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Choose the correct verb in the bracket for each of the following sentences:
1)I have just……….two letters.




2)The canoe………in the river last night.




3)The fisherman has……….two sharks.




4)Obed has………to the shore.



(C) swumming.

5)The players have……….their opponents.




6)He………to me about you yesterday.




7)Obi has…….his new shirt.



8)They ……..the blind man three days ago.




9)The boy…….his pencil.




10)He is…… an umbrella.





1)…………is a person who votes or who has legal right to vote.




2)The electors vote at……….

(A)police station.

(B)polling station*

(C)market square.
3)…………is a prove that a voter has a right to vote.

(A)voter card.*



4)______is a written statement that describes the policies, goals and opinions of a person or group.

(A)Ballot box

(B)Polling booth


5)_______is to manipulate or control usually by deceptive or dishonest means.




6)Someone who is active in government usually as an elected official is a____.




7)Composition demands that you give your opinion, either for or against a topic.



8)________ is a group people who support or who are likely to support a politician or political party.




9)Political party is a person who is trying to be elected.



(C)None of the above

10)atmosphere means the whole mass of_____ that surrounds the earth.



(C) gas


1)_______is the arrangement of ideas from the least to the highest.





2)A situation where an object is equated with another object which is closely associated with it. It is
example of ______.




3)_______is a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between persons or things usually by
means of “as” and “like”.





4)”A child is the father of the child,” the expression is an example of_______.





5)The following are the genres of literature, except_________.

(A)Prose, poetry and drama.

(B)Drama, Poetry and Prose.

(c)Prose, Tablet and Drama*

6) A short speech at the end of a play is the _______.



(C) peroration


7)The theme is any work of art is the_______.

(A)concluding part.

(B)central thought*

(C)centre role.

(D)introduction part.

8)The main effect of comedy on an audience is______.



9)A short and witty poem is known as______.

(A)a ballad.

(B)an epigram*

(C)an epic.

(D)a lyric.

10)A speech delivered by a character who is alone on the stage is _______.

(A)a soliloquy.*

(B)a chore.

(C)a dialogue.

(D)an aside.

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