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Faith and Practice of Islam

 God has created human beings with a purpose
 Humans will live forever, whether it is temporarily on Earth or eternally in Heaven or Hell
 Those granted Aql (Intelligence) must use the guidance of Quran and Shariah to discover the
purpose for which The Creator has created Humans
 Prophets, the ulama, and the sages all mutually agree that God created humans for the purpose
of gaining true knowledge and obedience
 Prophets were sent to teach people the science of gaining true knowledge and the way to obey
 “Science of Faith” and “Science of god-wariness” are two parts that constitute all of religion
 Duty of common people is to have faith in the unseen
 Each person is obliged to believe in God, not their own caprice
 To follow the command of God is to be “obedient”; leads to felicity
 Following caprice is “disobedience”; leads to wretchedness


 Nothing can be added to God’s explanation

 Those who dig for proofs of God’s existence are not laudable, rather have “corrupt
 God is too manifest to need proofs ie signs of His presence are everywhere
 It is in humankind’s nature to recognize His Signs
 Allah has all knowledge and all power


 He has eternal knowledge of past, present and future

 All-knowing, All-seeing, All-hearing
 Knows what is in the depths of hearts
 Eternal and infinite
 Sole authority who can pass judgment
 Torah, Gospel, Psalms and Quran are all His language/speech
 Therein his command and prohibition, His promise and warning true


 He is the Creator of the spiritual and the material (corporeal) worlds

 Humans are a combination of spiritual and corporeal
 Free will vs compulsion
 Humans reap the reward/punishment of what they sow


 He selected a group of humans and elevated them to the status of Prophecy

 Used Angels as a medium of bringing Prophets closer to Him
 Prophets were sent for the sole purpose of teaching fellow humans how to obey God’s

Islam, Iman and Ihsan

 Introduction begins with an event of Angel Jibrail visiting the Holy Prophet, witnessed by the
 Jibrail asks Muhammad what is/are “Islam, Iman, Ihsan, The Hour, Tokens of The Hour”
 “He was Jibrail who came to you to teach you your din.” –Sahih Muslim


 There is no god but Allah

 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
 Prayer
 Zakah
 Fasting in Ramadan
 Performing Hajj
 Includes ghusl and wudu
 Following 5 Pillars and confirming Two Shahadahs makes one a true Muslim


Iman is belief in

 Allah
 His Messengers
 His Angels
 His Books
 His Decree
 The Last Day/ Meeting Him/ Rising from the Grave


 Be aware of Allah’s presence at all times (Taqwa)

 Either as if you see Him, for He sees you
 Sometimes associated with Iman, as such is the worship that what is Unseen becomes as if it is
being seen
 Sincere worship


 Time unknown but numerous signs have been provided

 Every circumstance will be reversed
 Liar will be believed
 Unreliable will be trusted
 Ignorance will dominate
 The Hour is one of 5 things no one but Allah knows


1. Allah has prior knowledge regarding what good and evil humans do; who is obedient and who is
disobedient; who will go to Heaven or Hell
2. There is no action Allah has not foreseen as He is All-knowing and to deny this is Kufr and is
equal to denying the Quran


 Islam is defined as outward actions, whereas Iman is classified as internal beliefs

 Used separately, the two may be interchangeable in some scenarios
 Used together, their different nuances are highlighted
 Those who are weak of Iman cannot be called Kafir
 Those who are weak of Iman may be Muslims but they aren’t Mumins

The Vision of Islam


 Involves confidence in a Truth, not a supposed truth

 No suggestion that there is faith in a falsehood
 Knowledge in the heart, that is solidified with a verbal proclamation and practice
 To have a “Heart” in Quranic terms means to have Aql (Intellect or Rationality)
 To voice with the tongue is to establish a connection with Allah via Prayers
 Marks our humanity
 Importance of speech is such that God created the universe by speaking
 Those who are physically unable to pray shall do so verbally or mentally
 Iman demands Islam, as activity with the limbs is commanded by God, for eg Salat


 Gratitude is the first thing humans owe to God

 ‘Al-Hamdu Lillah’ Praise be to God
 Faith is nothing but a form of gratitude and vice versa
 Kufr literally translates “to Conceal” but is interpreted as “Ingratitude”
 Human nature is to recognize the Signs of God, hence to do Kufr is to go against human nature
 Person with no faith conceals the self-evident truths of Creation
 Those who deny “There is no god but God” deny their humanity


 First Article of Islamic Faith is God

 If we are to understand who God is, He Himself must tell us
 God tells us who He is by speaking through His prophets
 His words are recorded in the scriptures ie Torah, Psalms, Gospel, Quran
 “God” is the reality that reveals itself through the Quran, hence the first step to understanding
God is to understand the Quran
 Word “ilah” is used negatively, to refer to false gods or idols
 A god can even be your inner caprice (hawa), which is your internal mood which blows you in
different directions
 Caprice is the worst gods and pinnacle of ignorance
 Caprice can also be used to refer to heresies or sects, both of which involve straying from the
command of God and following whims of either yourself or of others


 First principle of Faith is Tawhid: assertion that God is one

 Tawhid governs practical applications (everyday life)
 Shirk means to give God partners and, by implication, worship then alongside or exclusive of
 Claiming ignorance of Tawhid is such a grave sin as it denies human nature itself
 Those who do shirk leave humanity; hence they belong in the domain of inhuman creatures,
which is Hell.


 Quran is God’s speech directed at human beings

 Nothing in the Quran is insignificant, because Allah speaks with full awareness
 God is not negligent and forgetful like humans
 Ultimately, Islam involves understanding the Quran and embodying its teachings in everyday life
 Miracles and scriptures are gifted to prophets as a sign of God and come with messages from

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