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Diagnosis and treatment of

Liana RN Schreiber1, Brian L Odlaug1 & Jon E Grant†1

Practice points
„„ Clinical characteristics
-- Repetetive hair pulling that causes significant hair loss, distress and impairment is a main feature of trichotillomania.
-- Trichotillomania is more common in females and typically begins around ages 11–13 years.
-- Comorbid psychiatric illness is common among individuals with trichotillomania.
„„ Etiology
-- Etiological factors include stress, emotional dysregulation, positive reinforcement and genetics.
-- Animal models suggestive of trichotillomania have been developed in birds and mice.
„„ Neurobiology
-- PET, SPECT, functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging techniques have been used to investigate the role of
various brain regions in individuals suffering from trichotillomania.
„„ Neurocognition
-- Cogntive investigations provide unclear results regarding neurocognitive functioning of individuals
with trichotillomania and if neurocognitive functioning is indicitive of a vulnerability marker or a result
of symptomatology.
„„ Assessment measures
-- The Trichotillomania Diagnostic Interview is the only diagnostic measure created for trichotillomania.
-- The Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling Scale, NIHM Trichotillomania Scale, the Psychiatric Institute
Trichotillomania Scale, the Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale – Trichotillomania, and the Trichotillomania
Scale for Children assess trichotillomania severity.
„„ Treatment
-- Limited psychotherapeutic research suggests that behavioral therapies may be helpful treatments for those
with trichotillomania.
-- Limited pharmacological research has shown that N-acetyl cysteine, olanzapine and clomipramine may be
beneficial in the treatment of individuals with trichotillomania.
„„ Treatment summary & recommendations
-- Treatment research is incomplete and, thus, no well-supported conclusion can be made regarding effective
trichotillomania treatments.
„„ Future perspective
-- Future research is needed in all areas of trichotillomania to better understand the nature of the disease and what
treatments are effective.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, USA


Author for correspondence: Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, 2450 Riverside Avenue,

Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA; Tel.: +1 612 273 9736; Fax: +1 612 273 9779;

10.2217/NPY.11.8 © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd Neuropsychiatry (2011) 1(2), 123–132 ISSN 1758-2008 123
Review  Schreiber, Odlaug & Grant

Summary Trichotillomania is characterized by repetitive hair pulling resulting in

significant hair loss, distress, and social and/or occupational impairment. Co-occurring
disorders are common among those with trichotillomania. Stress, emotional dysregulation,
positive and negative reinforcement, and genetics have been explored as factors in the
etiology of the disorder. Furthermore, animal models have been developed for investigating
the possible development of trichotillomania, while brain imaging studies have provided
evidence that several brain regions may be involved in trichotillomania. Psychological and
pharmacological treatment data are incomplete, but behavioral therapy, N‑acetyl cysteine
and olanzapine may be helpful for individuals with trichotillomania.

Clinical characteristics majority of these studies sampled college pop‑

Trichotillomania is characterized by repeti‑ ulations, these prevalence rates of trichotillo­
tive hair pulling leading to noticeable hair loss mania may not accurately reflect the rate within
(criterion A), increasing tension prior to and the general population.
when resisting pulling (criterion B), a sense of Compulsive hair pulling has been noted in
gratification, relief or pleasure when pulling the literature for centuries. Although the first
(criterion  C), is not better accounted for by well-described cases of trichotillomania, in the
another mental disorder or caused by a mental 18th and 19th centuries, focused on adolescent
condition (criterion D) and results in distress and young adult males [8,9] , some data suggest
or impairment in leisure, social and/or occu‑ that trichotillomania may be more prevalent in
pational functioning (criterion  E) [1] . Large females. An internet-based study of 1697 indi‑
epidemiological studies are lacking. However, viduals with trichotillomania found that 93.2%
small studies examining the prevalence of tri‑ were female [7] . It may be that males with tricho­
chotillomania among college students in the tillomania are more reluctant to come forward
USA have found current estimates ranging from for treatment or are more able to conceal hair
0.5 to 3.9% [2–4] . One study in Israel found a loss resulting from pulling (e.g., by shaving). A
lifetime prevalence of hair pulling to be 1% in study of 12 males and 65 females with groom‑
a sample of 794 nonclinically referred 17‑year ing disorders revealed few clinical differences,
olds, however, none met the full Diagnostic and although males tended to have a slightly later
Statistical Manual (DSM)‑III‑R criteria for tri‑ age of onset and scored higher on psychosocial
chotillomania [5] . It is likely this wide variance impairment [10] .
is caused by the extent to which criteria B and C Hair pulling usually follows a chronic course
are applied in each study. Christenson and col‑ and begins at a young age (between 11 and
leagues found that only 0.6% of 2579 college 13 years) [6,11] . Trichotillomania, however, has
students reported meeting strict DSM‑III‑R also been diagnosed in toddlers [12] and approx‑
criteria; however, when broadening the criteria imately 5% of individuals with trichotillo­
to also include individuals who do not necessar‑ mania symptoms had an age of onset of 6 years
ily experience urges before pulling or the post‑ or younger [13] . Any site may be the focus of
pulling sense of relief, the percentage of college pulling, but the scalp is the most common
students increased to 2.5% [2] . Interestingly, (72.8%), followed by eyebrows (56.4%) [7,11] .
one study found that 17% of 60 individuals Individuals who had an early age of pulling
with chronic hair pulling did not meet either onset (i.e., between the age of 6 and 18 years)
tension or relief criteria [6] . Furthermore, not are more likely to pull their pubic hair compared
all hair pullers experience significant alopecia. with those who start pulling before or after this
A sample of 1697 hair pullers found that only age range [13] . Most commonly, individuals pull
68% indicated losing between 30 and 100% of from one or two sites [7] , although pulling from
hair from their target pulling site [7] . Therefore, more than two sites on the body is common.
low estimates may represent the prevalence of Individuals typically pull hairs with their fin‑
individuals who meet official DSM criteria for gers; however pulling may also be done with
trichotillomania, middle estimates may repre‑ tweezers [6] . Triggers to pull include sensory cues
sent those with significant hair loss, while the (i.e., hair thickness, length and location, and
high estimates may most accurately estimate physical sensations on scalp), emotional cues
anyone who pulls hair. Furthermore, since the (i.e., feeling anxious, bored, tense or angry),

124 Neuropsychiatry (2011) 1(2) future science group

Diagnosis & treatment of trichotillomania  Review

and cognitive cues (i.e., thoughts about hair and negative self-evaluation and negative affect may
appearance, rigid thinking, catastrophizing and serve to perpetuate the problem by prompting
overgeneralizing) [14] . additional pulling episodes. Because individu‑
Pulling styles may be categorized as either als with trichotillomania go to great lengths to
automatic (no awareness of pulling) or focused conceal their pulling (e.g., having special hair
(pulling is in response to a negative emotional styles, wearing make-up or wigs), family, friends
state, thought/urge or to obtain symmetry). In and treatment providers may not be aware of the
addition, individuals may begin pulling auto‑ pulling [18] . Even though trichotillomania has a
matically and then develop full awareness [6] . It significant impact on overall quality of life [19] ,
is estimated that between 15 and 34% engage the majority (approximately 65%) of individuals
in focused pulling, 5–47% in automatic pull‑ never seek treatment [7] .
ing, and 19–80% in both types of pulling  [7] .
When comparing focused, automatic, and Comorbidity
both focused and automatic pullers, the only Co-occurring psychiatric disorders are common
significant differences between these groups in individuals with trichotillomania. Studies
was that the focused group was significantly consistently report that individuals with tricho­
more likely to pull hair from the pubic area and tillomania have elevated rates of formal depres‑
experience more shame compared with the other sive (29.2–52%), anxiety (8.3–27%) and alco‑
two groups [15] . The Milwaukee Inventory for hol use (33.3%) disorders [6,20] , and even greater
Subtypes of Trichtotillomania – Adults Version percentages of individuals with trichotillo­mania
(MIST‑A) has been used to assess focused (ten acknowledge problems with anxiety or depressed
items) and automatic (five items) pulling and mood (66–68%) [21] .
has demonstrated acceptable internal consist‑
ency, construct and discriminant validity [16] . Etiology
There are some data to suggest that automatic Research has suggested that stress may play a
pullers may receive more benefit from behavioral role in the development of trichotillomania and
treatment (i.e., habit reversal therapy [HRT]), that hair pulling soothes increasing tension.
while focused pullers who more often experi‑ One study found that 40% of individuals with
ence negative emotions before and after pull‑ trichotillomania reported anxiety or an uncom‑
ing may respond better to interventions such as fortable urge prior to pulling and through the
cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and act of pulling, hoped to reduce these unpleas‑
comment therapy. Pullers with both focused and ant feelings [7] . Depressed or anxious individuals
automatic pulling may benefit most from a com‑ may engage in hair pulling to distract themselves
bination therapy, such as acceptance-enhanced from life stressors and unpleasant cognitions
habit reversal [17] . (i.e., negative reinforcement). People may there‑
Psychosocial dysfunction is common in fore initially view the pulling as a mechanism of
tricho­tillomania sufferers. The impact of height‑ stress reduction and the risk of developing bald
ened levels of stress on psychosocial function‑ spots as a relatively minor setback. Ironically,
ing has been examined in one study comparing the development of bald spots can in turn lead
individuals with trichotillomania to a control to exacerbations of depression and anxiety,
group [18] . The study found that trichotillo‑ leading to even more pulling in an attempt to
mania subjects reported lower life satisfaction, manage symptoms. These emotional aspects
higher levels of distress and lower levels of may serve as a stimulus cue with the pulling
self-esteem [18] . In a sample of 1697 individu‑ reinforcing the behavior, which is often associ‑
als with trichotillomania, 40% avoided social ated with decreases in tension, boredom, sadness
activities, 36% avoided group activities, 20% and anger. Hair pulling may become a habitual
avoided going on vacation owing to pulling means of coping with stress, eventually resulting
and 23% reported pulling interfered daily with in intra- and inter-personal distress.
their job duties [7] . Low self-esteem and social Another perspective proposes that tricho­
anxiety are also linked with trichotillomania, tillomania arises from positive reinforce‑
largely because of the resulting alopecia [7,18] . ment. One possible reinforcer for individuals
Distress results from both the need to avoid cer‑ with tricho­t illomania might be physiological
tain activities, owing to hair loss, and from the arousal. A total of 39% of individuals with
individual’s inability to control the pulling. The trichotillo­mania report pleasure or a sense of

future science group 125

Review  Schreiber, Odlaug & Grant

accomplishment from the act of pulling [22] . trimming) has been observed in mice. Similar
Another positive reinforcer might be tactile to trichotillomania, it can be both self-directed
stimulation either before pulling (e.g., twirling or partner-directed, is more common in female
of hair) or after pulling (e.g., oral behaviors such mice, the hair is plucked from the scalp and
as rubbing hair around their mouth, and bit‑ around the eyes, and the age of onset is gener‑
ing, licking or eating the hair or hair root) [6,15] . ally in puberty [29] . Greer and Capecchi reported
These hedonically positive feelings associated that mice with mutations of the Hoxb8 gene
with pulling may be why some have referred (expressed in the orbital cortex, the anterior
to trichotillomania, in certain individuals, as a cingulate, the striatum and the limbic system)
type of behavioral addiction [18] . The positive groomed excessively to the point of hair removal
reinforcement theory may also relate to the idea and skin lesions compared with their control
of trichotillomania as a habit disorder resulting counterparts [30] . In addition, the genetic dele‑
from a problem with top-down inhibitory con‑ tion of SAPAP3 in mice has been associated with
trol. This perspective suggests abnormal func‑ increased anxiety and resultant facial hair loss
tioning of the basal ganglia, which plays a role and skin lesions [31] .
in habit formation and frontal lobe dysfunction
relating to habit inhibition [23] . Neurobiology
Genetics appear to contribute to the develop­ Few brain studies have been performed in tricho­
ment of trichotillomania. A significantly dif‑ tillomania, and the results are often difficult to
ferent concordance rate for trichotillomania interpret. Structural imaging research has found
was found in monozygotic (38.1%) compared no abnormalities in caudate volumes between
with dizygotic (0%) twins in 34 twin pairs [24] . trichotillomania subjects and controls [32] ,
Several studies have looked at genetic mutations reduced left inferior frontal gyrus and increased
in individuals with trichotillomania. The muta‑ right cuneal cortex volumes in trichotillo­
tions of the SLITRK1 gene, which plays a role mania patients compared with controls [33] , and
in cortex development and neuronal growth, smaller left putamen volumes [34] . A study using
have been identified in two trichotillomania morpho­metric MRI and parcellation techniques,
subjects that were absent in more than 2000 reported that compared with controls (n = 12),
comparison subjects [25] . In a case–control study, individuals with trichotillomania (n = 14) had
researchers found significant differences in the reduced cerebellar volumes [35] . In a study using
distribution of the serotonin receptor (5‑HT)2A voxel-based morphometry in a sample free of
T102C variant when comparing individuals comorbidity, trichotillomania was also associ‑
with trichotillo­mania (n = 39) to control sub‑ ated with increased gray matter density in the
jects (n = 152) [26] . Zuchner and colleagues also striatum, left amygdalo­hippocampal formation,
found that a heterozygous variant of the post‑ and multiple cortical regions, including the cin‑
synaptic synapse-associated protein 90/postsy‑ gulated, supplementary motor cortex and fron‑
naptic density‑95-associated protein (SAPAP)3, tal cortex (i.e., areas involving affect regulation,
which is involved in the excitatory transmissions motor habits and top-down cognition) [36] .
at cortico­striatal synapses, was present in only In a PET study, normalized resting cer‑
1.1% of the controls compared with 4.2% of ebral glucose metabolic rates were found to be
those diagnosed with tricho­tillomania or obses‑ increased in the bilateral cerebellum and right
sive–compulsive disorder [27] . This suggests that parietal cortex in patients with trichotillomania
SAPAP3 may be involved in the development of (n = 10) compared with controls (n = 20)  [37] .
obsessive–compulsive spectrum disorders. However, in a qualitative study of a pair of
genetically identical twins with trichotilloma‑
Animal models
„„ nia, both showed decreased perfusion of the
Animal models have been useful in investigat‑ temporal lobes during SPECT, and the more
ing the origins of compulsive behaviors that severely affected twin showed more widespread
often seem to mimic the clinical manifestations temporal involvement [38] . In the only functional
of trichotillomania. Bordnick and colleagues MRI study, researchers found no significant dif‑
found that captive birds may excessively pluck ferences between patients and controls in terms
their feathers during times of stress, boredom or of brain activation during an implicit sequence
loneliness to receive attention from their own‑ learning task [39] . Using diffusion tensor imaging
ers [28] . Barbering (abnormal whisker and fur techniques, Chamberlain and colleagues found

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Diagnosis & treatment of trichotillomania  Review

that trichotillomania was associated with reduced found in the overall performance of the go/no-go
integrity of white matter tracts connecting the task [46] . Another study, which used a stop-
bilateral orbitalfrontal cortex and anterior cin‑ signal task to measure the ability of subjects to
gulated cortices, left presupplementary motor actively inhibit an already triggered motor com‑
area and the left temporal lobe in a sample of mand, found that patients with trichotillo­mania
18 individuals with trichotillomania compared (n = 17) exhibited impaired inhibitory control
with 19 healthy controls [40] . This suggests that (i.e., increased stop signal reaction times) versus
there may be a disconnect between neural regions controls (n = 20) [47] .
associated with motor activity and emotional
processing in individuals with trichotillomania. Assessment measures
However, no relationship was found between the Different assessment instruments capture dif‑
reduced white matter tracts and severity of illness ferent dimensions of trichotillomania includ‑
or depression [40] . ing diagnostic criteria, symptom severity
and associated psychosocial impairment. For
Neurocognition diagnostic purposes, the Trichotillomania
Although several studies have examined neuro­ Diagnostic Interview [48] is a semi-structured
cognitve function associated with trichotillo­ interview consisting of three-point item ratings
mania, the day-to-day impact of any deficits assessing the DSM‑III‑R diagnostic criteria
reported has yet to be characterized. It is also for trichotillomania.
unclear whether any reported deficits occur in For purposes of assessing trichotillomania
people at increased genetic risk of the condition, symptom severity, there are several instruments
perhaps reflecting a vulnerability marker, or rather available. The most widely used scale is the
occur as a consequence of symptoms themselves. Massachusetts General Hospital Hairpulling
The first cognitive investigation in trichotillo­ Scale (MGH-HPS) [49] , a self-report seven-item
mania used the Stylus Maze test, in which vol‑ instrument for the assessment of hair pull‑
unteers attempt to learn the correct path for ing severity (frequency and intensity of urges,
navigating across a peg board using a stylus. ability to control urges, frequency of hair pull‑
Subjects with trichotillomania (n = 21) showed ing, resistance to and control over hair pulling
problems with spatial processing compared with and associated distress). Other scales include
controls (n = 16) [41] . In a subsequent study using the NIMH Trichotillomania Severity Scale
a similar test (the Austin Maze task), there was (NIMH‑TSS) [50] , a five-item, clinician-rated scale
no evidence for deficits in trichotillomania assessing pulling frequency, urge intensity, urge
patients (n =  11) who were free from current resistance, subjective distress and inter­ference
major depression and psychosis versus controls with daily activities. The Psychiatric Institute
(n = 11) [42] . Trichotillomania Scale [51] is a semi-structured
Two studies using the Wisconsin Card instrument with a guided interview format con‑
Sorting Test (measuring cognitive flexibility and sisting of six items assessing pulling sites, dura‑
rule learning) found individuals with trichotillo­ tion, resistance, inter­ference, distress and sever‑
mania did not perform significantly differently ity. The Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive
from controls [43,44] . Stanley and colleagues also Scale – Trichotillomania  [52] is a ten‑item scale
found that trichotillomania subjects had signifi‑ for rating the severity of obsessions and compul‑
cantly more problems with allocating attention sions in trichotillomania. The Trichotillomania
between two separate tasks compared to con‑ Scale for Children (TSC) [53] is a 12‑item scale
trols  [43] . Chamberlain and colleagues found assessing hairpulling severity, distress and
no significant differences between untreated impairment with parallel child (TSC-C) and
subjects with trichotillomania and controls parent (TSC-P) versions.
on a computerized analog of the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test (the intradimensional/extra­ Treatment
dimensional set-shift task) assessing cognitive Psychotherapeutic interventions
flexibility and rule learning [45] . A small number of controlled psychological
Studies assessing motor impulsivity have treatment studies have been completed for tri‑
reported mixed results. In a study comparing chotillomania. One study compared HRT (sub‑
controls (n = 26) to individuals with trichotillo­ jects develop an increased awareness of pulling
mania (n = 25), no significant differences were and learn specific techniques to decrease pulling)

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Review  Schreiber, Odlaug & Grant

with negative practice (subjects complete the constipation, dry mouth, and tremors during
motions of pulling out hair without actually the study, none of which were significantly
pulling out hair while standing in front of a mir‑ different between the two groups [50] .
ror) in 34 subjects with trichotillomania, who With the exception of clomipramine, other
were followed for 22 months. Statistical analysis serotonergic medications have not demon‑
found a reduction in hair pulling by more than strated benefit for trichotillomania. In fact,
90% for 4 months in the HRT group, compared a recent meta-analysis found that although
to a 52–68% reduction in the negative practice clomipramine was superior to placebo, selec‑
group [54] . tive serotonin reuptake inhibitors were not
A more recent study of acceptance commit‑ more efficacious compared to placebo [58] .
ment therapy with habit reversal found that in An 18‑week, double-blind, cross-over trial
25 subject randomized to receive either accept‑ (6 weeks on each agent, with a 5‑week wash‑
ance commitment therapy or wait-list control out period between treatment periods) com‑
for 12 weeks (ten sessions), those in the accept‑ pared fluoxetine with placebo in 21 subjects.
ance commitment therapy group significantly Statistical analysis found both the treatment
reduced their hair pulling compared to wait‑ and placebo groups performed similarly on
list control. Furthermore, this difference was measures of hair pulling urges, frequency and
sustained at the 3‑month follow-up visit [55] . severity. Side effects associated with fluoxet‑
Diefenbach and colleagues evaluated the effec‑ ine included nausea, tremors, insomnia, dry
tiveness of different types of group therapy. mouth and anorgasmia [59] . Similar disappoint‑
Compared to supportive group therapy, behav‑ ing results were found by Streichenwein and
ior group therapy resulted in a significant reduc‑ Thornby in a 31‑week, placebo-controlled, ran‑
tion in trichotillomania symptoms in 24 subjects domized, cross-over trial with 16 subjects [60] .
randomized to either supportive group therapy The fluoxetine treatment and placebo groups
or behavior group therapy for eight sessions reported similar reductions in hair pulling [60] .
[56] . At the 1-, 3- and 6‑month follow-up visits, Pigott and colleagues (as cited in [61] ) com‑
however, the behavior group therapy had a sig‑ pleted another randomized, cross-over 20‑week
nificant worsening of treatment advancements trial with a 2‑week placebo lead-in comparing
compared to supportive group therapy. fluoxetine with clomipramine in 12 subjects.
The only controlled treatment study in chil‑ Findings indicated that both fluoxetine and
dren (between ages 7 and 17  years) assessed clomipramine performed well but did not sig‑
the efficacy of behavioral therapy in 24 chil‑ nificantly differ from each other on measures
dren with trichotillomania. Subjects were ran‑ of hair-pulling severity [61] .
domly assigned to receive behavioral therapy or The remaining three pharmacological stud‑
minimal attention control for 8 weeks. Severity ies have looked at naltrexone (an opioid antag‑
scores improved from baseline to study comple‑ onist), olanzapine (an atypical neuroleptic)
tion. The findings also indicated that the three and N‑acetyl cysteine (NAC; a glutamateric
youngest subjects receiving behavioral therapy agent) for the treatment of trichotillomania.
responded just as well, if not slightly better than Christenson and colleagues (as cited in [61]) ran‑
the nine older subjects [57] . domized a sample of 17 individuals with tricho­
tillomania to receive either naltrexone or pla‑
Pharmacological treatment
„„ cebo for 6‑weeks. Compared to zero subjects on
Currently, seven controlled pharmacological placebo, approximately half (three of seven) of
studies have been completed for trichotillo­ the naltrexone group had significant reductions
mania, with four investigating serotoner‑ of at least 50% in hair-pulling symptoms [61] .
gic antidepressant medications. The first Using a 12‑week, placebo-controlled design
pharmaco­logical study for trichotillomania with 35 subjects, Van Ameringen et al. found
compared clomipramine to desipramine in that olanzapine, an atypical neuroleptic, signifi‑
13 females randomized to a 10‑week, cross-over cantly improved the severity of trichotillo­mania
trial (5  weeks on each agent) with a 2‑week compared to placebo, and significantly more
single-blind placebo lead-in. The study found individuals on active medication were rated as
that clomipramine produced significant reduc‑ full responders (85 and 17% in olanzapine and
tions in the severity, frequency and intensity placebo, respectively) [62] . Although the olan‑
of hair-pulling episodes. Both groups reported zapine and placebo group did not significantly

128 Neuropsychiatry (2011) 1(2) future science group

Diagnosis & treatment of trichotillomania  Review

differ from baseline to end point on the MGH- improvement (defined as less than a 40%
HPS, the olanzapine group (46.8%) had a sig‑ decrease in trichotillomania symptoms)
nificantly higher mean change on the MGH- received two, 1  h sessions of HRT in addi‑
HPS compared to placebo (17.9%). Weight tion to their treatment regimen. Attrition was
gain was a common adverse event (reported in high, with only 26 of the original 43 subjects
38% of olanzapine-treated individuals com‑ (60.5%) completing the trial. A total of 13 sub‑
pared to 8% of placebo). Given the potential jects received only sertraline or HRT, while
adverse side effect profile associated with olan‑ 11 subjects received both treatment modalities
zapine (e.g., sedation and increased glucose and two were placebo responders, receiving
and cholesterol) [63] , the risks must be weighed no additional treatment. Both single and dual
against possible benefits of this medication modality groups experienced reductions in hair
when ­considering its use in therapy. pulling. The dual modality group, however,
The largest pharmacological study to date in experienced a significantly greater decrease in
trichotillomania used NAC in 50 subjects in a symptoms compared with the single modality
12‑week, placebo-controlled study. Recipients group. This study experienced high attrition
of NAC had significantly larger reductions in rates and sertraline responders were compared
trichotillomania symptomatology and a higher with nonresponders and, therefore, these results
percentage were rated as ‘much’ or ‘very much’ must be interpreted with caution.
improved compared to placebo (56 and 17% Using meta-analysis to compare psycho‑
on NAC and placebo, respectively). No adverse therapy and pharmacotherapy, Bloch and col‑
events were experienced by subjects receiving leagues found that HRT was more efficacious
NAC [64] . than either clomipramine or selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor treatment [58] . NAC was not
Comparison studies
„„ evaluated by the meta-analysis as the study was
Only three comparison studies have been com‑ not yet performed at that time.
pleted to date. In one such study, 23 subjects
(16  completers) were randomized to receive Treatment summary & recommendations
either 9 weeks of cognitive behavioral therapy Overall, data regarding psychological and
(CBT) or clomipramine. The CBT modality pharmaco­logical treatments of trichotillo­mania
utilized was derived from the HRT used in are incomplete. No studies have been suc‑
Azrin and colleagues’ study [54] . Clomipramine cessfully replicated to make a well-supported
failed to demonstrate superiority to CBT or judgment about treatment efficacy. Inadequate
placebo in a 9‑week, randomized, parallel- sample sizes limit the statistical power of these
treatment study in 16 subjects. CBT resulted studies, and short (8–12 weeks) follow-up peri‑
in significantly reduced hair pulling compared ods make it difficult to assess long-term efficacy
to clomipramine and placebo [65] . of these treatments. Furthermore, no studies
Another controlled comparison trial rand‑ have specifically investigated how comorbid
omized 43 subjects (40 completers) to either conditions impact treatment, which is impor‑
behavioral therapy, fluoxetine or wait-list for tant owing to the high proportion of tricho­
12 weeks. While 64 and 20% of those in behav‑ tillomania subjects with co-occurring psychi‑
ioral therapy and the wait-list control group, atric conditions. Despite these limitations,
respectively, reported a clinically significant behavioral therapy and several medications
change in hair pulling, only 9% on fluoxetine have shown promise in treating trichotillo­
reported a significant change. Additionally, mania and should be explored further. NAC,
compared to the fluoxetine group, the wait- olanzapine (although with notable side effects),
list control group experienced a significantly and possibly clomipramine may be beneficial
larger decrease in time spent pulling [66] . At the for individuals suffering from trichotillomania,
2‑year follow-up, the behavioral therapy group but data regarding selective serotonin reuptake
improvement was not maintained [67] . inhibitors do not support their use.
Dougherty et al. assessed the effectiveness
of combining CBT with pharmacotherapy in Future perspective
sertraline nonresponders [68] . After complet‑ Given the overall lack of research regarding
ing a 12‑week double-blind trial of sertraline trichotillomania, continued research regard‑
versus placebo, subjects without significant ing prevalence rates, clinical characteristics,

future science group 129

Review  Schreiber, Odlaug & Grant

etiology, neurobiology and treatment is Financial & competing interests disclosure

needed. It has been suggested for the DSM‑V JE  Grant has received research grants from NIDA, the
that trichotillomania be reclassified as an Institute for Responsible Gaming, Psyadon Pharmaceuticals
‘Anxiety and Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum and the University of South Florida (FL, USA). BL Odlaug
Disorder’, rather than as an ‘Impulse Control has received honoraria from Oxford University Press (UK)
Disorder  –  Not Otherwise Specified’ [101] , and Current Medicine Group, LLC. The authors have no
and therefore future research needs to con‑ other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with
tinue developing models for understanding any organization or entity with a financial interest in or
and treating trichotillomania. Additionally, financial conflict with the subject matter or materials
further treatment research is needed before discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
clear recommendations can be made regarding No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
efficacious interventions. this manuscript.

9 Hallopeau M: Alopicie par grattage 18 Diefenbach G, Tolin D, Hannan S, Crocetto J,

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