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SECTION – A 20×1=20
1.If p + qi = (2-3i)(4+2i) then value of p is
a)14 b)-14 c)8 d)-8
2. The points i, − 2+ i , and 3 is near from the origin?
a)i b) 3 c)-2+i d)none of these
3. The value of ( sin π/6 + i cos π/6 ) is

a)0 b)-1 c)i d)1

4. The conjugate of i2+ i3 + i4 + i5 + i6 is
a)1 b)-1 c) 0 d)-i
5. Identify the wrong statement
a)All the n roots of n th roots unity are in Geometrical Progression
b) Sum of the n roots of n th roots unity is always equal to zero.
c) Product of the n roots of n th roots unity is equal to (-1)-n-1
d) n roots have arguments that differ by2π/ n
6. If zn = cos nπ/3 + i sin nπ/3 , then z1 z2 … z8
a)1 b)-1 c) i d)-i
7. |z| = 2 represents a circle , the radius of circle is
a)-1 b)2 c)4 d)1
8. If |z1 | = 1 , |z2 |=2 , |z3 |=3 , modulus of 9 z1z2 + 4 z1z3+z1z3 is 36 then
|z1 + z2 + z3 | is
a) 2 b) 6 c) 4 d) 1
9. The value of eiθ + e−iθ is
a)sinθ b) - sinθ c) 2isinθ d)2cosθ
25 3
10. The polar form of the complex number (i ) is
a) cosπ/2 + i sinπ/2 b) cos π + i sin π
c) cos π − i sin π d) cosπ/2− i sinπ/2
−1+ √3 i −1− √3 i
11. The value of ( )200 + )200 is
2 2
a)2 b)0 c)-1 d)1
12. If the amplitude of a complex number is π then the number is
(1) purely imaginary (2) purely real
(3) 0 (4) neither real nor imaginary
13. The principal value of argZ lies in the interval
a)[0 , π/2] b) (– π , π] c) [ 0 , -π/2] d)[ -π/2 , π/ 2]
14. If arg(z-i/z+2) = π/4 then locus of z is
a) ellipse b) parabola c)hyperbola d)circle
15.Identify the wrong identity
a)arg(z1 z2) = arg z1 + arg z2 b) arg(z1/ z2) = arg z1 - arg z2
c) arg z = Arg z - 2n π d) arg(zn) = n arg z
16.The principal argument of - √3-i
a) π/2 b) π/6 c) -5π/6 d) π/6
17.The principal argument of (1+i√3)2/ 4i(1-i√3) is
a)2 π/3 b) π/6 c) 5π/6 d) π/2
18.The solution of equation |z| - z =1+2i is
a)3/2 – 2i b)-3/2 + 2i c)2-3/2i d)2+3/2 i
19. The product of all four values of
( cos π/3 + isinπ/3 )3/4 is
a) -1 b) i c) -i d)1
1 1 1
20.If ω≠ 1 is a cube root of unity and [1 −ω − 1 ω2 ] = 3k then k is equal to

1 ω2 ω7
a) -1 b) 1 c) -√3i d) √3i

SECTION – B 7×2=14
Note : i)Answer any seven questions .
ii)Question.No.30 is compulsory
21. Simplify i, i2 , ……. i40
22. Given the complex number z = 2+ 3i, represent the complex numbers in
Argand diagram. z, -iz , , and z- iz
23. If z1 = 1-2i , z2 = 2+5i find its additive and multiplicative inverse
24.Simplify ( 1+i / 1-i ) 3 - ( 1-i / 1+i ) 3
25.Find the following in rectangular form and find its real and imaginary parts
i) 3i + 2-i ii) Im(3z+4z̅ – 4i)
26. If z1,z2,z3 three complex numbers such that modulus of z1+z2+z3 is 1
1 1 1
|z1 | = 1 , |z2 |=2 , |z3 |=3 then find | + + |
z1 z2 z3
27. If |z| = 1 show that 2≤ |z − 3| ≤ 4
28.If If ω≠ 1 is a cube root of unity , then find the value of
(1- ω + ω2 )6 + (1+ ω - ω2 )6
29. Find the square roots of (i) 4+ 3i
30.cosα+cosβ+cosγ = sinα+sinβ+sinγ = 0 , then show that
i) cos3α+cos3β+cos3γ = 3cos(α+β+γ ) and
ii) sin3α+sin3β+sin3γ = 3 sin(α+β+γ )
SECTION – C 7×3=21
Note : i)Answer any seven questions .
ii)Question.No.40 is compulsory
31. simplify i) ∑102 n 10
n=1(i ) ii)∑n=1(i
32. For what values of x and y , the numbers -3 +ix2 and x2 +y+4i are complex
conjugate of each other
33. Show that (2+i√3 )2+ (2-i√3 )2 is purely imaginary
1 1 1
34.The complex numbers u , v , w are related by = + .If v = 3-4i and w =
u v w
4+3i , find u in rectangular form
35. .If z1,z2,z3 be complex numbers such that
z z +z z +z z
|z1 | = r , |z2 |=r , |z3 |=r Prove that | 1 2 2 3 1 3 | = r
z1 +z2 +z3
36.For any complex number z1 , z2 such that |z1 | = |z2 |=1 and z1 z2 ≠ 1 then
show that z1+z2 / 1+ z1 z2 is a real number
37.If z = x + iy such that Im[ ] = 0 , then find the locus of z
38. Obtain cartesian form i) |z − 4| = 3 ii) Im[(1-i)z + 1 ] = 0
39. Find quotient in rectangular form
9π 9π
2(cos 4 − isin 4 )
(−3π) (−3π)
4(cos + isin )
2 2
40. = cos2θ+isin2θ , show that z = itanθ

SECTION – D 5×5=25
Note : i)Answer All the questions.
41) a) Show that the points 7+9i , -3+7i , 3+3i form a right angled triangle on
the argand diagram and show that z = 3+ 2i represent complex numbers z , iz and
z+iz forms a equilateral triangle
b) Show that the points 2i , 1+i , 4+4i , 3+5i form a rectangle on the
argand diagram

42) a) If .If |z − | = 2 show that greatest value and least of |z| are √3 + 1 ,
√3-1 and Show that the equation z3 + 2z̅ = 0 has five solution
b)Find polar form for π π and -2 – 2i
(cos 3 + isin 3 )

43) a) Find locus if arg ( z-1 / z + 3 ) = π/2

b)Simplify (-1 + i )18

5 5
√3 i √3 i
44) a) Show that ( + ) +( − ) = -√3
2 2 2 2
b)Find all cube roots of √3 + i

45) a) 2cosα = x + 1/x and 2cos β = y + 1/y then show that

xmyn + 1/ xmyn = 2 cos ( mα + nβ) and z = cos θ + isinθ show that
zn + 1/zn = 2cos nθ and zn - 1/zn = 2isin nθ
b)Find fourth unit of unity

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