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Use of thermal imaging technology for locomotive

maintenance in Sri Lanka Railways
K.A.B.Pathirathna, R.M.D.M.Rathnayake, W.H.G.D. Fernando

Abstract: Predictive maintenance is one of most important maintenance type which can be use
for locomotive maintenance activities. Proper predictive maintenance activities are the best way to
reduce locomotive failures and train delays due to technical reasons. Thermal imaging technology,
Non Destructive Testing (NDT), Vibration analysis and Oil analysis are well known predictive
maintenance activities and currently Sri Lanka railways uses above technologies for maintenance
activities in considerable level. From the beginning of 2016 the thermal imagining technology was
introduced as a pilot project to one of the locomotive shed. During the first 12 months of period
several types of possible applications of thermal imaging technology were found which are
appropriate for the locomotive maintenance activities. From this paper the applications of the thermal
imaging technology which can be used for locomotive maintenance are listed and described.

Keywords: Predictive maintenance, Locomotive maintenance, Thermal imaging technology

1. Introduction Thermal imaging technology, Non destructive

testing (NDT), Vibration analysis and Oil
Predictive maintenance is one of most analysis are well known predictive
important maintenance type which can be used maintenance practices which is currently
for locomotive maintenance activities. Proper perform in the SLR in very primitive level.
predictive maintenance activities are the best From the beginning of 2016 the thermal
way to reduce locomotive failures and train imagining technology was introduced as a pilot
delays due to technical reasons. Currently Sri project to one of the locomotive shed. During
Lanka Railways (SLR) has 83 numbers of the first 12 months of period several types of
locomotives and out of them the daily possible applications of thermal imaging
availability is around 68 in 2017. Daily technology were found which are appropriate
availability can be described as the number of for the locomotive maintenance activities. By
running condition locomotives belongs to SLR introducing thermal imaging technology it was
during the considered day. The rest of expected to increase the reliability of the
locomotives other than availability locomotives locomotives and hence increase the daily
are stopped from the train service due to the availability of locomotives. Following are the
various reasons such as heavy periodical key innovations found in the first twelve
repairs, medium periodical repairs and light months period of thermal imaging technology
repairs. Maintaining the locomotive availability which are appropriate for locomotive
in highest position is the main target of SLR maintenance activities.
and it is one of the key performances parameter
in the organization. In order to keep the 2. Thermal imaging technology
availability in the highest value the number of
locomotives stopped from the train service Thermal imaging technology needs special type
should be minimized. The proper maintenance of camera which can detect the emitting heat
practices are the best way to increase the wave from the objects. The emitting heat wave
locomotive availability. In the SLR there are is situated in the infrared (IR) range of the
several types of maintenance practices and they electromagnetic spectrum [1]. The camera can
are periodical maintenance, preventive detect the IR range and it can convert the
maintenance and predictive maintenance. SLR detected wave to a human visible range and
has been practicing periodical and preventive Eng. K.A.B.Pathirathna, C. Eng., MIE(SL), AMIMechE,
maintenance during last 150 years for B.Sc.(Eng), M.Sc., Engineer (Motive Power), Sri Lanka
locomotive including steam locomotives and Railways.
Eng. R.M.D.M.Rathnayake, C. Eng., MIE(SL),
diesel locomotives. Predictive maintenance is
B.Sc.(Eng), Mechanical Engineer, Sri Lanka Railways.
not much popular in SLR and it is practicing in W.H.G.D. Fernando, NDES, Supervisory Manager, Sri
considerable low level in the organization. Lanka Railways.

delivers it from the inbuilt digital display. The 3. Premature axle bearing defects
output image is not a true color image and it
has some distortion in it. Highest temperature Premature defected in the axel bearing can be
areas are normally in yellowish color while identified from the thermal imaging
lowest temperature areas in bluish color technology. Roller type bearings are being used
(Figure 1). Technology of thermal imaging can for the locomotive axle application. Axle
be customized according to the requirement of bearings are subjected to undergo preventive
the observer such as changing the temperature maintenance practice during the shed attention.
spam and the sensitivity. By doing so the Periodically re-greasing and inspection are
resultant output image can be clearly shows the being done during the maintenance. Although
different temperatures in different colors. For there is a given time period which is
example if the interested area have narrow recommended by the bearing manufacture
temperature variation in the object the observer sometimes the quality of the grease changes
can narrow the temperature spam by fix the prematurely and led to a defect in the bearing.
upper level and lower level temperature limits. This scenario can be called as contamination.
Then only the temperature in between the fixed There are some more reasons for the premature
limit can be detected by the camera. The camera bearing defect such as bad maintenance
has a inbuilt image capturing facility and the practice, excessive train load, water and particle
image can store inside the camera memory. The contamination. Due to the defect in the bearing
image later can analyze from the computer. The the friction between the axle and bearing
image format is IS2 and the each and every reduces and led to the heat increase in the area.
pixel of the image can be analyzed from the The generated heat can be easily identify from
computer by the given software. The every the thermal imagine camera and the defective
pixel of the image gives the temperature of that bearing can be identified and directed for the
specific point which is finally deliver high workshop attention.
accuracy temperature analyze which is very
much beneficiary for researches. Thermography
is another name for the thermal imaging

Figure 2 – Thermography of Axle box and the

bearing housing

4. Suspension bearing conditions

Suspension bearing use for suspend the traction

motor to the axel of the locomotive. This
bearing is a journal type of bearing and in
between the bearing and axle small layer of oil
is acting as oil film layer. This oil film layer is
being developed when the axle rotates and the
oil is being supplied from the oil reservoir
which is situated near the suspension bearing.
The oil is transferred through an oil wick. The
most common defects occur to the suspension
bearings due to the insufficient oil level,
inferior quality and length of the wick and
Figure 1 – Normal image(top) and deviation of the gap between journal and the
thermography image (bottom) bearing surface from the standard value. Oil

level of the reservoir is being monitored before Cooling system and Fuel systems of modern
every train journey and sometimes defects in diesel engines are very complex. It consists of
the felt (Seal) between bearing and the axle is number of pressure and temperature sensing
led to the insufficient oil level. valves. By Thermal imaging technology
Due to the insufficient oil level the film layer temperatures of each line segments can be
development is not functioning and led to a dry monitored while machine is in operation.
bearing action in between the two surfaces. Dry Hence malfunctioned Valve or component can
bearing action is damaging both the surface of be detected very effectively.
the bearing and the journal. Damage to the
journal is very much critical because sometimes 6. Compressor inspection
the axle cannot be recovers and have to replace
it. Inferior quality of the wick is also affected
All the locomotives are equipped with a
for the dry bearing action. Deviation of the gap
compressor since the compressed air essential
between journal and the bearing surface is
for its operations. Piston type and screw type
mostly happening in the newly added
compressors are used for the locomotive
suspension bearings and it is highly affected for
application and they are driven by directly
the oil film layer thickness which is
from the diesel engine or a DC electrical motor.
consequently led to the poor bearing effect. As
From the thermal imaging technology some
a result of all the defects discussed above are
defects of piston type compressors can be
increasing the friction between the journals and
traced. For the piston type compressors most of
bearing increase and led to the heat increase in
the defects are resulted overheating of the unit.
the area. The generated heat can be easily
The excessive overheating happens due to the
identified from the thermal imaging
internal defects of the unit. Internal damages,
poor cooling and change of the properties of the
lubrication oil are some root cause for the
5. Diesel engine inspection overheating. Piston, piston ring, connecting
rod, discharge valve and gasket damage
Locomotive diesel engines typically run happen when they expose to a thermal stress
continuously for long hours. Most of the for a considerable time period. Therefore
engines are out of the maintenance facility due thermal imaging technology can be used for
to service requirements. To ensure the identify the overheating of compressors in early
maximum service life predictive maintenance is stages and avoid major repairs.
very essential work. Thermal Imaging can be
performed while engine is in running
condition. When something abnormal happens
it’s very hard to trigger which part of the
engine is not performing to its desired function.
Mainly inside the diesel engine cylinder it is
very difficult to monitor the operation. But
using Thermal imaging misfiring injectors can
be detected by low heat dissipation. Also
cylinder head cracks, Piston cracks and other
cylinder liner leakages can be identified using
diversion of heat zones comparing with
normally operated cylinders.
Manifold & Turbocharger Leakages can be
detected very quickly by using thermal Figure 3 – Compressor head
imaging. Locomotive engine room is very
compact and warm due to high heat 7. Weak thermal insulation
conductivity and radiation. If the manifold or detection
turbocharger sealing or fasteners are loosen,
thermal image shows that high temperature
Inside a locomotive generated heat must be
area very accurately. Also hairline cracks and
limited because of the protection of people and
internal cracks can be found before further
components inside it. There are several heat
development or failure .Also bearing failures of
controlling methods inside a locomotive such
the turbochargers can be identify using thermal
as air cooling, water cooling and thermal
imaging technology.
insulations. Thermal insulations are highly

used for controlling heat from diesel engine sludge forms internal surfaces of pipe lines.
which is inside the locomotive. All the exhaust Those internal scale and sludge formation is led
manifold of the diesel engine, exhaust lines to to a flow limitation or termination which
turbo chargers and exhaust chimney are cannot be traced from outside inspection. Due
covered by special types of heat insulating to the limitation of the fluid flow cross the pipe
materials. Most of the locomotive operating line between the stagnation point the
cabs are also protected from heat by using temperature gradient is very much higher than
thermal insulation material for avoiding the other points of the pipe line. Therefore by
thermal stress to the operators. The thermal means of the thermal imaging camera the
insulating materials getting decay with the time stagnation point can be traced from the outside
and they must be replaced periodically. of the pipe line.
Sometimes the decaying happing before the
given time period due to the excessive heat and 10. Fuse, contactors, resistors,
the weakness of the insulation cannot be trace
relays and loosen electrical
by visual inspection. Weak insulation areas
always emit radiation more than that of good wires
insulating areas which can traced by means of
the thermal imaging technology. The Fuse, contactors, resistors and relays are
thermography images show the areas which are commonly available in side of the locomotives.
having weak insulations. All of the components are working with
electricity and electrical current is traveling
through them. Due to the internal resistance of
8. Dynamic grid resister
the above components heat generates. The
element inspection emitting heat from the comportments are
deferent from the each other and it depends on
Apart from the mechanical brake system a the status of the locomotive also. As example
locomotive equipped with the electrical brake traction motor contactors are emitting different
system. All the traction motors of the level of heat energy for different notches of the
locomotive are converted to generators when it locomotive.
operating the electrical brake system. Dynamic
brake system is another name for the electrical
brake system. The generated energy from the
electrical brake system is then send to a resister
bank and destroys the energy as heat energy to
the environment. The resister bank acting as a
load to the generators and continuously draw
the generated current and consequently led the
generator rotors to slow down. During the
electrical brake application the resistor bank
gets heated due to the excessive current and
there is separate blower system for control the
temperature of the resister bank. The generated
heat can be easily identify from the thermal
imaging technology and detect the defective Figure 4 – Thermography of relays
resistor elements from it.
The heat energy emitting by the components
9. Water, air, fuel and oil pipe line are easily observed from the thermal imaging
camera. The defective and blown fuse can be
traced from the colour of the thermal image
since blown fuse does not pass the current. The
In a working locomotive the water, air, fuel and defective contactors can be also traced by the
oil lines are always having temperature above thermal camera. Most of the cases the contactor
the atmosphere temperature. The movement of surfaces are not touch each other and limiting
the above fluids inside the pipes or tubes can be the current through it. Therefore the heat
considered as uniform flow since the flow rate generated from the contactor surface can be
and the pipe diameters are small. All the above observed and identify the defective unit. The
mentioned fluids are undergone some sort of internally damage relays and resistors can be
filtration unit for removing sediment or traced from the same principle. Loosen wire of
contamination, but sometimes scales and oily

a circuit is also limiting the current through it
and it can be traced by means of a thermal
imaging camera.

11. Advantages of thermal imaging


 Diagnose the defects in working condition

of the components

 Multi point temperature measurement at

single shoot

 Image can be captured and analyze later

 Decision can be taken in the field directly

13. Conclusion

This paper is summarized about the possible

application of thermal imaging technology
which is suitable for maintenance of
locomotives. Since the considered time is only a
one year the findings are limited and the
temperature values cannot be deliver from this
paper. There will be more applications to be
explored in future and need more research to
find the exact temperature values of the

1. Thermal imaging cameras for Research and
Development, FLIR


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