Toktok Speaking Unit 101

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Toktok Speaking

Topic 1 Unit 1

Food and drink

1. What is your favorite food? Why?
2. How often do you eat out? Where do you usually go?
3. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?
4. What are some foods that you know are healthy for your

soup juice
ice cream carrot
mustard market
egg cafe
cookies boil
cherry fry
salad grill
bowl diet food
dish noodle
refrigerator wine

Would you like There are I'd like

Shall we Can you tell me How about
Could you get me No wonder How would you like
He looks as if out of I’ve ever
 _____ ___ ____ a cream soup or a vegetable soup?
 _____ ___ good cafes and a restaurant close at hand.
 ___ ____ a sandwich, French fries and a coke.
 _____ __ eat out tonight?
 ___ ___ ____ __ why you dislike cheese?
 ___ _____ dining at an Indian restaurant?
 _____ ___ ___ __ another beer?
 __ ______ Gloria got upset. The waiter spilled soup on her new

 ___ _____ ___ ____ your eggs?
 __ _____ __ __ he ate something bad for lunch.
 I squeeze juice ___ __ an orange.
 This is the best dish ____ ____ had.

Additional Questions
 Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?
 How often do you eat at a fast-food restaurant? How many
calories do you think are in one hamburger?
 Do you eat breakfast everyday?
 Do you like Chinese food? Japanese food? Why or why not?
 Are you a good cook? What food can you cook the best?
 What did you eat for lunch yesterday?
 What do you think of Thai food? Indian food?
 Is there any food that you really dislike to eat?
 How often do you go drinking? What's your favorite drink?
 If you are living abroad, what is the food that you miss most
from home?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 2 Unit 1

Countries, languages and people

1. What country would you like to go to in the future? Why?
2. What country have you been to aside from your own? Did you
like it? Why or why not?
3. If you were to meet a foreigner from another country, what
would you tell or ask him and why?
4. If you had to live in another country (for always) where
would you go? Why?

French Korean
Thai Brazil
Spanish Spain
Arabic Russia
German China
Mexican Sweden
Canadian Rome
Irish Canberra
Polish Cairo
Vietnamese English

How long have you been Have you ever applied

Do you have any I doubt if Is there anyone
Everyone who Please change Not only
What I ‘m trying to say is your first visit we have
 ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ studying English?
 ____ ___ ____ ______ for a visa before?
 __ ___ ____ ___ relatives in the States?
 _ _____ __ he is an American.
 __ _____ ______ from Finland in this room?
 ______ ___ visits Russia should first get a visa.
 ______ ______ these Hong Kong dollars into U.S. dollars.

 ___ ____ Maria but Isabel also came from Costa Rica.
 ____ __ ______ __ ___ __ I’ve never been to Africa.
 Is this ____ _____ _____ to this country?
 Today, __ ____ the soccer game between Korea and Spain.

Additional Questions
 What has surprised you when you've met people from other
 What do you like about your culture?
 If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it
 Why do you think culture is important?
 Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from
another county?
 What are some advantages of an international marriage? What
are some disadvantages?
 What do you think is important when visiting another country?
 Do you think "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" is always
good advice? Why or why not?
 Tell me something about the customs in your country.
 Which language do you think is the most difficult to learn? Why?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 3 Unit 1

Birth, marriage and death

1. Have you ever seen a baby being born? How do you feel
about babies being born?
2. Are you married? When do you want to get married? Why?
3. What do you think is better, marrying young or marrying
late? What determines a happy marriage? What is the
relationship between love and marriage?
4. Do you know anybody who just died? What did he/she die of?
How did you feel when he or she died?

birth die
baby funeral
born death
baby name religious
parents ceremony
wedding ring
bride wedding
groom divorced
single widow
married engagement

While she was It feels like How do you know

Are you ready to What is the date Is he married
Have you ever thought about because my dad didn't remember
are going to was freezing to get married
 _____ ___ ___ a student in France, she met her future husband.
 __ _____ ____ a baby skin.
 ___ __ ___ ____ if you’re dating a married man?
 ___ ___ _____ __ fall in love again?
 ____ __ ___ ____ of your birthday?

 __ __ _______? No. He's single.
 ____ ___ ____ ______ _____ suicide?
 My mom was angry ______ __ ___ _____ ______ their wedding
 We ___ _____ __ Hawaii for our honeymoon.
= We are going to honeymoon in Hawaii.
 I ___ ______ __ death.
 When are they going to ___ ______?

Additional Questions
 At what age do most people in your country get married?
 Do women usually work after getting married in your country?
 Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? Why or why
 Do you think people change after getting married?
 Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before
getting married? Why or Why not?
 How long do you think couples should know each other before
they get married?
 Do you know someone who has gotten a divorce?
 What are some of the main reasons people get divorced?
 Do you think that there is anything worth dying for?
 How does a person cope with death of a friend or loved one?
 Do you believe in life after death?
 What are funerals like in your country?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 4 Unit 1

1. What type of clothes do you like? Why is it your favorite?
2. What kind of fashion style do you have? Why do you like it?
3. What is your favorite footwear? Why?
4. Do clothes tell what a person is about or like? Why?
5. What are the clothes that you hate wearing and why?

boots gloves
pullover shoes
collar tights
sleeves belt
shirt blouse
tie overcoat
suit jeans
hat/cap skirt
scarf pants
shorts sweater
socks ribbon

I have outgrown She looks Where can I

I'm looking for You need to Here are
Do you think I tied I need
go with you have an eye for
 _ ____ ______ my overcoat.
 ___ _____ beautiful in those clothes.
 _____ ___ _ try on this dress?
 __ ______ ___ an evening dress.
 ___ ____ __ get dressed.
 ____ ___ some striped ones.
 __ ___ _____ this color suits me?
 _ ____ my hair with a ribbon.

 But _ ____ different color shoes for my jeans and slacks.
 The blouse didn't __ ____ these pants.
 I think ___ ____ __ ___ ___ fashion.

Additional Questions
 Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?
 What colors do you think look good on you?
 Where do you usually buy clothes? Where are some good stores
to buy clothes in your city?
 Do you like shopping for new clothes?
 Have you ever bought imitation brand clothing?
 What traditional costumes do people from your country wear?
 Have you ever made your own clothes? If so, what did you
 Do you read fashion magazines?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 5 Unit 1

Appearance and character

1. Do you like the way you look? Why or why not?
2. Who is the most attractive girl/boy in your school? What
makes her/him attractive?
3. Do you have a favorite actor/actress? Describe his/her
4. Do you think we can judge someone's character by looks? Do
looks reveal anything about character?

tall blonde
slim pale
short handsome
fat ugly
muscular curly
overweight stout
thin obese
skinny fit
straight brunette
wavy crew cut

It seems Do I look I don’t care

I think How can I She’s quite
How tall I'm overweight What does
has got looks fine
 __ _____ that she was pretty when young.
 __ _ ____ better without my glasses?
 _ ____ ____ what he looks like.
 _ _____ Peter is getting a bit fat, don’t you?
 ___ ___ _ recognize you?
 ____ _____ tall with short fair hair.
 ___ ____ are you?

 __ _______ for my height.
 ____ ____ she look like?
 Her brother ___ ___ very broad shoulders.
 Your hair _____ ____.

Additional Questions
 What makes one person more attractive than another?
 How much time should be spent on making yourself look better
each day?
 Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?
 Would you ever date someone who was not conventionally
 How popular is plastic surgery in your country?
 Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to enhance
their looks?
 Do you think self-esteem affects beauty? Do you think beauty
affects self-esteem?
 What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 6 Unit 1

Health and illness

1. How are you today?
2. What kind of illness have you had recently? What did you do
to get well? Did you see a doctor?
3. Do you have any allergies? What are they and how do you
cope with them?
4. How do you stay fit and healthy?

flu headache
hay fever lung cancer
diarrhea heart attack
sick asthma
hangover pulse
soar throat allergy
virus diabetes
toothache measles
stomachache symptom
backache stress
earache thermometer
check-up diagnosis
prescription surgery

I'm planning to You had better Would you prefer

You should Do I have to When is
I wonder if Don’t make light of I get
I recovered are aching felt sore
 __ ______ __ have my eyes examined.
 ___ ___ ______ see a dentist.
 _____ ___ ______ to make your appointment at three o’clock or
 ___ ______ get a check-up.

 __ _ ____ __ get an operation?
 ____ __ your appointment with the dentist?
 _ ______ __ he’s still sick.
 ____ ____ _____ __ your illness.
 _ ___ sharp pains in my knee when it rains.
 _ _______ from illness.
 My joints ___ ______.
 My muscles ____ ____.

Additional Questions
 Did you ever get headaches?
 Have you ever sprained your ankle?
 Have you ever been hospitalized?
 When you were in high school, how many days of school did you
miss each year because of sickness?
 Do you catch a cold more than once a year?
 Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
 Do you exercise? What kind of exercise do you do?
 Do you usually get enough sleep?
 Who is the healthiest person in your family?
 Do you think that you need to lose weight?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 7 Unit 1

1. Do you love anybody? Why do you love him or her?
2. How do you feel today?
3. Do you hate anybody? Why do you hate him or her?
4. What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

sad hot
happy tired
angry hungry
pleasant bored
annoy upset
embarrassed blue
surprised melancholy
ill, well gloomy
optimistic satisfied
pessimistic hopeful
encouraging excited
cold exhausted

I wondered why I don’t feel like No wonder

What else You look as if Don’t make
What I mean is I guess Are you sure
You will I felt satisfied I'm sick and tired of
 _ ______ ___ he got angry with me.
 _ ____ ____ ____ going out this weekend.
 __ ______ she got angry.
 ____ ____ would you like to know?
 ___ ____ __ __ you’re scared.
 ____ ____ me mad.
 ____ _ ____ __ I’m not tired at all.
 _ _____ she’s in a bad mood.

 ___ ___ ____ (that) you’re okay?
 ___ ____ feel really sorry for this later.
 _ ____ _______ because I thought I had a good vacation.
 __ ____ ___ _____ __ having the same food every day.

Additional Questions
 Do certain colors make you feel happier?
 Do you feel tense when you meet someone for the first time?
 Do you get nervous if you have to make a speech?
 Can you relax when you are sleeping away from home?
 What are some situations that you enjoy?
 Do you have anyone you can talk to when you are worried?
 Do you enjoy having discussions with other people who have
different opinions?
 What kinds of things make you nervous?
 How do you react when you see something frightening?
 What do you do when you feel lonely?
 Do you enjoy spending time alone?
 Have you ever been really frightened?
 Have you ever been really embarrassed?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 8 Unit 1

1. What kind of weather do you like? Why do you think it is nice,
beautiful or lovely?
2. What is the weather like in your place today? Describe it.
3. Do you think weather affects the way people feel?
4. What kind of weather do you hate? Why do you hate it?

sunny cold
rainy wet
cloudy dry
snowy hurricane
foggy storm
thunder typhoon
hot changeable
chilly wind-chill
forecast freeze
warm frost
tornado lightning

What’s In spite of They couldn't go there

It looks like It is going to be How do you like
It's been raining on and off Look at even if
inside out in case it rains is causing
 _____ today’s weather forecast?
 __ _____ __ the heavy rain, he jogged two miles along the
 ____ ______ __ _____ because of the snowstorm.
 __ _____ ____ it’s going to rain.
 __ __ _____ __ __ warm and sunny.
 ___ __ ___ ____ the snow?
 ___ ____ ______ __ ___ ___ since this morning.

 ____ __ that cute cloud! It looks like a lamb!
 I will go there, ____ __ it rains.
 The wind blew my umbrella ______ ___.
 I’ll bring an umbrella __ ____ __ _____.
 Yes, this long dry spell __ _______ a lot of damage to the crops.

Additional Questions
 What is the weather like in your country for each season?
 What's your favorite season and why?
 In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?
 Which do you like better, hot weather or cold weather?
 Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you
 Do you have snow in your country?
 What month gets the most rain in your country?
 What's the average temperature in your country in the summer
time? How about in the winter?
 Do you get typhoons?
 Do you think that in recent years we are losing our four distinct
 Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so, what do you
think is causing these changes?
 Why is it important to know future weather conditions in

Toktok Speaking

Topic 9 Unit 1

The family
1. Write down about your family (parents, brothers and sisters,
2. What images come to your mind when you are asked about
your childhood?
3. Who’s the one member in your family who knows everything
about you and why?
4. Should parents help their children with their homework?
5. What is the most loving thing your parents ever did for you?

father nephew
mother grandparents
sister grandson
brother daughter
grandma niece
grandpa great-
aunt grandparents
cousin uncle
son granddaughter
mother/father- stepmother
in-law ancestor

Would you tell me He takes after I'd like to

Who does Who will take care of All I want is
Do you know if Has she thought about have no
 _____ ___ ____ __ about your family?
 __ _____ _____ his mother.
 __ ____ __ buy some gifts for my niece and nephews.
 ___ ____ support the family?
 ___ ____ ____ ____ __ you when you’re sick?

 ___ _ ____ __ for us to be a family again.
 __ ___ ____ __ Chris has a younger sister?
 ___ ___ ______ _____ adopting a baby?
 I'm the only daughter and ____ __ brothers.

Additional Questions
 How often does your family eat dinner together?
 How often do you see your cousins? How often do you see your
 Do your parents let you stay out late? What time do you have to
be home? Do you have a curfew?
 Do you live in a nuclear family or an extended family? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of these types of family?
 What’s the best thing about your mom?
 Should children help with the housework? How much or how
often should they help?
 What was the most important thing your parents taught you?
 Do you think your parents understand you? Why or why not?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 10 Unit 1

Animals and pets

1. Do you have pets? What is or are your pets?
2. How do you take care of them?
3. Why do people have pets?
4. What do you think about people who take their pets to
restaurants and supermarkets?
5. If you were to choose a pet, what would you like to have?

horse fish
pig cat
hen parrot
sheep tortoise
cow dog
elephant lamb
snake rabbit
monkey deer
tiger camel
giraffe alligator
lion fox

Is it okay to You mean Can I help you

What animals Don’t feed What happened to
No matter how She is afraid of spoils
whenever he sees me that makes who took care of
 __ __ ____ __ feed the animals here?
 ___ ____ your cat is lost?
 ___ _ ____ ___ rescue your cat?
 ____ ______ do you raise?
 ____ ____ the animals.
 ____ ______ __ the missing cat?

 __ ______ ___ appealing, all park animals are still potentially
 ___ __ ______ __ spiders.
 Human food ______ wild animals.
 My pet dog wags his tail ______ __ ____ __.
 She has an allergy to cats ____ _____ her sneeze.
 He thanked the people ___ ____ ____ __ his dog.

Additional Questions
 Do you prefer dogs or cats?
 Do you consider yourself an animal lover?
 Have you ever seen a dog that helps people?
 What are some things a child can learn by having a pet?
 Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?
 In your opinion, why do some people like to have unusual pets?
 Have you ever been to a zoo? What animals did you see there?
 What animal do you think is the funniest?
 What animals are you afraid of?
 What is your favorite animal?
 What wild animals do you find most interesting? Why?
 What animals do you think is the most dangerous?
 How many legs does a spider have? How about a squid?
 How do you feel about the use of animals for medical research?


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