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A ~ × C)

Note that the vector G ~ =B~ ×C~ is perpendicular to the plane on which vectors B~ and
~ lie. Thus, taking the cross product of vector G
C ~ with an arbitrary third vector, say A,
~ and thus lying in the plane of vectors B
the result will be a vector perpendicular to G ~
~ Therefore, one can express the vector F
and C. ~ =A ~ ×G ~ as a linear combination of the
~ and C,
vectors B ~ i.e.,

~ = mB
F ~ + nC

~ and noting
Taking the scalar product of the both sides of this expression with vector A,
~ ·F
that A ~ = 0 one obtains

~ · B)
m (A ~ + n (A
~ · C)
~ =0

~ B
For this equality to be valid for any A, ~ and C,
~ one is tempted to write

~ · C),
m = λ (A ~ ~ · B)
n = −λ (A ~

in which the unknown proportionality constant λ has been introduced so as serve for the
above solutions to hold true with no loss in generality.
Thus, one has

~ = A
F ~ × (B
~ × C)
n o
~ · C)
= λ (A ~ B~ − (A
~ · B)
~ C~

~ = k̂, B
Selecting arbitrarily A ~ = ĵ, and C
~ = k̂, for instance, and substituting in the
above equality, one obtains λ = 1.
Hence, one eventually obtains the vector identity

~ × (B
A ~ × C)
~ = (A
~ · C)
~ B~ − (A
~ · B)
~ C~

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