Toktok Speaking Unit 301

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Toktok Speaking

Topic 41 Unit 3

War and peace

1. What happens in a war?
2. Why is there much terrorism in the world?
3. What are peace talks?
4. Can we do something to prevent war? What?
5. What do you think is the first step toward world peace?

conflict wounded
territory civilians
invade alive
capture release
retreat hijacking
attack military
defend soldier
war zone army
allies navy
troops air force
supplies weapon

We need to Don’t hesitate to All you have to do is

If captured I’m going to All’s fair
What is how long started to
surrounded by there will ever
 __ ____ __ join our allies in attacking the enemy.
 _____ ______ __ serve your country; join the navy now!
 ___ ___ ____ __ __ __ see what will happen.
 __ _______, we would be tortured and murdered.
 ___ _____ __ join the army.
 ____ ____ in love and war.
 ____ __ that soldier's rank?
 Who knows ___ ____ I'm going to be alive?

 Our team _______ __ defend again.
 Our troops were ______ __ the enemy.
 Do you think that _____ ____ ____ come a time on Earth when
there is finally no war?

Additional Questions
 Why does your country have an army?
 Is being a soldier compulsory in your country?
 Have you been in the army?
 Which jobs do soldiers do?
 Do you think women should be soldiers?
 Is there a special day to honor veterans in your country?
 Have you ever lived in a country at war?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 42 Unit 3

1. What are the kinds of agriculture?
2. Imports of foreign agricultural products are on the increase.
Do you think it will pose future problems? Why or why not?
3. How can we protect and develop our agricultural industry?

processing seed
beans poultry
fruit tea
egg vegetable
farm flower
fertilizer farmer
fish peasant
plant soil
grain plow
mushroom weed

We grow There were so many I’m done

What should I do You’ll get used to is suitable for
have begun to which he does not like
was too humid to
 __ ____ vegetables in the garden.
 _____ ____ __ ____ kinds of plants that I didn't know.
 __ ____ watering the plants.
 ____ _____ _ __ with this box?
 _____ ___ ____ __ that.
 The ground __ ______ ___ the plow.
 The dangerous chemicals buried here ____ _____ __ seep into
the soil.
 It contains mushrooms, _____ __ ____ ___ ____.
 The warehouse ___ ___ _____ __ store the grain.

Additional Questions
 Have you ever worked on a farm?
 What are the names of common vegetables in your country?
 Have you ever been to an orchard?
 Do you think visiting a farm is educational for children?
 Does your house have a garden?
 Would you prefer to have a flower garden or a vegetable
garden? Why?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 43 Unit 3

Air travel
1. What do you need for air travel?
2. What should you remember when air traveling?
3. What do you do when you land?
4. Have you suffered from jet lag?
5. Have you been to a foreign country? Where? Did you like your
stay there?

check-in desk altitude

weigh your get off
luggage arrival
boarding pass round-trip
departure window seat
duty-free aisle seat
take off delay
flight attendant stop over
seat belt pilot
cabin crew first class
carry-on bag jet lag
security check

Which way is to She has been suffering from

Where’s Can I get you Do you know why
You need to May I have Where can I
will be the fastest must be submitted is delayed
 _____ ___ __ __ the connecting flight?
 ___ ___ ____ ______ ____ jet lag for the last 3 days.
 ______ the luggage claim area?
 ___ _ ___ ___ something to drink?
 __ ___ ____ ___ the flight was late?
 ___ ____ __ get your passport ready.

 ___ _ ____ your attention, please?
 _____ ___ _ pick up the luggage?
 The airplane ___ __ ___ ______ to get there.
 The notice of claim ____ __ ______ within 7 days after the
arrival of goods at the destination.
 The departure __ _______ about 10 minutes.

Additional Questions
 Do you like to travel by airplane?
 What was the longest flight you have ever taken?
 What seat do you prefer: window, center or aisle?
 Are most flight attendants female in your country? Is being a
flight attendant considered a good job in your country?
 What do you like to do during the flight? Does the plane provide
anything to do to pass the time?
 What are the advantages of traveling by airplane? What are the
 Have you ever seen a female pilot? Why do you think that most
pilots are men?
 Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 44 Unit 3

1. If you were to tour the world, where would you go? Why?
2. What would you bring on tour? Why?
3. Who would you go with?
4. What do you think about tourism? How does it influence the
5. What should the government or people do to attract tourists?

temple get lost

castle go out
cathedral cosmopolitan
market lively
fountain night life
statue aquarium
palace water parks
map Folk Village
guidebook memorial
look around botanical
souvenir garden

I’m here She is so I need to

That used to Seoul has They have stayed
He might have left Wherever you go I can't believe
It takes is open see if
 __ ____ for sightseeing
 ___ __ __ lively again.
 _ ____ __ get some maps for my journey.
 ____ ____ __ be a popular tourist spot.
 _____ ___ numerous sky-scrapers and graceful architectures of
its ancient palaces.
 ____ ____ ______ at the same hotel for two weeks.

 __ _____ ____ ____ his briefcase at home.
 ______ ___ __, carry it with you.
 _ ____ ______ how beautiful this beach resort is.
 __ _____ 15 minutes to get to the Namsan Tower.
 The Downtown Aquarium __ ____ daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
 I'm going to look around this souvenir shop, and ___ __ I can
find anything.

Additional Questions
 What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been to?
 What countries would you most like to visit?
 How many times have you traveled abroad?
 What languages can you speak?
 What are popular tourist destinations in your country? Have you
been to any of them? Which would you recommend if you could
only recommend one? Why?
 Which do you think is better, package tour or a tour you
organize and book yourself?
 What are some benefits of travel?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 45 Unit 3

1. Describe your town.
2. How long have you lived in your town?
3. Do you love your town? Why or why not?
4. Can you tell me something about your hometown?
5. Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in
your hometown?

swimming pool art gallery

sports center museum
golf course nightclub
tennis courts hotel
football pitch youth hostel
skating rink car park
theatre town house
opera house mansion
concert hall condominium
radio station apartment

Did you use to That’s why You had better

There used to be What I ‘m trying to say is
What are She’s lived What theater
by reason of I often visit is free for
 ___ ___ ___ __ live near your university?
 _____ ___ New York is the most exciting city in the world.
 ___ ___ ______ find a new apartment.
 _____ ____ __ __ a theater on this site.
 ___ __ ______ __ ___ __ we don’t have enough parks.
 ____ ___ the pool hours?
 ____ _____ in Pusan for several years.

 ___ ______ is showing that movie?
 Water in this area is not safe for swimming or bathing __
______ __ excessive levels of bacteria.
 In the fall _ _____ _____ galleries to see pictures on exhibit.
 Swimming pool __ ____ ___ the hotel guests.

Additional Questions
 Where do you come from? What country do you come from?
 Has your hometown changed a lot since you were a child?
 What is the best thing about your hometown?
 Does your hometown have any festivals? What happens at that
 Do your childhood friends still live in your hometown?
 Does your hometown have a college or university?
 Can you tell me some history about your hometown?
 What is the climate like in your hometown?
 Talk about the most populated area in your country. Where is it?
 What are the main places of interest in your town?
 Can you tell me an interesting building in your town?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 46 Unit 3

Success, failure, and difficulty

1. Do you think you’ve succeeded in any parts of your life?
2. Are you afraid of failure? Why or why not?
3. What was the most difficult thing in your life?
4. What do you usually do to relieve stress?
5. What is the most important consideration in choosing a job?
Money? Happiness? Status? Self-satisfaction?
6. Talk about the ways you can take control of your own

manage fame
achieve attain
accomplish fulfill
goal relationship
aim fortune
target fail
ambition flunk
dream frustration
agreement luck
obligation effort
compromise aspiration

In spite of Is there something It is contrary to

I never dreamed He suggests I’ll never get used to
They attributed I still couldn’t attain it depends on
the more
 __ _____ __ many difficulties, we have at last achieved our goal.
 __ _____ ______ that’s causing you stress?
 __ __ ______ __ nature, and attempting to seek such a shortcut
only results in disappointment and frustration.
 _ _____ _______ she would say that.

 __ _______ we escalate this issue to the higher level
 ___ _____ ___ ____ __ this kind of work!
 ____ ______ their success to their parents
 Despite all my efforts, _ _____ ______ ______ my life goal.
 I think __ ______ __ the characteristic of the matter.
 The more I think about it, ___ ____ confused I get.

Additional Questions
 What are your career goals?
 How do you plan to achieve that goal?
 Why are goals important?
 How would you feel if you failed to achieve any of your goals?
 Do you find that motivated people are more successful than
unmotivated people?
 What are three things that motivate you?
 What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers?
 How often do you think you feel too much stress?
 Are you capable of relieving your stress or do you need help?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 47 Unit 3

1. What is your favorite thing that you have?
2. Have you borrowed money from someone before?
3. What do you think is the most precious contribution one can
give to the society?
4. Do you like to wear clothes with a designer's name on them?
5. Do you think brand-name goods are worth their high prices?

belonging hire
estate rent
property loan
owner borrow
landlord bankrupt
tenant investment
provide income
contribute expense
donate asset
supply capital
allocate stock

This is all When are you planning to How much

Can you change However rich he may be
What will you do That’s why Do you have anything
with some good bargains though do I owe you
 ____ __ ___ I have.
 ____ ___ ___ ______ __ pay off your loan?
 ___ ____ did you pay for it?
 ___ ___ ______ a twenty dollar bill?
 ______ ____ __ ___ __, he can't be satisfied.
 ____ ____ ___ __ with your bonus?
 _____ ___ I’m broke.

 __ ___ ____ ______ special in mind?
 There is a rent-a-car place on Fifth Avenue ____ ____ ____
 It’s really expensive, ______.
 How much __ _ ___ ___?

Additional Questions
 Are you good at saving money?
 Are you saving money to buy something? If so, what are you
planning to buy?
 Do you compare prices at different stores when you shop?
 Do you ever give money to charities?
 Do your parents give you an allowance?
 Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
 How many different kinds of coins are there in your country?
What are they?
 How much does it cost to get a haircut in your country?
 What is something that you have bought recently that cost a lot
of money?

Toktok Speaking

Topic 48 Unit 3

1. Are you religious?
2. Which religion do you believe in?
3. Explain your religion.
4. Do you always view things optimistically?
5. Are you happy with your present circumstances? What do you
think constitutes a happy life?

religious Islam
temple Hinduism
Christian Judaism
Buddhist pious
Catholic soul
church angel
priest heaven
monk redeem
theology superstition
Protestant consecrate

What is No matter what Are you ready to

What do you mean He became believe in
doesn’t stand up for is nearby is the best remedy
as holy animals
 ____ __ your religion?
 __ ______ ____ happens tomorrow, I thank God for being here
with you today.
 ___ ___ _____ __ forgive her?
 ____ __ ___ ____ by “lead by example”?
 __ ______ a Catholic seminarian.
 Many Christians _______ __ the Second Coming.

 They asked, “If the church ______ _____ __ ___ peace, who
 The temple __ ______.
 Knowledge __ ___ ____ ______ for superstition.
 The Egyptians worshiped cats __ ____ ______.

Additional Questions
 Do you believe that there are many things in our universe that
cannot be explained?
 Do you know anyone who has said that they have seen a ghost?
 What is the scariest ghost story you know?
 If you don't believe in ghost, tell why?
 Can you recall any strange or unexplained events in your life?
 What are some superstitions in your country?
 What numbers are considered to be lucky and unlucky in your
 Do you think having large charity organizations is a good idea?
Why or why not?
 Do you give money to beggars or homeless people? Why or why

Toktok Speaking

Topic 49 Unit 3

1. What do you desire for? Why?
2. What do you like most? Why? What do you dislike most?
3. What do you want to accomplish in life?
4. Is it easy to lower our expectations? Why or why not?
5. What are your expectations with regards to parents, friends,
sweetheart, your company, or yourself?

long for fascinate

yearn for loathe
keen on detest
fond of disgust
affectionate care for
love delight
hate fury
worship irritate
look forward to fear
moving impressive

I hope I don’t believe I feel like

Who is more It sounds Once
Is it okay with you if She hates were disgusted by
are walking across care for
 _ ____ you achieve all the things you desire.
 _ ____ ______ this is a real diamond.
 _ ____ ____ playing basketball this afternoon.
 ___ __ ____ ambitious, Rachael or Maria?
 __ ______ too good to be true.
 ____ I start eating potato chips, it's hard for me to stop.
 __ __ ____ ____ ___ __ I arrive late?

 ___ _____ to waste food.
 The kids sniffed and ____ ______ __ the smell.
 The young lovers ___ ______ ______ the carpet of autumn
 I don't really ____ ___ that kind of thing.

Additional Questions
 When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? Has
it changed?
 What is your dream for the future?
 Do you think you can achieve your dreams?
 If you had lots of money what would you do with it?
 Do you think that having a lot of money can make you happy?
 Do you think that having dreams and aspirations is a waste of
 Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?
 Do you think people have fewer goals as they get older?
 Talk about the most important goals in your life right now.

Toktok Speaking

Topic 50 Unit 3

The five senses

1. Which sense do you think is the most important?
2. What kind of smell do you love or hate? What kind of sound
do you love or hate?
3. Have you ever walked into a strange room and felt like you
have been there before?
4. Did you ever refuse to travel on a plane because you felt
something bad is going to happen?
5. Have you seen the movie “Sixth Sense?” What did you feel
after watching the movie?

sight sour
hearing tab
taste grab
touch aromatic
smell fragrant
sixth sense intuition
look omen
sound hunch
feel instinct
glance telepathy
stare deja vu
sweet premonition

Let me May I I can't believe

What do you no sense of near sighted
smells fishy though taste like
 ___ __ take a look at it.
 ___ _ open my eyes now?
 _ ____ ______ my eyes! = I can’t believe what I’m seeing.
 ____ __ ___ hear from others about her personality?

 She has __ _____ __ direction.
 I'm ____ ______, so I wear glasses.
 This _____ _____.
 My senses are much keener ______.
 What does it _____ ____?

Additional Questions
 Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met
 How can a person know what kind of ESP abilities he/she has?
 What do you think are some ways of developing these abilities?
 Describe a nightmare that you remember from childhood.
 Do you believe in ESP? Can some people know what other people
are thinking or feeling?
 Have you (or anyone you've heard of) ever had an out of body
 Has anything ever happened to you that you cannot explain?


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