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Indian Geotech J (January–March 2012) 42(1):49–55

DOI 10.1007/s40098-012-0003-9


Influence of Rock Socketing on the Lateral Response of Single Pile

S. Karthigeyan • K. Rajagopal

Received: 30 July 2009 / Accepted: 4 March 2012 / Published online: 5 April 2012
Ó Indian Geotechnical Society 2012

Abstract This paper examines the influence of rock Es Young’s modulus of soil
socket lengths on the lateral response of piles embedded in Gs Shear modulus of soil
homogeneous sandy soil overlying rock. A 3-D finite ele- Er Young’s modulus of rock
ment based numerical analysis has been used to investigate EpI p Flexural rigidity of the pile
the performance of piles due to socketing into the rock. PH Lateral load
Parametric studies have been carried out for understanding Hs Sandy soil length
the behaviour of piles in a continuum consisting of a sandy H0 Rock socket length
soil layer overlying a rock mass layer. The numerical H0/B Normalized rock socket length
results are discussed in terms of the lateral load–deflection K0 Coefficient of earth pressure in at rest condition
relationships and bending moments along the length of the L Pile length in soil
pile with reference to pile head fixity conditions and rock LP Total length of pile
socket lengths, which are of prime interest to designers. M Bending moment
The limiting rock socket lengths for achieving the maxi- ux Lateral deflection of pile
mum beneficial effect is found to be equal to the width of lp Poisson’s ratio of pile
the pile for both free and fixed head piles. ls Poisson’s ratio of soil
lr Poisson’s ratio of rock
Keywords Pile foundation  Finite element method  / Angle of internal friction
Numerical analysis  Lateral load  Lateral deflections  w Dilation angle
Bending moments

List of Symbols Introduction

B Pile width
c Cohesive strength of soil The pile foundations are usually socketed into rock layer
cr Compressive strength of rock for increasing their resistance against large lateral loads.
Ep Young’s modulus of pile Example situations include pile foundations for high-rise
buildings, long-span bridges, transmission line towers and
retaining walls. Accordingly, the socketing length is rec-
S. Karthigeyan (&) ommended to be one to four times the pile diameter
Geotechnical Engineering Group, CSIR – Central Building
Research Institute, Roorkee 247 667, India
depending on the rock quality at the site [8]. However,
e-mail: mahamaha2001@yahoo.com when the end bearing is in hard rock formations, drilling
the large diameter holes for such long lengths may involve
K. Rajagopal considerable time and expenses. It is noted from the earlier
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, Chennai 600 036, India
literature [5] that the design criteria for rock-socketed piles
e-mail: gopalkr@iitm.ac.in to resist lateral loads are mainly governed by the lateral

50 S. Karthigeyan, K. Rajagopal

deflection rather than the ultimate lateral load capacity of of single pile under lateral loads. The response of a single
pile. The response of such piles socketed to optimum pile under lateral loads in layered soil has been studied by
lengths in rock is of interest to design engineers; the varying the different parameters such as the height of rock
quantities such as the maximum lateral deflection and the socket (H0) and pile head fixity conditions, free and fixed
bending moment along the pile section are of interest to the head. The details of the numerical model, its verification
designer. Hence, it is imperative for studying the influence against published works and the results with respect to key
of rock socketing on the response of piles to lateral loads in parameters are discussed in the following sections.
detail to come out with suitable recommendations for faster
and economical pile installation in rock.
The behaviour of piles under lateral loads in a homo-
Numerical Model
geneous soil continuum itself is a complex soil-structure
interaction phenomenon by virtue of asymmetric loading.
In the present analysis, an in-house developed Geotechni-
In general, the methods of analysis commonly used in
cal 3-D Finite Element analysis program (GEOFEM3D by
predicting the behaviour of piles under lateral load could be
Rajagopal [15]) was used to analyze the performance of
categorized into: (i) limit state method [3]; (ii) subgrade
single pile due to socketing into rock and their influence on
reaction method [12]; and (iii) elastic continuum approach
the response of the pile by varying the socket lengths. The
[2, 11, 14, 21].
program is supported by a pre-processor to develop 3-D
The response of piles under lateral loads in layered soils
meshes consisting of 8- or 20-node isoparametric brick
further gets complicated due to socketing of piles into the
elements, 8 or 16-node zero thickness interface elements as
rock mass layer. The literature available in this field is very
well as a post-processing facility that is capable of plotting
scanty. A few researchers [1, 6] reported that in practice it
the original mesh, deformed mesh, extracting nodal dis-
has been customary to use the techniques developed for
placements and element stresses along a line/selected plane
laterally loaded piles in homogeneous soil [12] and [3] to
solve the problem of rock-socketed shafts under lateral
loads also. Although, these were published many years ago,
these methodologies are still popular among design engi- Finite Element Mesh Details
neers due to the complexity involved in analyzing the rock
socketed piles under lateral load. However, the response of The schematic definition of the problem of single pile
piles socketed into the rock is different from the pile socketed into rock is shown in Fig. 1. A typical 3-D finite
embedded in homogeneous soil because of the difference element mesh used for analyzing the problem is shown in
in the possible failure mechanisms. Reese [16] developed a Fig. 2. The interface between the pile and the soil/rock has
p–y curve method of analysis for single pile in a weak rock been modelled using 16-node joint elements of zero
subjected to lateral load considering the non-linearity of the thickness. The nodes on the four vertical side faces of the
rock surrounding the pile by assuming a series of soil/rock mesh boundaries were allowed to move in the respective
springs along the length of the pile. However, the p–y curve normal directions. The nodes at the bottom surface were
method uses empirically computed spring constants, which restrained in all the three directions representing rough,
are not reliable material properties and also ignores the rigid surface. The finite element mesh was discretised
interaction between pile-rock/soil-rock as well as rock– finely around the pile to account for the steep stress gra-
rock contacts in soil and rock continua. Only a few dients near the pile–soil/rock interface. All the numerical
investigators [5, 22] have proposed methods of analyses computations were performed using reduced numerical
and design of laterally loaded rock-socketed shafts treating integration.
the rock layer as an elastic continuum. However, these
analyses are based on simplified two-dimensional models.
The behaviour of piles under lateral load in homogeneous PH
soils itself is a three-dimensional phenomenon and the
behaviour of soils under this loading condition is elastic– Homogeneous Pile
Hs B
plastic in nature. Only a few investigators [4, 9–11, 18, 19] Sandy soil
have attempted to study the behaviour of piles in homo-
geneous soils using 3-D models and behaviour of soils
were considered as elastic–plastic in their analyses. Ho - Rock Ho Foundation Rock
socket length
In view of the above, a comprehensive 3-D finite ele-
ment based numerical model studies have been taken up to
investigate the influence of rock socketing on the response Fig. 1 Schematic definition of rock socketed pile under lateral load

Influence of Rock Socketing 51

Loading direction ratio for elastic state and then a correction was applied to
obtain the elastic–plastic constitutive matrix. The stresses
Pile are corrected back to the yield surface along the flow
direction (normal to the potential surface defined by the
dilation angle ‘w’) as described by Nayak and Zienkiewicz
[13]. The resulting plastic volumetric strains are more
realistic than those computed using the associated flow
rules (/ = w).
X Analysis Scheme

Y The finite element analyses were performed in two stages.
L = Pile length In the first stage, the in situ stresses were initialized in the
40B B = Pile width soil and rock by performing a dummy analysis using a
20B modified Poison’s ratio (l0 ) expressed in terms of the at rest
earth pressure coefficient K0 as l0 = K0/(1 ? K0). The
Fig. 2 Schematic of 3-D finite element mesh
value of K0 it self was obtained as K0 = 1 - sin/. During
this stage of analysis, both the pile, soil and rock elements
were assigned the same material properties (Young’s
Pile–Soil/Rock Details modulus, Poisson’s ratio and unit weight) so as not to
generate any extraneous shear stresses. At the end of this
The pile was assumed to be made of M25 grade concrete stage of analysis, all the deformations and strains were set
and modeled as linear elastic material in the analysis. The to zero to define the datum level for further analysis.
lengths of square concrete piles embedded in soils were During the second stage of analysis, the actual proper-
taken as 6.0 m overlying the rock mass. The width of the ties of the soil, rock and the pile elements were assigned to
pile was taken as 1 m. The thickness of the soil strata them. The set of pile, soil and rock properties considered in
assumed in the analysis corresponds to the situations the analyses are summarized in Table 1.
encountered at several sites in the Delhi metro project. The shear strength of the interfaces was defined with
Both free head and fixed head conditions were considered zero cohesive strength and 2/3rd the friction angle of the
at the pile head. The fixed head piles will not rotate at the surrounding soil or rock surface. The normal and shear
pile head because of the stiff pile cap. The same was stiffness of the interface elements were initially set to
simulated in the analysis by enforcing equal vertical 106 kN/m2/m. These values were decided after performing
deformation of all the nodes at the pile head while they several analyses with different interface stiffness values.
move freely in the lateral direction. On the other hand, the After the shear failure of the interface, the shear stiffness
nodes on the free head pile were left free to move in the was set to 0.1 % of the initial value to permit the relative
vertical direction so that the pile head can undergo rota- slip between different materials. The normal stiffness of the
tional deformations under the lateral loads. interface was set to 0.1 % of the initial value when tensile
The elastic–plastic stress–strain behaviour of the soil normal stresses develop in order to permit the separation
and rock has been idealized using the Drucker–Prager between the pile and the soil.
constitutive model with non-associated flow rule. This The external loads were applied in small increments
model has been preferred in view of its adaptability to with several iterations at each load step to satisfy the
define the failure criterion using the conventional shear equilibrium of the system. The iterations were continued at
strength properties of the soil (c, /). Similar model has each load step until the norms of out-of-balance force and
successfully been used in the past for analysis of pile the incremental displacements were \0.5 % or until 50
foundations by Yang and Jeremic [21], Wang and Sitar iterations are completed. The analyses were performed
[20]. The yield surface for this model has the form using partial Newton–Raphson scheme by updating the
F ¼ aJ1 þ J2d  k, in which J1 is the first invariant of the stiffness matrix only at the first iteration of each load step.
stress tensor, J2d is the second invariant of the deviatoric
stress tensor and a, k are the material constants related to Validation of the Numerical Model
the angle of internal friction (/) and the cohesive strength
of the materials (c). The validity of the numerical model employed in the
During the plastic flow, the constitutive matrix was first program was verified by predicting the pile load test data
formed based on the current tangent modulus and Poisson’s reported by Suresh [17].

52 S. Karthigeyan, K. Rajagopal

Table 1 The set of pile, soil and rock properties considered in analyses
Pile details Soil and rock details
Sand Foundation rock

Size ‘B’: 1,000 9 1,000 mm Angle of internal / = 40°

Length ‘LP’: 6 m in soil ? 0 to 3B depth in rock Friction (/) = 30° w = 0°
Type of pile: Concrete Dilation angle (w) = 0° Er = 50,000 MPa
Grade of concrete: M25 Young’s modulus lr = 0.24
Young’s modulus Ep: 25,000 MPa (Es) = 20 MPa cr = 5,000 kPa
Poisson’s ratio lp: 0.15 Poisson’s ratio (ls) = 0.30

Fig. 3 Comparison of predicted 30

load–deflection response with m
field test data 0.0
25 φ = 33˚
γ = 19.5 kN/m3
E = 45 MPa
lateral load on pile (kN)

μ = 0.31
20 sand

c = 28 kPa
15 γ = 18.0 kN/m3
Silty clay E = 15 MPa
μ = 0.31
10 φ = 42˚
Weathered γ = 21.0 kN/m3
coral rock E = 150 MPa
Test pile (Suresh 1989) μ = 0.25
Present FEM analysis 6.5
Soil properties
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lateral deflection (mm)

Suresh [17] reported the response of 6.5 m long, 0.3 m Parametric Studies
diameter precast driven concrete pile under lateral loads.
The subsoil at the site consists of upper 4 m medium sand A series of 3-D finite element analyses have been carried
followed by the middle 1.9 m silty clay and the bottom out on rock-socketed single pile under pure lateral loads.
layer was made up weathered coral rock. 3-D finite element The analyses were performed mainly to investigate the
analyses have been performed using the modelled geome- influence of rock socket length (HB0) on the response of
try and material properties follow closely the same as that piles under pure lateral loads. Figure 1 shows the sche-
of [17]. In the analysis, the behaviour of pile was idealized matic definition of the problem considered for the analysis.
as linear elastic material and the elastic–plastic stress– The pile has been assumed to pass through a homogeneous
strain behaviour of soils and rock has been idealized using sandy soil layer followed by a rock layer. The properties of
the Drucker–Prager constitutive model with non-associated the rock shown in Table 1 correspond to an RQD value
flow rules. The pile, soil and rock were modeled using [75 % [7]. The following parameters have been consid-
20-node brick elements and the interface between them ered in this study: (i) rock socket length (H0) and (ii) pile
using 16-node joint element with zero thickness. Using head fixity. The results obtained from numerical analyses
symmetry, only half of the pile was considered in the have been discussed in details in the following section.
analysis. The same sequence of load application followed
in the field test was used in the present finite element Influence of Rock Socketing
analysis. The comparison between the present predictions
with measured results is shown in Fig. 3. It could be Series of numerical analyses have been performed for piles
observed that the comparison is very good both at small embedded in rock layer to varying H0 from zero (pile just
and higher load levels. The percentage difference is less resting on rock) to three times the width (B) of the pile.
than 10 % at all load levels which are within the limits or Figures 4 and 5 show the lateral load–deflection curves of
error in the material properties. both the free and fixed head piles with respect to various

Influence of Rock Socketing 53

0.06 0.06

Normalized lateral load (P H/GsB2)

Normalized lateral load (P H/GsB2)

0.05 0.05

Free Head Pile 0.04

Ho/B = 3.0
0.03 Ho/B = 2.0
Ho/B = 1.2
0.02 Ho/B = 0.8
Fixed head - 0.5%B
Ho/B = 0.5 Fixed head - 1%B
0.01 Ho/B = 0.25 Free head - 0.5%B
Free head - 1%B
Ho/B = 0.0 0.00
0.00 0 1 2 3 4
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Rock socket length (H o/B)
Normalized lateral deflection (u xGsL4/BEpIp)
Fig. 6 Influence of rock socket length on the lateral load capacity of
Fig. 4 Normalized lateral load versus deflection for free head piles piles
with rock socketing
head cases have been assessed for specific lateral deflection
levels of 5 and 10 mm. Figure 6 shows the lateral load
capacities of both the free and fixed head piles at deflection
levels of 0.5 and 1 % of the width of the pile (5 and
Normalized lateral load (P H/GsB2)

0.05 10 mm). It can be seen from the figure that the lateral load
capacity for both the free and fixed head pile cases are
0.04 Fixed head pile
increasing with increase in socket length up to a certain
Ho/B = 3.0 limiting length and beyond which no significant improve-
0.03 Ho/B = 2.0 ment occurs. This limiting socket length is observed to be
Ho/B = 1.2 almost 1.0 B for both the free and fixed head pile
0.02 Ho/B = 0.8 conditions.
Ho/B = 0.5 This phenomenon has been further examined through
0.01 Ho/B = 0.25 the lateral deflections corresponding to maximum applied
Ho/B = 0.0
loads of both the free and fixed head pile conditions as
0.00 illustrated in Fig. 7. The maximum lateral deflection of a
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 free head pile under 450 kN load has reduced from 60 to
Normalized lateral deflection (u xGsL4/BEpIp) 23 mm by socketing the pile for a length of about 0.8 B.
There is no further reduction in deflection with the addi-
Fig. 5 Normalized lateral load versus deflection for fixed head piles tional length of pile socketing into the rock layer. Simi-
with rock socketing larly, in the case of fixed head pile, there is hardly any
reduction in lateral deflections beyond a socket length of
normalized rock socket lengths (H0/B). It can be seen from 0.5 B.
the figure that the lateral pile head deflections for a specific The bending moments developed in the pile section have
lateral loading decreases with the increase in rock socket been estimated by using the well known flexural equation.
length. Also, for a specified lateral deflection, piles sock- Figures 8 and 9 show the variation of bending moment
eted into the rock layer carry greater lateral loads when along the length of the free and fixed head piles. It can be
compared to the same piles embedded in homogeneous noted from Fig. 8 that the bending moments are almost the
sandy soils or resting in rock layer i.e. without socketing in same in the top 4 m for the piles with free head. Beyond
rock (H0/B = 0.0). Similar trends have been observed for this depth, the bending moments are higher for piles with
both the free and fixed head pile cases. However, it may be shorter socket lengths. This is mainly attributed to the
noted that the lateral deflections at the same lateral load interaction between the pile section and the relatively
levels are much lower for fixed head piles as compared to stiffer rock layer. Bending moments in the pile section are
free head piles. more or less the same for pile socket length beyond 2 B.
For quantifying the influence of rock socket length, the The depths of maximum bending moment were observed to
lateral load capacities of piles for both the free and fixed be at points nearer to the soil-rock interface, which is

54 S. Karthigeyan, K. Rajagopal

Normalized lateral deflection (u xGsL4/BEpIp)

0.35 Normalized bending moment (M/G sB3)
Free head pile -0.12 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02
Fixed head pile 0.0
Fixed head pile
Ho/B = 0.0

Normalized pile length (Z/L)

Ho/B = 0.25
Ho/B = 0.5
0.5 Ho/B = 0.8
Ho/B = 1.2
0.8 Ho/B = 2.0
Ho/B = 3.0

0.05 1.0

0 1 2 3 4
Rock socket length (H o/B)

Fig. 7 Influence of rock socket length on the deflections at maximum Fig. 9 Bending moment distribution along the length of fixed head
lateral loads pile

The lateral deflections of rock socketed piles decrease

Normalized bending moment (M/G sB3) with increase in rock socket lengths only up to a certain
0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 limit of socketing. Beyond this depth of socketing, there is
0.0 no further improvement in the pile response. These limiting
Free head pile
depths of socket lengths are 0.8 B for free head piles and
Ho/B = 0.0
0.3 0.5 B for fixed head piles from maximum deflection point
Ho/B = 0.25
Normalized pile length (Z/L)

of view. These limiting lengths are almost 1.0 B for both

Ho/B = 0.5
0.5 the free and fixed head pile conditions from lateral load
Ho/B = 0.8
Ho/B = 1.2
capacity point of view.
0.8 Ho/B = 2.0
The results from these analyses clearly illustrate that the
Ho/B = 3.0 piles need not be socketed to a length of 3 B in hard rock.
Even a small length of socketing of around 0.5–1.0 B is
sufficient to cater for the lateral loads and deflections.
The influence of rock-socket lengths on the bending
moments of piles is significant both for free and fixed head
piles. The depth of maximum bending moment of piles
from the pile heads were moving closer to bed rock layer
Fig. 8 Bending moment distribution along the length of free head and this indicate the higher restraint offered by rock against
pile lateral load.

around 5.6 to 6.2 m from the pile head. Similar trends were
also observed from Fig. 9 for fixed head piles with refer-
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