Murder Inc

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Colin Langsford

29-31 West 82nd

25 lenox road, summit, nj
Runs on to Avenue A


January 18, 1924

Lester’s Garage, East 106th & 1st Avenue

Looking for a place to lie low after the shoot out on Park Avenue, Nobel pulls in to Lester’s Garage
near the East River in Harlem. Lester and Marvin are closing up for the evening when Nobel whips
in to the lot and honks twice. Marvin steps outside to see who’s making such a racket and then
opens the overhead door. Nobel quickly pulls in and Baxter is out talking to the two guys, telling
them Chris sent them and is there a place where they could “talk” with someone. Lester shows
Baxter to a set of stairs that lead down to a small cellar/storage room. Baxter returns to Dr. Lars,
Nobel and Bill who are talking with Marvin as he looks over the Mercedes. Walking to the trunk,
Baxter retrieves their “guest” and hustles him downstairs with Baxter telling Nobel to call Chris
and Rosilin and tell them what has happened this evening.

January 18, 1924

Carter’s Antiques

Rosilin and Douglas are having a late dinner and discussing final plans for the move when the
staccato burst of machine gun fire erupts followed by .45 lead flying into and a few through the
thick wooden planks covering the windows from the last shooting. Dropping to the floor Douglas
covers Rosilin to the best of his ability. As the gunfire fades Jane opens the door from the kitchen
and asks if they are okay. Before either can respond the telephone rings. Answering, Rosilin is
connected with Nobel who tells her where they are and that they need to get there ASAP. Rosilin
tells Nobel that they just had another drive by shooting and that they will be on the way. Rosilin
hangs up the telephone and tells Douglas of the night’s events. Concerned about the attacks
today Rosilin and Douglas begin packing all the “nice” items left. Emptying the safes and packing
everything in to Rosilin’s car the two take one last look around Carter’s Antiques and head to the
car where they find Jane seated in the backseat with her suitcase on her lap, ready to go.

January 18, 1924

15 Park Row Building

Geffen jerks awake to the sensation of a needle in his shoulder and finds himself on a stretcher
with a large man standing over him, holding an empty needle. Remembering what happened he
sits up and tries to get away from the man, making it to his feet before the pain of the wound
makes him hop to get the pressure off of it. Another man is there and the two of them try to get
Geffen to calm down telling him they are the ambulance crew for New York General Hospital and
that he’s been shot and needs to be careful. Looking around Geffen sees a familiar limousine
sitting across the road. Waving the orderlies off and telling them he is fine Geffen walks across
the road, with only a little limp, to the car. As he approaches the rear window lowers and Geffen
Polk II looks out at his son. The two exchange pleasantries with Geffen telling his father that it’s
barely a scratch when two very attractive young women come running across the street calling
Geffen’s name. Geffen introduces Grace and Annette to his father who is quite genuinely thrilled
to meet them. Telling the girls that he’s okay in a show of bravado Geffen suddenly remembers
the others and that they should have been back by now. Saying “the others” Geffen turns to his
father, asking if Geffen II might be able to take care of making sure the ladies get home before
he excuses himself and jumps in the cab he just hailed which roars away in to the dark winter
night. Geffen II smiles and says “Ladies, it is warm in my car” as he opens the door.

January 18, 1924

Lester’s Garage, East 106th & 1st Avenue

Rosilin and Douglas arrive at the garage and find the others in the middle of interrogating a man
who appears to be Irish from his accent. Watching Baxter talk to him Douglas is ready to jump in
when the telephone upstairs can be heard ringing. The door opens and Chris comes down to the
basement with a concerned look on his face. “That was Gracie. The WPIE offices were attacked
too. Geffen was injured but just got in a cab and rushed off, babbling something about ‘the
others’”. Gracie and Annette are safe and will take care of getting the repairs started tomorrow.
Nobel is upset to hear of the attack and Baxter doubles his efforts to get something from this
piece of shit Irishman before Douglas steps in. Upping the ante Douglas tells the man “you either
tell us all you know now or the games up.” Fear washes across the man’s face as he sees Douglas’s
stern stare and Baxter over his shoulder with a knife and axe in his hands. The man makes a deal
with Douglas and tells the group everything he knows. Captain Taylor hired the White Hand to
kill the group, something about his nephew, where the White Hand Gang’s headquarters is
located, who the boss is and where he can be found. Nobel tells them other that we have to go
find Geffen before he gets himself killed and that he believes he will go to Nobel’s bookstore. The
group loads up in a borrowed Pierce Arrow with Douglas and Rosilin following in her car and off
they head for Nobel’s Shoppe.

January 18, 1924

Moontower Books, 424 East 9th Street

Geffen steps out of the A. Mish cab to a totally dark street. As soon as the door is shut the taxi
roars off making a hard right turn on to Avenue A, tires squealing. Geffen feels a little strange in
the darkened street, a twinge of pain in his leg as he looks around. Not seeing any movement
inside the bookstore and nothing on the street has Geffen more than a little nervous as he takes
cover behind a car on the opposite side of the street from the shoppe. As Geffen looks around,
he sees a man attempting to hide behind a tree and then catches the glow of a cigarette near a
car parked on the opposite side of the street, approximately 40 feet from where he is crouched.

The figure behind the tree steps out into the street and Geffen sees a shadow in his hand.
Suddenly a car rounds the corner turning on to East 9 th Street, tires squealing in protest to the
speed at which the vehicle is traveling. The big headlights of the Pierce Arrow illuminate the man
exposing the gun in his hand and he turns to see what is making the noise, only to see the car
hurtling at him as the driver regains control from the high-speed turn and accelerates.

Geffen looks on as the man raises his gun and begins to fire at the car but only manages to get
two wild shots off before the careening vehicle is on top of him, forcing him to dive out of the
way or be ran over. Being slower than the big car and its crazed driver the man is hit by the front
fender, knocking him into the air where he then slams into the side of a parked car, putting a
huge dent in the door and knocking the breath from the man, stunning him. Geffen looks on in
shock and then awe as the driver locks up the brakes bringing the car to a screeching halt on the
dark street.

Rosalin, following Nobel as best she could while the maniac broke every traffic law known,
approaches the corner where Nobel turned where she and Douglas see a man in a hat and trench
coat, running as fast as he can away from scene. Douglas attempts to get a good look at the man
for future use, if needed. As Rosalin makes the turn she sees the Pierce Arrow’s taillights shining
brightly as the car slides to a stop.

The passenger door open and Baxter leaps out, gun in hand, going around to cover the downed
man. Geffen is not sure what to do as for the second time tonight as adrenaline pours through
his body. In the car he can see Nobel sitting behind the wheel, a crazed look on his face. Cautiously
Geffen steps out from behind the car he was using for cover and says Nobel’s name. Nobel has
turned to look at the man on the ground and does not hear or see Geffen. Geffen is suddenly
illuminated by headlights as a second car turns on to the street, coming directly at him and the

Caught like the proverbial “deer in the headlights”, Geffen freezes in place, staring down the new
set of lights as the car approaches and slows. The next thing Geffen knows is that Dr. Lars is
shaking him and trying to check him for injuries. Looking around Geffen sees that lights are
coming on in several of the residences on either side of the street. Suddenly Baxter has a hold of
him and is dragging him towards the car saying, “WE HAVE TO GO!” as he pushes him in to the
back seat where two other men are sitting. Shutting the door behind him Dr. Lars perches on the
running board and yells “GO, GO, GO”. Hearing this, Nobel floors the powerful engine causing
the car to shoot down the street as he glances to his side and sees Savannah standing on his
porch watching with a confused look on her face as he peels out and executes a hard right turn
at the end of the block.
Not expecting such acceleration Dr. Lars slides back on the running board, the soles of his shoes
wet from the street, until his grip slips and he is tumbling down 9 th Street as the Pierce Arrow
roars off and disappears around the corner. Another car pulls up next to where he is lying on his
back, looking up at the night sky. “Need a ride” he hears and he looks over and sees Douglas
looking down on where he lies in the street, a grin on his face as female laughter bursts from the

Many things happened after this, but this is where will we begin on Sunday.

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