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Christoper Laurente


Electronics Marketing Tactics You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Digital tactics are the backbone of an effective electronics marketing strategy. As competition heats up in
the tech industry, you must not only perfect your product, but your marketing efforts. This means
mastering an arsenal of digital tools so that your message – and company – stand out from the

3 Digital Electronics Marketing Tactics You Can’t Overlook

Digital electronics marketing can be overwhelming for managers and even C-suite executives. From the
beginning, identify your audience and solidify your brand’s story. Once you’re digging deeper, there are a
few critical tactics that might be easy to overlook, but will change the game for your business.

1. Email Marketing – Email is still an essential part of any successful electronics marketing
strategy, even though it’s often passed over for flashier tactics. However, email marketing
done well has an incredibly high ROI, because many customers prefer to be contacted by
companies through email. Email marketing presents a useful opportunity to create ongoing
relationships with customers and prospects.
2. Content Marketing – Quality content creation is key to establishing your company as a
thought leader in the tech industry. Share knowledge to build credibility and generate
publicity. Engaging, consistent content will also enhance your website’s search engine
optimization (SEO), which means more traffic and more sales leads. To stay ahead of the
competition, invest in data studies and white papers that demonstrate your industry
3. Social Media – Social media isn’t an option any more, it’s a necessity. If your brand doesn’t
maintain a strong social media presence, you’re already behind. Identify appropriate
platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to connect with customers and weigh in on
relevant conversations. Social media is also a good place for brand content because it can be
easily shared by others. But don’t be fooled. Social media is no easy task. A successful social
media strategy relies on an experienced team that can devote the time represent your brand.

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