S10FE-IIa-b-47 Electromagnetic-Spectrum

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School RCIS Grade Level Grade 10

Teacher DIANA LIZA G. BAÑO Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates and Quarter 2nd / Second

A. Content Standards

The learners shall demonstrate an understanding of regions of

electromagnetic spectrum.

B. Performance Standards

The learner should be able to explain the effects of electromagnetic radiation

on living things and the environment.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives(Write the LC Code for each)

The learner should be able to compare the relative wavelengths of different

forms of electromagnetic waves. (S10FE-IIa-b-47)


Describe how electromagnetic (EM) wave is produced and transmitted.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages 118 – 121
2. Learner’s Material
Pages 146 – 149
3. Textbook Pages
Pages 146 – 149
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
DepEd Project EASE Physics – Module 17
B. Other Learning Resources
PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips
4. PROCEDURES (May vary. It depends upon the teacher. This is flexible
part. Put time allotment in each step.

(The ff. are just Teacher’s Activity Students’/Pupils’

examples) Activity

A. Reviewing the previous “You Complete Me” Expected Answer(s):

lesson or presenting the The teacher will give an 1. Electromagnetic
new lesson (10 min) incomplete statement and Induction
the students will give an 2. Ampere
3. Light
answer in order to 4. Electricity and
complete the statement: Magnetism
1. Faraday formulated the 5. Oersted
principle of
2. It was ____________
who demonstrated the
magnetic effect based on
the direction of current.
3. It was Hertz who
showed experimental
evidence of
electromagnetic waves
and their link to
4. Maxwell developed
equations showing the
relationship of _______
and ______________.
5. ____________
showed how a current
carrying wire behaves like
a magnet.

B. Establishing purpose Think – Pair – Share Expected Answer(s):

for the lesson (10 min) Direction: Let the student
find a pair and let them 1. Electromagnetic wave
have a short brain- is a disturbance in a field
storming activity based that carries energy and
on the given situation. does not require a
Call some volunteers (2 – medium to travel.
3 pairs) to share their 2. An electromagnetic
answers in the class. wave can travel in an
Situation: empty space or vacuum.
Sending text messages  It is composed of a
and connecting to other changing electric
people all over the world field and magnetic
are made possible field
through the use of  It can travel as the
internet and this is speed of light
because of 300,000,000 m/s
electromagnetic wave.
1. What is an
Electromagnetic wave?
2. What are the
characteristics or
properties of
Electromagnetic waves?

C. Presenting The teacher will facilitate Presentation of answers

examples/instances of the the presentation of by pair:
new lesson (5 min) answers in the class. Expected Answer:
1. Electromagnetic wave
is a disturbance in a field
that carries energy and
does not require a
medium to travel.
2. An electromagnetic
wave can travel in an
empty space or vacuum.
 It is composed of a
changing electric
field and magnetic
It can travel as the speed
of light 300,000,000 m/s

D. Discussing the new Webbing (Concept The Students will make a

concepts and practicing Mapping): concept map about
skills #1 (20 min) Group the students into 4 Electromagnetic Waves,
– members and let them these are the expected
make a concept map. sub – concepts to be
The main concept is connected to the main
“Electromagnetic Waves”. concept:
Materials: ( To be  Radiation
announced a day before  Transfer of energy
the lesson) through a field
- Manila Paper  Empty Space
- Marker  Interact with
- Any coloring/Art matter
Materials  Energy can be
 Electricity and

E. Discussing new Presentation of Concept Rubric s will be given for

concepts and practicing Maps by group the concept map and the
skills #2(20 min) presentation

F. Developing Mastery Demonstration Activity: Predict – Observe –

(Leads to Formative “On and Off (Please refer Explain
Assessment #) (20 min) to teacher’s guide pages - Before the teacher
119 – 120) will perform the
student(s) will be
asked to give their
prediction what will
happen during the
- During the
demonstration the
student(s) will be
asked to write/her
own observation
- After the
demonstration, the
student(s) will be
given time to
explain his/her

G. Finding practical Question(s): Based on Expected Answer(s):

applications of concepts the Activity: 1. The remote control
and skills in daily living(20 1. How did you position should be aimed at the
min) the remote control in mirror such that the
order to turn on and off? incident beam strikes it at
2. What does this an angle that will direct
indicate? the reflected beam
3. Give example(s) of an towards the TV.
example of 2. It indicates that EM
electromagnetic waves waves can also be
that is found in your reflected just like the
surroundings. Explain. mechanical waves.
3. Sunlight and other
sources of artificial lights
are examples of
Electromagnetic waves.
Sunlight travels through a
medium and without a
medium in order to reach
the earth in a form of

H. Making generalizations Guide Question(s): Expected Answer(s):

and abstractions about 1. What is an 1. Electromagnetic waves
the lesson (10 min) electromagnetic (EM) are transverse waves
waves? composed of alternating
2. How electromagnetic electric and magnetic
(EM) waves can be waves.
produced and 2. Electromagnetic waves
propagated? are produced/created by
3. Describe the accelerating charges or
characteristics of changing magnetic fields.
electromagnetic (EM) It is a combination of
waves? electric and magnetic
fields. It can propagate
and travel through an
empty space or a
3. Electromagnetic (EM)
waves are transverse
waves. It is composed of
a changing electricity and
magnetic field that are at
right angle to the direction
the waves travel and
perpendicular to each

I. Evaluating Learning (20 Question(s): Answer(s):

min) Modified True or False 1. True
Direction: Write the word 2. Changing
“True” in your paper if the 3. Don’t need a
statement given is true, medium/Empty space
otherwise, if the 4. True
statement is false, 5. True
change the underlined 6. Perpendicular
word(s) to make the
statement true.
1. Accelerating electrons
can produce
electromagnetic waves.
2. Electromagnetic wave
is composed of a moving
magnetic field and
electric field.
3. Electromagnetic waves
need a medium in order
to travel or to be

4. Sunlight is an example
of Electromagnetic waves
that can be found in our
5. Electromagnetic waves
are transverse waves.
6. Electromagnetic waves
are produced by
accelerating charges or
changing magnetic fields
that are parallel to each

J. Additional Learning Check your

Activities (10 min) understanding: Are these
statements true? If not
correct them.
1. Electromagnetic waves
transfer energy through a
2. A wave is a disturbance
that transfers energy.
3. Most Electromagnetic
(EM) waves are invisible
and undetectable.
4. Electromagnetic (EM)
waves have the
characteristic of a wave
5. All electromagnetic
(EM) waves are the same.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

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