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SEPTEMBER 30, 2019


Dear Ms. Solitana,

This certifies that this project proposal by Lois Olladas, Christian Joseph Ascura, Mack

Mecko Alcantara, and Sevie Panday entitled “Three-Storey Sports and Recreational Center”

meets the standards of engineering and architecture in accordance to the National Building Code

of the Philippines, ACI Building Code and the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015.

Given this 28th day of September 2019.



Project Consultant

Assistant Prof. Jennifer Eve A. Solitana

Department of English and Literature
Silliman University
Dumaguete City

Dear Ms. Solitana,

In fulfillment of the requirements in our technical writing course, we gratefully present to

you our project proposal, “Three-Storey Sports and Recreational Center,” which will provide a

renewed version of Silliman University’ Gymnasium, Dumaguete City. Furthermore, this project

will give the Sillimanians a proper place to exercise their talents with the use of new facilities

and engage more in Sports-related activities. This will also provide the Staff with adequate

equipment and resources to let them perform their tasks efficiently. We humbly wish that this

project proposal will meet your high standards of approval.


______________________ ______________________
Lois T. Olladas Christian Joseph Ascura
BS Civil Engineering IV BS Civil Engineering IV

______________________ ______________________
Mack Mecko Alcantara Sevie Panday
BS Mechanical Engineering BS Mechanical Engineering

For his invaluable service and wisdom, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to

our project consultant, Arch. Lito Pimentel for providing us the detailed plan and cost estimation

for this proposal.

For welcoming us in every visit we had for consultation and guidance in our project

proposal, we would like to acknowledge the Silliman University Buildings and Grounds for

doing so.

For patiently entertaining us in every visit we had for questions and confirmations in our

project proposal, we would like to thank the Silliman University Athletics Department for doing


And lastly, for His great love, guidance and wisdom in the completion of this project, our

sincerest gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ for being with us all throughout.

Certification of Consultant

Letter of Transmittal


Table of Contents


I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

B. Statement of the Problem

C. Solution to the problem

D. Significance of the Study

E. Scope and Limitation

F. Objectives of the Study

G. Definition of Terms

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

A. Related Literature

B. Related Study

C. Existing Product
III. Methodology

A. List of Materials

B. Information and Architectural Design Stage

C. Development Stage

D. Implementation Stage

IV. Project Schedule

V. Project Cost

A. Cost of Details

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation

VII. Bibliography

VIII. Appendices

The Silliman University Gymnasium has always been the place where students and Staff

of Silliman University gather and have their P.E. classes. Over the years, this gymnasium served

its purpose well. Thousands of ballgames and racket sports have been played in the said

gymnasium. With advancing infrastructure and designs, together with the growing population of

students enrolling in Silliman University, the gym may not be able to cope with the needs and

demands of the people. It is with this reason that the proponents of this project propose to have

the gymnasium renovated into a three-storey Sports and Recreational Center. This will enhance

the Silliman experience and provide added and upgraded facilities available for public use. It will

also accommodate a larger number of people and will give Silliman a fresh new look. Also, the

athletes’ perks will be magnified and better than before. This project proposal includes site

descriptions, measurements, design specifications and plans, material costing or cost of details,

construction schedule, as well as the development, application and execution of the design

I. Introduction

A. Background of the Study

A Sillimanian’s passion for sports is immense. Whether as an athlete or just a

mere spectator, they crave for sports entertainment and sports achievements. The whole

school supports when a Sillimanian athlete or team is in the quest for success. It only

shows success in sports creates many opportunities, extracts an extensive range of fame

for the University, and also displays the heart of an athlete which integrates the heart of

students from that university. A university’s sports facility would tell us how much the

university is involved in sports.

Silliman, an institution where there is a variety of sports and activities would

immensely benefit from a new and improved sports facility. The current gym of the

university is not enough to cater the needs of the ever growing population in the campus.

The proponents see a potential for the current facility to cater more sports. So the project

proposes a renovation of the old gym to a Three-Storey Sports Facility.

B. Statement of the Problem

Silliman University Gymnasium, Silliman Campus, Dumaguete City is outdated

and does not satisfy the wants and demands of the students enrolled in the Institution.

This causes numerous problems not only to the students but also to the staff, coaches and

personnel making use of what the gymnasium can offer in exchange for their time, effort,

and services to Silliman University.

C. Solution to the Problem

Renovation of the Silliman University Gymnasium into a Three-Storey Sports

and Recreational Center provided with modern and unexampled upgraded facilities to

meet the needs of not only Sillimanians, but also visitors and guests, enhancing their

overall experience and culture as well.

D. Significance of the Study

This proposal is made for the new sports facility of Silliman University to

help improve the quality of sports in the university.

Benefiting the proposal are the various sectors as follows;

The Students

The direct recipients of the output of this proposal are the students of Silliman

University. The improvement of the sports facility would greatly be beneficial to the

students as the classrooms and activity areas for P.E. classes will improve. And events

like all university intramurals the new sports facility would cater more students as they

support their respective colleges

The Athletes

The proposal benefits the athletes, As athletes of the university they will have a

better place to practice and workout to condition their bodies. Practice schedules will not

be a problem since every sport will now have a dedicated court to its own.

The Teachers

The proposal will be very beneficial to the teachers, P.E. teachers in particular

since they will have new classrooms to teach in and offices to do their works. The new

facility will be able to cater classes of the same schedule of activities outside the

classrooms as the wider space gives them a freedom to do so.

The University

The proposal benefits the university as it can generate income if outside

organizations rent out the sport facility to hold their events as it has a wide space to cater

different kinds of events.

E. Scope and Limitation

The main focus of this project is to propose a Three-Storey Sports and

Recreational Center Renovation of the Silliman University Gymnasium for everyone,

especially students studying in the said Institution. This project assures that their

experience will not be affected but in fact improved and they need not worry of

security and safety measures since the location of the new facility will just be where

the old gymnasium stands. Also, this project benefits the Faculty and Staff of Silliman

University for they will have new offices and rooms in the said facility.
F. Objectives of the study

Following are the objectives of the study:

1. To improve the sports facilities of Silliman University.

2. To put most if not all the sports activities in one area.

3. To help athletes improve their skills by making all courts and equipments

follow the international standards in various sports.

G. Definition of Terms

Sports facility-a facility, including a stadium, that is intended to house or provide a

site for one or more major league professional athletic or sports teams or activities,

together with all spectator facilities, parking facilities, walkways, and auxiliary

facilities, real and personal property, property rights, easements, leasehold estates,

and interests that may be appropriate for, or used in connection with, the operation of

the sports facility.

Gymnasium- a building (as on a college campus) containing space and equipment for

various indoor sports activities and usually including spectator accommodations,

locker and shower rooms, offices, classrooms, and a swimming pool.

Ballgame- any game that is played with a ball

Racket Sports- sports, such as tennis, squash, badminton, etc. that are played using

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

A. Related Literature

The success of any sports program depends largely on the quality and quantity of available

facilities and equipment. Working in a Sports Council with adequate indoor and outdoor

facilities, a teacher or coach finds implementing the program to be basically a procedural pursuit.

Instructors/Coaches, functioning under the frustrating constraints of limited resources on the

other hand, continually must employ insight and creativity to originate and develop additional


Availability of adequate sports facilities are necessary ingredients to successful sports and

that their absence negates proper development of sports program in Nigeria. Adequate sports

facilities enable programs and events to take place; the role of the facilities in assisting with

player development program appears more prominent and pertinent than the specific initiative

aimed at development or maintenance of sporting facilities themselves.

Sports programs are mainly concerned with movement and one important factor in the

conduct of successful sports program is the provision of adequate facilities, equipment and

supplies. Lack of those will greatly hinder even the most proficient coach. Provision of

equipment should be adequate and timely and that limitations imposed by those factors that

restrict the number and kinds of activities that may be performed in the sport program are

detrimental to sports development. Just as adequate facilities and equipment are needed for

effective institution and fulfillment of objectives in other discipline. So are they needed for the

successful teaching of sports and games.1

P. E. Ekuri. Standard Facilities and Equipment as Determinants of High Sports Performance of Cross River State at
National Sports Festival. May 21, 2018.
Flexibility in Stadium design would give rise to great opportunities for the building typology.

Both in Poland and in the world big sport events are stimulating the development of city

infrastructure, building new sports facilities, communications routes and increase the

employment rate. They revive the regional economy. However they are connected with expenses

of several million of Euro. Therefore, it is increasingly important for the money to be spent on

construction of objects which will be exploited for a longer period of time without maintenance

related financial losses. Since building costs are only 20% of total costs of the object, the

remaining 80% are costs associated with the use, the renovation and maintaining of the building.2

Where courts are provided, an accessible route must connect each court. Accessible routes must

comply with all requirements, such as width and changes in level or surface, and must directly connect

both sides of the court. Players must not be required to traverse through another court to get to the other

side of their court. This is especially critical in sports like tennis, in which changing sides of the court is

part of the game. No additional accessibility guidelines apply once on the court.

Accessible routes must connect each area of sport activity. Areas of sport activities must comply with

all requirements, except that they are exempt from the requirement that surfaces must be stable, firm, and

slip resistant, and from the restrictions on carpets, grating, and changes in level. They are also exempt

from restrictions on protruding objects. These provisions are not required inside of the area of sport

activity since they may affect the fundamental nature of the sport or activity. For example, an accessible

route is required to connect to the boundary of a soccer field, but there is no requirement to change the

surface of a field to an accessible surface.3

Guide on Sports Facilities.U.S. Access Board 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004-1111.
The character of sports activity and sports industry, embodied in multidisciplinary and

interdisciplinary, demands a significantly higher degree of scientific and professional information than

before. This required management to increasingly and more systematically deal with the questions of

modern sports practice, which correspond to the realization of top sports scores. This is how special

areas of sports management emerged – management of sports facilities and management of

sports projects, which engage in: planning, drafting and funding of the construction and

daily operations of sports facilities, drafting and organization of training and business

processes, leading those activities and controlling a wide range of participants, processes and

sub-elements of these systems.4

A vibrant community recreation center can have a stabilizing effect on the lives of young

people. By providing safe and adequately equipped spaces for physical activities like dance,

martial arts, yoga, basketball, and other sports, community centers instill discipline, healthy

exercise habits, and teamwork. Community centers create the perfect setting for local mentorship

programs, providing guidance and leadership development for the youth of the community. The

role of community recreation centers is especially crucial for communities that lack the

necessary facilities to keep their children in safe environments. After school programs provide a

refuge for at-risk youth, helping to reduce crime rates, court costs, and other costs to the

community. A report from the University of Chicago, links afterschool programs, which can be

found in many recreation centers, with reduced drug use.

Ana Krsteska. Challenges of Sports Facilities and Projects Management in the XXI Century. Science & Practice,
Vol. 3, №2, 2013, pp. 59–77.
Additionally, the National Recreation and Park Association reports that with 560 million

meals per years, parks and recreation organizations are the second largest food provider for

children behind schools.

Ensuring community youth have a healthy outlet for their creativity and energy is an

important step towards long-term community improvement. Discipline, self-esteem, and

leadership are all qualities that are fostered in youth-focused programs.

A quality recreation center is a valuable asset to any community. A well-run community

center serves as a thriving hub of activity for youth, families, senior citizens, civic organizations,

parks and recreation departments, and more. Unfortunately, in many cities, community centers

aren’t meeting the needs of the people around them. In some areas, no community center

currently exists.5

When choosing a site for your recreational facility, look for a piece of land that is as

building-ready as possible. The more time that has to be spent preparing the property for

construction – clearing away trees, grading, blasting rock – the more it will cost, which means

there will be less money for implementing your sports complex design.

It may seem fairly obvious, but the use of durable building materials in your sports complex

design will reduce long-term costs of maintaining your facility. Recreational complexes are high-

traffic, high-impact locations. If you don’t place an emphasis on using materials that can stand

up to the beating, then the remodeling and repairs will never end. One example is the use of

high-impact drywall in the construction of gyms and athletic courts, rather than the more

traditional cinder block building method. High-impact drywall is durable, easy to clean, and less

expensive than its cinder block counterpart.

Sports Advisory. The Positive Impact of Community Recreation Centers. March 9, 2016.
Consider prefabricated steel in your sports complex design. A cost-effective, low-

maintenance solution, the use of prefabricated steel dramatically reduces construction time, and

it doesn’t have to be constantly repainted and updated every few years like other more traditional

construction materials. Since steel is fire resistant and not susceptible to weather, steel structures

often cost far less to insure. With flexible, modern designs, your building’s steel exterior can be

made to look like traditional siding or stone.

Utilities represent a significant expense in the day-to-day operations of a recreational facility,

and this is something to consider during the construction phase. The use of LED lighting in your

sports complex design can drastically reduce the monthly electric bill. LED bulbs consume less

energy and last longer. They provide instant lighting without producing as much heat as other

bulbs, which can help limit the cost associated with cooling an indoor sports facility. With

customizable intensity settings and dimming controls, LED lighting can be specifically tailored

to every situation. Once you have decided on a floor plan and building materials, stick with

them. The more changes you try to make to the process mid-stream, the more it will cost you and

the longer it will take to complete the project.6

Parking is one of the most important things you have to consider. Seriously: You cannot

overlook parking. Why? If you want to compete with other facilities for hosting lucrative

tournaments, you need to meet minimum parking per event criteria. Organizers hosting events

typically need anywhere from 50-100 spaces per field. They also worry about how far their

visitors have to walk from parking to the fields.

Sports Advisory. Five Design Tweaks to Help Save on Sports Facility Construction Costs. February 29, 2016.
Another factor you have to consider when it comes to parking is liability if a car is struck by

a ball or other piece of equipment. Nets are a good idea for parking spaces next to baseball fields

especially, but it’s important to have signs that clearly state you are not responsible for any

damage or injury caused by game play.7

Sports facilities and stadium construction jobs offer owners the opportunity to use smart

construction methods. Structural considerations include choosing Tilt-Up construction, a method

The Korte Company developed that trims project timelines and boosts work site efficiency.

Owners can also incorporate green building principles which include using recycled materials

and energy-efficient windows, HVAC and water infrastructure. Enhance sustainability by

installing high-efficiency LED lights with motion sensors that activate lights only if an area is

being used. These techniques serve dual purposes of minimizing environmental impact while

cutting down on operations costs. Those savings can then be passed along to patrons, adding

even more value to a new venue.

Whether you have a rec center, sports complex or stadium construction project in mind, it’s

important to think diligently both inside and outside the project footprint. Be logical and

intelligent in interior design. Build smart with green materials and methods. And always think

about the partnerships you can build and the growth you can spur as a result of your project.8

Key requirements could be a continuous accessible path of travel from the site entry to and

through any spectator and viewing area. Clear, easy to read signage at the entry to the spectator

and viewing area incorporating relevant international symbols of access or deafness, that can

easily be read by a person when standing or seated and incorporating raised tactile and Braille


Sports/Clubs. 8 Things to Consider When Building a New Sports Complex. February 22, 2018.
The Korte Company. Stadium construction: Tips for owners before getting started. 2019.
Viewing areas connected to, but located off the continuous accessible path of travel, so as not

to provide an obstruction to path users. A raised viewing area for people who need to remain

seated, in areas where viewing is predominantly undertaken by people who are standing.

Accessible seating spaces available in a variety of equitable locations throughout a building or

facility, that allow people to sit together, for example, friends and family, person using a

wheelchair and person using an assistance animal. Rows of seating that have adequate space

between them to allow people to easily move through.9

Remember, the concept design is flexible and will probably change. Do not spend time and

money developing and discussing alternative layouts at this stage. Once the proposal is deemed

feasible, and has been approved, it will enter the design phase. It is then that the skills of a

professional consultant design team will be utilized to develop a schematic design. Care should

be taken to be guided by real needs, as opposed to expressed wants, to avoid spiraling capital and

operating costs that create excessive/unsustainable financial burdens.10

Sport and Recreation Victoria. (2017, April 28). Spectator and viewing areas. Retrieved August 31, 2019.
Sport New Zealand. (2017). Site suitability. Community Sports and Recreation Facility Guide.
B. Related Study

C. Existing Product
III. Methodology

A. List of Materials

Cement – it is the major component used for construction it has the ability to hold the

entire structure of the building.

Hollow blocks/Bricks - is building material used to make walls, pavements and other

elements in masonry construction.

Sand – Is used construction for making of concrete and mortar. It is a fine aggregate and

is filled by the cement paste. Due to this, shrinkage is reduced and strength and durability

is increased.

Stainless tubes - It is corrosion-resistant and long-lasting, making thinner and more

durable structures possible. It presents architects with many possibilities of shape, color

and form, whilst at the same time being tough, hygienic, adaptable and recyclable.

Fiber boards - It is siding most often consists of overlapping horizontal boards, imitating

wooden siding, clapboard and imitation shingles.

Tile - are often used to form wall and floor coverings, and can range from simple square

tiles to complex.

Glass Bricks - glass used as a building material. It is most typically used as transparent

glazing material in the building envelope.

Deformed Bars - promotes a better bond with the concrete. The most common type of

rebar is carbon steel, typically consisting of hot-rolled round bars.

Galvanized Iron Deformed Plate - plates are usually either made from cold rolled or

galvanized steel, based upon their use. Galvanized steel offers more protection
Steel Beams - is often wider than a column web to resist the higher bending moments that

occur in beams. Wide sheets of steel deck can be used

Composite Roof Panel – is a roof which is almost level in contrast to the many types of

sloped roofs. The slope of a roof is properly known as its pitch and flat roofs

Glass - is a non-crystalline, amorphous solid that is most often transparent and has

widespread practical, technological, and decorative uses.

Sprung Timber - these hold the whole panel within the timber frame. The staves are

positioned into the holes and then sprung into the grooves. These are commonly used for

indoor basketball court.

Polycarbonate Walling - is an extruded multi-wall polymer product created for

applications where its strength, thermally

Plastic Floor tiles - floor covering refers more to loose-laid materials. Materials almost

always classified as flooring include carpet

Strand board – floors, walls, and roofs. The panels usually consist of plywood, oriented

strand board, or drywall glued and sandwiched around a core consisting of expanded

Cables and Wires – is a single, usually cylindrical, flexible strand or rod of metal. Wires

are used to bear mechanical loads or electricity and telecommunications

Sanitary pipes – It is the where Liquid waste flows to the piping to the tank.

Blue pipes – It is where the water source flows to the faucets and water tank.

Metal Square bars – It is used for fabricating, Iis a bar of metal that is widely considered

as one of the most important component in a construction. The steel bar varies from

different shapes and sizes, these are angle bars, square bars, round bars and flat bars.
Galvanized Iron Rectangular tubes – Is-sustainable A large proportion of galvanized steel

is used in construction and decorations.

Metal Tek Screws – It as self-drilling screws or self-tapping fasteners, are fairly

common pieces of hardware. Aside from the drill tip of the screw, Tek screws look like

standard screws. The tip of a Tek screw, known as the drill tip, includes a small carving

piece at the end of the screw. This piece is used to establish a small hole in applications

by first tapping the screw against the application before driving it in. This provides a

better starting point for drilling the screw. It also saves time by eliminating the need to

drill a hole before installing a screw or waiting for thread to catch.

Masonry Paint – It is paint ensures that surfaces are dirt resistant, breathable and

waterproof – meaning that homes have flawless coverage and protection for longer.

C Furring – thin strips of galvanized iron or other material to level or raise surfaces of

another material to prevent dampness, to make space for insulation, or to level and

resurface ceilings or walls.

VI. Conclusion and Recommendation


From all the data gathered through intensive research, interviews and surveys the

proponents conclude that A new and improved sports facility for Silliman University is a

project that the university should highly consider. As it comes with a lot of positive

impact to the university. This brings a lot of benefits to the students such as being

accommodated to a new sports facility where PE classes are held and school events will

be held, the athletes of the university as they will have ample of space to practice without

schedule problems with other sports practices, the teachers for they are to conduct their

classes to a better facility to cater their teaching needs better, and the University itself as

the new facility would attract outside organizations to rent out the facility grounds to hold

their own events inside the new sports facility.


It is recommended to design a new sports facility building on other locations of

the university as they may offer better suitability in building a bigger sports facility for

Silliman University. Locations like the Silliman University ball field for its large area and

a near distance to the Silliman University Medical Center for times of injuries that would

take place in the sports facility. A wider area would also mean more sports to be catered

and a big leeway for the design aspect of the sports facility.
VII. Bibliography

P. E. Ekuri. Standard Facilities and Equipment as Determinants of High Sports Performance of

Cross River State at National Sports Festival. May 21, 2018.Retrieved from
M. Kośmieja , J. Pasła Wski. Flexible designing of large sports complex.2016.
Guide on Sports Facilities.U.S. Access Board 1331 F Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC
20004-1111.Retrieved from

Ana Krsteska. Challenges of Sports Facilities and Projects Management in the XXI Century.
Science & Practice, Vol. 3, №2, 2013, pp. 59–77.Retrieved from
Sports Advisory. The Positive Impact of Community Recreation Centers. March 9, 2016.
Retrieved from
Sports Advisory. Five Design Tweaks to Help Save on Sports Facility Construction Costs.
February 29, 2016. Retrieved from
Sports/Clubs. 8 Things to Consider When Building a New Sports Complex. February 22, 2018.
Retrieved from
The Korte Company. Stadium construction: Tips for owners before getting started. 2019.
Retrieved from
Sport and Recreation Victoria. (2017, April 28). Spectator and viewing areas. Retrieved
August 31, 2019. Retrieved from
Sport New Zealand. (2017). Site suitability. Community Sports and Recreation Facility Guide.
Retrieved from

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