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Date: 14/08/2017

The Asst Registrar
Academic Planning and Development Section,
University of Mumbai,
Mumbai- 400 032.

Subject: Proposal for Minor Research Grant from un-approved Teacher of M.H.Saboo
Siddik College of Engineering
Reference: Circular No. APD/237/8/of 2017 dated 29th July 2017

Respected Sir,
As per above circular of University Of Mumbai, Mumbai, I am forwarding research
proposal for Minor Research Grant. The detail of the proposal is as follows:
Particulars Information
Name : Mrs.Farhana Siddiqui
Principal E- mail :
Investigator Ph. Office : 022-23012922
Mobile No : 8850191881
2 Name of College ENGINEERING

3 Program Engineering & Technology

“ IoT Based Animal Intrusion Detection and
Title of the Classification System ”

Please do the needful.

Thanking you.
Yours’ truly
Mrs.Farhana Siddiqui

Enclosed: 1) Research proposal (Annexure-I)

2) Resume (Annexure-II)
3) Endorsement (Annexure-III)

SR. No. Page No.

Research proposed (Annexure-I) 3

Budget 9

Resume(Annexure-II) 10

Endorsement(Annexure-III) 15

College UGC Letter 16



In order to provide research support to faculty from University and affiliated colleges, this scheme of Minor
Research Project is introduced.
Researchers will be encouraged under the scheme, to pursue research of high standard in frontier areas of science.

Application Format

1. Basic Subject area of Research Embedded System
2. Title of the Proposed Project

3. Name, Qualification and Principal Investigator:

Designation of the Principal Mrs. Saiqa Khan
Investigator / Co-Investigator M.E(Computer Engg)
Assistant Professor
(Computer Engg.)
Co-Investigator 1:
Dr.Zainab Pirani
Phd. (Computer Engg)
Associate Professor
(Computer Engg.)

Co-Investigator 2:
Dr. Z.A.Usmani
Phd.(Computer Engg)
Associate Professor
(Computer Engg.)

Co-Investigator 3:
Ms. Ahlam Ansari
M.E (Computer Engg)
Assistant Professor (Computer

4. Teaching and Research Experience UG – 8 years

of principal Investigator
5. Name and address of the M.H. SABOO SIDDIK COLLEGE OF
institution where the proposal will ENGINEERING
8, Saboo Siddik Polytechnic Road,
be executed
Byculla, Mumbai 400 008
Tel: (022) 23012922

6. Whether the college / University is YES

approved by the UGC

7. Details of Facilities provided/to be Well equipped state-of-art
made available at the College / facilities in labs, Research center
University in progress

8. Have you ever applied before for No

Minor Research Project? If yes, give

9. Whether the Project or part of No

Project is approved by the
University for the Doctoral
Degrees. If Yes, give details

10. Details for the Research Project and No

research funding (Major/Minor)
received in the past and /ongoing


1. Details of the proposed project to be undertaken:(Attach additional Pages if required)

In the current scenario human animal conflict have turned agriculture industry into dilemma
as it can cause significant loss of quality and quantity of agricultural products. India is one of
the countries that suffer from the most serious crop damage due to animal intrusion in
farmland. Human animal conflict is a major problem where enormous amount of resources is
lost and human life is in danger. In recent times the numbers of these kinds of conflicts are
increasing. So this zone is to be monitored continuously to prevent entry of this kind of
animals or any other unwanted intrusion. Human-animal conflicts arises due to encroachment
and poaching, humans move into the forest to satisfy their livelihood, for claiming of land for
agricultural practices and rapid industrialization causes spreading of urban ground and
animals enter the nearby villages for water during the summer due to dryness in water body.
Elephants or wild boar tramp the vegetation in farm land in need of nutritious food. Need of
the animal or human put the other in real danger, in this process, resources are spoiled and
sometimes even the life is lost.

Origin and Objective of the Research Proposal

Due to over population it occurs a deforestation this results in shortage of food, water
and shelter in forest areas. So, Animals interference in farm areas is increasing day by
day which affects human life and property causes human animal conflict . Agriculture is
the backbone of the economy but because of animal interference in agricultural lands,
there will be huge loss of crops. Elephants and other animals coming in to contact with
humans, impact negatively in various means such as by depredation of crops, damaging
grain stores, water supplies, houses and other assets, injuring and death of humans.
Farmers in India face serious threats from pests, natural calamities &damage by animals
resulting in lower yields Traditional methods followed by farmers are not that effective
and it is not feasible to hire guards to keep an eye on crops and prevent wild animals.
Since safety of both human and animal is equally vital. So, animal detection system is
necessary in farm areas.
An important need of an hour is to detect and classify the animals entering into the farm and
sending notifications to the farm owner and forest officials so that necessay actions can be taken

The objective of our project is to provide protection from the attacks of the wild animals
and thus minimizing the probable loss to the farmer. To detect intrusion around the field.
To capture the image of the intruder and classifying them using image processing.
Taking suitable action based on the type of the intruder. To send notification to farm
owner and forest officials .

Rationale for taking up the proposed project and its interdisciplinary relevance:

Human Wildlife Conflicts have caused a stream of major changes in the agricultural
patterns and practices nationwide. To protect their crops from getting damaged because of
animal intrusions, farmers have been using electric fences around their fields and areas
where the fencing don’t prove efficient, farmers prefer to stay up all night and guard their
fields from animal intrusions. Practices like these have done more harm than good for us
and in extreme cases, it has even costed lives of both man and animals.
Considering the inefficiencies and shortcoming of these existing practices, an enthusiastic
team decided to come up with a solution that protected the crops from animal intrusions
without causing any harm to the wildlife.

Interdisciplinary Relevance:
This work can be applied to agriculture sector which is a need of an hour in our country
and has very high prominence to agriculture based industries. The system will make use
of sensors and software technologies for improving results prominently.

Review of Research and Development in the field:
The main aim of our project is to provide protection from the attacks of the wild animals
and thus minimizing the probable loss to the farmer. To detect intrusion around the field.
To capture the image of the intruder and classifying them using image processing.

Nirit Datta and Souvik Sarkar [1] explains the methodology to overcome the problem of
human and animal injury and mortality due to the straying of wild animals out of the
national parks and wildlife sanctuaries by the use of automatic tracking and alert system.
Automatic tracking and alert system has been implemented by incorporating GSM and
GPS technology in the form of a device that would be attached to the body of an animal
and would be continuously monitoring the position of the animal with respect to the GPS
defined boundaries set up inside a wildlife sanctuary or national park. In case an animal
strays out of the GPS defined zone, an alarm system that will be installed in a human
populated zone will go off, informing people about the approaching danger. This system is
flexible, cost effective and easy to implement and can be beneficial for monitoring wildlife
related complexities like poaching, railway and roadway accidents, train delays,
destruction of vegetation and threat to human life on the occasion of straying of wild
animals out of their habitation zone.

Sachin umesh sharma and dharmesh j. Shah [2] explains a simple and a low-cost approach
for automatic animal detection on highways for preventing animal-vehicle collision using
computer vision techniques are proposed. A method for finding the distance of the animal
in real- world units from the camera mounted vehicle is also proposed. The proposed
system is trained on more than 2200 images consisting of positive and negatives images
and tested on various video clips of animals on highways with varying vehicle speed. As
per the two-second rule, our proposed method can alert the driver when the vehicle

speed is up to 35 km/h. beyond this speed, though the animal gets detected correctly; the
driver does not get enough time to prevent a collision. An overall accuracy of almost
82.5% is achieved regarding detection using our proposed method.

R.Shanmugasundaram and S.Pavithra [3] proposed a system to track the location of

Animal in the zoo or national parks. This system would include a temperature sensor and
PIR sensor. The temperature sensor senses the temperature of each animal and PIR sensor
senses the human presence inside the animal boundaries or restricted areas. Generally
every animal having particular range of body temperature. If the animal having any
wounds or fever the body temperature will be automatically increased. To monitor this, we
are using temperature sensor. It continuously monitors the animal’s temperature if any
variation in the temperature, it will be displayed on the LCD. The PIR sensor is used to
monitor the human presence in restricted areas or nearby the animal boundaries. When the
human presence is detected, the voice processor will give alert to the people through the
pre-recorded voice. The GPS receiver send the location, animal temperature to the
controller and it is interfaced with the IOT, It will give the complete information to the
website on PC or laptop.

Relevance to social benefit by this R&D in the proposed area

It will provide a prototype for other researchers to explore the related area further.

Methodology and Work plan (including Detailed Methodology and Time Schedule)
The main objective of the proposed system is detecting and classifying animals in
farm areas.
Hardware components required:
1. Various sensors such as PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor)
2. Raspberry Pi
3. Camera
4. Cloud to collect and send the data for image processing.
Following Fig.1 gives an overview for the whole set up.

Motion Raspberry Cloud

Sensor Pi Image
Camera Processing

Fig 1. Architectural Diagram

Time Line
Following shows a detailed time line schedule for the proposed research
No. One year
First 2 Next 1 Next 2 Next 2 Next 3 Next 2
months months months months months months
1 Preparation of X
initial research
2 Performing X X
literature survey
3 Design of X X
experimental set up
implementation on
research project
4. of X
5. Validity test X
Expected Results, Conclusion and Future Plans
Expected results:
1. The outcome of the proposed research will be used in the field of agriculture for improving
animal intrusion detection system.

Future plans:

In the future, there will be very large scope, this project can be made based on wireless
networks. Wireless sensor network and sensors of different types are used to collect
the information of crop conditions and environmental changes and these information is
transmitted through network to the farmer that initiates corrective actions. Farmers are
connected and aware of the conditions of the agricultural field at anytime and
anywhere in the world.

2. Collaboration for the proposed project (if any)No

3. Details of financial requirements with justification
Sr. No. Head In Rupees
1 Conducting Survey including visit to 5,000
different farms

2. Equipment (Raspberry Pi , Wi-Fi 20,000

module , Sensors , Camera,
consumables etc.)
3. Contingency 10,000
Total 35,000/-
Any other information in support of the proposed project

PART – C : Bio- Data and Endorsement

Detailed Bio-data of the Principal Investigator as per Annexure-II
Statement from the Present Employer as per Annexure-III


Detailed Bio data

1. Name of the Applicant: Mrs. Farhana Siddiqui

2. Mailing Address (Indicate Telephone, Fax, E-mail, etc.)

Mobile No: 8850191881 Email :

3. Date of Birth:21st April 1986

4. Educational Qualification (Starting from Graduation onwards):

Sr. Degree University Year Subjects

1 B.E. Mumbai 2007 Computer
Computer University engineering

2 M.E. Mumbai 2010 Computer Engg.

Computer University
Details of Professional training and research experience, specifying
5. A. period.

1. Attended workshop on “Zonal Workshop” conducted at Allana institute of Management studies
from Sept 3-4 2015.
2. Attended workshop on “Techniques for writing effective paper” conducted at FRCRCE from 30th
Aug – 31st Aug 2013.
3. Attended workshop on “Faculty Development Program” conducted at Yantra Park, Tata Consultancy
Services, Thane from 6th and 7th Feb 2013.

1. Co-ordinated two days faculty development programme on “Using ICT-in Teaching and Learning
Process” in M.H.Saboo Siddik college of Engineering, Mumbai on 4 th -5th August 2017.
2. Co-ordinated twenty four hours of Android Training for twelve third year students within period
March-April 2017 in MHSSCOE.
3. Attended One week ISTE sponsored STTP on “Digital Signal and Image Processing with
Applications using MATLAB” organized by Department of IT, TSEC Mumbai from 5th Jan – 16th
Jan 2009.
4. Attended One week AICTE sponsored STTP on “Intelligent Multimedia Data Warehousing and
Data Mining” organized by VJTI Mumbai from 14th Dec – 24th Dec 2009.

5. Attended One week ISTE sponsored STTP on “Big Data Analytics” organized by FRCRCE Mumbai
from 7-11 Dec 2015.
6. Attended One week ISTE sponsored STTP on “Big Data Analytics” organized by Department of IT,
MHSSCE Mumbai from 21-25 Nov 2016.
7. Attended two days FDP on”Using ICT –in teaching Learning Process” organized by Department of
Computer Engineering , MHSSCE Mumbai 4-5 th August 2017.

1. Attended two days seminar on “Research Career Success and Survival Tips” at FRCRCE from 11th
Mar – 12th Mar 2011.

2. Attended one day UGC approved seminar on “Data warehousing, Data Mining and Business
Intelligence” at K.J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Sion on 23rd July

3. Attended one day UGC approved seminar on “Database Technologies” at Vivekananad Education
Society, Chembur on 24th Feb 2010.

4. Attended one day UGC approved seminar on “Computer Programming - I” at Pillai Institute, New
Panvel on 1st Sep 2007.

5. Attended one day UGC and AICTE approved seminar on “ILLUMINUS-2012” at DBIT on 21st Sep

Training Course

1. Attended two months training course on “Proficiency in Core Java Technology” at Rajesh Patkar
Institute of Software Engineering from 10th Feb – 13th April 2008.


B. Details of employment (past & present)

1. M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering as an Assistant Professor – April 2010 –

till date
2. M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering as a Lecturer – August 2009 – March 2010
3. M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering as a Visiting Lecturer – July 2008 –July 2009
4. M. H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering as a Lecturer – July 2007 –July 2008

C. List of significant publications (Research Papers and books) during last five
years (with details)

International Conference Papers

1. Saiqa Khan, Shafaqat Khan, Tarik Than Abdullah Khan, Malik Habibullah” An Integrated Approach
For Detection of Image Splicing and Region Duplication Forgery” Ïnternational Conference ICEFT at
MHSSCE College, Mumbai 27-28 march 2014.

2. S.Khan” Proposed Disaster Management System using Big Data Analytics to predict Earthquakes like
Nepal” International Conference ICATETR-2015 at Bal Krishna institute of Technology Technology,
Rajasthan 19-20th June 2015 ISBN NO:978-81-930823-0-0.

3. Faraz Virani, Saiqa Khan, MurtazaVadnagarwala,Zaid Qureshi, “Shared vision system” International
Conference ICCCV Thakur College, Kandivali 26-27 Feb 2016.
4. Z.A.Usmani, Mustafa Kazi, Aadil Bhatkar, Shuaib Shaikh, “ZAIMUS: A department automation
system using data mining and web technology” 2017 International Conference on Nascent Technologies in
Engineering (ICNTE), Borivali 27-28 Jan. 2017.

5. Saiqa Khan; Firoz Ansari; Hamza Azmi Dhalvelkar; Sabiqua Computer, “Criminal investigation using
Call Data Records (CDR) through Big Data technology” 2017 International Conference on Nascent
Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE), Borivali 27-28 Jan. 2017.

International Journal Papers

1. Khan, S., Azmi, H., Nair, A. and Mirza, H. (2017). Implication and Utilization of various Lip
Reading Techniques. [online] International Journal of Computer Applications - IJCA. Available at:
2. Usmani, Z., Khan, S., Kazi, M., Bhatkar, A. and Shaikh, S. (2017). Secured Administration and
Management of Pertinent Data based on Web Technology and Data Mining . [online] International
Journal of Computer Applications - IJCA. Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug.

National Conference Papers

1. Saiqa Khan, Fatima Merchant, SuhemParak“ Comparative Study of different Enterprise Resource
Planning ”RACEM 2012 at VIT College, Mumbai 2-3 MARCH 2012.
2. Hatim, Saiqa Khan, A. Goriawala, H. Darghawala, “Super Light Weight Inventory Management
System”National Conference NCETE at MHSSCE College Mumbai, 4th-5th Jan 2013.

1. S.Khan, Advanced Database Management Systems. NanduPublications, First Revised
Edition 2012.
2. S.Khan, Advanced Database Management Systems. NanduPublications, Second Revised
Edition 2013.
3. S.Khan , Database Technologies. Nandu Publications, 2013.
4. S.Khan, Database Management System. NanduPublications, 2014.
5. S.Khan , Software Project Management. NanduPublications, Second revised Edition 2016
6. S.Khan , Distributed Databases. Technical Publications, 2016.
7. S.Khan, Big Data Analytics.Technical Publications,2016.

6. Professional recognition, awards, fellowships received:

1 Member of ISTE

7. Any other information.

1 Alumni In charge of the institute since 2010.

Place & date: Signature of the applicant


(Statement from the Employer)

(on official letterhead)

Certified that

I. The University / College is approved under Section 2 (f) and 12- B of the UGC

II. The institute welcomes participation of Prof. / Dr. / Mr. / Ms. Farhana Sidiqui
as the Principal Investigator in the Proposed Minor Research Project entitled

IoT Based Animal Intrusion Detection and Classification


And he / she will assume full responsibility for implementing the project.
III. The above research project / part of project are not funded by any other funding
IV. The grant-in-aid received for the Research Project will be used to meet the
expenditure of the project and the period for which the project has been
V. Institute undertakes the financial and other management responsibilities of the Project
and undertake to submit Grant Utilization Certificate and Project Report to the
VI. The institution will provide in-house equipments and basic infrastructure and
other required facilities like administrative facilities to the investigator.

Seal of Institute Signature

Head of institute

Submission of proposal for MRG – Minor Research Project Grant

University of Mumbai
Academic Year: 2019 -20

Principal Investigator : Mrs. Farhana Siddiqui


Cell No: 8850191881

Name of Institute : M.H. SABOO SIDDIK COLLEGE OF

8, Saboo Siddik Polytechnic Road, Byculla,
Mumbai 400 008
Tel: (022) 23012922

Department / Program : COMPUTER ENGG. DEPARTMENT

: “IoT Based Animal Intrusion Detection and

Title of Project Classification System”

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