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to Dismiss the disqualification case

9. Limbona v. COMELEC against her for being moot and academic.

Doctrine: For purposes of election law, On election day, May 14, 2007, the
the question of residence is mainly one Comelec resolved to postpone the
of intention. There is no hard and fast elections in Pantar because there was no
rule by which to determine where a final list of voters yet. A special election
person actually resides. Three rules was scheduled for July 23, 2007.
are, however, well established: first,
that a man must have a residence or On May 24, 2007, the Comelec First
domicile somewhere; second, that Division promulgated a Resolution
where once established it remains until disqualifying Mohammad as candidate
a new one is acquired; and third, a man for mayor for failure to comply with the
can have but one domicile at a time. one-year residency requirement.
Petitioner then filed her Certificate of
In order to acquire a domicile by Candidacy as substitute candidate on
choice, there must concur (1) July 21, 2007. On July 23, 2007, Alingan
residence or bodily presence in the filed a petition for disqualification against
new locality, (2) an intention to remain petitioner for, among others, lacking the
there, and (3) an intention to abandon one-year residency requirement.
the old domicile. A person's "domicile"
once established is considered to The Comelec Second Division ruled that
continue and will not be deemed lost petitioner was disqualified from
until a new one is established. running for Mayor of Pantar. The
Comelec held that petitioner only
became a resident of Pantar in
Facts: Prior to the May 14, 2007 November 2006. It explained that
elections, petitioner Norlainie Mitmug petitioner's domicile of origin was
Limbona and her husband, Mohammad Maguing, Lanao del Norte, her
"Exchan" Limbona, each filed a birthplace. When she got married, she
Certificate of Candidacy for Mayor of became a resident of Barangay
Pantar, Lanao del Norte. On April 2, Rapasun, Marawi City, where her
2007, private respondent Malik "Bobby" husband was Barangay Chairman until
Alingan filed a disqualification case November 2006. Barangay Rapasun, the
against Mohammad. Alingan also filed a Comelec said, was petitioner's domicile
petition for disqualification against by operation of law under the Family
petitioner. Both disqualification cases Code.
were premised on the ground that
petitioner and her husband lacked the On MR, the COMELEC En Banc affirmed
one-year residency requirement and the division’s resolution that disqualified
both were not registered voters of Pantar. petitioner.

Petitioner then executed an Affidavit of Petitioner posits that the Comelec erred
Withdrawal of her certificate of in disqualifying her for failure to comply
candidacy, which was approved by the with the one-year residency requirement.
Comelec. Petitioner also filed a Motion She alleges that in a disqualification case
against her husband filed by Nasser newcomer, unacquainted with the
Macauyag, another mayoralty candidate, conditions and needs of a community
the Comelec considered her husband as and not identified with the latter, from an
a resident of Pantar and qualified to run elective office to serve that community.
for any elective office there. Petitioner
avers that since her husband was For purposes of election law, the
qualified to run in Pantar, she is likewise question of residence is mainly one of
qualified to run. intention. There is no hard and fast rule
by which to determine where a person
Issue: Whether petitioner complied with actually resides. Three rules are,
the one-year residency period however, well established: first, that a
requirement man must have a residence or domicile
somewhere; second, that where once
Ruling: No. The issue of petitioner's established it remains until a new one is
disqualification for failure to comply with acquired; and third, a man can have but
the one-year residency requirement has one domicile at a time.
been resolved by this Court in
Norlainie Mitmug Limbona v. In order to acquire a domicile by choice,
Commission on Elections and Malik there must concur (1) residence or bodily
"Bobby" T. Alingan. This case presence in the new locality, (2) an
stemmed from the first disqualification intention to remain there, and (3) an
case filed by herein respondent against intention to abandon the old domicile. A
petitioner. Although the petitioner had person's "domicile" once established is
withdrawn the Certificate of Candidacy considered to continue and will not be
subject of the disqualification case, the deemed lost until a new one is
Comelec resolved the petition and found established.
that petitioner failed to comply with the
one-year residency requirement, and To successfully effect a change of
was, therefore, disqualified from running domicile one must demonstrate an actual
as mayor of Pantar. removal or an actual change of domicile;
a bona fide intention of abandoning the
The Court found that petitioner failed to former place of residence and
satisfy the one-year residency establishing a new one, and definite acts
requirement. It held: which correspond with the purpose. In
other words, there must basically be
The Comelec correctly found that animus manendi coupled with animus
petitioner failed to satisfy the one-year non revertendi. The purpose to remain in
residency requirement. The term or at the domicile of choice must be for
"residence" as used in the election law is an indefinite period of time; the change of
synonymous with "domicile," which residence must be voluntary; and the
imports not only intention to reside in a residence at the place chosen for the
fixed place but also personal presence in new domicile must be actual.
that place, coupled with conduct
indicative of such intention. The manifest Petitioner's claim that she has been
intent of the law in fixing a residence physically present and actually residing
qualification is to exclude a stranger or in Pantar for almost 20 months prior to
the elections, is self-serving and

We note the findings of the Comelec that

petitioner's domicile of origin is Maguing,
Lanao del Norte, which is also her place
of birth; and that her domicile by
operation of law (by virtue of marriage) is
Rapasun, Marawi City. The Comelec
found that Mohammad, petitioner's
husband, effected the change of his
domicile in favor of Pantar, Lanao del
Norte only on November 11, 2006. Since
it is presumed that the husband and wife
live together in one legal residence, then
it follows that petitioner effected the
change of her domicile also on
November 11, 2006.

Dispositive: Petition DISMISSED.

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