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There are two significant developments in education and culture in Philippine Literature during the
American Period. The first one is the introduction of free public instruction for all children of school age
and the second one is the use of English as a medium of instructions on all levels in public schools.

The Filipino Revolutionists won against the Spaniards who colonized for more than 300 years. The
Philippine flag was raised on June 12, 1898 as a symbol of our independence. The first president of the
Philippines was Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo but it did not took long.

In 1903, the Filipino-war resulted in the Gen. Miguel Malvar and the peace movements started as early
as 1900. Many Filipino started writing again and the nationalism of the people remain undaunted.
Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news reporting, poetry, stories, plays, essays and
novels. Their writings clearly depicted their love of country and their longings for independence.

In 1910, a new group started to write in English making Spanish, Tagalog, the Vernacular and finally
English as the mediums used in literature during these times. The writers in Spanish wrote about
nationalism like honoring Rozal and other heroes. Writers in Tagalog continued in the lamentations on
the conditions of the country and their attempts to arouse love for ones native tongue. The writers in
English imitated the themes and methods of the Americans.

We can say that we can trace the beginnings of the Philippine Literature in English which the coming of
the Americans. For this purpose, we can divide this period into three time frames, namely:

1. The Period of Re-Orientation (1898-1910)

English as a literary vehicle came with the American occupation in August 13, 1898. By 1900, English
came to be used as a medium of instruction in the public schools. The first teachers of English that were
recruited were from the American forces. By 1908, the primary and intermediate grades were using
English. It was also about this time when UP, the forerunner in the use of English in higher education,
was founded.

2. The Period of Imitation (1910-1924)

In this time, writers were then groping their way into imitating Americans and British models which
resulted in a stilted, artificial and unnatural style, lacking vitality and spontaneity.

3. The Period of Self- Discovery and Growth (1925-1941)

By this time, Filipino writers had acquired the mastery of English writing. They now confidently and
competently wrote on a lot of subjects although the old time favorites of love and youth persisted. They
went into all forms of writing like the novel and the drama.

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