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11on 1 ·
Use Euclid'sdivi ion aJ&>t'>r i th m l() find the HCFc,r:
(i) 135 and225 (iQ 196 and38220 (ii i) 867 and 255

Solution I :
(i) 135and 225
Since 225 > 135, we apply the division lemmato 225 and 135 to
225 = 135 x 1 +90
Since rc m.<1ind<:r 90 ¢ 0. we apply tbc division lemma 10 I3Sand 90 10
135= 90 x I + 45
weconsiderthenewdivisor 90 andnew remainder 45, and apply the
divisio n lemma toobtain
90 = 2 x 45 + 0
Sincetheremainder is zero. the processstops. Since the di visor at this stageis 45,
Therefore, the HCF of 135and 225 Is 45.

(ii)196 and38220
Since38220 > 196, we apply thedivision lemma to 38220 and 196 to
38220: 196 X 195 + 0
Sincethe remainder is zero. the processstops. Since thedivisor at thisstageis 196, Therefore, HCFof
196 and38220 is 196.

Since867 > 255, we apply the division lemmato 867 and 255 to
867= 255 x 3 + 102
Sinceremoinder 102 f, O. we apply thedivision lemma to 255 and 102
to obtain
255: 102 X 2 + 51
weconsider thenewdi visor 102and new remainder 51, and apply the
division lemma toobtain
102= 51 • 2 + 0
Since the remainder is zero. the proces
Sincethe divisorat this stageis 51,
Therefore, HCFof 867 and 255 is 51.

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Quesiton 2:
Show that anypositive octct i nt eger is of the form, 6q + 1 or6q+ 3,or 6q + 5
, where q is some integer.

Solution 2:
Let a beanypositive integer and b =6. Then, by Eud id'.s algorih
t m., a= 6q + r forsome
integerq O. and r = 0, I , 2. 3, 4, 5 because O r< 6.
Therefore, a= 6qor 6Q + 1or6q+ 2or 6q+ 3 or 6q + 4o r 6q + 5
Also, 6q +1= 2 x 3q + 1= 2k1 + 1, where k1 is a positive integer
6q +3 =(6q + 2) +1 = 2 (3Q + 1) + 1 = 21<, + 1, where le,Isan

6q+ 5 = (6q + 4) + 1= 2 (3Q + 2) + 1 = 21<,+ 1, where ksisan tnreger

C learl y, 6q + 1, 6q + 3, 6q + 5 are of the form 2k + 1, where k isan intege.r Therefore6,q +

1, 6q + 3, 6q + s arenotexactly divisible by 2.
Hence. these expressionso f numbers are odd num bers.
And thereforea,nyodd integer canbe expressed in the form 6q + 1,
or 6q+ 5

Anarmycontingentof 616 members is to march behindanarmyband of 32members
in a parade. The two groups are tomarchin the same number of columns.What is
the maximum number ofcolumnsin whichtheycanmarch?

Solu tion 3:
HCF(616,32)will giw themaximum number of columns in which
theycan march.
We canuseEuclid's algorithmto find the HCf.
616: 32 X 19 +8
32= 8 x 4 + 0

- ..,, "'
TheHCF(616, 32) is 8.
Therefore,theycan march in8 columnseach.

Question <1:
Use Euclid'sdivisionlemmaco show that1he square of,mypositive integer
iseitherof form 3mor 3m + 1 for some integer m.
[Hint: Letxbeany posi ti ve integer thenit is of the form3q,3q + 1 or
3q + 2. Nowsquareeachof theseandshow that theycan be rewritten
in the form 3mor 3m + l. ]

L e t a beanypositive integerand b = 3. Thena = 3q + r for someinteger q 0
And r = O, I. 2 becauscO r < 3 Therefore.a = 3q or 3q + 1 or3q+ 2 Or,
a' =(3Q)2or(3q +1)2or(3q +2)2
a' = (9q2) or 9q1 + 6q+ l or 9q' +12q+ 4
= 3x (3q' ) or(3q' + 2q)+l or3(3q' + 4q +1)+l
= 3k1 or 3 k, +1 or 3k, + l
a'= (3q)' or (3q+1)1 or (3q+22)
a' =(9q2) or (9q2+ 6q+ l} or (9q2+12q+4)
=3 x(3q') or 3 x(3q'+2q) + l or 3 x (3q2+4q+l} + I
= 3k, or 31<;+1 or 3k, +l
Where ki. k,, andk, are some posi tive integers
H ence. itcanbe said lhat thesquare of anypositiveinteger is either of
the form3mor 3m+ l.
Use Euclid'sdivis ion lemma10 show thatthe c.ube o f any positi\fe
integer isof the form 9m, 9m + 1or9m + 8.

Solution 5:
Let abe any positiveinteger and b =3

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a =3q + r, 'Al1lereq o ando!: r < 3
:. a =3qor 3q+l or 3q+ 2
Therefore.every number can be represented as these three forms.
Thereare threecases.

Case1: When a= 3q,

a' =(3q)' = 27q' = 9(3q' ) =9 rn,
Where misaninteger such that m= 3

Case 2: When a = 3q + 1,
' =(3q +1}'
a'= 27q3 + 27q' + 9q + 1 a"= 9( 3q3 +3q2 +q) +1 a1 = 9m+ 1
Where rnIsan integer such thatrn= (3q3 + 3q2 + q)
Case 3: When a= 3q + 2,
(3q +2)'
a=' 27q3 + 54q' + 36q+ 8
a'= 9( 3q3 + 6(J2 + 4Q) + 8
a1 = 9m + 8
Where rnisan integer such = (3q3 + 6q2 + 4q)
Thereforeth. e cubeof any positive integerisof the form 9m, 9m+ 1,
or9m+ 8.

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Question 1:
Expressea<:hnumbreasproducrofitsprime factors:
( i) 140 (ii) 156 (iii) 3825 (iv) 5005 (v) 7429

(i) 140 = 2 x 2 >< 5 X 7 = 2 ' x 5 x 7
(iij 15 6 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 13 = 22 X 3 X 13
(iii) 3825= 3 X 3 X 5 X 5 X 17 = 32 X 52 X 17
SOOS= 5 ><7x 1 1 x 13 (V) 7429 = 1 7 X19 X 23

Question 2:
Find the LCM andHCFof the followingpairs of integersand verify that
LCM x HCF=product of the two number.s
(i) 26 and 91 (ii) 510 and 92 (iii) 336 and 54

26 and 91
26 = 2 x 13
91 = 7 X 13
H CF = 13
LCM = 2 X 7 X 13 =18 2
Product of the two numbers = 26 x 91 = 2366
HCF x LCM = 13 x 182 = 2366
,e product of two numbers= HCP X LCM

) 510 and 92
Sl 0 = 2 X 3 X S X1 7
92 = 2 X 2 X 23
HCF = 2
LCM = 2 X 2 X 3 X 5 X 17 X 23 = 2346 0
Product of the two numbers = 510 x 92 =-46920 HCF x LCM = 2 x 23460
Hen,ceproduct of two numbers= HCF x LCM
(ii i) 336 and 54
336= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
336 = 2• x 3x 7
- .,,, "
54=2X3X3X3 S4= 2x 3'
IICF= 2 x3 = 6
LCM = 2' x 3' x 7 = 3024
Productof me two numbers= 336 x 5 4 = 18144
HCF x LCM = 6 x 3024 = 18144
Hence. product of two numbers= HCF x LCM

Question 3:
Find the LCMandHCFof the followingintegersby applying theprime
(i) 12 ,15 and 21 (ii) 17,23 and 29 (ii i) 8,9 and 25

Solt1tion 3:
(i) 12 ,15 and 21
12 =22x 3
15= 3 x 5
21 = 3 X 7
HCF• 3
LCM =22x 3 X 5 X 7 =420
17.23 and 29
17 = 1 x l 7
23 = 1 x 23
29 = 1 x 29 HCF = I
LCM= 17 >< 23 x 29 = 11339

8, 9 and 2S 8 = 2 X 2 x 2
9= 3x3
2S = S x S
HCF= 1
M = 2 X Z X 2 X3 X 3 XS X5 = 1 0

Queslion 4 :
Given that HCF (306, 657) =9, findLCM (306, 657).
Solulion 4:

- .,,, "' •
HCF (306, 657) =9
We know that, LCM x HCF = Productof twonum
, : LCM X HCF = 306 X 657 LCM= 306x 657• 306x 657
LCM • 2233$

Check whehter 6" can endw ith the digit O for anynatural numbern.

I f any number endswith thedigit0, it should be divisible by10 or in other words, it
will also be divisibleby2 and 5 as 10 = 2 x 5 Primefactorisaitonof5n = (2 .x3)11
It can beobservoo that 5 is not in theprime factorisationof 6n.
Hence. forany valueof n, ff' will notbe divisible by 5.
Therefore,6' cannot end witll the digit O for any natural numbern.
Quesiton 6:
E,cplain why 7 x 11 x 13 + 13 and7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 + 5 are

Solution 6:
Numbers are o f two types· primeand oomposite. A prime numbercan bedividedby1
andonly itself, whereas acomposite number have facotrs other than1 alld itself.
It can beobservoo that
7 • 11 • 13 +13 =13 • (1 x 11+ U = • r 1 + U
: 13 X 78
: 13 •13 X 6
Thegivenexpresisonhas 6 and13 as its factor.sTherefore, it isa
composite number.
7x6xSx4x3x2x1 +5=SxQ x6x4 x3 x2xl+l}
= 5 x (l 008+ 1)
=5 •1009
1009 cannot be factorised further. Therefore, the givenexpressionhas
5 and1009 as i ts factor.sHence. it Is acomposi te number.

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Q UPStlOl17:
There is a circular path around a sports field.SOnia takes18minutes todrive one
round of the field, 'Nhile Ravi takes 12mjnutes for the same. Suppose theyboth
startat thesame pointandat thesame
time, and go inthesame direction. Afterhow manyminutes will they
meet again at thest,iningpoint?

Solution 7:
ILcanbeobserved that Ravi takeslesser timethan Sonia for
co leting1 roundof thecircular path. Astheyare going in the same direction, theywill meet
againat thesame timewhenRavi will have
completed1 roundof that circular path with respect to Soni.aAnd the total
timetakenforcompleting this 1 round of circular path will be the LCM of time taken by
Sonia andRavi for completing1 roundofcircular path respecti vely i.e., LCM of 18
minutes and 12 minutes.
18 = 2 X3 X3
And.12 = 2 X2 X3
LCM of 12 and 18 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3= 36
Therefore,Ravi and Sonia will meet together a1thestartingpoint after 36minutes.

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