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February 12, 1924

SS Delphine
Port of New Orleans

The group gathers for a fantastic dinner followed with beignets and croissants the crew picked
up earlier on liberty. Relaxing after dinner with a drink or coffee the group discusses what they
have learned to this point and decide that early tomorrow morning, before dawn, they would
investigate the Jacque Shirack property in the French Quarter. With the decision made and an
early start to the morning the group settles in for the night.

February 13, 1925

French Quarter
1132 Royal Street

Making their way quickly through the early morning in the Quarter the group encounters
milkmen and the occasional reveler headed home from a night of revelry. Arriving at what they
learn is the Gallier House, they find a two-story narrow home with a single door and a carriage
gate facing the street. A balcony extends over the sidewalk the entire length of the upper floor.
Not seeing any way in the group moves to the alley behind the building to see what they can
learn. More walls meet them but undeterred, Geffen quickly and somewhat quietly scales the
wall and has a view into the courtyard and grounds.

Geffen hears two women speaking in what he assumes is the kitchen, discussing what they are
preparing for the day. They are difficult to understand with their accents, but Geffen gets the
general idea. As he is looking around a tall gaunt black man dressed in a white shirt and black
pants with a black vest exits a doorway closer to the street and make his way to the kitchen.
The smells of bacon and pork frying now permeate the surroundings and Geffen realizes he is
hungry. The conversation is faint, but Geffen clearly hears the man addressed as ‘Samuel’.
Fearing discovery Geffen makes his exit from the wall and tells the others what he heard. After
a quick huddle the group decides to leave, for now, and get back to the boat. Geffen’s stomach
makes them stop for fresh Beignets and Croissants on their way back, picking up enough for the
crew and the Chinese.

February 13, 1924

SS Delphine
Port of New Orleans

Finished with breakfast and their discussion of the events the group informs Mr. Chow and
Captain Grumby that they are ready to leave at their leisure. Mr. Chow informs them that he
has a little business left and that they will depart in the morning. With the day to themselves
the group spends time healing, reading, relaxing or seeing more of the Crescent City before
leaving. Dr. Lars is seen promptly leaving the ship.

February 14, 1924

SS Delphine
Port of New Orleans

Departure was delayed as a very thick fog had rolled in during the early hours of Valentine’s
Day, luckily for Dr. Lars, who returned to the ship as the others were finishing breakfast. Dr. Lars
walks briskly past them and Baxter notices a bright shade of red lipstick smudged on his collar.
As the fog burns off the crew busies themselves for departure.

February 14-16, 1924

SS Delphine
Gulf of Mexico

Travel to Cancun

February 16, 1924

SS Delphine
Anchorage off Cancun Mexico

Arriving around noon the crews anchors the craft and prepares the launches for trips into the
city. The afternoon is spent ferrying supplies to the Delphine and at least one delivery of
something to the docks in Cancun. As dinner time approaches the group decide some walking
around time on shore would be nice and they find an adequate restaurant. Full of local cuisine
the group heads back to the yacht.

February 16, 1924

SS Delphine
Anchorage off Cancun Mexico

The group has settled in after dinner with a beverage and are quietly discussing the day and
what tomorrow may hold, playing cards, chess or some other relaxing pursuit. The Chinamen
are near the stern, dicing for odd looking coins.

Dr. Lars comes up from his cabin holding one of the books the group found recently.
Determination etched on his features he picks a spot on the deck that he strides to confidently
where he begins to speak Latin while reading from the book. Several minutes pass and Dr. Lars
stops speaking and concentrates intently on the deck floor. Sweat drips from his brow as
nothing happens. With a shrug he closes the book and take a seat at the table, everyone
watching him at this point. As he sits, he notices the stares and says that he was attempting to
summon a creature from the book for the benefit of everyone here. He goes on to say that
they all need to be ready for these types of things and that they would have all thanked him if it
had been successful.

Suddenly a vague form of something appears behind Dr. Lars near the railing along the deck.
Gasps erupt from those assembled as three oddly shaped tentacles reach towards Dr. Lars. A
scream erupts from Nobel breaking the quiet of the evening. Turning to see what the hubbub is
about the group and the Chinamen all see the ‘creature’.

Nobel continues to scream as Marie falls to the deck, limp. Chin develops a thousand-meter
stare while Wing pulls a knife and starts to attack his friends. Wang avoids Wing and launches
himself off the ship and into the water.

Dr. Lars manages to get his Thompson up as the tentacles reach him and fires two burst into the
creature. The first burst seems to strike the thing but the second go wide of their target. The
tentacles snake their way around Dr. Lar’s arms at both shoulders and one around his waist.
With a scream from Dr. Lars the creature pulls with its considerable strength, removing both of
his arms and ripping his torso from his legs and pelvis. Blood covers those near Dr. Lars as his
upper body is pulled to the thing and disappears, fading back into the nothingness of the

The Chinamen eventually knock their friend unconscious. Douglas picks up Marie and follows
Rosalin to her cabin with the young lady. Nobel continues to scream for several more minutes
as Dr. Lars’ blood runs down his face. Baxter tries to soothe Nobel to no avail. Eventually the
wail ceases and Nobel sits rocking in his chair, his arms wrapped tightly around himself. Ada
sees to the Chinamen while Mr. Chow looks on with utter disgust at such a poor display of
manners by Dr. Lars.

Coming Soon…..Peru

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