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Importance of Human Resource Management:

Human resources are the valuable assets of the corporate bodies.
They are their strength. To face the new challenges on the fronts of
knowledge, technology and changing trends in global economy
needs effective human resource management. Significance of HRM
can be seen in three contexts: organisational, social and

In this light, the objectives of HRM may be summarised as

(i) To provide, create, utilise and motivate employees to accomplish
organisational goals.


(ii) To secure integration of individual and groups in securing

organisational effect iveness.

(iii) To create opportunities, to provide facilities, necessary

motivation to individual and group for their growth with the growth
of the organisation by training and development, compensation etc.

(iv) To employ the skills and ability of the workforce efficiently, i.e.,
to utilise human resources effectively.

(v) To increase to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction and self-
actualisation; it tries to prompt and stimulate every employee to
realise his potential

(vi) To create a sense and feeling of belongingness team-spirit and

encourage suggestions from employees.
(vii) To help maintain ethical policies and behaviour inside and
outside the organisation.

(viii) To maintain high moral and good human relation within the

(ix) To manage change to the mutual advantage of individuals,

groups, the organisation and the society.

Philosophy of HRM
“Human resource policies should be integrated with strategic business planning and used to
reinforce an
appropriate (or change an inappropriate) organizational culture, that human resources are
valuable and a
source of competitive advantage, that they may be tapped most effectively by mutually
consistent policies
that promote commitment and which, as a consequence, foster a willingness in employees to
act flexibly in
the interests of the ‘adaptive organization’s’ pursuit of excellence.”

Resource dependence theory

Resource dependence theory states that groups and organizations gain power over each other
by controlling
valued resources. HRM activities are assumed to reflect the distribution of power in the

Organizational behaviour theory

Organizational behaviour theory describes how people within their organizations act
individually or in groups
and how organizations function in terms of their structure, processes and culture. It therefore
influences HRM
approaches to organization design and development and enhancing organizational capability
(the capacity of
an organization to function effectively in order to achieve desired results).


Clerical administration, recordkeeping, legal paperwork and policy implementation

Major shifts - Use of technology and outsourcing

Operational and Employee Advocate

Cooperate with managers and supervisors

Identify and implement needed programs and policies in the organization


Address business realities

Focus on future business needs

Fit between human capital and business plans and needs

Goals of HRM

The goals of HRM are to: Support the organization in achieving its objectives by developing
and implementing human resource
(HR) strategies that are integrated with the business strategy (strategic HRM);
HR contributes to enhancing organizational performance by providing insights on the
performance issues affecting the organization and its employees.
This means identifying the reasons for the issues, exploring their implications for business
and people management and conveying these messages to management. The aim is to find
new ways of meeting performance challengesThis means identifying the reasons for the
issues, exploring their implications for business and people management and conveying these
messages to management. The aim is to find new ways of meeting performance challenges.

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