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Mrs. Alma Janagap

Jaqueline Demos
Jamicah Gicangao
11-STEM 1
An observation checklist is a list of questions an observer will need to answer when they
are observing and assessing an individual’s employees’ skills. Also it is a List of things that an
observer is going to look at when observing a class. This list may have been prepared by the
observer or the teacher or both. Observation checklists not only give an observer a structure and
framework for an observation but also serve as a contract of understanding with the teacher, who
may as a result be more comfortable, and will get specific feedback on aspects of the class.
Benefits of Observation Checklis:

With Cornerstone Performance Observation Checklist, users can easily

monitor and assessment skills in real-time. It enables organizations to observe,
record, and assess skills in the field and on the fly to determine and track employee
BEHAVIOR CHECKLIST is a list of actions, responses, or other behaviors that are to
be recorded each time they are observed, as by an experimental investigator, study participant,
or clinician.

ADVANTAGE: It is a checklist that helps the Manager to be objective. He can read each
statement and honestly answer whether or not the employee's behavior fits that statement.
Even if the employee is one of his best salespersons, a top producer with a good attitude, the
manager can readily see that he's late every morning, so he leaves that statement unchecked.
Behavioral interview questions focus on how you handled various work situations
in the past. Your response will reveal your skills, abilities, and personality. The logic
behind this interview tactic is that your behavior in the past reflects and predicts how you
will behave in the future. Behavioral interviewing requires candidates to respond with
specific examples of past experiences rather than generalized or hypothetical responses.

ADVANTAGE: Behavioral interviews can be extremely useful to interviewees. You get

the chance to choose your answers, so the interview is working on your preferred
subjects. Also, you can prove to the interviewers what you can do, and what you’ve done,
in context with the new job.
The attitudes and Behaviours survey gives a snapshot of the current
experiences and perspectives of your adolescent youth in your school, program, or
community. It emphasizes the strengths and supports they currently have and need,
and how those positive indicators protect against youth behaviour. This paper
examines the main factors which link intended behaviour and actions to
sustainably manage waste from within a large organisational setting in the UK.
Debrefieng survey is used to refer to the process whereby qualitative feedback is sought
from the interviewers and/or respondents about interviews conducted and surrounding survey
processes. It also is used to refer to the process whereby justified deceptionhas been used by the
researchers and, following ethical reasearch practices, respondents are then debriefed after the
study ens to explain the deception to them and try to undo any harm that may have been caused
by the deception.

It allows us to confront what has or has not been accomplished and move on. And when
safety debriefing is performed regularly, it keeps the organization focused on the present and the
future rather than the past.
A lending Survey a questionnaire circulated by a country’s central banking authority to
help clarify their understanding of the overall lending environment. Typical lending surveys
include questions about the number of loans made, the interest rates on loans, demand for new
loans, differences between commercial and retail lending, and information.
This interview includes questions that are designed for schools to find out
about pupils’ awareness or perception of difficulties by building up a picture of the
supports and barriers to their participant in school activities. The questionnaire
provides a bank of questions that schools can use to explore the barriers and
support for pupils in school. Its advantage is that, it explore the children’s feelings
about different times and places within the school, different types of organisation
for learning.

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