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User Guide –

P&D Talk in MyCompass


P&D Talk Process ..................................................................................................................................... 2
P&D Talk task........................................................................................................................................... 2
Accessing the P&D Talk module and launch the preparation ............................................................. 2
Manager review .................................................................................................................................. 3
P&D Talk Manager Preparation step ................................................................................................... 3
Submit the P&D Talk Manager Preparation step ................................................................................ 5
Reopen P&D Talk Employee Preparation step .................................................................................... 6
P&D Talk meeting with your subordinate ............................................................................................... 8
Document agreed P&D Talk .................................................................................................................... 8
Reopen P&D Talk Employee Sign off ................................................................................................. 10
Sign off ................................................................................................................................................... 11
My assigned P&D Talk tasks .................................................................................................................. 12
Supporting P&D Talk Reports ................................................................................................................ 13
Report name: Development Plan Exception ..................................................................................... 13
Report name: Performance Review Details Report .......................................................................... 13
Report name: Performance Review section rating comparison ....................................................... 14
Report name: Performance Review Status Distribution ................................................................... 14
Report name: Performance Review Status Report ........................................................................... 15

P&D Talk Process
Prepare, document and sign off your P&D Talk and have it accessible
and saved in MyCompass.

Preparation Sign off on

P&D Talk
of P&D Talk agreed
meeting P&D Talk

P&D Talk task

You will receive an email at the beginning of the P&D period to
inform you that you have performance tasks to complete on MyCompass.

Accessing the P&D Talk module and launch the preparation

Once you have received the email, follow these steps:

 Log in to MyCompass.
 Go to “Performance” tab and klick on “Performance review” to
launch the P&D Talk, or start it directly from “Your action

All your P&D Talk tasks have a short description, a status, and a
starting and due date. When you have completed a task it will
disappear from the list.
Manager review
All P&D Talk tasks you will have to fulfill for your subordinates
are titled “Manager Review” followed by the name of the employee.
Your own P&D Talk task for you, as an employee, is called “Self
Review”. If you need support to go through the P&D Talk task for
yourself, please open the instruction for employees.

 Click on the P&D Talk Task you want to start.

P&D Talk Manager Preparation step

Below you can find the Overview page of your P&D Talk. The menu to
the left shows you the different sections of the P&D Talk and in
which section you are at the moment.

You have a certain time period to edit the P&D talk form. If you
pass the end date without having finished your preparations, your

task will go over to status “Incomplete”.

By clicking ”Options” and ”Employee Details” you will be linked to

the purpose of the role and a role description if a generic
description has been defined for this role.

At the bottom of the page you can find the P&D Talk process . The
current step will be highlighted with a blue boarder.

 To start the task please click on “Get started”.

 Please read carefully the instructions in each section of the
P&D Talk Manager Preparation.
 There will be questions and rating sections
 In the question sections you can find an explanatory text on
what to do, question/s and a comments box to fill out. In some
sections there will be rating sections added.
Hoover over the rating section (stars) and a help text will
 Some pages will have useful links on them.
For ex: The first section will provide you with a link to your
employees previous P&D Talk. Press “click here” if you want to
see what was agreed in the previous P&D Talk. This will show
when you have completed the first P&D Talk review for your

 Enter your comments/ratings on your employee and press “Save

and Continue” to go to the next section.
 If you want to come back and complete later, press “Save and
exit”. Your updates and comments will be saved.
To return back and complete later, you go to “Performance” tab
and klick on “Performance review”. Click on the P&D Talk task
and “Get Started”.

Submit the P&D Talk Manager Preparation step

When you have gone through the whole P&D Talk Manager Preparation
step, please submit it.

 When you are done, click on the “Submit” button on the last
A pop up window called ”Submit review” will open.
 Click on “Submit” again

Reopen P&D Talk Employee Preparation step

If the employee contacts you regarding something they missed or want
to change in their P&D Talk Employee preparations step, you have the
option to re-open that step.

 Go to the P&D Talk review task. If it is not showing in your

page Performance Review page click on

 Click on the review and then the “Reopen step” button

 Tick the Employee Preparations and add a comment
 Click “Save” and let the employee know that they can now go in
and alter the P&D Talk Employee Preparation step

Note! The manager steps cannot be reopened by other than your local
LPS (Local Performance Support).

You can always can print the P&D Talk Manager preparations.

 Click on “Options” and “Print Review”.

 The printed version will be shown as a PDF document (non-

The review will move on to the next P&D Talk step.

P&D Talk meeting with your subordinate
Once your subordinate and you have both finished your P&D Talk
preparations, please arrange a time to have the P&D discussion.
During or directly after this meeting you will document what is
agreed, in the system.
Your employee will be able to review and sign off the document 24
hours after you have completed documenting your discussion.

Document agreed P&D Talk

If you document the P&D Talk during the P&D Talk meeting with your
subordinate, they are able to see your preparations.

 Go to MyCompass and “Performance review summary”. Click on the

 Make sure that the prior P&D Talk process steps are completed.
Shown by a blue circle with a white tick
 Click on “Get started”.
In the P&D Talk meeting step, you will be able to view your own
preparations as well as your your subordinates preparations.

 Your comments will be defaulted into the text box. If you want
to change wording on your preparation to align with what is
agreed in the P&D Talk meeting, just overtype with new wording.
 Make sure that you document the agreed P&D Talk comments for
all questions in every section.

 When you are done with the P&D Talk documentation, click on
If you do not make any changes within the documentation, your
preparations will be visible for your subordinate.
Next step in the process is for your subordinate to sign off the P&D
Talk agreed documentation.
If your employee comes back with a request for to reword the P&D
Talk documentation, and you agree, you have the option to send in a
request to your local LPA to re-open the P&D Talk meeting step.
If you and your subordinate cannot agree on the wording, the
employee can sign off the documentation and tick a box to say “Not-

Try to compromise and find a solution working for you both.

Reopen P&D Talk Employee Sign off

If the employee contacts you regarding something they missed or want
to change in their P&D Talk Sign off step, you have the option to
re-open that step.

 Go to the P&D Talk review task. If it is not showing in your

page Performance Review page click on

 Click on the review and then the “Reopen step” button

 Tick the Sign off Employee and add a comment

 Click “Save” and let the employee know that they can now go in
and alter the P&D Talk Sign off step
Note! The manager steps cannot be reopened by other than your local
LPS (Local Performance Support).

Sign off
After your subordinate has signed off the P&D Talk documentation,
the last part of the process is for you to sign off the P&D Talk

 Go into the P&D Talk task

 Make sure that the prior P&D Talk process steps are completed.
Shown by a blue circle with a white tick
 Click on “Get started”

 When you come to the Sign off section you type your name in the
“Sign off” box
 Press “Sign”
 Click Submit

This completes the last P&D Talk step!

My assigned P&D Talk tasks

Once a P&D Talk task has been completed you can find it under
Performance review and My Assigned reviews. Tick the box “Show
completed and expired tasks”.
This can be of use, for instance, when you prepare next year’s P&D
If you have any issues or questions, please contact your manager or
your local LPA.
Supporting P&D Talk Reports
Below you can find some useful reports that will support your P&D
Talk process.

Report name: Development Plan Exception

Report explanation: Displays all users who do not have active
Development Plans. Any user without a development plan that overlaps
the selected date range will be listed.
Input needed: Name of employee, Performance review task name
Output: Print the review to a PDF.

Report name: Performance Review Details Report

Report explanation: Define a date range and print one or more
performance reviews for a single user. You may select and print all
reviews occurring during a defined date range, or only completed
reviews for a defined date range. This report is asynchronous. When
filtering for completed reviews only, reviews completed today will
not appear in the printout as the review is not recorded yet in the
data warehouse.
(same view as print review within the actual review)
Input needed: Date filters, Add user criteria, Advanced filters

(review is within the date filter or overlaps the review period.
Enter Report title.
Output: Click on “Process Report”. Go to “Processed Reports” and
click F5 to update the page until PDF symbol shows under Output

Report name: Performance Review section rating comparison

Report explanation: Compare individual reviewee ratings within a
task review section for Question sections and Competency sections.
Note: this report does not return results for Objective sections, as
objectives are generally unique to each individual, making rating
comparisons ineffective.
Input needed: User Criteria, Performance review task, Report title
Output: You can choose what design you want from the report. Click
on “Process Report”. Go to “Processed Reports” and click F5 to
update the page until Excel symbol shows under Output heading.

Report name: Performance Review Status Distribution

Report explanation: Search for a specific review task and optionally
set user criteria to display a distribution report.
Input needed: User Criteria, Performance review task
Output: Under “Distribution of ratings” you will find below chart
applicable for you.

Report name: Performance Review Status Report

Report explanation: View the status of all steps in a Performance
Review task.
Input needed: User Criteria, Performance review task
Output: Under “Output” click on “Export to Excel”


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