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February 18 + 19 

Independent Station Expectations 

You are to work ​silently​ and ​independently​ for the duration of the rotation. If you have a 
question, raise your hand so Ms. Chavez can assist you. ​Do not ask your neighbors​. 
If Ms. Chavez cannot promptly assist you, move on to another part of the assignment. 
Use this ​Google Timer​ to time yourself for each section.​ ​Make sure to turn the sound off. 
I will do ​2 spot checks​ during your work time to make sure you are actively working. I 
included a reminder for when these checks will occur in your directions. 

Part 1 - Vocabulary​ ​(5 min) 

1. Below the objective, write “​VOCABULARY​.” 
2. Glue the following table in below the vocabulary title. Either​ draw a sketch​ to 
represent the vocabulary words ​or​ write the definitions ​in your own words​ in the 
final column. 

Word  Definition  Drawing/Definition in 

your own words 

oncolytic  a virus that preferentially infects and kills   

virus  cancer cells 

genetically  containing genetic material that has been   

modified  artificially altered to produce a desired 

immune  a complex network of cells, tissues, organs, and   

system  the substances they make that helps the body 
fight infections and diseases 
STAMP 1   

February 18 + 19 

Part 2 - Video 1 ​(10 min) 

2. Watch the Edpuzzle video “​Chromosome Numbers During Division: Demystified!​” 
and answer the following questions.  
3. Respond to the following reflection questions on the ​left side​ of your notebook. 
1. What are chromosomes made of? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Chromosomes are made of…  
2. Why is it necessary for DNA to be condensed into chromosomes? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● It is necessary for DNA to be condensed into chromosomes because... 
3. Are the cells at the end of mitosis identical to or different than the original cell?  
Note​: This question is at the end of the video, ​after​ the table below. 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● The cells at the end of mitosis are _______________ the original cell. 
2. Glue in the following table: 

3. Fill in the table using information from the video. 
STAMP 2     

February 18 + 19 

Part 3 - Video 2 ​(15 min) 

1. Watch the Edpuzzle video “​The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth – The 
Bacteriophage​” and answer the following questions.  
2. Respond to the following reflection questions on the ​left side​ of your notebook. 
1. Why do phages need a host? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● Phages need a host to…  
2. How have phages specialized? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● Phages have specialized to... 
3. What was the consequence of humans overusing antibiotics?  
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● As a result of humans overusing antibiotics,... 
4. How do phages differ from antibiotics in how they kill bacteria?  
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● Antibiotics...while phages... 
5. Why are phages “smart weapons” against bacteria?  
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● Phages are “smart weapons” because... 
6. Summarize how bacteriophages can be used to save lives.  
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● Bacteriophages can potentially be used to save lives by… 

February 18 + 19 


Part 4 - Done Early 

1. Quiz corrections. 
2. Study vocabulary. 
3. Study classwork before exam. 

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