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Mark Vincent Lim grew up in San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan.

He was born on July 8, 1996 and is now 14 years old. He is a scholar of the
Philippine Science High School - Central Luzon Campus in Clark, Pam-
panga. He loves to tell jokes and in that way, he could make his friends
happy. He laughs out loud every time. That’s why it is easy to know if he
has a problem — if he is silent. He is fond of musical instruments that is
why he loves being the bassist of the band, Barkada ni Edu.

His parents, classmates and loves ones were his inspirations in

making his literary genres. He hopes that you’ll find time in reading this
literary folio and have fun at the same time.

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My First Singing Experience 6
Building Blocks as a Child 7
My First Enemy 8
My First Tooth 9
My First Teacher 10
Meet the Bubbles 11
My First Day Out 12
Remember The Eyebrows 14
Little Miss 2001 15
With My Own, Two Feet 16
First Memorable Christmas 17
Indescribable Feeling 18
My First Wound 19
My First Family Vehicle 20
My First Dream 21
Flood Memoirs 23
A Lump Of Gold On The Sidewalk 24
Can I Play? 25
Best Friends Are Your Best Enemies 26

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My First Participation In A Singing Contest 30
Getting Older in Gaming 31
Newest Best Friend 32
My First Vaccine 33
My Favorite High School Teacher 34
Meet The Experts 35
First Sneaking Out 36
Pick Your Friends 38
Pioneer And Champ 39
The Girl I Wanted 40
The First Time I Celebrated Valentine 41
Still Love 42
First Time I Got Heartbroken 43
My First Flight 44
My First Achievement 45
Sheltering Rain 47
Heart Of Glass 48
I Can Play! 49
The Fight Of Five Versus One 50

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My First Singing Experience
Roma Elaine S. Cruz

I was half asleep in the car when I heard my

mom talk with my aunt about the first song that I
sang. I could still remember myself watching Mulan
when I was a kid. They said, I sang “Reflection” at the
age of four. I mimicked the actions of the main charac-
ter. My parents were amazed of my potential to sing.
They made me attend a workshop after I learned how to
read and write.

Looking back to the day I first sang

“Reflection”, I felt unashamed of the people who watched
me. I wasn’t shy when I sang and portrayed the role of
Mulan. I used the whole living room when I did it. I even
had some props with me. I had used a mirror as the
main character used hers. I borrowed a toy sword from
my cousin when the scene that Mulan was pretending
to be a warrior was taking place.

Childhood is so memorable in such ways. Those

days enabled me to explore my gift further. I did not
only sing but I also tried declaiming after that encoun-
ter. I wish I could do the cute thing again.

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Building Blocks As A Child
Patrick Joshua Elazegui

I was a child, like everyone else

But Lego was my favorite toy, from my bone to my cells
As a child, I played my first game with it
By bashing them into each other while I sit

Bashing them was a fun activity

While admiring their longevity
The fun of building things
And then taking them apart as they cling

I built Lego barricades and walls

And threw Pieces of Lego at them as the thing falls
I also built Lego houses and cars
Then destroyed them using Lego jars

This was the first game I played as a child

Which was bashing Lego aggressively while they piled

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My First Enemy
Trisha Ann Erasga

When I was younger, I got into different fights. It is not

because I’m a war-freak but because I wanted to protect my

I will never forget my first real fight. I was in grade one.

My best friends, who were Arniven, Angela, and Sarah, were
always with me. My school is in the same compound where my
mother was working. I never had any problem with going home, but
my friends, they had their nannies to fetch them.

One time, Angela’s service came late. I had to be with

her. I had no choice. Sarah and Arniven agreed to wait for An-
gela’s service. We played in the playground. When we became
tired, we went to the high school department. We ran in the corri-
dors, entered empty classrooms, and stayed at the stairs.

I can still remember there was a bully in school. If I wasn’t

wrong, his name is Carlo. He was a grade four student. He was
always bullying us. He always gets my friends’ bags and lets them
chase him. I hated him for that.

This time, he saw us, in front of the school clinic. He

chased us. I was mad. We cannot do anything but run. After all, he
is three years older than us. He got Sarah’s books and Angela’s
bag. Arniven was so afraid, she ran up the stairs. Angela and
Sarah followed her. Carlo did what I expected. He bullied us,
called us cry babies, and laughed too much. Angela was so afraid,
she cried. I was SO mad. Did you know what I did? I ran towards
him and punched him in his right chest. He accidentally dropped
Sarah’s books and left Angela’s bag.

I was happy after I did that. He never bullied us after

that incident. Maybe he realized that we, especially I, can now
stand up to him.

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My First Tooth
Gamaliel Esguerra

Through the house what busy joy,

Just because the infant boy
My gums became itchy
And I’m already sleepy
So I had a hard time of sleeping
Until my mother sing

Next morning I woke up,

I felt something hard in my mouth,
This feeling made me stop,
North, East , West and South
I don’t know what it is,
Mother, Father, what is it?

My mother saw it and smile,

A smile that was a mile,
Hugging me so tight,
Made lose my sight,
“Baby, it’s your first tooth”

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My First Teacher
Mary Cathryn Madolora

Determined you taught me

You helped me shaped my future
Unfortunately you weren't able to see
How your student actually turned out to be

How untimely of your departure

How unfortunate of your egress
I couldn't hold your hand
When you were put to rest

We first met in daycare

You taught me to read and write
For these lessons I am grateful
But I wish my memory lingers
As you thought your last thoughts


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Meet the Bubbles
Figueroa, Acer Jian T.

I spy with my little eyes some transparent spheres of different sizes.

One, two, three… ah, they’re many.
Just guess what is it?
I was once a playful boy during 1990’s
And I’ve marked many stories – my childhood to now – to everyone
I meet.
Meet the Bubbles
I am with my aunt taking pictures of me by that time
I was holding container with a green substance and a handle with a
hole in it.
My aunt taught me how to do it and so I learned
That’s not the experiment yet
While taking a picture of my sister, I blew some bubbles in front of
the camera, but
It still seemed clear and the light passed through it. That time,
I’ve found out that there are clear things (transparent), not so clear
things (translucent), and vague things (opaque).
Meet the Bubbles


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First Day Out
Angelita Pangilinan

Some memories in our lives just go on and leave us

without us noticing. That goes the same with people. Some-
times, memories just fade away without leaving a mark for
us to remember that they passed by. Sometimes, it takes
courage to ask people around you. Maybe, they haven’t
forgotten about that memory yet. That was what I did. I
asked my parents about y first day out with them.
My cousins usually tease me. Going outside the
house was never fun for me. I wasn’t the sporty type. My
immune system isn’t that strong so my parents have to take
extra care of me to make sure that I get no disease and stay
healthy. I suppose that was the reason why my first day out
with my family occurred quite late than the normal.
I can still remember my parent’s reaction when I
asked them about our first day out. It was pure shock and
after my question sunk onto them, they laughed at me while
saying, “How can you forget? You were the one who told us
that that was the happiest moment of your life!” Suddenly, I
felt an eerie feeling. They showed me a picture. I was so
happy in that photo. That was when I remembered. Yes,
that day was one of the happiest days of my entire exis-
tence. That was the day that I met him.
Fifth of February, year 1999. I was two years old
back then. My parents decided to go my grandparents’
house for a change before, they used to be the ones who go
and visit us. Its location was nice. There was a santol tree
near the house and from there; you can see a river flowing
endlessly. It was a nice view and moment. All thanks to a
rock, my moment with Mother Nature got interrupted.


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Somebody threw a rock to me. He said, “Stay away from my
tree!” Since then, I was already stubborn so I shouted back
at him and the shouting continued until both of our parents
went out to check what the commotion was all about. He
was wearing a school uniform. Our parents went inside and
had a chat. They seem so happy they forgot about us! I
stood on the dike. He suddenly approached me. I was so
scared! I thought he’d push me down to the river. All my
fears vanished because he suddenly apologized to me and
started talking about why he stoned me, why he is like that,
etc. We have gotten to know each other so I realized that
we were 7years apart. I also knew his name, his likes and his
hobbies. That was the day that I first made a friend.


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Remember the Eyebrows
Aldrian Jason Gigante

The sun was absolutely bright

The sky was so blue
The clouds were cotton white
The feeling was incredibly new

A classmate I discover
In the middle of the room
A friend I found
In the midst of the crowd

His eyes were so black

His brows were so thick
His skin was so white
He was so stout

He smiles a lot
He laughs more
He frowns not
He doesn’t even bore

He is my very first friend

No, he is not my fiend
Although he looks irregular
I assure you he’s perfectly normal


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Little Miss 2001
Ana Viel Beatrix Perlas

Wearing a gown, the little girl waited

Waiting for her name to be said
The contest is about to begin
But she is all nervous to give in

On the stage she went

With her looks that were almost bent
She walks down the aisle
And all she does is to smile

She sang a song she had practiced for quite a while

But yes, she looks shy as everyone defined
For her, the song is as long as a mile
But then her number wasn’t cruel to mankind

Then, the host asked a question to her

As a child, she answered sarcastically
There came an applause for her
Because of her cute strategy

The girl together with other contestants

Waited at the backstage as mentors said
She sat and sat and sat --- while singing a chant
For she was nervous and was almost red

Wearing a gown, the little girl waited

Waiting for her name to be said
She prayed that she would win
And be contented with what was therein

She peeked at the window

And was amazed with the show!
She was entitled 1st runner up
And of course, was happy with what was up.


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With My Own, Two Feet
Mark Vincent Lim

I can barely recall the first time I was able to walk. The
only remaining memories I have concerning me walking during
my childhood aren’t really clear; the details are hazy and I’m not
even sure if the bits of memory I recall is really about my first
walk. I have asked my mother several times about it and I’m sur-
prised that even after several years, she hasn’t forgotten.

I was always practicing on how to stand properly and

mom was there supporting me. I can stand properly then, yes, but
only for a few moments. I tried and I tried, but I always fell on my
back. There came a time when I can stand without being held by
my parents. When I got used to that, they tried to help me walk
on my own. I did my best to take my steps but I always fell. I tried
and I tried until one day, I was able to take one step, two steps… I
was actually walking! My mother told me she was so happy at
that time. After I took a couple of steps, I fell again – but that did-
n’t really matter. I was able to do it with my own two feet.

My first walk was when I was two years of age. Some say
it’s a little late. However, it didn’t matter too much – it was still
something I am able to do by myself and I’m proud of it.


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First Memorable Christmas
Mara Belle Esther Quirino

God said “Have my care that never breaks”,

“Have my smile that never fades”
“Have my words that never hurt”
“Have my love that never ends”
15 years of existing and living
15 years of celebrating Christmas
15 years of giving and loving
15 years of celebrating Christmas
Christmas is all about the birth of Christ
It’s all about the celebration and countdown at night
It’s all about giving gifts and bright lights
It’s all about giving love for what is right.
My first Christmas that I can remember
Is when the first time I act as a loner
I was seven at that age
And like a bird,, I want to go out of my own cage
At first, that Christmas was sad
Because to my dad, I am mad
But that madness did not last
Because my dad gave his gift to me, at last.


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Indescribable Feeling
Hans Christian Marin

A feeling so unsure
Never thought that I could lure
First time I ever felt this
And I’m still denying this

I knew I’m still a child

So I’m not taking this in mild
But what can my brain do,
If my heart feels something for you

They say that this is just an admiration

But she’s my classmate, seatmate and my best friend
Honestly, she’s the first girl that became my friend
With our closeness that grew in just a short duration

As time goes by, I’m starting to feel something

When I’m with you, I don’t feel bad even a thing
But I’m still on a denial state
Because having a crush is the least thing that I could ever state

When she went to a different school

Without even saying goodbye to me in any tool
How lonely I have really became
Because now, I’m like an actor who had lost his fame

Since then, I never really wanted to have a crush

Because in my childhood, nobody knew that I ever had a crush
But with the years I have spent with her as my best friend turned-out crush
I can’t deny now that for the first time since birth, she’s my first crush


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My First Wound
Robin Kamille Ramos

Mr. Sun smiled at me from the sky

Clouds above were like beds of cotton
Birds up there made me want to fly

I am free, I am free
I ran and ran with the singing breeze
I dance with the flowers, swayed with the tree
I yelled, I shouted, I didn’t plan to cease

Thud! The sweet moment had ended

Laughter walked away, tears went to fall
Blood in sight, oh my, I see red!
“Mother! Mother!” I started to desperately call

Though everything went wrong as the credits roll

Today, life had taught me a lesson
Every time failure made me cry and fall
I have learned to stand up and go on


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My First Family Vehicle
Ivan Noriel Miranda

I was young back then

Maybe eight, nine or ten
I did not travel much
just at home eating lunch

I just watched television

I just sat there without a mission
Until the day we brought a new van
Now, we don't need to walk or run

We now travel to distant lands

Before these, we make plans
So our trips will be smooth
And our moods will be good


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My First Dream
Rachel Anne Sengco

The very first dream I had wanted to make come

true was the one that I could never forget. I never forgot
about it and lately, it’s consuming a large portion of my
mind. It was probably the dream that has the greatest im-
pact on me, my actions and my hobbies. Some evidence
proving this can be seen in me until now.
Even so, it’s a dream that has a very fat chance of
coming true.
That is, becoming a world-renowned fashion de-
For almost as long as I could remember, I’ve been
watching television ever since. I watched so many things
that I wasn’t able to keep count of all of them. At that
time, it was cartoons, anime, and fashion-related reality
shows that captured me. I was always fascinated by pretty
clothes, splendid color combinations, and various textures
that I saw. My mother isn’t good at drawing – or so she
says – but my father is really good. When I get bored or
when I get motivated, I ask for a piece of paper, a pencil
and my set of crayons and I would start drawing a stand-
ing figure wearing things that [now] to me looked a little
like Victorian with all the ribbons and ruffles and the full-
length gown. My drawings back then sucked; but people
used to say I was good for my age. As for me, I was never
satisfied. I wanted more. I desperately searched for perfec-
tion. I was very young but I was ambitious. I set the goal
that at this age, my drawings will be better that… and so
on. I loved drawing so much that I was able to influence
my little sister. I don’t remember if we had the same


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dream but from that point on, I got obsessed on drawing
gowns, dresses, modern attire, and a proportional body.
Back then, I wasn’t stupid; I was just an illusion-
ist. I had more to me than drawing. I knew it wasn’t prac-
tical to be pursuing such a dream. I’m not rich, and if I
failed, I’d have nothing to back me up. I didn’t care too
much about my future so I told my parents about it only a
couple of times. They spun beautiful words of encourage-
ment and told me to do as I please for my future. I was
somehow happy about it but like I said, I wasn’t stupid. I
know what a big lie that is. I know I could do what I want
but that freedom has its limitations. If my family was ei-
ther richer, or both my parents are less than doctors, I
know it would be a little more possible. Furthermore, I
was ambitious enough to be realistic which is why I didn’t
cling too much to that dream, which later became re-
duced to something a little more than a hobby.
Even after it ceased to be my dream for the fu-
ture, I never stopped drawing. As a child, I developed ob-
sessions over art materials, paper, and colorful cutouts
from newspapers and magazines – all of which are wear-
able things. I realized that it wasn’t my dream that pro-
pelled me to love art – it’s the opposite – art drove me to
develop such a dream. To this day, my love for art has
never faltered. As a child, dreams can change easily so it
wasn’t that big a problem to find a better one.
However, my obsession over wardrobes has some-
how returned the memories of my first dream linger


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Flood Memoirs
Paul Emil Ongoco

Splash! Splash!
Swimming in a rain flood
Run! Run!
Playing with my best bud
Yipee! Yey!
Feeling like we won't stop
Little boy get back here!
Shouts my angry mom


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A Lump of Gold on the Sidewalk
Jazmine Day Vallejos

Once a poor man was pacing back and forth

Worrying what the things in this world are worth
When he saw something shiny on the sidewalk
He picked it up and became unable to talk.

He thought, ”If only I’m not this old,

I would jump and shout, ‘Thank God for this lump of gold!’”
Because of his luck, he just smiled and was grateful
This scene made the rest of his life very wonderful.

Like this lump of gold, many are the moments

That are so important yet forgotten
This I realized during a class discussion
About a topic which I thought wouldn’t require much attention.

Then our teacher asked us, “When was the first time you cried?”
I wasn’t able to answer the question no matter how hard I tried
That’s when he reminded me about the most important event in my life—
The day when God brought me to life.

I must say I’m very sensitive enough

To cry more frequently than laugh
Still, this is for my feelings to be expressed
On different occasions in my life, be it the worst or the best.

Some say crying is for the weak

For those who aren’t strong enough and meek
What they don’t know is that crying is a sign
God made to tell you, “You’re alive and mine.”


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Can I Play?
Daniel Roxas

Dear Diary,
I am five years old already and I still can’t
play to other children. It is because I need to focus on
my studies even though I am still young. I can’t
play because I have lots of things to do that is re-
lated in school. I am turning into six tomorrow and
I still can’t play. That’s why I asked my parents if
I may play when I am six years old already and
they answered yes. I am very happy this day be-
cause I can play already. During my birthday cele-
bration, I play with my cousins, and my first game
that I played when I was a child and just have a
little thought of everything is hide-and-seek.


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Best friends Are Your
Best enemies
Charisama Zabala

“This day started nice, not until a silly incident hap-

This sunny and ordinary morning started fine. I had a
wonderful sleep filled with a wonderful dream. As I opened my
eyes, the warm sunlight that slowly bids hello activated a good
mood within me. I stood from my bed and gave my day a sweet
grin as I headed towards the door. I ate a bountiful meal and
had a good bath. When I was about to wear my clothes, I was
quite puzzled. Where is my uniform? I searched around the
room and found my PE uniform. “Why PE uniform?” I won-
dered for a long time. Oh! I remember! This is our Field Dem-
onstration Day wherein we get to perform by year in our wide
field. I jumped in excitement and rushed outside the house. I
waited for our school bus for several minutes. I was a bit nerv-
ous that time. I thought that I would be with the second batch
of students in our bus. “No!” I exclaimed. My sisters who were
always with the second batch were still asleep. I still have the
chance to go to school early! Suddenly, I took a step and saw
our bus on the horizon. Hurrah! I was dancing with happiness
while my mother is watching and laughing. I gave her a kiss and
went inside the bus. Being with the higher years is a bit awkward
especially when you’re just in kindergarten but I just looked
forward for the upcoming event. I waved goodbye to our driver,
Kuya Ato,


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and showed my ID to Mr. Not-so-friendly-security-guard.
The rooms of the early years were not that far from the gate
which gives us an advantage in the term early. I was very
pleased to see my two best friends, Kenji and Lourdes. I
started to play with them in the playground in front of our
classroom before our teacher called our attention to fall in
line for the ceremony. While walking, I am beside Kenji and
started a conversation. After a minute, I started telling
unpleasant puns about him and he got very mad. I gave him
my apology but he still didn’t want to talk. I sought help
from Lourdes. She said that the only thing that can fix this
problem is to kiss Kenji. I hesitated at first but because she is
my best friend, I should trust her. I waited for the right mo-
ment. It was hard to perform when my best friend is angry. It
really bothers me. After the performances, the students and
pupils proceed to the gym. Now’s the chance. I sat beside
Kenji and kissed him. Unfortunately, my sister caught me and
took a picture! I really hated this day.


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My Participation in a Singing Contest
Roma Elaine S. Cruz

Seven years after I quitted training in singing

I challenged myself to join a competition.
I wasn’t prepared but I tried my best
To practice a good song within one night.

A night is not enough to find, practice and master a song

So I slept a little to have more time.
Along, I accomplished my entry for another contest
I felt so tired. Indeed, I struggled.

In the morning, it was time to hit the notes.

I was completely drained after a night of toil
Unfortunately, my throat was sore.
I fell quite short in that fleeting moment.

I wish I can make them overlook my performance

I tried to sing with a moving stance
A soft and soothing melody came
From my throat that felt so parched.

The day of the awarding came.

It was time to know what I have achieved.
After the gruelling experience,
Second place was their verdict for my first singing contest


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Getting Older in Gaming
Patrick Joshua Elazegui

When I was a kid, Lego was great

Now that I’m older, I play games at an alarming rate
The first Mature rated game I played was Dawn of War
It was a game that was full of gore

It was rated Mature for obvious reason

Violence and gore filled it since its dawn
It also had some bad words
And alien races in different worlds

But now that I’m older, I can tolerate this

Unlike when I was a kid, Which can even tolerate the slightest hiss
Blood and gore are almost nothing to me now
But I still can’t tolerate some, so I will just bow


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Newest Best FrieNd
Trisha Ann Erasga

In a teenager’s life, I can tell you, there are

many things that would happen in your life UNEX-

Well, in my case, I had TOO MANY best

friends that I could not really count how many they
really are. Jenina, Bea, Cyrene, Cha, Katsy, Jazmine,
Austin, Hans, all of them became my best friends! But
now, I had ANOTHER best friend.

He’s nice. He has A LOT of friends, tons of

them! He’s kind. He helps me in different ways. He is
thoughtful, just like a brother. He knows my secrets
but promised to me that he would not tell anyone,
and he never did tell anyone (as far as I know). He’s
funny. He never forgets to make us all laugh. His
jokes never fail to make us happy. I’m happy when
I’m with him, or at least when I get the chance to talk
to him.

I could remember, we had a fight once. I was

very mad at him. At first, he thought I was fooling
around. I did not talk to him the whole time we were
together. It’s like I never met him. After some time, he
realized I was really angry. He tried to apologize but
I was too mad to accept his sorry. He apologized for
like ten times! In the end, I forgave him because he IS
my best friend after all.


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My First Vaccine
Gamaliel Esguerra

Vaccination is a medical process that pre-

vents the body from a particular disease. A baby
must have this kind of medication to improve his
immune system. But having a vaccine s not
100% assurance that you won't get that particu-
lar disease. For example, you have injected an
anti-measles vaccine to your body, it doesn't
mean that it you have already a full immuniza-
tion from the measles.

MY first vaccine that was injected to my

body was the anti-polio vaccine. I had it in PJG
hospital in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. For
this case, the vaccine was effective enough that's
why I have no imbalance or abnormal muscles or
bones. Vaccines are very important to everybody
that's why many scientists now are continu-
ously discovering more and new vaccines to
fight to many and new diseases.


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My Favorite High School Teacher
Mary Cathryn Madolora

She made physics seem easy

I dunno how she did it
Well of course with loads of experience
She knows every trick

She's not just a teacher

But a very good friend
'Cause she got my back
Whenever I'm in despair

I feel lucky I knew her

I'm one of her lasts
In teaching she is steadfast
And every student she loved


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Meet the Experts
Acer Jian Figueroa

Turning left, right, left, right of the building,

I imagine myself being there growing
Helping another me as if I am standing

Knocking on their door with a rhythm

And I saw a laboratory team
Chemists as they seem

I sometimes see them laughing,

Most of the time dedicated to something
And of course unsmiling

Together with them, oh what a team

Without them, hmm it’s so dim
Just like an ice cream

I had a face-to-face with them, sure thing

Just hope it wouldn’t be a bad thing
Because it would really be a sting

I’ve wasted five stanzas and fifteen lines just to say, hey
I have met scientists, what you say
Apprentice Today
A scientist someday


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First Sneaking Out
Angelita Pangilinan

Everyone experiences sneaking out. Oh, come on!

Don’t be a hypocrite! I know you do! Almost all teenagers
tend to sneak out to get what they want. Most of the time, the
results aren’t that good but these results teach us lessons that
we can use until the end of time. Maybe, it sounds funny but I’m
not kidding! Sometimes, we shouldn’t just set things aside with-
out even paying attention to them.

I admit, I had fun when I first sneaked out. It happened

during my last year on elementary. I and four other students
from Balanga went to a seminar about journalism that was held
in Pampanga. We stayed there for about four days and three
nights. It was funny because I had my first SM experience dur-
ing our second to the last stay there. We went to SM to relax
and unwind after seeing a ghost that freaked us out. Our
teacher told us to never leave the group without permission but
because I was so excited and stubborn back then, I sneaked
out and went around alone. At first I was with a friend who
came with us but I lost her. She moves around the mall so much.
I panicked at that time. I can feel the tears threatening to fall
any minute but I held them back. Maybe, that was God’s will so


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I can be independent and have fun on my own. I went around
the mall, bought stuff, looked at things and even rode an eleva-
tor for the first time. I remember buying a magnetic black brace-
let. I suddenly found myself on the second floor of the build-
ing. I remember going up using the elevator then I roamed
around. Luck wasn’t with me that day so I can’t remember
where the elevator was. Have I mentioned my fear of heights
and escalators? I was looking for the quickest way down be-
cause it was time for us to go home already. The only thing I
found was the stupid escalator. It was very high! I got scared
but I didn’t let my fear get on my way. I still stepped on but af-
ter the ‘second step’ of the elevator (compare it to your second
step when using the stairs), I feel all the way down. I was very
embarrassed. I heard people from the second floor exclaim how
pitiful I was. I ran to the exit and I found my teachers and co –
students there. They didn’t know a thing but they did saw how
red my face was at that time.

On my first sneaking out experience, I learned a les-

son – never disobey what your guardian/ teacher told you to
do so. This lesson never escaped my mind because I can now
proudly say that I can now do it on my own without making a
fool out of myself.


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Pick Your Friends
Aldrian Jason Gigante

The sun was up and it was hot

The wind was strong and it was cold
The sky was clear without the clouds
But not with the flying cars

My friend asked about me

Not only me but my loved one, too
I offered my diary
But banned some pages of it

He promised to read it not

He promised to tell it not
He raised his hand and promised
And as a friend I trusted him

I trusted him with my secrets

I trusted him with my life
I trusted him with my diary
But he still betrayed me

The fool I am trusted him

The fool I am believed in him
The fool I am treated him like a friend
But he was just a hidden fiend

He ruined everything I did

He ruined everything I’m doing
He ruined everything I will do
But I will ruin him, too

I promise now to help him not

I promise now to trust him not
I promise not that he will pay
Just remember that day

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Pioneer and Champ
Ana Viel Beatrix Perlas

It was afternoon. It was Saturday. It was February

21, 2010. It was the day the contest was held.
I should say what happened was a success. We came
in 2nd at the Interpretative Dance Competition and 1st at the
first ever Junk Art Fashion Show. It was surprising for me
though. It is because this was our first time.
We arrived prepared. And yes, we were the first to
arrive. We were excited and of course--- nervous. We watched
other contestants getting ready. Boy, they were great. See-
ing them prepare makes us more nervous.
Nervous, nervous, nervous. Here we are. Our first
Interpretative Dance Contest. We were designated as the last
group to perform. We became confident as the others
performed. We were sure that we prepared and can beat them--
- maybe.
So here, we came with shaking cold hands. The
music started. We just did our best--- and had fun.
I changed clothes and got ready for the next contest.
Again, I was the last contestant. Yes, I was nervous
but the loud cheer of my friends gave me the drive to over-
come my nervousness. I did my best and just proved that the
school deserved to win. And we did.
What’s our secret? We just had fun and enjoyed the
game. Who knows? You might win! Don’t let yourself regret
that you did not do your 110% best. Just enjoy, then you’ll
have the best results.


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The Girl I Wanted
Mark Vincent Lim

March 26, 2010

Dear Diary,
A love song was played. It signaled the moment, the
moment that I will never not recall. At first, I was in uncer-
tainty. I can still bear in mind the minute when I can’t even
shift my fingers for her mother was after me. I did not stand
up until a teacher pulled me up. As I realized that the teacher
was taking me to the girl I wanted, I freed my hands from
hers. I walked straight to the girl I wanted. With my trem-
bling voice, I asked her if we could dance. It was funny how
she grabbed my left hand to go to her mother and ask for
permission. The mother of the girl I wanted smilingly agreed
and before we went to the heart of the opportunity, she
took a photograph of us.
Am I dreaming? I was in front of the girl I wanted. I
asked girl I wanted if I could put my right hand on her waist
and my left hand on her left shoulder. The girl I wanted
agreed with her charming smile. The girl I wanted asked me
what foot to step first. I smiled back at her. We both swayed
to the right, then to the left. As the song kept on playing, I
stared at the sparkling eyes of the girl I wanted. As she stared
at me too, I told her how much I love her. We kept dancing
until my band members and I decided to offer the girls we
wanted a song.
It was indeed a lovely night, an unforgettable one.
Would I forget the night I expressed my affection to the girl
I wanted?


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The First Time I Celebrated Valentine
Mara Belle Esther Quirino

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

That line is so popular every Valentine’s Day. So how

do you celebrate your Valentine’s Day? Many teenagers are
celebrating their Valentine’s Day with their love one. Some are
having their date; some will just give their gift, some stay in their
home with their loved one, some celebrate with their friends,
some celebrate alone, and some do not celebrate.

Just like the other teenagers, I do not celebrate Valen-

tine’s Day because I don’t have a special someone to celebrate
with. I spent most of the day at home or at school. As what I said
a while ago, I normally do not celebrate Valentine’s Day, but the
first time I celebrated the Valentine’s Day was on February 14,
2004. It was a double celebration: Valentine’s Day and Quirino
Family Reunion. My grandfather’s sister rent the Kamay Kainan
for our setting.

Kamay Kainan in Cubao, it’s where our family cele-

brated the Valentine’s Day together. I’ve met many members of
the family but not all of them because my grandfather said that
some of them live in Baguio and some live outside the country.

February 14, 2004, this date became memorable be-

cause it was the first time that I came to our family reunion and
the first time I celebrated the Valentine’s Day that normally I do
not celebrate.

As my grandfather said, Valentine is not about gifts

and celebrations; it’s about the love that you share with every-
one. Actually, I agree with him.


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Still Love
Hans Christian E. Marin

This is not just a feeling of admiration

Nor is it just a feeling of infatuation
Because the feeling is so mutual
And I don’t take it as a ritual

She just stands out from every girl in my sight

And with that, I feel like I’m a knight
A knight that will come to save her in any of her darkest night
That I will do everything for her in every might

Well, I really think that love is corny

But when I met you, I now think of love differently
Because with you, everything is perfect
With your appearance so intellect

Every time I see your eyes

It shines down bright on me
Then it freezes me like an ice
And that maybe is the reason why I love you in thee

From my adolescence to teenage transition

You make me live a teenage dream even if in your heart, I have no position
With your killer smiles
And oh your elegant styles

In the end, I realized that I’m still a teen

And that, I have not seen
Because this feeling was just a puppy love
But still, it is love.


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First Time I Got Heartbroken
Robin Kamille Ramos

Will the wind continue blowing?

Carry my fears and qualms
Blow away the sweet memories
Make me forget the lies and deception

Will the waves keep on crashing?

Wash away the loneliness
Rinse the tears and cries
Drown all the voices in my head

Will my heart stop working?

Every beat shouts your name
Every breath yearns your hold
Every memory kills me


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My First Flight
Ivan Noriel Miranda

It was after Christmas

I was with my family, just us
My parents were talking, so I asked what's all the fuzz?
They said we were going to Cebu by an airbus

I asked them "Do I need my passport?"

They said "No, just go to the airport."
With your ticket and luggage, no effort.

We were a group of eight

We talked inside the airport while we wait
As our luggage were being weighed
We got news that my uncle's flight was delayed

It was late in the evening

We were climbing the ladder to start our flights
AS the plane was flying
I turn to the window and watch the city lights disappear, out of sight.


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My First Achievement
Rachel Anne Sengco

I had many experiences that I can consider an

achievement – big or little, they [somehow] weigh the same
to me. However, the first [considerably] big achievement I
experienced during my adolescent years was something that
turned my world upside-down. I’m pretty sure the students
in the high school I’m in also achieved the same thing.
Yes – it’s passing the National Competitive Exami-
Frankly, I don’t know what I did to deserve passing
in Philippine Science High School. I’ve led a pretty lazy life in
school since grade 1. Even so, I never failed to stay at the top
mainly because of my above-mediocre skills. I only did things
when I feel like it and I’m so used to getting scolded that it’s
become something like anesthesia to me. Elementary was like
a walk in the park – excluding the inter-school competitions
– for most of us. It’s really ironic though, the guys with the
lowest grades are the ones who don’t care about it. I thought
that it would continue to be like that until the end of high
I was wrong.
I didn’t care too much about things like passing the
NCE. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. I prepared for it a little
though. So actually, I did care – a little, but it wouldn’t be a
big deal if I fail. When I feel like it, I study hard. When I
don’t, I do nothing about it. In other words, to sum it all up,
it was half-assed effort. The night before the exams, I studied
one last time and prayed hard before I went to bed.
The next day, I got up early and prepared. The
venue was the school where father works in and I have a
friend and four classmates who were going to take the test
with me so I wasn’t too nervous. I was also used to thinking
fast so I did away with the tests with half of the time and


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slept during the second half. Luckily, I knew the answers to
some questions and I used intuition combined with inference
to answer those that I didn’t really know.
In other words, I was able to get by without too
much pressure.
When my parents asked me if it was easy or hard, I
couldn’t give a definite answer. It wasn’t too hard but it was-
n’t easy. I was confident with my answers too, so my reply
was that easy or hard, I will pass if I pass and I will fail if I
I must’ve been very lucky that day, because I passed.
I always thought I’d be jumping for joy when I re-
ceive the news so I was surprised that my only reaction to
the good news was “Oh, okay”. It was probably because of the
fact that I didn’t really care on which school I was going to
for high school. To me, the first entrance exam I pass will
determine which school I’d be attending, plus passing in
Philippine Science High School relieved me of all the hassle
of taking other entrance exams.
However, the part of me that wanted to pass was
very happy.
Today, I try to rethink of my decisions. Maybe God
made me pass the exam to help me end my lazy ways, who
knows? I couldn’t goof around the way I used to, I get real
failing marks unlike during elementary, and I can’t just take
any course I’d like in college. But then, I get good education,
monthly stipend, independence from my home, and many
more. The fact that I am attending the school I’m in today is
something I’m proud of.


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Sheltering Rain
Paul Emil Ongoco

The afternoon was cold and gloomy

With purple sky and clouds like ashes
The birds were singing a song of sad melody
While the soft breeze makes trees go waltzing

In a blink of an eye, the rain starts falling

And its sound were as if, outside, it was calling

I hurriedly ran to the rain jumping

Opened my mouth, raised my neck
Closed my eyes and feel the rain
And know how it tastes


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Heart of Glass
Jazmine Day Vallejos

Relationships, boys, and breakups—

When a girl, about her first heartbreak, lets her feelings out
Aren’t these the things that first come to your mind?
Well then, you’ll change your mind when you hear mine.

Once there was a girl who was so alone

When another, in her life, came along
With just a touch of her hand, her tears and melancholy
Were replaced by laughter, smiles, and glee.

Little did this girl know about friendship

About its being unsystematic, fleeting, and brief
How was she to know that it would be gone that fast
If this friend was her first and probably her last?

Like a sunny scene in a movie suddenly altered by the rain

An episode in her life left her in a setting full of pain

Like a knight close to saving her princess suddenly being stabbed in the back
Her unexpected disappearance turned her bright world into black.

One day, she found the treasure she misplaced

In another dimension, a famous and Hollywood-like place
Unable to move, to smile, or even to call her
Because there her pearl was, in the hands of another.

Thus, her heart made of glass was shattered

Until its pieces were as fine as powder, it was battered
If it will ever be fixed, I’ll never be certain
But if it’s pieces will ever be together again, it still will never be the same.

That’s why right now she’s more reluctant than ever

To put her faith, reliance, and trust on an alternative character
As, in her story full of twists and turns, she enters another dark-looking chapter
Waiting for the conclusion of her life recorded on a seemingly endless bundle of paper.


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I Can Play!
Daniel Roxas

Dear Diary,
I am in grade four already and still have lots of
things to do. I can now play to other people. But now I need
change. I want to “upgrade” my knowledge in playing
that’s why, I started joining some contests. I started joining
Chess Tournament because some said that I am really good
in chess. I lose the first time that I joined Chess Tournament
but I still keep on playing until I win. After practicing
many times in playing chess, I already get my aim, to win
the Chess tournament and that is when I am Grade Five.


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The Fight Of Five Versus One
Charisma Zabala

Memories and friendship

I treasured for four years
Would soon damage and rip
Myself pictured with tears.

I never imagined
That a simple mistake
Could hurt me and stop me
In keeping a group I made.

Is it really my fault
Not being sensitive
In the words that I thought
Could I express my love for them?

I looked for some options

Of what I needed to do
To stop this heavy tons
Of loneliness is coming through.

To hate or to love them?

It’s very hard to decide
Now that they don’t feel the same
When I am by their side

As I started with hate

Things were starting to change.
I can now ignore and take
The ugly words they say.

Continued to feel numb

With the sharpness of their words
Tried not to be dumb
Until I survived their swords

This three long months of fright

I am thankful it’s gone
This very serious fight
Of five versus one.


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… of 2-Ilang-ilang


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Gamaliel Esguerra was born on
the 1st on October 1995. He spent most of
my years in his hometown, Nueva Ecija.
During his childhood, he doesn't love to
write or compose any literary genres even
reading is not his hobby but now he be-
comes an author of a literary compilation
of a class in PSHS-CLC. He likes spend-
ing his time together with his friends

Teachers, friends and all of his

families inspire him always in all the
things he does.

Acer Jian Figueroa was born

on October 9, 1996. He spent his
childhood on Science City of Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija marking on stories to
every person he meets. He’s still at it.

He usually inspires himself

in making stories through nature and
his parents and sisters, as well. He is
a not that author who gets a piece of
paper and a pen and write. He writes
through his mind. With this attitude, he also can’t write a story when
he doesn’t have the best topic or title he could have.

He currently living on the great plains of Nueva Ecija, Phil-

ippines with his parents and his two beautiful sisters.


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Aldrian Jason C. Gigante was
born on the twelfth on December 1996.
He spent most of my years in his home-
town, Bataan. He loves reading fiction
books specially those with adventures
and thrills. He also has a sweet tooth. He
usually craves for floats and white
chocolate. He likes spending most of his
time hanging out with his friends.

He loves writing literary pieces

about friendship and mutual understand-
ings. He also writes poems and stories
concerning experiences about daily life
in high school. Most of his literary pieces are for his friends, class-
mates, and loved one.

Mark Vincent Lim grew up in

San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan. He
was born on July 8, 1996 and is now 14
years old. He is a scholar of the Philippine
Science High School - Central Luzon
Campus in Clark, Pampanga. He loves to
tell jokes and in that way, he could make
his friends happy. He laughs out loud
every time. That’s why it is easy to know
if he has a problem — if he is silent. He is
fond of musical instruments that is why he
loves being the bassist of the band, Barkada ni Edu.

His parents, classmates and loves ones were his inspirations

in making his literary genres. He hopes that you’ll find time in
reading this literary folio and have fun at the same time.


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Hans Christian E. Marin was a proud
student of PSHS-CLC at II-Ilang-Ilang.
He is 14 years old and he lives in Caba-
natuan City, Nueva Ecija. He was born
at Manila on May 7, 1996. Because of
Pisay, and because of him, being an
Editor-In-Chief of the Newsletter Club,
he have been more involved in doing
literary works thus, bringing back his
passion of doing poems and other liter-
ary pieces.

So, many persons have really inspired him in doing literary

works. Since child, he really look up to them. Jose Rizal, our
national hero, Robert Frost, Edgar Allan Poe and William Shake-
speare have been his idols when the word “literary” is being talked

Ivan Noriel Miranda was born on

October 24, 1996. He lives in the City of
San Jose, Nueva Ecija with my only sister
and his parents. He’s a shy but friendly guy.
When with his friends, he’s noisy, naughty
and talkative. His friends tell him that he’s a
funny person. He loves to tell jokes and do
pranks to people. He’s into computer games
like DOTA and KOS. During my free time,
he manages his aunt’s computer shop. He
gets to play games all day but he also needs
to do the managing of the shop.

His inspirations in writing are his

friends and his family. They make him
smile and laugh. They made him who he is today.


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Daniel Olivera Roxas
was born on January 4, 1996.
He lives in Baler, Aurora. He
studied in Ruperto Zubia Ele-
mentary School when he was
in elementary. He is studying
now in Philippine Science
High School Central Luzon
Campus. His mother is Liberty
O. Roxas and his Father is
Noel M. Roxas. He has three siblings. They are Johndelle, Jonoel,
and Lenie Rose O. Roxas.

His inspirations in writing this are his friends and class-

mates. Without them, he can’t do this. He also thanks god in guiding
him when he was writing this.

Roma Elaine S. Cruz was born on

November 8, 1996. She grew up in Malolos
City, Bulacan where the rest of her family
resides. During the age of four, she started to
sing and joined her first declamation contest
at 6. Currently, she studies in Philippine
Science High School along the pioneer batch
of 2013.

Her literary work was for the

people who inspired her. Those include her
family and her friends. She was most
inspired with how the society continues to
live despite of the hardships that it overcomes. Her parents influ-
enced her political views and her decisions. Music has also inspired
her to write what she thinks.


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Trisha Ann Erasga was born on
the 23rd of April in the year of 1997. Her
hometown is Nueva Ecija. She likes to
read different books. These books were
the very first inspiration she ever had.

The articles she made were in-

spirational tributes to her best friends.
She is dedicating those articles to her
friends especially to the ones mentioned.

Pangilinan came from the city
of Balanga, Bataan. She was
born on the 9th day of October,
year 1996. She is somewhat
moody and stuff but she can be
a friend to anyone as well.

Well, writ-
ing literary genres, stories and
poems aren't easy without any inspiration because your head might
void all rhymes that you have in mind. She dedicate all of her crea-
tions to God, to her beloved parents, to her country and of course, to
myself. Motivation? Well, hearing words of courage and cheering
from her friends, parents and loved ones inspired her to do these


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Mara Belle Esther L. Quirino. Also
called Mara or Belle, was born on December
01, 1995. She lives in San Jose Del Monte
Bulacan and is studying in Philippine Sci-
ence High School Central Luzon Campus.

Her inspiration in doing her articles

is her family because they are the ones she
spends my Valentine’s Day and Christmas
Day with.

Kamille Ramos lives in the city of

Meycauayan, Bulacan. She is 14 years old.
She loves reading novels and listening to
music. She dreams of becoming a doctor
What inspired her in writing are
her friends. They were always there for her.
She laughs with them, cries with them and
shares secrets with them. They’re always
together in good times and in bad times so
she is grateful that she has them now.


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Rachel Anne T. Sengco was born on
May 30, 1996 in Malolos, Bulacan. She currently
lives in Guiginto, Bulacan with her parents and
two siblings. She loves the visual arts and would
constantly pursue her hobby in trying to be good
in more than one kind of visual art. However,
being either too lazy to do so or being a self-
critic in nature, would always end up with either
an unfinished work or something she’s not satis-
fied with.

Her literary works are dedicated to the

people who inspire her and give her constructive
criticism in her works and also to her classmates,
friends, and family.

Jazmine Day L. Vallejos was

from II-Ilang-ilang. She was born on
December 16, 1997. She came from
Malolos, Bulacan. She is a typical
Pisayan from Philippine Science High
School-Central Luzon Campus which
means that she is not really geeky and
she prefers having a break and having
fun than studying.

The literary works she wrote

are dedicated to both her loved ones
and those who love her. Especially, these are for her classmates and
herself. Her grade in English could also be considered as one of the
things that inspired her to create these written works.


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Charisma A. Zabala , popular in the
nickname “Cha”, was born on June 5, 1996 in
Quezon City. She currently lives in Balanga
City, Bataan.

Her inspirations in her works are her

schoolmates. They show her great possibilities
and great wisdom to do things. She hopes that
they would appreciate her efforts.

Prepared by:
Mark Vincent Lim
Rachel Anne Sengco


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