been raised worldwide, people no longer worry

about how to afford their basic necessities but move on to another need
of owning luxurious brands of material items. This essay will have shed
a light on the reason behind this trend and draw a personal conclusion
about whether it is a good or bad one.

First of all, in order to assess whether this trend of living is positive and
negative, it is crucial to look at the underlying reason. It is quite
unambiguous to see that possessing famous brands of cars and clothes
is a good indication of the social status that one has. Fairly speaking,
human by nature always thrive for recognition and acknowledgement,
thus it would not be a surprise when they easily become obsessed with
deluxe material items. In fact, the majority of young generations thse
days are seeking wealth instead of a happy life or good health like their
predecessors. For them, wealth will afford them splendid lifestyle and
consequently, respect the society.

As explained above, being able to own high-class brands of necessities

can win any person admiration from others. However, opponents of this
trend may argue that since human greed has seemingly endless, thr
race for wealth often gives rise to unethical moneymaking behaviors.
Therefore, they are fearful that the society may be filled with materialistic
and morally decayed individuals. In truth, their logic has been backed up
by a lot of cases where financial professionals were imprisoned for their
unscrupulous conducts of tricking people out of money to afford
luxurious lifestyle


Shed a light on st: làm sáng tỏ

Assess: quyết định (ấn định số lượng của cái gì)

Crucial: quyết ddingj, cốt yếu, chủ yếu

Underlying: cơ bản

Unambiguous: ko mơ hồ, ko ko mập mờ, rõ rang

Possess: có, chiếm hữu

Indication: sự biểu thị

Thrive (on st): thịnh vượng, phát đạt

Acknowledgement: sự nhận, sự công nhận (thừa nhận)

Obsess: ám ảnh

Deluxe: thuộc loại sang trọng, xa xỉ

Predecessor: người tiền nhiệm, bậc tiền bối, ông cha tổ tiên

Splendid: nguy nga lộng lẫy, tráng lệ

Opponent: (n) địch thủ (a) phản đối

Unethical: ko có nguyên tắc

Fearful: lo lắng sợ hãi

Materialistic: duy vật

Morally: một cách có đạo đức

Decay: tình trang suy tàn

Financial: thuộc tài chính

Imprison: bỏ tù, tống giam

Unscrupulous: ko tận tâm, cẩu thả

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