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NUR 087 (Maladaptive Patterns of Behavior)


1. This 100-item-MULTIPLE CHOICE examination is good for 1 hour and 30 minutes only.
2. Present your examination permit to your proctor for validation and signature.
3. Follow the specific instructions from your proctor without fail. You may seek assistance for clarification
regarding the instructions.
4. Use the answer sheet provided for your answers.

NAME: _______________________________ DATE: __________ SCORE: _______

1. A state of emotional, psychological and social wellness evidenced by satisfying interpersonal

relationships, effective behavior and coping, positive self-concept and emotional stability is:
a. Mental Health c. Process Recording
b. Mental Illness d. Therapeutic Use of Self

2. The nurse explains to a mental health care technician that a client’s obsessive-compulsive behaviors
are related to unconscious conflict between id impulses and the superego (or conscience). On which of
the following theories does the nurse base this statement?
a. Behavioral theory c. Cognitive theory
b. Interpersonal theory d. Psychoanalytic theory

3. What is the state of imbalance characterized by a disturbance in a person’s thoughts, feelings and
a. Mental Health c. Process Recording
b. Mental Illness d. Therapeutic Use of Self

4. Which nursing intervention is best for facilitating communication with a psychiatric client who speaks a
foreign language?
a. Rely on nonverbal communication. c. Select symbolic pictures as aids.
b. Speak in universal phrases. d. Use the services of an interpreter.

5. Interpersonal process whereby the nurse through the therapeutic use of self-assist an individual family,
group or community to promote mental health, to prevent mental illness and suffering, to participate in
the treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill and if necessary to find meaning in these experiences
a. Mental Health c. Psychiatry
b. Mental Illness d. Therapeutic Use of Self

6. Pick the correct order of the stages in development.

a. repression, denial, projection, isolation, regression
b. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
c. latency, oral, denial, anal, genital
d. phallic, oral, latency, genital, anal

7. Part of the brain that are centers for the sense of smell, hearing, memory, and expression of emotions.
a. Frontal Lobe c. Parietal Lobe
b. Temporal Lobe d. Occipital Lobe

8. According to Freud’s psychosexual theory, the ego has several functions. The primary function of the
ego is which of the following?
a. To serve as the source of instinctual drives
b. To stimulate psychic energy
c. To operate as a conscience that controls unacceptable drives
d. To test reality and direct behavior

9. Neurotransmitter that regulates complex movements, motivation, cognition, regulates emotional

responses is:
a. Dopamine c. Acetylcholine
b. Serotonin d. Norepinephrine

10. Nurse Jess began the discussion of the harmful effects of tobacco using slides and presenting facts to
his patient Griffins who does not admit that he has nicotine addiction. The nurse portrays what role?
a. Teacher b. Leader c. Surrogate d. Resource Person

11. It is the neurotransmitter that controls sleep and wakefulness cycle (decreased in Alzheimer’s)
a. Dopamine c. Acetylcholine
b. Serotonin d. Norepinephrine

12. Judy Ann shares all her fears to nurse Tyrone and asks for his advises the same way that she does with
her older brother Robert. The nurse portrays what role?
a. Teacher b. Leader c. Surrogate d. Resource Person

13. Which neurotransmitter causes changes in attention, learning and memory, mood?
a. Dopamine c. Acetylcholine
b. Serotonin d. Norepinephrine

14. A client who abuses alcohol and cocaine tells a nurse that he only uses substances because of his
stressful marriage and difficult job. Which defense mechanisms is this client using?
a. Displacement b. Projection c. Rationalization d. Sublimation

15. It is a written account or verbatim recording of all that transpired, during and immediately following the
nurse patient interaction:
a. Mental Health c. Process Recording
b. Mental Illness d. Therapeutic Use of Self

16. "I'm so angry! I missed my bus, forgot my homework, and then I was late for work again which got me
a warning. When I got home I punched a wall, screamed at my mom for burning the beans, (how can
you burn beans?!). Then I kicked the cat."
a. Repression b. Denial c. Displacement d. Rationalization

17. It is the artificial induction of a grandmal seizure through the application of electrical current to the
a. ECT c. Psychosurgery
b. Psychopharmacology d. Psychotherapy

18. "Bad things happened to me in my past, but I've unconsciously buried them deep in my mind."
a. Repression b. Denial c. Displacement d. Rationalization

19. Which medications are used for the treatment of psychotic symptoms which are also known as
a. Antidepressants c. Mood Stabilizers
b. Antipsychotics d. Anxiolytics

20. "Everyone around me thinks they're big, funny and clever. They're all telling me my goldfish Swimmy
has died. They even thought I'd be fooled by flushing a pretend one down the toilet. She's only hiding
because she's cold. But it's ok... I put boiling water in there so she could warm up."
a. Repression b. Denial c. Displacement d. Rationalization

21. These group of medications are primarily used in the treatment of major depressive illness, anxiety
disorders, the depressed phase of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression.
a. Antidepressants c. Mood Stabilizers
b. Antipsychotics d. Anxiolytics

22. "I failed my math exam, but I'm not that bothered. It wasn't my fault; it was Mr Glin who can't teach.
If he can't be bothered, then why should I revise? I won't need math in the future anyway."
a. Repression b. Denial c. Displacement d. Rationalization

23. They are medications used to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders, insomnia, OCD, depression,
posttraumatic stress disorder, and alcohol withdrawal.
a. Antidepressants c. Mood Stabilizers
b. Antipsychotics d. Anxiolytics

24. "There is this girl at work who I hate so much. She's intimidating, disrespectful and offensive.
Strangely, she's now one of my best friends and we get on really well. Now I can't remember what I
thought of her in the first place."
a. Rationalization c. Reaction Formation
b. Sublimation d. Identification

25. A method of attempting to strengthen a desired behavior or response by reinforcement, which could be
either positive or negative describes:
a. Milieu Therapy c. Play Therapy
b. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy d. Supportive Therapy

26. "Argh, my mother-in-law has come to stay for the weekend and she's driving me crazy. I'm just staying
out of the way by doing the housework and washing up so that I'm not dragged into an argument about
how much of a bad wife and mother I am." What defense mechanism does this illustrate?
a. Rationalization b. Sublimation c. Identification d. Reaction Formation

27. is a form of counseling in which play used as a means of helping children express or communicate their
a. Milieu Therapy c. Play Therapy
b. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy d. Supportive Therapy

28. "The way she spoke to me was completely unacceptable, but she's going through a tough time at the
moment. I'd react the same way if my mother had just died." What defense mechanism am I expressing?
a. Rationalization c. Identification
b. b. Sublimation d. Reaction Formation

29. When an individual has dissociative amnesia it is usually associated with several types of memory
disturbances. Localized amnesia is when
a. There is a failure of recall of the entire past week
b. There is a failure of recall that encompasses the person’s entire life
c. There is a failure of recall that encompasses the person’s childhood
d. There is a failure of recall that for traumatic events

30. "I'm sure my boyfriend has been cheating on me. When I find out he'll be sorry. Oh yeah and I need
to buy my husband a birthday present..."
a. Projection b. Identification c. Rationalization d. Reaction Formation

31. Person forgets important personal facts, including personal identity, for no apparent organic cause
a. Dissociative identity disorder c. Dissociative fugue
b. Dissociative amnesia d. Depersonalization disorder

32. "It's so unfair! My mom doesn't care how much I cry and scream, she won't get me a car. She doesn't
even care about me! She hates me!"
a. Repression b. Regression c. Denial d. Withdrawal

33. It is in __________________, there is frequent episodes where person feels detached from their own
mental state or body
a. Dissociative identity disorder c. Dissociative fugue
b. Dissociative amnesia d. Depersonalization disorder

34. "I split up with my boyfriend and everything reminds me of him. So I quit my job, dropped out of
college and I don't go out anymore. Drugs and drink are the only way I can escape these thoughts."
a. Repression b. Regression c. Denial d. Withdrawal

35. ability to use one’s personality consciously and in full awareness in an attempt to establish relatedness
and to structure nursing interventions
a. Nurse Patient Relationship c. Empathy
b. Self-Awareness d. Therapeutic Use of Self

36. Bill has been having family problems lately. He has started drinking heavily the past few months.
Whenever his friends approach him and accuse him of having a drinking problem, he acts like he
doesn’t know what they’re talking about and denies the whole thing. Bill is illustrating which of the
a. Projection b. Repression c. Regression d. Denial

37. feeling of apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty, or dread resulting from real or perceived threat whose
actual source is unknown or unrecognized
a. Stress c. Anxiety
b. Fear d. Defense mechanism

38. Forcing thoughts to remain unconscious in order to avoid the anxiety that would result if they were
conscious is the definition of which Freudian defense mechanism?
a. Denial b. Isolation c. Regression d. Repression

39. disorders that comprise a group of conditions that share a key feature of excessive anxiety with ensuing
behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physiologic responses.
a. Anxiety Disorders c. Psychotic Disorders
b. Dissociative Identity Disorders d. Mood Disorders

40. A husband and wife are fighting, and the husband becomes so angry he hits a door instead of his wife.
Which defense mechanism is he using?
a. Denial b. Displacement c. Identification d. Intellectualization

41. Part of the brain that controls organization of thought, body movement, memories, emotions and moral
behavior that is being associated with schizophrenia, attention deficit / hyperactive disorder and
a. Frontal Lobe c. Parietal Lobe
b. Temporal Lobe d. Occipital Lobe

42. The pain over a parent’s sudden death is reduced by saying, “He wouldn’t have wanted to live with a
disability.” Which defense mechanism is he using?
a. Displacement b. Identification c. Intellectualization d. Introjection

43. persistent, irrational fear that is usually recognized as such which produces anticipatory anxiety for and
avoidance of the feared object, activity or situation
a. Stress c. Amnesia
b. Fugue d. Phobia

44. A mother is told her child must repeat a grade in school, and she blames this on the teacher’s poor
instruction. Which defense mechanism is she using?
a. Intellectualization b. Introjection c. Minimization d. Projection

45. Nurse M.A. explains to a patient that the reaction to specific danger is
a. Stress c. Amnesia
b. Fugue d. Phobia

46. Patricia has learned that she is dying. Patricia starts to cry. The nurse understands therapeutic
communication when the nurse:
a. Asks clarifying question to encourage the patient to explain why she is crying
b. Asks the patient exactly what is making her sad
c. The nurse leaves the room to give Patricia some privacy and alone time
d. The nurse allows pat to cry on her shoulder

47. Part of the brain that assist in coordinating language generation and visual interpretation, such as depth
a. Frontal Lobe c. Parietal Lobe
b. Temporal Lobe d. Occipital Lobe

48. Eric is a new nurse. He is very concerned about getting his tasks done. He walks in in his patient who
is looking at the window. Eric asks, “What’s wrong?” The patient answers, “I’m old and my body is
wearing out. “Eric replies, “Nonsense, you aren’t that old and you just have a kidney infection. What
has Stan done?
a. False reassurance c. Minimizing feelings
b. Value judgment d. Nonverbal blocker

49. characterized by disturbances in identity and memory; has alter personalities

a. Anxiety Disorders c. Psychotic Disorders
b. Dissociative Identity Disorders d. Mood Disorders

50. Kelsey is a 17 year-old who has decided to have an abortion. The nurse does not agree with
abortion. Kelsey is afraid of the procedure. The nurse who is angry by the patient’s behavior does not
make eye contact with Kelsey. The nurse goes in and out of the room and looks annoyed and only
answers questions with a simple yes or no. The nurse has done what?
a. False reassurance c. Minimizing feelings
b. Value judgment d. Nonverbal blocker

51. person moves away and assumes a new identity with amnesia for previous identity
a. Depersonalization c. Dissociative Amnesia
b. Dissociative Fugue d. Dissociative Identity Disorder

52. The nurse’s patient is diabetic. The patient family decides to celebrate a birthday in the hospital and
brings in cake and ice cream. The patient can't have these and the nurse states to the patient spouse,
"How can you bring these things into your husband’s hospital room knowing he can't eat any of this
and he is sick?" The nurse has done what?
a. False reassurance c. Minimizing feelings
b. Value judgment d. Nonverbal blocker

53. It is a crime of violence and humiliation of the victim expressed through sexual means, an act of sexual
intercourse with a female against her will, without consent, by force, fear, drugs or if the woman has a
mental deficiency
a. Verbal Abuse c. Neglect
b. Financial Abuse d. Sexual Abuse

54. Which therapeutic communication technique is being used in this nurse-client interaction?
Client: “When I am anxious, the only thing that calms me down is alcohol.”
Nurse: “Other than drinking, what alternatives have you explored to decrease anxiety?”
a. Reflecting c. Making observations
b. Formulating plan of action d. Giving recognition

55. What is the concept of reading as a way to help facilitate the healing process and meet the therapeutic
a. Milieu Therapy c. Bibliotherapy
b. Psychopharmacology d. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

56. Nurse Patrick is interviewing a newly admitted psychiatric client. Which nursing statement is an
example of offering a “general lead”?
a. “Do you know why you are here?”
b. “Are you feeling depressed or anxious?”
c. “Yes, I see. Go on.”
d. “Can you chronologically order the events that led to your admission?”

57. Which of the following describes the scientific structuring of the environment in order to effect behavioral
changes and to improve the psychological health and functioning of the individual?
a. Milieu Therapy c. Bibliotherapy
b. Psychopharmacology d. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

58. A client diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for
evaluation and medication stabilization. Which therapeutic communication technique used by the
nurse is an example of a broad opening?
a. “What occurred prior to the rape, and when did you go to the emergency department?”
b. “What would you like to talk about?”
c. “I notice you seem uncomfortable discussing this.”
d. “How can we help you feel safe during your stay here?”

59. Which therapeutic modality is a dyadic treatment that uses direct measures to ameliorate symptoms
and maintain, restore, or improve self-esteem, ego function and adaptive skills.
a. Support Therapy c. Art Therapy
b. Psychopharmacology d. Play Therapy

60. A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia for the presence of hallucinations. Which
therapeutic communication technique used by the nurse is an example of making observations?
a. “You appear to be talking to someone I do not see.”
b. “Please describe what you are seeing.”
c. “Why do you continually look in the corner of this room?”
d. “If you hum a tune, the voices may not be so distracting.”

61. The group of drugs used to treat bipolar disorder by stabilizing the client’s mood, preventing or
minimizing the highs and lows that characterize bipolar illness, and treating acute episodes of mania is:
a. Antidepressants c. Mood Stabilizers
b. Antipsychotics d. Anxiolytics

62. When interviewing a client, which nonverbal behavior should a nurse employ?
a. Maintaining indirect eye contact with the client
b. Providing space by leaning back away from the client
c. Sitting squarely, facing the client
d. Maintaining open posture with arms and legs crossed

63. are serious neurologic symptoms, are the major side effects of antipsychotic drugs.
a. Extra Pyramidal Symptoms c. Broken Bones
b. Drowsiness d. Pulmonary depression

64. The most common and perhaps the most successful treatment for OCD is exposure ad ritual
prevention. One such treatment is imaginal exposure. For example, for someone with compulsive
washing, this involves:
a. Suppressing thoughts about the ritual
b. Imagining others touching a dirty dish
c. Imagining touching a dirty dish
d. Imagining negative consequences that will result from not washing

65. Neurotransmitter that regulates emotions, controls food intake, sleep and wakefulness, pain control,
sexual behaviors
a. Dopamine c. Acetylcholine
b. Serotonin d. Norepinephrine

66. A client’s younger daughter is ignoring curfew. The client states, “I’m afraid she will get pregnant.”
The nurse responds, “Hang in there. Don’t you think she has a lot to learn about life?” This is an
example of which communication block?
a. Requesting an explanation c. Belittling the client
b. Making stereotyped comments d. Probing

67. Father of Psychoanalysis

a. Eric Erikson b. Harry Stack Sullivan c. Hildegard Peplau d. Sigmund Freud

68. A person who displays an intense, irrational fear after being exposed to a dog is suffering from what
a. Panic attack b. Word salad c. Phobia d. Thought blocking

69. When an abuser begins to display remorseful and regretful behavior after an battering episode on his
wife, the stage of the violence cycle is known as:
a. Honeymoon period b. Tension building c. Assault/Battery d. Nihilistic

70. The nurse understands that electroconvulsive therapy is primary used in psychiatric care for the
treatment of:
a. Anxiety disorders. b. Depression. c. Mania d. Schizophrenia

71. Which of the following is NOT an antidepressant drug?

a. Tricyclic antidepressants
b. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
c. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
d. Antinoamine tritase rehibitor (ATRs)

72. Anxiolytic drugs are used to treat:

a. The symptoms of depression and mood disorders
b. The symptoms of anxiety and stress
c. The symptoms of psychosis and schizophrenia
d. None of the above

73. Antipsychotics do which of the following?

a. Alleviate major positive symptoms (such as thought disorder and hallucinations)
b. Alleviate major negative symptoms (such as social withdrawal)
c. Reducing the burden of institutional care
d. All of the above

74. Which concept refers to the role of the professional nurse in client advocacy?
a. The nurse makes decisions for the clients who can’t make decisions for themselves
b. The nurse follows the basic standards of care and hospital policies and procedures for
providing care for clients
c. The nurse promotes and protects the client’s rights and interests
d. The nurse adapts a paternalistic approach to the care of the client

75. characterized by long standing (more days but not for more than 6 months), free-floating anxiety that
may fluctuate but is neither situational nor episodic
a. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder c. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
b. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder d. Phobia

76. Group therapy can be advantageous when an individual:

a. May need to work out their problems in the presence of others
b. May need comfort and support from others
c. May acquire therapeutic benefit from observing and watching others
d. All of the above

77. characterized by numbing, detachment, flashbacks, nightmares, partial or complete amnesia for the
event avoidance of and distress as reminders of the event and prominent anxiety symptoms
a. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder c. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
b. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder d. Phobia

78. Family therapy is generally used to:

a. Improve communications between members of the family
b. Resolve specific conditions - for examples between adolescents and their parents
c. Attempts to understand the family as a social system
d. All of the above

79. This is diagnosed only when these thoughts, images, and impulses consume the person or he or she is
compelled to act out the behaviors to a point at which they interfere with personal, social, and
occupational function.
a. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder c. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
b. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder d. Phobia

80. An important goal of cognitive-behavior therapy is to

a. Teach adaptive skills
b. Reduce clients’ maladaptive behaviors
c. Challenge clients’ irrational thought processes
d. Help clients reduce their fear responses to phobic stimuli

81. Freud explains anxiety as:

a. Strives to gratify the needs for satisfaction and security
b. Conflict between id and superego
c. A hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal reaction to stress
d. A conditioned response to stressors

82. The nurse observes a client pacing in the hall. Which statement by the nurse may help the client
recognize his anxiety?
a. “I guess you’re worried about something, aren’t you?
b. “Can I get you some medication to help calm you?”
c. “Have you been pacing for a long time?”
d. “I notice that you’re pacing. How are you feeling?”

83. Amy was admitted in the ER with increase blood pressure and pulse rate. Her pupils are dilated and
she is not responding to the questions of the nurse. The nurse is correct to observe that the patient is
a. Mild Anxiety b. Moderate Anxiety c. Severe Anxiety d. Panic

84. The nurse observes that her patient is intently concentrating on cleaning his quarters. He states that
today is the first time his family will visit him since he has been admitted to the rehab facility for drug
addiction and he wants to make an impression. He was talking very fast in a high pitched voice and
sweating profusely but he continued to arrange the pillows. The nurse is correct to observe that the
patient is experiencing:
a. Mild Anxiety b. Moderate Anxiety c. Severe Anxiety d. Panic

85. The patient was being treated for smoke inhalation after a fire burned down his ancestral home. When
asked for information, the patient cannot provide his name, age or address. What behavior is
manifested by the patient?
a. Anxiety c. Dissociative Amnesia
b. Depersonalization disorder d. Panic

86. Marcus, a 12-year-old child, complains to the school nurse about nausea and dizziness. While
assessing the child, the nurse notices a black eye that looks like an injury. This is the third time in 1
month that the child has visited the nurse. Each time, the child provides vague explanations for
various injuries. Which of the following is the school nurse’s priority intervention?
a. Contact the child’s parents and ask about the child’s injury.
b. Encourage the child to be truthful with her.
c. Question the teacher about the parent’s behavior.
d. Report suspicion of abuse to the proper authorities.

87. Nurse Meredith is observing 8-year-old Anna during a community visit. Which of the following findings
would lead the nurse to suspect that Anna is a victim of sexual abuse?
a. The child is fearful of the caregiver and other adults.
b. The child has a lack of peer relationships.
c. The child has self-injurious behavior.

88. Nurse Viktoria is working in the emergency department of Phinma Medical Center. She is conducting
an interview with a victim of spousal abuse. Which step should the nurse take first?
a. Contact the appropriate legal services.
b. Ensure privacy for interviewing the victim away from the abuser.
c. Establish a rapport with the victim and the abuser.
d. Request the presence of a security guard.

89. Britney is studying about abuse for the upcoming exam. For her to fully instill the topic, she should
know that the priority nursing intervention for a child or elder victim of abuse is:
a. Assess the scope of the abuse problem.
b. Analyze family dynamics.
c. Implement measures to ensure the victim’s safety.
d. Teach appropriate coping skills.

90. Mrs. Mondragon was admitted to the emergency department of Phinma Medical Center with a
fractured arm. She explains to the nurse that her injury resulted when she provoked her drunken
husband, Mr. Mondragon, who then pushed her. Which of the following best describes the nurse’s
understanding of the wife’s explanation?
a. Mrs. Mondragon’s explanation is appropriate acceptance of her responsibility.
b. Mrs. Mondragon’s explanation is an atypical reaction of an abused woman.
c. Mrs. Mondragon’s explanation is evidence that the woman may be an abuser as well as a
d. Mrs. Mondragon’s explanation is a typical response of a victim accepting blame for the abuser.

91. During a prenatal assessment, the clinic nurse suspects that her client was abused. Which of the
following questions would be most appropriate?
a. “Are you being threatened or hurt by your partner?”
b. “Are you frightened of your partner?”
c. “Is something bothering you?”
d. “What happens when you and your partner argue?”

92. In a home visit done by the nurse, she suspects that the wife and her child are victims of abuse.
Which of the following is the most appropriate for the nurse to ask?
a. “Are you being threatened or hurt by your partner?
b. “Are you frightened of you partner”
c. “Is something bothering you?”
d. “What happens when you and your partner argue?”

93. What would be the best approach for a wife who is still living with her abusive husband?
a. “Here’s the number of a crisis center that you can call for help.”
b. “It’s best to leave your husband.”
c. “Did you discuss this with your family?”
d. “Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way”

94. Which of the following physical symptoms are associated with panic attacks?
a. Heart palpitations c. Perspiring
b. Hyperventilating d. All of the above

95. Which of the following is a drug treatment for social phobia?

a. Anti-inflammatory drugs c. Antipsychotic drugs
b. Antibiotics d. Selective Serotonin Reuptake

96. A newly admitted client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) washes hands continually.
This behavior prevents unit activity attendance. Which nursing statement best addresses this situation?
a. “Everyone diagnosed with OCD needs to control their ritualistic behaviors.”
b. “It is important for you to discontinue these ritualistic behaviors.”
c. “Why are you asking for help if you won’t participate in unit therapy?”
d. “Let’s figure out a way for you to attend unit activities and still wash your hands.”

97. Which of the following is considered to be a symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
a. Increased arousal c. Avoidance and numbing of emotions
b. Re-experiencing d. All of the above

98. In Dissociative Identity Disorder the alter host identities refer to

a. Those that existed before the onset of the disorder
b. Those that are most dominant
c. Those that existed after the onset of the disorder
d. Those that are the aggressive

99. Which of the following might present a problem when treating dissociative disorders?
a. Some of these disorders are rare
b. Some dissociative disorders such dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue often
spontaneously remit
c. Some overly directive therapeutic styles may lead to the recovery of false memories
d. All of the above

100. The basic feature of dissociative fugue is that the individual

a. Suddenly and unexpectedly develops anterograde amnesia
b. Suddenly and unexpectedly develops retrograde amnesia
c. Suddenly and unexpectedly travels away from home or from their customary place of daily
d. Suddenly and unexpectedly develops and alternative personality

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