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buried treasure

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................... 1
The Water Cycle
‘Round and ‘Round it Goes! .... 5
To educators
How Groundwater Moves Cool, clear water is a precious and you can help them connect new concepts
Porosity and Permeability ........ 7 vulnerable resource. In Wisconsin, more with what they already know. We encour-
Well, Well, Well........................ 9 than 70 percent of us depend on ground- age you to adapt the activities to meet
Wisconsin’s Major Aquifers ... 12 water for drinking. Agriculture—and thus your students’ needs. You are welcome to
A Plume of Contamination..... 14 our food supply—depends on it. Industry reproduce any part of this guide for distri-
depends on it. Yet, until recently, most bution to students and other educators.
Household Water
people rarely thought about this buried
Where Does it Come From,
treasure. Today we’re becoming more
Where Does it Go? ................. 16
aware of groundwater, mainly because of
How Septic Systems Work ..... 18
increasing reports of contamination. The groundwater activities in this
Caution: This Product
guide are written for 6th to 9th
May Be Hazardous This study guide is designed to help
grade students; however, many of
to Your Health! ....................... 20 you and your students begin thinking
the activities are suitable for older
Part 1: Reading about groundwater — where it comes
or younger students. You will find
Product Labels .................... 20 from, why it’s important, and how it can
a list of relevant DPI Wisconsin
Part 2: Home be conserved and protected. The guide
Model Academic Standards at the
Chemical Search ................. 21 includes a brief overview of groundwa-
beginning of each activity: Letters
ter, a glossary, suggested activities, and
Resource Protection, identify the appropriate subject
a list of related Wisconsin Department
Value and Conflict or subjects (SC = science, EE =
of Public Instruction (DPI) Wisconsin
It’ll Go With the Flow ............ 22 environmental education, SS =
Model Academic Standards (WMASs)
What if Water Cost social studies, HE=health educa-
for science, environmental education,
as Much as Gasoline? ............. 24 tion, M=Math).
health education, social studies and math.
Rights or Fights ...................... 25 As you begin to use the activities in
The guide is designed to stand alone, yet
Trouble in Paradise................. 27 the publication, you should apply
complements a Wisconsin Department
More Groundwater Activity Ideas 30 of Natural Resources publication titled all safety guidelines and protocols
Groundwater: Wisconsin’s Buried Trea- you typically use in your classroom
Publications ................................ 31 to each activity. The Department of
sure (PUBL-DG-055 2006) included with
Selected DPI Wisconsin Model the Groundwater Study Guide packet. Natural Resources views science
Academic Standards ................... 32 classroom safety as fundamen-
Talk with your students before begin-
tally important to any laboratory
ning your lessons to learn what they
science and feels strongly that the
already know and think about ground-
© 2006 science teacher is the safety expert.
Wisconsin water. What is groundwater? Where does
Department The science teacher will provide
of Natural it come from? Why is it important? How
Resources all needed safety guidelines for
can it become contaminated? How can
each activity.
we protect it? By learning your students’
PUB-DG-076 2006 thoughts and opinions about groundwater,
Wisconsin’s Buried Where is it Found? Why is it Important?
Treasure Contrary to popular myths, groundwater Water has helped shape Wisconsin’s
Picture all the water in lakes and streams doesn’t flow in mysterious underground geography, history and industry. More
in the United States. Now, try to imagine rivers nor is it stored in underground than 70 percent of Wisconsin’s homes use
20 times that much water hidden under- lakes. Most groundwater is found in aqui- groundwater. An average family of four
ground, filling cracks and pores in the fers—underground layers of porous rock uses 220 gallons of water/day. Over 200
earth. That’s 30–60 quadrillion gallons and soil that are saturated with water (like million gallons per day is withdrawn for
of water within ½ mile of the earth’s a sponge). Four major aquifers underlie use in our homes. Nearly 300 million gal-
surface! However, this vast supply of most of our state, but the amount and lons/day is used for irrigation and other
groundwater isn’t evenly distributed. quality of water they contain is variable. agricultural activities. Wisconsin indus-
Some areas have ample supplies of usable tries like cheese making, beer brewing
The composition of soil—clay, loam,
groundwater, other areas have little. and paper manufacturing all require lots
silt, sand or rock—generally determines
of water. All together, we use over 800
Wisconsin is water-rich. In fact, our the amount of groundwater and the depth
million gallons of groundwater in Wis-
state’s name comes from the Chippewa at which it is found in a given area.
consin each day (Water Use in Wisconsin,
word “Wees-kan-san” which means Coarse materials such as sand and gravel,
2000, U. S. Geological Survey Open File
“gathering of waters.” You’re probably which have large spaces between grains,
Report 02-356).
aware of the large amounts of water allow for excellent storage and movement
in our lakes and rivers, but did you of water. On the other hand, fine-grained Groundwater is also valuable as a
know that 1.2 quadrillion gallons of materials such as clay or shale restrict source of water for our lakes, rivers,
water—enough to cover the entire state water movement. wetlands and springs. It provides the
to a depth of over 100 feet—lie hidden baseflow for most streams and rivers and
Like surface water, groundwater flows
underground? is the primary source of water for most
from higher to lower elevations, moving
lakes and wetlands. So it’s important to
through connected spaces in soil material.
wildlife and to recreation such as fishing,
But, unlike water in rivers and streams,
What is Groundwater? groundwater moves slowly—from a few boating and swimming.
Groundwater originates as rain or snow. inches to a few feet per day. Variation in
As precipitation falls on the earth’s sur- rainfall and pumping from wells can af-
face, some evaporates, some runs off over fect the rate and direction of groundwater
land into lakes and streams and some flow.
soaks into the ground. A portion of water
that enters the soil is taken up and used
by plants. (A large, leafy tree can take up
a ton of water in a day!) The rest perco-
lates deeper into the earth.
Not all water found in the ground Zone
is groundwater. “Groundwater” refers
specifically to water that is held in the
saturated zone below the water table.
Rock and soil material store water in
voids or pore spaces, much like a sponge.
Imagine two sponges, stacked one on
top of the other. The bottom sponge has
been soaked in water. It represents the
“saturated zone”—all of its pore spaces
are filled with water. The top sponge
has been wetted, but the water has been Water Table
squeezed out. This sponge represents the
“unsaturated zone”—some of the spaces
are filled with water, some are filled with Saturated
air. The boundary between the two zones Zone
represents the “water table.” The water in
the saturated sponge represents ground-

How Does Groundwater students how
activities going
Become Contaminated? on locally can HazardousWaste
Groundwater is never a pure combination affect ground-
of hydrogen and oxygen atoms (H20). As water quantity or
water soaks into the ground, it dissolves quality.
minerals and gases from the rock material ❖ If your school
it encounters. “Natural” groundwater has its own well,
contains many dissolved minerals and consider the
gases that may give it a particular taste, recommenda-
odor or color. Typical concentrations of tions for protect-
most naturally-occurring contaminants ing that well
pose no health risk. contained in a Road Salt
Percolating groundwater can also letter to schools
carry human-made pollutants. Con- at dnr.wi.gov/org/
tamination can be serious if groundwater water/dwg/gw/whp/
contains substances (natural or human- whpschools.pdf.
made) that pose a health threat—bacteria, ❖ If your school
viruses, nitrate, metals such as mercury
or lead, pesticides and other synthetic or-
gets water from a Leaking
municipal water Storage
ganic compounds. Carelessness and lack utility, ask the
of understanding can lead to groundwater water utility if it Tank
contamination from a variety of sources has completed
including: a wellhead
❖ leaking underground petroleum pipes protection plan to
and tanks protect its well or
wells from con-
❖ use and storage of road salt
tamination. For
❖ improper use, disposal and storage of more informa-
hazardous materials tion on wellhead
❖ improper disposal of solid waste protection, go to
❖ practices such as over-application of dwg/gw/wellhead.htm. ❖ If your students have private wells,
fertilizers and pesticides ask them to check to see if there
❖ Consider installing a rain garden on are potential contaminant sources
❖ improper management of animal school property to promote recharge
wastes near their well and whether the well
to groundwater. Check out the fol- is tested annually for bacteria and
Since groundwater flow is generally slow, lowing links for more information: nitrate levels. For more information,
pollution may take decades to show up clean-water.uwex.edu/pubs/raingarden and
visit dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/wells.htm.
in a well, lake or stream. Removal of dnr.wi.gov/org/water/wm/nps/rg/index.htm.
contaminants is expensive and difficult ❖ Work with your students to identify
❖ Consider becoming a “Green and ways to share information with their
(if not impossible), so prevention of Healthy School”. Learn about it at
contamination is the key to maintaining parents or the community about the
groundwater quality. importance of groundwater protec-
❖ Work with your students to iden- tion and water conservation at home
tify ways to reduce the amount of and in the community. Consider
How Can You Help? materials going to landfills so that becoming a Groundwater Guardian
fewer landfills are needed. If your community. Go to groundwater.org for
By doing one or more of the exercises in more information.
county has a Clean Sweep program,
this Study Guide, you and your stu-
encourage students and their families For additional ideas on protecting
dents will gain a better understanding of
to take advantage of this opportunity groundwater, see Groundwater:Wiscon-
groundwater principles and the impor-
to recycle hazardous chemicals. Visit sin’s Buried Treasure and Better Homes
tance of protecting our “Buried Treasure.”
the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Groundwater included with the
In addition, here are some other ideas for
and Consumer Protection Clean Groundwater Study Guide packet.
you and your students:
Sweep website at datcp.state.wi.us/arm/
❖ Follow local groundwater issues so agriculture/pest-fert/pesticides/clean-sweep/ We should all treat water as if our lives
you’re aware of what the concerns index.jsp for more information. depend on it—they do!
are in your area. Consider with your

Buried Treasure
Wisconsin’s groundwater would cover the state’s 36 million
acres to a depth of 105 feet

More than 70% of us drink groundwater in our homes

There are more than 800,000 private or municipal wells in Wis-


Wisconsin uses over 800 million gallons of groundwater each


25% of Wisconsin’s groundwater is used in our homes for bath-

ing, cooking, etc.

20% of Wisconsin’s groundwater is used by industry

Groundwater discharges to lakes, rivers, wetlands and springs

Aquifer: A rock or soil layer capable of Infiltration: The movement of water into Constructed in a way that reduces hazards
storing, transmitting and yielding water and through soil. to health and safety.
to wells. Leachate: A liquid formed by water per- Spring: A natural discharge of water at
Artesian: A condition referring to ground- colating through soluble waste material. the ground’s surface.
water that is under enough pressure Leachate from a landfill has a high con- Static water level: The elevation above
to rise above the aquifer containing it. tent of organic substances and dissolved sea level of the surface of water in
Sometimes artesian wells will flow at the minerals. monitoring wells. Used to determine the
surface. Limestone: A sedimentary rock consist- direction of groundwater flow.
Baseflow: That part of stream discharge ing chiefly of the mineral calcite (calcium Transpiration: The release of water vapor
from groundwater seeping into the carbonate). and waste products through the pores
stream. Permeability: The capacity of soil or rock (stomata) of plants.
Dolomite: Calcium magnesium carbon- to transmit a fluid, usually water. Water cycle (or hydrologic cycle): The
ate, a common rock-forming mineral. pH: From the phrase p(otential) of complete cycle of phases through which
Many rocks in Wisconsin generally H(ydrogen), pH is a measure of acidity water passes from the atmosphere to the
referred to as limestone are actually or alkalinity. As a solution becomes more earth and back to the atmosphere.
dolomite. acidic, its pH decreases; as it becomes Water table: The level below which the
Evaporation: The process by which water less acidic its pH increases. A solution soil or rock is saturated with water. The
is changed from a liquid or solid into a with a pH of 7 is considered neutral; a pH upper surface of the saturated zone.
vapor. less than 7 is acidic and a pH greater than
7 is considered alkaline. Well: A vertical excavation that taps an
Groundwater: Water beneath the surface underground formation; in Wisconsin,
of the ground in a saturated zone. Porosity: The amount of open space in a usually to obtain a source of water, to
rock or soil sample, normally expressed monitor the quality of groundwater or to
Hazardous waste: Waste that causes
as the percentage of the total rock or soil determine the elevation of the water table.
special problems for living organisms or
the environment because it is poisonous, Note: Words or phrases italicized in the
explosive, dissolves flesh or metal, ignites Sanitary landfill: A specially engineered exercises are defined in the glossary.
easily (with or without a flame) or carries site for disposing solid waste on land.

The Water Cycle
‘Round and ‘Round it Goes!
Learning Objectives: Students will: Movement

(1) identify where water is found in our

environment, (2) explain the steps of the Precipitation
water cycle and how water moves from
one location to another, (3) define the
components of the water cycle and (4)
describe how human activities can affect The Water
water quality as it passes through the Cycle
water cycle.
Subjects: Environmental Education,
Health Education and Science
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards Groundwater &
(WMASs): EE: B.8.10, B.8.15, B.8.18 Surface Flow

HE: A.8.2
SC: A.8.6, E.8.1, H.8.3
Grades: 6–9
Materials: off over land and into lakes and streams water table. Water continues to move
or may soak into the ground. Some of underground from areas of high elevation
❖ Groundwater and Land Use in the the water that soaks into the ground stays toward lowland areas. This movement is
Water Cycle poster in the unsaturated zone. This zone is the generally slow, from a few feet per day to
❖ ’Round and ’Round it Goes! rock or soil layer in which some of the a few feet per year. Wherever the water
activity sheets spaces between particles are filled with table meets the land surface a spring may
air and some are filled with water. Some form or groundwater may seep into to
❖ Dictionary of the water in the unsaturated zone is a lake, stream, wetland or ocean. Once
Background: Water is our most recycled taken up by plant roots and returned to above ground, the water can evaporate
resource. Consider, for example, that the the atmosphere by transpiration. and return to the atmosphere, and the
water you bathed in this morning may water cycle begins again.
The rest of the water is pulled deeper
have contained the same molecules of into the ground by gravity, filling all Human activities may affect the qual-
water that washed over a South Pa- the cracks and spaces in the underlying ity of water at any point in the cycle. Air
cific coral reef a million years ago! The layers of soil, gravel and rock. Water in pollution can change the chemical com-
amount of water on Earth is basically the saturated zone is called groundwa- position of rain and snow. Runoff from
constant, but the distribution of water ter. The top of the saturated zone is the rainfall and snow melt can pick up soil,
changes over time and space due to a
dynamic process called the water cycle
or hydrologic cycle. The water cycle is
powered by solar energy and gravity.
Warmth from the sun causes evapora-
tion of water from lakes, streams and
soils. Solar energy also drives a process
called transpiration—the release and
evaporation of water from tiny pores
in the leaves of plants. Evaporated and
transpired water vapor is stored in the at-
mosphere until it condenses and is pulled
by gravity back to earth as rain, sleet,
snow, hail, dew or frost.
Up to 80 percent of this precipitated
water is returned directly to the atmo-
sphere by evaporation. The rest may run

excess plant nutrients, pesticides, animal moss and then a layer of soil. Small
wastes, and municipal and industrial pol- Going Beyond: houseplants such as violets and
lutants as it flows over land and into lakes 1. Your students can learn about the ferns can be planted in the terrarium.
and streams. water cycle online at: dnr.wi.gov/ Water your terrarium lightly and
Contaminated runoff can also soak eek/earth/groundwater/watercycle.htm or cover it with a piece of glass, leaving
into the ground and pollute groundwater. ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.htm. approximately ½ inch uncovered for
Water percolating through soil and rock air movement. Keep the terrarium
2. Design and construct a graphic or in your classroom and watch what
may pick up natural minerals or other mural of the water cycle for your
contaminants. Knowledge of the water happens over the next week. The
community. Include the community’s plants will take moisture from the
cycle can help us understand how water water system and local human im-
becomes polluted and how pollution can soil and release (transpire) it from
pacts on the water cycle. their leaves. Water molecules will
be prevented (see Groundwater: Wiscon-
3. Create a mini-water cycle for your condense on the glass and “rain”
sin’s Groundwater for more information).
classroom. In an aquarium (ter- back onto the soil.
rarium) or wide-mouth glass jar, 4. Research how long it might take a
Procedure: put a one-inch layer of gravel for drop of water to pass through the
drainage. Next, add a layer of peat entire water cycle.
1. Distribute copies of the poster. Dis-
cuss the background information.
Adapted from: Groundwater Study
2. Working in small groups, complete Guide, 1984, Wisconsin Department of
the activity sheets. Use the “Water Natural Resources, Bureau of Informa-
Cycle” poster as a reference. tion and Education (out of print).

The glass of water you’re about to drink
Deserves a second thought, I think
For Avogadro, oceans and those you follow
Are all involved in every swallow.
The molecules of water in a single glass
In number, at least five times, outclass
The glasses of water in stream and sea,
Or wherever else that water can be.
The water in you is between and betwixt,
And having traversed is thoroughly mixed,
So someone quenching a future thirst
Could easily drink what you drank first!
The water you are about to taste
No doubt represents a bit of waste
From prehistoric beast and bird—
A notion you may find absurd.
The fountain spraying in the park
Could well spout bits of Joan of Arc,
or Adam, Eve, and all their kin;
You’d be surprised where your drink has
Just think! The water you cannot retain
Will some day hence return as rain,
Or be held as the purest dew.
Though long ago it passed through you!
Verne N. Rockcastle

How Groundwater Moves

Porosity and Permeability

Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) ❖ 4 sheets of round filter paper An aquifer is a rock or soil formation
predict which soil materials are more that can both store and transmit a signifi-
❖ glass marking crayon
porous and permeable, (2) measure and cant amount of water. A well drilled in
compare the porosity and permeability * These materials must be very dry. Spread a sand aquifer is likely to yield a lot of
of different soil materials to test their hy- soil materials on a cookie sheet and dry water; a well drilled in clay will probably
pothesis, (3) calculate porosity of gravel, in oven at 250–275° F. Break up clay and yield little.
sand, and clay, (4) create bar graphs of potting soil after drying so that no clumps
the experimental results and (5) interpret remain.
and discuss the results.
Background: Just how solid is “solid
Subjects: Science and Math ground?” The material beneath our feet is A) Predicting porosity and permeability.
rarely solid. Soil is made up of particles 1. Examine the gravel, sand, soil and
Wisconsin Model Academic Standards of rock and the spaces between these
(WMASs): SC: A.8.6, C.8.4, C.8.6, E.8.1 clay. Predict which materials can
particles. The amount of space between hold the most water and which ones
M: D.8.3, E.8.2, E.8.4, E.8.5 soil particles is called porosity. You can water will flow through fastest. Re-
estimate the porosity of a soil by measur- cord your predictions on the chalk-
Grades: 6–9
ing the amount of water it can hold. board. Then, in small groups, either
Materials: investigate each material or assign
Underground, water percolates down
❖ Porosity and Permeability activity through soil and flows from higher groups to one soil material and com-
sheet elevations (such as a hill) to lower eleva- pile class results on the chalkboard.
❖ gravel* tions. The ease with which water moves B) Measuring porosity.
through a soil or rock type is called
❖ sand* permeability. You can estimate the per- 1. With a marking crayon, place a
line about ½ way up the side of a
❖ clay* meability of soil by timing how quickly
water can flow through it. small beaker. Fill the beaker with
❖ potting soil* water to the line. Pour this water into
Physical characteristics of soil par- a 100 ml graduated cylinder. Record
❖ containers for used clay, soil, sand ticles, such as size and shape, influence
and gravel this volume on your data sheet under
the porosity and permeability of soils and “total volume.” Dry the beaker.
For each group of 2–3 students: rocks. Coarse materials, like gravel and
sand, tend to be both porous (they have
❖ 4 test tubes
large pore spaces that can fill with water)
❖ test tube rack and permeable (water passes easily
❖ 100 milliliter (ml) glass beaker between the large particles). Some fine
materials, such as clay, may hold a lot
❖ small funnel of water yet transmit very little because
❖ 100 ml graduated cylinder water cannot move easily through the tiny
pore spaces.

2. Fill the beaker with gravel to the
line and fill the graduated cylinder Fill to here with gravel
to the 100 ml mark with water. Pour
water from the graduated cylinder
into the beaker until it reaches the
line. Record the volume of water
needed to saturate (fill the pores of)
the gravel on your data sheet under
“pore space.” Divide this volume
by the “total volume” and multiply Mark test tube
by 100 to get percent pore space Fold
in your sample of gravel. Record
this value under “porosity” (% pore
space). Repeat the investigation with
samples of sand, soil and clay. (Note:
For potting soil and clay, make sure
that the water has time to soak in Make bar graphs of your results and 2. Compare the porosity of a variety of
completely.) Record your results. complete questions on the “Porosity and rocks. Record the weights of small
C) Measuring permeability. Permeability” activity sheet. Discuss your pieces of limestone, sandstone,
results and answers: shale, granite, obsidian, lava, etc.
With a marking crayon, place a line Soak the rocks in water for several
about ½ way up a test tube. Put the ❖ Did your results match your predic-
tions? days. Remove them from the water
test tube in the rack and put the and pat them dry. Weigh the rock
stem of a small funnel inside the test ❖ Which material is the most perme- pieces again and record your results.
tube. Fold a circular filter paper into able? Why? Compare the mass of each rock be-
quarters, open it into a cone, and fore and after soaking. Discuss your
insert it into the funnel. Fill the cone ❖ Which is the least permeable? Why?
results in terms of the rock’s ability
with gravel to about ½ inch from the ❖ Which soil is the most porous? Why? to hold water. Note: water may move
top. Pour water from a beaker into
❖ Which is the least porous? Why? through cracks in rock as well as
the filter. Using a clock, a watch or through the pore spaces. The amount
by counting, time how long it takes ❖ If you drilled a well in these materi-
of cracking in a rock determines its
to fill the test tube to the line. Record als, which one do you think would
“secondary porosity.”
the results on your data sheet under yield the most water?
“permeability.” Return the sample of 3. Investigate the effect of organic ma-
gravel to the used gravel container terial on a soil’s permeability and its
and discard the filter paper. Repeat Going Beyond: ability to filter contaminants. Prepare
the experiment with sand, soil and 1. Invite a certified soil tester or county four “contaminated” water samples
clay. on-site waste disposal (septic sys- containing 1) vegetable oil, 2) vin-
tem) specialist to discuss how poros- egar, 3) detergent and 4) green food
ity and permeability of soil and rock coloring. Pour small amounts of each
are measured in the laboratory and in sample through 1) sand, 2) equal
the field. amounts of sand + potting soil, 3)
clay, 4) equal amounts of clay + pot-
most porous
ting soil. Compare filtering times of
the different soils. Compare appear-
ance of contaminant samples before
Time for water to pass through (seconds)

least permeable
and after filtering (use pH paper for
Amount of waterheld (milliliters)

vinegar). Filter plain tap water as a


least porous Adapted from: Groundwater: A Vital

Resource, Cedar Creek Learning Cen-
ter and the Tennessee Valley Authority,
most permeable
Knoxville, TN 37902.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Well, Well, Well...
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) Materials: Following are instructions for con-
describe how a well works, (2) explain structing a well model. You can use the
❖ Well, Well, Well... activity sheet
the relationship between groundwater and model to demonstrate how surface water
precipitation and (3) visualize the move- ❖ one 10 gallon aquarium (may be soaks into the ground to become ground-
ment of contaminants with groundwater. adapted for 5 gallon aquarium) water and how a pump recovers water.
❖ one 5 gallon bucket filled with By adding food coloring to represent a
Subjects: Science, Health Education and
coarse, clean sand contaminant, you can also use the model
Environmental Education
to demonstrate how groundwater can
WMASs: SC: A.8.6, C.8.4, C.8.5, C.8.6, ❖ one quart of aquarium gravel become polluted.
E.8.1, H.8.3 ❖ one piece 1" (inch) wide diameter
HE: A.8.2, C.8.3 plastic tubing
EE: A.8.4, A.8.5, B.8.10, B.8.15, B.8.16, ❖ three pieces 1∕3" outside diameter
glass tubing: A) Preparation.
B.8.18, B.8.21
✔ one piece, 20" long 1. Using a small nail, make approxi-
Grades: 6–9
mately 30 1∕16" (inch) diameter holes
✔ two pieces, 4" long beginning at one end of the 1" di-
❖ two pieces 1∕3" outside diameter rub- ameter plastic tubing and extending
Protective cover pipe three inches from that end. Cover the
ber tubing:
Well casing bottom of the tube with cheesecloth
one piece 3' (feet) long
Land surface and secure with a small rubber band.
one piece 2' long This will prevent sand from entering
❖ two glass rods 12" long (or similar the bottom of the tube later.
diameter wooden dowels)
Surface seal
❖ two #7 rubber stoppers:
✔ one 1-holed
✔ one 2-holed 1" diameter
❖ one 500 milliliter Erlenmeyer glass plastic
flask tubing
❖ one hand pump/siphon*

Bentonite or
❖ small nail
with sand ❖ watering can or spray bottle
or cement
❖ 3" X 3" piece of cheesecloth
❖ small rubber band
❖ aquarium glue
❖ green food coloring
❖ 5 gallons of water
* available at sporting goods stores, pet
Cheese cloth
Benntonite seal
shops and hardware stores
Fine sand
Background: Wells are constructed to
Filter pack
material bring groundwater to the land surface
so we can use it (or monitor its quality).
Screen Holes are drilled and pipes put in the
Well screen ground to a depth below the water table.
Pumps are connected to the well pipe so
Backfill material that water in and around the well is drawn
up the pipe and into a house or wherever
the water is used.
Monitoring Well

2. Using aquarium glue, attach the 6. Insert this assembly into the 1" 12. Fill the aquarium ½ to ¾ full
two glass rods (or dowels) and the 1" plastic tube in aquarium. with sand. Create a depression in
diameter plastic tube to the long side sand opposite to the well. This simu-
7. Insert two 4” pieces of glass
of the aquarium perpendicular to the lates a pond or lake.
tubing into holes of 2-holed stopper
bottom. Allow glue to dry.
so that 1" of tubing extends above 13. Add water to the aquarium so
1" diameter the stopper. Attach the loose end of that it’s about ½ full. The completed
plastic 3' rubber tubing to one of the glass model should look like the illustra-
tubing tubes extending from 2-holed stop- tion below.
B) Demonstration.
8. Attach one end of 2' piece of
1. Discuss the model. Identify the
rubber tubing to the other glass tube
groundwater and the water table.
extending from the stopper.
Mark the water table on the side of
the aquarium with a wet erase or
other nonpermanent marker. Begin
3' rubber to slowly pump water from the well.
tubing Note the level of the water table and
pond surface. As the surface level
2' pieces of the pond is lowered, a rain storm
gravel of rubber may be simulated by pouring water
from a watering can over the land
and water.
glass rods 2. Experiment with more rain-
bulb or
hand pump fall (“recharge”) than pumping to
3. Place gravel so that all holes at simulate a wet year, and with more
the bottom of the 1" diameter plastic pumping (“withdrawal”) than rainfall
tubing are covered. The gravel will to simulate a drought. Groundwater
help keep sand from entering the “overdraft” occurs when the rate of
well during pumping. withdrawal of water is greater than
9. Insert stopper into the flask.
4. Insert the 20" piece of glass tubing recharge, resulting in a lowering of
into the one-holed stopper so that the 10. Attach the hand pump/siphon to the water table. Observe the runoff
tube extends one to two inches above the other end of the 2' tubing. Check and infiltration. When you are fin-
the top of the stopper. that all connections are airtight. ished with the experiments, continue
11. The model works best when pumping until the flask is full.
the flask is positioned lower than
the aquarium to create a continuous
siphon thus eliminating the need to
1-holed continuously pump.
Aquarium "water supply line" rubber orplastic tubing
glass tubing
Rubber stopper

Pond "Well casing"

plastic tube water table
20" piece
of glass

3' rubber

5. Attach one end of the 3' (foot)

rubber tubing to glass tube extending
out of the stopper.
Sand bulb or
hand pump

3. Empty the flask and “pollute” the
pond or the land surface with green More ways to use your groundwater model
food coloring. Pump the well and see 1. Fertilizer/Pesticide Model 4. Abandoned Well Model
what happens to the polluted water
(food coloring represents a water-sol- Build the groundwater model as Puncture a drinking straw in several
uble pollutant). Point out that, unlike directed. Sprinkle powdered grape places with a pin and plug the bottom
food coloring, many contaminants drink mix on the surface to represent with clay. Bury the straw, plugged
don’t change the color, odor or taste fertilizer or pesticide put on a field. end down, in the sand to represent
of water. These contaminants are Sprinkle water over the surface to an abandoned well. Pour colored
difficult to detect. Many other pol- simulate rain. Observe and discuss. water into the abandoned well. Pump
lutants may be filtered out by soil or from the working well. Observe and
2. Landfill/Abandoned Waste Site
broken down by chemical or physical discuss.
processes before they reach ground- 5. Leaky Lagoon Model
water. Notice also that the dyes in the Roll a paper towel into a ball and
food coloring move at different rates saturate it with food coloring. Bury it Cut the bottom off a small paper cup
through the soil. just beneath the surface to represent and puncture the bottom in several
an improperly designed or abandoned places with a pin. Partially bury the
Note: If using model for consecutive waste disposal site. Pour water on the cup bottom in the sand to simulate a
classes, leave time to flush dye pol- surface. Observe and discuss. settling lagoon. Fill the lagoon with
lutant from model (by adding water colored water. Pump from your well.
and pumping) or work dye contami- 3. Leaking Underground
Observe and discuss.
nant into next demonstration, e.g. Storage Tank Model
have students determine the source Fill a film canister with colored water From: GREAT: Groundwater Re-
of contamination, find how much and puncture it in several places with sources and Educational Activities for
water/how much pumping is required a pin. Bury it just beneath the surface Teaching, 1989, Iowa Department of
to remove contaminant, etc. (not along the side of the box). Pour Natural Resources, Wallace Building,
C) Discussion. water on the surface. Observe and Des Moines, IA 50319.
1. Complete the activity sheet. Dis-
cuss your answers.

Going Beyond: A 2-dimensional groundwater sand tank model can be purchased from the Center
for Watershed Science and Education at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens
1. Contact a licensed well driller (check Point. For more information, go to uwsp.edu/stuorg/awra/h2omodel.html or call (715)
the yellow pages of your phone 346-4613. For a list of locations from which a groundwater model can be bor-
book). Arrange a field trip to a drill- rowed, go to dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/gw/education/models.pdf.
ing site. Ask the driller to show and
discuss the drilling record. Using a
flashlight, look down the new well
(attach flashlight to a string to make
sure it isn’t lost down the well). Repeat your field trip when the well,
Attach a cork to a fishing line and pump and piping are complete and
lower down well to measure depth of ask driller to explain how well and
the water table. When the cork floats, pressure tank work to bring water to
mark the spot on the fishing line that the surface. Ask well driller to ex-
is even with the top of the well cas- plain a “pitless adapter.” Inspect the
ing. Pull the line up and measure the adapter with a flashlight. Collect a
length of line from the mark to the water sample for bacterial and nitrate
cork and subtract the distance that analysis.
the casing extends above the ground.
The resulting distance is the depth Adapted from: Groundwater Study
of the water table from the ground Guide, 1984, Wisconsin Department of
surface. Compare your measurement Natural Resources, Bureau of Informa-
to the well driller’s measurement. tion and Education (out of print).

Wisconsin’s Major Aquifers

uses Lake Michigan

for water supply
Prairie du Chien

Mississippi River



Lake Michigan


Sea Level


West East

Sand & Gravel Sandstone & Crystaline Eastern Maquoketa

Aquifer Dolomite Aquifer Bedrock Aquifer Dolomite Shale
confining layer

Junction City

Chippewa River

Stevens Point
St. Croix River

Eau Claire

Lake Michigan

De Pere

Sea Level


Maps are not to scale. -1000'

West East

Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) WMASs: SC: A.8.1, A.8.6 * Two cross-sections of the state are
identify the state’s four major aquifers, provided. You may choose a northern
HE: D.8.2
(2) describe the geologic arrangement of or southern cross-section for this
the aquifers, (3) explain the significance M: D.8.4 activity.
of confining layers, (4) estimate the Grades: 6–9 Background: An aquifer is an under-
depths of several wells and (5) interpret ground formation that can store and
the information to make conclusions transmit water. Most of Wisconsin is
about groundwater quality in the aquifers. ❖ Wisconsin’s Aquifers—activity underlain by thick, permeable deposits.
sheet* These layers of rock and soil make up
Subjects: Science, Health Education and
Math ❖ colored pencils our state’s four major aquifers: 1) the
sand and gravel aquifer, 2) the eastern
dolomite aquifer, 3) the sandstone and

dolomite aquifer and 4) the crystalline north central region. Materials in the
bedrock aquifer. A few areas in north- sandstone and dolomite aquifer were
ern Wisconsin are made up of clay soils deposited between 425 and 600 mil-
overlying granite or other non-porous lion years ago. This is the principal
materials. Since these materials can’t bedrock aquifer for southern and
store or transmit much water, substantial western portions of the state. Most
well water supplies aren’t available there cities and industries in eastern Wis-
(see Groundwater: Wisconsin’s Buried consin also tap this deep aquifer. Sand & gravel aquifer
Treasure for more information).
4) The crystalline bedrock aquifer is
1) The sand and gravel aquifer covers made up of a variety of rock types
most of Wisconsin, except for the formed between 600 and 4,000
unglaciated areas in the southwestern million years ago. This granite-like
part of the state. This aquifer layer rock formation underlies the entire
was deposited by glacial ice and state. In the north central region this
river floodplains between 10,000 aquifer lies directly beneath the sand
and 1 million years ago. Many of and gravel aquifer. Water is stored in
the irrigated farmlands in southern cracks that may be many feet apart.
and northwestern Wisconsin tap this To draw water from this aquifer a
aquifer. Because the top of the sand well must pass through some of these
and gravel aquifer is also the land cracks. Good quality water can be
surface, the groundwater it contains obtained from shallow wells in this
may easily become contaminated. formation, but wells that penetrate
2) The eastern dolomite aquifer lies deep into the aquifer have been
beneath the sand and gravel aquifer found to yield salty water because
in eastern Wisconsin, and extends the water becomes concentrated with Sandstone & dolomite
from Door County to the Wisconsin- naturally occurring salts and miner-
Illinois border. It is made up of the als as it passes through many rock
Niagara dolomite formation under- layers.
lain by the Maquoketa shale forma-
tion. These layers were deposited Procedure:
about 400 million years ago.
1. Discuss the background information.
Dolomite is like limestone and con-
tains groundwater in interconnected 2. Complete the activity sheet for either Crystalline bedrock
cracks. The yield of water from the northern or southern cross-sec-
wells in this aquifer is variable and tion. 2. Construct a geological model of your
depends on the number of fractures 3. Discuss your answers. area using topographic, geologic,
through which a well passes. Where and groundwater susceptibility maps.
this fractured formation is close to Maps are available from the Wis-
the land surface, groundwater may Going Beyond: consin Geologic and Natural History
easily be contaminated. Survey (visit uwex.edu/wgnhs). Using
1. Investigate what aquifer your town
The underlying Maquoketa shale well taps, its depth, and how much modeling clay, markers, and labels,
layer doesn’t transmit water readily. water is pumped per minute, per day show local soil and rock types,
This formation isn’t important as an and per year. Investigate the water topography, depth to bedrock, depth
aquifer but as a confining layer or quality and treatment methods used. to groundwater, and groundwater
barrier between the eastern dolomite Visit or contact your local water susceptibility. (This activity could be
aquifer and the sandstone and dolo- department for this information. You used as an art class project.)
mite aquifer. can also obtain information by visit-
ing the DNRs Bureau of Drinking From: GREAT: Groundwater Resources
3) The sandstone and dolomite aquifer and Educational Activities for Teaching,
is made up of layers of sandstone and Water and Groundwater website at
dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/index. 1989, Iowa Department of Natural Re-
dolomite bedrock. Water is found sources, Wallace Building, Des Moines,
in fractures in the dolomite layers. htm. Click on “Public Water Sys-
tems” or “Well construction” and IA 50319.
In the sandstone, water also occurs
in pore spaces between the loosely type in the name of your community.
cemented sand grains. This aquifer Also see the “Where Does it Come
covers the entire state, except for the From? …Where Does it Go? exer-

A Plume of Contamination
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) Procedure: 5. Check the size and shape of the
determine the extent of contamination plume after ½ hour and draw the new
by taking samples and testing them for A) Preparation. plume, to scale, on the chalkboard.
pH, (2) interpret data to draw a plume of 1. Before class, fill one clear plastic Discuss the results. The plume
contamination, (3) evaluate whether more container for each group of 3–4 should be broad and fanlike, point-
information is needed and (4) make con- students with 1 inch of sand. Wet the ing to the source of contamination.
clusions about the movement of contami- sand with water and smooth off the Notice that the red and blue dye
nants in groundwater. surface. Station containers around components of the grape drink mix
Subjects: Science, Health Education and classroom. separate. Why do you think this hap-
Environmental Education pens?
Lemonade mix
WMASs: SC: A.8.6, C.8.6, H.8.3
HE: A.8.2, C.8.3
EE: A.8.4, C.8.2 5 minutes
Grades: 6–9
Prop up ½"
❖ A Plume of Contamination activity 2. Prop up one end of each container
sheet about ½ inch. 10 minutes
❖ clear plastic containers—one for 3. Make a small depression in the
demonstration and one for each sand and add ½ teaspoon of dry
group of 3–4 students lemonade mix at the elevated end.
Cover the lemonade with sand. Vary
❖ sand the location of the lemonade con- 15 minutes
❖ powdered grape drink mix (do not taminant in each container and keep
add water) a record of the contaminant location.
After the demonstration, students
❖ powdered lemonade mix (do not add will use pH paper to find the source
water) of contamination.
C) Investigation.
❖ for each group of 3–4 students B) Demonstration.
1. Tell students they will now have to
❖ watering cans or spray bottles 1. Prepare a plastic container as use a chemical test to find the source
❖ plastic straw, cut in half above, but don’t add lemonade. of an invisible contaminant. Point
❖ pH paper 2. Make a small depression on the out the containers in which you’ve
elevated side of the container. Place placed the lemonade mix. Explain
❖ tape that a lemonade “contaminant” has
about ¼ teaspoon of powdered grape
❖ plastic container lids or pencil drink mix in the depression. This been put in a different location in
erasers for props represents a chemical contaminant. each container and they will be us-
ing pH paper to find the plume of
Background: Contaminants on the surface 3. “Rain” water on the contaminant, contamination. Lemonade is acidic
of the ground can move slowly through using the spray bottle or watering and will lower the pH of water it en-
soils and reach groundwater. Contami- can. The “rain” should be light so the counters. It may be helpful to review
nants spread outward from the point of food coloring is diluted and seeps the meaning of pH and the use of pH
origin, forming a plume which “points” into the sand rather than running off paper. Remind students that as acid-
to the source of contamination. A small the surface. If sand erodes badly, try ity increases, pH decreases.
amount of some contaminants can ruin a again, using lighter “rain” or spread
large quantity of groundwater. a layer of pea gravel on top to hold 2. Work in small groups at the lem-
the sand in place. onade contaminant stations.
Some chemical contaminants are eas-
ily detected by changes in color, odor, 4. Every 2–3 minutes check the 3. Lay a 6-inch strip of pH paper on
or taste of groundwater. However, most bottom of the container for evidence a dry desk or counter. You may need
contaminants are “invisible” and require of color. After about five minutes, a to secure the paper to the desk or
chemical testing for detection. Testing of plume of color should begin to ap- counter by placing a piece of tape at
many wells in an area may be required to pear. Draw the shape of this plume, each end. Put a small drop of water
determine the source of contamination. to scale, on the chalkboard. on one end of the pH paper, note the

color and record the pH of the water 7. Complete the activity sheet and if your water utility has conducted an
on your activity sheet. discuss your results. inventory of potential contaminant
sources around its’ wells. Check out
4. With a watering can, “rain” lightly ❖ What makes a contaminant move
the Wisconsin Groundwater Direc-
on the upper end of each container from where it is buried?
tory included with the Groundwater
so there’s no runoff. Keep watering
❖ What is a “plume of contamina- Study Guide packet for databases
lightly for about 5 minutes. Wait 15
tion?” containing information on potential
to 20 minutes.
❖ What are some real contaminants contaminant sources.
5. Using a piece of plastic straw,
that could be seen, smelled or 2. Research and report on the effects
remove a plug of sand (and water)
tasted if they got into groundwa- contaminated groundwater may have
from one of the locations indicated
ter? on human health. Have a physician
on the activity sheet diagram. Drop
❖ What are some real contaminants or public health official visit and
the wet sand on the pH paper. Note
that could not be seen if they got discuss the topic.
the color of the pH paper and de-
termine the pH of the sample. If the into groundwater? 3. Investigate bottled drinking water.
sample is more acidic (has a lower ❖ In the real world, what factors Where does it come from? How
pH) than tap water, place a “+” on underground might influence the much does it cost? What does the
that location on your activity sheet. If movement of contaminants? company do to ensure that it is safe
the acidity is the same or lower (pH for human consumption? What regu-
same or higher), place a “–” at that lations govern the quality of bottled
location on your activity sheet. Rinse Going beyond: water?
the straw.
1. Research and report on the types and Adapted from: Groundwater Quality Pro-
6. Take a total of 12 “test well” effects of groundwater contamina- tection in Oakland County: A Sourcebook
samples from the locations shown on tion from various sources in your for Teachers, 1984, The East Michigan
the diagram, rinsing the straw after area (e.g. private homes, schools, Environmental Action Council, 21220
each sample. Determine the pH of farms, landfills, gasoline stations, West 14 Mile Road, Birmingham, MI
each sample and record a “+” or “–” mine sites, septic tanks, industries, 48010.
on your activity sheet at each loca- businesses, salt stockpiles, etc.) See
High End

Low End

Household Water Water Treatment Plant

Where Does it Come From?…Where Does it Go?

Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) ity after draining from our sinks, bathtubs ❖ From what aquifer(s) does your
summarize and illustrate how a water and toilets. school or municipality get its
treatment plant and wastewater treatment The following field trips (or guest water?
plant work, (2) describe the source of wa- speakers) can help students understand ❖ What is the extent (area), bound-
ter for their community and the adequacy the workings of these facilities and en- aries and depth of the aquifer?
of groundwater to meet the community’s courage them to think about where their
needs and (3) explain where the wastewa- ❖ What geological materials make
water comes from, how it is changed as
ter goes after it has been treated. up the aquifer?
it passes through their homes and how
Subjects: Environmental Education, it must be treated before it is allowed to ❖ How many wells does your school
Science, Health Education and Social return to the groundwater supply. or community use? Where are
Studies they? How deep are they? How
much water can they pump per
WMASs: EE: A.8.1, B.8.22 Procedure: minute/hour/day? When were they
SC: C.8.1, G.8.1 A) Investigate a water treatment facility. installed?
HE: D.8.2 1. Contact your municipal water ❖ What is a “cone of depression?”
SS: D.8.4, E.8.5 treatment facility and obtain per- What is the extent of the cone
mission to visit it. Arrange with the of depression surrounding the
Grades: 6–9 well(s)? How does the cone of
manager or other resource person
Materials: to guide your trip and be available depression affect groundwater
to answer questions. If a field trip movement in the area?
❖ pencils and paper
is not possible, arrange for a water ❖ What time of the day, year, does
Background: Have you ever wondered treatment specialist to speak to your the system pump the most water?
where the water comes from when you class. Why?
turn on your tap or where it goes after it
drains from your bathtub? Water for most 2. Before visiting the water treat- ❖ What is the natural chemical
urban and suburban areas in Wisconsin ment plant or having a guest speaker, composition of the water before it
comes from city or town wells that tap an develop a list of questions you would is treated? How does the natural
underlying aquifer. Groundwater from like answered. Send the list to the chemical composition compare
these wells passes through a water treat- guide or guest speaker in advance so with other wells around the state?
ment facility on the way to our homes he/she can prepare responses. Ques-
and through a wastewater treatment facil- tions to consider include:

Wastewater Treatment Plant

❖ How is water transported from 3. Ask students to draw a diagram ❖ What training does the operator
the treatment plant to homes and of a water treatment plan (including have?
businesses? wells and aquifers) and describe how
❖ What happened to wastewater be-
the facility works.
❖ Does the municipality have an fore the treatment plant was built?
adequate water supply for future B) Investigate a wastewater treatment
❖ How might wastewater affect
needs? facility.
❖ Are there any present or potential 1. Arrange a field trip or guest
❖ What household materials should
sources of contamination to the speaker as outlined in part A.
not be washed down the drain?
well(s)? 2. Prepare and send a list of ques- Why?
❖ What does the treatment plant do tions you would like answered to the
❖ Can household chemicals affect
to ensure that the water is safe to field trip guide or guest speaker so
bacteria at the wastewater treat-
drink? What treatment methods he/she can prepare responses. Ques-
ment facility?
are used? tions to consider include:
❖ How might sludge affect ground-
❖ Is your community planning to ❖ What household water passes
drill new wells in the near future? through a wastewater treatment
If so, how much will it cost? Who plant? ❖ What is the difference between a
will pay? septic system and a wastewater
❖ Are all the homes in the com-
treatment plant?
❖ How are local households charged munity connected to a wastewater
for the water they use? (Do all treatment facility? ❖ How might a septic system affect
local homes have water meters?) groundwater?
❖ How does a wastewater treatment
❖ Does the price per gallon of water facility work? 3. Ask students to draw a diagram
increase, decrease or stay the of a wastewater treatment plant and
❖ What is “graywater?”
same as the amount used goes up? describe how the facility works.
Does this pricing system encour- ❖ What is “sludge?” Is it solid or
age conservation? hazardous waste? Why? Adapted from: Groundwater Study
❖ What is done with sludge from Guide, 1984, Wisconsin Department of
❖ Does your community encourage Natural Resources, Bureau of Informa-
water conservation in any other the treatment plant?
tion and Education (out of print).
way? ❖ How much wastewater is pro-
cessed each day?

How Septic Systems Work
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) ❖ flexible straws Bacteria in the septic tank helps to
construct a model of a septic system, (2) break down the scum and sludge that
❖ small pieces of white paper (e.g.
examine and describe how the compo- remains. Decomposition of these layers is
holes from paper punch)
nents of a septic system work and (3) slow, so scum and sludge gradually build
discuss the location of a septic system * masters provided up and must be removed periodically. Us-
as a potential threat to groundwater and Background: Many rural homes use septic ing kitchen garbage disposals increases
surface water with someone who has a tank systems for disposal of wastewater the amount of solids in wastewater and
septic system. from sinks, bathtubs and toilets. Septic speeds up sludge accumulation. (Com-
systems are a type of onsite wastewater posting vegetable matter instead of put-
Subjects: Environmental Education,
treatment device used to treat domestic ting it down the garbage disposal keeps
Science, Health Education and Social
wastes where there is no public wastewa- extra solids out of septic systems and also
ter treatment system available. The Wis- provides good fertilizer for flowerbeds
WMASs: EE: A.8.3, A.8.5 and gardens.)
consin Department of Commerce uses the
SC: A.8.6 term “private onsite wastewater treatment The soil absorption or leaching field
HE: A.8.2 system” (or POWTS) to identify these does two things. It slowly disposes of
systems. The Department of Commerce wastewater below the surface of the
SS: A.8.10, D.8.11 allows a number of different designs for ground, and it filters out harmful bacteria
Grades: 6–9 new or replacement installation. This and many chemical contaminants before
exercise focuses on septic systems since they reach groundwater.
the vast majority of onsite wastewater
Watertight pipes transport wastewater
❖ How Septic Systems Work activity treatment systems in use today are septic
from the septic tank to the absorption
sheet systems.
field. In the absorption field, the water is
❖ 6 Steps to a Successful Septic Tank There are two parts to a septic system: divided among several trenches. Perfo-
System overhead* a settling/storage container (septic tank) rated, rigid plastic pipe or agricultural
❖ The Septic Tank at Work overheads* and a filtering area (soil absorption or drain tile distributes the water throughout
leaching field). Both parts of this sys- the trenches. A gravel bed below the
❖ for each group of 2–4 students: tem are essential for proper wastewater distribution pipes temporarily stores the
❖ one small (6–8 oz. (ounce)) glass disposal. wastewater until it is absorbed by soil
jar or beaker The main purpose of the settling tank surrounding the trench.
❖ one large (12 oz.) glass jar or is to protect the soil absorption field. Septic systems can pollute groundwa-
beaker Inside the settling tank, solids settle ter if the capacity of the surrounding soil
and form a sludge layer on the bottom to filter the wastewater is exceeded or if
❖ sand and floating materials accumulate in a the underlying soils are very permeable,
❖ paper towel scum layer at the water surface. Clari- allowing contaminants to move rapidly to
fied wastewater leaves the settling tank the water table before filtering is com-
❖ potting soil
through a submerged outlet. The scum plete. Groundwater may also become
❖ green food coloring and sludge are left behind. This is impor- contaminated if chemicals that are not
tant because scum and sludge can clog decomposed by soil bacteria are dumped
soil pores and cause the leach field to fail. down sinks or toilets.
Adequate spacing of homes and
proper planning, design, construction and
maintenance of septic systems is the best
SepticTank Soil Absorption Bed Vent
insurance against groundwater contami-
nation by household wastewater. Planners
Purification must consider the location of buildings,
water supplies and soil characteristics.
They must also decide how large a septic
tank and absorption field is needed.
Proper maintenance of the system
Groundwater includes periodic pumping of sludge from
the septic tank. Depending on the size
of the tank and the number of persons in

the household, cleaning may be needed 3. Discuss your results. ❖ Refer to the table on the work-
as often as every two years or as seldom sheet. Is there anything closer to
❖ What settled to the bottom of the
as every 10 years, but tanks should be the septic tank or absorption field
septic tank? What stayed on the
checked yearly. than the recommended minimum
separation distance? If so, circle
❖ What was filtered out of the the unit and record next to the
Procedure: wastewater as it passed through table how close it is.
A) Explanation. the leach field? What was not?
As in your septic system model, ❖ What is one other factor (besides
1. Using the overheads, briefly dis- some components of wastewater separation distance) to consider
cuss where wastewater goes in rural (such as bacteria) are usually when planning a septic system?
areas. Explain how a septic system filtered out by soil. Other compo- Students may find that many people
works. nents (such as chloride, nitrates don’t know the answers to these ques-
B) Investigation. and volatile organic chemicals) tions. Should they? Why is this impor-
are not effectively filtered and tant? Discuss.
1. Work in small groups. Prepare a may be carried into groundwater.
“wastewater” sample—water, sand,
❖ How did the green dye change as
bits of paper and 2–3 drops of green
it passed through the leach field
Going Beyond:
food coloring.
soil layers? Why? Investigate and compare different types
2. Construct a model septic tank of onsite wastewater treatment systems.
system: 4. Using part B of the worksheet,
Visit wra.org/pdf/government/landuse/onsite_sys-
interview a friend or relative who
a) Label small jar or beaker “septic tem_descriptions.pdf for a copy of General
has a septic tank system (instead
tank.” Descriptions of Common Types of Onsite
of being connected to a municipal
Sewage Systems. Invite the county on-
b) Pour a well-stirred sample of wastewater treatment plant). Find
site waste disposal specialist to speak to
wastewater into the septic tank answers to the following ques-
your class. Ask him/her to bring diagrams
until it is about ¾ full. tions:
of conventional and mound septic sys-
c) Allow the sample to settle. Make ❖ Where does their water come tems. Under what circumstances should
observations. from? a mound system be built? Are there other
d) Prepare a “leach field” as follows: ❖ If their water is from a private onsite wastewater treatment system de-
Add alternating layers of sand and well, how far is the septic tank signs? When are they used?
potting soil, separated by paper from their well?
Adapted from: GREAT: Groundwater
towels to the large jar or beaker. ❖ How far is the absorption field Resources and Educational Activities
Wet the leach field. from their well? for Teaching, 1989, Iowa Department of
e) Set the septic tank on a book or ❖ How far is their house from the Natural Resources, Wallace Building,
other riser. Place the leach field septic tank? Des Moines, IA 50319.
directly below the septic tank.
Bend the flexible straw and fill ❖ How far is their house from the
it with water. Place fingers over leach field?
both ends to keep the water in.
Flexible Straw
After the wastewater has settled,
connect the septic tank with the
leach field as shown. Keep fingers
over the ends of the straw until it
is placed in the wastewater. This
Leach Field
should create a siphon, allowing
wastewater to flow onto the leach Wastewater
field. (It may be helpful to demon-
Paper Towel
strate this step for your students.) Soil
Observe the action of wastewater Paper Towel
on the leach field. Sand
Paper Towel
Soil Riser
Paper Towel
"Septic Tank"

"Leach Field" "Leach Field"

Caution: This Product May be Hazardous to Your Health!
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) ❖ Toxic: Poisonous, potentially
locate and interpret information on use, harmful to human health, can
storage, disposal, and hazards of house- cause cancer and/or birth defects,
hold products, (2) explain how disposal and can contaminate, harm or kill
and storage of chemicals can cause po- fish and wildlife.
tential groundwater contamination and Anti-
Freeze ❖ Corrosive: A substance that can
(3) compare and contrast less harmful ium

Prem corrode storage containers or
alternatives that can be used in place of
r Ju
damage human tissue if touched.
many household hazardous products. MOTOR
❖ Reactive: An unstable substance

Subjects: Environmental Education, Thinner Spot

that can react if exposed to heat,
Health Education and Science STRIPPER
shock, air or water. Reactions
include explosions.
WMASs: EE: B.8.5, B.8.18, B.8.21
❖ Ignitable: A substance that can
HE: A.8.2, B.8.4, D.8.2, G.8.3 explode, catch fire or emit toxic
insect repellents and poisons, motor ve-
gases or fumes into the environ-
hicle products, paints, paint thinners, fur-
SC: C.8.2, H.8.3 ment.
niture strippers and fabric stain removers
Grades: 6–9 are considered hazardous. They should be 2. Generate a list of hazardous materi-
used, stored and disposed of with care. als from each category that might be
This activity is divided into two parts: found in the home. How do people
Part 1 is designed to teach students to Chances are the only advice you re-
know how to use, store and dispose
read instructions and information on ceive for using and storing these products
of these materials?
household chemical labels. In Part 2, is from the label on the container. Un-
students are asked to complete a home fortunately, many product labels contain 3. Complete the “Reading Labels”
inventory of hazardous materials with the little or no information for disposal of activity sheet.
help of their parents. leftover material or empty containers. If 4. Discuss your answers.
these products are poured or buried in
the backyard or dumped into the drain ❖ How might this product find its
Part 1: Reading or toilet they can soak through soils and way into groundwater?
Product Labels. reach groundwater (they can also run off ❖ What effects might contamina-
into surface waters). Many products can tion have on people drinking the
Materials: also interfere with your wastewater treat- water?
❖ Reading Product Labels activity ment plant by killing bacteria essential
❖ Can you think of any alternatives
sheet for treating sewage.
to using the product?
❖ Letter to Parents handout (for Home It is important to read and follow
5. Distribute the “Household Chemical
Search activity) product labels carefully to avoid possible
Search” activity sheet and the “Letter
illness, death and environmental damage
❖ A Home Chemical Search activity that can result from misuse of or improp-
to Parents.” Ask students to fill out
sheet (for Home Search activity) only the first two columns on the
er disposal of hazardous materials.
activity sheet (i.e. mark with an X
Background: Many materials commonly
if the product is found and estimate
found in our homes can be hazardous for
children, adults and pets. The U.S. Envi- Procedure: the amount of chemical present). Go
through the list of substances and
ronmental Protection Agency estimates 1. Using the following information, possible locations in the home. Ask
that each home throws out an average of discuss what “hazardous” means. students if they have questions about
six pounds of hazardous waste every year. Explain toxic, corrosive, reactive, any of the substances.
While six pounds may not seem like very and ignitable.
much, it all adds up. A town of 10,000 This activity can be an excellent opportu-
homes can generate 60,000 pounds of Hazardous materials and wastes are nity for students and their parents to learn
hazardous waste in just one year! Take chemical substances that can harm, about hazardous chemicals together. Re-
a quick inventory of materials you use contaminate or kill living organisms. mind students to ask their parents for
and store in your kitchen, basement and Hazardous materials have one or help filling out the worksheet, to avoid
garage. Many of the products you might more of the following characteristics: touching any of the substances, to read
find, including aerosol sprays, cleaners, container labels carefully and to wash

their hands when through. Students You might also investigate hazardous Adapted from: Groundwater Quality Pro-
should have 1–2 days to complete the materials in your school by conducting tection in Oakland County: A Sourcebook
inventory. a hazardous chemical search of your sci- for Teachers, 1984, The East Michigan
ence room or cleaning supply closet! Environmental Action Council, 21220
West 14 Mile Road, Birmingham, MI

Part 2: A Home Chemical Search

Materials: 4. Discuss the completed activity Going beyond:

❖ Can Some of Your Household Prod- 1. Research the disposal of household
ucts Harm You? Handout ❖ What kinds of products were hazardous materials in your area.
found in each toxicity category?
❖ Household Hazardous Waste Wheel Does your county, city or town of-
patterns and directions ❖ What was the total quantity of fer a Clean Sweep program? If so,
hazardous material in each cat- when is it? What products should be
❖ Completed Home Chemical Search
egory for your class? taken there for disposal? How much
activity sheet
hazardous waste is collected at the
❖ What makes these products
❖ glue Clean Sweep each year? Does your
hazardous (e.g. toxic, corrosive,
❖ manila folders (2 per student) community have a waste oil disposal
reactive, flammable)?
facility? How much waste oil is
❖ brads ❖ What alternatives were suggested? collected there each year? What is
❖ scissors ❖ How viable are these alternatives? done with the waste oil? Do people
Discuss advantages and disad- in your community know that these
vantages of using the alternatives services exist? Do most people use
Procedure: and of using the products with a them? If not, what do they do with
toxicity rating of 4 or greater. their household hazardous waste?
1. Distribute “Household Hazardous
Your city/county Health Department
Waste Wheel” patterns, directions ❖ Which products represent “needs” should be able to provide informa-
and materials. Construct Household and which represent “wants?” tion on household hazardous waste
Hazardous Waste Wheels (follow
❖ Using your homes as the average, disposal programs or see box below.
directions printed on activity sheet
8-6). When the wheels are com- estimate how much hazardous 2. For more information on alterna-
plete, demonstrate how to use them. waste would be found in your tives to household hazardous wastes
It would be helpful to have some community, in the state and in the and options for disposal, see Better
examples of hazardous household nation. Homes and Groundwater included
products in the room. ❖ How might these products enter with the Groundwater Study Guide
groundwater? packet.
2. Work in small groups. Using the
“Can Some of Your Household ❖ How should these materials be Adapted from: Groundwater Quality Pro-
Products Harm You?” handout, rate disposed? tection in Oakland County: A Sourcebook
the toxicity of the products found in
❖ What kinds of warnings did you for Teachers, 1984, The East Michigan
your homes. Ratings are 1–6, with 1
find on the containers? How can Environmental Action Council, 21220
representing the least toxic materi-
you tell if a product is considered West 14 Mile Road, Birmingham, MI
als and 6 the most toxic. Record
hazardous? 48010.
your ratings on the “Home Chemical
Search” activity sheet.
3. Calculate the total quantity of sub-
stances listed in each category (1–6)
for your group. Using the Household
Hazardous Waste Wheels, list direc- Many counties, cities and towns offer a “Clean Sweep” collection program. This
tions for disposing of all products is an opportunity for home owners to bring household hazardous materials to a
which are at least “very toxic” (a central location for safe disposal. To find out about Clean Sweep programs in
toxicity rating of 4 or greater). For your area, contact your city or county health department or visit the Department
all products which are at least “very of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection Clean Sweep website at datcp.state.
toxic,” also list at least one viable wi.us/arm/agriculture/pest-fert/pesticides/clean-sweep/index.jsp.
alternative to using the product.

Resource Protection, Value and Conflict
It’ll Go With the Flow...
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) Well Test
#1 Well
construct a water table elevation con- Test
#2 Well
tour map, (2) predict groundwater flow #3
patterns using the water table elevation
contour map and (3) evaluate a hypotheti-
cal landfill site based on the direction of
groundwater flow.
Subjects: Environmental Education, Sci-
ence, Social Studies, Health Education
and Math
WMASs: EE: A.8.2, A.8.4, B.8.17, B.8.18,
SC: A.8.1, C.8.6, D.8.6, E.8.1, H.8.3 the book in the direction of the slope and 1. Draw a line between the two
SS: A.8.1, C.8.7 the speed of the marble will be determined wells. Measure the length of the line.
by the steepness of the slope. Groundwater
HE: A.8.2, B.8.4, C.8.3 2. Subtract the smaller of the two
moves in much the same way.
M: E.8.4 SWL’s from the larger. This is the
It is important to consider the direction difference in water table elevation (in
Grades: 7–9 and rate of groundwater flow when plan- feet) between these two wells.
Materials: ning land development to avoid potential
3. Divide the line between the two
contamination problems. Using static
❖ It’ll Go With the Flow activity sheet wells into units representing 10 ft.
water level data, students will be asked to
(foot) intervals.
❖ It’ll Go With the Flow teachers key determine the general direction and rela-
tive rate of groundwater flow on a given a) Calculate the number of subdivi-
❖ rulers sions needed by dividing the dif-
map, and evaluate a proposed landfill site
❖ pencils on the basis of this information. ference in water table elevations
by 10.
❖ book and a marble for demonstration
(optional) b) Calculate the distance between
Procedure: subdivisions by dividing the
Background: Groundwater usually flows
A) Determine the slope of the water distance between the wells by the
in the same direction as the land slopes,
table and the direction of ground- number of subdivisions needed
often toward a nearby lake or stream.
water flow. The activity sheet gives (see example).
Many factors, such as rate of percola-
land elevation/depth to water table.
tion from the surface and pumping from 4. Label each subdivision mark with
Ask students to subtract depth to
wells, can influence the direction and rate the appropriate SWL as in example.
water table from land elevation to
of groundwater flow, but it is possible Example:
get static water levels (SWL’s). Mark
to get an idea of how groundwater is
SWL’s on activity sheet next to each Distance between wells = 5 inches
moving in a given area by determining
well. Remind students that SWL’s
the slope or “plane” of the water table. SWL A = 410 ft. SWL B = 310 ft.
are height above sea level not depth
To do this, at least three monitoring wells
from the land surface. Point out that SWL difference: 410–310 = 100 ft.
must be installed (three points determine
the water table generally follows the
a plane). By measuring the “static water Number of subdivisions: 100 ft./10
contour of the land surface.
level” (SWL), or elevation of the water ft. intervals = 10
table above sea level, we can estimate Construct contour lines by doing the
Distance between subdivisions: 5
how groundwater will flow at a certain following for each adjacent pair of
inches/10 subdivisions = ½ inch per
location. wells:
Groundwater flows from areas of high
static water levels to areas of low static 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310
water levels. This can be illustrated using a
book and a marble. The marble will roll off ½"

5. Repeat steps 1–4 for each pair of adjacent
6. Connect equivalent SWL’s with light dashed
pencil lines. These lines represent the contour
Pleasant Valley
of the water table elevation. (The lines are Mud Riv
analogous to contour lines on a topographic er
map which connect equivalent land eleva-
7. After all contour lines have been drawn, 440 City
20 Well
round sharp “corners” and draw solid lines
over the original dashed lines. The groundwa-
ter flow at any point on your maps is perpen- 316
dicular to the contour lines at that location. 16
(See Teacher’s Key)
B) Evaluate the proposed landfill site, marked
“✩,” using groundwater flow information from 378
415 18
your contour maps. 15
1. Write a paragraph evaluating the proposed
landfill site based on groundwater flow at “✩.”
(Note locations of the private wells.) If you
think that locating the landfill at “✩” is not
advisable, suggest two locations that might 417
be better suited for a landfill. Support your 17
choices by comparing rate and direction of
groundwater movement at your proposed sites
with that at “✩.”
C) Discuss your findings.
❖ What is “static water level?” How is it dif-
ferent from water table depth?
❖ How are SWL’s used to determine the slope
or plane of the water table? How does the 420
plane of the water table affect groundwater 20
flow (direction and rate)? What other fac- Key
tors might influence groundwater flow?
❖ What do the contour lines on your map 399 N Monitoring well

W E Proposed
❖ In what general direction does groundwater Landfill Site
flow in Pleasant Valley?
❖ Can we make assumptions about the speed of
groundwater movement at certain locations?
❖ Would the contour lines change if you had Going Beyond:
SWL information from more wells? Fewer Conduct a hearing to decide where to locate a landfill in your community. Take
wells? on roles of people involved in making the decision: local landowners, politi-
❖ What is the level of Mud River as it passes cians, industry representatives, geologists, environmentalists, waste managers
by town? and others. The Groundwater Contamination Susceptibility in Wisconsin map
(in your packet) and topographic maps of your area may be helpful.
❖ Is “X” a good location for the landfill? Why?
❖ Can you suggest better locations for the land- Adapted from: Groundwater: Michigan’s Hidden Resource Workbook, 1989,
fill, based on groundwater flow? If so, why do Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Response Divi-
you think these sites are better than “X”? sion, P O Box 30028, Lansing, MI 48909.

What if Water Cost as Much as Gasoline?
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) price of gas would reach more ❖ Was it easy
explain how the availability of a resource than $3.00/gallon? to live within
has an effect on how much people are ❖ Do you remember when it was your water
willing to pay for a resource, (2) describe less expensive to heat your home? budget?
how cost influences the willingness of Did you conserve energy then?
people to conserve natural resources and ❖ Did you have
How? to conserve
(3) discuss ways to encourage people to
conserve natural resources. ❖ How much does it cost to heat water? Why?

your home in the winter today? How did you U UP

Subjects: Environmental Education, Sci- Do you try to conserve energy try to con-
ence and Social Studies now? How? serve water?
WMASs: EE: B.8.16, C.8.3 ❖ How much water do you use in ❖ Should people try to conserve
SC: E.8.6 your home in a year? Do you try water? Why or why not?
to conserve water? Why? How? ❖ Should water cost so much that
SS: A.8.11, D.8.2, D.8.11
❖ Do you work harder to conserve some people are forced to con-
Grades: 6–9 serve it more than others?
energy or water? Why?
Materials: ❖ Making a natural resource
2. Discuss your findings.
❖ What if Water Cost as Much as expensive is one way to encour-
3. Ask students to imagine they are age people to conserve. What are
Gasoline? activity sheet
taking a trip into the future over a other ways to encourage people to
❖ play money specified weekend. Water costs the conserve natural resources?
❖ legal size envelope for each student same as the current price of gasoline
(record current price on activity sheet Examples:
Background: At one time energy—gaso- master before photocopying or write Education programs—try to teach
line and fuel oil—was so inexpensive that a whole dollar amount on sheet to people to conserve the resource
people did little to conserve it. People make calculations easier). They will
drove as much as they wanted, energy- have to purchase all the water they Rationing programs—set strict limits
efficient cars were less of a concern and use in a weekend by placing “mon- on water use
homes were built with very little insula- ey” in an envelope. (Make a master Tax credits and deductions—Provide
tion. Today water is relatively inexpen- sheet of play money and make copies economic incentives to conserve the
sive. Few people try to conserve water to distribute to the students.) resource
just as few people conserved gasoline or
fuel oil when they were less expensive. Since some people have more money ❖ Which methods to encourage
This activity is designed to help students than others do, some students should conservation do you think would
begin thinking about the value of water. be given more money than others. be most effective? Which are the
Randomly give students $30, $40, most fair?
$50. Students should also be given
❖ Should people conserve water even
Procedure: the “Sale on Water” activity sheet to
if it’s inexpensive? If so, why?
record the water they use. Remind
1. Interview a grandparent or older
them to estimate the amount of water
neighbor. Ask about the present and
past price of gasoline, fuel oil and
used on their behalf when a parent Going Beyond:
does laundry or prepares a meal (e.g.
water. Ask also about conservation As a class, investigate how a public
wash 4 loads of laundry, 4 people in
of these resources. Questions should works department in a dry western/south-
family, assume that the water for one
include: western city (e.g. Tucson, Santa Fe, Den-
load was used on the behalf on the
❖ What is the lowest price you re- student). ver, Los Angeles or Las Vegas) charges
member paying for gasoline? Did residents for water. Do they encourage
Each time water is used, calculate conservation? If so, how?
you conserve gasoline then?
the cost and deposit money in the
❖ What price do you pay for gaso- envelope. Adapted from: Local Watershed Problem
line today? Do you try to conserve Studies, 1981, Cooperative Educational
4. Discuss your results.
it now? If so, how? Service Agency 16, Waukesha, and the
❖ Who used the least water? Who
❖ When you began driving, what Water Resources Institute, 1975 Willow
used the most? What accounted Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison
would your response have been
for the difference? (out of print).
if someone had told you that the

Rights or Fights
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) Over time,
explain the four doctrines of ground- four doctrines
water use law, (2) compare and contrast of groundwater
doctrines of groundwater use law and (3) use law have
decide a groundwater case based on the evolved in the
groundwater use law. United States.
Each state
Subjects: Environmental Education, Sci-
treats ground-
ence and Social Studies
water conflicts
WMASs: EE: B.8.16, B.8.22, B.8.23, differently,
D.8.4 relying on one
SC: F.8.10 or more of
the following
SS: E.8.11 doctrines as
Grades: 9 (and up) the basis for its
use law.
❖ Groundwater Law activity sheets
1. English Rule:
Background: Who owns groundwater?
Groundwater use is a property right. it and put it to a beneficial use such as
Who has the right to use it? How much
Under this doctrine, a landowner has the irrigation, mining, manufacturing, power
can they use? Should they be allowed
right to use the water under his or her generation, raising fish, watering farm
to change its quality? Can water rights
land at any time and for any purpose. The animals, household or recreational uses.
be sold? As with any limited resource,
landowner may also sell or allow others (Water uses may be assigned priority.)
we must have rules and laws to regulate
to use his or her water. This rule grew out Water may be used on the land from
groundwater use and protect its quality.
of the belief that groundwater movement which it came or from elsewhere. Ap-
Making groundwater laws is not easy.
could not be understood and that land- propriation rights may be sold or given to
Courts and lawmakers must consider
owners couldn’t anticipate the conse- others.
competing uses, water availability and
quences of pumping groundwater. Under the Appropriation Doctrine, in
water quality. Laws must evolve as uses,
availability and quality change. 2. Reasonable Use Rule: times of water shortage, those who have
used the water longest (i.e. those who
Groundwater rights involve two Groundwater use is a property right. But
have the earliest “appropriation date”)
separate issues, WATER USE (quantity) water may only be used for “reasonable”
may use all the water they have used
and WATER QUALITY. In Wisconsin, purposes. A property owner may use the
in the past and newcomers may be left
groundwater quality is generally cov- water on the land from which it came or
with little or no water. If a person stops
ered by legislative law. Legislative law elsewhere, as long as his or her use is rea-
using his share of water for a beneficial
is created by the State’s legislative or sonable in comparison to the water needs
purpose, he or she may lose the right to
administrative processes. Legislative laws and uses of his neighbors.
use the water at all.
include constitutions, treaties, statutes, 3. Correlative Rights Rule:
administrative rules and regulations, and With a better understanding of ground-
ordinances. All landowners in an area have a right to water movement and the water cycle,
use groundwater. The amount of water there has been a general trend from view-
Groundwater quantity laws, on the each landowner can use depends on the ing groundwater as private property
other hand, are generally based on “com- amount of land he or she owns. The land- to recognizing it as a valuable public
mon law.” Common law is law which is owner cannot pump more than his or her resource. The two Wisconsin landmark
developed through court case decisions. share of water, even for use on his or her cases used for this activity, Huber v.
A judge establishes societal values as own land if other water users don’t have Merkel and State v. Michels Pipeline,
law by issuing decisions in cases that enough water to meet their needs. illustrate this trend. Another recent trend
he/she hears. Common law may change
4. Appropriation Rule: in groundwater use law is increased
as societal values change. This activity
legislation rather than a dependence on
focuses on the evolution of Wisconsin’s Sometimes called the rule of “first in case law.
groundwater common law. time, first in right.” Groundwater rights
under this doctrine are not connected to
land ownership. A person has a right to
use groundwater if he or she has obtained

Until 1974, Wisconsin’s groundwater ❖ On what groundwater doctrine ❖ Do you think water availability in-
law was based on the English Rule. In was the Court’s decision based? fluences the groundwater doctrine
1903, a Wisconsin Supreme Court deci- followed by individual states? If
4. Read aloud State of Wisconsin v.
sion (in Huber v. Merkel) established that so, how?
Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc.
a landowner has an absolute property
from activity sheet. ❖ In some states groundwater and
right to use groundwater under his/her
surface water laws are based on
land. The judge determined that a land- 5. Discuss State v. Michels Pipeline.
different doctrines. What prob-
owner may use his or her water for any ❖ Why did the State take Michels lems might result if a state used
purpose, including malicious waste. Pipeline Construction Co. to the Appropriation Doctrine for
As you can probably imagine, the court? its surface water and the English
1903 decision was heavily criticized, but ❖ What did dewatering the soil do to Rule for its groundwater? (Hint:
the English Rule stood until 1974, when local wells and properties? think about the water cycle!)
the State took Michels Pipeline Construc-
tion, Inc. to court for harming local wells ❖ What did the State ask that the
company do to correct this prob- Going Beyond:
and building foundations when they de-
watered soil for construction of a sewage lem? 1. Invite an attorney or other Wiscon-
pipeline. The Court in State of Wisconsin ❖ What did the Court decide in this sin water law expert to discuss laws
v. Michels Pipeline determined that such case? pertaining to groundwater quality in
injury could be considered a “public Wisconsin. Discuss State of Wiscon-
nuisance.” The 1903 decision was over- ❖ On the basis of what groundwater sin v. Michels Pipeline. What laws
ruled as the judge found in favor of the doctrine was this case decided? would the Court need to consider if
State on the basis of a Modified Reason- ❖ What is the difference between the State’s complaint was groundwa-
able Use Rule. This doctrine is the basis this doctrine and the one used to ter contamination by the construction
of Wisconsin’s groundwater use common decide Huber v. Merkel? What are company?
law today. (Huber v. Merkel and State v. the similarities? 2. Wisconsin follows the modified
Michels Pipeline are outlined in greater
❖ How would this case have been Reasonable Use Doctrine. Research
detail on Rights or Fights activity sheet.) and report on a state that follows the
decided on the basis of the old
Groundwater use is still considered a English Rule Doctrine? English Rule, Appropriation or the
property right under Wisconsin’s Modi- Correlative Rights Doctrine. How is
❖ How did the State v. Michels
fied Reasonable Use Rule, but a landown- this state different from Wisconsin?
Pipeline case change the course of
er may withdraw and use groundwater What historical and/or environmen-
groundwater use law in Wiscon-
only for beneficial purposes and only if tal factors do you think influenced
pumping does not cause unreasonable groundwater use laws in that state?
harm to his/her neighbors. “Unreason- 6. Ask students to imagine that they’re 3. Collect newspaper and magazine
able” harm includes lowering the water on the 1903 Wisconsin Supreme articles on groundwater-related is-
table, reducing artesian pressure and Court. Work in small groups and sues in Wisconsin. Using a map of
direct effects on water levels of streams assign a scenario (a–c on the activity the state, make a display of issues by
and lakes. sheet) to each group. Tell students location. Discuss related groundwa-
that they are responsible for decid- ter laws, personal costs, responsibil-
Procedure: ing Huber v. Merkel. Complete the ity, solutions, etc.
appropriate section of your activity
1. Explain the four doctrines of ground- sheets. 4. Watch the Wisconsin Public Televi-
water rights law. sion video Water Rich Water Poor
7. As a class, complete scenario d. and discuss and compare groundwa-
2. Read aloud Huber v. Merkel from
8. Discuss your answers. ter quality and quantity issues in dif-
activity sheet. (It may be helpful to
ferent parts of the state. See the back
explain flowing artesian wells.) ❖ How would the case have been
of the Groundwater Study Guide
decided using Wisconsin’s Modi-
3. Discuss Huber v. Merkel. packet cover letter for information on
fied Reasonable Use Doctrine?
❖ Why did Mr. Huber take Mr. the video. See if your school library
The Correlative Rights Doctrine?
Merkel to court? The Appropriation Doctrine? or public library has a copy.

❖ What is a flowing artesian well? ❖ Which doctrine do you think is 5. Collect newspaper and magazine
the most fair for deciding scenario articles about groundwater-related
❖ How did Mr. Merkel’s actions af- issues in a western state (e.g. Cali-
fect neighboring wells? d? Why?
fornia or Colorado). Using a map of
❖ What did the State Supreme Court the state, make a display of issues
decide in this case? by location. How are the problems
similar to those in Wisconsin? How

are they different? Compare personal 7. Research and report on how water 8. Groundwater is important in the
costs, responsibility, solutions, etc. resources have influenced the history production and processing of many
6. Research and report on which of your community. How has water Wisconsin products such as cheese,
governmental agencies (municipal, helped your community develop? beer and paper. Investigate some of
county, state, and federal) regulate Has groundwater played a special these products. How much water do
and protect groundwater. How do role? Many areas of Wisconsin are they use? How clean should the wa-
these groups work together? Discuss known for having “healthful” spring ter be? Are there laws or regulations
roles that other groups play (for water. Is part of your community’s that govern the quality of the water
more information, see Groundwater: history related to spring water? How they use?
Wisconsin’s Buried Treasure). does your community feel about
protecting groundwater?

Trouble in Paradise
Learning Objectives: Students will: (1) When VOCs are spilled or dumped, water quality standards are developed
determine the source of groundwater some will evaporate and some will soak can be found in Wisconsin’s groundwater
contamination in the mythical town of into the ground. Once in the soil, VOCs law, chapter 160, Wis. Stats., at: legis.state.
Paradise using knowledge gained from can be carried deeper into the ground by wi.us/statutes/1993/93stat0160.pdf. Chapter NR
previous activities, (2) discuss the impli- percolating rainwater. If they reach the 140, Wis. Administrative Code, contains
cations of groundwater contamination water table, VOCs can persist for years the groundwater quality standards that
in Paradise and (3) recommend possible because the cool, dark, low-bacteria have been adopted in Wisconsin. NR 140
solutions to the groundwater contamina- environment does not promote decompo- can be found online at: legis.state.wi.us/rsb/
tion problem in Paradise. sition. If VOCs in groundwater migrate to code/nr/nr140.pdf.
nearby wells, they can end up in some-
Subjects: Environmental Education, Federal drinking water standards
one’s drinking water.
Science, Health Education and Social (Maximum Contaminant Levels) are set
Studies At least one VOC has been detected in a similar manner by the U. S. Environ-
in about 2,500 drinking water wells in mental Protection Agency. Check out epa.
WMASs: EE: A.8.4, A.8.5, B.8.10, B.8.15,
Wisconsin. Over 80 different VOCs have gov/safewater/standards.html for information
B.8.17, B.8.21, B.8.23, C.8.2, D.8.1
been found in Wisconsin’s groundwater, on how federal drinking water standards
SC: A.8.6, B.8.6, C.8.6, E.8.1 with trichloroethylene being the VOC are developed.
HE: A.8.2, G.8.3 most commonly found. Some 770 private
Several factors influence a well’s
or public water supply wells have had
SS: A.8.1, A.8.11, D.8.11 vulnerability to VOC contamination. One
concentrations of at least one VOC above
factor is the distance between the well
Grades: 7–9 (and up) a Wisconsin groundwater standard.
and the source or sources of contamina-
Materials: Some VOCs can harm the central tion. Another factor is time. Groundwater
nervous system, liver and kidney. For usually moves very slowly and it can
❖ Trouble in Paradise handouts
these types of health effects, researchers sometimes take years for a spilled con-
❖ colored pencils—red, blue and green can determine a “no-observable-effect taminant to reach nearby wells. The time
Background: In this activity, wells in level”— a maximum VOC dose that does and distance contaminants must travel are
the mythical town of Paradise have not produce any effect in exposed experi- extremely important because many wells
been contaminated with volatile organic mental animals. This “no-observable-ef- which presently show no contamination
compounds (VOCs). VOCs are a group of fect level” is further reduced by a safety may eventually become contaminated by
commonly used chemicals that evaporate, factor, which ranges from one tenth to spills that have already occurred. In other
or “volatilize” when exposed to air. Since one ten thousandth (depending on the words, we may not know the full effects
they dissolve many other substances, strength of scientific evidence). From this of contamination we already have caused
VOCs are widely used as cleaning and number state groundwater standards are for many years to come (For more infor-
liquifying agents in fuels, degreasers, established. mation, see Groundwater: Wisconsin’s
solvents, cosmetics, polishes, drugs and Some VOCs (such as trichloroethyl- Buried Treasure).
dry cleaning solutions. VOCs are found ene) are known or suspected carcinogens There are two options for dealing with
at airports and service stations; machine, (cancer-causers). State groundwater stan- VOC contamination. The well owner can
print and paint shops; electronics and dards for carcinogens in drinking water either construct a new well or treat water
chemical plants; dry cleaning establish- are conservatively set so that lifetime from the contaminated one. Treatment of
ments; and in household products. Two consumption of the water will cause no the well water has the benefit of remov-
common VOCs—1,2-dichloroethylene more than 1 to 10 additional cancers for ing contaminated water from the ground.
and trichloroethylene—are referred to in every million persons exposed. Addition- Both options are expensive. Drilling a
this activity. al information on how Wisconsin ground- new municipal well can cost as much

as $1 million or more; building a water Procedure:
treatment facility for a contaminated
municipal well generally costs between 1. Using How Much is a Part per
$500,000 and $1 million. Billion? handout, discuss the idea
of parts per trillion (ppt), parts per
billion (ppb) and parts per million.
Activity setting: Explain that drinking water stan-
dards and laboratory results are often
VOC contamination has occurred in “Par-
stated in micrograms per liter (μg/L)
adise” and your students will be asked to
which is equivalent to ppb. Because WaterTable
determine where the VOCs came from
it’s easier to understand the concept
and what should be done about the prob-
of ppb than μg/L, the Trouble in
lem. The contamination was first noticed
Paradise Activity Sheets use parts per
after the installation of a high capacity
community well. Wells that draw a large
volume of water can affect the direction 2. Tell students that the mythical town
and rate of groundwater flow by creating they will be investigating is based on Cone of
a “cone of depression.” As groundwater is several Wisconsin communities that Depression
depleted under the well site, it is replaced actually experienced groundwater
by groundwater from soils surround- contamination. Explain what VOCs
ing the well. So even water that initially are and their many sources. Briefly
flowed away from the well can be drawn discuss how groundwater standards
toward it as groundwater immediately are set in Wisconsin.
under the well is removed. 3. Distribute “Trouble in Paradise”
The new municipal well in “Paradise” handouts. Have students read the
has created a cone of depression and is case study.
drawing water and the plume of VOC 4. Ask individual students to read aloud
contamination toward itself. The source the problems on the activity sheet.
of contamination is the closed landfill Clarify any uncertainties about the
at the Johnson farmsite which, while it ❖ Why did it take so long for the
problems. VOCs to move from their source
operated, may have accepted wastes con-
taining VOCs from local industries and 5. Working in small groups, complete into surrounding wells?
households. This landfill was designed the activity sheet. Remind students ❖ Why did the contamination appear
as a “natural attenuation” site, meaning that they will need to use the infor- in the Hansens’ well then seem to
that the landfill depended only on the mation given in the case study AND disappear?
characteristics of surrounding soils to what they have learned in previous
activities to answer the questions. It ❖ Why was there such a delay
contain and filter leachate from the waste
may be helpful to review the reading between the time that VOCs were
deposited there. Today landfills must be
of topographic maps. first discovered in the Hansens’
lined with a layer of impermeable clay
well and when city officials de-
which helps to contain leachate. Modern 6. Using the completed worksheets, cided to take action?
waste disposal regulations also limit the construct a master time line on the
type of wastes that can be deposited in a chalkboard. Discuss the time line and 7. Discuss the implications of ground-
municipal landfill. answers to activity sheet questions. water contamination in Paradise.
Note: The groundwater standard listed ❖ In what general direction does ❖ What are VOCs used for?
for 1,2-dichloroethylene (1,2-DCE) on groundwater flow in Paradise? ❖ Who might have put materials
the activity sheets is actually the ground- containing VOCs in the landfill?
water standard for 1,2-dichloroethylene ❖ What is the source of contamina-
(cis), which is an isomer of 1,2-DCE. On tion? How do you know? ❖ When is groundwater “contami-
the activity sheets, 1,2-DCE is consid- ❖ Where would you place test wells nated”? Is water that contains 200
ered to be one substance to simplify the to confirm the source of contami- ppb 1,2-dichloroethylene consid-
exercise. nation? ered contaminated? Is 200 ppb
1,2-dichloroethylene considered
❖ What is a plume of contamina- unhealthy?
❖ Does contaminated necessarily
❖ How did the shape of the plume mean unhealthy?
of VOC contamination change?
What caused it to change?

❖ Why do you think the Bill's gas station
groundwater standard for
1,2-DCE is so much higher
than the MCL for trichloro-
ethylene (TCE)?
Tranquil Acres
❖ Who’s to blame for the con- Abandoned Hansen
tamination? landfill site farm
❖ Who should pay to solve the o wn e
d s
To radi
problem? Pa

❖ How did the citizens react Thompson farm

to the contamination? Were Johnson farmsite Company
their demands reasonable? Paint Company
Smith farm N
What else could citizens do?
❖ How did the contamination high capacity

affect private well owners? well

Private well
❖ Should the Smiths’ and S
Thompsons’ well water be
restored (either by construc- Map A
tion of a new well or by
treating water from existing
wells)? If so, who should
❖ Could the contamination

affect the new community
well? 940

❖ How long can Paradise’s 930

problem continue? 920


❖ If hazardous materials are 910


removed from the landfill
in Paradise, they may have
to be moved to a hazard-
ous waste landfill in an-
other state. Is that fair? Who N
should pay to maintain and
operate the disposal site?
❖ Could the contamination Paradise
Pond W E
have been avoided? If so, S
❖ What can Paradise do about Map B
the contamination now?
2. Use the websites listed in this exer- 3. Have your students do calculations to
❖ Could your community have
cise as a starting point to learn how understand the concepts of 1 part per
problems like this?
Wisconsin groundwater standards million, 1 part per billion and 1 part
❖ How can your community help and federal Maximum Contaminant per trillion. For example, how long is
prevent groundwater contamina- Levels are established. Look at the 1 million seconds? How long is 1 bil-
tion problems? similarities and differences in how lion feet?
health standards are set and in which
substances have standards at the state Adapted from: Discovering Groundwa-
Going Beyond: and federal level. ter: A Supplementary Activities Guide
Going Beyond: for Upper Elementary Social Studies and
Science Classes, 1984, Wisconsin De-
1. Using selected discussion questions partment of Natural Resources, Western
as an outline, research and report on District (out of print).
a groundwater contamination issue in
your area.

More Groundwater Activity Ideas!
❖ Make a collection of rocks and soils contaminated? What was the source ❖ Research and report on water needs
important in Wisconsin’s aquifers. of contamination? Was the problem of various agricultural crops grown
Make a display for your school or solved? If so, how? in Wisconsin. How are these water
local library. ❖ Visit a beverage or food-processing needs met? What are some ways to
irrigate farmland? Which methods
❖ Schools must have their water tested industry. What is produced at the
site? Is water used in the produc- cause the greatest and the least water
regularly. Find out how often your
tion? How? Where does the water loss (though runoff and evapora-
school’s water is tested. Who collects
come from? How does the company tion)? What is the relationship
the water? What tests are run? Obtain
ensure that the water used is of good between pesticide use and irrigation
a copy of the most recent test results
quality? Is wastewater produced? If practices on groundwater?
and discuss.
so, what does it contain? How is it ❖ Interview a person involved in the
❖ Send a sample of your school’s water
disposed of? production or distribution of pes-
to a certified water testing lab for
❖ Investigate your home or school’s ticides or fertilizer. Ask about use,
nitrate and bacteria testing. Labs that
use of lawn chemicals. What chemi- disposal, health, pollution, etc.
test for bacteria in water are certi-
fied by the Wisconsin Department cals are used? What do they do for ❖ Using newspapers and magazines,
of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer the lawn? How are they stored? How research groundwater contamina-
Protection and can be found online are excess chemicals disposed of? tion by landfills and dumps. Where
at dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/SDWAbactilist. Where do chemicals placed on lawns did the contamination happen? Who
pdf. The Wisconsin DNR certifies go when it rains? What effects might was affected? What were the health
labs that test for contaminants such the chemicals have if they get into consequences? Were there economic
as nitrate, pesticides, metals, and groundwater? Are there any alterna- consequences? How was the source
VOCs; that list is available online at tives to using lawn chemicals? of contamination determined? Who
dnr.wi.gov/org/es/science/lc/info/lablists. ❖ Invite the county Extension agri- was responsible for clean-up? How
htm. You can also look in your yellow cultural agent to speak to your class much will clean-up cost?
pages for certified water testing labs about the advantages and disadvan- ❖ Demonstrate that groundwater
in your area. tages of insecticide and herbicide provides the baseflow for rivers and
❖ Visit the State Laboratory of Hygiene use. How should pesticides be used? streams. Visit a stream in early fall or
(2601 Agriculture Drive) in Madison What can be done to decrease the late spring. What is the temperature
or a certified water testing labora- amount of chemical applied to a field of the stream? Why is the stream
tory. What water tests are done at the or garden? Are there any pesticide cold? Has it rained or snowed re-
laboratory? How much do the tests contamination problems in your cently? Do you see water running off
cost? How often are public wells county? If so, what is being done the land? If not, where do you think
tested? What tests are run on public about them? Can farmers eliminate the water for the stream comes from?
water supplies? How often should the use of pesticides? Check into
❖ Research and report on the potential
private wells be tested? What tests Wisconsin’s School Integrated Pest
environmental and health effects of
are normally run on private water Management program at ipcm.wisc.
placing disposable diapers in munici-
supplies? When is water considered edu/programs/school/default.htm.
pal landfills. Compare the cost of us-
“contaminated?” When is water ❖ Interview someone who farmed ing cloth diapers and a diaper service
considered “unhealthy?” before the time of widespread use of to that of using disposable diapers.
❖ If you and your students are inter- nitrogen fertilizers. Find out about
❖ Find out what materials are used
ested in water conservation in your yields, prices, profits, conservation
to make paper, plastic and glass.
school, consider becoming a “Green practices and groundwater concerns.
What happens to these materials in
and Healthy School.” Learn about it ❖ Invite an organic gardener or farmer a landfill? What effects might these
at dnr.wi.gov/greenandhealthyschools. to speak to your class. What is or- materials, if leached from a landfill,
❖ Research and report on methemo- ganic farming? What alternatives to have on groundwater?
globenemia (blue baby syndrome) pesticides are used? How are natural
❖ Make a magazine photo display of
caused by high levels of nitrate in pest controls, such as insect preda-
environmentally safe products sold
drinking water. tors and companion planting used?
in non-polluting packaging.
How does not using pesticides affect
❖ Interview someone who has had a
crop yield? Crop appearance? Crop ❖ Organize or participate in a recycling
contaminated well. How did she/he
sales? project. Report on how the recycled
determine that the well was con- materials are used.
taminated? With what was the well

❖ Invent and demonstrate new uses for Resource People:
product packaging that you would
normally just throw away. Representatives from the following ❖ pump dealers
groups can explain their interest in
❖ Write a list of rules and guidelines ❖ Department of Natural Resources
groundwater and can often give insight
for your home for handling, storing environmental specialists (addresses
into groundwater problems or issues of
and disposing of household hazard- of DNR regional offices are found on
local interest. Contact with the com-
ous materials. the back of the Groundwater Study
munity not only helps reinforce what is
Guide packet cover letter).
❖ Interview a person who operates a learned in the classroom, but also helps
gas station or other business that uses develop concern and sustains the enthusi- ❖ municipal/county health or environ-
underground storage tanks. What is asm of students. mental specialists or county planners
kept in the tanks? Could this material Before you involve a resource person ❖ county University of Wisconsin–Ex-
be harmful if it got into groundwa- in your class, discuss with him or her tension resource or agricultural
ter? How often are the tanks checked your objectives and what you expect from agents
for leaks? How does the owner know his/her visit. ❖ water treatment plant operators
if the tanks develop a leak? What is
done if the tanks leak? ❖ water chemists ❖ hydrologists, hydrogeologists, and
❖ Make a poster showing how your ❖ licensed well driller (check the yel- engineers – private industry and
low pages of your phone book) governmental agencies
family or school can conserve water.
❖ Make a display of newspaper clip-
pings involving groundwater issues
for your school or local library.

Adapted from: Groundwater Study Guide

and Groundwater Resources and Educa- In addition to this booklet and activity ❖ Better Homes and Groundwater
tional Activities for Teaching. sheets, the Groundwater Study Guide describes actions that individuals can
packet contains additional materials implement and practice to protect,
which are excellent sources of additional conserve, and replenish groundwater.
Additional Field Trip Ideas: information. Topics include yard care, raingar-
When planning a field trip, be sure to se- ❖ The Wisconsin Groundwater Direc- dens, household cleansers, wise
cure permission and discuss your activity tory contains contact information water use, water conserving fixtures,
with people at the site before your visit. and resources available on a variety water supply protection, and safe dis-
posal practices. It can be downloaded
❖ municipal or county landfill site— of groundwater topics, including
groundwater protection and land online at dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/
possibly monitoring wells
use, groundwater contamination and gw/pubs/bhgw.pdf.
❖ municipal water treatment plant, well clean-up and groundwater education. ❖ Groundwater Models Available
and water tower The Directory is included with the provides a listing of locations from
❖ agricultural operation—irrigation Groundwater Study Guide packet which it might be possible to borrow
with wells, integrated pest manage- and is also available online by going a groundwater model for use in the
ment to uwsp.edu/cnr/gndwater/info/in- classroom. The list is also available
dex.htm. at dnr.wi.gov/org/water/dwg/gw/edu-
❖ water resource sites—springs, rivers,
lakes, wetlands ❖ Groundwater: Wisconsin’s Bur- cation/models.pdf.

❖ rock exposures showing groundwater

ied Treasure includes introduc- ❖ Water Resources Websites is a listing
tory information on groundwater, of websites for additional informa-
discusses the threats to groundwater, tion on water resources, especially
describes what Wisconsin agencies groundwater.
do to protect groundwater and lists
steps individuals can take to protect
this valuable resource. It is available
online by going to dnr.wi.gov/org/

Selected Department Of Public Instruction (DPI) Wisconsin Model Academic
Standards For Environmental Education, Health Education, Science, Social Studies
And Math Relevant To The Activities In This Booklet

Environmental Education Science Standards Social Studies Standards

Standards A. Science Connections A. Geography: People, Places, and
A. Questioning and Analysis Environment
B. Nature of Science
B. Knowledge of Environmental Pro- C. Political Science and Citizenship:
C. Science Inquiry
cess and Systems Power, Authority, Governance and
D. Physical Science Responsibility
C. Environmental Issue Investigation
E. Earth and Space Science D. Economics: Production, Distribu-
F. Life and Environmental Science tion, Exchange, and Consumption
D. Decision and Action Skills
G. Science Applications E. The Behavioral Sciences: Individu-
als, Institutions, and Society
Health Education H. Science in Social and Personal
Standards Math Standards
A. Health Promotion and Disease Pre- D. Measurement
E. Statistics and Probability
B. Healthy Behaviors
Activities in this guide may also
C. Goal Setting and Decision Making relate to other subject areas such as:
D. Information and Services English/Language Arts and Family
and Consumer Education. For detailed
G. Advocacy
descriptions of all the Wisconsin Model
Academic Standards including those
listed in this guide please visit dpi.wi.gov/

The purpose of the Department of Natural Resources study guides is to help increase Wisconsin citizens’
knowledge about and understanding of our state’s environment. We hope to provide information about
important environmental issues, encourage respect for the environment and help citizens
become active stewards of our natural resources.

Credits and Acknowledgements:

This is a revision of a 1990 publication by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Information and Education. The author and
project coordinator of that original publication was Jo Temte. The project consultant was Dennis Yockers, Ph. D. The advisory committee consisted of
Dennis, Cathy Cliff, Ron Hennings, Chris Mechenich, Dan Sivek, Ph. D.
This revision was coordinated by David Lindorff. Special thanks for assisting in the revision go to Deb Lyons-Roehl, Christal Campbell, Laura Chern
and Blll Phelps. Thanks go to following persons for reviewing the publication: Shelley Lee, Carrie Morgan, Michael Scott, Suzanne Wade, Dr. Dennis
Yockers and the Groundwater Coordinating Council Education Subcommittee.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources provides equal opportunity in its employment, programs, services, and functions under an Affirma-
tive Action Plan. If you have any questions, please write to Equal Opportunity Office, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240.
This publication is available in alternative format (large print, Braille, audio tape, etc) upon request. Please call (608) 266-0821 for more information.

Please address comments and questions about this study guide to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater
PRINTED ON Groundwater Section
PAPER PO Box 7921
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7921
(608) 266-0821

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