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People v Bacalso (1) Declared that he had an opportunity to determine the identity of the
G.R. 129055 grenade thrower from inside the sala through the view he got from the 1-
September 25, 2000 1/2 x 2 feet hole "punched" on the wall by accused-appellant.
TOPIC 4th Question of Evidence (2) Also claimed that there was light inside the house
PETITIONER: People of the Philippines
Respondent: Edgar Bacalso  Cariit:
Ponente: Vitug, J.
(1) Testified that she was in the kitchen when she saw accused-appellant at a
Doctrine: In every criminal case, the task of the prosecution is always two-pronged: distance of about one and a half meters from their house carrying a
(1) to prove beyond reasonable doubt the commission of the crime charged; (2) Unexplainably, she did not mention about the wall of the house having
and been destroyed by accused-appellant, testified to by Maglangit, through
(2) (2) to establish with the same quantum of proof the identity of the which the handgrenade was thrown.
person or persons responsible therefore, for even if the commission of (3) Testified that all the three kerosene lamps in the house had earlier been
the crime is given, there can be no conviction without the identity of the put out. This contradicted Maglangit’s testimony that there was light
malefactor being likewise clearly ascertained. inside the house.
(4) Also claimed that he could still recognize the identity of the accused
because it was full moon and the wall of his house was made of bamboo
FACTS: slats and the light of the moon illuminated through the holes of the wall.
 Accused was convicted of the complex crime of double murder with
frustrated murder. The information indicting accused-appellant Edgar The sentence of death having been imposed, the case has been elevated to this
Bacalso, filed by the Provincial Prosecutor, read: Court by way of automatic appeal.

“That on or about the 8th day of December, 1994, at Tagoloan, ISSUE: W/N accused Edgar Bacalso is guilty beyond reasonable doubt? (NO)
Lanao del Norte, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, the said accused did then and there willfully, HELD:
unlawfully and feloniously, with treachery, evident
premeditation, taking advantage of superior strength, and with  The Court has made a close scrutiny of each account given by Evangeline
intent to kill, attack, assault and use personal violence upon the Cariit and Archel Maglangit. Somehow, it cannot help but entertain
persons of ARTEMIO CARIIT, REMELIE CARIIT and JERRY CARIIT serious doubts on the veracity of the malefactor's identity, almost as if,
by then and there throwing a hand-grenade at said victims, in fact, it were merely contrived to pin the liability of the crime upon
thereby inflicting upon them multiple mortal wounds which accused-appellant. The inconsistencies thereof, dismissed by the trial
were the direct and immediate cause of the deaths of said court as being merely trivial, would, on the contrary, appear to be
Artemio Cariit and Remelie Cariit and the serious wounding of telltale signs of unlikelihood.
said Jerry Cariit as a result of said explosion.”
 In every criminal case, the task of the prosecution is always two-pronged:
 The conviction of accused-appellant in this case hinges on the testimony (1) to prove beyond reasonable doubt the commission of the crime
of two prosecution witnesses, namely, Evangeline Cariit (Cariit) and charged; and (2) to establish with the same quantum of proof the identity
Archel Maglangit (Maglangit). of the person or persons responsible therefore, for even if the
commission of the crime is given, there can be no conviction without the
 Maglangit: identity of the malefactor being likewise clearly ascertained.
 The identification of the perpetrator of the crime bears heavily on the attested that there was nothing unusual in the group's conversation
reasonableness or probability of the testimony of the prosecution before the accused had left the house of the victim
witness. There is unfortunately, no single test to determine with all
exactitude the probity of testimony, and the courts can only give Also, the Court said:
conformity to the quotidian knowledge, observation and experience of
man. “If a human life must be taken to pay a debt to society, let not a wrong man, ever,
be made to account for it. The trek to Justice is not a game of chance or skill but a
 It has been observed that the most positive testimony of a witness may quest for truth, the only path by which the righteous end can be reached."
be contradicted on the fact that the testimony is contrary to common
observation or experience or the common principles by which the
conduct of mankind is governed. The courts are not required to believe
that which they judicially know to be incredible.

 Another inconsistency is that the incident occurred on 08 December 8,

1994. The records would show, however, that the first quarter moon just
started on December 10, 1994, and that the full moon showed up only on
18 December 1994, matters that the court could also take judicial notice

 In People vs. Faustino, the Court has observed that the identification of
an accused by an eyewitness is a vital piece of evidence and most
decisive of the success or failure of the case for the prosecution, but,
even while significant, an eyewitness identification has been described by
authors as being "inherently suspect," and, not infrequently, inaccurate.

 In People vs. Vidad, the Court has said:

"It is true that it is not indispensable to conviction for murder

that the particular motive for taking the life of a human being
shall be established at the trial, and that in general when the
commission of a crime is clearly proven, conviction may and
should follow even where the reason for its commission is
unknown; but in many criminal cases, one of the most
important aids in completing the proof of the commission of
the crime by the accused is the introduction of evidence
disclosing the motive which tempted the mind to indulge in the
criminal act.

 No motive or reason at all on the part of the accused to commit the

crime was shown. There was no evidence to indicate that the accused
had any axe to grind against the deceased or his family. Maglangit even

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