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Alberta Teachers’ Association

December 2019 Public Opinion Polling

January 23, 2020

Methodology: Environics conducted an online survey of 805 Albertans from December 4-19, 2019, and an online survey of 802
Albertans from February 1-21, 2019. As online surveys are conducted with an opt-in panel, no margin of sampling error is cited. The
data are statistically weighted to ensure the sample’s region, age and gender composition reflects that of the actual Alberta population
according to 2016 census information. More information about the methodology is available on request.
Values less than 4% are not shown on bar charts
Approval of the Alberta government’s handling of K-12 education has declined
notably since February; a majority of six in ten now disapprove

Approval/disapproval of Alberta government handling of K-12 education

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 5% 37% 32% 25%

Edmonton 6% 29% 37% 28%

Dec-19 7% 35% 34% 24%
Small cities 5% 39% 31% 24%

Rural 12% 34% 37% 17%

Feb-19 7% 54% 30% 8%

Men 8% 39% 31% 21%

Women 5% 30% 38% 27%

Generally speaking, do you approve or disapprove of the way the Alberta government is handling K to 12 education in the province?
Would that be strongly or somewhat?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 2
About six in ten Albertans say education is underfunded, up from February

Opinion about amount of government spending on public education

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 13% 33% 54%

Edmonton 11% 30% 60%

Dec-19 9% 33% 58%
Small cities 5% 33% 63%

Rural 5% 37% 56%

Feb-19 11% 41% 47%

Men 14% 37% 48%

Women 4% 28% 67%

In your opinion, would you say that the Alberta government is currently spending too much, the right amount or not enough on public education?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 3
Two-thirds of Albertans continue to feel class sizes are too big

Opinion about class sizes in Alberta’s schools

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 4% 28% 67%

Edmonton 5% 31% 64%

Dec-19 4% 30% 66%
Small cities 29% 68%

Rural 33% 64%

Feb-19 5% 30% 65%

Men 4% 39% 57%

Women 21% 76%

Thinking about the number of students in a class with one teacher… in general, would you say that class sizes in Alberta’s schools are
too big, too small, or are they just about right?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 4
Eight-in-ten Albertans support increasing education funding to reduce class sizes

Level of support for increased education funding to

reduce the size of classes in Alberta’s schools

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 38% 36% 15% 11%

Edmonton 47% 34% 10% 9%

Dec-19 41% 37% 13% 9%
Small cities 44% 37% 11% 7%

Rural 37% 40% 15% 7%

Feb-19 37% 45% 10% 7% Men 32% 37% 18% 13%

Women 51% 36% 8%5%

Would you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose increased education funding to reduce the size of classes in Alberta’s schools?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 5
Strong concern about in-class supports for special needs and ESL learners has
increased since February

Level of concern about classroom support for special needs and ESL learners

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 22% 51% 19% 8%

Edmonton 25% 43% 26% 6%

Dec-19 23% 45% 23% 8%
Small cities 26% 39% 25% 10%

Rural 22% 44% 26% 8%

Feb-19 17% 45% 30% 7% Men 20% 46% 26% 9%

Women 27% 45% 21% 6%

Are you very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned about current levels of in class support for students with
special needs and/or English language learners?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 6
Three-quarters, including one-third who feel strongly, support increased funding for
special needs/ESL

Level of support for increased education funding for special needs and ESL learners

Dec 2019 subgroup results

Calgary 34% 43% 16% 8%

Edmonton 37% 43% 14% 7%

Dec-19 34% 43% 16% 7%
Small cities 35% 41% 19% 6%

Rural 28% 46% 18% 7%

Feb-19 24% 54% 15% 7% Men 26% 46% 20% 9%

Women 41% 40% 13% 5%

Would you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose increased education funding to provide better support to
students with special needs and/or English language learners?

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 7

• These results are from an online survey of 805

Albertans, conducted December 4-19, 2019. As
online surveys are conducted with an opt-in panel no
margin of sampling error is cited.
• The data are statistically weighted to ensure the
sample’s region, age and gender composition reflects
that of the actual Alberta population according to
2016 census information.
• Tracking data in this report are from a February 2019
survey conducted online with 802 respondents, from
February 1-21, 2019

Alberta Teachers’ Association ––Tracking

Public Opinion
– February
– December
2015 2019 8

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