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High-Efficiency Supersonic Diffusers


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Supersonic diffusers having a variable throat were designed

with wind-tunnel application in mind. The test results indicate
that a stagnation pressure recovery of 79 per cent at M = 2.22
T H E E F F I C I E N T DECELERATION of a supersonic
stream in the presence of b o u n d a r y layer is an im-
p o r t a n t problem in the design of wind tunnels, com-

and 53 per cent at M = 2.92 can be obtained without boundary-

layer suction. These values can result in an operating power pressors, intakes to high-speed aircraft, and other similar
reduction of 60 per cent over conventional design at M = 2.22. devices. For this reason an investigation of this prob-
The effect of scale on diffuser performance is discussed. De- lem was undertaken a t t h e Gas T u r b i n e L a b o r a t o r y at
sign parameters for a diffuser design are given.
M . I . T . several years ago. T h e first results of this work
were reported by the a u t h o r s 1 in a paper t h a t discussed
efficiency and operating characteristics for diffusers of
a = cross-sectional area, sq.ft. fixed geometry. These diffusers were not designed to
D = diameter of test section take advantage of the theoretical gain t h a t might be
De — equivalent diameter; 4 (cross-sectional area) -r- perim- obtained b y decreasing t h e t h r o a t area of the diffuser
after the shock h a d passed through. I n the present
g = acceleration given to a unit mass by unit force, ft. per sec.
paper, the earlier work is extended for the case where
k = ratio of specific heats, for air k = 1.40 the diffuser walls are m a d e adjustable to permit reduc-
L = length of test section tion of the t h r o a t area after s t a r t i n g — t h a t is, after the
M = Mach Number = V/VgkRT shock has passed through the diffuser throat.
p = pressure, lbs. per sq.in. absolute In Meteor R e p o r t No. 13, x separation of the stream
R = gas constant (1,545 f t . / l b . / ° F . lb. mole divided by from the passage wall was observed to accompany a
molecular weight) " n o r m a l " shock. However, the change in state across
T — temperature, °F. absolute the separated region was approximately the same
V = mean velocity of fluid stream at given cross section, ft. as t h a t predicted b y a simple one-dimensional
per sec.
analysis, provided the separated region was contained
/3 = oblique shock angle
in a constant-area passage. T h e analysis assumed
$ = wedge angle
rj = diffuser efficiency, work of isentropic and adiabatic t h a t wall forces in the direction of flow within the con-
compression between initial condition and final pres- stant-area passage were negligible. T h a t this assump-
sure divided by kinetic energy expended [see Eq. tion agrees adequately with reality was confirmed. T h e
(4)] optimum length of this constant-area passage was de-
Subscripts termined experimentally to be 8 to 12 equivalent
a refers to state of fluid stream after first oblique shock (see diameters for a range of M a c h N u m b e r s from 1.8 to
Fig. 7) 4.2. T h e results of Meteor R e p o r t No. 13 are included
b refers to state of fluid stream after second oblique shock (see
with t h e new results in order to facilitate comparison.
Fig. 7)
c refers to minimum cross section of diffuser The work reported in the present paper on variable-
t refers to cross section at minimum area of accelerating geometry diffusers started with the simple concept t h a t
nozzle the shock and a t t e n d a n t separation could be adequately
0 refers to stagnation state of fluid stream at entrance of handled from a pressure recovery standpoint a n d t h a t a
accelerating nozzle subsonic diffuser of high efficiency could be employed
1 refers to state of fluid stream at the diffuser entrance
2 refers to state of fluid stream downstream of "transverse"
shock where stream is subsonic
3 refers to state of fluid stream after diffuser where the ve-
locity is approximately zero

Received September 1, 1950.

* This work was carried out as part of the Guided Missiles EJECTOR
" i i i i l l i i i i i i i i l l i i TTTTTTTTT

Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was BOARD

sponsored by the Navy Department, Bureau of Ordnance.

Figs. 2, 10, and 11 were obtained from Krenkel. 2
f Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Gas Turbine
AIR 1_r ^y3g3_ig&-
% Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Gas Turbine Laboratory. FIG. 1. Arrangement of test apparatus.

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