Motor Start Up

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Motor Start-Up
Start-Up Calculations for Motors in Electrical Networks

Published by
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Digital Grid
Freyeslebenstraße 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany


The PSS SINCAL manuals can be divided into the following parts:

● the PSS SINCAL System Manual

● manuals for Electrical and Pipe Networks
● the Database Description
● the Automation Manual

The PSS SINCAL System Manual contains a general description for using the application.

The technical manuals for Electrical Networks contain detailed descriptions of the various
calculation methods for electrical networks - such as load flow, or short circuit calculations - and
their input data.

The technical manuals for Pipe Networks contain detailed descriptions of the various calculation
methods for pipe networks - water, gas and heating/cooling - and their input data.

The Database Description contains a complete description of the data models for electrical and
pipe networks.

The Automation manual contains the documentation of the automation functions for PSS SINCAL.


This manual and all the information and illustrations contained in it are copyrighted.

SIEMENS retains all rights, in particular the right to publish, translate, reprint, photocopy, make
microcopies or electronically store in a database.

Previously expressed written permission from SIEMENS is required for any reproduction or use
beyond the limits specified by copyright law.


Even though our manuals are thoroughly checked for errors, no liability can be taken for errors
found or any resulting problems or difficulties. Modifications are frequently made to the text and the
software as a part of our routine updates.

PSS® is a registered trademark of SIEMENS AG

Copyright SIEMENS AG 2019 All Rights Reserved
Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Motor Start-Up 7

1.1 Marginal Conditions for Load flow Calculations 8

2. Motor Start-Up Calculation Method 9

2.1 Processing Motor and Load Data 10

2.1.1 Defining the Heyland Circle 11
2.1.2 Torque Characteristics for the Load 13
2.1.3 Torque Characteristics for the Motor 13
2.1.4 Current Characteristics for the Motor 14
2.2 Determining Motor Power during Start-Up 15
2.3 Limiting Current at Start-Up 17

3. Simple Motor Start-Up Calculation Method 19

4. Examples 20

4.1 Example for Motor Start-Up 20

4.1.1 Presetting Calculation Settings 21
4.1.2 Creating Required Input Data 21
4.1.3 Starting the Calculations 23
4.1.4 Displaying and Evaluating the Results 23
4.2 Example for Simple Motor Start-Up 25

October 2019
Table of Contents

October 2019
Introduction to Motor Start-Up

1. Introduction to Motor Start-Up

PSS SINCAL Motor Start-Up is an effective tool for calculating the power requirements of motors
during starting up asynchronous machines while considering the voltage at the motor terminal.
Different kinds of network characteristic values (e.g. voltages at any nodes) can be determined
when the motor starts up.

PSS SINCAL Motor Start-Up is a combination of load flow calculations and the measurement of
motor power. Voltages from the load flow calculations are used to determine motor power.

This manual contains the following chapters:

● Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

● Simple Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

Motor Start-Up Procedure

To calculate motor start-up or create special data for the motor start-up calculations, the Motor
Start-Up Calculation Method must first be switched ON.

Simple Motor Start-Up

The following steps are necessary:

● Enter current limits in the motor start-up data for asynchronous machines

Motor Start-Up Calculations

The following steps are necessary:

● Define marginal conditions in the motor start-up calculation settings

● Enter the motor start-up data for asynchronous machines
● Define the number of diagrams in the basic data calculation settings
● Select nodes and/or elements used in creating the diagrams

Calculations for the Start-Up Procedure

The speed with which calculations of the start-up procedure can be made depends primarily on
four factors:

● Network size
● Number of controlled elements
● Calculation type
● Available storage capacity

Determining Current and Voltage Distribution in the Network from Load Flow

Since the motor power depends on the voltage at the motor terminal, load flow calculations must
be used at each time step to determine the current and voltage distribution in the network.

October 2019 7
Introduction to Motor Start-Up

Displaying the Networks for the Calculations

For a detailed description of how the networks are displayed for the calculations, see the chapter
Network Display in the Input Data Manual.

1.1 Marginal Conditions for Load flow Calculations

The marginal conditions are valid for all types of load flow procedures at Motor Start-Up and Simple
Motor Start-Up. They concern only active network elements. The following procedure is fixed for
these elements during the entire start-up procedure:


● Transformer control is deactivated.

● All transformers transfer energy at a fixed tap position based on their input data.


● Generator control is deactivated.

● All generators feed the network at a constant rate based on their input data.
● The increased load by the motor does not produce any change in voltage at the nodes of
generators with constant voltage (slack generator, PU generator).

Coils and Capacitors

● The controlling of coils and capacitors is switched OFF.

● All coils and capacitors take or deliver power based on the tap position set in the input data.

8 October 2019
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

2. Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

From a strictly electrical standpoint, starting up a motor is a dynamic procedure. An exact

simulation would, however, require much too much input data.

PSS SINCAL simplifies this procedure by calculating in homogenous time steps.

In PSS SINCAL, the motor start-up procedure is a time-loop involving:

● Load flow
● Motor power

The PSS SINCAL load flow procedure calculates currents and voltages in the network. The results
of individual load flows are prepared as a diagram so they can be easily understood and evaluated.

PSS SINCAL motor start-up calculations are used to obtain information on the following points:

● Whether the motor can start up against the load torque

● The voltage drop during start-up
● The motor’s operating point
● The start-up time
● The network load during start-up

The calculation method is limited to determining motor power and marginal conditions for the load
flow procedure.

October 2019 9
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

Motor Start-Up Calculation Procedures

Download all network data

Check characteristic curves and network data for completeness

Calculate load flow

Set speed and time in zero

Determine Heyland circle

Use speed from char. curves to determine

motor, load torque and motor current

Admit motor current and motor torque with voltage and saturation

Determine the difference in torque and change in speed

Determine electric and mechanical motor performances

Has switching current attained star/delta Yes

and is there still a star connection?

Increase speed and time

Calculate load flow

Are all motors No

already started

Calculate load flow

2.1 Processing Motor and Load Data

To determine the electrical characteristics of the motor, the following characteristics are needed:

● Load Torque
● Motor Torque
● Motor Current

10 October 2019
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

The following marginal conditions are needed:

● Motor rated power

● Kind of connection at rated power
● R/x ratio during start-up
● Mass moment of inertia
● Switch-on time
● The motor’s electrical connection motor (star/delta)
● Voltage at the motor terminal
● Switching current at the star/delta connection Iy/d

2.1.1 Defining the Heyland Circle

To define a circle, three points are needed in the complex layer. Both of the connection types
(star/delta) have the following two points based on the input data:

Current when Speed is Zero – Istart

● The angle of the current can be determined from the r/x ratio at start-up

Current with Synchronous Speed – Ino-load

● If the characteristic curve of the motor current has not been entered up to the synchronous
speed, PSS SINCAL calculates 25 percent of the rated current.
● The angle of the current can also be determined from the r/x ratio at start-up

Another point of the circle is the point In at rated power with rated power factor. All points are
unfortunately only valid for a single connection type.

The Heyland circle must always be defined separately for:

● Wye connections and

● Delta connections

Thus the circles are defined:

● By three points for the type of connection where the characteristic data were measured
● After an approximation procedure for the other type of connection

Defining the Circle with Three Points

Three points are used to precisely define the Heyland circle in the complex layer. I no-load, Istart and In
can be used to calculate the points of the arc of a circle between Ino-load and Istart.

October 2019 11
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method






Approximation Procedure with Two Points

Only the starting (Istart) and end node (In) of the circles are determined precisely. The following
approximation procedure is used to define a third point:

● Determine the center Mstraight of the straight lines through Ino-load and Istart
● Draw a straight line S1 normal to the above straight line through the point Mstraight
● Draw a straight line S2 through point Istart with a 90° angle – k against S1
● Use the intersecting point Mheyland of both straight lines S1 and S2 as center of the circle
● Determine the radius of the circle Rheyland from the distance between Mheyland and Istart

Mheyland and Rheyland can be used to calculate the points of the arc in a circle between I no-load and Istart.



Mstraight 90°-k
Ino-load Rheyland

Mheyland Iimag

Voltage-Dependent Behavior

The circular curve for the current in the complex layer is only valid when the voltage is constant.
Since all points of the circle at the rated voltage have been determined, both Heyland circles are
valid for wye and delta connections only at 100 percent voltage.

If the voltage is not constant, the currents must be admitted with the factor V/V n. This means that
the Heyland circle valid for each connection must be determined separately for each time step.

PSS SINCAL supports only simple motor operations. This means that all points of the circles must
be between Istart and Ino-load in the first quadrant of the complex layer.

12 October 2019
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

2.1.2 Torque Characteristics for the Load

The characteristic curve for load torque must be available for the motor’s entire speed range. The
load torque is treated separately from the network's electrical characteristics and attributes. The
load torque must always be smaller than the motor torque for the motor to attain the proper speed.

The mass moment of inertia of the load J load must be indicated along with the load's speed-torque

The following illustration shows a speed-torque curve for a ventilator.

Load torque

2.1.3 Torque Characteristics for the Motor

The characteristic curve for motor torque must be available for the entire speed range and the
specific motor connection. If the curve is only entered for one type of connection, then:

𝑀𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟 = × 𝑀𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎

𝑀𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 = 3 × 𝑀𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟

The mass moment of inertia of the motor Jm is indicated along with the motor torque.

The motor torque depends on the voltage at the motor terminal and the magnetic saturation. The
motor torque in the characteristic curve is valid in principle for rated voltage. So the motor torque is
recalculated at the same time with:

𝑀 = ( × 𝑓𝑠𝑎𝑡 )

October 2019 13
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

The following illustration shows a speed-torque curve for a motor.



2.1.4 Current Characteristics for the Motor

The characteristic curve for motor current must be available for the entire speed range and the
specific motor connection. If the curve is entered only for one type of connection, then:

𝐼𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟 = ×𝐼
3 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎

𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 = 3 × 𝐼𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟

The motor current depends on the voltage at the motor terminal and the magnetic saturation. The
current in the characteristic curve is valid in principle for rated voltage. So the current is
recalculated at the same time with:

𝐼= × 𝑓𝑠𝑎𝑡

The following illustration shows a current-speed curve for a motor.



14 October 2019
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

2.2 Determining Motor Power during Start-Up

PSS SINCAL calculates the start-up procedure from the motor and load data above and their
behavior from the voltage at the motor terminal.

First the starting load flow is calculated without motors that are starting up to define the voltage at
the motor terminal Vm for the switch-on time ton. At the switch-on time the speed of the motor nm is

The motor speed nm can be used to determine the present motor torque from the speed-torque
curve of the motor by interpolating for rated voltage. At the motor shaft, however, torque must be
admitted depending on the voltage and saturation.

𝑀𝑚 = 𝑓(𝑀𝑚 ) × ( × 𝑓𝑠𝑎𝑡 )
𝑛𝑚 𝑉𝑛

The motor speed nm and the current-speed curve of the motor can also be used to determine the
present motor current by interpolating for rated voltage. The current must, however, still be
admitted depending on the voltage and saturation.

𝐼𝑚 = 𝑓( 𝐼𝑚 ) × × 𝑓𝑠𝑎𝑡
𝑛𝑚 𝑉𝑛

The motor speed nm can be used to determine the current anti-torque from the speed-torque curve
of the load through interpolation.

𝑀𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 = 𝑓(𝑀𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 )

Thus the difference in torque is

𝑀𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = 𝑀𝑚 − 𝑀𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑

If the difference in torque is smaller than the required torque accuracy, the start-up procedure

The difference in torque and the total mass moment of inertia of the power unit data produce the
angle acceleration

𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 =
𝐽𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 + 𝐽𝑚

The angle acceleration and the time step produce an angular frequency or a speed change.

∆𝜔 = 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 × ∆𝑡

∆𝑛 = ∆𝜔 ×

October 2019 15
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

During start-up a maximum change in speed is defined for each motor and each time step. The
maximum change in speed gets smaller from time step to time step to allow PSS SINCAL to
precisely determine the operating point in the rapidly decreasing motor characteristic curves. The
maximum change in speed nmax is always five percent of the difference from the motor's
synchronous speed nsyn.

𝑛𝑠𝑦𝑛 − 𝑛𝑚
∆𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 =

If the maximum speed change is exceeded, the time must be thrown out and the calculations must
be repeated at a smaller time step. The new time step comes from the maximum change in speed.

2𝜋 1
∆𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑥 = ∆𝑛𝑚𝑎𝑥 × ×
60 𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒

The motor’s apparent power can be calculated from its current and voltage.

𝑆𝑚 = √3 × 𝐼𝑚 × 𝑉𝑚

The absolute value of the complex current can be used to determine the angle of the current with
the help of the Heyland circle. In the complex layer, the current indicator always starts at the origin
of the coordinates. The peak of the current indicator must be on the arc of a circle. The Heyland
circle always runs from the point Istart to Ino-load. Indicating this direction assures that the angle  of
the complex motor current Im is precisely defined.


Operating direction

Heyland circle




The motor's active and reactive power for the next time step are:

𝑃𝑚 = 𝑆𝑚 × cos 𝜑

𝑄𝑚 = 𝑆𝑚 × sin 𝜑

To check the motor data for validity, PSS SINCAL calculates the mechanical power at the motor
shaft and the active electric power supplied.

𝑃𝑚𝑒𝑐ℎ = 𝑀𝑚 × 𝑛𝑚 ×

The condition Pmech < Pm must always be fulfilled.

16 October 2019
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

If you want to calculate a wye-delta start-up and the motor is operating at a wye connection, you
need to check whether the present motor current Im is smaller than the changeover current Iy/d. If it
is, the circuitry must be changed from wye to delta and the motor current re-interpolated. The
motor's active and reactive power must also be recalculated.

After all the checks, the motor speed nm is increased by the speed n and the next time step is

2.3 Limiting Current at Start-Up

During start-up, current can be limited by assigning maximum current and/or using an

Maximum Current

Motor current entered with a characteristic curve can be limited by entering a maximum current, so
the motor torque will dip in the ratio maximum current to characteristic current.

Auto Transformer

During start-up, the motor can have an autotransformer that is switched to depend on time. The
autotransformer’s impedance and transmission ratios can be varied for five time periods.

Additional impedance means less voltage at the motor, so the motor torque dips as a square in the
ratio voltage to motor nominal voltage.

The impedance of the autotransformer is as follows:

𝑉𝑛𝑁 2 𝑣𝑠𝑐𝑖 ( + 𝑗)
𝑍𝑖 = ( ) × × 𝑋
𝑉𝑛𝑚𝑖 𝑆𝑛 × 100 2
√1 + (𝑅 )

Zi … Impedance in the current period

VnN … Nominal voltage for the network
Vnmi … Nominal voltage for the motor in the current period
vsci … Short circuit voltage in the current period
Sn … Apparent nominal power
R/X … Ratio R to X

Capacitor Unit

When a motor is accelerating, a capacitor unit can be switched ON parallel to it for a period of time.
The capacitor power can be varied for five time periods.

Due to the additional capacitive power at the motor’s connecting node, the reactive power required
by the motor cannot be supplied completely over the network and must be supplied directly to the
node. This reduces the loss in voltage at the motor node during start-up.

October 2019 17
Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

PSS SINCAL calculates the power of the capacitor units as follows:

𝑆𝑖 = 𝑆𝑠𝑐𝑖 × ( + 𝑗)

Si … Power – current time period

Ski … Capacitor apparent power – current time period
R/X … Ratio R to X

18 October 2019
Simple Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

3. Simple Motor Start-Up Calculation Method

This is a simplified form of start-up calculations to determine the maximum effects (drop in voltage,
equipment overload) of accelerating motors.

In this procedure, PSS SINCAL essentially performs only normal load flow calculations where
selected motors start up and all other motors in the network behave as impedance loads. Simple
motor start-up calculations generate normal load flow results. The current and voltage distribution
in the network let you analyze the effects of starting motors.

PSS SINCAL simplifies motor start-up motors by simulating R/X and Ia/In input data that already
exists in the asynchronous machine. For NEMA model motors PSS SINCAL calculates the data for
the motor start-up from values of the Parkian model. If the asynchronous machine has enhanced
data for motor start-up, these are considered as well.

October 2019 19

4. Examples

This chapter contains examples for the following procedures:

● Motor Start-Up
● Simple Motor Start-Up

4.1 Example for Motor Start-Up

Below is a simple example of how Motor Start-Up works. The following descriptions show:

● Presetting Calculation Settings

● Creating Required Input Data
● Starting the Calculations
● Displaying and Evaluating the Results

Basic Data

All descriptions are based on the following example network:

When you install PSS SINCAL, the program automatically provides a network ("Example MS"),
which can be used to check the simulation procedure.

20 October 2019

4.1.1 Presetting Calculation Settings

To call up the screen form for setting calculation settings, click Calculate – Settings in the menu.

The motor start-up procedure simulates the start-up of asynchronous machines in the network.
Calculations always begin at the Starting Time t = 0.000 seconds and automatically stop when all
starting motors have attained their operating points or when the maximum Motor Stopping Time is

Time Step sets the step size for motor start-up calculations. A typical value is 0.01 seconds.

The Result Time Step field is used to set the step width for storing the results. A normal value is
0.1 seconds. Be aware here that all calculated time steps are only stored if this was configured
accordingly in the Store Results selection field in the Load Flow tab. The default setting Due to
method only stores the last time step.

PSS SINCAL uses the field for Torque Accuracy as a criterion for aborting acceleration. If a
motor's absolute value for the difference between motor torque and load torque is less than torque
accuracy, this motor has reached its operating point and is accelerated.

Shedding During Startup controls the shedding during motor start-up calculations.

4.1.2 Creating Required Input Data

Basic Data

The motor start-up is carried out for the asynchronous machine in the network. The correct basic
data of the machine must be stored in order to perform a start-up. This can either be entered in the
form of conventional nominal data as well as standardized NEMA data. Detailed information on
entering Basic Data can be found in the Input Data Manual, chapter Asynchronous Machine,
section Motor Start-Up – Asynchronous Machine.

October 2019 21


Other additional data is required for the motor start-up. On the one hand, the load torque against
which the motor accelerates must be stored. On the other hand, the torque and the start-up current
of the machine must be defined. This is carried out in the Characteristics tab of the asynchronous

The Provide Missing Characteristics option uses the basic data of the asynchronous machine to
generate the calculation for the unspecified characteristics.

The Characteristics tab is used to specify different Characteristics for the behavior of the
asynchronous machine:

● Load Torque:
This characteristic curve assigns a load-torque curve when the motor starts up.
● Torque:
This characteristic curve defines motor torque.
● Start-Up Current:
This characteristic curve assigns the current flow of the motor during start-up.

The fields for Inertia, Starting Time Power Unit or Momentum Power Unit describe the
machine’s mechanical behavior depending on its mass and construction type.

Motor Start-Up

Extended information on the motor start-up can be stored in the Motor Start-Up tab of the
asynchronous machine.

22 October 2019

In motor start-up calculations, PSS SINCAL starts the motor at the Starting Time for Start-Up with
a speed of zero.

Use these input data to enter supplementary information for start-up calculations for motors.

● Current Wye to Delta:

A fall below this current causes changing of circuitry from wye to delta.
● Circuitry Start-Up:
Determines the type of circuit for start-ups.
● Circuitry Nominal Data:
Determines for which type of circuit the nominal data are present.

The Start Up Control field uses Maximum Current to define a current limit.

4.1.3 Starting the Calculations

Calculate – Motor Start-Up – Motor Start-Up in the menu starts the load development

4.1.4 Displaying and Evaluating the Results

PSS SINCAL provides the results of motor start-up:

● In the network diagram

● As a diagram

October 2019 23

Results in the Network Diagram

The motor start-up calculation can store start-up results for a selectable time step in the database.

Use the dialog box for Show Input Data and Results to display the results for individual
calculation times.

Results as a Diagram

Results can also be generated as a diagram. To view these, click View – Diagram View in the

The diagrams are available under the Motor Start-Up in the diagram browser. A differentiation is
made between freely definable result diagrams and automatically generated diagrams for input

24 October 2019

In the course of the motor start-up calculations, different kinds of result values (data series) for
asynchronous machines and nodes are prepared. These can be grouped individually on a diagram
page. Select Results in the browser and select Customize Diagram Page in the pop-up menu.
For a detailed description, see the chapter on Customize Results Diagram Pages in the System

4.2 Example for Simple Motor Start-Up

For simple motor start-up, first select all as "starting" considered asynchronous machines. Then
start the simple motor start-up with the pop-up menu.

The example below shows a section of an industrial network with asynchronous machines. The
effects of starting up the asynchronous machines AY6 and AY5 are to be investigated.

The illustration below shows the normal load flow results.

Open the pop-up menu for the two asynchronous machines selected and start simple motor start-

October 2019 25

At the end of simple start-up calculations PSS SINCAL provides the following results in the

The illustration shows that performance values for asynchronous machines AY6 and AY5 are far
higher than under normal load flow conditions. The maximum voltage drop caused by motor start-
up can be seen at the nodes.

26 October 2019

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