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Describe your experience participating

in a singing competition.
- Last Saturday, I took part in a singing competition organised by the management of a
shopping mall. A total of 32 contestants participated in the contest.

As it was my first participation, I was really excited about it. Before the contest, I had a
fortnight to prepare and practise. After choosing my favourite song to compete, I
practised singing the song every day diligently. I also sang in front of my family
members and friends. In order to improve, I asked for their advice, comments and
suggestions. They were of great assistance to me. With their help, I was able to improve

Two weeks later, the day of the competition arrived. My family members and friends
accompanied me to the shopping mall. When we arrived, most of the other competitors
were already there. Not long after, the contest commenced. I was the twenty-first
competitor. The majority of participants who sang before me performed well. Upon
seeing their fine performance, I was a little nervous and suffered from a slight stage

When it was my turn to sing, I walked up the stage. While I was facing the audience, I
was afraid as never before had I sung in front of such a large crowd. I lost my self-
confidence. When I was about to give up and leave the stage, I saw my family members
and friends. Grinning amiably at me, they clapped and cheered loudly to encourage me.

“You can do it, Waverly!” shouted my best friend Mia.

The encouragement and reassurance that they provided me rekindled the spark of self-
confidence in me. I decided to take the bull by the horns and give it a try. Surprisingly, I
sang sweetly. After my presentation, everybody applauded. I was grateful for the
applause. Before leaving the stage, I said ‘thank you’ and took a bow.

After all the contestants had sung their songs, the master of ceremonies announced the
winners. When my name was announced as the second-prize winner, I was on cloud
nine. My family members and friends were extremely proud of me. They were overjoyed
at my success too. I was awarded a cash prize of RM2,500 and a framed certificate of

I am glad to be able to participate in the contest for I had learnt a lot from the
experience. I was able to improve my singing skills. I also learnt how to face the
audience bravely and confidently. I am deeply indebted to my ‘team’ for their
encouragement and support. I hope to be able to participate in more singing contests in
future so as to further improve myself.
I looked out of the car window, I saw the same poster about a singing
competition on every single building there was in the city as I stared in
"Mum, Dad, Can I please go to that singing competition!" I asked.
"Of course you can go dear" replied mum as she looked behind at me.
"This competition seems to be quite famous, I know you are great at
singing but the competition here is very high, be sure to practice a lot
and try your best", added dad. Mum nodded.
"Yes dad! I will!" I replied. I felt quite nervous when dad said that but
singing was my passion and I loved it ever since I was very young, I knew
this was a great opportunity so I tried to feel confident and worked very

I chose to sing 'Halo' by Beyoncé, since it was a very attractive song and I
loved it too. Every week, I would go to my music class and practice with
the help of my expert teacher. Her advice really helped me improve. At
home, I would sing to my parents and they would encourage me by
telling me how they thought that I would stand out from the other
participants. The competition was getting closer, with all this help and
practice, I was ready.

Hundreds of people were there watching me closely as I was about to sing

on stage. Who knows what they would think of my singing, I just had to
try my best. "You can do this!" I whispered to myself before I sang. Then
there I was, singing with all my might as I let out my whole inner
expression towards my singing. I looked at everyone and they were
smiling! I knew they liked my song! The audience roared and clapped! I
glanced around and noticed my parents, I could tell they were very
proud of me!
At the end, it was time to find out who had won the competition! "The
winner is..", the announcer began, "Lilly Hampton! Please come up to the
stage!". That was me! I couldn't believe it, my hands were shaking as I
was overwhelmed with happiness. I held onto my trophy and medal,
smiling as everyone including my parents took pictures of me!


In every school the most exciting activity is the annual school sports. It is held once
a year, around the month of December. The winter afternoon is the ideal time for
having school sports. Our school is quite famous for its sports. Last year our annual
school sports day was organized on 15 December. It was conducted for two days.
The first day was the junior sports day from class 1 to 5. The second day was for
the senior boys from classes 6 to 12. It was held in our school play ground.

There were many events like races, jumps, throws, hop-skip-jump, basketball,
tennis, musical chairs, etc. There were obstacle and walking races too. The most
popular were the marble-and-spoon-in-the-mouth and sack races. Races were also
arranged for the staff, teachers and parents. The participating students were
divided according to age. We have four different houses. Flags of different colours
were fluttering all around the ground. All the spectators were seated on chairs
beside the ground.

Our sports' teacher conducted all the events with the help of few other teachers.
The sports commenced at 9 a.m. with drill and march past. The participants lined
up before the start of every event and they were cheered by the spectators. They all
wore vests and socks of their house colours.

The winners were given medals and cups. Unsuccessful contestants were given
participation certificates. Throughout the year we have lots of activities like football,
volleyball, table tennis, etc. The winners of all these events were also awarded on
this day. At 4.30 p.m. our principal delivered the closing speech. He was cheered by
the students, staff and parents alike. He declared holiday on the following day.
Finally our annual sports day was concluded with the final march past. I thoroughly
enjoyed the day and returned home with three medals.


Singing Competition
 Hannah Littler, Grade 8, Patterson River Secondary College

 Short Story

 2008

I stand on the stage; a bright light is standing on me. I cannot see the audience but I
know that there are a lot of people watching me. I glance sideways at my best friend
Rachel. She is sitting at the piano ready to play the song I wrote for the school
singing competition. It sounds so beautiful, I am glad I am friends with the pianist. I
start to sing, the audience goes so quiet you could hear a pin drop. My hands are
shaking I hope it does not come through in my voice. By the time I am at the chorus
everyone is tapping their feet along to the song. I am so glad they are enjoying the
song. It took me so long to write the lyrics and then the music. I wink at Rachel. I'm
starting to enjoy myself. I start to smile as I sing and click my fingers along. This is so
much fun. All my nerves are gone. When I finish the song, the audience clap and
whistle. I am so glad they enjoyed it. Rachel and I take our bows and walk
backstage. Some of the other performers congratulate us on our performance. We
both sat back and relaxed; now we just have to wait for the judge’s decision. I could
not stop myself from smiling. The other people who sing are so good. It looks like we
have no chance of winning. With each person singing the audiences claps seem to
be getting louder. When the last person sings we are all called onto the stage for the
judges to announce the winners. In third place was a guy and a girl who sang a duet.
They were really good. In second place was a girl who sang and played a guitar. She
was amazing and in first place....two girls one with the voice of an angel, the other
with hands like a dove. Singing an original composition, the winners of this year’s
singing competition are Katy and Rachel. Oh my gosh we won. I never thought this
would happen. The audience has gone wild. I don't believe it. My hard work did not
go to waste. All the other performers congratulate us on a great performance. The
next day at school everyone is asking for our signatures because they think we are
going to become famous. Who knows we might.

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