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Ships Electrical 

‐ Rene Borstlap, Hans ten Katen
Electrical installations in ships cover every aspect of This book is intended for those readers who have a ba-
an independent installation, from power generation, sic knowledge of electrical installations and who would
switch-gear and distribution, to every type of consum- like to widen their knowledge of the principles of elec-
er on board. tricity as well as the specific requirements of electrical
They include all types of automation and remote con- installations in ships.
trol, as well as internal and external communication, Every paragraph will be accompanied by a short fore-
navigation and nautical equipment. The basic differ- word or summary for ease of use.
ence with shorebased electrical installations is that
ships have to be self-supporting. Ships have to have The total of these summaries has been published as
either the personnel and necessary spares on board, or chapter 13 in the book SHIP KNOWLEDGE, a widely
the required redundancy to be able to reach the next used encyclopaedia for people involved in the shipping
port in case of a failure of a single system or compo- world or shipbuilding industry.
Some applications of ships and offshore systems re- About the authors:
quire this redundancy, not only in case of an electrical Rene Borstlap :
or mechanical failure, but also in case of other events Electrical marine engineer 1 designer, project leader of
such as fire or flooding of a space. electrical installations 1 manager of a shipyard electri-
It is also essential to know the way in which an instal- cal department I classification electrical surveyor
lation is operated in order to appraise the situation like:
- manned or unmanned engine room, Hans ten Katen:
computerized control systems, Naval architect I superintendent for a major tanker
- one man on the bridge (Class notation). owner I repair manager at a shipyard I classification
hull and machinery surveyor.
All these considerations influence the basic design, inclu-
sive of the location of equipment and cable routing. In the completion period of this book the originator,
Application of high-tech control and communication Rene Borstlap, sadly passed away.
equipment and high-powered semiconductor drives He will be remembered for his effort and knowledge in
requires knowledge of electromagnetic compatibility creating this book.
(EMC) and the application of EMC measures.
31. INDEX 222
32. CREDITS 224
Ships, in one form or the other, The following groups can be Power sources
have probably been around as long recognised: 11 AC sources,
as there are people on this planet, 12 Emergency power
but only since the end of the 19th Fundamental design 13 Switchboards
century electricity got on board. 04 One- line diagram 14 Synchronizing and parallel op-
OS Load balance eration
First in a simple form with some 06 Mains voltage selection
lights on DC power, later with more 07 Short-circuit calculation The basic selections for chapters 11
power to drive systems using alter- and 12 will have been made by the
nating current (A C). All these chapters will normally be shipyard following the fundamental
Nowadays we cannot be without addressed by the shipowner and design and be part of the specifica-
electricity on ships as it has pen- the shipyard with the aid of special- tion.
etrated every system on board like ists . Based on this information the elec-
pumps, control and automation, The results will be part of the tech- tical engineers will work on the de-
navigation equipment and sophis- nical specification . tail designs which will include items
ticated communication equipment. As we will explain in Chapter 3, 13 and 14.
Basic Design criteria, it may re-
Every year thousands of new-built quire some recalculations or itera- Main power consumers
ships, from very small to very tions when the fundamental design 15 Motors and starting devices
large, are made around the world progresses as one result may infiu- 16 Transformers and converters
and thousands of repairs, modifica- ence the other. 17 Electromagnetic compatibility
tions and revamps to ex isting ships
take place. Practically all of these Basic equipment selection Again the basic selections for chap-
projects require electrical design 08 Circuit breakers, contactors and ters 15 and 16 will have been made
and installation in one form or an- selectivity by the shipyard following the fun-
other. 09 Type approved equipment damental design and be part of the
This book has been written with 10 Equipment protection Ex/IP rat- specification.
the intent to help all those involved ings However, the electrical engineer will
with decision-making, design, in- have to work on the detail design.
stallation, testing and maintenance Chapter 8, Circuit breakers, con- When large converters are part of
of electrical systems on board tactors and selectivity, can only be the electrical installation special at-
ships. This to gain better under- addressed when the fundamental tention should be given to chapter
standing of the subjects involved design is completed. 17, Electromagnetic compatibilty to
to make the correct choices from a The other two chapters are deter- avoid disturbances in the installa-
number of options. mined by Class requirements as tion .
defined in the specification. These
Shipbuilding is a global business chapters will primarily be addressed
and involves shipowners with their by the lead electrical engineer.
financiers, shipyards, equipment
manufacturers and many related
service and knowledge providers .
All in all thousands of workers may
be involved in a project and they
could be all over the world. This
requires a lot of planning and co-
ordination and early agreement
of the standards and goals for the

Chapter 3-basic design criteria-

will address some of these issues
together with the fundamental re-
quirements to work on the electri-
cal design .

We kick off with Chapter 1 -basics

of electricity- for those who are not
familiar with these or to revitalise
knowledge for those who should

The other chapters are organised

in such a way that they follow the
development of the design of the
electrical installation.

1. Preface
Installation requirements Special systems Chapters 27 deals with the comple-
18 Electrical cabling 25 Dynamic positioning systems tion of the ves el and bringing it
26 Special systems into operation.
This gives information on the cable These items ar . primarily for the
installation and connection and will Chapter 25 will much of the time be owner to verify that the electrical
be used by the electrical engineers applicable to special types of ves- installation has 9een built in accord-
to plan and organise the installation sels like offshore cranes, pipelay- ance with the c9ntract, to maintain
on board. ers, diving support ships, etc. and the vessel in operation (28) and
the basics will be laid down in the to have it survdyed by Class on a
Primary systems specification. regular basis .
19 Automatic control systems Chapter 26 will address a number
20 Alarm and monitoring systems of special systems such as helicop- Additional info mation
21 Navigation and nautical systems ter facilities, emergency propulsion 29 Appendixes
22 Communication systems systems and the like. 30 Useful internet links
23 Safety systems Chapter 27 will address testing. 31 Index
24 Lighting systems 32 Credits
Vessel completion and opera-
All these chapters will normally tion These chapters provide quick ac-
be applicable to any ship and the 27 Testing, comm1ss1oning and cess to useful in ormation.
basic requirements will have been classification
addressed in the specification. The 28 Maintenance Marine projects
electrical engineers will complete Each project will! require a different
the systems in detail design. focu< 00 the cor ot of th;, book .
New-building projects Special ships Moreover many offshore systems
For new-building projects all of the There are many special ships in the are unique and dealing with these
chapters 03 to 24 probably will be world fleet. in this book would make it over-
required . Some were custom-made, others complicated.
A new to be built passengership are modified existing ships.
would require special attention for Special ships are for instance large Having said this it is also true that
chapter 23 Safety systems and offshore cranes, pipelaying ves- the first four groups of this book,
chapter 24 Lighting systems. sels, stone- dump vessels, diving dealing with the basics of the elec-
support vessels, survey vessels, trical design, may safely be used
Modifications to existing ships dredgers, etc. for offshore-related projects.
Modifications to existing ships may
require more electrical power by Most of these vessels are equipped Instructions for use
adding generator capacity due to with a dynamic positioning system This book is for guidance only and
for instance the addition of ex- and sophisticated electronic sys - the user should always refer back
tra cargo-handling gear or a bow- tems to aid operations. For these to the contract and the technical
thruster. projects chapters 25 Dynamic po- specification and the class require-
This would mean that the chapter sitioning systems and 26 Special ments for the legal binding rules
04 One line diagram, 05 Load bal- systems will particularly apply. and regulations.
ance and 07 Short-circuit calcu - For the Class requirements it should
lation, has to be updated and re- Offshore projects be clearly established that the lat-
viewed. Offshore projects such as drilling- est information is available for
rigs in any shape or size are not which the web-page of the applica-
covered by this book. The Rules ble class may be a good source .
and Regulations differ quite sub-
stantially from those for ships.
This section defines and explains
the different types of electricity 1. Direct Current (DC)
and their purpose.
A dictionary gives for "electric- DC power can be produced in vari-
ity" the following definition: ous ways;
Fundamental property of mat- - a chemical process in batteries
ter, associated with atomic parti- or fuel cells
cles, whose movements, free or - a dynamo converting mechani-
controlled, lead to the develop- cal energy
ment of fields of force and the - an AC to DC converter. No
generation of kinetic or potential naked f\ames
energy. DC can be stored in an accumulator
and later retrieved when required.
An example is a conventional die-
sel electric submarine, where the
The definition looks complicated electric energy is produced by a
but electricity is a clean distribution diesel generator during operation
medium to transport power. at the surface or just underwater at
It does not smell, it does not pol- snorkel depth and stored in batter-
lute if spoiled ana is relatively safe. ies. The propeller is driven by an
electromotor both at the surface or
Electricity is not a purpose but a when submerged.
medium for the distribution of pow-
er which can be done with relative- In modern ships, DC systems are
ly simple equipment. It can eas- limited to small installations or
ily be converted into mechanical transitional sources of power.
forces, light or heat. In very small Battery box
portions it can be used to distribute Uninterrupted Power Supply units
information. (UPS units) are a combination of A disadvantage of DC systems is
a battery, storing the DC power, a that the generators with collectors
Any accumulation of one kind of battery charger and a converter to and brushes, complex switch-gear
electricity in excess of an equiva- make AC from the DC power. and motors with collectors and
lent of the opposite kind is called a These units are often used for com- brushes, all require a lot of main-
charge and is measured in appro- puter power supplies where an un- tenance and get more complicated
priate units: controlled shutdown would lead to when the size increases.
- a charge fixed at one point or loss of information or crash of the A further disadvantage of DC sys-
within a circumscribed field of program. Small units are also used tems is that switching off DC cir-
force is static electricity; in transitional lighting fixtures. cuits must be fast to reduce the ef-
- a charge which flows through a fects of possible harmful arcs.
conductor is current electricity.

Static electricity is usually undesir-

able .
For example: Voltage created by
the flow of liquid through the cargo
hoses when loading a tanker could
lead to a static high voltage and
there after to a spark.

Current electricity comes in two

basic types:
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC) .

DC Dynamo or motor with the com-

plicated brushes and collector
1. Rotating coil
2. Fixed coil
3. Collector
4. Brushes
2 Alternating Current
Magnet rotates in Winding
Alternating current (AC) allows
simple switchgear as the current
goes down to zero every cycle and ....
the arc extinguishes by itself when AC lamp 0
the voltage is zero, provided the time
distance between the open con-
tacts is large enough to prevent re-
ignition in the next cycle.
no moving Contactors
Pictures of the extinguishing of an
arc in a circuit breaker are shown
in chapter 8, circuit breakers.

The diagram on this page, of the

generator and motor, shows a sin-
gle-phase alternating current sys-
tem with the physical location of
the magnets and rotating field.
AC is a very suitable transport me-
dium of energy for lighting and
control signals. The conversion of /
AC single-phase into rotating en- Magnet stands still
ergy requires an auxiliary winding DC Voltage is taken from
to define the direction. Thus, small split Sliprings (Collector)
electric motors need to have a
starting or auxiliary winding. Large
motors are seldom single-phase.

w\ ~rv
3 Rotating Current (RC)

A logical evolution after the single-

phase AC system is the three-phase

AC or rotating current system.

The permanent magnet of the gen- ....,- 1. Rotating magnet
2. Fixed coil
erator rotates within three wind- Generator Motor
ings, physically located 120 ° from
each other, creating an AC volt-
age/current in sequence in each of Rotation Power
these windings.
This rotating voltage/current
makes it possible to power a sim-
ple AC squirrel cage motor (see
chapter 15) having the same three L1 L2 L3
windings similarly spaced.
Reversing the direction of rotation ~f-~~~~~~,---~
is done by changing two phases. ....
A further advantage of this three- 0
phase system is that when the
load is equally distributed over
the phases, the sum of the three-
phase current is zero. In that case 4 Ships' Electrical
the zero or star-point-conductor Systems
can be deleted or at least reduced
in size. This effective distribution Electrical systems on board ships
system is the most commonly used have become increasingly compli-
system on ships and shore instal- cated over the years.
lations. From relatively small systems with
poor quality materials these sys-
tems have evolved to complicated
large systems which require careful
design, particularly with the choice
of distribution system.
More on this can be found in Chap-
ter 3 Section 8.

2. Basics of electricity
Generator Motor 4 Relation Voltage,
Power and Current

Relation between voltage, power

and current in DC and single-phase
AC systems:


Generator Starter Motor 1=---
P= U X I X COS(j>

Relation between voltage, power

and current in three-phase AC sys-

P = U X I X y3 X COS(j>

Reversing Cos q> is the power factor and is de-

Starter termined by the load .
For resistive loads such as lighting,
heating and cooking equipment the
Reversing AC motor by changing two wires cos q> is normally 1, unless elec-
tronic devices or capacitors are in-

U1 The design power factor of genera-

Balanced Load tors is normally 0.8.
Power factors for motors vary with
Red 11
I) 12
the load and size between 0.6 for a
U3 ~ U2 small motor or a low-loaded larger
motor to 0.9 for a full-loaded large
Neutral 10
Balanced Load motor.
L2 11 + 12 + 13 = 0
Yellow 12 => 10 = 0
)>: Voltage: U (V = Voltage)
Blue 13
Neutral is not loaded
Current : I (A Ampere)=
Power: P (W = Watt)
Neutral/ Zero Conductor can be small
Resistance: R (Q = Ohms)
Three-phase system with equal loads.
The sum of currents is zero, neutral can be small or even deleted. In general in most countries the

~~:: ~
following voltages will be used :
Unbalanced Load
Red 11 - phase to neutral 230V

U3 X. U2

3-phase line voltage for 50Hz
3-phase line voltage for 60Hz
Unbalanced Load
L2 11 + 12 + 13 "' 0
Yellow 12 => 10 "'0
Blue 13
When the requi red electric power
When different Currents > is known the current can be calcu-
neutral is loaded lated from:

Three-phase system with different loads . p

The sum of currents is not zero, neutral is loaded. I=----------------
U X y3 X COS(j> X tl

Depending on the value of the cur-

rent, the cable and circuit breaker
or fuse can be selected.
Establishing the Basic Design put down in the contract specifica- It may help to think SMART with all
Criteria is the first step towards tion where there will also be the activities which means:
a successf ul project. reference to the required class no- S - Specific i.e. not fuzzy or unclear
The content and clarity of these tation. When the contract specifica- M - Measurable i.e . quantified in
criteria will aid all those involved tion is not clear on all points this agreed standard units
in the design, preparation, in- should be addressed at the start of A - Agreed i.e. all involved have
stallation, testing, commission- the project and rectified. discussed and will comply
ing and delivery of the project. R - Realistic i.e. do not ask for the
These criteria should be clearly 2.2 Contract price impossible
identified if possible by the Own- T- Time dependent i.e. relate the
er when preparing the contract This is the agreed price for the subject to a beginning and end
specification but otherwise by work under contract . Normally the plan.
the shipyard, in consultation shipyard will hold the main contract
with the Owner. with the ship-owner and will sub- It is obvious that, when a ship is
contract parts to other parties. Any part of a series, only the first ship
change of the contract specification will require most effort in establish-
may be subject to a price adjust- ing the basic design criteria. A one-
1 Introduction ment of the main contract. off design for vessels of some com-
plexity will probably require more
A ship's electrical system in a small 2.3 Planning effort to prepare the basic design
ship can be simple, with a small criteria .
power source like a battery and a This is the agreed time scheduled
solar panel, but more often it will for the work under contract. Most
involve a large number of some- of the time this will also include 3 Definitions
times complicated systems. Mod- so-called milestones which are an-
ern vessels may have close to a chors for the project on which all The basic design criteria should be
hundred different systems. These parties can focus their own activi- made at the start of the project
could range from power generation ties. Again any change to the plan- preferably by the owner when the
to large distribution systems and ning may be subject to a price ad- ship's design is made. This is not
from large control systems to sat- justment on the main contract. always possible as the Owner may
ellite communication with remote not have sufficient resources and
diagnostic systems via satellite for 2.4 Organisation expertise to do so. In that case ship
onboard computer systems . owners will have specialized ship
This is to show the relation between design bureaus involved. With a
Being involved in the electrical de- the parties involved and their level more standard ship the owner may
sign for a ship can therefore be a of authority to make decisions. The go directly to a shipyard.
challenge as you would be working resulting organisation chart helps
with the owner and shipyard rep- to identify the key players and The basic design criteria will start
resentatives, numerous suppliers, their role in the project. Changes with the owner's description of the
specialists, installation workers and in the organisation chart during purpose of the ship and its type of
commissioning engineers. the project, especially on manage- service based on expectations of
ment levels, should be avoided as the commercial market the vessel
Establishing the basic design cri- it would also drain knowledge from will work in.
teria is the essential first step be- the project.
fore any other design activity can The purpose of the vessel could be
start. Going carefully through the 2.5 Information a general-cargo ship, a passenger-
basic design criteria at the start of ship, an oil tanker, a support vessel,
a project can avoid costly changes This is the way all those involved a drill ship, etc. with a description
later in the project. communicate with each other. It of its capacity and operational lim-
may range from the distribution of its like unrestricted service, coastal
e-mails with primary communica- service or inland waterways ser-
2 Project management tors (read and reply) and second- vice.
ary communicators (read only) to
Every project, small or big, should the way the drawings and docu- Then the type of operation by the
be managed throughout the project ments are coded . ship's staff will be defined like a
on five essential criteria which are The electrical design will be part manned or unmanned engine-room
to be anchored at the start of the of the bigger project structure and and the· level of automation. At the
project in a written project .plan: will follow the same management same time the basic design for the
structure. It should always be real- bridge will be made with the level
2.1 Quality ised that projects are made by peo- of integration.
ple and that good communications
This basically is what to expect are essential. The redundancy criteria will deter-
from the end result on delivery of mine how much equipment may
the project. Don't make a Rolls fail before the operation of the ship
Royce when you were asked for a cannot be continued.
Volkswagen. The basis for this is
Options for redundancy levels are: For the electrical installation the 4 Type of service
Class 1, standard single failure submission of the basic design cri-
mode for all ships teria will be supported by informa- Unrestricted service.
Class 2, for DP (Dynamic Position) tion such as: No help is to be expected from
ships, single failure mode - short-circuit calculations, shore. The requirements for redun-
Class 3, for DP (Dynamic Position) - selectivity diagrams, dancy, battery time, and emergen-
ships, extra precautions - lists of primary materials, cy generator capability are maxi-
against fire and flooding - lay-out drawings mal as per SOLAS (Safety of Life at
Sea) rules.
There is a logical order in which the In case of a new or unusual design Restricted service.
design stages follow each other. the submission must also include Any ship especially designed for a
When the one-line diagram and the an operational description. certain location or short service,
load balance are available the main like ferries between The United
voltage can be selected after which The various subjects of the ba- Kingdom and the continent.
the short-circuit calculation can be sic design criteria are further ex- Coastal service
made. plained below and further detailed Ships with a "Coastal Service" no-
The values from the shortcircuit in separate chapters. tation are allowed to operate in a
calculation are the basis for the limited area, which in general is
circuit breaker selection, selectiv- It should be noted that when draft- covered by a local communication
ity and main switchboard design. ing the basic design criteria for a station and some sort of service or-
With the fundamental design fig- new-design vessel, one decision ganization .
ures determined, the main electri- may influence another. When insuf- Again, the requirements for battery
cal components can be ordered and ficient data are available the basic rating, communication equipment
production of for instance the main design will be based on assumed and redundancy are limited as as-
switchboard started . values but these values should be sistance is available at short notice.
validated as soon as possible with Inland Waterway
When all the items of the basic de- detailed design. When more accu- Operational area: rivers, canals,
sign criteria have been addressed rate data is available, earlier made harbours, etc. These types of ships
the result has to be submitted to calculations should be redone to are limited in their operational area.
the classification society for ap- verify if the outcomes are still with- Assistance by a fire brigade or tugs
praisal. The basic design criteria in the set limits. Especially with the is more likely available. The require-
will be verified against the request- design of a "one-off" vessel more ments for fire pumps, emergency
ed class notation of the ship. than one recalculation may be re- battery capacity rating or fuel tank
quired before final results are ob- contents for an emergency genera-
tained. tor set, are less than the require-
ments for unrestricted service.

Tanker for unrestricted service, coastal service ship, inland waterway ship and a restricted service tug

3. Basic design criteria

5 Type of operation, These systems have to be arranged - Shallow depth from the echo-
engine room and bridge in such a way that under normal sounder
operating conditions no manual in- - Waypoint approach if auto-track
tervention by engineers is required. is installed
5.1 Manned I unmanned Alarm and monitoring functions - Off-course alarm from a device
engine room. must be independent from safety independent from autopilot or
systems. gyro-compass
Manned engine-rooms are rare Off-track alarm if auto track is
nowadays. Modern automation Alarms that are not acknowledged provided
systems such as remote control in the space within a predetermined - Steering alarms
and alarm and monitoring systems time must be automatically relayed - Navigation-lights alarms
make it possible to operate most to the engineer on duty via the en- - Gyro-compass alarms
engine-rooms unmanned, at least gineer's call system . When the en- - Watch safety-system failure
part of the time. gineer on duty fails to act within a alarm
In day-time engineers can execute predetermined time the alarms will - Power-supply failure alarms
planned maintenance and repairs be relayed to other engineers. of nautical distribution panels
or replacement of defective parts. When on patrol in the unmanned and, if dual, both for normal as
Because engine-rooms are usu- engine-room the duty engineer will well as back-up supply circuits.
ally warm, damp and noisy, an un- activate the operator fitness sys- All alarms have to be fail-safe,
manned engine-room is advanta- tem . This system consists of start/ so that failure of the device or
geous. stop panels at the entrances to the power supply to the device trig-
For ships with simple electrical engine-room and timer-reset pan- gers an alarm .
installations it may be feasible to els in the engine-room. When the
design a manned engine-room and timer, normally set at 30 minutes, Failure of the power supply to the
delete the expensive and compli- runs out and is not reset, an alarm bridge-alarm system shall be mon-
cated automation for remote con- will be given on the bridge and in itored by the engine-room alarm
trol, alarm and monitoring sys- the accommodation. and engine-room monitoring sys-
tems, fire-detection systems, fuel tem.
leakage detection, etc . 5.3 One-man-on-bridge A watch safety system to monitor
Automatic starting of a stand-by the well-being and awareness of
generator set, automatic closing of Periodic operation of a ship at sea the watch-keeper is provided. The
a dead bus bar after failure of the (coastal, restricted or unrestricted watch-keeper confirms his well-
running set and automatic starting service) under the supervision of a being by accepting a warning at a
of all essential electric consum- single watch-keeper on the bridge maximum 12 minutes interval.
ers is a SOLAS requirement for is becoming normal practice. When the watch-keeper fails to re-
all ships, including those with a Similar to an engine-room with one spond to accept the warning with-
manned engine-room. man on watch, the basic require- in 30 seconds or fails to accept a
ments are as follows: bridge alarm within 1 minute, a
5.2 Unmanned (UMS) Alarm and warning systems asso- fixed installed system initiates a
notation. ciated with navigation equipment watch alarm to the captain's cab-
are centralised for efficient identifi- in and to the back-up navigator's
On ships with notation UMS there cation, both visible and audible. cabin. The flag-states, however, do
is no need for a person permanent not accept a single watch-keeper
on watch in the engine-oom. These The following alarms have to be on the bridge for passenger-ships,
ships (UMS) are required to have provided : so this bridge always has to be
additional warning systems such - Closest Point of Approach (CPA) manned by at least two officers
as: from the radars when underway with passengers.
a fire-detection system
- automatic safety systems and
remote-control systems for ma-
- automatic control systems for
air compressors alarm and
monitoring system
- automatic starting of stand-by
pumps for propulsion auxiliaries
such as:
• seawater pumps
• freshwater pumps
• lubricating-oil pumps
• fuel-oil pumps
• propeller hydraulic pumps
when not directly engine-
Engine control room

3. Basic design criteria

5.4 Integrated bridge A bird's eye view analysis of the 8 Type of distribution
location of main power consum - system
Other possibilities for the notation ers in a dredger m ight reveal
of navigation functions are Inte- that the best location for the 8.1 Introduction on
grated Bridge Navigation Sys- Main (HV) Switchboard would grounding, bonding and
tems. This configuration requires, be in the fore - sh ip close to large safety
in addition to the one-man-an- consumers such as big dredging
bridge requirements: pumps and the bow th ru ster(s) . Ever since AC generation and dis-
- duplicated gyro-compasses, When the generators, wh ich tribution has been introduced on a
- GPS system, would norma lly be in the main large scale on ships around 1950,
- route-planning capabilities, eng ine- room in the aft sh ip, there has been debate about the
- auto track capability would be connected to th is type of distribution system. The
- electronic chart display switchboard , the extra long ca - main focus with the type of distri-
(ECDIS). bles would require special fault bution system is the treatment of
protection. the systems neutral with respect to
Differential protection is obl iga- grounding.
6 Load balance tory for machines with a rating
above 1500 kVA, it is not very When selecting the grounding
Location of essential electrical cost increasing . method the primary factor with the
equipment as well as an estimate Space is sufficiently ava ilable in selection is the safety of people
of how much electric power is re- the forward pa rt of a dredger and secondly the safety of equip-
quired during operations, is the and weight is not critical the re ment. But loss of vital equipment
key-issue in the basic design. as the heavy main eng ines are can endanger a ship's safety and
A detailed General Arrangement located aft. this in turn can reduce the safety
plan is generally used to show the of the crew.
locations of the essential electric
generators and large consumers. 7 Maintenance criteria The main cause of faults on board
A load balance estimates the total of a ship are ground faults which
electric loads during the various - Self-supporting occur when live conductors come
conditions of operation. - Shore-based maintenance into contact with the "ground". The
This gives a figure for the required "ground" on a ship is basically the
electric generator capacity for each The above parametres affect the metal structure.
condition. A detailed load balance basic design, including:
for the total load in a specific loca- - load balance, When an electrical system is "un-
tion gives a design figure for the lo- - a one-line diagram, grounded" this means that the
cal switchboard and feeder cables. basic cable-routing require- neutral of the power supply is insu-
The load balance must also de- ments, lated from the ship's metal struc-
termine the required load under - basic location of essential elec- ture. In an "ungrounded" system
emergency conditions. This figure trical equipment, a ground fault will be detected but
can then be used to select a suit- - automation requirements. not removed automatically on the
able sized emergency diesel gen- first fault. This allows a service to
erator with fuel tank or, in smaller The type of operation determines remain in operation, which can be
systems, the emergency batteries which spare parts have to be on a big advantage for vital services
with charger. board and the required level of such as those for DP operations.
knowledge of the ship's staff.

h When operations cannot stop, as in

the case of a pipe-laying vessel or a
diving-support vessel, the ship has
to be fully self-supporting with all
the necessary spares on board.
Although "ungrounded" there will
still be a fault current flowing due
to the capacitance of the cables
and interference suppression ca-
pacitors fitted inside equipment. In
In other cases, where a ship makes large installations with many ca-
regular port calls, such as a ferry, bles this fault current can be sub-
most spares can be kept ashore stantial.
where also knowledge can be easily To find a first ground fault in an
hired in. "ungrounded" system can be some
task as these are normally not
self-revealing and would involve
switching on and off circuits in
Symbols and phase colours: distribution panels until the fault
electrical drawings contain disappears. Only when a more so-
standardized symbols and phisticated system is installed with
sometimes use phase colours core-balance current transformers
like those in this chapter. More in the distribution panels automat-
details on this can be found in ed fault-finding can be obtained but
chapter 29. this can be an expensive addition.
When an electrical system is In an "ungrounded" system the 8.2 Primary methods of
"grounded" this means that the voltage levels of the remaining grounding on ships
neutral of the power supply is con- phases will rise to 1.732(v'3) of the
nected to the ship's metal structure. nominal value. There are generally three methods
In a "grounded" system a ground When the fault is not solved this of grounding which are used:
fault will in most cases be removed higher voltage level will cause the - Insulated neutral (ungrounded)
by the automatic opening of a cir- insulation of wires and cables to - Solid and low impedance
cuit breaker or the melting of a fuse deteriorate. That is why most clas- - High impedance
in the faulty circuit. sification bureaus have set a limit to
A live conductor can touch the the total time per year that ground 8.2.1 Insulated neutral
metal case of a piece of equipment faults may occur in a system. (ungrounded) systems
which then would become a hazard When a wire is loose and re-strikes The main advantages are:
to the crew. ground, which is likely to happen - Continuity of service on a
Bonding all metallic enclosures of on a ship in service, this can cause ground fault
electrical equipment to the ship's transient over-voltages which may - Ground fault currents can be
hull will ensure that these are on permanently damage equipment. kept low
the same voltage level and will not In general there is no single "best The main disadvantages are:
cause electric shock. Furthermore method" for grounding the electri- - High level of insulation may be
the bonding of equipment will make cal system. It is to the engineers necessary.
paths available for fault currents to to select a system that is best fit- - High transient over-voltages
allow protection devices or detec- ted in relation to safety, cost and may occur
tion devices to react. Bonding thus operation. - Grounded circuit detection may
ads greatly to safety. The result could be to use a number be difficult
On ships most equipment will be in- of restricted grounded systems for
In the latest edition of IEC 60092-
stalled directly onto metallic floors specific services such as domes-
502 TANKERS both insulated and
or bulkheads that are part of the tic, hotel and galley via dedicated
earthed distribution systems are
vessel's structure and are as such transformers.
perm itted, however, systems with
bonded together. When this is not
a hull return are not permitted.
the case, like for instance with Essential services, such as DP and
Return via the ship's construction
equipment on skids with anti-vibra- propulsion related, could then be
is only acceptable in limited sys-
tion mounts, additional grounding supplied from insulated systems.
tems, such as diesel-engine bat-
arrangements must be in place. By splitting systems over different
tery start systems, intrinsically
These arrangements must be suita- supplies and applying redundancy
safe systems and impressed-cur-
bly sized flexible ground wires con- these systems can be further op-
rent cathodic protection systems,
nected to ground bosses welded to timized.
outside any hazardous area.
the ship's structure.



-D- 1


1--""'""-+--~;.~;. .~N,;.s~;. .;.~. ~;-J:.G_E ____ c_'R_c_u"c~ \\

.J.. 2nd EARTHFAULT / /

.... ....








3. Basic design criteria

Most main electrical power systems The main disadvantages are: countries makes companies re-
on ships, in the range from 400V to - Instant disconnection and loss sponsible for the safety of workers
690V, will have an insulated neutral. of the service or crew on board of ships. Using
It is, however, important that - Fault currents can be large and this type of system would make it
a ground-fault is detected and can cause extensive damage easier to comply as standards with
cleared as quickly as possible. This and have the risk of explosion . respect to safety, training, opera-
is to avoid a large short-circuit tional authorisation, etc. would be
current on a second ground-fault, Most low-power, low-voltage sys- the same . Special consideration
which can be in excess of the 3- tems in the range from 110-230V should be given to low-voltage sup-
phase fault current for which the have a solid grounded neutral. This plies to for instance steering gear
equipment is rated, which can do power is mostly supplied from a or pumps for essential services as
damage beyond repair. phase to neutral source like a trans- these should not trip on a ground
Hazardous areas will also have an former and is used to supply small fault. For these services it would
insulated neutral power supply sys- power consumers and lighting. probably be best to make a dedi-
tem, as the flash-over from a fault- There are two basic types of distri- cated supply directly from the main
ed cable in a grounded system, bution for solid or low impedance power source. The diagram below
which may cause an explosion, is grounded systems: shows the principle lay-out of a
too high. a. 3-phase 4-wire with neutral system with an ungrounded main
The diagram on page 21 shows the earthed with hull return power system but with a grounded
principal lay-out of this system. b. 3-phase 4-wire with neutral low-voltage system.
earthed without hull return (TN-
8.2.2 Solid and low-impedance 5-system) for all voltages up to 8.2.3 High impedance grounded
grounded systems and including 500 V A.C. High impedance grounding, using
The main advantages are: a resistance to ground, is used in
- No special attention for equip- The type without hull return (b) the majority of medium voltage
ment insulation required resembles installations common- systems and offers several advan-
- Automatic detection and imme- ly used on shore in houses and is tages:
diate isolation of ground faults used primarily in the accommoda-
- Ground fault current flows for a tions of ships. - Low ground-fault currents, lim-
short period of time, restricting The additional advantage of such iting damage and reducing fire
damage a system is that it will require the risk
- Avoiding arcing ground over- same skills for operation and main- - Mfnimal ground-fault flash haz-
voltages tenance as for onshore installa- ard due to system-over voltages
- Maintains phase voltages at a tions. Labour legislation in various - Low protection equipment costs.
constant value to ground.



-G- 1

: 1 I I
1 I I I

l \ cuRRENT

I: I
J.. 2nd EARTHFAULT / /

...... ....

- - - - - -
--- ,.,-

/ /



T L1 L2 L3 N

The resistance is connected be- 8 .3 Some practical advice on In an "ungrounded" distribution
tween the neutral point and the grounding arrangements system it will be an advantage to
ship's hull. The resistance limits the supply this equipment from a sepa-
ground-fault current to a low value, When different voltage levels or rated "grounded" system so that the
but one that is high enough to en- different types of services are in- ground-faults will be self-clearing.
sure selective operation of ground- volved, the treatment of the neutral In an "ungrounded" system it is
fault protective devices. should be dealt with for each part worth considering the installation
separately, regardless of the other of a "fault-making switch", with a
Determining the value of the part. Beware of equalising currents series impedance when necessary,
grounding resistance, to ensure the when a system neutral is connected which could be used at a conveni-
operation of the ground-current de- to ground at several points and do ent time to temporarily connect
tection and protection equipment, not connect transformer neutrals the system neutral to ground and
is the work of qualified high-voltage and generator neutrals in the same cause a faulty circuit to trip.
engineers. distribution system at the same
voltage level. 8 .4 Grounding arrangements
As with a low-voltage insulated The connections of grounding ar- and shore connections
system the operation of a high im- rangements to the hull shall be so
pedance grounded high-voltage arranged that any circulating cur- When the neutral of the electrical
system with a ground fault is in rent in the earth connections do not system is grounded, the hull may,
principle possible but cannot be interfere with radio, radar, commu - in some cases, function as the
recommended . nication and control equipment cir- grounding point for the shore sup-
cuits. ply when in port. This then would
There is always a danger that the When a system neutral is ground- lead to galvanic corrosion of the
fault will escalate to a phase-to- ed, manual disconnection for main- ship's hull due to the ground cur-
phase fault and cause fire or ex- tenance or insulation resistance rents flowing between ship and
tensive equipment damage. It is measurement should be possible. shore. To avoid this, an isolation
therefore advised to isolate the When a four-wire distribution sys- transformer can be fitted on board
equipment and repair the ground tem is used, the system neutral in the shore supply. The secondary
fault as soon as possible. With can shall be connected to earth at all side of the isolation transformer
be relatively easy as a high-voltage times without the use of contac- can then be connected to the ship's
system on board of a ship will nor- tors . ground to form a neutral point with
mally be not very extensive. Most ground-faults occur in miscel- no connection to the shore system.
laneous electrical equipment away An example of a neutral grounded
from the main power production system with an isolating trans-
like in lighting fittings, galley equip- former in the shore power supply is
ment and deck fittings. given on the diagram below .


-- - - -FAULT



8.5 Dangers from electric 9 Redundancy criteria 9.1 Normal services
Essential services, those services Some examples of consumers of
The way in which the neutral is required for the operation and safe- systems that are duplicated:
handled has no significant effect on ty of the ship, must be duplicated - Starting-air compressors
shock risk to personnel. in such a way, that a single failure - Sprinkler pumps I Fire extin-
The human tolerance to shock cur- in the service or in its supply sys- guishing pumps I Ultra-Fog
rents is so low that any method of tem does not cause the loss of both pumps I Drencher pumps
grounding the neutral has the pos- services. - Bilge and Ballast pumps,
sibility of allowing a potential lethal This is done by arranging individual - Sea-water and fresh-water cool-
current to flow. Even the line to supply circuits to each service. ing pumps, HT and LT systems
earth capacitive current in an un - Those supply circuits have to be - Electric propulsion equipment
grounded system could be danger- separated in their switchboards and - Starting batteries and battery
ous. Reducing the risk to humans throughout the cable length and as chargers for electric starting en-
from electric shock can be done widely separated from each other gines
by using Residual Current Devices as practicable, without the use of - Fire detection and alarm sys-
(RCD's), of high sensitivity be- any common components. tems
ing 30mA, with an operating time Common components are switch- - Fuel-oil pumps and heaters
shorter than 30ms. RCD's can only board sections, feeders, protection - Controllable-pitch propeller
be effective on solid grounded sub- devices, control circuits or control pumps,
systems, like in the accommoda- gear assemblies. This is the basis - Lubricating and priming-pumps
tion, where these are fitted behind for a high voltage one-line diagram, for main engines, gearboxes,
a neutral grounded transformer. a low-voltage one-line diagram and auxiliary engines, shafting if
The diagram below shows the prin- the 24V DC one-line diagram, as electric driven
cipal lay-out of a 3-phase 4-wire well as the lay-out of the switch- - Inert-gas fans, scrubber pumps
low-voltage neutral grounded sys- boards and panels. and deck-seal pumps
tem with RCB's. Another way of re- Physical separation against propa- - Steering gear pumps
ducing the risk of electric shock in gation of fire and electrical damage
low-voltage sub-systems ( <250V) to other sections supplying the du-
is the use of isolating transformers. plicated service is required.



Ll L2 L3 N


Principle of residual current

circuit breaker CRCCB)

When this differen ce is large eno ugh

Example of 3-pole circuit breaker with built on th e circuit breaker will trip .
differential trip unit (ABB)

3. Basic design criteria

- Thrusters for dynamic position-
ing, where it should be noted
that thrusters for manoeuvring
do not have to be duplicated
but could have for instance
dual feeders from two different
switchboard sections
- Lighting systems do not have to
be duplicated as long as two fi-
nal sub-circuits serve each cabin
or accommodation space; one
circuit may be from the emer-
gency switchboard
- Navigational aids as required by
statutory regulations connect-
ed to a distribution board with
change-over feeders from main
and emergency switchboards
- Navigation lights with a dedicat-
ed distribution board with dual
feeders from main and emer-
gency switchboards. Dual lights
are not required by law as long
as the replacement of a bro-
ken bulb is possible, in adverse
weather conditions as well
- Remote operated valves
- Engine-room fans
1. Shore connection circuit breaker 4. Essential consumers circuit
- Watertight doors
2 . Generator circuit breaker breakers 1
- Windlasses
3 . Bus section isolator 5. Main bus bar
- Power sources and control sys-
tems for above services.

In addition, for the accommodation

the following services are neces-
sary for minimum comfort:
- cooking I heating
- domestic refrigeration
- mechanical ventilation
- sanitary and fresh-water.

Moving domestic refrigeration to the

essentials list is under discussion.
The following services are not con-
sidered necessary to maintain the
ship in normal sea-going opera-
- cargo-handling and cargo-care
equ ipment
- hotel services other than those
for habitable conditions
- thrusters other than those for
dynamic positioning.

However, in a non-essential trip-

ping system, thrusters are not to
be tripped before cooking, heating,
ventilation, sanitary and any other
non-sa iling services. This to avoid
dangerous situations during ma-
noeuvring and mooring.
Examples of a switchboard lay-out,
showing essential consumers sec-
tion, generator panels section with
bus section isolator and essential
consumers section.
9.2 Emergency services

Emergency services may include

for example:
Emergency lighting
Navigation lights
- Internal communication
Emergency fire-pump
Sprinkler/ultra-fog pump
Emergency bilge pump with
bilge valves.

For passenger-ships emergency

services must be available for 36
hours, for cargo-ships the mini-
mum time is 18 hours.
This determines battery capacity or
the contents of the fuel tank in case
of an emergency diesel-generator.

The picture on the right shows an

emergency switchboard with two
- section for the emergency gen-
erator and the bus-tie connec-
tion to the main switchboard
- section for the emergency con-
sumers distribution.

1. Emergency generator circuit

2. Emergency outgoing circuit
3. Bus tie circuit breaker to main


- ·=l



~ ~R2 _ _ . ----- .

- -- - - - - - - - - + 1 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S E P A M T I O N





·1-- PROPUlsiON ROOM_3_
. ----- . ----- .
_ . ~

----- . ----- . . ----- - - - - -- -

9.3 Diesel electric propulsion 9.4 Engine room battery And through a normally closed link
systems the starting motors of:
On page 24 is a simplified one-line - Auxiliary Engines 1 and 2
diagram for a diesel-electric pro- Below is a simplified one-line dia- - Main Engine 1
pelled vessel with four ( 4) diesel- gram of a 24 V engine-room start-
generators and four ( 4) thrusters ing battery and engine control dis- The starboard side 24V DC system
for propulsion. Only half of the tribution system for a yacht with is powered by the battery charger
diesel-electric propulsion and half also electric starting of the main supplied from the main switchboard
of the main distribution is shown. engines. SB section and the DC dynamo of
The top of the diagram shows the Here too, a single failure shall not au xi liary engine 3.
distribution for the four thrusters. cause the loss of both propulsion This system supplies the control
Each thruster has a single HV feed- engines and one or more auxilia- circuits for:
er, a single 440 V transformer and ries. main 24V supply Au xiliary En-
switchboard, a single 230 V trans- The 24 V engine-room systems gine 3
former and switchboard, as well as consist of two identical distribution - main 24V supply Main Engine 2
a single 24 V DC battery supply and boxes with a normally open link - main 24V supply Bridge control-
switchboard. between the boxes for emergency systems SB
A single failure in this system would supply. - back-up 24V supply Auxiliary
lead to failure of one thruster, equal The Main Switchboard will have a Engines 1 and 2
to the result of fire or flooding of similar lay-out with Auxiliary Gen- back-up 24V supply Main Engine
the thruster space. erators 1(PS) and 2(CL) connected 1
The diesel -engine generator-rooms to the PS section and Au x . Gen- - back-up 24V supply Bridge con-
have two diesel-generator sets per erator 3 (SB) to the SB section. trol-system PS
engine ~ room with duplicated es- The Main Switchboard will have a
sential auxiliaries, and: bustie-breaker between the PS and And through a normally closed link
- HV switchboard with duplicated SB sections. the starting motors of:
bus section circu it breakers - Auxiliary Engine 3
- 440 V transformer and switch- The portside 24 V DC system is - Main Engine 2
board powered by the battery charger
- 230 V transformer and switch- supplied from the main switchboard All control circuits have to be moni -
board port section and the DC dynamos of tored for failure and alarmed.
- 24 V DC battery charger and auxiliary engines 1 and 2.
distribution switchboard.
This system supplies the control
With this arrangement the effect of circuits for:
a single failure would be less than - main 24V supply Auxiliary En-
that of fire or flooding that would gines 1 and 2
cause the failure of an HV switch- main 24V supply Main Engine 1
board and consequently, the loss of main 24V supply Bridge control-
two thrusters. systems PS
The cable routing of the thrusters back-up 24V supply Auxiliary
supplied from one engine-room Engine 3
must not pass the other engine- back-up 24V supply Main Engine
room. Likewise, the cable routing 2
for one thruster must not pass the - back-up 24V supply Bridge con- Diesel electric offshore vessel
adjacent thruster-room. trol-system SB




The basic one-line diagram
shows the principle layout of the
electrical installation.
It indicates the number and rat-
ing of generators and the elec-
trical arrangement of the main
switchboard, including the main
bus bars, possible separation
and the division of the essential
consumers over the two bus bar
The diagram also includes pow-
er supply circuits to distribution
boxes and panels throughout
the ship and the electrical con-
sumers connected there.
A basic one-line diagram tells
more about the electrical instal-
lation than pages of specifica-

1 One-line diagram

One-line diagrams clearly show the

difference in redundancy, emer-
gency services, capacit ies and ad -
ditional redundancy to cope with
fire and flooding in an engine- room,
as may be required for a DP vessel.

Basic one-line diagrams of the fol-

lowing ships are described :

1 Diesel-electric crane/ pipe-laying

2 Chemical tanker
3 Car- and passenger-ferry
4 Sailing-yacht

Circu it brea k er
2 One-line diagram of a crane-barge

This barge (see page 26) is equipped with 12 generator The generators marked 1 are not yet installed .
sets, each 6.6kV about 6 MW divided over four engine- The same counts for the thrusters marked 2.
rooms, four switchboards in four separate spaces and The locations are prepared for future installation .
12 azimuth thrusters divided over two floaters.
The thrusters are fitted in 6 thruster-rooms.


1) I I I I


t AUX.

Single-line diagram diesel-electric D.P. crane-ship and pipe-laying vessel

Engine-control room
3 One-line diagram of a chemical tanker When hydraulic, the power pack is electric driven.
The main engine drives the propeller via a gear-box.
Chemical tankers usually have three or four generator A generator is driven via a power-take-off on the gear
sets. One generator set is capable of taking the normal box . This generator can sometimes also be used as an
sea-load. electric motor for emergency propulsion power.
In port, more generators are required to take the load The necessary power is then supplied by the available
of the cargo-pumps during discharge. The cargo-pumps diesel-generators.
are normally electric or hydraulic driven.





· ~

MAIN PROPELLER 3 ~ 1------------

:__ ~---~~
• ......__


4 One-line diagram of a passenger-ferry
From this 6.6 kV switchboard a secondary 440 V system
Propulsion is taken care of by two propellers, each is fed through transformers, to supply the consumers.
served by two main diesel engines, each on a reduc- The bow-thruster is directly fed from the 6.6 kV switch-
tion gearbox. Electric power is provided by two main board. Parallel running of diesel generators and shaft
generators, 6.6 kV, and by two shaft-driven generators, generators is only possible for the time needed to
through PTO's on the gear-boxes. switch from one generator to the other.
The generators supply the 6.6 kV switchboards. At sea, the diesel-generators are disconnected.




71 =====

71 =====



4. One-line diagram
5 One-line diagram of a small sailing The charging current is led through a diode-bridge, al-
yacht lowing only charging current and no discharging flow.
This is to prevent current flowing from one battery to
A 10 or 12 metre sailing yacht is normally provided the other. The main reason is that the starting battery
with two 12 or 24 volt circuits, each fed by a battery. is not discharged by lights or other consumers.
The systems are completely separate. One is installed Shore power is often plugged into a separate 230 volt
to provide the power for starting the auxiliary diesel system for heating and lighting, which also feeds a
engine, the other for all consumers such as lighting, battery charger, charging both batteries via the same
diode-bridge. A timer prevents over-charging.
navigation lighting and equipment, radio, VHF.
The batteries are charged by the dynamo of the diesel The batteries can also be charged when underway un-
engine. der sail, in a very limited quantity by solar panels and/
or a wind-driven dynamo.



~1, ::7'



A load balance is made at the The demand factor is a combined 1.2 List of the electric
start of a project to determine load factor and diversity factor and consumers
the required number and rat- is the ratio of the estimated power
ings of the diesel-generators. consumption of a service to its nor- The consumers will normally be
As for the creation of this first mal full-load power consumption. grouped in order of their purpose
load balance many assumptions as follows:
may have been made. By applying the expected power - Propulsion
The list will have to be main- factor to the calculated real power • auxiliaries
tained and updated at various in kW or MW the apparent power in • continuous running
stages of a project to fine-tune kVA or MVA is found. Note: in the • non-cont. running
it w ith detail design of the elec- absence of precise data 0.8 may - Ship's auxiliaries
trical installation . be used for the power factor. Then • continuous running
by comparing the expected load for • non-cont. running
1 Basic procedures to the different ship operating condi- - Hotel auxiliaries
make a load-balance tions, the number and rating of the • continuous running
main generators can be assessed. • non-cont. running
1.1 General - Cargo-handling
1.2 List of the operational • auxiliaries
A load-balance lists all electrical conditions - Emergency auxiliaries.
equipment with its rating and use
in various operational conditions. In general the following operational 1.3 Essential and non-
conditions apply to all vessels: essential consumers
A load-balance will be based on the - normal sailing/transit
mechanical designs of the various - loading/discharging Essential consumers are those re-
systems. The result will be a list - manoeuvring lated to the safe navigation and
with all pumps and various equip- - emergency propulsion of a vessel and the wel-
ment with their individual mechan- fare of crew and passengers.
ical power ratings. By applying Then the type of vessel will deter- When consumers may be switched
correction factors for pump-motor mine any other operational modes. off without danger they may be
efficiency the required electrical classified as non-essential.
power is obtained. A dredger for instance will require Switching off non-essential con-
assessment of load demands for sumers, which most of the time will
Lighting loads are estimated from dredging and pumping ashore. be an automatic action, may help
the ship's general arrangements to reduce power in case the run-
and electronic aids are obtained For heavy-cargo ships the load de- ning diesel-generators get close to
from similar vessels or Vendors to mands for (de-) ballasting will have overload. It also allows a less strict
complete the list. to be assessed. selectivity requirement which can
lead to a cost reduction for the in-
When the electrical load list is com- For ships with dynamic positioning stallation.
pleted this can be analysed to esti- systems, such as pipe-laying ves-
mate the expected power demand sels, crane-vessels, drilling-vessels
of the electrical system under vari- and rock-dumping vessels the Example of a DP2 Drilling Vessel
ous operational conditions. load situation must be assessed with 11 MW available power and

J The expected power demand is cal-

culated by multiplying each service
with regard to redundancy criteria
for thruster systems and other vi-
tal systems. This is especially vital
13.5MW supplies for main power
consumers. When the other ship's,
consumers are added the total
) power by a "demand" factor. when the installed load exceeds the
available power as can be seen in
installed power is approximately
16MW which makes a good load
the example below. assessment and power manage-
ment with non-essential consum-
er-control essential.


s. Load balance
1.4 Compiling a load balance. 1.4.2 Engine-room auxiliaries 1.4.4 Hotel auxiliaries
intermittent running: intermittent switched on
When making a load balance one The following consumers are nor- The following consumers will nor-
can use a number of standard val- mally intermittent running in the mally intermittent be switched on.
ues that are based on long-time engine room.
experience or common practice. Assigned load 30%
Below are some examples of these Assigned load during sailing 30% - Normal galley/ laundry and pan-
standard values that may be used and manoeuvring 80% try equipment.
when compiling a load balance. - Hydraulic pumps controllable - Provisional cooling system
pitch propeller
The first part deals with common - Steering-gear pumps But when a cruise-ship is involved
standards that may be used for - Standby pumps for pumps listed and passengers are on board the
ships in general under 1.4.1 assigned load for these services will
The second part gives standards be 100% as there will be catering
for large yachts with an example of Assigned load 30%-50% day and night for the guests .
a load balance. - Start-and control- air compres-
sors 1.4.5 Cargo-handling auxiliaries
All figures relate to the column For a cargo-vessel the following
" %MAX" in the tables on the next Assigned load 30% specific loads are assigned when
page and return the proportional - ME Lubricating-oil pnmmg these systems are installed.
value of the consumer in the sum pump 1 when used 1 during start- - Deck cranes 40%
of all electrical loads. ing only - Cargo pumps 80-100%
- Dredge pumps 80-100%
When compiling a load balance a Assigned load 20% - Cargo doors and valves 20%
reservation must be made in every - Bilge pumps - Refrigeration containers 30%.
operational mode to start and run - Ballast pumps
the largest non-continuous running - Mooring and anchor winches It must be noted that for refriger-
consumer fully loaded. when self-tensioning or in har- ated containers higher figures may
bour be required during loading as the
For example when compiling the - Provision cranes. cooling system will have to make
list of the emergency consumers up for the down -time during trans-
the fire-fighting pump/ if this is the 1.4.3 Hotel auxiliaries fer of the containers from shore to
largest/ must be able to start and continuous switched on ship.
run on the base load . Hotel auxiliaries are all systems
that relate to the well-being of crew 1.4.6 Emergency consumers
When all data is in the load balance 1 in the accommodation of a ship. The total load on the emergency
a margin of 10% must be added to generator must be carefully planned
allow for distribution losses such as Normally the following services will as this will be the last power source
in the cables. be continuous switched on. in an emergency situation and an
overload situation must be avoided
Following are some examples of Assigned load 100% at all times.
loads which can be used in making - Main lighting system
a load balance. The following are some consumers
Assigned load 50% that always will be required.
1.4.1 Engine-room auxiliaries - Socket-outlet circuits - Emergency lighting 100%
continuous running - Emergency fire -pump 20%
The following consumers are nor- The accommodation HVAC system - Steering-gear pump 30-80%
mally continuous running in the is assigned 0-50-100% depending - Battery chargers 30%.
engine-room. on the outside temperatures.
For a small ship an emergency bat-
Assigned load 100% For passenger-ships and mega - tery will be sufficient to supply the
- ME Seawater pumps yachts sailing with or without pas- emergency consumers.
ME Freshwater pumps sengers can make a big difference Larger ships will need an emergen-
ME Lubricating-oil pumps for the load. Large portions of the cy diesel-generator for these con-
ME Fuel-oil booster pumps installation may be switched off sumers.
ME circulating pumps when there are no passengers on
Gear-box lubr. oil pumps board which will reduce the total The minimum discharge time for
Engine-room fans load. the emergency battery or the ca-
pacity of the fuel tank for an emer-
More details on this can be found gency diesel are defined by the
The percentages given for con- later in this chapter where an ex- Class Rules and Regulations and
sumers in the examples above ample is given of the load balance the SOLAS regulations.
represent the load factors. of a mega-yacht.
A load factor is the average con- For cargo-ships this is in general
sumed power divided by the 18 hours/ for passenger-ships 36
maximum rated power. hours.
For passenger-ships there is an The following operational conditions It is then to the engineer on watch
additional requirement to install a are defined: to select a different operational
transitional emergency source of 1. Harbour without guests mode with more generator capac-
electrical power. This is an emer- 2. Harbour with guests ity.
gency battery system that will sup- 3. Manoeuvring without guests
ply power to emergency lighting 4. Manoeuvring and dynamic posi- When enough shore power is avail-
and other vital systems such as the tioning with guests able for this operational condition
public address system for at least 5. Sailing without guests this can be used instead of using
one half hour or until the emergen- 6. Sailing with guests. the generator.
cy generator is operative and con-
nected. Dynamic positioning, which is 1.6.2 Harbour with guests
sometimes available on a yacht, Logically this condition is the up
A separate load balance must be is used for instance when the ship scaled version of the previous with
made for this system when in- cannot drop anchor but must be more power demand due to inten-
stalled. kept on position anyhow. sive use and the addition of de-
The radio installation will normal- mand from guest quarters.
ly have its own dedicated battery 1.6.1 Harbour without guests
with a minimum discharge time of When a yacht is in port without Some additional systems to the
1 hour. This battery will be directly guests the number of electric con- previous condition are those for:
charged by the emergency genera- sumers is limited. Only the engine- - Swimming pools with Jacuzzi's.
tor. The charging system for the ra- room auxiliaries required to keep - Guest-entertainment systems
dio battery must be able to charge the yacht in a ready-for-sailing-
this in less than 10 hours . condition will be running. The resulting expected electrical
loads are shown in the example of
Normally navigation and nautical Ship's service auxiliaries such as the load balance in the column har-
equipment will be all or partly sup- hydraulic power packs for doors, bour and crew and guests.
plied by the emergency source of hatches, cranes and mooring
supply and can be assigned 30% winches will be in limited use just Again the power management sys-
load. like equipment in the galley, pan- tem will control the total generated
tries and laundry. power. Depending on the outside
1.5 Verification of values temperature and the electrical load
Other systems like thrusters, heli- normally there will be two genera-
The estimated figures in the load · copter auxiliaries will not be used. tors running with this condition.
balance can be verified at the rei- Furthermore some nautical and
evant stages of a project. communication equipment on the 1.6.3 Manoeuvring without
bridge required in port and crew guests
During the design period electrical call and entertainment systems will When the ship is entering or leaving
data sheets from equipment can be be used. port it requires electrical power for
used to update basic values, like manoeuvring which will include one
power ratings and efficiency, in the Most of the lighting and the HVAC or more relatively large thrusters.
list. system will be mostly switched off
and only be used in engine-rooms As there are no guests with this
During testing and commissioning and part of the accommodation specified operational condition the
the actual measured values or the used by the crew. basic power requirements are as
values from the equipment name- The resulting expected electrical mentioned before under 1.6.1 Har-
plate can be obtained and used to loads are shown in the example of bour without guests.
update the list. the load balance in the column har-
bour and crew. Normally this condition can be se-
During the harbour test and sea lected on the power management
trials all figures for the various op- In this operational condition the system which will start, synchro-
erational modes can be verified and power management system will nise and connect 3 generators to
the load balance can be finalized for limit the generated power to one the main switchboard.
delivery with the "As Built" draw- generator. This will be an environ-
ings and documents. mentally friendly profile where the With enough electrical power there
load of one generator is limited to will be no limitation to the connec-
1.6 Example load balance maximum 95%. tion of consumers so all required
mega-yachts services can be connected.
In the event that this generator lim- The only restriction will be that the
The load balance for a mega yacht it is reached, the power manage- thruster(s) will have first priority
under various operational condi- ment system can temporarily re- and the power management system
tions is given as an example. duce some loads to avoid overload will reduce power to selected serv-
and tripping of the running genera- ices like HVAC when required.
tor. Most of the time this reduction The resulting expected electrical
is done by adjusting the capacity of loads are shown in the example
the HVAC system or by switching of the load balance in the column
off non-essential consumers. "manoeuvring with crew".



E310 fsteering gear pump (1 - MSB; 2· ESB) 4 4,90 0,80 3,92 15,68 0% 0,00 0% 0,00

E610 Main engine Lub oil priming system 2 2 ,40 0,80 1,92 3,84 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
E610 Main engine Cool ant pre-heati ng unit 2 20,00 0,80 16,00 32,00 25% 8,00 25% 8,00
E650 ~u x eng SW pumps exhaust 3 1,00 0,80 0,80 2,40 0% 0,00 0% 0,00

Generatorroom fan PS 1 1,1 0 0,80 0,88 0,88 100% 0,88 100% 0,88
Generator coo lers PS 2 1,50 0,80 1,20 2.40 50% 1,20 50% 1,20
E710 Starting air compressor 2 5,50 0,80 4,40 8,80 25% 2,20 25% 2,20
E714 ~ir Dryer 1 0,33 0,80 0 ,26 0,26 25% 0 ,07 25% 0,07
E720 Fuel oil tra nsfer pump 1 4,00 0 ,80 3,20 3,20 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
E730 Lub oil transfer pump 1 3,00 0,80 2,40 2,40 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
E810 Fire fighting I bilge pump 2 17,50 0,80 14,00 28,00 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
E810 Emergency fire fighting pump 1 17,50 0 ,80 14.00 14,00 0% 0 ,00 0% 0,00
Engine room fans 2 15,00 0,80 12,00 24,00 25% 6,00 25% 6,00
E320 ~nchor/ mooring winches Fwd 2 15,0 0 0,80 12,00 24 ,00 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
E875 Hot water ci rculation pumps 3 0,22 0,80 0,18 0,53 100% 0 ,53 100% 0,53
E88 1 Sewage plant 1 12.00 0,80 9,60 9,60 20% 1,92 40% 3,84
Provision cooling system 1 20,00 0,80 16,00 16,00 20% 3,20 20% 3,20


E802 Heli fuel pump skid 1 1,50 0,80 1,20 1,20 0% 0,00 QO/o 0,00
E346 Heli foam wa ter pump 1 30 ,00 0,80 24,00 24,00 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
Bow th ruster 1 300,00 0,80 240,00 240,00 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
Stern thruster 1 250,00 0,80 200,00 200.00 0% 0,00 0% 0 ,00
OTAL THRUSTERS 440,00 0,00 0,00
Main Galley Crewdeck
452 Ceram ic cooki ng plate, supply 1+ 2 1 8,00 0, 80 6 ,40 6 ,40 10% 0,64 40% 2,56
452 Induction cooking plate, supply 1+ 2 1 5,00 0,80 4,00 4,00 10% 0,40 40% 1,60
452 Ice cube maker 1 0,67 0,80 0,54 0,54 5% 0,03 10% 0,05
452 Refrigerator 2 0,23 0 ,80 0, 18 0 ,37 5% 0,02 5% 0,02
452 Dishwasher 2 5,00 0,80 4,00 8,00 5% 0,40 5% 0,40
OTAL GALLEY AND PANTRY 19,30 1,49 ' 4,63
E453 Washing machine 6 5,50 0,80 4.40 26,40 20% 5,28 60% 15,84
E453 Dryer 6 6,44 0,80 5,1 5 30,9 1 20% 6, 18 60% 18,55
E453 Steam iron 1 0,85 0 ,80 0,68 0,68 20% 0,14 60% 0,41
OTAL LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT 57,99 11,60 34,80 1
E51 3 Battery charger General service 1 1,20 0 ,80 0,96 0,96 10% 0, 10 10% 0, 10
E5 16 Normal lighting (interior) 300 0 ,01 0 ,80 0,0 1 2,40 50% 1,20 50% 1,20
Emergency lighting guests (interior) 400 0,01 0,80 0,0 1 3,20 10% 0,32 50% 1,60
E518 Exterior lighting 770 0,01 0,80 0,01 6,16 50% 3,08 50% 3,08
E561 Alarm an d monitoring installation 1 2,00 0,80 1,60 1,60 10% 0,16 10% 0, 16
Preheaters AC 1-AC5 1 52,00 1,00 52,00 52,00 0% 0,00 0% 0,00
FansAC1-AC5 (freq uency controlled) 1 27,50 1,00 27,50 27,50 35% 9,63 75% 20,63
jwaterchillers 1-4 (frequency co ntro lled) 4 63, 00 1,00 63,00 252,00 25% 63,00 63% 158,76
Supply fans accommodation 1 7,00 1,00 7,00 7,00 100% 7,00 100% 7,00
E761 ~ux iliary seawater ci rcu lati ng pump 2 15,00 1,00 15,00 30,00 50% 15,00 50% 15,00
E762 ~uxi lia ry Fre shwater circulating pump 2 30.00 1,00 30,00 60,00 50% 30,00 50% 30.00

Fresh air unit crew fan 1 1,10 1,00 1,10 1,1 0 100% 1,10 100% 1,10

!TOTAL HVAC EQUIPMENT 429,60 0% 125,73 0% 232,49 1

1.174 168 304


The above list with consumers and their maximal elec- This is a shortened example of such a list. A realistic list
tric consumption, under the various standard circum- with 'all' consumers would take a considerable number
stances, is called the load balance. of pages.
1.6.4 Manoeuvring with guests
Again this is the up-scaled version
of the previous condition. The ef-
fect will be a higher connected load.
As there will be enough electrical
power all consumers can be con-
nected with the same restrictions
as mentioned before

The resulting expected electrical

loads are shown in the example of
the load balance in the column "ma-
noeuvring with crew and guests"

1.6.5 Sailing without guests

In this condition the power man-
agement system will limit the total
generated power to one genera-
tor. This will be an environmentally
friendly profile where the load of
one generator is limited to an op-
timum 95%.

When required the power manage-

ment system will temporarily re-
duce the load of some consumers
like the HVAC system or switch off
the non essential consumers.

The resulting expected electrical

loads are shown in the example of
the load balance in the column Sail-
ing with crew .

1.6.6 Sailing with guests

This is the extended version of the
previous condition with the HVAC
systems for crew and guests at full
capacity. The actual power con-
sumption will depend on the out-
side temperature .

The power management system

will control the total generated
power and will normally connect
one or two generators.

The resulting expected electrical

loads are shown in the example of
the load balance in the column Sail-
ing with crew and guests.

1.6.7 Emergency mode

In an emergency the consumers as
listed will have to be supplied.

Sufficient spare capacity should be

part of the design to allow starting
of the largest emergency pump and
distribution losses .

The resulting expected electrical

loads are shown in the example
of the load balance in the column
" Emergency"

5. Load balance

T - ·
Summary sheet of a load balance. Green marked cells are within capability of generators.

1. 7 Load balance small When sailing there are two modes: longer period when on sails only.
sailing-yacht - running on the engine and
charging the batteries with the Therefore cooking on sailing boats is
dynamo. seldom done using electrical power.
Although not obvious, a small sail- sailing on wind power and charg- Normally gas (butane or propane)
ing boat will also require a load bal- ing the batteries with the wind or kerosene is used.
ance of some sort . generator in combination with
A single line for a yacht like this is the solar cells. When the battery power gets low
shown in chapter 33. This yacht has the engine must be started to
a shore supply, a dynamo on the The capacity of the solar cells and charge this again. Failing to do so
main engine and a solar-cell the wind generator is very limited will cause communication systems
and/or a wind-generator. when compared to the dynamo to fail after some time which could
on the engine and heating and/ jeopardise safety of the crew in an
In port the primary supply will be or cooking with the engine off may emergency.
the shore supply, taking care of very well be impossible. For that reason often battery condi-
heating, cooking, ventilation and tion meters are installed.
battery charging. Only some lighting and some com-
munication may be possible for a

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