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Hydorological Calucalations for Minor Bridges

Annexure 1.1

Hydrological calculations for Bridge at Chainage DEVPRAYAG STATIONm

Input Data
Design Chainage = STATION km
Catchment Area ,A = 1.000 km2
Proposed span details = 1 3.000 m
minimum Free Board required as per SP-13:2004 = 0.9 m
Bed level = 821.100 m FROM TOPO SURVEY

A) Empirical Formula

Description Dicken's
Value of C adopted in the
present case
19.000 (From Article-4 of IRC:SP:13-2004)

Catchment area (M) (Sq Km) 1.000

Discharge, Q (Cumecs) 19

B) By Rational Method
Area of catchment, A = 1.000 km2 100 Ha.
Length of longest stream, L = 0.900 km
The fall in level between source and bridge site, H = 450.00 m
Average grade-source to site (in percent) = (H/L)*100 = 50.000

100 year 24 hour point rainfall R = 34.000 cm

Time of concentration tc = = (0.87 x L3 / H)0.385
tc = = 0.08 Hr.
tchr = 12.58 cm
Io = 17.70833333 cm/ hr.
Intensity of Rainfall Ic = 32.80 cm/ hr. (IRC SP13-2004)
Spread Factor f = 0.99 (IRC SP13-2004, Curve 'f'))
Permeability Coefficient as per terrain P = 0.4

Design Discharge, Q100 Q100 = 0.028PfAIc

Q100 = 36.37 cumec.

Calculation of Longitudinal Slope of the River

Axis Title

50 Column C
40 (Column C)
30 (Column C)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Axis Title KM.

Elevation at Start Point (m) = 0.000

Elevation at End Point (m) = 79.840
Distance (m) = 75
Average Bed Slope of River, S = 1.065

Discharge by
Dicken's formula = 19.000 cumecs
Rational Method = 36.366 cumecs
Design Discharge as per above methods = 36.37 cumecs
DPR Discharge = - cumecs
Maximum Discharge = 36.37 cumecs

D) Calculation of Stage - Discharge Curve

Manning's roughness
n 0.0330

Wetted Hydraullic Discharge

Elevation Wetted Area Perimeter Radius Velocity (V) (Q)
in m (A) (m/sec)
(P) (R=A/P) (Cum./sec)
822.100 3 4 0.750 25.809 77.43
823.100 6 5 1.200 35.306 211.84
824.100 9 6 1.500 40.969 368.72

Stage - Discharge Curve

0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
DISCHARGE (Cum./ Sec) 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00

Fig. 1

Min. FRL
Design Discharge 36.366 cumec. FRL 825
HFL as per Design Discharge from Fig (i) 821.570 m 823.095
Free board as per Table 12.1 IRC SP : 13, 2004 0.9 m 1.995
Minimum Soffit level required (HFL+Free board) 822.470 m 1.370
Thick of Top Slab 0.3 m
Camber 0.26 m
WC 0.065 m
Required FRL (Minimum) 823.095 m 1.995
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV


Chaung Name Twaose chaung

Proposed chainage 519+906 km
Skew Angle 0 Degree

(1)By Unit Hydrograph Method

Step : - 1 Determination of Physiographic Parameter

Area, A = 442.00 sq km
Length of longest stream, L = 32.10 km
Length of main stream from bridge gauging site to
a point nearest to centriod of the stream basin
along stream course, Lc = km

Equivalent stream slope

Distance Reduced
Length of (Di)=Diff Li x (Di-
Starting Level
Sl No

Each erence (Di-1 +

From Bridge of + Di)
Segment Between Di) (m) 1
Site (Point River (m*km)
(Li) (km) the Datum
of Study) Bed (m)
Line and
its R.L

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 0.00 550 - - - -
2 5.000 576 5.00 26.00 26.00 130.00
3 10.000 596 5.00 46.00 72.00 360.00
4 15.000 612 5.00 62.00 108.00 540.00
5 20.000 626 5.00 76.00 138.00 690.00
6 25.000 656 5.00 106.00 182.00 910.00
7 30.000 704 5.00 154.00 260.00 1300.00
8 35.000 760 5.00 210.00 364.00 1820.00
9 40.000 819 5.00 269.00 479.00 2395.00
10 45.000 906 5.00 356.00 625.00 3125.00
11 48.000 964 3.00 414.00 770.00 2310.00
12 0 0.00 -550.00 -136.00 0.00
13 0 0.00 -550.00 -1100.00 0.00
SUM 48.00 13580.00

(*) Reduced level of river bed at the point of study, i.e. 550m

S = [Sum(Li x (Di-1 + Di))]/L2

= 5.89 m/km

Step : - 2 Determination of Synthetic (1-hr) Unitgraph Parameterrs

Time from the center of Unit rainfall duration to the peak of Unit Hydrograph
tp = 0.433(L / S0.5)0.302
= 2.666 hrs
say 2.70 hrs
Peak discharge of hydrograph per unit area
qp = 1.161 / tp0.635
= 0.623 cumecs per sq km
Width of U. G. measured at 50% maximum discharge ordinate
W50 = 2.284/qp1
= 3.67 hrs
Width of U. G. measured at 75% maximum discharge ordinate
W75 = 1.331/qp0.991
= 2.13 hrs
Width of the rising side of U. G. measured at 50% of maximum discharge ordinate
WR50 = 0.827 / qp1.023
= 1.34 hrs
Width of the rising side of U. G. measured at 75% of maximum discharge ordinate
WR75 = 0.56/qp1.037
= 0.91 hrs
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV

Base width of Unit Hydrograph

TB = 8.375tp0.512
= 13.84 hrs
say 14.00 hrs
Time from start of rise to the peak of unit hydrograph
Tm = tp + tr/2
= 3.2 hrs
Peak discharge of Unit Hydrograph
Qp = qp * A
= 275.31 cumecs
say 275.00 cumecs

Step : - 3 Drawing of Synthetic Unitgraph

Estimated parameter of Unitgraph in step-2 were plotted to scale. The plotted points
were joined to draw synthetic unitgraph. The discharge ordinates of unitgraph at
ti=tr=1 hr interval were summed up and compared with the volume of 1.00 cm direct
runoff as calculated below

Synthetic Qp
Time (in hrs)
ordinates 250
0.00 Err:522
1.00 74
2.00 160
3.00 260 75% Qp
4.00 230 150 W75
5.00 170
6.00 130 50% of Qp
7.00 114 100 W50
8.00 97
9.00 81
10.00 65 50
11.00 49
12.00 32
13.00 16
















14.00 Err:502
15.00 Err:502 Colum
16.00 0
Sum Err:522 cumecs ……1

Sum(Qi) = (A*d)/(tr*0.36)
= 1227.78 cumecs ……2
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV

Since Eq-1 = Eq-2, so unitgraph drawn is in order

Step : - 4 Estimation of design storm duration

The design storm duration
TD = 1.1 * tp
= 2.97 hrs
Say 3.00 hrs

Step : - 5 Estimation of point rainfall and areal rainfall

100-yr, 24-hr rainfall = 24.00 cm (From Plate-10)

Ratio of 3-hr rainfall to 24-hr rainfall = 0.62 (from Fig-10)
So, 100-yr 3-hr point rainfall = 14.88 cm
Areal reduction factor corresponding to area 442sq km and TD=3 hrs
= 0.672 (From Fig 12 (a) or 12 (b))
So, 100-yr 3-hr areal rainfall = 10.00 cm

Step : - 6 Time distribution of Areal Rainfall and Calculation of Rainfall Excess

This 100-yr 3-hrs areal rainfall is distributed as below (from Annexure-4.3)

Distributio Storm Design Rainfall
Duration (hrs) n Rainfal Loss Rate Excess
coefficient l (cm) (cm/hr) (cms)
1 0.68 6.80 6.80 0.45 6.35
2 0.88 8.80 2.00 0.45 1.55
3 0.95 9.50 0.70 0.45 0.25
4 1 10.00 0.50 0.45 0.05

Note: Design loss rate in this zone is recommended as 0.5 cm/hr as per part 3.6 of flood estimation report low
Narmadha -Tapi sub zone -3b (revised)
Step : - 7 Estimation of base flow

The design base flow

Adopting a design base flow of 0.05 cumec per for this zone (from para 3.7 of flood estimation report
for lower Narmada and Tapi subzone-3(a)

Total base flow

design base flow = 0.051 cumec/
Qb = 22.36 cumecs

Step : - 8 Estimation of 100-yr Flood Peak

arranged against the ordinates such that the maximum effective rainfall was placed
against the maximum U.G. ordinates, the next lower value of effective rainfall

U.G. 1-hr
Ordinat effective
Time Runoff
es rainfall
(cumec) (cm)

0.00 Err:522 0.00 Err:522

1.00 74 0.00 0.00
2.00 160 0.00 0.00
3.00 260 0.25 64.99
4.00 230 6.35 1458.29
5.00 170 1.55 263.41
6.00 130 0.05 6.49
7.00 114 0.00 0.00
8.00 97 0.00 0.00
9.00 81 0.00 0.00
10.00 65 0.00 0.00
11.00 49 0.00 0.00
12.00 32 0.00 0.00
13.00 16 0.00 0.00
14.00 Err:502 0.00 Err:502
15.00 Err:502 0.00 Err:502
16.00 0 0.00 0.00

Total = Err:522 cumecs

Base Flow = 22.36 cumecs
100-yr peak flood = Err:522 cumecs
1 322+750 MNB 5X8 182.379 187.15 0.9 188.05
2 327+549 MNB 3X5 191.649 193.794 0.9 194.694
3 331+920 MNB 5X8 199.215 202.063 0.9 202.963
0.065 0.55 0.26 188.93 6.551 189.577
0.065 0.5 0.26 195.52 3.871 195.759
0.065 0.55 0.26 203.84 4.625 204.591
Scour Depth calculations
If Linear waterway is greater than regime width
Ds = 0.473 Q1/3/Ksf1/3 (article-7.5 of SP:13-2004)
Ds is the normal scour depth in m
Q is the discharge in cumecs
Ksf is the silt factor depending upon the size and looseness of the grains of the
Type of the bed floor = sand
Silt Factor = 1.944
Normal scour depth,Ds = 1.256 m

According to Clause 703.1.1 IRC:78-2000 To provide for an adequate margin of

safety, the scour for foundation shall be designed
for larger discharge over the discharge obtained (IRC:5)
Design discharge is increased in percnetage depending upon the catchment area
Actual Discharge calculated = 36.366 cumecs
(As per cl.703.1.1 of
Increase in design discharge for scour = 30%
Discharge per m width of the Linear wa = 15.76 Cumecs/m
Type of bed material = sand
Silt factor for the bed material ksf = 1.944 From Geotech report
Normal scour depth, Dsm = 6.749 m
Maximum Clause 703.3 of IRC:78-2000

Design Scour Depth For Abutment location 1.27 x Dsm = 8.571 m

Design Scour Depth For Pier location 2 x Dsm = 13.497 m
The maximum scour depth may be adopted as
Normal Scour level
For abutment = 812.999 m
For Pier = 808.072 m
Founding Level
minimum depth of foundation below Scour level = 2.000
Founding level at abutment Considering scour = 810.999 m
Founding level at pier = 806.072 m
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV

Input Data

Chaung Name = Twaose chaung

Design Chainage = 519+906 Km
Skew Angle = 0 degree
Catchment Area ,A = 442.00 Km2
Existing/Proposed span details = 3 18.000 m
Pier /internal wall width = 1.5 m
Abutment /External wall width = 1.75 m

A) Empirical Formula

Description Dicken's Ryve's

Value of C adopted in the present case 12.000 8.500 (From Article-4 of IRC:SP:13-2004)
Catchment area (M) (Sq Km) 442.000 442.000
Discharge, Q (Cumecs) 1156.772 493.212

Longitudinal Section
Avg bed
Cum level
272.500 RD (m) @ C/S (m)
0 272.185
272.000 136 271.015
f(x) = - 0.0032805958x + 271.909224505
253 270.941
326 270.925
271.000 433 270.903
605 269.710
270.500 717 269.583
Column I
270.000 (Column I)




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Average Bed Slope of River, S = 0.0033

Manning's Coefficient,n = 0.055 (Rugosity Co- efficient,n table 5.1 of IRC:SP:13-2004)

Discharge by
Dicken's formula = 1156.772 cumecs
Ryve's formula = 493.212 cumecs
Design Discharge = 339.454 cumecs
Maximum Discharge = 339.454 cumecs
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV

D) HFL Calculation
Design Discharge = 339.454 cumecs









0.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000
Column D Column E

RL of Existing RL of Modified Area, a Wetted Depth, d

Distance (m) HFL (m)
GL (m) GL (m) (sqm) Perimeter,p (m) (m)

0.000 274.654 274.654 274.263 - - -

5.126 274.316 274.316 274.263
10.324 273.327 273.327 274.263 2.296 5.291 0.936
14.629 272.042 272.042 274.263 6.796 4.493 2.221
20.585 271.635 271.635 274.263 14.441 5.970 2.628
24.112 270.882 270.882 274.263 10.597 3.606 3.381
39.835 270.968 270.968 274.263 52.486 15.723 3.295
43.277 271.696 271.696 274.263 10.089 3.518 2.567
48.070 272.271 272.271 274.263 10.926 4.827 1.992
54.293 272.740 272.740 274.263 10.938 6.241 1.523
55.000 274.800 274.800 274.263 0.349 2.178
An1= 118.918 51.848 2.318

C/S area of stream ,An1 = 118.918 m2

Average depth
(i.e davg considered with in the entire cross 2.318 m
section), d avg=

Wetted perimeter ∑P = 51.848 m

Hydraulic Radius, (r=An1/∑P) = 2.294 m
Discharge (Q) = 216.017 m3/sec
Lowest Bed Level 270.882 m

E) Afflux calculations
Design Discharge = 216.017 Cumecs
Area of C/S at bridge location = 118.918 Sq.m
Velocity of Water V=Q/A = 1.817 m/sec
HFL = 274.263 m
Bed Level = 270.882 m
Effective Linear waterway provided (no of spans *length of each span (i.e
c/c of bearings))-(no. of piers * width of pier)-(Abutment width)
L provided = 49.250 m

Regime width 4.8 x Q^0.5 W = 70.548 m

HFL (Without Afflux) = 274.263 m
Average depth of flow at bridge cross section (davg)
= 2.318 m
( i.e davg considered b/w the Extream edges of the bridge cross section)
Area before construction, An1 = 118.918 sq m
Average velocity prior to construction, Vn1=Q/An1 = 1.817 m/s

Area after construction,An1* (An1* calculated from RLs which we have considered in = 118.918 sq m
between the Extream edges of the bridge cross section taken from the topo survey)

Net C/S area of flow under bridge,

An2=(An1*-(no. of piers*width of piers * depth (d avg))-(2*width of abutment*depth = 103.851 sq m
(davg))), An1* calculated as mentioned above so we have to deduct two times of
abutment thickness
Average Velocity after construction, Vn2= Q/An2 = 2.080 m/s
Afflux due to construction (by Molesworth Formula), = 0.062 m
h= [(Vn1^2)/17.88+0.015] [ (An1/An2)^2-1]
Design HFL = 274.325 m
Four Laning of jalgaon-Gujarat / Maharashtra Border Section of NH-6 from Km 442.100 Km 649.000 in the state of Maharashtra to be executed as BOT (Toll) projects on
DBFOT pattern under NHDP phase IV

H. Check for free board

Free board is the difference between HFL and road formation level
Free board required (Cl.107.1 of IRC :5-1998) = 1.750 m
Min FRL required for New bridge = 276.075 m

I. Recommendation
Design Discharge, Q = 216.017 cumecs
Design Affluxed HFL = 274.325 m
Average Velocity, Vn2 = 2.080 m/sec
Required vertical clearance = 0.9 m
Minimu soffit level required = 275.225 m
Bridge at Chainage: 20+169
Scour Level GL Bot. of Pile Cap
Abutment 121.136 126.976 124.676
Pier 116.535 126.419 124.119

Bridge at Chainage: 21+730

Scour Level GL Bot. of Pile Cap
Abutment 120.173 126.213 123.913
Pier 115.696 125.470 123.170
Estimation of HFL at Bridge Location
Offset(m) Bed LevelNatural HFL LWL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) - -
-95 519.556 518.932 513.925 0 0 - -
-90 519.599 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
-85 519.621 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
-80 519.627 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
-75 520.072 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
-70 519.25 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
-65 518.705 518.932 513.925 5 0.2267889988 0.113394 0.226789 0.567 5.030
-60 518.16 518.932 513.925 5 0.7717889988 0.499289 0.545 2.496 5.030
-55 517.615 518.932 513.925 5 1.3167889988 1.044289 0.545 5.221 5.030
-50 517.138 518.932 513.925 5 1.7937889988 1.555289 0.477 7.776 5.023
-45 516.695 518.932 513.925 5 2.2367889988 2.015289 0.443 10.076 5.020
-40 515.704 518.932 513.925 5 3.2277889988 2.732289 0.991 13.661 5.097
-35 515.525 518.932 513.925 5 3.4067889988 3.317289 0.179 16.586 5.003
-30 515.346 518.932 513.925 5 3.5857889988 3.496289 0.179 17.481 5.003
-25 515.166 518.932 513.925 5 3.7657889988 3.675789 0.18 18.379 5.003
-20 515.032 518.932 513.925 5 3.8997889988 3.832789 0.134 19.164 5.002
-15 514.899 518.932 513.925 5 4.0327889988 3.966289 0.133 19.831 5.002
-10 514.789 518.932 513.925 5 4.1427889988 4.087789 0.11 20.439 5.001
-5 514.795 518.932 513.925 5 4.1367889988 4.139789 0.006 20.699 5.000
0 514.795 518.932 513.925 5 4.1367889988 4.136789 0 20.684 5.000
5 514.795 518.932 513.925 5 4.1367889988 4.136789 0 20.684 5.000
10 514.814 518.932 513.925 5 4.1177889988 4.127289 0.019 20.636 5.000
15 514.845 518.932 513.925 5 4.0867889988 4.102289 0.031 20.511 5.000
20 514.874 518.932 513.925 5 4.0577889988 4.072289 0.029 20.361 5.000
25 514.922 518.932 513.925 5 4.0097889988 4.033789 0.048 20.169 5.000
30 514.891 518.932 513.925 5 4.0407889988 4.025289 0.031 20.126 5.000
35 514.838 518.932 513.925 5 4.0937889988 4.067289 0.053 20.336 5.000
40 514.774 518.932 513.925 5 4.1577889988 4.125789 0.064 20.629 5.000
45 514.525 518.932 513.925 5 4.4067889988 4.282289 0.249 21.411 5.006
50 514.219 518.932 513.925 5 4.7127889988 4.559789 0.306 22.799 5.009
55 513.943 518.932 513.925 5 4.9887889988 4.850789 0.276 24.254 5.008
60 513.925 518.932 513.925 5 5.0067889988 4.997789 0.018 24.989 5.000
65 514.157 518.932 513.925 5 4.7747889988 4.890789 0.232 24.454 5.005
70 514.819 518.932 513.925 5 4.1127889988 4.443789 0.662 22.219 5.044
75 516.784 518.932 513.925 5 2.1477889988 3.130289 1.965 15.651 5.372
80 518.186 518.932 513.925 5 0.7457889988 1.446789 1.402 7.234 5.193
85 519.623 518.932 513.925 5 0 0.372894 0.745789 1.864 5.202
90 519.963 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
95 521.122 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
100 522.836 518.932 513.925 5 0 0 0 - -
513.925 3.476 3.363828 521.393 156.084

R 3.340
n 0.0400
s 0.0039
29128 Db max 5.007 m
Db avg 3.596 m
Q 1826.00 Cumec.
v 3.502 m/s
W 145.00 m
Estimation of HFL at Bridge Location
Offset(m) Bed LevelNatural HFL LWL Distance h Avg h Diff in h Area Perimeter
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) - -
-20 772.544 767.942 764.838 0 0 - -
-15 772.188 767.942 764.838 5 0 0 0 - -
-10 771.604 767.942 764.838 5 0 0 0 - -
-5 769.547 767.942 764.838 5 0 0 0 - -
0 766.233 767.942 764.838 5 1.70854525 0.854273 1.708545 3.191 5.999
2.47 764.838 767.942 764.838 2.47 3.10354525 2.406045 1.395 6.015 2.837
5 766.408 767.942 764.838 2.53 1.53354525 2.318545 1.57 8.729 2.978
10 770.383 767.942 764.838 5 0 0.766773 1.533545 3.834 6.388
15 770.105 767.942 764.838 5 0 0 0 - -
20 770.181 767.942 764.838 5 0 0 0 - -
21.769 18.200

R 1.196
n 0.0500
s 0.0060
490.5779 Db max 3.104 m
Db avg 2.179 m
Q 38.03 Cumec.
v 1.746 m/s
W 10.00 m
No. Distance fro CL Vertex Elevation Section Grade In Section Grade Out
1 -25 536.037 -1.15%
2 -21.461 536.077 -1.15% -0.94%
3 -17.833 536.111 -0.94% 0.29%
4 -12.537 536.096 0.29% -0.36%
5 -11.561 536.099 -0.36% -35.20%
6 -11.02 536.29 -35.20% 23.68%
7 -5.052 534.877 23.68% 23.35%
8 -4.062 534.646 23.35% -4.25%
9 -2.207 534.724 -4.25% -14.27%
10 0 535.039 -14.27% 14.27%
11 10.068 536.476 14.27% -2.72%
12 13.098 536.394 -2.72% 0.77%
13 13.257 536.395 0.77% 0.86%
14 24.269 536.49 0.86% 0.95%
15 25 536.497 0.95%
No. Distance fro CL Vertex Elevation Section Grade In Section Grade Out
1 -25 536.113 -3.48%
2 -22.528 536.199 -3.48% -0.82%
3 -20.152 536.219 -0.82% -1.43%
4 -19.782 536.224 -1.43% -33.17%
5 -19.576 536.292 -33.17% -2.48%
6 -15.556 536.392 -2.48% 6.12%
7 -7.526 535.901 6.12% 14.33%
8 -0.317 534.868 14.33% -14.17%
9 0 534.913 -14.17% 14.17%
10 2.813 535.312 14.17% 23.01%
11 5.933 536.03 23.01% -1.04%
12 21.64 535.867 -1.04% 1.05%
13 25 535.902 1.05%
No. PVI Station PVI Elevation
2 2 0.33
3 3 0.41
4 4 0.46
5 5 1.6
6 6 2.89
7 7 3.75
8 8 7.43
9 9 10.02
10 10 11.85
11 11 13.71
Axi s Ti tl e

50 Colum n C
40 ( o lum nC)
30 ( o lum nC)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

12 12 15.01
Axi s T itl e

13 13 17.13
14 14 17.46
15 15 19.05
16 16 19.71
17 17 19.88
18 18 19.95
19 19 20.08
20 20 23.95
21 21 24.2
22 22 24.55
23 23 25.83 KM
24 24 27.73

25 25 28.84
26 26 29.61
27 27 32.23
28 28 35.72
29 29 36.23
30 30 36.71
31 31 37.13
32 32 38.83
33 33 39.92
34 34 43.93
35 35 46.56
36 36 47.41
37 37 48.25
38 38 48.98
39 39 49.95
40 40 50.29
41 41 50.73
42 42 52.21
43 43 53.69
44 44 54.22
45 45 54.67
46 46 57.3
47 47 58.56
48 48 58.96
49 49 60.34
50 50 62.24
51 51 62.79
52 52 64.31
53 53 65.23
54 54 66.27
55 67.26
56 68.05
57 68.42
58 68.79
59 71.02
60 71.46
61 71.82
62 72.15
63 73.67
64 74.35
65 75.26
66 75.42
67 75.67
68 75.93
69 77.17
70 77.88
71 79.04
72 79.2
73 79.43
74 79.6
75 79.84
No. Distance fro CL Vertex Elevation Section Grade In Section Grade Out
1 -25 535.693 1.18% 536.591
2 -21.692 535.654 1.18% 1.89% 536.591
3 -16.739 535.56 1.89% -1.99% 536.591
4 -9.806 535.698 -1.99% -1.41% 536.591
5 -8.821 535.712 -1.41% -33.97% 536.591
6 -6.706 536.43 -33.97% 30.94% 536.591
7 -5.203 535.965 30.94% -11.43% 536.591
8 -4.296 536.069 -11.43% -0.36% 536.591
9 -2.214 536.076 -0.36% 0.21% 536.591
10 0 536.072 0.21% -0.21% 536.591
11 3.811 536.064 -0.21% 370.84% 536.591
12 4.197 537.495 370.84% -13.32% 536.591
13 4.735 537.423 -13.32% -7.89% 536.591
14 7.731 537.187 -7.89% -16.46% 536.591
15 14.238 536.116 -16.46% 0.66% 536.591
16 21.127 536.162 0.66% 0.88% 536.591
17 24.482 536.191 0.88% 0.67% 536.591
18 25 536.195 0.67% 536.591
No. Distance f Vertex ElevSection Gr Section Grade Out
1 -25 535.709 1.18%
2 -20.131 535.652 1.18% 1.89%
3 -16.908 535.591 1.89% -1.99%
4 -12.395 535.681 -1.99% -1.41%
5 -8.924 535.73 -1.41% -33.97%
6 -7.217 536.309 -33.97% 30.94%
7 -6.004 535.934 30.94% -11.43%
8 -4.323 536.126 -11.43% -0.36%
9 -0.462 536.14 -0.36% 0.21%
10 0 536.139 0.21% -0.21%
11 3.636 536.131 -0.21% 370.84%
12 3.898 537.105 370.84% -13.32%
13 5.257 536.924 -13.32% -7.89%
14 12.824 536.327 -7.89% -16.46%
15 14.066 536.123 -16.46% 0.66%
16 21.987 536.175 0.66% 0.88%
17 24.231 536.194 0.88% 0.67%
18 25 536.2 0.67%
No. No. PVI Station PVI Elevation Grade In Grade Out A (Grade C Profile Cur Sub-Entity
1 1 0.000 832.61 -2.43%
2 2 0.005 832.48 -2.43% -7.01% 4.57%
3 3 0.010 832.18 -7.01% 1.36% 8.36%
4 4 0.010 832.19 1.36% 0.06% 1.29%
5 5 0.019 832.20 0.06% -1.95% 2.01%
6 6 0.022 832.15 -1.95% 1.50% 3.45%
7 7 0.023 832.17 1.50% 4.62% 3.12%
8 8 0.023 832.19 4.62% -1.88% 6.50%
9 9 0.023 832.18 -1.88% -2.31% 0.43%
10 10 0.029 832.07 -2.31% -0.96% 1.35%
11 11 0.033 832.03 -0.96% -3.49% 2.53%
12 12 0.034 831.98 -3.49% -0.81% 2.68%
13 13 0.047 831.87 -0.81% -1.20% 0.40%
14 14 0.048 831.86 -1.20% -10.81% 9.61%
15 15 0.049 831.76 -10.81% -9.35% 1.47%
16 16 0.050 831.68 -9.35% -1.54% 7.81%
17 17 0.066 831.44 -1.54% -1.06% 0.47%
18 18 0.079 831.30 -1.06% -0.29% 0.77%
19 19 0.081 831.29 -0.29% -1.51% 1.22%
20 20 0.081 831.29 -1.51% -0.23% 1.28%
21 21 0.105 831.23 -0.23% -8.34% 8.11%
22 22 0.110 830.81 -8.34% -9.92% 1.58%
23 23 0.110 830.80 -9.92% -8.18% 1.74%
24 24 0.111 830.76 -8.18% -8.11% 0.07%
25 25 0.123 829.79 -8.11% -8.16% 0.05%
26 26 0.134 828.90 -8.16% -8.27% 0.11%
27 27 0.141 828.31 -8.27% -8.66% 0.39%
28 28 0.143 828.16 -8.66% 17.97% 26.63%
29 29 0.143 828.18 17.97% 12.78% 5.19%
30 30 0.145 828.50 12.78% 12.60% 0.19%
31 31 0.148 828.84 12.60% -10.08% 22.68%
32 32 0.151 828.59 -10.08% -1.26% 8.82%
33 33 0.172 828.31 -1.26% -3.50% 2.25%
34 34 0.178 828.13 -3.50% -21.61% 18.10%
35 35 0.178 828.00 -21.61% -2.92% 18.69%
36 36 0.179 827.98 -2.92% -2.74% 0.18%
37 37 0.194 827.56 -2.74% -2.49% 0.25%
38 38 0.217 827.00 -2.49% -1.73% 0.76%
39 39 0.219 826.97 -1.73% -2.09% 0.36%
40 40 0.220 826.95 -2.09% 3.00% 5.09%
41 41 0.221 826.98 3.00% -12.83% 15.83%
42 42 0.221 826.91 -12.83% -2.25% 10.58%
43 43 0.223 826.87 -2.25% -1.45% 0.80%
44 44 0.231 826.76 -1.45% -1.69% 0.24%
45 45 0.238 826.64 -1.69% -0.13% 1.56%
46 46 0.239 826.64 -0.13% -1.07% 0.94%
47 47 0.246 826.57 -1.07% 3.64% 4.72%
48 48 0.246 826.57 3.64% -12.91% 16.55%
49 49 0.258 825.13 -12.91% -12.77% 0.14%
50 50 0.267 823.88 -12.77% -7.41% 5.36%
51 51 0.271 823.60 -7.41% -8.72% 1.31%
52 52 0.276 823.21 -8.72% -0.91% 7.80%
53 53 0.279 823.18 -0.91% -7.98% 7.06%
54 54 0.279 823.16 -7.98%
Profile Cur K Value Curve Radi AsymmetricAsymmetricLock
No. Distance fro Vertex Elevatio Section Gr Section Grade Out No. Distance f
1 -33.965 839 43.55% 1 -38.182
2 -26.329 835.675 43.55% 40.48% 2 -37.438
3 -25.653 835.401 40.48% 48.60% 3 -34.783
4 -25.476 835.315 48.60% 47.68% 4 -29.899
5 -25.204 835.185 47.68% 35.53% 5 -27.525
6 -19.783 833.259 35.53% 35.24% 6 -23.391
7 -5.913 828.371 35.24% 5.17% 7 -18.887
8 -5.762 828.364 5.17% 4.60% 8 -17.19
9 -3.027 828.238 4.60% -1.03% 9 -16.49
10 -1.367 828.255 -1.03% -2.28% 10 -9.847
11 0 828.286 -2.28% 1.47% 11 -5.467
12 2.694 828.326 1.47% 1.36% 12 0
13 3.849 828.341 1.36% -24.15% 13 3.757
14 4.252 828.244 -24.15% -10.03% 14 14.164
15 5.071 828.162 -10.03% 21.63% 15 22.617
16 11.93 829.646 21.63% 21.99% 16 22.685
17 22.826 832.042 21.99% 6.13% 17 22.702
18 22.899 832.046 6.13% 3.54% 18 22.814
19 25.834 832.15 3.54% 3.54% 19 24.975
20 26.936 832.189 3.54% 5.01%
21 31.03 832.394 5.01%
Vertex ElevSection Gr Section Gr AsymmetricLock No. Distance f Vertex ElevSection Gr Section Grade Out
841 41.59% 1 -43.044 842.003 48.41%
840.691 41.59% 42.77% 2 -42.78 841.875 48.41% 42.16%
839.555 42.77% 42.74% 3 -42.134 841.603 42.16% 51.11%
837.468 42.74% 49.39% 4 -37.577 839.274 51.11% 66.87%
836.295 49.39% 55.67% 5 -32.194 835.674 66.87% 47.73%
833.994 55.67% 59.86% 6 -29.168 834.23 47.73% 42.76%
831.298 59.86% 57.76% 7 -25.92 832.841 42.76% 49.19%
830.318 57.76% 54.35% 8 -23.542 831.671 49.19% 36.91%
829.937 54.35% -1.93% 9 -23.274 831.572 36.91% 23.94%
830.066 -1.93% 24.05% 10 -15.571 829.728 23.94% 9.69%
829.013 24.05% 9.84% 11 0 828.218 9.69% -9.78%
828.474 9.84% -9.93% 12 1.8 828.042 -9.78% 21.03%
828.102 -9.93% 21.38% 13 2.941 828.282 21.03% 4.17%
830.327 21.38% 4.62% 14 3.832 828.319 4.17% -5.24%
830.717 4.62% -4.58% 15 7.365 828.134 -5.24% 0.80%
830.714 -4.58% -0.74% 16 8.079 828.14 0.80% 0.60%
830.714 -0.74% 23.66% 17 10.56 828.155 0.60% 13.58%
830.74 23.66% 1.62% 18 15.244 828.791 13.58% 10.06%
830.775 1.62% 19 18.5 829.119 10.06% 16.62%
20 27.361 830.591 16.62% 5.79%
21 27.763 830.614 5.79% 2.62%
22 30.733 830.692 2.62%
Section Grade Out
No. PVI Station PVI Elevation
1 0 536.067
2 0.00081 536.077
3 0.00593 536.131
4 0.01007 536.125
5 0.01237 536.117
6 0.01513 535.426
7 0.01937 534.859
8 0.02154 534.747
9 0.03096 535.698
10 0.03626 536.472
11 0.03721 536.446
12 0.04497 536.5

Axis Title




535 1



0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
Axis Title KM

No. PVI Station PVI Elevation
1 0 535.451
2 0.00131 535.485
3 0.00808 535.69
4 0.00858 535.865
5 0.00911 535.762
6 0.01141 535.774
7 0.01773 535.685
8 0.02017 535.621
9 0.02048 536.765
10 0.02148 537.148
11 0.02643 536.798
12 0.03067 536.095
13 0.03355 536.116



Axis Title 537




0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Axis Title

No. PVI Station PVI Elevation
1 0 535.935
2 0.00195 535.914
3 0.00275 537.765
4 0.0046 536.419
5 0.00679 536.791
6 0.01034 536.195
7 0.01688 536.237
8 0.02151 535.201
9 0.02263 535.047
10 0.0332 536.444
11 0.0363 536.597
12 0.03819 536.546
13 0.0409 535.783

Axis Title

535.5 Colum
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045
Axis Title

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