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Talamban NatIonal High School

Night Department

CSS – 9 and 10

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 95% of the students will be able to:

Identify the parts of a computer

Demonstrate the proper procedure in assembling a computer

Follow the correct procedure of assembling a computer


A.Topic: Assembling a computer


1.Visual Aids, PowerPoint presentation

2.Second hand Computer (Complete parts and peripherals)

a.System Unit (Pre-installed with operating system and drivers) b.Monitor c.Mouse d.Keyboard e.Power

C.References:; TESDA Computer Hardware Servicing



A.Preparatory activities

1.Daily routine / Preparation

a.Prayer b.Greetings c.Checking of attendance d.Review of the past lesson

2.Lesson Proper

a.Motivation –


: Divide into groupsof 6 (5 will participate and one will observe). Give each group an envelope containing
all of the puzzle pieces. Each person is to be randomly given 3 pieces. Without talking each person
is to assemble a six inch square using the pieces given and any others voluntarily given to him or her by
other participants. At the end of the exercise, each participant will have a six inch square in front of him
or her.
b.Discussion / Demonstration

Unlocking difficulties:

Guide questions: 1.What are the parts of a basic computer? 2.What will be the steps to follow in
assembling a computer? 3.How to test if the computer is working?


System unit – is an enclosure of all the main interior components of a computer. Monitor– a display screen
used to provide visual output from a computer, typically a Liquid Crystal Display or a Light Emitting Diode

Keyboard – is a typewriter style device, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys to act as
mechanical levers or electronic switches.

Mouse – is an input device that is most often with a personal computer. Voltage Regulator – a device
connected between the power source and a load, which provides a constant voltage despite
variations in input voltage or output load.


Step 1:

Check all peripherals. Wires, connectors and AC plug should be complete.

Step 2: Connect the VGA cord from the monitor, to the system unit. An HDMI cable can also be used if

Step 3: Connect the USB mouse and keyboard to the system Unit.

Step 4: Plug the AC cord of the monitor to the voltage regulator.

Step 5: Plug the AC cord of the system unit to the voltage regulator.

Step 6: Plug the voltage regulator to the wall outlet, and then turn the power on.

Step 7: Power on the system unit and the monitor.

Step 8: Once the computer is on, check if the mouse and the keyboard is working by clicking an icon or
typing in a document.

c. Closing Activities

i. Generalization Assembling a computer is a process in which we combined all the needed parts of a
computer to be functional. Also, a part of this is that we analyze the correct procedure, placement of
function of each part in order to make a computer functional and ready for use.

ii. Value Integration

Innovativeness Following the instruction Efficiency Productivity

iii. Application

Simultaneous Demonstration

The teacher will demonstrate the procedure of assembling a computer together with the
selected students following the procedure simultaneously.


Checking of students work.

Excellent (4 pts.) Very Satisfactory (3 pts.) Satisfactory (2 pts.)

Needs Improvement (1 pt.) No Attempt

Point Earned

• Use of tools and equipment

•Application of procedures

• Safety work habits

• Final output

•Time management





Directions: Research on other parts of a computer aside from the ones that has been discussed, cut out
pictures of these parts and paste it on a ¼ illustration board. Aside from the pictures, also indicate the
name and function of each part. Be creative. To be submitted next meeting.

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