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Cavite State University-Trece Martires City Campus
Trece Martires City, Cavite

Abstract—The role of information and communication mobile phones and internet to communicate with their family
technologies has reached all sectors of society. No doubt that the members anytime and anywhere. Common problems
smallest unit of society, the family, has been tremendously encountered relates to signal of equipment used, cost of
affected by these changes. The impact of technology has been communication thru ICT and quality of messages conveyed.
directed to the family as they consume the innovation every Aspirations such as familial dreams, plans and goals are
minute of their lives. As such, it is important to examine how communicated through the use of technology despite distance. In
communication technology has affected the quality of general, results reveal that diaspora and the use of ICT
communications and lives of people. facilitated the realization of aspirations of Filipino families. Both
have been a persistent culture among Filipinos.
The study explores how communication technologies modify,
alter and transform the lives of Filipino families in the context of Keywords- technology; family; citizen; connectivity; access
diaspora. It aims to determine 1. information and communication
and technologies commonly accessed by respondents; 2. Introduction
variations in family characteristics, accessibility to new
communication technologies ,and frequency of use; 3. problems Filipino diaspora has been considered as one the new
encountered in the use of the new technology; 4.impact of engines for poverty alleviation in the country today. There are
communication technology to the transformation of Filipino almost two million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
families in diaspora; and 5. impact of message exchanges among labeled as the Philippines’ “Bagong Bayani ng Bayan”,
family members evident in their actual living condition.
dispersed all over the world. The 2009 Survey on Overseas
The Filipino family, known for its close ties, attempts to Filipinos (SFO,2009) reveal that CALABARZON has the
maintain relationships by utilizing gadgets available for them. largest deployment at 16.4% of total overseas contract worker,
The ubiquity of new technologies has facilitated communication followed by NCR at 14.7% and Central Luzon at 13.9%. The
among family members who regard these gadgets integral to flow of overseas workers, from a few thousands in 1970s grew
their daily lives to thousands reaching up to almost 2 millions in 2009. The
same 2009 survey reveals that there were more male OFWs
The researcher selected families from the categories than female belonging to ages 25-43 (
common to both Philippine Overseas Employment Agency Among the favorite destinations of Filipino migrant
(POEA) and National Statistics Office websites through
workers, the SFO (2009) indicates that Saudi Arabia remains
purposive sampling. These are: 1. seafarers; 2.domestic helpers ;
3. professionals such as nurses, doctors and others; 4. laborers on top, followed by Europe, United Arab Emirates, North and
and helpers; 5. production/operators and other related works; 6. South America and Asian countries including Hongkong,
caregivers and caretakers; and 7. technicians to include wiremen, Singapore, Japan and Taiwan. In the categories or occupation
electrician, etc. Respondents were from the Southern Tagalog groups, laborer and unskilled workers top major occupation
Region where Cavite, one of its provinces, has the highest group. Also included in this category are domestic helpers,
number of sea-based and land-based deployment, as well as, the cleaners and manufacturing laborers (SFO, 2009).
highest in overseas remittances. The increasing number of OFWs from the Philippines is
somewhat in relation to the ubiquity of information and
The study undertakes a quantitative-qualitative approach to
research. In order to have a clearer picture of these families, a
communication technology in the region. The phenomena of
multi- method approach was employed including survey, key- Overseas Filipino Workers and the Information and
informant, in-depth and on-line interviews. Communication Technology (ICT) in the Philippines have
forged a culture among members of Filipino families. It is a
Results show that family communication is vital in the culture replete with the dynamics of significations, production
realization of aspirations within the family. Most families use

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE

and assignment of codes and symbols, sense- and meaning- interesting to look at how cyberspace accounts for the
making in the vast expanse of familial relationships. It is a husband-wife or husband-children relationship. This paper
culture that is evolving, shaping and defining each actor and aims to determine if and how Information and Communication
every element in the communication situation. It is a culture Technology impact on Filipino families with members
that Robins and Webster refer to as cyberspace or virtual working overseas. Likewise, it intends to explore information
culture (1999: 221-237) characterized as “an out-of-territory and communication technologies commonly accessed by
and an out-of-time culture” where “everybody contributes to respondents, variations in family characteristics, accessibility
the information exchange and participates in the global to new communication technology and frequency of use,
conversation”. problems encountered in the use of the technology; impact of
The communication situation in Filipino families communication technology to the transformation of Filipino
continues to evolve with global developments. It is an families in diaspora and the impact of message exchanges
apparent adaptation to the trends and patterns characteristic of evident in their actual living condition.
the technologically wired and fast-paced world. The Filipino
The results of the present research will hopefully present
family remains a force to reckon with. Its ability to cope with
the Filipino as it copes with the reign of ICT and the
recent trends and developments in the field of Information and
phenomenon of diaspora; thereby resulting in the appreciation
Communication Technology, given the phenomenon of
of a fast evolving e-culture in the Philippines.
diaspora that dates back to the early seventies, transgresses
To understand ICT and its usefulness among Filipino
boundaries – geographical or otherwise.
families with immediate OFW-family members is to slowly
There is a pressing need to overcome poverty in the embrace the e-culture that ICT has unleashed. It is this e-
Philippines. Circumstances such as unemployment, low culture that casts a re-definitive label on today’s Filipino
income and high-priced commodities, have proved to be too family: while members are separated by physical distance and
difficult – albeit onerous – for family members acting as the geographical barriers, ICT continues to strengthen familial
breadwinner. The need, too, to address the basic human bonds.
necessities such as food, clothing and shelter, has prompted The study took both a quantitative and qualitative
breadwinner-members to brave a strange place away from approach to research. It aimed to interpret in order to discover
home. These breadwinners, usually the head of the family – concepts and relationships on the phenomenon of ICT
the father or the mother, brave the overseas as seamen, (information communication technology) as a catalyst in the
construction workers, and factory workers or as domestic emerging definition of ‘family’ among OFW left-behinds.
helpers. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 125 rural
families with an OFW member, mostly from upper Cavite area.
While their goals lie in buttressing family income and
These rural families reside in the upland part of province,
making life good for their respective families, the
basically an agricultural area. Of the total number of
breadwinner-members-turned-OFWs indirectly sacrifice
questionnaires, only 97 were returned. The survey was
family closeness characterized more by physical presence and
conducted to establish benchmark information as to Filipino
bonding. Such may lead them to develop interests in putting
families’ familiarity to ICT, frequency of use and the situation
up with other countries in matters pertaining to human capital
and messages they usually exchange with their OFW family
generating the most advantage, and presenting themselves as
more than able to compete with the world’s best.
In the same manner, in-depth interviews were conducted
How are the Filipino families defined these days amidst to seven housewives to know their side of the story as left
ICT and economic global trends? As electronic gadgets behinds of their OFW husbands. Likewise, seven children were
proliferate in markets to facilitate interactive communication requested to write a daily account of their lives with the hope
between family members, the ultimate decision to make use of of seeing how these children regard each family member and
them for familial bonding lies mainly on the members their relationships with each other. Housewives and children
themselves. The ubiquity of electronic gadgets may present came from the seven common categories from Philippine
the finer realities that actually facilitate the strengthening of Overseas Employment Agency (POEA) and National Statistics
the family as an institution in the Philippines. Office (NSO) namely seafarers, domestic helper, professionals,
laborers, production/ operator and other related works,
The family members left behind also do the same thing.
caregiver/caretaker, and technicians. Respondents were from
Through cellular phones or via electronic mails, the members
Cavite, a province in CALABARZON with the highest
get to update each other, barring distance and temporal
deployed sea-based and land-based OFWs.
concerns. Such remains the ideal function of ICT as
commonly observed in Filipino communities where families In addressing the stories of OFW-father/breadwinner,
have their respective OFWs to think of and communicate with seven OFW-father/breadwinners working in South Korea were
as often as possible. interviewed.
In a Filipino family where the husband turns into an OFW
and the wife and the children are left behind, it may be

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE


A. Survey Results Length of Stay (Years) Distribution

Approximately 125 survey forms were distributed and 97 were 1-2 41
retrieved. From the total number of respondents, 74 were
3-4 52
females and 23 were males. This yielded predominantly female
respondents. 5-6 4
The table below shows that among OFW-Breadwinners of 7-8 0
families in upper Cavite, KSA is still the most popular. Most
Filipinos working in this country are engineers and 9-10 0
construction workers. Dubai follows next as the next More than 10 years 0
destination of OFW-Breadwinners. Most Filipinos working in
this country work as store attendant, factory workers and others
Homesickness and loneliness are common feelings
are into some office works. Domestic Workers are still in
among OFWs. They all miss their families back in the
Hongkong while Filipinos in South Korea are engaged in
Philippines. In view of this feeling, ICT has played a very
garment factories. In Singapore, house-help is still popular but
important role in bridging the family.
a few are into skilled profession. Popular among OFW left behinds are the use of mobile
phone and internet in their communication with their relatives
abroad. Mostly housewives, they claim that texting and even
Worksite of OFW-breadwinner Distribution
calling their partner abroad is cheaper that any other
KSA 16 equipment. They also assert that the mobile phones provide
Dubai 15 them a readily access with their partner abroad, anytime,
anywhere. The unpopularity of the utilization of landline
Hongkong 14 phones is understandable because there are limited
South Korea 12 connections of landline phones in upper part of Cavite. The
use of e-mail and IM are popular well-liked among those
Singapore 11
working in offices. Table 3 shows gadgets/equipment utilized
Italy 10 by rural Filipino family members in their hope to
USA 8 communicate with each other.


Taiwan 4
Means of Communication Distribution
Iraq 1
Snail Mail 17
Total 97
Landline 2
These OFW-breadwinners have been separated from their Mobile phone (call/text) 97
families for quite sometime. Most OFW-Breadwinner have e-mail 43
three-year contract to fulfill. Usually, those in KSA, Taiwan,
Italy, and South Korea and even in Singapore and Hongkong IM 63
have longer contracts as compared to other OFWs. When left- Internet 72
behinds were asked, their OFW-partners intend to renew
Others 10
contracts due to economic instability of the family. They also
mentioned that because employment in the country is unsure,
the OFW member extends contract to be assured of a When asked on the frequency of communication with
continuous work and thus, compensation for them. OFW-family member, most of them agree that they hope to
Responsibilities such as education of their children, food, communicate often, however, due to financial constraints, they
other material needs and business for the family concern communicate on a scheduled basis. Table 4 shows the
OFW-breadwinner abroad. frequency of communication among family members.
Table no.2 shows the length of stay of OFW- The table shows that most families communicate thrice a
breadwinners in foreign land. week. Various reasons where cited as reasons for
communicating frequently. Schedules as to the day and time
were agreed upon so that most members of the family are
present once calls are made.

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE

TABLE IV. OFW FAMILIES FREQUENCY OF work and there is no other source to support family needs.
COMMUNICATION Celia claimed that their separation was a hard decision but best
for their families. “Mabuti na lang ngayon, kahit na
Frequency of Communication Distribution magkalayo kami, at least, may pang suporta kami sa aming
mga anak. Nagtatawagan kami basta pwede. Mahirap pero
Everyday 18 wala kaming magagawa”
Twice a week 29
Major family decisions were handled by Celia. She
Thrice a week 31 expressed that she had to bear all problems at home without
informing her husband about it because she feels that
Weekly (weekend) 19
additional burden to Arman would just complicate the
situation. ‘”Pag may problema sa bahay, ako na lang ang
B. In-depth interviews with Wives on Problems and Impact gumagawa ng solusyon, ayaw ko na sabihin kay Arman, kasi
of ICT use mamomroblema lang ‘yun, kawawa naman”.
Most respondents agree that maintaining a family without The Case of Belen Salamatin
their husbands beside them is difficult. According to them, Belen is currently a pre-school teacher but her husband,
raising the children alone entails a lot of responsibilities. Tony, has to work abroad because they need to start all over
However, due to financial problems, their partners opted to again. Few years back, their house was burnt and authorities
work abroad. They hope to have better lives by sending their claimed that the fire was due to faulty electrical wirings. They
children to school, having business of their own, providing were no able to save anything but just clothes they were
house and lot for the family and having a bank account for the wearing at that time. Both of them were at work while their
family’s future. These goals have strengthened their partners children were in school when the incident happened. They had
will to work abroad. to borrow money from everybody just to continue life. Tony
The Case of Lorna Rotairo had no other choice but to look for a better job to pay their
She claims that calls from her husband has been very
regular, the minimum of which would be three times a week. Belen narrated that Tony texts and calls them often.
“Minsan tatawag lang yun para sabihing mahal niya ako. Pero Their bond became stronger because they feel that they should
nung nadito siya, nag-aaway lang kami lagi,” disclosed by support each other more. “Alam mo, every time na
Lorna. Lorna believes their separation has strengthened their natatawagan kami, kahit magdadalawang taon na sya dun,
relationship. They are more often in terms of expressing their napapaiyak pa din kami kasi mahirap talaga. Buti na nga lang,
feelings as compared before when he worked in the country. madali ng magkausap ngayon. Minsan disoras ng gabi tatawag
She said that both of them mature due to their separation. yan, wala lang, mangumusta lang, okey na sa amin muna ang
As to the economy of the family, Lorna believes that it
has improved since Rafael, her husband, had worked abroad. The Case of Mina Silan
Their children can now study in private schools and they can Mina is a full time housewife to her four children. Her
provide the needs of the children. However, she did not dismiss husband, Deo, worked as an engineer in KSA. Mina recalled
the fact that there are times she hoped that her husband is that better job opportunities were accorded to Deo abroad.
home. They now have a fully-furnished house and a car that serves as
The Case of Dina Espiritu school service for the children. Mina expressed that given a
choice, she wants her husband to work in the country.
Her health condition prompted her husband to leave the However, Deo intends to work abroad for at least three more
country and work there for a better salary. Dina was diagnosed years. Mina articulated her disappointment to her husband’s
to have heart ailment and should undergone a lot of procedures decision but she said that she will just support him.
and medication. Their salary in the country cannot answer the
need for her medication, not to mention that they have three Deo calls his family often. They have internet
children depending on them. The separation has caused them connections at home, so the whole family can communicate
tremendous sadness, however, her husband’s intention to help with him. The web-cam facilitates a more personal
her toughen his decision to work in Bahrain. communication since they can see each other on screen.
“Mabuti na lang talaga, may ganyan na, kung wala parang
Dina has assumed the father-mother role in the physical nakakalungkot masyado. Usually gabi siya naka-online para
absence of her husband. “Pag po s’ya tumatawag, lagi niyang nakakausap niya mga bata… wala naman… nangungumusta
sinasabi na makinig ang mga bata sa akin at ‘wag pasasamain lang… ang mga bata naman e, hingi ng hingi ng ganito
ang loob ko.” She recalled that her husband always reminds ganyan…dun na lang siya bumabawi’.
their children to behave and remain obedient to her.
The Case Irma Doroteo
The Case of Celia Perello
A working mother of her children, her husband has been
Just like other stories with an OFW husbands, Celia had a seaman for 10 years already. Irma narrated that most of her
difficulty raising the children. Her husband, Arman, had to married life was spent caring for the children. A month after
apply for work abroad since both of them were retrenched from her marriage with Ding, Ding decided to accept an offer and

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE

from then on, left the country as seafarer. It was a hard decision she knew she must help her mother while their father works
but she was able to cope. abroad.
The benefits received by the family are undeniable. They The Case of Aina, 13
live in a nice house and all the children are studying. They have
“Mas malimit po text kaysa sa tawag… kay Mama po,
all the gadgets they need latest mobile phone units, ipod, ipad,
maalimit sya tumawag… kami po textmate lang…(laughs)”.
laptop computers, everything. According to Irma,
Aina fully understands why her father chose to work abroad.
communication equipment allow their connection anytime. Her
He wants a better life for them. She expressed that whenever
husband can contact her and the children anywhere. For them,
she’s free, she writes poems for her father.
despite the distance, they assure themselves of the love for each
other through phone calls and chat. She said, ..”hindi namin The Case of Benjo, 12
nakakalimutan to say I love you after kumustahan…ganyan
lang lagi”. “Nasanay na rin po ako…nag cha-chat po sila ni
Mommy pag Friday night… nakikisali na din po kami ni
The Case of MaFe Siapno Ina…nagte-text din po siya lagi…itinatanong po kung may
problema daw po ba ako sa school..okay naman po…”.
It was one of the most difficult decisions that MaFe and
According to Benjo, when he thinks of his father, he just
Dony has made. MaFe has three children and a husband
imagines that he works in Manila and cannot go home
working as porter in KSA. At first, according to them, the
everyday. He said that they have the means to communicate
separation was difficult. Dony has to leave the country because
everyday just in case there is really a need to reach each other.
of limited job opportunities for him in the country. He was a
carpenter when he was still working in the Philippines. MaFe, The Case of Arriane, 16
on the other hand, has a small canteen for students.
Arianne understands fully why her father has to leave.
The first purchase they made after the first remittance She is well informed on how it can help the family as well as
sent by Dondon was a mobile phone. MaFe said that the move the risks involved in the set-up. It is for a reality having seen
may not be favorable to many but she guessed it was the best how her parents suffer for their living. She narrated that
decision to stay connected with Dony. She encountered no although she misses her father, she makes it a point to talk to
problems except that rated going abroad is expensive so she him each day.
just waited for her husband to call them on a fixed time every
day. It becomes a daily routine for the family to wait for She also shared that every day, despite the distance, the
Dony’s call. family prays together.
The Case of Glyzie, 16
Glyzie separation with her father was difficult as she is
C. In-depth interview with children of OFWs on ICT use close to her him. Despite this, she has to be strong for her
Studies claim that children suffer from the separation of mother and for her other siblings. She said that she just waits
their parents. However, the emergence of ICTs has connected for the usual call that her father does each night, “excited ako
children with their parents abroad. Their skills in computer kasi s’yempre, tatawag si Papa…iba pakiramdam
have encouraged them and explore the wonders of the gadget e…nakakatuwa”. One thing that she cannot forget is to charge
to communicate with their parents, friends and relatives abroad. her mobile phone expecting that her father may call her.
The Case of Mico, 15 D. Children’s Diary
“Malimit tumawag ang Daddy ko pero si Mommy muna Seven children of OFWs were requested to write a daily
ang kinakausap. Wala naman siya marami sinasabi, account of their activities, thoughts and feelings for a week.
pinapaalalahanan lang ako na mag-aral na mabuti at tumigil They were instructed that they should only include activities at
lagi sa bahay”. Mico’s father works in Iraq as driver. He home and those that pertain to their family.
knows the difficulty that his father faces in that country.
“Malungkot…lalo na pag nakikita ko na nagaalala si Mommy”. In a brief interview with them, they all said that they
understand their parent’s intention in working abroad. The
The Case of Michelle, 15 most popular reason told to them was to improve the economy
of the family. Surprisingly, five of the seven children never
“Lagi po tinatanong sa akin kung may-boyfriend na daw
mentioned a thing about their parents working abroad. Their
po ako, sabi ko po , wala”. Michelle is a very young lady in
diary is concentrated on things they do at home such as
her teens. She said that they her father often calls them but
watching TV, playing with siblings, playing computer games,
most of time with her mother. She missed her father but she
doing assignments, helping in household chores and other
cannot do anything about it.
similar activities. What was significant was the adoration
The Case of Cristina, 14 accorded to mothers by their children.
“Pag po pinapakausap sa kin ni Mama e, tinatanong Six of the seven respondents claimed that they idolize
lang po kung tinutulungan ko daw po ba si Mama sa gawaing their mother for being a good example to them. There was no
bahay, at saka mag-aaral daw po mabuti”. Cristina is the mention of a father in their stories. They were explicit in
eldest of the six children of Romy and Carina. At an early age, expressing their love and concern for their mother and the

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE

sacrifices that she has done for them. The diary method is an message relayed through chat or text posed some problems as
important tool to know the feelings of these children that they interpretation varies from the person sending and/or receiving
seldom express verbally. the message. This is one problem where face to face
communication can be best utilized.
E. In-depth Interview with OFW-Breadwinners The study proves that most Filipino families, especially
The interview was conducted in South Korea when the those with relatives abroad, have acquired cell phone units for
researcher went there to attend an international conference. Her easy communication. It also attests to the fact that cellular
last day of stay in South Korea where devoted to meeting these phones and internet connections are nowadays a necessity than
Filipino’s overseas. All these workers are from Cavite and a luxury.
most of them work in garment factories. It was a pity to know
that most of them have no legal papers to work in that country. The limited landline phone connections on the upper part
This difficulty had prompted the researcher to further the of Cavite can be one reason why most families have at least
question as to why they stay in that country despite the risk. one cellular unit at home. Aside from the fact that the costs for
Kuya Reden, who has been in Korea with his son for almost using telephone landlines are much more expensive than text
ten years said, “ Mas mabuti na dito, Tina, ano naman ang messaging, but this does not prevent them from using it,
gagawin ko sa atin… may edad na ako…at saka nagpagawa ng particularly when communicating important messages to their
bahay si misis e, naubos ang inipon naming”. Reden Jr., his OFW relatives. They also use the landlines for emergency
son, has been in Seoul for almost eight years, just like his purposes.
father, he works at night because he is afraid to be captured at The use of mobile phones among OFW families is
day time. When asked how they communicate with his wife, prevalent. Although texting is one way of getting “connected”,
Kuya Reden answered that…”malimit ako tumawag…may the emotional aspect of the communication is not clearly
cellphone naman ‘yun, dalawa pa nga e, kasi daw minsan e deciphered. This can be the reason why despite being
mahina ang signal ng isa, e di pag natawag ako e sinusubukan connected with their children, children still feel the distance
ko pareho…nasanay na ako na paganito”. between them. On the other hand, between partners, texting can
In another story, Sam, who has been in Korea for almost be an advantage since it eliminates or reduces tension when
six years expressed that he misses his family a lot. However, he communicating sensitive issues.
has to work there for the education of their children. He said Likewise, it can be deduced from the study that the use of
that when he was in the country, he is one of those “kanto ICTs has enhanced marital relationships. Both partners feel
istambay”, he expressed that he does not want that life comfortable when they can contact their loved ones anytime.
anymore. Going abroad, he said, is a sacrifice but better than At the same time, mobile phones have been an instrument in
having no single centavo in the pocket.”…wala tayong expressing their intimate feelings with one another. In general,
magagawa e… mahirap ang buhay… mas mabuti na ito, kahit the use of mobile phone is preferred by many.
papaano e nakakapagpadala ako ng pera para sa pamilya…
alam mo kung ano inuna kong pinabili… cell phone… sabi ko ICT is becoming very popular to get people connected.
bumili sila kaagad para malilit kami mag-usap, nanghihiram There are various plans by government and the private sector to
lang kasi dati si Aileen sa kapatid niya…Ngayon, mabilis lang make the system work for “bridging” the OFWs and their
at basta may extra akong pera…tumatawag ako agad, 1,000 families. There are promotional packages by big
won…ubos (laughs)”. communication companies such as Smart and Globe to make
communication via cellular phones accessible and affordable to
All of them have different stories to share but most of a greater number of OFWs and their families.
them claimed working abroad is a big sacrifice but they have
no other choice but to work hard for their families. They all
asserted that the technology has made their lives easier abroad
because they can easily be connected with their love ones Filipino families e-culture brought by family members
anytime. reliance on information and communication technologies is a
very sensitive issue as it pertains the future of Filipino family
II. ANALYSIS life. The family is the smallest unit of society where
fundamental values are inculcated. It is very precious. It
The emergence of new technologies has facilitated a more provides care, protection and best loved qualities suited to
dynamic communication among OFWs and their left behinds. teaching children the knowledge, skills and norms of the
The temporary separation among family members has been society. The quality of family relationships is a crucial
successfully bridged by their use of various gadgets and determinant of the competence and confidence with the young
equipment. The physical absence of either parents was filled-in people face the major transition from childhood to adulthood .
by the availability of cellular phones, internet among others.
Emotional bonding holds families together and gives each
However, the use of new technologies has caused some member a sense of belonging. Among OFW families, the use
problems including access, signal and message interpretation. of mobile phone and other new technologies have provided a
As respondents came from the upland areas, signals and access link between them even if they are miles apart. However, a
are common problems as telecommunication companies have close monitoring on the effects of temporary migration of
not fully penetrated all areas in the province. Poor and busy either parents to their children should be a greater concern.
signals are common occurrences. Aside from the technology,

Copyright: 978-1-4673-2070-2/12/$31.00 @2012 IEEE

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