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The LostWorld

The Lost World


SETTING 17 Most people thought ___ was a liar when he talked of living
Choose the best answer. dinosaurs.

a Professor Challenger b Tarp Henry
1 At a Zoological Society ___, Professor Challenger asked
c Mr McArdle d Mr Waldron
people to go to the ‘Lost World’.
a group b lesson c meeting d party 18 Doctor Illingworth was Challenger’s and Summerlee’s ___.
a enemy b friend c student d teacher
2 When Malone and the others arrived in Brazil, they took a
___ to Manaos. 19 Maretas, the son of an Indian ___, was kind and helpful to
a bus b plane c river boat d train the four white men.
a businessman b chief c doctor d scientist
3 For three days they travelled down a river through a tunnel
of ___. 20 Lord Roxton shot and killed Pedro Lopez, a ___ from Peru.
a bamboo b earth c rock d trees a liar b servant c slave d slave-driver
4 They hid their boats and continued up a hillside on ___ for 20 marks
nine days.
a bicycles b foot c horses

d their hands and knees
Who said this?
5 Jimmy Colver’s body was lying in some ___ below the red
21 ‘That’s your man, Mr Malone. Go and see what you think of
a bamboo b dinosaur bones c large footprints
a Jimmy Colver b Tarp Henry
d stones
c Doctor Illingworth d Mr McArdle
6 There was a __ of rock as high as the cliffs with one large
22 ‘I have discovered a Lost World.’
tree on top of it.
a Professor Challenger b Lord Roxton
a building b mountain c pinnacle d wall
c Professor Summerlee d Maple White
7 Malone cut down the tree with an axe and they went across
23 ‘But you do not tell us where these animals are, or how we
it onto the ___.
can find them.’
a bridge b island c plateau d rock
a Gladys b Mr McArdle c Maretas
8 They pulled food, water and guns across with a rope and d Professor Summerlee
made a ___ at the top of the cliff.
24 ‘We need to get ready. Now, you’ll need a gun.’
a camp b cross c hole d trap
a Gomez b Tarp Henry c Malone
9 Malone saw tall ___ on the other side of Maple White Land. d Lord Roxton
a animals b buildings c cliffs d people
25 ‘Look, Summerlee! A pterodactyl!’
10 Before visiting the ‘Lost World’, Lord Roxton saw blue earth at a Professor Challenger b Doctor Illingworth
a diamond ___ in Australia. c Mr McArdle d Mr Waldron
a camp b institute c mine d museum
26 ‘The hot sun will whiten your bones, and nobody will find
20 marks them.’
a Jimmy Colver b Gomez c Professor Summerlee
d Zambo
Choose the best answer. 27 ‘I escaped this morning by kicking my guard in the stomach.’
a Professor Challenger b Tarp Henry c Manuel
11 Malone was a young ___ for the Daily Gazette newspaper.
d Lord Roxton
a editor b photographer c reporter
d secretary 28 ‘Today Professor Summerlee is telling us some even more
surprising things.’
12 Lord Roxton was a famous traveller and ___.
a Doctor Illingworth b Malone c Mr McArdle
a detective b sportsman c writer d zoologist
d Maple White
13 Professor Challenger ___ anyone who asked him questions.
29 ‘Close the window!’
a cheered b helped c hit d thanked
a Professor Challenger b Tarp Henry c Gladys
14 Professor Summerlee was a tall, thin ___ man with a dry, d Mr Waldron
cold voice.
30 ‘I think, if you will have me, I’d like to go with you.’
a dangerous b exciting c joyful d unsmiling
a Malone b Mr McArdle c Mr Potts
15 The two professors ___ about everything like children. d Professor Summerlee
a agreed b argued c laughed d lied
20 marks
16 Professor Challenger was a ___ man.
a friendly b kind c proud d stupid

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The Lost World
The Lost World
Dominoes two

VOCABULARY 47 Lord Roxton and Malone saved ___ from being thrown from
Choose the best answer. the cliff to a horrible death.

a Jimmy Colver b the professors c Maple White
31 a place where one road becomes two roads
d Zambo
a arrow b cross c fork d map
48 There was a ___ between the ape-men and the Indians who
32 a long gun
lived in the plateau.
a axe b bullet c rifle d rope
a conversation b fight c lot of arguing
33 a thing that you use for catching animals d wall
a cage b drum c tin d trap
49 The professors, Lord Roxton and Malone took a baby ___
34 to hit with your foot back to the Zoological Institute.
a drag b kick c throw d tie a iguanodon b pterodactyl c triceratops
d tyrannosaurus
35 to make a loud noise like a big animal
a cheer b roar c scream d shout 50 With his £50,000, Malone decided to go back to the plateau
with ___.
36 to show where something is with your finger

a Professor Challenger b Gladys c Lord Roxton
a describe b draw c explain d point
d Professor Summerlee
37 to find something new or important
a argue b believe c discover d hope 20 marks
38 very old and in pieces (of clothes)
a broken b dirty c ragged d scratched Total marks

39 in a way that shows you feel special or important

a crossly b excitedly c joyfully d proudly
40 that can cut or make holes like a knife
a deadly b sharp c stagnant d horrible

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Gladys wanted to marry a man who did brave things and
had ___.
a adventures b money c children
d a big house
42 Malone went on a difficult and dangerous ___ to win
Gladys’s love.
a holiday b journey c ride d walk
43 Professor Challenger spent a year alone in South America
and discovered ___.
a drawings of ape-men b cave drawings
c drawings of dinosaurs d drawings of diamonds
44 Malone named a ___ after Gladys. It was silver and beautiful
in the moonlight.
a diamond b lake c river d sea
45 Maple White’s ___ helped Professor Challenger to find the
Lost World.
a bones b drawings c footprints d watch
46 When the bridge from the pinnacle to the plateau crashed
to the ground, only ___ stayed to help Challenger and the
a Gomez b Manuel c Maretas d Zambo


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The LostWorld
World The Turn of
DOMINOES Two the Screw

Test Key
1 c 1 c
2 c 2 a
3 d 3 b
4 b 4 a
5 a 5 d
6 c 6 b
7 c 7 c
8 a 8 c
9 c 9 a
10 c 10 d

11 c 11 a
12 b 12 c
13 c 13 a
14 d 14 a
15 b 15 d
16 c 16 b
17 a 17 d
18 a 18 a
19 b 19 d
20 d 20 c


Test Answer Keys

21 d 21 d
22 a 22 c
23 d 23 d
24 d 24 d
25 a 25 a
26 b 26 d
27 d 27 b
28 a 28 a
29 a 29 a
30 a 30 d

31 c 31 d
32 c 32 b
33 d 33 b
34 b 34 b
35 b 35 a
36 d 36 b
37 c 37 b
38 c 38 d
39 d 39 a
40 b 40 d

41 a 41 b
42 b 42 d
43 c 43 a
44 b 44 c
45 b 45 a
46 d 46 a
47 b 47 d
48 b 48 c
49 b 49 a
50 c 50 b


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