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Productivity in Construction

Dozzi, S.P.; AbouRizk, S.M.


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Productivity in

S.P. Dozzi, P.Eng. and S.M. AbouRizk, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Construction Engineering and Management
Civil Engineering Department
University of Alberta

Institute for Research in Construction

National Research Council
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
NRCC 37001
ISBN 0-662-21134-0
Ottawa, December 1993
©National Research Council Canada 1993

NRC' Institute for Research in Con-

struction i · delighted to be instrumental in
bringing thi important gujdebook to the con-
truction profe ional of Canada. Thi CSCE-
NRC project i a good example of lhe kind o.f
alliance that i increa ingly important in up-
port of lhe Canadian construction indu try as it
strives to find internationally competitive ways
to do bu. ine . The pairing of the counlry '
leading ource for construction technol.ogie
with the enior national profe ional a ocia-
tion in civil engineering ha produced a defini-
tive . tatement on the ubject of productivity,
which I commend to all reader .

G. Seaden, Director General

Jn ·titote for Research in Construction


Contractors have often been heard to In response to this dilemma, the Con-
say, "As long as we are as aggressive and effi- struction Division of the Canadian Society for
cient as our usual competitors, we will always Civil Engineering (CSCE) developed and im-
get our share of work." But in today's market- plemented a program with a view to improving
place, being as efficient as one's neighbour productivity. CSCE, with the assistance of the
does not suffice. Competition is no longer lim- National Research Council, formed an alliance
ited to contractors working in well defined geo- with the Construction Technology Centre At-
graphical areas. The available work is being lantic Inc. (CTCA), according to which CSCE
sought by firms from other parts of the country would produce a manual about ways to im-
or even of the globe. prove productivity and CTCA would organize
seminars. Such seminars on productivity im-
Canadian competitiveness, or rather provement have taken place across Canada
the lack of it, has been in the headlines now for since September 1990, usually in collaboration
several years. For example, a report in the 25 with the local construction association.
June 1991 issue of The Economist, entitled "A
Survey of Canada," claims that: The Institute for Research in Con-
struction has now decided to draw on the expe-
"In general, the growth of Canadian produc- rience gained from the preparation of the
tivity is declining; yet if Canada is to remain manual and presentations, and publish this doc-
a high-wage economy, it has to be a high- ument, "Productivity in Construction." I hope
productivity one. Annual productivity that it receives the attention it deserves and that
growth, which has been 2.3% in 1946-73,fell every supervisor of construction projects refers
to 0.9% in 1973-90. And the growth of Cana- to it frequently for guidance.
dian manufacturing productivity has slowed
relative to all other members of the Group of
Seven rich countries. Cost competitiveness
relative to the United States has declined
particularly sharply .. .. "
There are also signs of slowed produc-
Stephen G. Revay, F.EIC, F.CSCE
tivity in Canada relative to Japan. Between
Past President ( 1989-90) CSCE
1986 and 1990, the productivity of construction
labour in Japan increased by 6.6% a year, while
Canadian construction productivity rose by
only 1.6%.


Table of

1 Introduction 3.3.4 Crews and teamwork .... ................. ... 23

3.3.5 Environmental factors ..... .. ......... .. ... ..23
1.1 Productivity: More Achievement 3.3.6 Workspace .........................................24
per Resource ................................... .... 1 3.4 Job Site Planning ........ ... ....................24
1.2 What is Productivity? ......................... 1 3.4.1 Job site planning considerations ........ 24
1.3 Framework for Productivity 3.4.2 Temporary electrical service ........... ..24
Improvement in Construction ............. 2 3.4.3 Temporary heating and hoarding .... .. .25
1.4 Organization of this Publication .......... 2 3.4.4 Miscellaneous systems ...................... 25
3.4.6 Offices, lunchrooms, and sanitary
2 Techniques for Measur- facilities ..... .. ... ........... ..... ................... 25
ing and Improving 3.5 Safety Issues ..................................... .25
Productivity at 3.5.1 Economic impact of accidents .......... 25
3.5.2 Safety and productivity ..................... 25
Construction Sites
2.1 Introduction .. ........... ..... ..... .... ..... ....... .. 5 4 Measuring Productivity
2.2 Measuring and Interpreting from the Cost-Reporting
Work and Crew Effectiveness ............ 5
2.2.1 Field rating ..................... ..................... 5
2.2.2 W ark sampling .................................... 5 4.1 Introduction ......... .. ............................ 27
2.2.3 Five-minute rating ............................... 7 4.2 Data Collection and Processing ......... 27
2.3 Field Surveys ......... .. .......... ..... ........ .... 7 4.3 Tracking Person-hours instead of
2.3.1 Foreman delay survey ......... .. ... .. .......... 8 Costs in the Cost-reporting System ... 30
2.3.2 Craftsman questionnaire ......... ....... .. .. . 8 4.3.1 Estimated 'percent complete' ............ 30
2.4 The Method Productivity Delay 4.3.2 Physical measurement ........... ......... .. 31
Model ...................... ... ...... ................... 9 4.3.3 Earned value .....................................31
2.5 Charting Techniques: 4.3.4 Performance factors ........................... 31
Crew-Balance Charts ....................... .12 4.4 Cost Reporting and Analysis Using
2.6 Simulation Modelling and Analysis ... l2 Project Management Software ......... 32
2.6.1 The basic phases of construction
process simulation .............................. 12 5 Management Issues
2.6.2 Building a CYCLONE model... ......... 12
2.6.3 Experimenting, analyzing, and 5.1 Introduction ....... ... ............................. 35
simulating ........................................... 14 5.2 Quality of Supervision ....................... 35
2.6.4 Simulation and productivity ............... 15 5.3 Material Management. ....................... 35
5.3.1 Material management steps ............... 36
3 Human Factors and 5.3.2 Responsibilities .................................. 36
5.3.3 Interfaces and their implications
Productivity Improve· for productivity .................................. 37
ment 5.3.4 Preplanning ..... ...... ......... .......... ......... .38
3.1 Introduction ..... ...... .. ............. .. ... ........ 17 5.3.5 Material control ....... ............. ............. 38
3.2 Motivation ........ ................................. 17 5.3.6 Procurement. .................................. ... .39
3.2.1 Motivation and the construction 5.3.7 Material handling ... .... .................. ...... 39
industry ......... .......... ................ ... ... ..... 17 5.4 Constructability ... .......................... ....40
3.2.2 Factors affecting motivation .............. l8 5.4.1 A traditional problem ....................... .41
3.2.3 Motivators .......................................... 19 5.4.2 Constructability concepts ................. .41
3.2.4 Demotivators ....... ............. ................. 19 5.5 Change Management ........ ....... .... .... ..4 J
3.2.5 Absenteeism and turnover ............... .. 2 1
3.3 Human Factors Related to 6 Conclusion
Productivity ...... ................................. 21
6.1 Macro- Versus Micro-Productivity ..43
3.3.1 The individual as a factor
6.2 Miscellaneous Ideas for Improving
affecting productivity .................... .... 21
Productivity in Construction ........... .43
3.3.2 Physical limitations .. ................. ........ 22
3.3.3 The learning curve ..................... ....... .22

1 Introduction

1.1 Productivity: More struction site. A Construction Industry Develop-

Achievement per ment Council task force developed a question-
naire of factors impairing construction
Resource productivity (CIDC, 1984). It lists seven cate-
Economists have been saying it, so gories and 95 factors. Table 1.1 lists the most se-
have constructors, organized labour- every- rious factors within each of the seven categories.
body: to remain competitive, we have to Research findings by social scientists
produce more for each dollar spent on con- and construction researchers can be con-
struction. And "we" is everybody - every tentious, due to the difficulty in accounting for
worker at a job site can contribute to improved the many interdependencies. The impact of
productivity. such factors as morale and satisfaction may be
Productivity issues can be divided debatable, but that should not keep us from
into macro- and micro-level. At the macro- thinking seriously about improvements in pro-
level, one deals with contracting methods, ductivity. (The idea of improved productivity
labour legislation, and labour organization; at is too important to be allowed to stumble over
the micro-level, with the management and op- academic arguments.) Although we may not
eration of a project, mainly at the job site. know the precise effects of many of these fac-
tors, we can observe the effects of combina-
To improve productivity, we must be tions of them.
able to measure it. And we must be able to
measure the effect of changes adopted on 1.2 What is Productivity?
methods, effort, and systems. The measured
values of productivity can then be compared Many terms are used to describe pro-
either to those used to compile the estimate or ductivity in the construction industry: perfor-
to some production standards. Although no mance factor, production rate, unit person-hour
formal industry standards exist in North Amer- (p-h) rate and others. Traditionally, productivi-
ica, many sources of published productivity ty has been defined as the ratio of input/output,
data, as well as the databases of various com- i.e., the ratio of the input of an associated re-
panies, can serve as production standards. source (usually, but not necessarily, expressed
in p-hs) to real output (in creating economic
A number of complex and interdepen- value). To restate this definition for use in the
dent factors can influence productivity on a con- construction industry: labour productivity is the
physical progress achieved per p-h, e.g., p-hs
Table 1.1 factors seriously impairing construction per linear metre of conduit laid or p-hs per
productivity cubic metre of concrete poured.
Category Factors The two most important measures of
labour productivity are:
Project Conditions Weather variability • the effectiveness with which labour is used
Market Conditions Material shortages in the construction process;
Lack of experienced design and project • the relative efficiency of labour doing what
management personnel it is required to do at a given time and place.
Design and Procurement Large number of changes Examples of the first measure are the
Construction Management Ineffective communications labour dollars required to produce a square
Inadequate planning and scheduling metre or square foot of living area, or the
labour cost of providing one bed in a hospital.
Lack of sufficient supervisory training Another example is the labour content required,
Labour Restrictive union rules per barrel of output, to build an oil refinery. In
Government Policy Slow approvals and issue of these cases, technological innovations or design
permits improvements have the most significant impact
Education and Training Lack of management training for super- because it is the effectiveness with which
vision, project management labour is used in the building process that is
being measured.

Contractors and organized labour are, of and the causes behind this decline, the con-
however, more interested in the second mea- struction industry is making strides toward im-
sure, the relative efficiency of labour. Exam- proving productivity.
ples include the number of square metres of
formwork or linear metres of conduit that can 1.3 Framework for Produc-
be installed per p-h at a given time and place. tivity Improvement in
Labour efficiency is the basis of most
tender estimates, as well as the yardstick by
which performance is measured and monitored. Productivity improvement in construc-
tion is best understood when the construction
For example, it was reported that process is visualized as a complete system as
837.4 p-hs were required to construct a house shown in Figure 1.1. The system is made up of
in 1930. By 1965, the requirement was re- the construction project to which material, per-
duced to 283 .2 person-hours. The reduction in sonnel, equipment, management, and money
p-hs is equal to an impressive average annual are inputs. They are consumed by the system
growth rate of 3.2%. in the process of producing the construction
unit. Control of the system is achieved by col-
It is not surprising that some analysts lecting and processing information about the
have tried to explain this as the result of steadi- rates at which production is attained.
ly improving labour efficiency. The real im-
provement, however, had little to do with To measure input/output, the parame-
improved efficiency but was due to such tech- ter defined as productivity, two types of input
nological changes as improved construction ex- to the system are used: the person-hour/unit and
cavating equipment and the introduction of the cost/unit. The first focuses only on labour
drywall to replace wet plaster. and is used for labour-intensive operations.
The second, cost/unit, combines all effects.
When relative growth in labour pro- The productivity of an operation is measured
ductivity was equated with real improvement in and compared to the values in the estimate or
labour efficiency, the construction industry was budget.
led to believe that no problem in declining pro-
ductivity existed. Apparently lack of motiva- If the actual productivity does not
tion is not seen as a problem, and the ever compare favourably with the estimated values,
frequent financial losses were blamed either on the input categories affecting productivity in
poor estimating or on the impact of accelerated the system- namely material timeliness, labour
schedule performance. Construction supervi- effectiveness, and management practices-
sors eventually had to face up to reality and need to be examined.
admit that labour efficiency has been steadily
declining for some time. By accepting the real- To improve labour effectiveness, vari-
ity and trying to understand both the magnitude ous factors can be addressed, including motiva-
tion, job safety, environmental factors, and
physical limitations. Management practices in-
Figure 1.1 Framework for productivity improvement clude scheduling, planning, data collection, job
analysis, and control. Material timeliness is en-
Control Procurement
sured by proper procurement scheduling, site
Data Collection layout, and other issues.
1.4 Organization of this
\ System
The purpose of this publication is to
Construction introduce the subject of productivity in con-
Project struction. Each topic can be expanded and
dealt with in more detail at every level of the
\ construction process. The reader can pursue
the topics further by referring to the books and
papers listed at the end of each chapter. Some
of these documents are cited in the text.
Motivation The subject matter, aimed at such con-
struction practitioners as project engineers, su-
Take Feedback/Control Compare Actual perintendents or foremen, is presented in a
Corrective format that can be easily read and understood.
to Estimated
It gives practitioners the insights needed to
gain an appreciation of productivity in con-

struction. The publication, although an Additional Readings
overview of the subject, covers each topic ade-
quately and comprehensively. Adrian, J.J. 1987. Construction Productivity
Improvement. New York: Elsevier Science
Acknowledgment Publishing Company.
The authors have drawn freely from Alfeld, L.E. 1988. Construction Productivity,
written contributions to a seminar series jointly On-Site Measurement and Management. New
sponsored by the Canadian Society for Civil York: McGraw Hill.
Engineering and the Construction Technology
Centre Atlantic Inc. The seminars were enti- CIDC, 1984. Canada Construction Industry De-
tled "Productivity on Canadian Construction velopment Council, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa,
Sites: An Overview. What Supervisors Should Ontario K1A OH5.
Know and Do."
Halpin, D.W. 1985. Financial and Cost Con-
The contributors were C. Fear, R. trol Concepts for Construction Management.
French, J. Gibson, G. Jergeas, K. Lemon, S. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Perfect, K. Pressnail, S. Revay, A. Russel, L. Oglesby, C.H., H.W. Parker, and G.A. Howel.
Tardif, C. Trembley, L. Waugh, and S.P. 1989. Productivity Improvement in Construc-
Dozzi, who also served as the editor. tion. New York: McGraw Hill.
Warren, R.H. 1989. Motivation and Productivi-
ty in the Construction Industry. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold.

2 Techniques for Measuring
and Improving Productivity
at Construction Sites
2.1 Introduction 2.2 Measuring and Inter-
preting Work and Crew
The management of site-related issues
in construction projects is often complex and Effectiveness
difficult. The main problem is the quantifica- 2.2.1 Field rating
tion of all factors involved on site. The most
accurate measure of productivity in construc- Field rating can be used to estimate
tion is the number of units produced per per- crudely the level of activity of a construction
son-hour (p-h) consumed, or its reciprocal, the operation. The method simply categorizes the
number of p-hs consumed per unit produced. observed worker as either "working" or "non-
The productivity of a process can be measured working" and uses the "working" fraction as a
indirectly by observing the level of activity of measure of effectiveness. To collect a random
its resources. sample, an observer on site observes the work-
ers. Once a sample has been collected, the field
Work studies and surveys may have a rating is calculated as total observations in the
demotivating effect on the workforce. Special "working" category divided by the total num-
precautions must be taken to avoid the percep- ber of observations, plus 10% to account for
tion that the company is spying on its workers. foreman and supervisory activity as follows:
Education and information sessions are recom-
mended to create a team approach to productiv- Field rating = total observations of working/
ity improvement. At a micro-level, workers are total number of observations+ 10%
a valuable source of information concerning
their performance or efficiency. Participation The number should be roughly over
by the tradesmen 1 or supervisors can be expect- 60% for a job to be satisfactory. For example,
ed only if requested. if a foreman made 100 observations of workers
and only 40 were classified as working at the
This chapter deals first with proven time, then the field rating would be 50%, i.e.,
techniques that are more widely used to mea- 40/100 + l 0. The job would, therefore, be con-
sure the effectiveness (and, indirectly, the pro- sidered unsatisfactory. The method does not
ductivity) of construction workers and crews. tell the analyzer anything about the sources of
Also discussed is the use of the data collected problems or inefficiencies. It merely suggests
to improve the productivity of a construction that there is something wrong.
process. A discussion on a method for measur-
ing both effectiveness and productivity at the 2.2.2 Work sampling
same time, the Method Productivity Delay
Work sampling is based on statistical
Model, (Adrian and Boyer, 1976) follows . The
sampling theory and is a slightly more sophisti-
second part of this chapter deals with more ad-
cated method than field rating. The basic ob-
vanced methods to study and improve the pro-
jective is to observe an operation for a limited
ductivity of a given construction process. With
time and from the observations infer how pro-
the increased use of computers, simulation is
ductive the operation is. Statistical sampling
one of the more advanced techniques that could
theory is applied because the amount of time
improve productivity. The idea of using sys-
tems simulation in planning and analyzing con- spent collecting data has to be limited. In addi-
tion, the number of workers observed is nor-
struction processes is introduced. To make this
mally a small sample taken from the entire
as practical as possible, the discussion is limit-
population of possible observations (every
ed to the CYCLONE methodology (Halpin and
glance at the worker is considered an observa-
Riggs, 1992) that has been developed specifi-
tion and therefore, every work sample can re-
cally for construction operations analysis.
sult in a multitude of observations). Instead of
dealing with the whole population, the proce-
dure is to collect a sample, analyze it, and build
a confidence limit around it.

1The words, foreman, craftsman, and tradesman, are meant in a gender-neutral sense; Work sampling estimates the percent-
likewise the word, workmanship. age of time a labourer is productive relative to

the total time the person is involved in the oper- Research indicates that the productive
ation. To accomplish this, the following ap- work category should normally be over 30%.
proach can be adopted: Results of different work sampling studies vary
from the low of 9.4% at Isle of Grain to a high
1. Classify the worker's activity as one of three of 64.4% measured by the National Association
modes of activity: productive, semi-produc- of Home Builders Research Foundation in
tive (involved in supporting the main activi- 1973. Other representative samples reported
ty), and non-productive. are:
• 32% by the Civil Engineering magazine in
Note: There are a number of possible varia-
1977, measured at various nuclear power
tions for this classification and readers can
develop their own, once familiar with the
• 34.7% by S.B. Palmater, measured at 13 nu-
concept. Flexibility can be enhanced by ma-
clear power sites
nipulating the semi-productive classifica-
• 46.5% measured by the University of Texas
tion. One can easily define various modes
at random sites.
of semi-productive activity, as shown in
Table 2.1. For example, support work can Improving the productivity of the
be of the form "material handling," "instruc- process involves identifying the current activity
tion and decision making," "equipment rating and the sources of non-productive or
maintenance," and others. However, more semi-productive modes. This can be subjec-
than a handful of classifications can make it tively analyzed and depends heavily on the
difficult to collect data on site. level of detail of the classification scheme
adopted and the project being analyzed. A
2. Develop a data collection form that will fa-
cilitate tallying the observations on site, as sample set of recommendations is given in
Table 2.2.
shown in Figure 2.1, for example.
3. Take random observations of workers in-
volved in a given operation in the field. The
observation should indicate the workers' ac- Figure 2.1 Sample work sampling
tivity mode, i.e., productive, non-productive, data collection form
or semi-productive. Random, for all practi- Work Sampling Sheet
cal purposes, means without any bias as to
who is being observed and that each worker Project:
will have the same chance of being observed Date: Observer:
as any other worker. Notes:
4. Record all observations on the form. Enter a
checkmark under the appropriate mode of
activity observed. Observation Productive Semi-Productive Non-Productive
No. (Direct work) (Support work) (Delay)
5. Add up all the checkmarks under each mode
and calculate the percentage of activity. In 1 .J
the example (Figure 2.1 ), the 'percent pro- 2 .J
ductive' is calculated as 4/9 (= 45%), the
'percent non-productive' is 3/9 (= 33%), and 3 .J
the balance of 22%, semi-productive. 4 .J
5 .,[
6 .J
7 .J
Table 2.1 Examples of activity classification
8 .J
Classification Productive Semi-Productive Non-Productive 9 .J
(equivalent (Direct Work) {Indirect Work) (Delay) Total 4 2 3
classification) (Working) (Support Work) (Non-Working)
Percentage 45% 22% 33%
Description Using trade tools Supporting the Not contributing to
main activity the activity
Examples mason laying brick, tradesman getting personal breaks,
labourer mixing material, travelling waiting for equip-
mortar, electrician to work location, men! to be fixed,
pulling wire, welder taking instructions waiting for more
welding pipe instructions, late
start or early

---------- --
1. Identify the members of the crew to be ob-
Table 2.2 Sample causes of delay and recommended served and structure a form similar to that
remedial actions shown in Table 2.3, with the crew to be ob-
served noted in the column headings and the
Causes of Delay Suggested remedial action time of observation listed in the rows of the
(Excessive percentage of (Each of these actions will require a first column.
time spent on this factor) detailed analysis)
2. Observe the crews as they are working. For
Waiting for instruction Pre-plan and pre-assign work duties. the observation interval (in Table 2.3 the in-
terval equals 5 minutes), determine whether
Finding material Improve site layout.
the crew member has been active for over
Getting material Examine material handling and site half the interval. If so, mark the observation
layout. cell with an "x"; if not, leave the cell empty.
Personal breaks Examine human resource management
3. Add the "x" observations for the entire table
and discipline.
and divide the sum by the total number of
Waiting for equipment repair Use stand-by equipment where possible, observations. In the example of Table 2.3,
pre-plan to reassign crews to other activ- 22 observations were positive out of a total
ities, schedule equipment maintenance of 32; therefore, the effectiveness is 22/32 or
to keep it in good working condition.
Waiting or queuing for service Resolve resource allocation problems,
possibly by balancing the resources.
Table 2.3 Sample five-minute
Material handling difficulties Improve site layout and address safety
rating data collection form
Time Spreader Screeder Grader Bull-Floater
For work sampling to be effective, the 9:50 X X X

observer must make a large number of observa- 9:55 X X X

tions, a number that must be determined from 10:00 X
statistical sampling theory. The minimum
10:05 X X X X
number generally accepted is 3842 observa-
tions. This number is derived from a sampling 10:10 X X

error of 5% and a level of confidence of 95%. 10:15 X X X

Tables, nomographs, and computer programs 10:20 X X X X
can be used to calculate the required number of
10:25 X X
observations for different sets of error limit or
confidence levels. Effective
observations 6 6 5 5
Work sampling only attempts to indi-
rectly measure productivity. It is difficult to Total observations= 32 Effectiveness = 22/32
determine the productivity of a carpenter, for Observed effective = 22 5-Minute Rating = 68%
example, by observing how many hammer
blows it takes to drive a nail. 2.3 Field Surveys
In decision-making, the results should The work sampling methods covered
be viewed with caution and used with discre- in Section 2.2 measure efficiencies in the site
tion. They cannot be used to measure real operation, but do not go far enough in identify-
labour efficiency, yet they are extremely useful ing the leading cause for the inefficiency. For
to gain a better insight into motivation, and at example, work sampling might indicate that a
the same time help explain the reasons behind craftsman spent 25% of the time being delayed
drastic variations in production rates. because the required material was not available.
2.2.3 Five-minute rating The method cannot, however, pinpoint the real
cause of the delay or what can be done to re-
The five-minute rating technique, un- duce it.
like work sampling, is not based on statistical
sampling theory. The method relies on simply Field surveys and questionnaires are
observing an operation for a short time. The organized ways of involving the foreman or
observation does not result in a large enough craftsman in the site evaluation and productivi-
sample to support work sampling. The method ty improvement process. Craftsmen are proba-
2Aithough this seems to be
does, however, provide some insight as to the bly the persons most familiar with their work
a large number, in actual activity. They can easily identify sources of
applications, every glance effectiveness of the crew and can identify areas
at the work in progress is where more observation is required. delay and obstacles in their progress. Likewise,
an observation. Therefore, a foreman is the person most familiar with the
384 observations is not crew and the problems that restrict improve-
The following procedure can be used
to implement the 5-minute rating technique: ment in their productivity.

Figure 2.2 Typical FDS form
------------ 2.3.1 Foreman delay survey
Foreman Delay Survey (FDS) relies
Problem Causing Area Person-Hours Lost on a questionnaire which is to be filled out by
No. of No. of Total the job foreman at the end of a working day ac-
Hours Lost Workers Person- Hours cording to a particular survey schedule, e.g.,
one work week in each month. The question-
Redoing work (design error or change)
naire is primarily meant to identify the number
Redoing work (prefabrication error) of hours of a day lost due to delays. Most FDSs
Redoing work (field error or damage) are divided into rework and delay categories.
Waiting for materials (warehouse) Once a form has been filled out, the informa-
tion is extracted in the form of percentages and
Waiting for materials (vendor furnished) action taken to ensure that sources of delays are
Waiting for tools properly dealt with. A typical FDS form is
Waiting for construction equipment given in Figure 2.2.
Construction equipment breakdown The results of the survey are converted
Waiting for information from p-hs into equivalent percentages andre-
Waiting for other crews ported on a form as shown in Table 2.4. The
information on the report sheet will identify
Waiting for fellow crew members
concerns that the foremen have with the opera-
Unexplained or unnecessary move tion. The example in Table 2.4 reveals that too
Other: much time is being spent on redoing work due
Comments: to design error - 2.3% of the time - and waiting
for construction equipment - 1.1% of the time.
The FDS is a relatively low-cost
method for analyzing the sources of delay dur-
ing construction. It can be easily stylized and
Made by: implemented. For further details regarding im-
Date: plementation of FDS in construction, refer to
Tucker et al., 1982.
2.3.2 Craftsman questionnaire
Craftsman questionnaire (CQ) is a
questionnaire-oriented technique attempting to
address issues and concerns that relate to a
craftsman's productivity and motivation. The
basic idea is to distribute a simple question-
naire, similar to the one shown in Figure 2.3, to
Table 2.4 Sample FDS results craftsmen on a job site to complete. The aim is
to identify major factors that inhibit the produc-
Problem-Causing Area P-hs Lost Percentage tivity of craftsmen and estimate the p-hs lost
per craftsman per week due to specific causes.
Redoing work (design error or change) 122 2.3
The questionnaire can comprise 50
Redoing work (prefabrication error) 24 0.5 short questions addressing such areas of con-
Redoing work (field error or damage) 52 1.0 cern as material availability and site layout,
Waiting for materials (warehouse) 33 0.6 equipment and tool availability, rework items
and causes of rework, management interference
Waiting for materials (vendor furnished) 22 0.4
and inspection, and suggestions for improving
Waiting for tools 12 0.2 the process. In addition, the questionnaire asks
Waiting for construction equipment 56 1.1 for the hours lost per week per craftsman on
Construction equipment breakdown 15 0.3 each area of concern listed. This is often sup-
plemented with personal interviews with some
Waiting for information 12 0.2 of the craftsmen to validate the responses and
Waiting for other crews 14 0.3 test the level of seriousness.
Waiting for fellow crew members 10 0.2
Once the questionnaires have been
Unexplained or unnecessary move 20 0.4 collected, results are compiled and statistics re-
Other 70 1.3 ported to all concerned in a form similar to
Total 462 8.9 Table 2.5.
Total work in person-hours 5 210

------------ The report in Table 2.5 implies that
Figure 2.3 Sample craftsman questionnaire material availability (13%) and redoing work
(12%) are areas of major concern: they con-
Personal data Check ..[the appropriate box for YES or NO, tribute 25 % of the time lost by a craftsman in a
or fill the box with the required information. week. From the answers in the questionnaire
Craft itself, the reasons for the time loss could proba-
bly be identified.
Type of work The ability to improve the productivity
of an operation from the conclusions drawn
from the CQ greatly depends on how well the
YES NO questionnaire is structured, detailed, and styl-
Material ized, and on how serious the craftsmen's partic-
Is material always available when you need it? ipation is.
How many hours do you estimate are lost per week due to 2.4 The Method Productivity
material not being available? h
Delay Model
Are tools always available when needed? The method productivity delay model
Are tools in acceptable shape?
(MPDM) was proposed as a way to combine
both time study and productivity measurement
Are tools supplied always the right ones for the job? (Adrian and Boyer, 1976). MPDM relies on
Are there any specific tools in short supply (please name) having an observer collect data, on a special
How many hours do you estimate are lost per week due to form, pertaining to the cycle time of a leading
tools not being available or acceptable for the job? h resource on the operation. The observer also
notes the nature of the delays during the period
of observation. Once the data collection is
Question 1 (Add more questions as under material and tools) complete, a set of computations is carried out
Question 2 (Add more questions as under material and tools) that measures the productivity of the operation,
How many hours do you estimate are lost per week due to . . . h indicates the major sources of delay, and gives
other useful statistics.
Question 1 (Add more questions as under material and tools) MPDM can be an effective way of
Question 2 (Add more questions as under material and tools) measuring productivity on site and the delays
that undermine it. Experience with the tech-
How many hours do you estimate are lost per week due to ... h nique has shown that it can be less confusing
Safety Concerns when implemented on an electronic spread-
Question 1 (Add more questions as under material and tools) sheet. For the example presented in this sec-
Question 2 (Add more questions as under material and tools)
tion, Microsoft Excel was used. Any
spreadsheet can be easily automated and gener-
How many hours do you estimate are lost per week due to .. . h alized with macros, so that the computations
Others are automatic, once the observations have been
Question 1 (Add more questions as under material and tools) entered.
Question 2 (Add more questions as under material and tools) MPDM provides more information
than other work sampling techniques. In addi-
tion to providing the user with a measure of
productivity, it can also identify sources of
Table 2.5 Results from a CQ delay and their relative contribution to the lack
of productivity.
Problem/Cause P-hs lost Percentage
per week per week MPDM consists of the following
Material not available or phases:
poorly located 5.2 13.0
1 Identification of the production unit, and the
Tools not available or production cycle
suitable 3.2 8.0
Equipment not available The production unit is defined as a measurable
or down for repair 2.0 5.0 amount of work that can be visually identified
Work redone 4.8 12.0 by the observer without much effort. Examples
of this would be a bucket of concrete, a truck-
Management interference 2.1 5.3
load of dirt, or a row of bricks. The production
Other 2.5 6.3 cycle is the total time that it takes the crew to
Total 19.8 49.5 place one production unit.

---------------------- ~
2 Identification of the leading resource
Table 2.6 Sample type of delays identified during
The leading resource is that resource involved
MPDM data collection
in the operation with the most impact on the
productivity. In other words, the operation will
Environmental Equipment Labour Material Management
come to a halt if the resource stops producing.
Change in soil Equipment Personal break Not available Poor planning An example would be a crane in a concrete
conditions being positioned when needed placement operation, the mason in brick-laying,
Change in Temporary Finding Defective and Undecided as or a dozer in an earth moving operation. This
wall section breakdown materials has to be to what should resource will be the centre of observation and
or tools replaced be done cycle time determination.
Unscheduled Getting Improperly Unavailable for
maintenance instructions located on site instructions
3 Identification of the types of delay that can
be encountered in the process
Late arrival, Interfering with
early departure other operations Five possible types of delay include those caused
by environment, equipment, labour, material and
management. Experience shows that users
should define their own types of delay.
Figure 2.4 MPDM data collection sheet
4 Data collection
MPDM Data Collection Sheet
MPDM requires that the observer time the pro-
Date: June 6, 1992
duction cycle for each production unit placed.
Operation: Roof truss installation Observer: SMA The observer must also determine whether a
Production unit: One truss Unit of time: Second delay took place during a given cycle. If a
Prod. Cycle Enviro. Equip. Labour Mat. Mngt. Processing
delay occurs, the observer must indicate its na-
Cycle Time Delay Delay Delay Delay Delay column* ture based on the categories of delays given in
Phase 3. Examples of the types of delay under
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
each category are given in Table 2.6.
1 354 12.83
5 Data processing, model analysis and recom-
2 465 X 98.17
3 343 23.83
The processing of the MPDM data is carried
4 445 X 78.17
out by filling out the MPDM data collection
5 504 X 137.17 sheet (Figure 2.4), and Tables 2.7 and 2.8,
6 470 X 103.17 which are meant to be self-explanatory. First,
7 395 28.17 column (7) in Figure 2.4 has to be completed.
This is simply column (1) minus the average
8 345 21.83 cycle time of cycles where no delay has oc-
9 360 6.83 curred. This is also given in Table 2.7, column
10 400 33.17 (3) for a non-delayed production cycle.
11 460 X 93.17 The observer can use the form given
12 385 18.17 in Figure 2.4 to facilitate the data collection.
Sometimes MPDM fails to work because the
13 360 6.83
cycle time is too short to observe, or too long to
14 353 13.83 keep track of. In such cases, the method is not
15 372 5.17 recommended. If time-lapse film is available,
16 505 50%** 50% 138.17 short processing cycles can be captured.
17 465 X 98.17 To illustrate the data collection proce-
18 440 X 73.17 dure, consider a simple process involving the
installation of a roof truss. The production unit
19 430 X 63.17
identified for the roof truss process (Figure 2.4)
20 360 6.83 was the actual placement of a wooden roof
21 375 8.17 truss. The production cycle began with the lift-
22 405 X 38.17 ing of one truss and concluded when that same
truss was permanently braced. The leading re-
23 475 X 108.17 source was the mobile crane used to place the
* This column is not part of the data collection. It is inserted in the Table to facili- truss members. The cycle times were timed by
tate processing. reviewing the time-lapse film of the operation.
To fill out this column take column (1) minus the average of the cycle times
Potential sources of delay were also
where no delay occurred.
recorded whenever noticed. If more than one
** To attribute delay to more than one source, use percentages. delay is observed during the same cycle, then
the share attributed to the delay should be noted

__________ ..
as a percentage (Row 16 in Figure 2.4, for ex-
Table 2. 7 Summary of MPDM computation ample). On the first observation of the crane's
cycle time, it took 354 seconds to place one
Production Number Mean Cycle I[ICycle truss; no delays were observed. The entry in
Total Time of Cycles Time time-Non-delay Figure 2.4, Row 1 is recorded under Col. 1.
cycle timel]/n On the second cycle, which took 465 seconds,
(1) (2) (3) (4) an equipment delay was noticed. The entry in
Non-delayed Sum of all cycles No. of cycles Col. 1 + Col. 2 Col. 7 from Row 2 Col. 1 records the cycle time, and an "x"
production (in Col. 1 of where no delay Fig. 2.4 for was entered under Col. 3 to indicate an equip-
cycles Fig. 2.4) where occurred · non-delayed ment delay. The remainder of the data collec-
no delay was cycles .;. Col.2 tion form was filled in similarly.
Upon completion of the calculations
Overall Sum of all cycles Total number Col. 1 .;. Col. 2 Col. 8 from performed according to Table 2.8, the MPDM
production (sum of Col. 1 of of cycles Fig. 2.4 for equations can be used to compute the produc-
cycles Fig. 2.4) non-delayed
tivity of the operation.
cycles + Col.2
Overall Method Productivity
=(Ideal Productivity)(l - 2: expected % of
delay time)
Table 2.8 MPDM delay information Note: 2: expected % of delay time is the sum
of Row e in Table 2.8.
Time Variance Environment Equipment Labour Material Management
Ideal Productivity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) =1/Mean cycle time for non-delayed cycles
No. of occurrences Total x's in Col. 2, Figure 2.4 for this type of delay
Note: Mean cycle time for non-delayed cycles
Total added time Sum of this type of delay from Col. 7, Fig. 2.4 is obtained from Row a, Col. 3 in Table 2.7.
Note: When percentages are used in Fig. 2.4, then the
sum should be prorated to the source of delay.
The last step in the MPDM computa-
tions requires the development of the variabili-
Probability of occurrence Row a +total number of cycles ty of the ideal and overall production rates.
Relative severity Row b + Row ax mean cycle time for overall cycles, i.e., These rates must first be analyzed to assess the
Row b, Col. 3 of Table 2.7 variability of method productivity. Adrian and
Expected percentage of Row c x Row d x 100 Boyer (1976) state that the higher the overall
delay time cycle variability and the ideal cycle variability,
the less dependable the productivity prediction.
Ideally, these ratios should be small. The vari-
ability of the productivity indicators are calcu-
Table 2.9 MPDM processing for sample applications lated from Table 2.7 as follows:
Ideal cycle variability = Value of Row a, Col. 4
Prodution Number of Mean Cycle I.[ICycle Time-Non- -;- value from Row a, Col. 3
Total Time Cycles Time Delay Cycle Timel]/n
(1) (2) (3) (4) Overall cycle variability= Value of Row b,
Col. 4 -;- value from Row b, Col. 3
Non-delayed 4 402 12 366.83 15.47
production cycles To illustrate the computations for
Overall 9 466 23 411.57 52.81 MPDM, an example is given in Figure 2.4.
production cycles The cycles that were identified as 'non-de-
layed' totalled 12 cycles with an accumulated
cycle time of 4 402 seconds. The result is a
mean cycle time of 366.83 seconds (6.1 min-
utes). The processing is then performed and
Table 2.10 Delay information for sample
the results are shown in Tables 2.9 and 2.10.
Time Variance Environment Equipment Labour Material Management The ideal productivity would then be
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (60 hours/min)/(6.1 minutes/cycle)= 9.81
trusses/hour. The real productivity, however, is
No. of occurrences 2 5 3
the ideal productivity adjusted for the expected
Total added time 141 .3 440.8 69.1 137.2 240.4 percentage of delay time per production cycle.
Probability of The real productivity is calculated to be 8.75
occurrence 0.09 0.22 0.04 0.04 0.13 trusses per hour.
Relative severity 0.17 0.21 0.17 0.33 0.19 The variability rates would be:
Expected percentage
of delay 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.03 Ideal cycle variability= 15.47/366.83 =
0.04 (or 4%)

Overall cycle variability= 65.281/411.57 =
0.13 (or 13%)
tivity times for each element may be deter-
mined during one cycle. Conversely, the use
of a stopwatch requires sampling from many
Such variability is considered to be
cycles in order to record the activity times of
relatively minor and would indicate that the
each crew member. It is best to show only
productivity rates obtained are realistic values.
those elements that are pertinent to the problem
The results of the analysis can be used at hand, because a crew balance chart may be-
to determine what the productivity rate is and come cluttered with useless information, which
what can be done to improve the productivity. reduces its effectiveness.
Table 2.10 indicates that the most expected From a crew balance chart, the user
delay can occur from equipment (5%), but the may detetmine interrelationships by comparing
most severe (lengthiest) delay has occurred activities along a horizontal line since the time
from material. The 22% probability of an scale is the same for each crew member. In this
equipment delay indicates that management manner, inefficient crew size or organization is
should concentrate on solving the problems as- identified and remedial action can be taken. By
sociated with equipment. analyzing a crew balance chart, the user is stim-
ulated to devise more efficient methods of per-
2.5 Charting Techniques: forming the task. Reorganization of the crew
Crew-Balance Charts may be all that is required or a different method
may be in order.
Crew balance charts are a method of
comparing interrelationships among various 2.6 Simulation Modelling
crew members and equipment required to can)' and Analysis
out a task. This method is applicable to such
cyclical tasks as placing concrete. Simulation in the context of this dis-
cussion is defined as "building a mathematical/
Vertical bars, as shown in Figure 2.5, logical model of a system and experimenting
represent each person or machine element in- with it on a computer" (Pritsker 1986). This
volved in the task at hand. The ordinate of the publication addresses simulation only with re-
chart expresses time either as a percentage of gard to the CYCLONE methodology. Al-
the total cycle time or the actual time of day. though other techniques exist, none has shown
Each bar is subdivided vertically to show the so much promise in construction as the CY-
time required for each activity involved in the CLONE methodology.
task cycle, including idle, non-productive, and
ineffective time. 2.6.1 The basic phases of con-
struction process simulation
To construct a crew balance chart, the
time for each activity in the cycle is recorded The simulation process consists of two
for every worker or machine involved in the basic phases: modelling and experimentation.
task. This may be done using a stopwatch or CYCLONE provides the modelling elements
time-lapse film. The use of time-lapse film has and methods that a modeller can use to repre-
many advantages over a stopwatch in that ac- sent a construction operation in much the same
way as a scheduler would build a Critical Path
Figure 2.5 Sample crew balance chart for a concret· Method (CPM) network for a construction pro-
ing operation (Cycle time = 4 minutes} ject, i.e., by specifying activities, and their logi-
cal relationships, durations and resource
Crane Bull Float Vibrator 1 Worker Spreader 1 requirements. To model an operation using
3.5 Bucket ready
9 Idle
CYCLONE, the modeller focusses on there-
16 Fill bucket 20 Work sources involved and their interactions. Are-
2.5 Bucket idle
26 Work
34 Wait source can be in one of two states: active or
8 Move bucket
15 Idle idle. An active state of a resource is represent-
10 Pour concrete ed by a square; the idle state, by a circle. In the
'if< 16 Work
a) 10 Move bucket 25 Idle 20 Work model, the resource can move between the two
u 3.5 Idle states and thus from one activity to the other.
u>- 16
Fill bucket The whole idea of simulation revolves around
with concrete 15 Idle
2.5 Bucket on lloor Work
33 the dynamic movement of resources. It is es-
Move bucket
8 back to floor 12 Work sential to distinguish between this method and a
10 Pourcoocrete 28 Work static system like CPM.
15 Idle 18 Idle 17 Work
Move bucket to
10 pour concrete 2.6.2 Building a CYCLONE model
88 72 51 52 33 A CYCLONE model is constructed by
Time working (%) using the CYCLONE elements shown in Table
Total cycle time 2.11.

- - - - - - - - - - --
The rules for structuring CYCLONE 4. Establish the logical relationships between
network models using these elements are sum- these tasks (i.e., precedence and sequencing
marized in Table 2.11. of the tasks) by connecting the COMB I,
NORMAL, and QUEue nodes with direc-
The CYCLONE modelling procedure
tional flow arrows indicating where the re-
uses the following steps:
source would be moving from and to upon
1. Identify all resources involved in the opera- completion of a task. This makes up the
tion to be modelled. CYCLONE network.
2. Define the tasks (active states of a resource) A simple example of a CYCLONE
composing the process to be modelled. Rep- network model of an earth-moving operation is
resent them with CYCLONE square elements given in Figure 2.6. A stockpile of dirt has to
(a task that is constrained by the availability be moved from one location to another. The
of more than one resource is represented by a dirt would have to be loaded into hauling units
COMBination element and a non-constrained first, the hauling units would transport the dirt
task by a NORMAL element). to the required location where it will be
dumped. After dumping its load, the hauling
3. Define the resource requirement in the tasks unit returns for another load.
and decide where they should wait when a
constrained task is not available for service,
i.e., it is waiting for other resources before it Figure 2.6 CYCLONE model of an
can proceed. This defines circle elements earth-moving operation
known as QUEue nodes in CYCLONE ter-

Table 2.11 Rules for structuring CYCLONE models

CYCLONE Description and Rules for Model Building
NORMAL The NORMAL is not a restrained task. Any resource that arrives at
a NORMAL is given access and is immediately processed. It is like
a serving station with an infinite number of servers.

D Can be preceded by all other CYCLONE elements except for a

QUEue node.
Can be followed by all other elements except for a COMBI.
COMB I A task that is restrained by the availability of more than one type of
resource. A resource arriving at a COMBI will have to wait until all
other required resources are available before it is given access to

D the task.
Can be preceded by QUEue nodes only.
Can be followed by all other elements except COMB Is.
QUEue A QUEue node is a waiting area for a resource. Therefore it is used
only when a task is restrained. A resource arriving at a QUEue node

0 will stay in the node until a COMB I is ready to process it.

A QUEue node has one other function in the MicroCYCLONE imple-
mentation, namely to multiply resources when specified. In other
words, a modellor can specify that once a resource enters a speci-
Assume that this simple operation will
be accomplished by Of!e front-end loader (FEL),
fied QUEue node, it will multiply into a finite number of duplicate re- three trucks, and one labourer to spot the dump
sources. location. This completes Step 1. In the previ-
Can be preceded by any element except a QUEue node. ous paragraph, the words that describe the tasks
Can be followed by COMBis only.
required to complete the operation have been
FUNCTION The FUNCTION element was devised to provide some flexibility. Dif- italicized. This completes Step 2. The equiva-
ferent computer implementations of CYCLONE have somewhat dif- lent CYCLONE elements are then matched with

0 ferent functions. In MicroCYCLONE, one type of function is allowed,

namely the consolidate function. Its job is to take units and consoli-
date them into a specified number. Any unit arriving at this function
will accumulate until a threshold value is reached, at which point only
the proper task and arranged as shown in Figure
2.6. The loading task was restrained by the
availability of both the truck and the FEL and
one unit is released from the function (all others are destroyed). therefore it is modelled by a COMBI node (sim-
Can be preceded by all elements except QUEue nodes. ilarly the dumping task, which requires the truck
Can be followed by all elements except COMBis. and the spotter, was modelled with the COMBI
COUNTER The counter keeps track of the number of times units pass it. It does node). The travel to dump location requires the
not alter any of the resources or their properties. It just adds incre- truck only and therefore was modelled by a
ments and keeps track of cycles and a few other statistics. NORMAL node. The truck-retuming task was
Can be preceded by all elements except QUEue nodes. a NORMAL node for the same reason. When
Can be followed by all elements except COMB Is. the task was restrained, it is preceded by two
QUEue nodes where the respective resources

wait. Loading was preceded by the FEL productivity or achieve minimum unit cost, as
QUEue where the PEL waits until a truck is well as to deal with uncertainty and risk.
available. The dirt was modelled with a QUEue The operation considered in this model
node and the truck waiting for loading also with involves earth moving for a sports training facili-
a QUEue node. The truck waiting for the ty in a university area. The earth is to be moved
dumping was modelled by another QUEue
from the location of the training facility to the
node. This emphasizes that the state of the re-
dump location about 3 km away. Two excava-
source is modelled in CYCLONE methodology,
rather than the resource itself. tors remove earth at the job site at two different
locations. A number of trucks carry the dirt,
2.6.3 Experimenting, analyzing, dump it, and return for another cycle. The truck
and simulating would normally wait until one of the excavators
is freed up before proceeding for loading. The
Once a model has been built, it can be operation was observed and data collected on the
entered into a computer program such as Mi- cycle times of the various equipment using a
croCYCLONE for processing and performing stopwatch. The observer also noted that the
the simulation study. The results of the simula- trucks break down on almost 5% of the cycles
tion study are: due to overloading (e.g., from flat tires).
o an estimate for completing the operation
o the hourly production rate The CYCLONE model of the opera-
o other measures of equipment utilization. tion was prepared as discussed previously. One
main difference is the modelling of truck break-
Figure 2.7 presents another model of
down. The branch corning out of dummy
an earth-moving operation. It is somewhat dif-
NORMAL node (No. 14) indicates that every
ferent from the one in Figure 2.6. The model
time a truck passes this task, it has 5 chances in
can be used to balance resources, maximize
100 of ending up being tied in the repair task
(No. 8); 95 times in 100 it continues in its
Figure 2. 7 Another CYCLONE model of an earth· cycle. Upon repair, it is released back to its
moving operation original cycle. This is how equipment break-
downs are modelled in CYCLONE to simulate
Excavator idle actual breakdown in the operation.
at position 1
Now the model can be entered into Mi-
croCYCLONE. The MicroCYCLONE user
manual (Halpin, 1990) gives the reader all the
required information. The first step is to transfer
the graphical model into a written text file in the
MicroCYCLONE syntax. The model in Figure
2.7 translates into the file shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8. Simulation input file

NAME 'Earth-Moving' LENGTH 5000 CYCLE 100
1 COMB I SET 'LOAD @ 1'FOL 2 3 PRE 2 10
4 COMB I SET 3 'LOAD @ 2'FOL 3 5 PRE 5 10
Excavator idle
at position 2 6 FUN COU FOL 14 QUA 1
PRO 0.05 0.95 SEED 101
1 'EXCAVATOR' AT 2 FIX 129.38
4 'TRUCKS' AT 10 FIX 50.86
1 'EXCAVATOR' AT 5 FIX 129.38
Truck queue SET 1 5
SET2 35
SET3 9
SET 4 60
Repair crew idle SET 50

- - - - - - - - - - C»
This is entered into MicroCYCLONE highest productivity in truck-loads/hour is
and the simulation is started from the program. about 16 trucks. The best cost/unit value is for
We started with four trucks working with the 12 to 16 trucks and jumps slightly with 10 and
two dozers. The program outputs a productivi- 18 trucks .
ty curve as shown in Figure 2.9.
The possibilities of analysis are almost
Now a multiple simulation scenario is endless, once the simulation model has been
run to find the best combination of trucks and constructed. The modeller can, for example,
dozers. The assumption is that two bulldozers try different combinations of equipment, check
and 25 trucks are available. The simulation is what happens to the system if the dump loca-
performed and the results of production per tion is changed, estimate the time required to
hour versus number of trucks as well as the move a specific quantity of dirt, and so on.
cost/unit versus the number of trucks are given
in Figure 2.10. The combination yielding the 2.6.4 Simulation and Productivity
Simulation can be a very effective tool
Figure 2.9 Productivity curve for the simulated to plan for productivity. Moreover, simulation
process studies have been conducted to understand bet-
ter the effect of various factors on productivity.
8 Simulation can also be used to support claims
Productivity (trucks/hour) vs cycle number due to loss of productivity from bad weather,
6 unexpected delays, changed conditions,
changes in the contract, and other factors. Sim-
ilar studies can be conducted to analyze the ef-
fect of particular human factors on
The construction industry is far more
0 complex than the service and industrial sector.
11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91
Construction projects often take place in an
Cycle Number open environment that changes with every pro-
ject. Repetition is not obvious and the work-
force is diversified. Construction is a unique
industry and we should view it as such when
Figure 2.10 Summary of the simulation results we examine a technique used for managing it.
The methods described here have been
tried on numerous projects. Unfortunately, the
construction industry, which is traditionally
Unit cost vs number of trucks
2() 150 craft-oriented, has not taken the steps required
2 to use more advanced tools in its attempts to
~ improve productivity. Initiatives to use new
Cii 100 methods and techniques for measuring and im-
() proving productivity should be taken at the in-
50 dividual level.

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Number of trucks


20 Production vs number of trucks

~ 15
c.. 5

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Number of trucks

--------------------- ~ ----------------------
Additional Readings
Adrian, J. and L.T. Boyer. 1976. "Modeling
MeU10d- Productivity." ASCE J. Const. Div.
103 (3):154-168.
Halpin, D.W. 1977. "CYCLONE: Method for
Modeling of Job Site Processes." ASCE J.
Const. Div. 103 (3):489-499.
Halpin, D.W. and R.W. Woodhead. 1976. De-
sign of Construction and Process Operations.
New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Halpin, D.W. 1990. MicroCYCLONE User's
Manual. Division of Construction E ngineering
and Management, Purdue University, West
Lafayette, Indiana.
Halpin, D.W. and L.S. Riggs. 1992. Planning
anti Analysis of Construction Operations. New
York: John Wiley and Sons.
Pritsker, A. J 986. Introduction to Simulation
and SLAM II. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Tucker, R.L., D.F. Rogge, W.R. Hayes, and
F.P. Hendrickson. 1982. "Implementing Fore-
man Delay Surveys." ASCE J. Const: Div. 108

3 Hu111an Factors and
Productivity l111prove111ent
3.1 Introduction 3.2 Motivation
The motivation of workers can be en- When applying motivational theories
hanced through job enrichment (increasing the to everyday problems, three questions arise:
things that satisfy workers about a job) and by • What energizes human behaviour?
lessening the demotivators (the things that • What directs such behaviour?
workers dislike). Reducing demotivators only, • How is this behaviour sustained?
the predominant practice of North-American
The answers given by various social
management, is not enough; it should be sup-
scientists have been expressed in different
plemented with job enrichment.
words; nevertheless, they all seem to agree that
Workers are motivated by completing human beings are energized by their physiolog-
productive quality work, creating or building ical needs, and that their behaviour is directed
something, and social relations at work. Pro- by their expectations and sustained by obtain-
ductive work can be produced by good plan- ing just reward.
ning and communications. Satisfactory social 3.2.1 Motivation and the construc·
relations are simply working with other work- tion industry
ers who are friendly and respectful. Individuals
and organizations need goals to try to meet or The July 10, 1980 issue of The
exceed. Workers can often be motivated Listener, a magazine published by the British
through goal-setting. Goals must be clearly es- Broadcasting Corporation, contained an article
tablished to elicit maximum performance and describing the British experience in construct-
provide a feeling of maximum individual ing nuclear power plants. The following is an
achievement. Individuals need a system or excerpt from that article:
method by which to measure their achieve-
ments and compare their standings against a "In recent years, no big plant has been put up
given target. on time. No big plant now being built is on
schedule. The delay ranges from two to two
Construction work is varied, which and a half years for a chemical plant to four
can be satisfying. Workers are often motivated years for something as big as Grain (Nuclear
because they see the progress and results of Power Plant, Isle of Grain, G.B.). The rot is
their work. There are also many demotivators. not solely or even mainly due to strikes; it is
The most common include: the result of almost unbelievably low levels
• non-availability of the right material, tools, of productivity. Do you believe that a man
or equipment can spend eight hours on a site but do only
• poor relations between workers and man- 45 minutes' work in the whole day?
agement No? But he can, and this is how they do it.
• poorly organized projects In a standard eight-hour day, clocking on,
• breakdown in communication walking to and from the job, tea-breaks, bad
• lack of recognition of outstanding efforts weather, union business, leave less than four
• disrespectful treatment hours available for actual work. Inefficiency,
• unfair work assignments overmanning, and other bad habits will eat
• incomplete engineering/design work into another two or more hours, and you are
• lack of cooperation between different crafts left on a good British site with, at best, one
• poor supervision hour and 40 minutes of actual working-time.
• rework On a bad site, where ten-minute tea-breaks
• no participation in the decision-making have been known to stretch to an hour, the
process figure comes down to 40 minutes. Shop
• restrictive or burdensome procedures. stewards can tell tales of awkward jobs that
Worker satisfaction and motivation take hours to set up or high chimneys that
can be increased by removing or reducing these take half an hour to climb up and thus ex-
problems. Questionnaires of the type described plain away the little time a man spends with
in Chapter 2 and suggestion boxes can be use- tools actually in his hands. There is, how-
ful in bringing these problems to the surface. ever, only one such chimney at the Grain.

__________ .,
These are all actual, audited figures and they Planning
reflect deterioration; productivity at the Grain
is about 30 percent worse than it was at two Planning includes both overall job or-
earlier and comparable power stations ganization and work distribution at site level.
built...." Higher-level planning must provide for effi-
cient sequencing of the various phases, e.g.,
The technique used to measure 'pro- design must precede the preparation of con-
ductivity' at the Isle of Grain site was 'work struction drawings and on-site construction
sampling' (see Chapter 2). One measures should not start until adequate drawings are
through random observations the ratio of pro- available. Similarly, subsequent trades should
ductive time to total available time. For the not be called to the site until the preceding
purposes of such studies, productive time is de- trade has made enough progress to allow an un-
fined as the time spent on cutting material, interrupted work flow. Site management must
hoisting equipment, installing components, or ensure that required material is available in suf-
erecting formwork, in general, working with ficient quantity for continuous progress. Good
tools in hand. planning motivates workers because they can
build up and maintain momentum toward com-
To understand the influence of moti- pleting their assigned task without interruption.
vation one must analyze all factors that affect
efficiency. Labour efficiency is the rate at Good planning practices include proper
which workers do what they are required to do use of scheduling techniques, site-layout plan-
at a given time and place. To the extent that ning, procurement scheduling, work assignment
the terms 'labour efficiency' and 'labour pro- and organization, and proper approaches to eli-
ductivity' are used interchangeably, labour pro- sis management. Good planning also involves
ductivity in this context means the rate of feedback and control mechanisms. (For further
physical progress of a single task per p-h, information about these planning issues, con-
where the added value has resulted from the sult such project management textbooks as
input of human efforts only. In simplistic Ahuja, 1984; Halpin and Woodhead, 1976; and
terms, labour efficiency is governed by both Hendrickson and Au, 1989.)
workers' attitude toward their assigned task and Communication
their ability to perform it. Unfortunately, this
definition tends to put the entire responsibility To be able to contribute to the success
for efficiency, or the lack of it, onto the shoul- of a project, a worker must be told exactly what
ders of labour, which is obviously wrong, be- tasks are expected of him. Therefore clear ex-
cause management has as much, if not more, planations of tasks and expectations are required.
control over efficiency than labour has. Employees must also know where their instruc-
tions come from, i.e., there must be a visible
The factors that control labour effi- communication chain on the job. Instructions
ciency include extraneous constraints, such as from an unknown source will be disregarded.
governmental regulations, climatic conditions, Moreover, to be totally successful, the communi-
union rules, skill or inherent attitude of labour, cations should flow both ways. The 'bottoms-
and management practices. up' management system practised in Japan does
improve productivity. The system works be-
Motivation is divided into two compo- cause it nurtures the idea of communicating
nents, namely: ideas both upward and downward.
• Attitude possessed by the individual when
arriving at the site. This attitude may be Instructions and drawings are two
the result of the individual's social back- methods of communication. Each must be com-
ground, family relations, religion, or even plete and timely to allow good planning. Re-
political affiliation. cent developmemts in scheduling and control
• Motivation resulting from the various job- software allow stylizing reports for individuals.
related factors controlled by management. In other words, a foreman in charge of form-
work can get a report which only addresses ac-
3.2.2 Factors affecting motivation tivities of concern to his or her particular line of
work and responsibilities. Foremen can thus
Based on the experience gained from
focus on the required resources, and the start
work sampling studies, management practices
and progress of each activity for which they are
that affect motivation can be good planning, ef-
responsible. This can greatly enhance the in-
ficient communication, and a good work envi-
structions provided to personnel responsible on
ronment. Cleanliness, safety, adequate sanitary
site and enhance the communication process.
facilities, protection from inclement weather,
fair but firm discipline, and provisions to ap- Work environment
portion and distribute just rewards are the at-
Creating the proper climate for the
tributes of a good work environment.
motivation of construction workers depends to
a great extent on the attention given to the basic

personal comforts. This issue, when neglected • increase the accountability of individuals
by management, can be devastating to the atti- for their own work
tude of labour and becomes a demotivator. • give a person a complete natural unit of
Basic personal comforts on a construc- • grant additional authority to an employee
tion job represent the conveniences which a in his or her activity
human being has come to expect in today's en-
• make periodic reports directly available to
vironment. They should include drinking the worker
water, proper sanitary facilities, site access,
• introduce new and more difficult tasks
parking and protective gear. • assign individuals specific or specialized Discipline tasks, enabling them to become experts.
In addition to remaining alert for un- The principles can be applied at any
even application of the rules, a manager should level on a construction site.
be prepared to recognize and praise exemplary 3.2.4 Demotivators
performance. Failure by supervisors to enforce
discipline or take corrective action can demoti- Demotivators have only a negative ef-
vate the entire labour force. Favouritism must fect. Eliminating them does not result in en-
be avoided. hanced motivation. Rewards Overtime
Rewards can mean advancement in the Overtime generally means working in
chain of command, social recognition, or mon- excess of 40 hours a week. Most studies indi-
etary compensation. They may take the form cate that 40 hours a week is the optimum work
of a pat on the shoulder or the satisfaction of a period and that working more hours reduces the
job well done, depending on the circumstances rate of output. There are several reasons for
and the character of the individual. But in all this slowdown. Workers tend to pace them-
cases, the worker should be aware of both the selves by slowing down to accommodate the
reason and the nature of the reward. Moreover, longer day. The resulting productivity loss, ac-
the size of the reward should be commensurate cording to some sources, may exceed the time
with the reason for it. Unearned or unduly worked beyond the normal 40-hour week.
large rewards can have the opposite effect. Simply stated, after nine weeks of continuous
Finally, rewards alone, without the other moti- overtime, the output achieved in a 50-hour
vating factors being satisfied, are of little value week is less than that which could have been
on construction jobs. achieved in a 40-hour week. Table 3.1 illus-
n·ates the resulting loss in productivity with
3.2.3 Motivators
Frederick Herzberg, one of the best-
This table has been derived principally
known researchers of human behaviour, pro- from a Detroit-area study performed in 1964.
posed the following principles as the means of
It fits quite well with other studies by the Me-
enhancing motivation: chanical Contractor's Association, and the
• remove some controls while retaining ac- Electrical Contractor's Association, a Proctor
countability and Gamble evaluation and a major Engineer-
ing Procurement and Construction contractor's
Table 3.1 Loss of productivity with overtime estimating guide.
An alternative to overtime is altemate
Inefficiency Factor work hours. Here are some examples of alter-
Days/Week Daily Weekly 7 Days 14 Days 21 Days 28 Days nate work hours:
Hours Hours Four 10-hour days have lower daily start-
5 9 45 1.03 1.05 1.07 1.1 up costs, reduced equipment downtime,
levelled peak staffing demands, and de-
5 10 50 1.06 1.08 1.12 1.14
creased absenteeism.
5 11 55 1.1 1.14 1.16 1.2 If a project has been satisfactorily complet-
6 9 54 1.05 1.07 1.1 1.12 ed ahead of schedule, the construction
6 10 60 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.21 crew might receive some time off- with
pay - for their extra effort. Or if workers
6 12 72 1.13 1.2 1.26 1.32 satisfactorily complete their assigned
7 8 56 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 amount of work, commensurate with an 8-
7 9 63 1.12 1.19 1.24 1.31 hour workday, they can go home, yet still
7 10 70 1.15 1.23 1.3 1.38
receive a full day's pay.
7 12 84 1.21 1.32 1.42 1.53 With rolling fours, workers work 10-
hour shifts: on 4 days, off 4 days. This type of

----------------------- ~
work week reduces on-site population, decreases tivities is not coordinated. As a result, newly
overall time for completion, reduces equipment completed work often has to be tom out. Such
demands, and avoids fatigue by cycling different congestion can also give rise to unsafe practices
groups of employees every 4 days. and conditions and leads to lost productivity in
all trades involved. Overstaffing
Overstaffing occurs when more work- Crowding
ers are assigned to a task than are required to Crowding can be considered in a man-
work productively. Overstaffing may take the ner similar to the scheduled acceleration of tasks
form of increased crew size (for a given opera- because the contractor attempts to complete
tion) or the deployment of multiple crews; in more work activities in the same period of time
either case, a loss of productivity will occur. or a designated amount of work in a shorter peri-
Figure 3.1 shows the effect of increasing crew od of time. More workers are placed in a given
size over the number required to perform a task space than can function effectively.
within the allocated time.
Figure 3.2 illustrates the upper limit of
the loss in efficiency with the percentage of
Figure 3.1. Effect of crew overloading (overstaffing} crowding. The meaning of crowding is subject
to a wide interpretation. Crowding occurs when
(Optimum) 1 00
the work space per worker is reduced below a
minimum required to work effectively. For ex-
90 ample, if 18 workers are in an area that can only
accommodate 15, the overcrowding is 3115 =
20%. According to Figure 3.2, 20% overcrowd-
ing results in an 8% efficiency loss, which is
equivalent to an 8% increase in the normal dura-
tion of all activities being performed in the work
60 area during the period of overcrowding.
(Figures 3.1 and 3.2 are meant to serve
20 40 60 80 100 only as a general guide; no precise information
should be derived from them.)
%Crew size increase (above optimum) Multiple shifts

Introducing multiple shifts is another

Adapted from: U.S. Optimum crew size for an activity rep-
Department of the Army less distractive way of adding more workers to
resents a balance between an acceptable rate of
Office of the Chief of En- the workforce. Double- or even triple- shifting
progress and the highest possible level of pro-
gineers. 1979. Modifica- can be a reasonably economical method of ac-
tion Impact Evaluation ductivity. Experience shows that on a greatly
complishing more work within the same period
Guide. Washington, D.C. overstaffed project, the rate of progress may, at
of time, but depending on the type of work, it
20314, p. 4-14. times, be improved by reducing the number of
can also give rise to a chaotic situation. Trades
workers or equipment on the site. Overstaffing
requiring fine motor skills are ill-suited for dou-
dilutes supervision, slows down material deliv-
ble-shifting; where activities require high preci-
ery because of competing demands and, in gen-
sion, overall output may be even lower with a
eral, affects the morale of the workers.
double shift than it would have been with a sin-
The optimum crew size is the mini- gle. Gross motor skill trades, on the other hand,
mum number of workers required to economi- and equipment operation, such as bulk excava-
cally complete a task within the scheduled time tion or building an earth-fill dam, can be double-
frame. As the number of workers is increased shifted very effectively.
or decreased from optimal level, productivity
A second shift, one that starts after the
will vary proportionally.
regular shift (i.e., after 5:00p.m.) is less produc- Stacking of trades tive than the regular shift. People who work
shifts face many problems that other workers do
Stacking of trades (creating conges- not. These problems come from changing eating,
tion) is a problem that develops when different sleeping, and working patterns.
trades, which should be working sequentially,
are obliged to work simultaneously in a limited When shift cycles are changed, the first
work space. When this occurs, the work area several days are periods of change and employ-
becomes smaller (or at least, appears so) be- ees will be less alert, less accurate, and less safe.
cause all trades are trying to bring in the mater- Sometimes shift rotation is invoked as a means
ial required for their work. Each trade tries to to be fair to all workers, but it is actually unfair.
complete its work but the sequence of their ac- It takes almost a month for the human body to

1. inadequate tools and equipment
Figure 3.2 Effect of congestion of trades (crowding)
2. excessive owner surveys of on-site work
3. poor planning

16 4. poor overall management
:; c
0 -~
.0 () 12 5. mediocre supervision
(1j · -
c Q)
Q) · -
6. overtime available on another job site
D... rn
7. unsatisfactory relationship with boss.
.Q 4
Many of the reasons for absenteeeism
and turnover can be affected by management.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 By simply being aware of their major causes,
supervisors may be able to make improvements
on their sites.

Adapted from: U.S. Absenteeism and turnover have the

Department of the Army following negative effects on productivity:
adjust to a different schedule. Moving workers
Office of the Chief of En- • Crew members waste time waiting for re-
gineers. 1979. Modifica- back and forth from shift to shift does not let
tion Impact Evaluation them adjust to a schedule and consequently
• Time is spent transporting replacements to
Guide. Washington, D.C. they will not perform at their best.
20314, p. 4-14. and from other work locations. Stop-and-go operation • Supervisors lose time in reassigning work
activities and in locating replacements.
Stop-and-go operation occurs when an
essential component of an activity is not avail- Other losses are incurred from not
able when it is required. The component might having the workers available, administrative
be a drawing, a decision about a contemplated costs (payroll, personnel, etc.) for terminating
change, the acceptability of workmanship, pre- and hiring people and the disruption to fellow
purchased material, or equipment. The activity workers.
is halted temporarily and the crew moved else-
On average, it is estimated that 24 p-
where to a new task. Breaking the rhythm, tak-
hs of paid time are wasted for each resignation.
ing time to make a decision on the next step
(usually referred to as reaction time), packing 3.3 Human Factors Related
up tools, moving to the next activity, unpack-
ing, orientation, and obtaining the required sup- to Productivity
plies, are all non-productive activities. Human factors related to productivity
Additional labour input is required without a fall into two groups:
corresponding increase in output, resulting in a • Individual factors, such as personal attrib-
net loss of productivity. At times, losses can be utes, physical limitations, the learning
in the order of 30 to 40%. curve, teamwork and motivation;
3.2.5 Absenteeism and turnover • The worker's environment, such as cli-
mate, work space, and noise.
The major reasons for absenteeism,
listed here in order of importance in the con- Since construction work is labour-in-
struction industry, are: tensive, site workers clearly play a major role
in the construction process. Although human
1. personal or family illnesses factors are often not given much consideration,
they strongly influence job site productivity
2. poor overall management
and are key to the success of any project.
3. poor supervision
3.3.1 The individual as a factor
4. excessive travel distance to the job site affecting productivity
5. excessive rework Persons with an optimistic and posi-
6. unsafe working conditions. tive attitude are likely to have more initiative
and think of imaginative solutions to various
The major reasons for turnover in the problems. A caring, considerate, and friendly
construction industry, also listed in order of im- person with a sense of humour can help in-
portance, are: crease productivity. Humour in the workplace
puts people in good spirits, relieves stress, and
develops teamwork.

A safe and healthy person is more pro- continue working for long periods of time.
ductive. Respect for safety and safe practices However, if the work requires more than 17 kJ
must be encouraged, not only for the well- (4 kcal.) of energy per minute, the reservoir
being of the workers, but to minimize 'down- will drain and when it empties, they require rest
time' on a project. to refill it with energy.
A creatively thinking person can con- "For an average construction task requiring
tribute to increased productivity. Often it is the 6 kilocalories [25 kJ] per minute including
workers who come up with the best solution to a basic metabolism, work at this pace could
problem. Workers who demonstrate leadership continue for no longer than 25 minutes be-
skills should be encouraged to develop their po- fore the worker becomes exhausted. An av-
tential because construction crews need good erage male, sawing and hammering with an
leaders to be successful and productive. Leader- energy demand of 8.1 kilocalories [34 kJ]
ship skills include such characteristics as hon- per minute, must rest after about 8 minutes."
esty, responsibility, good judgment, co-operation, (Ogelsby et al., 1989)
being organized, and being a good listener.
To avoid short-term fatigue, tasks
Finally, experience plays an important should be designed to avoid activities such as
role in the productivity of a worker. holding heavy loads or pushing hard against
non-moving objects. Use tables, supports,
3.3.2 Physical limitations props, jigs, fixtures and tools or other devices
Humans are somewhat like machines as a substitute for muscular effort.
in the sense that they require fuel to operate and The right amount and type of tools can increase
produce energy (the capacity to do work), and productivity. Cutting and welding torches and
they become exhausted if they are not looked welding-rod holders should be positioned to re-
after properly. Many construction tasks are duce effort and make work more visible.
physically demanding. Sanders, grinders, drills, hacksaws and similar
The type of work that persons are per- tools should have good weight balance and
forming will dictate how frequently they need handgrips. Wheelbarrows and buggies should
to rest and regain energy to continue working. be designed so weights are balanced, thus re-
Figure 3.3 illustrates this with a water reservoir quiring little lifting. Pneumatic tires increase
analogy. An average young male adult can de- ease in pushing and guiding.
velop approximately 21 kJ (5 kcal.) of energy If a worker has to put himself in an
per minute, of which approximately 4.18 kJ (1 awkward position to perform a particular task,
kcal.) per minute is needed to sustain life and it can lead to discomfort and even injury. Per-
the rest is available for expenditure in the form sons working in an uncomfortable position are
of work. If workers perform light work, then more likely to take breaks and work less pro-
the energy reservoir remains full and they can ductively. Working overhead tires the arms
and can put the back in odd positions. Constant
bending also puts unnecessary strain on the
Figure 3.3 Water-tank analogy of the human body's back. Back injuries are very common in the
energy storage-replenishment capacity (Ogelsby et construction industry and these could be avoid-
al., 1989} ed if more work were done at waist-height.
Male 25 years old,
good physical condition 3.3.3 The learning curve
Max. input
21 kJ/min
The first time any person performs a
certain task, they will work slowly because
they are learning how to do it. With additional
repetitions, the time needed to perform the
same or similar tasks will decrease. It is there-
10.5 kJ
fore desirable, where possible, to have the same
person perform a task several times rather than
making personnel changes along the way.
After a considerable number of repetitions, the
learning curve approaches a plateau that re-
Light to medium work Basal metabolism flects the minimum time required to perform a
< 17 kJ/min (life sustaining) task (Figure 3.4).
4.18 kJ/min
Heavy work> 17 kJ/min This principle applies to highly repeti-
Reservoir draws down tive manual operations. If delays occur be-
tween repetitions, the 'unlearning curve' effect
Recovery rate= 21 kJ/min minus 6.3 kJ/min for rest equals 14.6 kJ/min
can be noted as the worker gets out of practice
and can no longer perform the task as well. It

Figure 3.4 The learning curve
------------ People enjoy not only the challenge of meeting
and exceeding production targets but also con-
100 ~.,r--,--~--~---.--,---,---~--~-,
tributing to solutions to problems. Mild com-
petition in production objectives is also healthy
and useful, i.e., productivity competitions be-
90 tween crews or between shifts. Supervisors can
achieve higher levels of productivity by appeal-
80 ing to a worker's pride, competence, sense of
duty, and team play.
70 3.3.5 Environmental factors
"Other things being equal, human be-
60 ings perform relatively continuous physical or
mental work most effectively when the temper-
50 L---~--~--~--~~~~~~--~--~--~
ature falls between 10 and 21 ' Cat a relative hu-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 midity (R.H.) of 30 to 80%, under dry
conditions, with the atmosphere clear of dust
Cumulative Units and other atmospheric pollutants, and without
excessive noise. Departures from these condi-
tions have adverse effects on productivity, com-
takes time for the worker to re-learn how to do fort, safety and health" (Ogelsby et al., 1989).
the task. The same effect will be noted after
personnel changes are made as the new workers Weather conditions
must learn what to do. The unlearning curve is
Workers must slowly become accli-
illustrated in Figure 3.5.
matized to working in hot weather. Heat stress
3.3.4 Crews and teamwork occurs at temperatures above 49·c (120.F) at
an R.H. of 10% and 31 ·c (88 ' F) at an R.H. of
Construction usually requires that a 100%. Above these temperatures, heat injuries
group of diverse workers act as a team with can occur, which include sunburn, heat cramps,
specific objectives. Teamwork can be main- heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. These illness-
es can be prevented by using acclimatization,
Figure 3.5 'Unlearning' curve adequate rest periods, proper clothing, and ade-
quate water and salt intake.
Similarly, the ill effects of cold weath-
er can be warded off by wearing proper clothing
90 and having temporary shelters near the work
area; heaters may be installed as long as they
are well ventilated. The optimal temperature
appears to be S"C. At this temperature the pro-
ductivity of indoor work is not greatly affected.
Table 3.2 shows the reduction of work
efficiency in cold weather. It is assumed that
60 Interruption efficiency is 100% at 21 ·c (70.F).

50 L-~--~------~--~--~--._--~--~~
0 2 4 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Table 3.2 Reduction in work effi·
ciency in cold weather
Cumulative Units
Loss In Efficiency(%)
tained or improved by good, open, two-way Temp. ·c Gross Fine
communication. In that vein, workers should Skills Skills
be asked for suggestions and solutions. Not 4 0 15
only does this make workers feel that their -2 0 20
opinions are valued and important, but it usual-
ly results in a solution to the problem. -7 0 35
-13 5 50
This idea was developed in Japan
through the use of quality circles. Groups of -18 10 60
workers would meet and develop solutions to -23 20 80
problems in their work, which would then be -28 25 90-95+ {probably
presented for management action. Supervisors can't work)
and managers should aim to produce a produc- -34 35
tive environment and set goals for the team.

- - - - - - - - - - --
the ill effects of the environment on the work-
Table 3.3 Relationship of temperature and humidity ers' productivity are minimized.
to productivity
3.4 Job Site Planning
R.H. Temperature ('C)
-23 -18 -12 -7 -1 4 10 16 21 27 32 38 43 Planning a site for the most efficient
90 56 71 82 89 93 96 98 98 96 93 84 57 0 use of all construction facilities leads to im-
proved productivity for everyone. The degree
80 57 73 84 91 95 98 100 100 98 95 87 68 15 of planning will depend on the complexity and
70 59 75 86 93 97 99 100 100 99 97 90 76 50 size of the job. A good job site plan, the result
60 60 76 87 94 98 100 100 100 100 98 93 80 57 of good job site planning, is of utmost impor-
tance to ensuring a productive workplace, re-
50 61 77 88 94 98 100 100 100 100 99 94 82 60
gardless of project size.
40 62 78 88 94 98 100 100 100 100 99 94 84 63
30 62 78 88 94 98 100 100 100 100 99 93 83 62 3.4.1 Job site planning considera·
20 62 78 88 94 98 100 100 100 100 99 93 82 61
The preparation of one or more draw-
ings with accompanying text should form the
Table 3.3 shows the combined effect basis of the job site plan. A documented plan is
of temperature and relative humidity on pro- equivalent to building the project on paper,
ductivity. This table, developed by the Nation- where mistakes can easily be corrected and al-
al Electrical Contractors' Association, can be ternatives can be tested at little cost.
used to predict the effects of weather on pro-
ductivity for most construction tasks. This in- Many government agencies, utilities,
formation can be useful when planning and and traffic planners require the information in-
estimating work and preparing construction dicated on a site plan before issuing various
claims. construction-related permits. Timely receipt of
these permits is required in order to avoid de- Noise lays. Completion of the plan with subsequent
revisions will require input from the entire pro-
Noise can interfere with work. It may ject team.
create a safety hazard by not letting workers
hear warnings or instructions. Noise may not In conjunction with the key trades, a
affect the amount of work accomplished, but it plan for excavation, shoring, and de-watering
will affect the quality, especially if concentra- should be developed. In the development of
tion is required. Moderate, steady background this plan, all previously established information
noise, such as music, may actually increase per- from the preliminary site plan, with particular
formance. It covers up random, disruptive consideration to adjacent property encroach-
sounds and sets a pace to work by. Studies ments and living restrictions, is used.
suggest that 90 decibels is the noise level at
which possible hearing damage and decreased Considerable lead time is required to
work performance result. address environmental concerns properly. A
plan has to be established at the project plan-
Effects of noise can be mitigated by ning stage for the removal of contaminated ma-
reducing the noise at the source, separating terials and other substances, if such work has
noise sources from the workers, or having been identified.
workers wear ear-plugs or other protective
gear. Temporary access points for initial
and final excavation ramps should be estab-
3.3.6 Workspace lished to minimize interference with temporary
construction services and be coordinated with
The workspace should be set up so the actual succeeding construction program,
that it provides workers with a safe, healthy, permanent hoarding entrances, and traffic flow
and comfortable environment. It should be or- requirements.
ganized in an efficient and appropriate manner
for the nature of the work being done. 3.4.2 Temporary electrical service
Spending the time to keep the site The power requirements and the avail-
clean is worth the effort, because it helps keep ability of power on a project should be re-
the project organized. Workers who feel that viewed as soon as possible to avoid
the worksite is safe will be more productive. unnecessary delays once the project has started.
The workspace should also be well lit Furthermore, to avoid delays on the
and well ventilated, and comfortable, so that project associated with inadequate electrical

distribution, this activity must be planned in de-
sanitary facilities should be placed in reason-
tail by individuals knowledgeable in the field. able locations to ensure that the workers do not
Too often trades are faced with electrical distri- spend unnecessary unproductive time travelling
bution systems that are inadequately sized, to and from their work station.
lacking in sufficient outlets, or unsafe to use.
The inability to operate electrical tools and 3.5 Safety Issues
equipment effectively will result in an obvious
Everyone, from owners to workers,
loss in productivity. Associated with this prob-
benefits from a safe construction environment.
lem is that of an improper temporary lighting
In the context of macro-productivity, a safe site
system which can produce safety concerns, an
is a productive site. The Business Roundtable
unproductive work environment and potential
Study, "Improving Construction Safety Perfor-
labour disruptions.
mance," concluded that accidents cost $8.9 bil-
3.4.3 Temporary heating and lion (U.S.) or 6.5% of the $137 billion spent on
hoarding industrial, commercial, and utility construction
in the United States in 1979. This 6.5% figure
The type of hoarding, the amount of is probably low. If the same percentage is ap-
heat required and the time for which it has to be plied to all types of construction in Canada,
applied, depend upon the work occurring at the then the cost of accidents today may be conser-
particular area or stage of the project during the vatively estimated at over $5 billion.
winter months. There are entirely different re-
quirements for rough carpentry than for taping The apparent high cost of accidents in
or painting. All of these considerations have to construction easily justifies expenditures on
be taken into account when establishing the construction safety. While owners, construc-
heating system. tion managers, and contractors have long rec-
ognized a moral obligation to provide a safe
As with the temporary electrical ser- work environment, the economic reasons may
vice, the gas utility companies require suffi- not have appeared so compelling.
cient lead time in which to provide temporary
services. 3.5.1 Economic impact of acci·
An undersized heating system, a sys-
tem that does not protect the entire work area, Three basic cost categories are directly
or an inadequate hoarding system will ultimate- related to accidents. These costs include com-
ly produce downtime on a project. Choose pensation for injured workers, liability claims,
high-capacity heaters with ducted fresh-air sup- and property losses.
ply, where possible, to provide cleaner, dryer
Direct compensation costs for injured
heat, and better fuel efficiency.
workers are largely made up of the cost of com-
3.4.4 Miscellaneous systems pulsory injured workers' compensation insur-
ance. In Ontario, for example, a contractor
Job site efficiency can usually be im- involved in steel erection was required to pay
proved by using: $25.67 for every $100 of wages paid to an iron-
• communications systems as part of a prop- worker in 1988. Such compulsory insurance
erly organized project payments are based upon the loss or claim his-
• a central compressed-air system accessible tory of the particular class of construction
by all trades workers. The median worker's compensation
• a water distribution system costs were found to be approximately 1.9% of
• a refuse removal system. the total project costs; these costs vary from 1%
to 4% of the total project costs.
The cost of supplying these systems is
minimal compared to the time lost by not hav- While the cost of property loss may be
ing them. quite small compared to workers' compensa-
tion costs, the resulting indirect losses due to
3.4.6 Offices, lunchrooms, and damaged property may be substantial when ex-
sanitary facilities pressed in terms of a ratio of direct costs. In
The location of owner, consultant, one study (The Business Roundtable 1982), the
general contractor, and sub-trade offices should ratio of indirect to direct costs was found to be
be as close to the site as possible and close to approximately 5: I for various cost categories.
each other. Each site has its own characteris- 3.5.2 Safety and productivity
tics and requirements for office locations. Sim-
ilarly, the job site plan should carefully Most construction accidents occur
consider the location of the on-site workers' during non-productive periods. Sloppy job
storage and lunch facilities, keeping in mind sites reduce productivity and increase the
local union requirements, if applicable. Good chances for accidents to occur. Management

should play an active role in ensuring safety. of the project. Certainly the effects of weather,
Craftsmen are more productive when they safety, and site congestion must be accounted
know that management is genuinely concerned for during estimating. This chapter has provid-
about their well-being. ed an overview of these human resource issues
and their relation to productivity.
Workers who are more likely to have
an accident are those with a bad attitude, those Additional Readings
who are frequently absent- especially on Mon-
days and Fridays (Hinze 1981)- and those who Ahuja, H. A. 1984. Project Management Tech-
have a history of accidents. Pre-employment niques in Planning and Controlling Construc-
screening keeps workers with poor records or tion Projects. New York: John Wiley and
high accident potential off the job or at least out Sons.
of hazardous situations. Orientation, which in-
cludes training, and attention to new workers, is Carlson, J. G. 1961. "How Management Can
especially important. Twenty-four percent of Use the Improvement Phenomenon." Calffor-
all accidents happen to workers in the first nia Management Review 3 (2):83-94.
month of work and 46% occur in the first six Gates, M. and A. Scarpa. 1972. "Learning and
months. Experience Curves." ASCE J. Canst. Div. 98
All workers new to the crew should be (C02):79-101.
assessed by asking about their previous work Gates, M. and A. Scarpa. 1987. "Optimum
experience, and closely supervised. If new Number of Crews." ASCE J. Canst. Div. 104
workers are to work as part of a group, the su- (C02): 123-132.
pervisor must ensure that they are accepted by
the group. Those who are to work alone, Halpin, D.W. and R.W. Woodhead. 1976. De-
should be put to work only after their skills sign of Construction and Process Operations.
have been fully tested and the supervisor has New York: John Wiley and Sons.
made sure that all procedures are understood.
Hendrickson, C. and T. Au. 1989. Project
Instruction and toolbox meetings Management for Construction, Englewood
should be relevant to ongoing work. Assign- Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
ments and their safety implications should be
discussed and meetings held when safety re- Hinze, J. 1981. "Biorhythm Cycles and Injury
quirements change. These occasions can be Occurrences." ASCE J. Canst. Div.
used to stress safety and that unsafe work prac- 107(1):p.21.
tices will not be tolerated.
Oglesby C.H., H.W. Parker, and G.A. Rowel.
Pressuring the crew or individuals if 1989. Productivity Improvement in Construc-
there is a productivity problem may cause tion. New York: McGraw Hill.
workers to work more quickly and less safely.
The Business Roundtable. 1982. Report A-3.
Instead, productivity problems and solutions
The Business Roundtable, 200 Park Ave., New
should be discussed. Safety is good business: it
York, N.Y.
affects worker morale and attitude, and has an
economic impact on the project. Thomas, R., C. Mathews, and J. Ward. 1986.
"Learning Curve Models of Construction." J.
The human resource is extremely im-
Canst. Eng. and Management 112 (2):245-257.
portant in construction, more so than in any
other industry. This is simply because con- Touran, A., A. Burkhart, and Z. Qabbani. 1988.
struction projects are unique and complex. "Learning Curve Application in Formwork
These characteristics inhibit full automation Construction." In Proc. of 24th ASCE Annual
compared to other industries. The individual Conference, 20-24. San Luis, California.
skill of each craftsman, the abilities to commu-
nicate, make decisions, work with others, and United Nations Economic Commission for Eu-
share information, makes this resource unique rope. 1965. Effect of Repetition on Building
and irreplaceable in the foreseeable future. To Operations and Processes On Site.
get the most out of this resource, the manager ST/ECE/HOU/14.
has to realize what motivates the worker, what
demotivates, what the physical limitations are,
and what factors inhibit performance.

The understanding of these issues is

important not only during the progress of con-
struction. At the bidding or planning stage, the
estimator often has to make personal judgments
about productivity under anticipated conditions

- - - - - - - - - - .a

4 Measuring Productivity
from the Cost-Reporting
4.1 Introduction Productivity and productivity factors
can be reviewed at any level required. Com-
On any project there are numerous ac- puterization can produce overwhelming
tivities that could be tracked. The most signifi- amounts of data, much of it superfluous. The
cant are usually those of greatest scheduled more data processed by a system, the costlier
duration. In selecting the detail and extent of the process. A costing system can produce pro-
control of activities, the method should be kept ductivity data for a small additional cost. It is
simple and only the degree of control needed these productivity data that are necessary to
should be exercised. Therefore activities where gauge performance on the project.
the maximum concentration of hours occurs
should be the focus. 4.2 Data Collection and
Figure 4.1 Time card This section provides a simplified de-
TIME SHEET scription of the origin, collection and process-
ing of individual pieces of data for measuring
Employee Name: - -- - -- Job No· productivity and work progress. Only the gen-
Employee No: Pay Period No: _ _ __
Pay Period Date: - - - - eral aspects of cost reporting are discussed.
Date Reg O.T. T.T. Date Reg O.T. T. T
More detailed discussion can be found in nu-
w merous books (for example, Halpin, 1985;
T Adrian, 1979).
Data in construction projects are col-
lected on various forms and for different pur-
poses. Data collected for the financial control
system are organized primarily as required for
tax and other legal purposes. These data are not
Total Total
sufficient to control the cost of a project; addi-
Certified Correct
Supervisor: _ _ _ _ __ _ tional information must be collected. To illus-
Employee: - - - - - -
Remarks: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - trate: a financial system keeps track of the
payroll of all workers on a project, but it does
not necessarily account for the hours of labour
spent on a particular work package. (A work
package is a group of related tasks.) For cost
Figure 4.2 Sample daily work report
control and productivity calculations, the per-
Daily Work Report son-hours spent on the activity must be collect-
ed. Accordingly, a company normally
Project: Prepared by: maintains a dual-purpose system. For financial
Date: Comments: purposes, data are gathered at an aggregated
Temperature: level; for cost control and productivity measure-
ment, data are tracked at a more detailed level.
Weather conditions:
Work Description Labour Supervision Craft-1 Craft-2 Craft-3 Total Data useful for cost control and pro-
pkge. (h) (h) (h) (h) (h) (h) ductivity measurement on a construction pro-
code ject are gathered in three categories: labour,
2-20 Concrete 64 8 - - - 72 material, and equipment. Variations in these
formwork categories are tailored to suit the requirements
of each company.
The data-collection process is initiated
at the construction site by collecting the labour,
equipment and material information from time
cards (Figure 4.1), daily reports (Figure 4.2),
and material-issue tickets. To make use of this

Figure 4.3 Information flow summary on a typical Figure 4.5 Weekly material report
reporting system
Weekly Material Report
Cost Control System Setup Supplier P.O.# Description Terms Cost Code Amount
Big 2104 Forms Net 10 301 $4,002
Ready 2361 Concrete Net 10 305 $6,700
Mix Co.

3. Job Cost Ledger (301)

4. Job Cost Ledger (306)
Concrete Placement
Figure 4.6 Weekly equipment time

Equip, Dally Cost

• Rate Code
Hours Amount

information it must be further refined and con-
Coil Description Equipment Hours Rate Total
solidated. The data are normally organized in Code
what is referred to as a cost-reporting and con- 234 Excav at
Sile B
12T. Truck 30 60 1800

trol system, either computerized or manual. A

simplified cost-reporting system is illustrated
_ in the flow chart displayed in Figure 4.3.
The most basic information in this The data from the first source flows into
system is obtained from three sources: the weekly labour, equipment, and material re-
o labour time cards, daily reports and pay- ports (Figures 4.4 through 4.6). The weekly re-
roll records ports summarize all information by work
o weekly field quantity reports package (with unique cost codes). The informa-
o the original estimate (budget). tion collected represents the labour hours spent,
rates, and total labour cost on each work pack-
The accuracy of the entire system de-
Figure 4.4 Weekly labour report
pends on the correct application of the hours
0~~ Labour Time Card worked to their respective work packages, iden-
Cos I Tolal
Aale Code Hours
Amaunl tified with cost codes. The weekly labour,
= =
c::> c;::>
equipment, and material time sheets are subse-
quently used to compile a weekly distribution
report for labour, equipment, and material, as
Cost Regular Overtime Regular Overtime
illustrated in Figure 4.3. The weekly distribu-
Code Hours Hours Rate Rate tion report summarizes, for every work pack-
® ® 14 21 490 age, the labour expenditure for the given week
342 4\ 14 21 84
and the quantities placed in that time. The
' quantities are obtained from the field quantity
: \ report shown in Figure 4.7.

Total hours spent on package 301 is

30 person-hours lor this period
This is translerred to job cost ledger lo
measure productivity on this package.

__________ .,
The weekly labour distribution report
Figure 4. 7 Weekly field quantity shown in Figure 4.8 becomes the basis for fur-
report ther data reductions, as illustrated by the infor-
mation flow shown in Figure 4.3.
Weekly Field Quantity Report
Work Completed This Week: The weekly distribution reports on
labour, equipment, and material are used to
Cost Description Unit Total Total
Code Completed to
compile two additional reports, namely the job
This Period Date cost ledgers and the job cost journal. The job
cost ledger is prepared for every work package.
302 Concrete Placed C.M. The job cost ledger (Figure 4.9) summarizes all
304 C.M. expenditures on the given task including
labour, equipment, material, and subcontracts.
The ledger also shows the total expenditure on
the task to date, the estimated quantity of work,
estimated total cost, total person-hours spent to
date, and the productivity achieved on this task.

Figure 4.8 Weekly labour distribution report For each cost ledger, productivity
rates in cost/unit and person-hours/unit can be
WEEKLY LABOUR DISTRIBUTION REPORT calculated. The entries in the job cost ledger
From show an example of the task of concrete plac-
From Weekly ing. The total cost to date (sum of Col. 6) is
Weekly Labour Quantities
Estimates $26 510. The quantity excavated to date from
! the field quantity report is 1000 cubic metres
/ (C.M.). The weekly labour report shows that
Cost Labour Cost \ Quantities Estimated Cost the total number of p-hs spent on the task to
Description \
Code • Week Cumulative , Week Cumulative Per L!nit Total date is 102. The productivity is estimated as
302 Concrete Fmwk 1240 5020
·. 400 1200 $2.5 $7500 $26 510/1000 C.M. or $2.65/C.M. and 102 per-
son-hours/1000 C.M. (or 0.10 p-h/C.M.). The
1- original estimate shows that the unit cost on
2 :;:;
this work package is $2.45/C.M. and the p-h

~) budgeted per unit is 0.15 person-hour/C.M. A
comparison of actual versus estimated reveals
Total/Expenditure: This period ; $6200 V negative cost and positive person-hour vari-
To date ; $15400 ances. The cause of the variances could be the
hourly labour cost and better unit production
rates or other factors, such as better than antici-
pated equipment.
The job cost ledgers are summarized
Figure 4.9 Job cost ledger into one document as the cost ledger summary
(Figure 4.10). This document provides an ef-
fective means of viewing the status of the pro-
Cost Center Name: Concrete Placing Code 301 ject by displaying a summary of each task.
Source Description Labour Material Equipment Subcontracts Other Total
The job cost journal (Figure 4.11) is a
LD-12 Labour Distribution 341 341 weekly itemization of all expenditures. It
Report #12
shows total costs for material, labour, equip-
C-123 ACE Hardware 73 73
ment, etc., for the entire project. Another use
LD-1 237 237
y;yz Excv. Inc 1800 1800 of this document is to double-check the work
578 73 1800 2451 done to date. (The totals on the job cost journal
578 73 1800 2451 and the job ledger summary should match.)
578 73 1800 2451
200 200 Productivity, as defined earlier, is
200 200 input/output, i.e., person-hours used to install
an amount of mate1ial. This is shown at the
bottom of the job cost ledger (Figure 4.9).
- - -- -- - - ~ The final pieces of the job costing sys-
Estimated Quantity; _ _
Tomls From Woefdv L.obour flcpOij
tem, as illustrated in Figure 4.3, are a labour
Productivity: • Person-Hours ---- - fOI ""'"""'Ill& 102 P·ll cost performance report and a project monthly
Ouanuty - -- - -- - - - - from Reid Quantity Reports progress report. The labour performance report
...- 0. t P·HIC.M1
,--- - For our IWimPle:. 1000 C M

Total Cost$ --- _..~._ - - ---- --- -- - ----·---- - --- - -

'' (Figure 4.12) draws information from the esti-
mate and the weekly distribution report for
= Quantity - - -- - !
= $2.65/C M labour, reduces it, and presents it by task. For

tions for this period and the accumulated costs
Figure 4.10 Cost ledger summary to date. The total columns present the forecast
and the estimated total costs for each. In the far
right-hand column, the 'percent complete'
Cost Description Quantity Labour Material Subcontracts Other Total based on quantity installed and cost incurred is
shown. This is a complete summary of the sta-
302 tus of the project labour cost as of the reporting
304 [ Summary of each cost account from the Job Cost Ledgers
I period. This information enables management
to ascertain the status of each package and how
well the whole project is progressing. Achieved
productivity in cost/unit for all work packages
are displayed next to the estimated cost/unit
( Totals should agree with Job Cost Journal rates. The manager is then able to view all
tasks, compare their status to the original esti-
I I mates, and take corrective action where needed.
The final report is the project monthly
report, which is mainly compiled from the job
Figure 4.11 Job cost journal cost ledgers and the original estimates. The in-
formation for this report is shown in Figure 4.13.
The illustration contains five sets of information:
# Cost Period Description Labour Material Subcontract Other Total • actual quantities, costs and unit costs
• quantities and costs required to complete
1 Wk1 Payroll 3004 3004 the package
2 Wk 1 Payroll taxes 290 290 • a forecast of the total cost
3 Wk1 P.O.# _ _ 5000 300 5300 • the estimated quantities, unit costs, and
Freight _ _ total costs
4 • variance from estimate, as well as an idea
of performance.
[ From Labour Distribution Report J
This final monthly report, derived
[ From Weekly Material Report ] from the cost-reporting system, summarizes
construction progress and the productivity for
Total Total Total Total
Labour Material Subcontract Others Total the month.
4.3 Tracking Person-hours
instead of Costs in the
Cost-reporting System
Figure 4.12 Labour performance report
The basis of cost control is the dollar
spent on a given task. Productivity is also mea-
Estimated sured as cost/unit. Although the measure of
CosI Quantities Cost Per Unit Variance Total Cost
Description l--.----.-+---.--r--l--- -.-- -l---.,...--1---%-co_m-rple_le-l
Per. Cum. Est. Per. Cum Est. Period Cum, Forecast Est Quantity Cost
person-hours/unit is possible for each package,
302 Concrete 300 600 3300 0.2 0.25 0.3
it is not the basis of the system. It can instead
30 ~0 825 990 18.2 15.2
~• ~' track p-h expenditure, rather than dollar values,

in the control system. Both techniques have

merit. Advanced computer tools provide sys-
tems that can easily report both. Three mea-
sures of output - estimated 'percent complete,'
physical measurement, and earned value - can
: be derived from a person-hour-based system.

(0,2 · 0.3) X 300 4.3.1 Estimated 'percent complete'

= 30
The estimated 'percent complete' is
simple and a relatively inexpensive measure
each task, the quantities installed during the re- used to calculate the quantity completed. The
porting period (one week in this case), the cu- calculation is:
mulative installed to date for the package, and Estimated Quantity Completed =Total
the original estimated quantity are presented. Quantity x Estimated Percent Complete
Under the heading, cost ($) per unit, the unit This measure has two disadvantages:
costs for the period, cumulative unit costs to • Estimated 'percent complete' is subjective
date, and the unit costs in the bid estimate are (someone's guess).
shown. The variance columns indicate positive • This method is not sensitive to changes in
(underrun) and negative (overrun) cost devia- scope of work.

Figure 4. f 3 Monthly cost summary
Actuals To Complete Forecast Cost Estimated Variance Index
Cost Description Actual Actual Unit Quantity Cost
Code Quantity Cost Cost to to
to date to date to date Complete Complete Quantity Unit Cost Total
(AQ) (~C) (AUC) (CQ) (CC) (FC) (EQ) (EUC) (EC)
From Job Cost
[ account
Ledger for this

Accordingly the 'percent complete' milestones or partial completion. In form work,
method is used for such straightforward items for example, it can be agreed upon, in advance
as masonry. of the work being undertaken, that credit will
be taken as follows:
4.3.2 Physical measurement
• fabricate 60%
The physical measurement requires • erect 20%
the actual counting or measuring of the number • remove 15%
of work units completed. Examples of work • clean forms 5 %.
units are diameter centimetres of pipe welds,
Table 4.1 shows a typical performance
number of doors hung, and square metres of
report. Column 11 shows 645 p-hs earned
formwork installed. This method is objective
based on the rules of credit.
and detailed, and scope changes are accurately
included. Physical measurement is, however, 4.3.4 Performance factors
time-consuming and expensive, and its use is
Of two approaches for measuring pro-
generally restricted to tracking bulk material
ductivity on sites, the most common one is
quantities, especially in fabrication shops.
based on the use of performance factors (PFs)
4.3.3 Earned value that can be determined from data produced by
the costing system and the EV measure. By de-
The earned value (EV), a measure
widely used in construction, is a technique for
PF = Earned p-hs/ Actual p-hs
calculating the 'percent complete' of a control
(Cols. 13 and 14 in Table 4.1)
account. It is more objective than the estimated
'percent complete' measure but not as detailed Earned p-hs are calculated based on
and expensive as the physical measurement. estimated values for unit p-h, e.g., p-h/tonne.
EV is, in a sense, a compromise between the The use of actual p-h (Cols. 1 and 2 in Table
two measures . The p-h input is taken from the 4.1) and estimated values of unit p-h (Col. 7 in
craftsmen's time cards. Only direct work is Table 4.1) can lead to inaccuracies because the
used for calculating productivity. estimate could be wrong, hours worked could
have been charged incorrectly to accounts, and
For each code of accounts, the fore- measurement of the physical progress could be
man reports the actual quantities installed. inaccurate.
Based on some rules for taking credit or on the
estimated 'percent complete,' credit is taken PFs are used to help in the control of a
and an earned value is calculated as follows: project. Figure 4.14 graphically shows cumula-
tive and time period productivity. Performance
EV =actual quantities x estimated (or regarding the project or a particular account are
budgeted) productivity per unit of quantity out- readily evident. Besides the actual value of PF,
put. it is very important to interpret the trends dis-
played by these curves. Initial productivity can
For example, p-hs earned= actual be expected to be low (0.9) because the start-up
C.M. installed x estimated p-h/C.M. activities are, on average, more time-consum-
Rules of credit provide a structured ing than other activities. With time, repetition
method of allowing credit for intermediate and familiarity contribute to lower p-h rates per
unit and improved productivity.

---------- --
Table 4.1 Typical person-hour performance report
Activity Acct. Actual. Quantities Unit Budget Earned Performance Projected
No. p-hs p-hs p-hs p-hs Factor p-hs
This To Current This To Unit Budget This To This To This To
Period Date Budget Period Date Meas. Period Date Period Date Period Date
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (B) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
Formwork 3.03100 680 37,100 82,000 620 34,000 m2 1.04 1.10 1.09 85,200 645 36,380 0.95 0.98 86,940

1 Actual p-hs for latest reporting period [from daily time sheets (see Figure 4.4)]
2 Summation of actual p-hs
3 Total estimated quantity for the account
4 Earned quantity in place for the latest reporting period [from quantity in place report (Figure 4. 7)]
5 Summation of earned quantities in place
6 Unit of measurement
7 Budgeted productivity rate (based upon historical records)
8 Col. 8 = Col. 1 + Col. 4
9 Col. 9 = Col. 2 + Col. 5
10 Col. 10 = Col. 3 + Col. 7
11 Col. 11 = Col. 4 +Col. 7
12 Col. 12 = Col. 5 + Col. 7
13 Col. 13 = Col. 11 + Col. 1
14 Col. 14 =Col. 12 +Col. 2
15 Col. 15 =Col. 10 +Col. 14

4.4 Cost Reporting and

Figure 4.14 Trends of productivity factors Analysis Using Project
1.20 ,-----,,-----r----r--.--.---.--...,--.--.---, Management Software
1.15 Forecast PF The introduction in the preceding sec-
at completion tions to a manual cost-reporting system con-
1.10 veys an understanding of the basic concepts:
0 how data are reported and accumulated, how to
1.05 feed information into the various computer pro-
.?!' grams, and how to interpret the output.
·:;: 1.00
To illustrate how a commercial pack-
"0 0.95 age can be used in this context, Figure 4.15 pre-
a.. sents a graphical report from PARADE (a
0.90 Primavera Systems Inc. product) regarding the
0.85 progress of a project made up of a number of
Concrete 3.031 . work packages. The performance curves on the
0.80 graph show that the actual expenditure and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 progress on the project falls behind the planned
Percent complete curve (baseline). The project is obviously be-
hind schedule and over cost.
The tabular summary of costs at the
There are two types of PFs: period PF bottom of the figure is presented in cost/sched-
and cumulative PF. The period PF is a short- ule control system criteria (C/SCSC) format.
term measure used for immediate control pur- The budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS)
poses, and action can be taken to remedy a is the cost baseline, the cost based on the origi-
disturbing trend. The cumulative PF is a long- nal plan and the operating budget. The budget-
term measure of productivity used for forecast- ed cost of work performed (BCWP) is the real
ing the cost at completion. value of the work performed and is recorded
The least common methods for evalu- from reports compiled from the project site re-
ating productivity are input utilization tech- flecting the actual progress and budgeted cost
niques, i.e., activity surveys or time expenditure on each task. The actual cost of
measurements, such as work sampling, foreman work performed (ACWP) is what has been ac-
delay surveys, and craftsman questionnaires. tually expended, regardless of the value of the
The disadvantage of these techniques is that work. To analyze the performance of a project,
more data on worker performance, in addition a set of variances is defined: the schedule vari-
to that provided by the costing system, must be ance (SV) given by SV = BCWP- BCWS and
generated and that adds costs to the project. the cost variance (CV) given by CV =BCWP-

With the aid of programs like PA-
Figure 4.15 Sample project performance report from RADE, project managers can input the required
PARADE information regarding the progress of a project
BCWS BCWP ACWP every month and acquire performance reports
that can assist them in controlling the costs and
2000 schedule of a project. Whereas Figure 4.15 is a
sample of such a report in graphical format,
eo Figure 4.16 is a tabular report with the various

-. ---
1400 70 indexes. The report encompasses the period,
1200 60
cumulative, and forecasted-to-completion PF.
600 "
," -," 50

According to Figure 4.16, $1,140,000

400 ""' 20 worth of work was scheduled for this period.
10 Only $182,000 was performed with an actual
cost of $1,059,500. This yields an SV =
49 212 356 319 240 220 130 119 138 72 10
-$958,000 and a CV = -$877,500. Obviously an
CUM BCWP 104 61 12 0 0 unfavourable situation.
CUMACWP 209 319 266 253 12 0 0 0
ETC 0 0 0 0 320 151 119 159 72 10
49 261
Reports can be by task, work pack-
CUMACWP 209 529 795 1048 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 1060 ages, or for the entire project. Through them, a
LRE 209 529 795 1048 1380 1530 1650 i808 1880 1890 1890
project manager can pinpoint the problem areas
Scale 1 : 1000
in a project. To illustrate, a report was obtained
for Package 1.1 on this project (made up of
four major packages each down to 10 sub-pack-
ACWP. (CV is the difference between the ages). The report given in Figure 4.17 shows
monetary value of the work accomplished and that the performance curves for a particular
the actual costs incurred.) work package are unfavourable and look si~i­
lar to those of the entire project.
Summary of Abbreviations
Others besides the cost engineer or
ACWP = actual cost of work performed project manager should be concerned and
BCWP = budgeted cost of work performed knowledgeable about productivity. When the
BCWS = budgeted cost of work scheduled project engineer, superintendent, and foremen
C/SCSC = cost/schedule control system criteria understand how productivity is measured and
CPI = cost performance index how its results are interpreted, they can provide
CV =cost variance more input into the control process. After all,
EV = earned value they are the most familiar with the site and its
PF = performance factor operations. The resulting information can be
p-h = person-hour used when remedial actions must be taken to
SPI = schedule performance index improve productivity. When productivity in
SV = schedule variance cost/unit is not as high as management predict-
ed for a given work package, the superinten-
A schedule performance index (SPI) dent can provide the information required to
is given by: assess the situation. An increase in cost/unit
SPI =(BCWP/BCWS) x 100 value can be the result of factors quite apart
from crews and their effectiveness. They could
SPI reflects the efficiency of a task expressed be the techniques used, higher-than-usual
as a percentage of EV. Low SPis require im- hourly rates for craftsmen during the construc-
mediate attention or they will cause schedule tion season, or simply management practices,
delays. Tasks with SPI over 100 are ahead of including poor planning. For the intermediate
schedule. managers to be able to provide positive input
into the corrective process and action plan, they
A cost performance index (CPI) is must have an appreciation of the costing sys-
given by: tem. How the information flows, where it is
initiated, how it is evaluated, and what can be
CPI = (BCWP/ACWP) x 100
derived from it are essential factors in cost
CPI represents the cost efficiency of a task ex- communications and control.
pressed as a percentage of the EV. Values
below 100% indicate a cost overrun; over
100%, a cost underrun.

Figure 4.16 Tabular report on project performance from PARADE

Page 1Aof 1B Page 1B of 1B

:Parade (R) Primavera Systems, Inc. Cost Performance Report- Work Breakdown Structure Report Date:
;Title: Demo for Productivity in Construction Start Date: Period End Date: Report Period: 2 ,
r-·------~-------- - -- - ----- ------ -----------------------------~---------------------------------~
Item Current Period ' Cumulative to Date ' At Completion
lr.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - _._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - - - ... - - - - - ... -
1 1
-- I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... - .......
, ; Budgeted Cost ' Actual ' Variance ; Budgeted Cost : Actual : Variance ' ;L
1 WBS Level • ' Cost !. - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - -• Cost 1 - - - - - - - - - ~ , atest
, 1 ~Work-- -,-Wo-rk-- - - ~ Work : , I Work , Work ; work :schedule, ' 'Revised • • 1
: i Scheduled ; Performed ; Performed ;Schedule; Cost i Scheduled ; Performed ; Performed ; ; Cost i Budgeted i Estimate : Vanance :
~ ..... - - - - - - - - - .. - - ,- - - -- - -.- - - - -- - ~ - --- -- ~- --- - T - - - I - --- - - _.- - - - -- -,-- -- - - -,---- - +- - - -.· ... - - - - i - -- - - i----- -:
1Sample Parade Project 1
Jl : 1140.3 182.0 1059.5 -958.3 -877.5: 1189.0 182.0 1059.5 -1007.0 -877.5: 1865.0 1890.0 -25.0 :
r--------------~--- ----- - ------- -- -- ----------~------ - - - ---- - ----------------~ --- -- - -- - ---------~
;cost of Money : • ,
j·-------------~ ----------- ---- ---- - ~- --- - - -- -~ · ---- ------ -- - ---- -- - -- - - -- ~ - -~ ------ ------- --- --~
; Gen and Admin : .0 .0 .o .o .o: .o .o .o .o .o : .0 .o .0 ;
: U-ndi~t~b-u~ed B~d~~t- - - ;x·x~x;;x~x~-x;x~;x~x~;x~;x;x;;x~;x;x·x;x~;x;x~;x~:~~;;x:;x;x·x;x:;x~x-x;x:;x;x:;x~;x~x;;x~;x;x:;x~;x~- - - - - .0 - - - - -.0 - -xxxx;xXx:
r------ - ---- --·~-- ------------------------ ----~------ --- -~------ - -- - -- - - -----~- -- ------- -- - - -- --~
;subtotal : 1140.3 182.0 1059.5 -958.3 -877.5: 1189.0 182.0 1059.5 ·1007.0 -877.5: 1865.0 1890.0 -25.0 :
~-------------- · ~------------------ - -- -- - - ---- -j - __ ___ ________ _________________ 1 __________________ ~

; Management Reserve :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ .0 .0 .0 :

~ • _ - - _ - _ _ ..... __ • _ 1... • _ • • .. • - • • .... • . . . . . . . ... . __________ j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... __ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...1

;Total ' 1140.3 182.0 1059.5 -958.3 -877.5; 1189.0 182.0 1059.5 -1007.0 -877.5: 1865.0 1890.0 -25.0 :
~----------- - -- - ---- - ----------- -- -------------- - ----- ----- --------- ------ - -------- ------------- ~
(All Items in 1000)
--- -------------- ------------ -- -· --- ------------- ------ --- --- -------------- ------------ ------ ----

Additional Readings
Figure 4.17 Performance report by work package
Adrian, J.J. 1979. Construction Accounting:
Financial, Managerial, Auditing, and Tax.
Reston, Va.
100 Halpin D.W. 1985. Financial and Cost Control

, ........ - ..... - '
Concepts for Construction Management. New
York: John Wiley and Sons.
5000 /
/ 60
/ %
4000 / so
3000 / 40
/ 30
,. , /.~· ····-·~········ .. ·••······ .. ········· Earned 20
1000 ..,"' ..
__ ~


cuM sews 4B7 1799 3811 5514 6331 6B77 7263 7538 7650 7650 7650 7650
CUM BCWP 1041 1651 1767 1820 1B20 1820 1920 1820 1820 1820 1920
CUMACWP 1174 2605 3583 4504 4545 4545 4545 4545 4545 4545 4545
LRE 1174 2605 3583 4504 6874 7463 7738 7B50 7850 7850 7850

Scale 1 : 1000

5 Management Issues

5.1 Introduction Some companies in the construction

industry, for example, the large Engineering
Factors affecting productivity in con- Procurement and Construction contractors,
struction can be divided into two categories: aware of the importance of material manage-
human-related factors and management-related ment, have established computerized material-
factors. These factors affect the morale and tracking systems. They realized the need for
motivation of individuals. better material management, especially for
large complex projects that use thousands of
Quality of supervision, material man- components. The negative cost impact of ship-
agement, site planning, constructability, and
ping delays and poor procurement procedures
change management are the most significant
became increasingly important to the project,
management-related factors that influence pro- and therefore these companies had to lead the
ductivity directly.
way in integrating good material-management
systems into their operations.
5.2 Quality of Supervision
Quality of supervision can be viewed The general building industry is begin-
ning to appreciate the importance of material
in terms of leadership and team-building.
These abilities create a positive environment management and the tremendous potential for
increasing productivity and safety on construc-
for the individual worker. Everyone wants to
tion projects. Smaller construction projects do
be on the winning team. Good supervision has
not require elaborate material management sys-
an obvious direct impact on productivity.
tems. But regardless of size, some system,
Workers can be demotivated with ill-informed,
poor supervision, or ineffective supervision due whether manual or computerized, is necessary.
to a high worker to supervisor ratio. Approxi- As part of overall material manage-
mately 10% of the time on a project is spent ment, some database systems track the status of
communicating instructions, and this can be major pieces of equipment and critical items.
done effectively through good supervision. Spreadsheets are a convenient tool for tracking.
Management and supervision are perceived by More comprehensive, integrated systems ad-
the worker as either competent, informed and dress all material-management functions for
concerned, or not. This perception, if positive, both engineered equipment and bulk material.
influences behaviour favourably and pays divi- There are costs associated with the system cho-
dends through improved productivity. sen. Equipment, software, and training costs
depend on the size and complexity of the sys-
5.3 Material Management tem. Care must be exercised in selection of the
"The construction industry lags far behind the system because of the costs and staffing re-
manufacturing industry in applying the con- quired and to avoid costs disproportionate to
cepts of materials management." (The Busi- the size of the operation or company. For large
ness Roundtable, 1983) projects with thousands of material items, ex-
tensive computerization is necessary; for small-
More recently the construction indus- er projects, manual methods or spreadsheets
try has become cognizant of the importance of will suffice.
the management of project materials and equip-
ment, which can amount to 50% or more of Material handling is a significant com-
project costs. An estimated labour productivity ponent of material management and studies
gain of up to 6% may be attainable through im- have shown it to be a large percentage of site
proved material management. Traditionally labour. In a series of 22 productivity studies
labour productivity receives the most attention (O'Brien, 1989) carried out in Ontario, it was
because the productivity of direct work can be found that mechanical and electrical tradesmen
measured at a reasonable cost. Within the con- were spending only 32% of their day on direct
struction industry, there is a wide divergence in installation work, 20% on material handling,
the degree of material management applied to 15% on indirect work, and the remaining 33%
projects. No common methodology is used to on ineffective and miscellaneous operations.
measure its effectiveness. Obviously many areas required improvement,

__________ .,
but the magnitude of material handling is espe- 5.3.1 Material management steps
cially noteworthy. A productivity improve-
ment program was instituted, which increased This section deals mainly with the at-
direct installation to 52%, and reduced material tributes of material management and the re-
handling to 12%. sponsibilities of those involved in performing
them. A detailed understanding of each con-
Other studies show similar ratios of tributing function is required to comprehend
direct to indirect work, with material handling the interfaces between material-management
and waiting for materials amounting to a signif- functions. A material-management system in-
icant percentage of the person-hours. These cludes the major functions of identifying, ac-
macro-studies highlight material handling and quiring, distributing, and disposing of materials
management as opportunities for productivity at a construction site (CII, 1988).
in1provement. The traditional approach to pro-
ductivity improvement has been to devote more By definition, material management is
effort to the analysis of direct operations, such the management system for planning and control-
as cutting, assembling, and joining of compo- ling all efforts necessary to ensure that the correct
nents. A more effective method of improving quality and quantity of materials are specified in
on-site productivity would be to reduce the per- a timely manner, obtained at a reasonable cost,
son-hours spent on indirect work, such as wait- and available at the point of use when required
ing for materials and material-handling. A (The Business Roundtable, 1983).
worker should have the right materials at the Each firm has its peculiar material-man-
right time. For this to happen requires more agement system. Usually the responsibility for
than good material-handling; it requires good the various activities has been spread between
material management. engineering, purchasing, and construction. Some
Material handling and movement can assign full responsibility and accountability to a
be a hazardous activity. Most tradespersons are material manager; for most firms, the responsibil-
not trained in material handling, lifting, and ity is divided and therefore prone to problems. In
fact, the more divided the responsibility, the
transportation. Good material management
will, through planning and control, improve more potential problems exist.
productivity and also reduce risk by ensuring The steps in Figure 5.1 represent the
that material handling is performed by trained process from identifying material needs to deliv-
and qualified tradesmen. Productivity must be ering the materials when required at the point of
considered with the associated level of safety; use. They are only the key elements which make
productivity and safety are closely related. up the whole material-management process.

5.3.2 Responsibilities
Figure 5.1 Material management steps
Responsibilities and authority of the
Material Management Steps participants in the material-management
process must be clearly established. An effi-
Sequence Contributing Action/Documents cient material-management system leads to im-
1. Request for Quote (RFQ) Drawings, specifications proved productivity and necessarily includes all
Material bills participants. The scope of each participant's
Terms and conditions involvement must be clearly defined in contrac-
2. Bids Approved bidders list tual documents. If not, increased effort will be
Pre-qualification of bidders expended to rectify errors in quantity, quality,
Bid evaluations or cost. Unexpected effort reduces productivity
3. Purchase Orders (P.O.) Bid clarification of the operation. Poor quality in the material-
Notice of award management process becomes apparent imme-
diately at the point of use. By comparison,
4. Expediting Vendor data
Manufacturer inspection poor quality of engineering, for example, may
Delivery not become apparent at all.
Figure 5.2 shows the contractual rela-
5. Transport Carrier and route tionships and the key documents used to estab-
Ownership en route lish the scope of material management for each
6. Receiving Inspection and acceptance
Receiving report If an owner purchases a long-lead item
Storage and later assigns the purchase order to the con-
7. Inventory Dispersal (material handling) tractor, a clear understanding of the purchase
Inventory level order is required, as well as full knowledge of
Surplus disposal any relevant correspondence, to ensure that
nothing slips through the cracks.

__________ .,.
Although all major departments are in-
Figure 5.2 Relationships and key volved in a material-management system, the
documents key departments are Engineering, Procure-
Request for ment, and Construction. Project needs are usu-
ally identified by Engineering, which also
determines the specifications and quantities.
Engineering generates a request for a quote
(RFQ), which is completed by Procurement.
Procurement develops a bidders list,
solicits quotations or bids, evaluates bids with
the assistance of Engineering for technical as-
pects, and issues a purchase order. Other de-
partments within Procurement expedite,
inspect, and look after transportation.
The Construction Department receives
5.3.3 Interfaces and their implica· the materials, inspects them upon receipt,
tions for productivity stores, and ultimately issues them to the work
A material-management system con-
sists of numerous logical components, as Computerized systems are being in-
shown in Figure 5.3. As with any system, most creasingly used, especially for large projects.
problems arise at the interface of functions, and The most important needs of these systems are
management attention is therefore required. to provide a communication tool and to save
The system includes the documentation and time on the execution of such functions as take-
procedures, as well as trained personnel to exe- off and material lists. Any tool that satisfies
cute the functions . these needs improves productivity by minimiz-
ing the cost to acquire materials and improving
efficiency at the site, especially by the timely
Figure 5.3 Construction material management delivery of the required materials. The level of
Construction Materials Management sophistication depends on several circum-
stances, among them company size, and project
Material Construction
size and complexity. An organized program
Engineering Control Procurement Supplier Construction
System Control has a positive effect on staff and clients.
Material-management problems can
I occur in the form of quantity and quality errors.
Shortages disrupt the work pattern and require
I Material
I re-planning around the shortages. If the system
cannot detect shortages far enough in advance
of material needs, the result is last-minute shuf-
IRequisition 1
and Bill of I _I Investigate_]
- ~ Supplier
fling of work crews. If the quality of materials
Materials supplied is sub-standard, either the material is
i--- - -···-.
• Status •
J rejected or it is used, but requires additional
'+ - -
·I Purchase
f 1 Fabrication I person-hours to install. Rejected material must
be removed and replacement material handled;
both operations require unanticipated person-

- -
I hours. Products of inferior quality, such as a
14 - - -
-1 Expedite f lower grade of wood, may require additional
I ~ person-hours to accommodate excessive
,. ___ · [Inspection
r ·-----·-·:
Status warpage. (Beware of the dollar saved in pur-
- ----r----•' chasing; it may not necessarily be a dollar
I' '
I Shipping tH Receiving r--:.'
I saved on the project.)


I Storage ~ ..
The most noticeable effect of poor
material management is delays in delivery.
These delays have an effect similar to errors in

'I ' r~
'Issue for
Installation quantities, because the work flow is disrupted
I • ' and must be replanned. Disruptions cause lost
f ~..
j-4- - -- -1Disposal l I
Surplus time and necessitate non-productive work to
remedy the situation .
r---- 1- --·- ·
: Cost/Schedule :
: Status •
------- -------- --- ----- - ---1 Those who have experienced projects
·--- ------ . . . } where everything happens as planned will recall

that the right material was delivered at the right 5.3.5 Material control
time, and everyone associated with the project
was aware that the project was well planned. The material-control function includes
Morale rises on well managed projects. The determination of quantities, material acquisition,
converse is true of poorly managed materials and distribution. The objective is to purchase
programs, and the message to the workers is materials in a timely manner to avoid costly
that management (or engineering) does not care. labour delays resulting from delivery delays and
The result: productivity suffers. non-availability of materials.

With an integrated material-manage- Bills of materials are merged with mate-

ment system, materials are more likely to be rials specifications to establish quantities and
available when needed and supervisors can quality for ordering. A milestone schedule
plan the work around material availability. Re- should be established for major items, so that a
turning to a work area to replace a missing item complete plan is available (Figure 5.4). This
wastes person-hours; this can be regarded as re- plan includes the required-at-site date and final
work. It has been reported that foremen spend issue of drawings and data for vendors, vendor
as much as 20% of their time hunting for mate- data, manufacturers' schedule, and delivery time.
rials and another 10% of their time tracking
purchase orders and expediting them (Bell and Field material control is required to
Stackhardt, 1987). A material-management plan storage and issue of materials. A material-
system has a payback commensurate with the management system should provide an alert for
amount and quality of the effort input. potential shortages. Control of inventory is re-
quired to prevent theft or unauthorized issue,
5.3.4 Preplanning and provides warranty protection for environ-
mentally susceptible items.
Front-end planning is probably the sin-
gle most important determinant of a successful Various techniques can be adopted. A
material-management effort (CII, 1988). Mater- just-in-time technique requires careful planning
ial management has to be an integrated activity, and a good system. By this method, materials
with clearly established responsibilities assigned are bought for delivery just before they are
to the owner, engineer, or contractor. Important needed, i.e., expenditures are incurred only
decisions, such as site access and laydown when required and no sooner. This technique
areas, schedule compression, cash flow restric- yields significant cash flow benefits. Just-in-
tions, expenditure approvals and audit require- time is better suited to large purchases but ap-
ments, are made early. All these decisions have plies to such bulk materials, for example, as
an impact on costs and productivity. ready-mix concrete and asphalt paving.

Figure 5.4 Sample procurement milestone schedule

Legend l Sample Procurement Milestone Schedule

Data sheeJs co_m[l.!ete 7 Pretil]lve.nd,or datil]
2 RFO Issued a Certmef! ~@____,
- f Receive blils 9 RAS date._ _____, Company XYZ
-~ Bid tab compieie __
10_ ETAjobsile Re-vamp project
5 Eng~ rele~se PR
L_EO awar~d_ __
-!· __j
Mechanical Procurement Schedule
Contractor Co.
Status to 90 08 20

June I July August September October November December FQmcast Vendor Req'd Bidders
1 Week beginning Monday 1 8 15 22 291 6 13 20 27
3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 Del. Promise AI Site
(N=No bid)
Week Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1~1---;-;-;-; 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Blddat) -
P-3306AIB M.W .H. LJGuld Ptnnps P New Impeller !
~phur _Gua!ti Bed __ AlP ------ - 14WkS -
X·B32 SGB Steam Pre·Healor P 3 45 6 8 10 Shop (Dim and
NP Cor Checks)
Suphur Guard Bed 3 45 6 _] ~ 10
v.6a7 & V·688 Reactor and Cl~y Filter P 3 45 10 1 12 wks
Jet A Marox (Supply Mat'l) NP 3 45 10
V·659166Q16561667/672 Misc. Vassel W01k P 2 45 6 10 6 wks
JetAMerox (SupptyMaJ'IJ NP+---~---~ 2_ _3 5 6 10
Catalyst & Acetic Acid Educ1or ~ Hold
Jel AMerox /VP
B.S.-1/213/4/5/6(7/8 Basket Strainers P 3 45 6 10 8 wks
Jet A Merox /VP
Catalyst & Acel1c Ac1d Add111on Drums P- Hold
JeiAMerox NP

P-262 Condensate Pump -- p· 2 3 45 6 8 12 wks New
JeiAMerox NP
11 2 3 45 6 8 10
P·256 CausUc Pump
- - P-
NP j
45 6
45 6 8

__________________ ..
Another approach is the inventory handling is the key to improving productivity
buffer approach, which can be costly from the and safety.
standpoint of cash flow and losses due to theft.
In a more extreme case, it can result in in- Material handling can be categorized
creased storage and double-handling which, in by the following five sections:
tum, may increase costs and lower productivi- • containerization and packaging
ty. It is, however, unrealistic to expect every • movement to site
item to arrive at exactly the right time. Some • off-loading at site and storing
buffer is required, depending on the material • horizontal movement
and complexity of the job. Most foremen want • hoisting and vertical handling.
to be assured that all materials are available for
Containerization and packaging.
a particular operation, to avoid reassignment of
Containerization and packaging require careful
crews because of shortages. planning and organization. Various types of
Trade-offs are necessary between just- pallets, containers, and protection are available.
in-time and inventory buffers. Often the inven- The sequence of packaging or loading is impor-
tory buffers are a form of insurance to provide tant, especially for congested high-rise con-
continuous and unimpeded operations. The struction sites.
more material stored at a site, however, the
The use of skid-mounted equipment
more double-handling is required.
and equipment modules reduces on-site labour.
5.3.6 Procurement Modules require considerable preplanning and,
because of the up-front engineering and manu-
Procurement includes purchasing of facturing effort, numerous person-hours are
materials, equipment, supplies, labour, and ser- transferred from the field to a shop environ-
vices for a project. Associated with the pur- ment. Overall the result is improved labour
chasing are the related activities of tracking and productivity on the site and lower project costs.
expediting, routing and shipping, inspection
and acceptance, handling, and storage and dis- Movement to site. Movement to site
posal of surplus. Procurement can be grouped usually involves trucking but can include rail,
under three categories: the procurement of ma- ship or air transport. Planning of the arrival of
terials, labour, and subcontracts. shipments at the site is important so that crews
and equipment can be available when required.
Four cost categories (Barrie and Unplanned shipments result in waiting time for
Paulson, 1992) must be considered to optimize the trucker or a deployment of workers to han-
the procurement of materials for minimum cost, dle the shipment. The most efficient methods
and to some extent these same considerations of material movement could require winter
apply to the procurement of labour and subcon- roads, wide-load permits, or partial load restric-
tracts. These four cost categories are purchas- tions. For special size loads, route planning is
ing, shipping, holding and shortage costs, and necessary to avoid stalled shipments.
trade-offs between the categories must be opti-
mized to achieve minimum costs. In these dis- Off-loading at site and storing.
cussions, the maximization of productivity is Unloading at sites requires trained material-
equated to the minimization of total costs. handling crews with the proper handling equip-
ment. Avoid handling material several times.
On large projects it is common prac-
tice to produce a subcontract schedule and a Horizontal movement. Horizontal
procurement schedule for major pieces of movement methods depend on the material
equipment. For example, Figure 5.4 is a por- being handled. Trucks and trailers are the usual
tion of a schedule taken from an actual refinery conveyances but conveyors and cranes are also
modification project. A scrutiny of the equip- common. Insufficient handling equipment, ca-
ment plan reveals milestone dates for the com- pacity or size have obvious negative effects that
pletion of key steps, such as issue of the RFQ, lower productivity.
purchase orders, and vendor drawings, bid re-
Hoisting and vertical handling. Ver-
quests, award of contracts, and required-at-site
tical movement and hoisting require material
and personnel hoists, cranes or other lifting de-
5.3. 7 Material handling vices. Several decisions are required in plan-
ning the equipment for a job. The required
A large percentage of site labour ac- capacity, most suitable type, i.e., mobile,
tivity involves material handling. As stated crawler or fixed hoisting equipment, and best
previously, in the Ontario studies (O'Brien, location on the site, are decisions that have a
1989), 20% of the labour was initially for mate- direct impact on project productivity.
rial handling until a concerted effort was made
to reduce this to about 12%. Reducing material

------------------------ ~
For placing of concrete, which method
is best? The choice could be a concrete pump Figure 5.5 Cost influence of deci-
or a tower crane. The better choice may be the sions as a function of project
tower crane, considering that it will be required phase
anyway to handle formwork.
Economic Conceptual Working Construction CommiSSioning
On a large bridge project, hoists cost- Studies Design Drawings,
Tender &
ing $200,000 were installed to reduce travel Award

time on site. The payback period was estimat-

ed to be 9 months for a project of 18-month du-
ration. Numerous examples can be cited where
productivity was improved through the use of
proper equipment. In planning the construction Cost
of the 72-story First Bank Tower in Toronto,
the owner-developer studied the good and bad
points at various construction sites. Workers
were each losing 3 to 4 hours a day at some
sites because of the time required to get to and
from their work stations. The owner-developer
implemented a well conceived factory-like sys- Low
tem for moving men and materials. The Conceive Develop Define Execute Finish
around-the-clock use of elevators was planned
Project Phases
and priorities were established. Productivity
for handling materials was increased 600% for
the installation of marble, 400% for electrical
wiring, 260% for glass, and 800% for drywall. Constructability enhances the effec-
The innovation saved 1.33 million p-hs. tiveness of construction. It is a macro-produc-
tivity factor that should be the way of thinking
Space requirements are usually at a of the entire project organization. It is manage-
premium because several trades may require ment action (at all levels) that creates this cul-
the same space. At different times, many key ture; not a separate function, but an on-going
decisions relating to space, egress, and access process. It can be a motivator to the worker
are made; all these decisions affect productivi- when the 'smart' details or methods are used.
ty. Considerations are traffic movement at the
site, proximity of buildings and obstructions, For example, Figure 5.6 (a) shows de-
types of roads, turning space, and parking- just tails for a beam bearing on a masonry wall.
to name a few . Tight dimensional tolerances are required for
the beam holes to match the anchor bolt loca-
The concepts of material management tion. This alternative would require an accura-
are essentially the same for large or small pro- cy of construction that is costly and
jects; the differences are a matter of degree in unwarranted. Figure 5.6 (b) shows a detail that
the areas of organization and staffing, documen- better accommodates construction tolerances
tation, vendor relations and computerization. with a lower installed cost.
Material management has improved consider-
ably in the last decade, with the development of
better tools and methods resulting in improved Figure 5.6 Beam bearing detail
cost effectiveness through better productivity.

5.4 Constructability
Constructability means making opti-
mum use of construction knowledge and expe-
rience in planning, engineering, procurement,
and field operations to achieve overall project
objectives (CII, 1986). It is the effective and
timely integration of resources and technology
into the early phases of the project and then
maintaining the involvement.

Maximum benefits accrue if all stake-

holders- including the owner and contractor-
with construction knowledge and experience
participate early in the project, and remain in-
volved. Figure 5.5 shows how decisions in the (a) Anchor bolts grouted
early stages have the greatest cost impact.

- - - - - - - - - - c.
To enable efficient construction, de-
signs must avoid complex details and shapes so
that they permit flexibility in construction
methods and material substitutions. The design
schedule must support the construction field-
work sequence. Good quality drawings, speci-
fications, and site information improve
Drawings are frequently criticized for
lack of clarity and content, forcing field crews
to devise their own solutions. This transfers
part of the design function to the site, which is
costly, disruptive, and inefficient. Those un-
dertaking the dimensioning should consider
construction needs and not scatter the dimen-
(b) Bearing plate grouted with anchors on U/S sions over several drawings.
plate. Beam field welded to plate
With vendors and suppliers, con-
structability is enhanced by timely engineering
data, pre-assembly, shop-testing of compo-
5.4.1 A traditional problem nents, and the provision of lifting lugs.
As the construction process has Constructability is enhanced by stan-
evolved and become more sophisticated, the dardization, such as the use of manufacturers'
separation of the design and construction func- standard dimensions, standard steel connection
tions has increased under the traditional form of details, piping assemblies, off-the-shelf electri-
construction procurement. Traditionally the cal and mechanical equipment. Designs can _be
owner hires an engineer/architect who designs standardized to realize the benefits of duplica-
the facility. Construction is awarded to a con- tion, symmetry, and repeatability. For exam-
tractor who procures material, labour, and ple, if the form work for every member is a new
equipment and executes the contract require- experience, costs will skyrocket. Montreal's
ments. This method, which results in the sepa- Olympic Stadium and the Sydney Opera House
ration of functions, is primarily responsible for in Australia are classic examples of large pro-
any lack of constructability. A return to the jects where the cost of form work went out of
master builder concept is heralded as a step to- control. Numerous examples exist where the
ward more efficient and cost-effective projects. use of modular design can reduce costs. Con-
crete formwork and house construction are ex-
5.4.2 Constructability concepts amples where wastage could be minimized
through modular design.
During the conceptual phase of project
planning, project objectives must be estab- Structural constructability considera-
lished, major construction methods selected, tions include the use of such elements as pre-
sites chosen, and a contracting strategy devel- cast staircases in high-rise cores. Straight
oped. reinforcement bars, prefabrication of cages, and
Overall project schedules must be con- detailing of reinforcement to suit pour heights,
struction-sensitive. A sequence of activities are cost-effective steps.
must be established with realistic durations to Effective design and construction re-
prevent costly overtime, schedule acceleration, quire that construction expertise be utilized early
or counter-productive high levels of labour for in the project schedule. Constructability im-
craftsmen. provement is possible with construction-sensi-
Major construction methods should be tive designs and construction-driven schedules.
considered during basic design. Special meth-
5.5 Change Management
ods include prefabrication, pre-assembly, and
modularization. Projects are characterized by change.
A change typically results from a revision to
Effective site layouts can facilitate
project scope or to the details of construction,
construction activities and reduce costs. Ade-
and the rework required to rectify errors.
quate storage spaces, access and roads, with
particular emphasis on clearances for operating Changes have a ripple effect on the
equipment and traffic flows, must be provided. project, causing disruptions and delays. Con-
The use of permanent facilities and utilities sider the sequence of events that occur due to a
should be investigated. single change. The project manager is notified

of the change. This information is communi-
., ---------
A gradual deterioration of the plan-
cated to the foreman, who then has to stop su- ning and scheduling will occur with an increas-
pervising or planning the other work. The ing number of changes. The introduction of
workers are informed of the change and are changes is similar to the addition of a new ac-
moved to another work activity. Later, when tivity to the scope of work, and this often re-
full details of the change and revised materials quires schedule acceleration.
are available, the work will be restarted. Dur-
ing the entire change process, additional effort Some of the impact of changes is read-
is required from supervisory, management, and ily apparent; some is not. The management of
other support functions. change has a major impact on productivity.

The simple change, for example, may Additional Readings

be to relocate a door; this is readily quantifi-
able. There are, however, unseen impacts of ASCE 1976. Civil Engineering, American
the change that are disruptive and time-con- Society of Civil Engineers, August 1976.
surning. Time is lost during the scramble to re- Barrie, D.S. and B.C. Paulson. 1992. Profes-
locate and re-instruct the workers for a suitable sional Construction Management. 3rd ed. New
substitute task. York: McGraw Hill.
Because of the interdependency of Bell, L.C. and G. Stukhart. June 1987. "Cost
construction operations, changes affect the pro- and Benefits of Materials Management." ASCE,
ductivity of other activities that are not a direct 113 (2).
part of the change. This can also influence
labour productivity in the form of the learning Construction Industry Institute (CII). 1985. At-
and unlearning impact discussed in Chapter 3. tributes of Material Management. The Univer-
sity of Texas at Austin, SD-1.
Figure 5.7 (Revay Report, 1991) illus-
trates the loss of productivity because of Construction Industry Institute (CII). 1986.
change orders on mechanical and electrical "Constructability: A Primer," The University
work. Similar figures exist for civil and archi- of Texas at Austin, Publication 3-1, July 1986.
tectural work.
Construction Industry Institute (CII). 1988.
Of the three curves shown, the lower Project Materials Management Primer. The
curve results from changes only. Additional University of Texas at Austin, Publication 7-2.
major causes of productivity losses have, as
shown, a cumulative negative effect. Drucker, P.F. 1974. Management: Tasks, Re-
sponsibilities, Practices. New York: Harper
Disruptions and delays affect produc- and Row.
tivity because of the stop-and-go of the opera-
tion, work being out of sequence, repetition of Leonard, C.A., 0. Moselhi, and P. Fazio. 1991.
the learning cycle, unbalanced crews and fluc- "Impact of Change Orders on Construction
tuation in staffing levels. The work force can Productivity." Can. 1. Civil Engineering 18 (3).
become demotivated because the managers and
O'Brien, K.E. 1989. Improvement of On-Site
supervisors are perceived as incompetent and
Productivity. K.E. O'Brien and Associates,
Toronto, Canada.
Revay and Associates. January 1991. The
Figure 5. 7 Loss of productivity due to changes - Revay Report 10 (1), Toronto, Canada.
electrical and mechanical work
The Business Roundtable. 1983. "Modem
Management Systems." Report A-6. BRT
50 200 Park Ave., New York, NY, 10166.

·:;: 40
ec. 30

rn 20

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Change Orders, %

- - - - - - - - - - Cit

6 Conclusion

6.1 Macro· Versus Micro· ally, as quality and productivity improve, both
Productivity the contractor and the end user are winners. It
is a win-win situation.
It is important to differentiate between
macro- and micro-level productivity factors in The production function produces
order to analyze cause/effect relationships and data, which are analyzed and provide feedback
take appropriate action. Macro-level factors for action toward improvement. The cycle con-
that influence the effectiveness of construction tinues until the required level of productivity is
are those that often attract considerable rhetoric reached. An analysis of productivity is com-
but not enough specific actions or economic plete only when quality and safety are also
support. Many talk about the need to improve considered. The construction industry must be-
productivity because it is the key to economic come serious if it is to improve in quality, safe-
survival. There is abundant scope for industry ty, and productivity. Supervisors and trades-
and government actions to enhance and pro- men must continue to improve their efficiency
mote an atmosphere for sustained progress. which, of course, is the thrust of this book.
Japanese industries have developed a model for
cooperation and effective support. The individ-
Figure 6.1 Productivity improve-
ual Japanese worker is not more productive
ment as a continuous process
than a North American worker; it is their sys-
tem that is more productive. Government, in-
dustry, and the financial community must
eventually cooperate to provide synergistic sup-
port at a macro-level. In Canada very little
money is spent on research or improving pro-
ductivity in construction. The industries that Modification
reinvest sufficient resources to remain competi- Input
tive will survive and therefore the industry and
construction companies must continue, and in-
deed increase, their contributions at a macro-
level. If the construction industry, which
constitutes approximately 15% of the GDP,
does not improve, foreign competition will con-
tinue to make inroads into Canada's traditional
6.2 Miscellaneous Ideas for
Improving Productivity
These are the macro-level concerns, in Construction
which must be addressed, but are beyond the
scope of this book. However, the individual Construction is a unique industry
construction company or person has an obliga- where field experience plays an important role
tion to improve productivity at a micro-level. in maintaining high levels of productivity. The
The efficiency of labour and methods are the qualities of the field-management team will
foundation for competitiveness and more effort eventually determine the levels of productivity
must be paid to the measurement of productivi- achieved on a given project. An experienced
ty. It may not be possible to separate the indi- person can tell about the level of activity on a
vidual effects of all influences. But this should project in a variety of ways. For example, a
not deter efforts to quantify their effects and unique and inexpensive technique for measur-
impacts on construction efficiency. Productivi- ing productivity is observing the sound level on
ty improvement and measurement of the effects a project. Not that a noisy project is a produc-
of related factors must become part of the daily tive project; however, a silent project is a non-
construction routine. productive one. The trained and experienced
ear can detect when a job is moving well by the
Productivity improvement is a contin- productive 'hum' or tempo to a project: the roar
uous process, as shown in Figure 6.1, and an of the crane every 5 or 6 minutes, the sound of
integral part of total quality management. Ide- welders arcing, or the fleeting of an air tugger.

---------- ~
Topics that were not covered in the pensive air travel. Telecommunications facili-
previous chapters, yet can affect productivity, tate solving design-related problems by provid-
include job security, safety, and advanced ing computer linkage between site personnel
telecommunication. All successful construc- and the engineer or architect. Similar systems
tion firms - large, medium, and small - practise are in use for the review of drawings and other
the job security theory. Job security can signif- contract documents, providing instantaneous de-
icantly affect the tradesman's efficiency for ob- cisions, thus improving productivity and reduc-
vious reasons. ing cost. Other applications include CAD-based
crane-planning systems which improve con-
Safety issues were briefly discussed in struction productivity through faster and im-
Chapter 3. One consideration, perhaps under- proved engineering and planning. Multimedia
emphasized, is the effect of a serious accident use in training is catching on. This facilitates
on productivity. A project that is moving along explaining to the site crews how a certain mater-
well and encounters a serious accident or fatali- ial or equipment can be installed. Walk-through
ty, never gets back to normal or regains its programs have also reached the personal com-
original tempo. Installing the proper safety puter market. A complex 3-D design of a plant
program and taking safety seriously can help can be tested for constructability using such
avoid such a scenario. programs prior to constmction, thus reducing
New technological innovations can be chances of redoing work and effectively en-
hancing overall productivity.
put to work in construction. This can greatly
enhance productivity as it provides timely infor- When measuring productivity, it is im-
mation, reduces travel to remote sites, and facil- portant to know where the project stands. Im-
itates immediate corrective action in case of proving productivity combines the scientific
emergencies. Examples include the closed-cir- understanding of the issues affecting productiv-
cuit television communication systems that are ity, supplemented by work experience.
being used to conduct meetings between engi-
neers in remote project locations and the main The construction industry should
office. In addition to timely information and ac- make better use of automation to improve the
cess to the main office's immediate expertise, planning and control processes to remain com-
this eliminates routine, time-consuming, and ex- petitive, especially in a global market.


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